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Jaan nisar ep 49 danish taimoor hiba buhari


00:30What happened son?
00:32Why are you shouting?
00:38Call your son
00:40Tell him to come in front of me
00:48You call him your son, right?
00:53Why did you ruin the lives of my two daughters?
01:00In the name of love, you ruined my daughter's life
01:08He was your son
01:10Your son
01:12Your son is pointing fingers at me
01:14and not at my daughter
01:16I have never done anything wrong
01:18I have never done anything wrong
01:20I have not beaten my daughter
01:22I have not beaten my daughter
01:24I have not beaten my daughter
01:26I have not beaten my daughter
01:28Radha Rana, not just my sister, but so many girls have lost their respect because of him.
01:37Saif Faraz is a monster.
01:38If you call him a human, then he is an insult to humanity.
01:46What are you saying, dear?
01:48I am feeling humiliated.
01:54I can't express myself.
01:57Why are you crying?
01:59He will cry now.
02:07Tell me if I haven't made his life hell.
02:10How dare you?
02:27You are a monster who plays with other's weakness to hide your inner dirt.
02:33I will deal with you now.
02:38I will expose your ugly face in front of everyone.
02:46Stop this nonsense.
02:48Don't you feel ashamed?
02:51Don't you feel ashamed?
02:57You wanted to ruin my life?
03:01Are you worthy of this?
03:15I accepted you as my first and last husband and you?
03:21With my own sister?
03:32Hey girl, what nonsense are you talking?
03:37I am so unfortunate that I am going to be the mother of his child.
03:52You didn't think about our relationship even once.
03:56You didn't think about Neha even once.
04:10This girl is putting such a big blame on our son.
04:13I am so ashamed.
04:20And you are listening to her nonsense instead of breaking her face.
04:26I am not talking nonsense.
04:28And there are mothers like you who raise their fingers on other's daughters
04:32but put a veil over their son's evil deeds.
04:44Why are you standing quietly?
04:47Tell me about your deeds.
04:49Tell me what all you have done.
04:57Answer my questions.
04:59You can't justify yourself.
05:01Answer me.
05:03Stop it.
05:05She is lying.
05:07Her sister is lying.
05:14She is lying.
05:25She has no idea that she has such a bad character.
05:44And she didn't just betray me.
05:47She has done the same with other boys as well.
05:48She doesn't do this.
06:06Against Dua
06:09if you utter one more word
06:13I will shoot all her bullets in your chest.
06:19I will kill you.
06:30What have you done?
06:33Remove it. Remove it.
06:35Listen, call the police.
06:37Call the police.
06:40What is happening?
06:42Shut up.
06:49I have all the evidence of your son's deeds.
07:02If I want, I can call the police right now
07:04and make him rot in jail for the rest of his life.
07:13Next time
07:14Next time
07:17if I see Dua or any of her family
07:20I will have to find her dead body.
07:44I gave my daughter to you because I thought you are a decent man.
08:15What did I know?
08:17What did I know?
08:19That you don't know the value of decency.
08:32And your son
08:36is a bad man.
08:38He is a bad man.
08:40He is a bad man.
08:42He is a bad man.
08:44He is a bad man.
09:23What did I want you to become and what have you become?
09:32Get out of my house.
09:35You are a bag of insults.
09:40No, Naseer. No.
09:41At least you don't talk to my son like a stranger.
09:46You are calling him your son.
09:50He is a beast.
09:55He is not worthy of being called a human being.
10:01He has ruined my life, my dignity.
10:09What happened to you?
10:11Dad, please open your eyes.
10:12What happened to you?
10:13Dad, please open your eyes.
10:14Go and get some water.
10:16It's only night.
10:17It's only night.
10:18Call the ambulance.
10:19Hurry up.
10:20Hurry up.
10:21For God's sake, open your eyes.
10:24Get some water.
10:32Fiza, cry.
10:35Cry as much as you want.
10:38Scream as much as you want.
10:46Hit me.
10:50I want to say something bad.
10:51Tell me.
10:53Don't do this to yourself.
10:57Why are you crying?
11:04Why will I cry?
11:06If I cry,
11:08you were not the culprit
11:10and I kept blaming you.
11:14He is the culprit.
11:17I will not spare him.
11:24I will never cry again.
11:26Forgive me.
11:33I am sorry.
11:35I am sorry.
12:05I am sorry.
12:21Where did he take your father?
12:23He should have at least let me go.
12:25What has happened?
12:28Oh God.
13:24Believe me.
13:26Believe me.
13:27Shut up.
13:28Shut up.
13:30What are you doing?
13:32Don't do this.
13:33Don't do this.
13:34Don't do this.
13:39I am tolerating you
13:40only because of my father.
13:44I would have let you go.
13:47What is my fault in this?
13:50Shut up.
14:12I got all the tests done.
14:13But his reports have not come yet.
14:16You wait.
14:17I will get the reports.
14:26The truth has come in front of everyone.
14:31This was your brother's real reality.
14:40And you kept fighting with me and FIZA for your brother.
14:44It is not necessary.
14:45Whatever sister-in-law and her sister have said for my brother
14:49is the truth.
14:52I will clear your misunderstanding very soon.
14:58Anyway, we can't hide anything from the police for long.
15:08I will bring your brother's real face in front of you.
15:10Then I will see
15:12how you will fight with me.
15:19These criminals
15:22are not from outside.
15:25They are living in our houses.
15:30And I will give you the open evidence
15:35to prove that
15:38I am seeing it with my own eyes.
15:39I am surprised at you.
15:46Despite knowing everything about your brother
15:50I don't see any fear in your eyes.
15:54What is your problem with my brother?
15:56Your brother has a problem with everyone.
16:00He is used to spoiling everyone's life.
16:05You have come here for my father or to talk to me?
16:09Already father is very worried about you.
16:11The one who has a son like Sarfaraz
16:15has lived such a healthy life for so many days.
16:19I am very surprised.
16:22Shall I tell you the truth?
16:28FIZA's sister-in-law and her sister's helplessness
16:30I feel like
16:33hanging this person myself.
16:36What are you waiting for?
16:38Do it soon.
16:39So that you and your sister-in-law
16:41get peace of mind.
16:43And his sister too.
16:45Do it.
17:30How do I look?
17:32You know,
17:33I tried to look a little more beautiful
17:34on your birthday.
17:40All I will say is
17:42to go to Virsa's house
17:43and express your love.
17:50No one can save you now, Virsa.
17:57I could never have imagined
17:59I am not able to look at Fiza in the eye.
18:03I feel like everything that happened with her, happened because of me.
18:10I am the culprit, I am the culprit.
18:17I am the culprit, I am the culprit.
18:20I am the culprit, I am the culprit.
18:23I am the culprit, I am the culprit.
18:25I am the culprit, I am the culprit.
18:29He must have eaten her happiness.
18:32What happiness?
18:37Can a person like Faraz give happiness to anyone?
18:45I am sure Fiza must have been very upset with him.
18:49That's why Fiza's reaction came in front of us.
18:56Don't blame yourself, you haven't done anything.
19:02When you all knew the truth, why didn't you ask me?
19:07I was waiting for you to tell me the truth.
19:16I wanted to tell you.
19:20I wanted to tell you, but what could I tell you?
19:26That Sir Faraz, who is my brother-in-law, he…
19:37Forget everything, nothing happened.
19:40How can I forget?
19:44I want to forget, but he is right in front of me.
19:49I want that…
19:51What do you want?
19:53I want him to die in pain.
19:59And Fiza?
20:07Have you thought about what will happen to her?
20:10I was thinking about her since a long time.
20:15I was thinking about her since a long time.
20:18I was quiet.
20:21I was killing myself inside.
20:25I was in pain.
20:28I felt as if my heart would burst.
20:35But I was quiet.
20:37I didn't go to her house.
20:39Fiza knows everything.
20:41I don't know what to do.
20:46Don't worry.
20:49I am with you.
20:51I don't know anything.
21:18I have brought food for you.
21:24I don't feel like eating. Take it away.
21:32You are not eating here.
21:35The girls are not eating here.
21:38I feel as if someone has died in this house.
21:43Someone has died.
21:45The happiness of the daughters has died.
21:53I couldn't do anything.
21:57She is a murderer.
22:02I couldn't even imagine that Sarfaraz is such a lowly person.
22:08No. It's my mistake.
22:11I didn't investigate.
22:15I considered my daughter as a burden.
22:17I married her.
22:24What is there to complain about Dua?
22:28Sarfaraz betrayed her.
22:32We married Fiza because of their decency.
22:38How can the people who have decency have decency?
22:41How can the people who have decency have decency?
22:48They just wear the garb of decency.
22:53What will happen now, Mr. Aslam?
22:58Fiza is broken after all this.
23:02Nothing will happen.
23:04Everything will be fine.
23:06She is our daughter.
23:08We will handle her.
23:12We will gather her existence.
23:14What else will we do?
23:19We will make her understand that the world is not like Sarfaraz.
23:22She is a betrayer.
23:24What are you thinking about Fiza?
23:27What will she do?
23:29She won't do anything.
23:31Give her time.
23:34She will think and decide.
23:36And now whatever my daughters decide,
23:39we will support them.
23:45I wanted to talk to Mr. Nazeer in a strict manner.
23:50But he is lying in the hospital with a heart attack.
23:53Such a weak child
23:55is a test for the parents.
24:00He is a very decent man.
24:04He is a very decent man.
24:09He couldn't bear the humiliation at his son's hands.
24:17Fahmida, take her.
24:20Try to feed Fiza.
24:22I will feed her. You also eat a little.
24:25I don't feel like it.
24:27Take her.
24:29I don't feel like it.
24:32This is what I want.
24:47This is when the fever
24:53I feel very uneasy.
24:56The doctor also checked.
24:59Today is the third day
25:00And this fever hasn't left our doll's body.
25:06I'm starting to get tensed.
25:09Don't worry. God will make everything alright.
25:15Veera. Yes.
25:17I had asked you to get the things to ward off the evil eye.
25:21I've got it, madam.
25:30Go and light it. Yes, okay.
25:35My hands and legs are shivering.
25:39How my daughter used to walk around like a maid.
25:46I'm looking at her and I feel like she's lying there, it's weird.
25:51I'm scared.
25:52I'm scared.
25:54I'm scared.
25:55I'm scared.
25:56I'm scared.
25:57I'm scared.
25:58I'm scared.
25:59I'm scared.
26:03If you lose hope like this, how will it work?
26:07Mothers have to be very strong.
26:15She'll be fine, God willing.
26:17I'll talk to your father-in-law
26:21to take her to Karachi.
26:27We'll take her there and show it to some other doctor.
26:40Now Azhar is my son, he's the support of my life.
26:45If anything happens to him, I'll die.
26:49God forbid.
26:52What are you saying?
26:57Nothing will happen to our doll.
27:00She'll be fine, God willing.
27:02God willing.
27:22Riza, come and eat.
27:26I'm not hungry, mom.
27:28How long will you stay hungry, my love?
27:33I don't know.
27:42Maybe forever.
27:55I'm so depressed because of Sarfaraz's tantrums.
28:02I'm looking for an answer to this one question.
28:05Why did all this happen to me?
28:14Why did my own husband turn out to be so bad?
28:24What's your fault in all this?
28:27You're blaming yourself.
28:30I'm not blaming you.
28:32I'm just looking for an answer to this one question.
28:35Why did I have to be chosen for all this?
28:44Riza, he's not worthy of you thinking so much about him.
28:54God is great.
28:57He will surely do justice to us.
29:14We are quiet because of respect and the people around us.
29:19But he's not quiet.
29:32Mom, why are you worrying him further by saying such things?
29:43Come with me.
29:45Won't you eat with us?
29:52Look, if you don't eat, no one will.
29:55And I won't let my sister stay hungry like this.
29:58I'll feed her with my own hands.
30:00Come on.
30:03Come on.
30:05Eat, my love.
30:14We don't stay hungry in this condition.
30:19In the name of God.
30:43Everything will be fine.
30:57Stop right there.
31:01Tell him to get out of my sight.
31:14Don't come in front of me.
31:19Get lost.
31:21Get lost.
31:25What are you saying?
31:27He's our son.
31:28Where else will he go?
31:29Not me.
31:31I've convinced myself that my son is dead.
31:35This cruel man can't be my son.
31:43He was so cruel to that poor girl.
31:47Okay, fine.
31:49I won't let him enter the room.
32:04This is not right.
32:05You go.
32:34So many doctors have been changed.
32:37The girl is not well.
32:44The doctor has asked for some tests.
32:47But it's not convenient here.
32:49We'll have to go to Karachi.
32:55Then we shouldn't delay.
32:59If that's the case,
33:01I'll arrange for you to go to Karachi immediately.
33:18Sai, won't you go?
33:25I have some important work here.
33:31And then,
33:33my health is not allowing me to go.
33:39You can go with Kashmala.
33:46You have Nusheeta there.
33:49You won't feel my absence.
33:55Baba Sai, you weren't well.
33:57You just woke up.
33:59If we go like this,
34:01we'll worry about you.
34:03Let's take Mizra to a local hospital.
34:07I won't tolerate any kind of negligence about the doll.
34:16I can't leave you like this.
34:20What are you saying?
34:24Nothing is more important than the health of the doll.
34:28Nothing will happen to the doll.
34:29She'll be fine.
34:32Kashmala will take the kids to Karachi.
