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Video Information: 29.09.23, IIT-Madras (Online), Greater Noida

What is Consciousness?
Why Does It Work that Way?
What is Your Purpose in Life?
What is the Purpose of Our Existence?
Are You Happy in Life?
Where Do You Want to Be in Five Years?
Can a Statement Be True and False at the Same Time?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Good evening sir. So my question is, many a times one's moral practices and questions
00:08of right and wrong become a major reason for his mental distress and depression. While
00:16one may be considered to be excessively concerned about moral and ethical matters, my question
00:21is, is it wrong to be so? And further, if one is, if it is becoming a reason for his
00:30depression and other mental health problems, so where can one draw a line and deal with
00:36it in a right way?
00:40See, morality comes from the behavior of the society you are living in. Morse, Morse, Morse
00:59relates to the masses. The way masses behave, that becomes the morality. Ethics come from
01:10the accepted ideology of the society or you could say philosophy, the prevalent philosophy
01:21that decides what is right, what is wrong. So be it morality or be it ethics, they both
01:27are situated outside of you. The common masses decide morality and the leaders of the society,
01:41the thought leaders of the society, they decide the ethics. The awakened person does not live
01:52by morality or the prevalent ethical codes. He, and when I say he, I mean she as well,
02:01so take that as included. He lives by his consciousness. What does that mean? That's
02:12not some abstract thing within consciousness. That's a very solid guiding principle. What
02:20does that say? That says anything that makes you see more clearly, anything that liberates
02:31you of your inner and outer bondages is right. Put it right, good, auspicious, whatever.
02:45And anything that puts more bondages on you and puts a haze in your vision, that's not good.
03:02So ethics and morality both exist to tell apart right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable
03:14for those who do not have eyes of their own. And most people actually have no eyes of their
03:20own. That's why they need moral and ethical standards and that's a bit of a necessity
03:36because if you do not know what to do and how to live and how to decide on your own,
03:42then practically you do require someone else to tell you all those things. When someone
03:48else tells you all those things, that is practically useful, but inwardly very wasteful. Why?
03:59Because actually you have the potential to decide on all those matters totally and purely
04:06by yourself. To accept help when help is not needed cannot be taken as something good.
04:18The very definition of help is that it should enable you to proceed without help. But if
04:29help is of a nature that perpetuates your need, your compulsive need to keep begging
04:37for help, then it is not help at all. That's what happens when people make decisions in
04:46their life going by the prevalent ethics or morality or such things. You ask yourself,
05:02Who am I? What am I here for? And that which brings me closer to the purpose of my existence
05:18is good, right, auspicious, correct. There is no ethics in it. I know on my own or you
05:29can simply call it inner ethics. You can simply call it higher ethics. Instead of saying
05:37there is no ethics, because if you say there is no ethics, someone will jump up and say
05:41it is unethical. We are not talking of unethical stuff. We are talking of higher ethics or
05:48inner ethics or deeper ethics. But for such ethics to function, obviously there has to
05:58be self-knowledge. If I do not know why I am just wandering about, I am just following
06:13the law of inertia and rolling from here to there in some kind of whatever straight line
06:24or circular motion till I am hit by another object. You see why people keep hitting around?
06:34That's Newton's law. So, for such people, external codes become compulsory because they
06:46have no inner guiding light of their own. If you do not give them outer codes, they
06:54will just keep banging hither and thither all their life. So, something is handed over
07:01to them. Alright, you take this and use this to somehow survive. But that's not what you
07:10as a young person should be aiming for. Obviously, there are social laws and social norms and
07:23legal provisions that you must honour as a responsible citizen. All that is okay. You
07:33cannot just jump the red light saying that my own inner code allowed me to jump the light.
07:40So, all those things fine, they are acceptable. But when it comes to the really meaningful
07:48stuff in life, when it comes to decisions that are really intimate to you, you should
07:55totally forget what the society and the society's uncles are telling you. There has to be a
08:06clear line of discretion. In certain matters, yes, you do look at the rule book and the
08:16code of laws and you agree to abide by all that. And there are certain other things in
08:22which you refuse to listen to everybody, everybody including God Almighty Himself. I will not
08:31listen to anybody because the nature of the matter is very inner, very intimate. So, again,
08:45I am not sure whether I have been able to connect.
08:48Whom should I listen exactly? So, how do I know whom should I listen?
08:55No, you don't need to listen to anybody because you have already listened to a lot of people.
09:01Why do you want to increase the number and the burden? You have to question now what
09:06you have just silently listened to. The damage has already happened. Now there has to be
09:15damage control, rather reversal, damage reversal. Have you not already listened to too many
09:21undeserving people? Please tell me. That's the story of all the kids that are unfortunately
09:30born. From their first day they have to listen to very very unworthy people. Those unworthy
09:40people come as parents, teachers, they flash on the TV screens. The kid goes out and he
09:49meets all kinds of people and all those voices just keep penetrating the mind. And all those
09:58voices cumulatively become what is called the sense of self. Your sense of self is not yours.
10:07It is borrowed, it is reflected, it is coming from this and that, here and there. So, you have
10:15already listened to a lot. Now your time is to un-listen. What does un-listening mean? It means
10:25questioning, probing, investigating, exploring. You have to ask yourself, this that I so thoroughly
10:31deeply believe in, does it have any merit? Must I live the way my parents and grandparents did?
10:40Must I follow the way this community around me of students and others is flowing? Must I think
10:52the way my peers do? Must I go the way my physicality and my hormones dictate me? So,
11:10this is the time to question everything that you know of and believe in. Un-listen. Un-learn.
11:19And in that there is freshness and newness and life. You're not coming to us as a clean slate,
11:31are you? The tabula rasa was a fiction. You are a conditioned mass already.
11:41Yes, I think, yeah, it makes sense. I am glad. Thank you, sir.
