Path to Success? || Acharya Prashant

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Video Information: 25.09.20, IIT-Kharagpur - Webinar, Greater Noida

¬ How can we succeed in whatever we do?
~ What is the success?
~ Where is success hiding?
~ What goal are we picking for ourselves, and why?
¬ Do we understand the motivations behind the things we do?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00How to get success in whatever I do?
00:13The questioner says, how do I get success in whatever I do?
00:21Success does not lie in doing any random thing, that's the first, the most important
00:33and probably the last thing.
00:38The game is not at all about picking up some arbitrary thing to do and then investing yourself
00:50fully in it, plunging into it, spending a lot of energy and trying to be successful.
01:01That's not the point.
01:05Do you know why you are doing a certain thing?
01:12Are you sure what is worthy enough to be done?
01:18That's the moot question.
01:24Choose the right thing to do and in that lies success.
01:31In that lies immediate success.
01:35Immediate success implies that you have been successful right in the moment of the choice
01:46You don't have to wait for the outcome.
01:51In fact, if you have to wait for the outcome to determine whether you have been successful
01:59or not, then you are already unsuccessful.
02:05Choose the right option, make the right decision, fight the right battle and now it doesn't
02:15matter whether you win or not because you are already victorious.
02:23Victory lies in choosing the right road to walk.
02:34It does not quite lie in reaching the destination earlier than others.
02:43In fact, it's a frivolous comparison.
02:47Am I reaching there earlier than others?
02:49Am I reaching there at all?
02:51It's not about reaching there in a comparative sense earlier than others.
02:59It is in fact not even about reaching somewhere at all.
03:07It is about the immediate moment in which the decision is made.
03:18The concept that we carry is that the real battle lies in attainment of the goal.
03:33The real battle does not really lie in the attainment of the goal, it lies in determination
03:45of the goal.
03:48What goal are you picking for yourself and why?
03:55If you fight the wrong battle, isn't victory worse than defeat?
04:05What's the point in speeding down the wrong road?
04:15What's the point in managing to obtain and eat huge quantities of food that your body
04:29does not need?
04:32Do you know your real inner need?
04:38Is your decision making aligned with your core self?
04:45That's the question to be asked.
04:50You must know who you are and what you really need.
04:58Who you are when you are not defined by others.
05:04Who you are when you are not ruled by your animal body.
05:09Who is it that you are?
05:13Once you know the nature of yourself, you also know what yourself is really asking for,
05:24longing for and that makes your decisions.
05:35That decides what you would be choosing.
05:43That is the right decision.
05:45Now you stand by it because you are choiceless.
05:51You have known what you really need and there is no going back.
06:03The game is over.
06:05The choice has been made and it's the right choice.
06:10Once the game is over, therefore there is no future.
06:14Therefore you don't have to look forward to the future to know the result of the game.
06:19It was all about this moment.
06:23Did I decide rightly?
06:24If yes, game over.
06:26If no, game over.
06:30If I decided rightly, the game has already been won.
06:35If I decided wrongly, the game has already been lost.
06:40The future holds no significance at all.
06:45Are you getting it?
06:49The future is now a child's play thing.
06:57It will show you some situations.
07:04Things will unfold but they will not hold any deep significance for you.
07:17You may get some money as a result of your decisions.
07:21You may lose some money.
07:26You may gain respect.
07:27You may lose respect.
07:33All that will happen but on the periphery.
07:38Inside you are already victorious if you have made the right decision.
07:44Outside it may appear to people that you have lost a lot or won a lot depending on how the
07:55future unfolds.
07:59But you in your heart know fully well that it's not about how things show up in the future
08:10irrespective of what the outcome of your decision is.
08:15The decision is right.
08:17You stand by it.
08:18You live by it and that is success.
08:21There is no success in chasing a stupid goal and managing to attain it.
08:34If the goal in the first place is unworthy, what glory is there in attaining it more speedily
08:48than others?
08:53And mind you, more often than not, the common usual goals that we find people chasing are
09:09The proof of that is that we all are dissatisfied.
09:15We all are restless irrespective of whether we attain those goals or not.
09:23Ever seen any person satisfied with the goals that he has attained?
09:31In fact, the levels of dissatisfaction are hardly different between a victor and a loser.
09:42The victorious one does feel satisfied for a short time and after that, the same old
09:53fire of discontentment comes to consume him again.
09:59Getting it?
10:03Because that which he so effortfully won or attained was probably not worthy of being
10:14chased in the first place.
10:19So do not ask, how do I get success in whatever I do?
10:22You are trivializing action.
10:27You are saying, what will I do?
10:32No, no, no.
10:33Whatever is not what you do.
10:36You have to be extremely careful about what you do.
10:43Much more thought, much more consideration must go into what is worthy of being done.
10:50So pause, reflect, take your time.
10:55Be open and alert and inquisitive.
11:01Life is precious.
11:03Time is not to be squandered in chasing unworthy goals.
