Saving Nora Episodes 391-400

  • 2 days ago
Saving Nora Episodes 391-400 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
00:00:00Please share and comment for supporting me and before listening from episode 391 to episode 400.
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00:00:18don't forget, share the video, comment and like. It was Maya's birthday. No wonder she had asked
00:00:27Tanya to bake her a cake and even said a prayer before eating it. Oh right, he had slept with
00:00:34Hillary right after he slept with her back then, hadn't he? It was all too normal that their
00:00:40children's birthdays would be so close to each other's. She bit her lip. It had also been her
00:00:46child's birthday five days ago. She didn't even know where her child might be wandering, lost in
00:00:52the world. Yet, here she was celebrating Mia's birthday. Indescribable pain and misery made
00:01:00Tanya's expression instantly change. She stared at Mia blankly. Mia was terribly nervous. The
00:01:08puzzled girl looked at Tanya and asked, what's wrong Miss Turner? Are you upset? She pushed Joel
00:01:15and said, Daddy, hurry up and kiss Miss Turner. She'll cheer up if you do that. Joel. Tanya, Joel
00:01:24didn't know the reason for Tanya's sudden change in behavior, but he knew that she likely held a
00:01:29grudge against me as existence all this time. He lowered his head and slowly said, I'm sorry. He
00:01:36was sorry. Five years ago, he had felt even more apologetic toward her if he hadn't gotten himself
00:01:43drunk, become muddleheaded, and ended up sleeping with Hillary. How would he have gotten her pregnant
00:01:50and ended up letting her give birth to Mia? No, to be honest, he hadn't even known that she was
00:01:57pregnant. Hillary understood him very well. She knew that he would definitely make her abort the
00:02:04child if he were to know, so she had secretly gone into hiding. It wasn't until 10 months later
00:02:10that she had finally returned with Mia. He had done a DNA test when he saw the child.
00:02:17She was indeed his daughter. As such, he could only acknowledge her. That was probably the one
00:02:23and only time he had acted so spineless. His heart had softened when he saw the child.
00:02:29It was as if the child had a lot of affinity with him. When Tanya heard his apology, her shame and
00:02:36anger made her eyes redden. She was about to yell at him when Mia suddenly held her hand and said,
00:02:43I'll kiss you if Daddy won't. Miss Turner, don't be mad anymore, okay?
00:02:51Tanya lowered her head when her eyes met me. As timid eyes that looked as if she was trying to
00:02:57please her, her fury instantly extinguished. Indeed, she had only lost her child because
00:03:04she hadn't kept an eye on it. What did it have to do with Joel or Mia? In fact, Joel didn't even
00:03:11know that she had given birth to his child. Tanya lowered her head and stared at Mia.
00:03:18She was just a pitiful little girl. Tanya suddenly said, wait a minute. She turned and
00:03:24went upstairs. In addition to her own bedroom, she had also prepared another two children's
00:03:30rooms on the upper floor. One was a boy's room and the other a girl's. This was because she didn't
00:03:36know whether her missing child was a boy or a girl. Regardless, she would always prepare clothes for
00:03:43her son or daughter every year. The clothes currently in the closets were for five-year-olds
00:03:48and on the bed, and the girl's room was also a gift box. It was the birthday gift she had bought
00:03:55five days ago for her child. There was also one in the boy's room. She picked up the gift box.
00:04:02Inside was an exquisite Barbie doll wearing a pink dress. Next to it were all kinds of doll
00:04:08clothing that one could dress up the doll with. She touched the bedsheets and murmured silently,
00:04:14I don't know where you are, my child, but I believe you'll be willing to make another child
00:04:19like yourself happy, right? She took the gift box and went downstairs. Before she reached the door,
00:04:27she saw me and nervously asking Joel, Daddy, why did Miss Turner suddenly get mad? Is it because
00:04:34it's Mia's birthday? Daddy, I won't celebrate my birthday anymore, okay? I like Miss Turner.
00:04:42I don't want to make her mad. Joel stroked her hair. His voice was soft and gentle as he said,
00:04:50It's not your fault. Daddy's the one who made Miss Turner angry. Mia then said,
00:04:57Seriously, Daddy, you should apologize to Miss Turner if you made her mad.
00:05:02Are you too embarrassed to say sorry, Daddy? Joel, he sighed. I've already told her I'm sorry,
00:05:09but she won't accept my apology. Then say it a few more times. A child's world was very simple for
00:05:16Mia. If her father had done something wrong, then he should apologize until Miss Turner forgave him.
00:05:24Joel sighed. Okay. When Mia wanted to say something again, she suddenly spotted Tanya, who had just
00:05:31returned. Her eyes lit up and she immediately called out Miss Turner. Tanya handed her the gift
00:05:37box with the Barbie and said, Happy birthday. Miyazaki's instantly became even brighter.
00:05:44Thank you, Miss Turner. The little girl stretched out her hands and took the Barbie doll from her.
00:05:51The Barbie was half her height, so it was very heavy for the small and thin girl.
00:05:56Joel reached out to carry it for her. However, Mia ducked and said, I can do it, Daddy.
00:06:03This was a gift for Miss Turner. She liked it very much. Joel nodded. Then he looked at Tanya.
00:06:11He was about to speak when Tanya sneered. You must be very busy with work, right? Mr. Smith.
00:06:18Joel was overjoyed when he heard what she said. He thought that Tanya was showing him concern.
00:06:24So he nodded and replied. It's all right. Hmm. Tanya gave him a mocking smile and said,
00:06:31Since it's all right, then shouldn't you learn how to be a qualified father? Mr. Smith. Joel was taken
00:06:38aback. Tanya knew that there were some things she shouldn't say in front of Maya, so she merely gave
00:06:44him a subtle reminder. Then she said bye. Maya replied softly by Miss Turner. When Joel took
00:06:51Mia into the car, he received a call from Hillary. When he answered, the woman said, Joel, it's Mia's
00:06:58birthday today. Can you let me see her? I miss her. I think Mia would also want her family to
00:07:07be together. Joel's expression turned cold. He was about to say something when Hillary spoke again.
00:07:14She said, I'm Mia's mother after all. Joel, I really miss her. I should think that she misses
00:07:21me too. You can't stop us from meeting when we're mother and daughter. Mia will resent you for it
00:07:27in the future if you do that. I know you hate me, but my love for Mia is true. I am the one who has
00:07:34been taking care of Maya ever since she was born. You should know how dependent she is on me. Joel,
00:07:42all I want is really just to see my daughter. I don't have any other intentions. Please.
00:07:49Joel looked at Maya. He suddenly asked, do you want to meet your mother, Mia?
00:07:54Mia's eyes immediately flickered when she heard him. Her mom had told her before that she had to
00:08:00reply, that she had to reply, that she had to reply, that she wanted to meet her,
00:08:05if daddy ever asked. Otherwise, her mom would hate her very much. But she thought of how Miss
00:08:11Turner had told her not to keep things to herself and to voice her thoughts if she had any. She had
00:08:18said that she could cry out if she was in pain or cry if she wanted to. When she thought of what
00:08:23Miss Turner had told her, the little Maya seemed to have suddenly found her courage.
00:08:28Just as Maya was about to say something, Hillary's voice rang out through the phone.
00:08:34Do you miss mommy, Mia? The little Mia trembled a little when she heard Hillary's voice.
00:08:41In the end, she nodded and replied weakly. Yes, did you hear that, Joel? Hillary tried her best
00:08:49to convince him. Maya wants to see me. Joel heaved a huge sigh. He didn't want to let me and Hillary
00:08:57come into contact anymore. But if Mia wanted to see her mother, he couldn't stop her. Therefore,
00:09:04Hillary immediately knew that Joel must have relented when she heard him sigh. She asked
00:09:09tentatively, can I go back to the Smiths tonight? I heard that you've just found your younger sister,
00:09:16so I can also take the chance to pay her a visit. Joel had a very cold look in his eyes. You're
00:09:23never returning to the Smiths. If you want to meet Mia, then I will bring her to you. Hillary was
00:09:30a little taken aback. All right then, after hanging up, Joel took Maya to the residential complex
00:09:36where Hillary lived. However, he stayed at the door and refrained from entering. After informing
00:09:43Hillary that he had arrived, she came out and invited Joel and Mia into the villa. She said,
00:09:50Grandma misses you, Mia. Let's go in. Mia didn't like that grandmother of hers either.
00:09:58She always pointed at her and scolded her for being a girl and kept saying that if she were a
00:10:03boy, her parents would already have gotten together long ago. She grabbed Joel's sleeve.
00:10:10Joel said, let's just stay here, seeing that he wasn't giving in. Hillary could only sight and say,
00:10:18okay, Mia, this is mommy's birthday gift for you. Do you like it? Hillary had prepared a toy car for
00:10:25Maya. Mia looked at the toy car and took it. Joel wanted to take her away, but Hillary suddenly said,
00:10:33let's take a family picture, Joel. It's been really long since we were last together.
00:10:38Joel sneered, we're not a family. You're just Mia's mother. Hillary bit her lip. All right,
00:10:46I will make things difficult for you, even if you won't acknowledge me, but I'm ultimately still
00:10:52Maya's mother. So can I take a picture with her? Joel was about to refuse when Hillary said,
00:10:59I've already put up with how you refuse to let me see my otter. Are you going to deny me this too?
00:11:06All I can do now is spend my days looking at photos of my daughter. Joel fell silent,
00:11:12but didn't reject her request anymore. Hillary squatted down and hugged Maya.
00:11:17She picked up her phone and said, Mia, look at the camera. Then she snapped a photo. After the
00:11:24photo was taken, Mia returned to Joel. Joel took his daughter and left straight away.
00:11:31After leaving Hillary, the little Mia subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.
00:11:37The two went to a restaurant and had dinner. Neither of them noticed that Hillary had been
00:11:42following them since they left the residential complex when they entered the restaurant.
00:11:47She finally took a photo. Tanya sat in the living room after seeing the two of them off.
00:11:53She felt terribly troubled. Maya really was very lovable. She liked her very much. Not only had
00:12:00she inherited her talent in dancing, but the two had even hit it off the moment they met.
00:12:06She had liked Maya from the bottom of her heart from the moment she met her.
00:12:10Where had they gone to celebrate Mia's birthday? After they left, she was wondering about that
00:12:17when her cell phone suddenly beeped, indicating that she had received a message. It was a photo
00:12:23of two hands, one big and one small, clasped together. It was from Joel. Tanya was taken
00:12:30aback. After thinking for a while, she replied with a question mark, question mark, question
00:12:37mark. Joel then sent a text message. I'm celebrating Mia's birthday with her. The cake
00:12:43is too big for the two of us, so we can't finish it. Would you like to come and have some? The two
00:12:49of them were celebrating Mia's birthday. Tanya knew that Mia's mother Hillary had been driven
00:12:55out of the Smiths, but had they not gone to Hillary? Even on a day like this, for some reason,
00:13:02Tanya actually found herself overjoyed, but right after that, she couldn't help but be disgusted with
00:13:08herself. What was the matter with her? Was she really thinking of going back to him?
00:13:15There was no longer anything between her and Joel. With that in mind, she replied no.
00:13:21The man then sent her an audio message, which surprised Tanya. She was actually very afraid of
00:13:26hearing Joel's voice right now, but when she played the message after long hesitation, it was instead
00:13:32Mia's voice. She said, the cake is really delicious. Miss Turner, I'll save a piece for you and put it
00:13:40in the fridge later. Shall I bring it to school tomorrow so that you can eat it? Mia's voice was
00:13:46very soft and pleasant to the ear. Tanya couldn't bear to refuse, so she replied. Okay. Even her mood
00:13:54couldn't help but become better, as though her heart had been coated in honey before she even
00:13:59ate the cake. Then she couldn't help but open her Facebook account, but when she did, she saw that
00:14:06Hillary had posted something. They were a couple of photos. One was of her Mia in a residential
00:14:12complex with a man standing behind them. Although only his trousers could be seen in the photo,
00:14:18it was obvious at a glance that he was Joel. The other was taken in a restaurant. Joel and
00:14:24Mia were seated nearby while she took a selfie. Tanya's heart sank abruptly and an acerbic feeling
00:14:30welled up inside her at once. She clenched her fists and suddenly let out a cold laugh.
00:14:36Indeed, here she was, treating me like her own daughter, but in truth, she had a mother. Also,
00:14:44what exactly was Joel trying to do? He was sending her vague and ambiguous messages while also
00:14:51showing off how happy and blissful a family of three he, Hillary, and Mia were. Was there any
00:14:58point in doing that? Tanya was so mad that she stopped looking at it altogether and threw the
00:15:03phone aside. The next day, as a dance teacher, Tanya would also pick up students at the entrance.
00:15:10Mia and Pete got out of the car together and greeted the teachers. Joel was holding a food
00:15:16container with a cake from the night before. He handed it to Tanya and said,
00:15:20Miss Turner, this is for Mia. Tanya cast her eyes down and said coldly and distantly,
00:15:28No thanks, Mr. Smith. I'm not fond of sweets. Then she led me and Pete straight into the school.
00:15:35Joel, things had clearly not been this awkward between them the previous evening. What was the
00:15:41matter with her today? Tanya went back to the entrance after taking Mia and Pete to the classroom,
00:15:48planning to pick up the rest of the children. However, when she arrived at the door,
00:15:53she saw that Joel was still there. She walked over with a cold look on her face.
00:15:59Joel asked, What's the matter? Are you in a bad mood? Today is at the time of the month,
00:16:06the time of the month. Tanya flushed with embarrassment. She immediately replied coldly.
00:16:13I don't think it's suitable for us to talk about such an intimate topic, Mr. Smith. Joel was taken
00:16:20aback. Okay, I take back my words. But can you tell me why you're upset? Tanya had always been
00:16:28a straightforward person. She didn't like keeping things to herself. Thus, she lifted her head and
00:16:35looked straight at Joel. She took out her cell phone, opened up Hillary's Facebook post and
00:16:40pushed the phone right into his face. She sneered. Why? I'm upset. What exactly are you trying to do?
00:16:50Mr. Smith, you were clearly enjoying your precious family time last night. Yet you still sent me such
00:16:56ambiguous messages while you're having fun with your family. Can you be a little more responsible
00:17:02toward Maya? Also, what are you trying to do by treating me like this? Are you planning to
00:17:08practice polygamy? Have your cake and eat it too. Even if that's what you want. Have you asked me
00:17:16if I agree to it? As Tanya's words became more and more unpleasant, Joel's expression also turned
00:17:23more and more awful. He looked at Tanya's phone when he saw the photos that Hillary had posted.
00:17:30He was stunned. Joel's expression suddenly turned extremely awful. He said anxiously,
00:17:36Tanya, I can explain. Keep that for your daughter instead. Mr. Smith, our relationship is not at the
00:17:43point where you need to explain anything to me. Goodbye. Tanya turned and went back into the
00:17:49school. Angrily, fury and panic arose, and Joel, as he looked at her from behind, he turned and
00:17:57got into his car. To the company. Mr. Smith, the chauffeur asked. Joel was practically gnashing
00:18:05his teeth in fury as he said to Hillary's. He took out his cell phone and looked at his own Facebook
00:18:10timeline. However, he didn't see Hillary's post. This meant that the post had been hidden from him.
00:18:19He stretched out his hand to the chauffeur and said, Give me your cell phone. His chauffeur also
00:18:24had Hillary as a friend on Facebook. He took a look after the chauffeur handed him his phone.
00:18:31And sure enough, he found the post. Hillary practically couldn't get any sneakier. The two
00:18:38arrived at Hillary's residence when Hillary heard that Joel was there to look for her.
00:18:44She happily went downstairs. However, the moment she went down, she instead saw furious Joel.
00:18:52Hillary asked timidly, Joel, what's the matter? Can you explain this Facebook post of yours to me?
00:19:01Joel pushed the chauffeur's phone right into her face. Hillary froze when she saw the post.
00:19:07She bit her lip, forced a smile and replied. Isn't that just an ordinary Facebook post, Joel?
00:19:13What's wrong? Joel demanded furiously. You followed us to the restaurant. Hillary lowered
00:19:19her gaze. I just missed me so much. So I followed the two of you. Let me explain, Joel. I didn't
00:19:29mean anything else with the post. I just didn't want other people to know that I couldn't even
00:19:34celebrate my daughter's birthday with her. They will look down on me if they ever find out.
00:19:40Those words of hers couldn't get any more pretentious. Even the chauffeur felt that it
00:19:45was understandable why she would do that. Unfortunately, it was Joel whom she was up
00:19:51against. Joel didn't accept her nonsense at all. He stepped forward and grabbed her chin.
00:19:58So you want to have cake with your daughter on her birthday? Hillary nodded. Yes. Okay. He picked
00:20:06up the container with the cake that Tanya had rejected. He opened it, took the cake out and
00:20:12smashed it onto Hillary's face. He said coldly. Have a good taste of it. Then Hillary, she took
00:20:21a step back and wiped the cake off her face with her hands. She lifted her head and looked at Joel
00:20:27incredulously. Joel, you. She couldn't bring herself to say the rest of what she wanted to say,
00:20:34though, because the look in Joel's eyes was simply too terrifying. The way he looked as if he wanted
00:20:41to kill her made her unable to utter a single word. Joel's icy cold voice rang out. Don't you
00:20:48dare play any tricks from now on or else. Hillary wanted to speak, but he added, you should thank
00:20:55your lucky stars that you're Mia's mother. Otherwise, you'd have been dead a long time ago.
00:21:02His words stunned Hillary as they had made plans to go to the amusement park the next day.
00:21:08Nora woke up a little late. She stretched and went downstairs. In the afternoon, Nora gave
00:21:15Lily the leftover drink that she had taken from Victor at the arena the day before and told her
00:21:21to go to a laboratory and check if there were any unidentified chemicals in it. Nora also instructed
00:21:29her to personally do the test herself. Ever since Lily returned to the States to help her, she had
00:21:35been terribly busy. She left immediately after picking up the leftover drink and receiving Nora's
00:21:41instructions. Nora, however, went back to sleep after that. What was she to do? The amusement park
00:21:50date would take up the whole day, which was to say that she would have to get up early in the
00:21:55morning the next day. Thus, she had to make up for the next day's worth of sleep in advance.
00:22:02By the time she woke up again, it was already dark outside. She got up, got dressed, and went
00:22:09downstairs to the car park. She was about to go to the car when Quentin appeared behind her and said,
00:22:15Why don't you come with me in my car today? Nora?
00:22:19Nora. She glanced at him. Quentin said, If you go in with me, I can show you how
00:22:26intimidating I am in the arena. You'll get special privileges that way.
00:22:31Nora had always enjoyed special privileges from the very moment she was number 28.
00:22:37She didn't have any idea what it was like for ordinary people.
00:22:41However, since Quentin was inviting her to go along with him so enthusiastically,
00:22:46Nora thought for a while and simply replied, All right, then. This way, she wouldn't need to drive
00:22:52either. She could even nap a little while on the way there. She carried a bag in her hand.
00:22:59Inside was the red dress and silver mask she usually wore. However, it was only after she
00:23:06got in the car that she realized that catching up on sleep in the car was too indulgent an idea,
00:23:12because Quentin couldn't stop talking while they were on the road.
00:23:16Why don't I introduce you to Big Sister later? Do you also admire Big Sister a lot? I can even
00:23:22ask her to give you an autograph. Nora, she said lazily, Can you even get one for yourself?
00:23:30Of course. I've participated in several matches with her by now, so she'll definitely show me
00:23:36that bit of courtesy. Besides, Big Sister thinks exceptionally highly of me. Oh, she has even
00:23:43acknowledged me as her younger brother, Nora. When had she ever acknowledged him as a younger brother?
00:23:50While she was hesitating. Quentin spoke again. Are you jealous? To be honest, what she values in me
00:23:58is my capability. You know, I'm ranked third in New York's martial arts circle, right? Apart from
00:24:06Big Sister and Big Brother, I'm the strongest here. Do you want to take a photo with Big Sister later?
00:24:13If so, you can leave that to me too. Nora's lip corners spasm. It's fine. Are you embarrassed?
00:24:21There's nothing embarrassing about chasing after idols. Also, Big Sister is actually not that
00:24:27perfect. Nora, was he starting to speak ill of her while she was thinking about it? Quentin said
00:24:35she doesn't really have a good eye for people. Her husband is not that great. He looks just like a
00:24:43useless pretty boy. Nora, but no one is perfect after all. Given Big Sister's status, it's
00:24:51understandable, even if looks are the only thing she considers when choosing a husband. It's not
00:24:57that bad having a gigolo either. I intend to persuade Big Sister to give him up, though the
00:25:03corners of Nora's lips spasmed us. She said, that's impossible. Why not? My words hold a lot of weight
00:25:10with Big Sister. If I tell her to break up with him, she'll definitely consider it. After all,
00:25:17we're big shots in the martial arts circle. Quentin kept chatting all the way till they
00:25:22arrived at the arena. Quentin was about to get out of the car when he noticed that Nora hadn't
00:25:27moved. The confused man asked, aren't you getting out of the car? Oh, I have to change. Quentin was
00:25:35about to tease her for being vain and changing when there wasn't a need for her too. When Nora
00:25:41took out a red dress and a familiar-looking silver mask from her bag, Quentin, a dumb-founded Quentin,
00:25:48stared at her incredulously. He swallowed and said, Nora, don't. Don't joke around anymore.
00:25:57Nora glanced at him. Get out. Quentin got out of the car obediently. He didn't dare look into the
00:26:03car even though the car windows were tinted, so one would only be able to look out from the inside,
00:26:09but not the other way. A minute later, the car door opened and Nora got out,
00:26:15wearing the red dress. Then she put on the mask. The person in front of him seemed to have suddenly
00:26:22changed from his little hillbilly cousin. She turned into the mysterious martial arts expert
00:26:27big sister, Quentin. He felt that he must have opened his eyes the wrong way when he woke up
00:26:34in the morning. How could this be? He had been following the woman ever since Joel started having
00:26:40doubts about Nora's identity, despite how so much time had already gone by.
00:26:45How come he hadn't realized that she was actually big sister while he was in a daze?
00:26:51Nora asked. So you're my younger brother, Quentin. He suddenly thought of how he had bragged and
00:26:57claimed just now that big sister had acknowledged him as her younger brother. After all, big sister
00:27:03had a mask on all the time and her daughter was already five. Thus, he had subconsciously assumed
00:27:09that big sister must be older than him. Never would he have expected big sister to suddenly
00:27:15turn into his little cousin. How he wished he could dig a hole and bury himself in it.
00:27:22He tried his best to sift through his memories. He hadn't said anything else right. He suddenly
00:27:28thought of what he had said when he first met her. That time, he had said very proudly,
00:27:34Ha! Even though you're proof of the shame that Uncle Ian had suffered, you can rest assured that
00:27:40I will still protect you. I won't let any of the Smiths die an untimely death. It was then followed
00:27:47by, can you stop running about all over the place without me? The world's third best fighter,
00:27:53protecting you. You'll die before you even know it. Are you also taking part in the martial arts
00:28:00tournament? Do you want to meet big sister? I'm on really good terms with her. Do you want to
00:28:07take a photo with big sister? Quentin felt like his cheeks had flushed even redder. He suddenly
00:28:14asked, there are three different types of death. Do you know what they are? Nora raised her eyebrows.
00:28:22What are they? The first is clinical death. That is to say the body dies. The second is
00:28:29psychological death where someone loses all hope and doesn't wish to live anymore. The third
00:28:36is social death. Quentin looked at her and said, Nora, you've just made me experience the third
00:28:43type of death. Nora laughed and passed by him. Let's go in. I don't want to go in, Quentin said,
00:28:50expressionless. I want to die. Nora didn't pay any more attention to him. Instead,
00:28:57she started walking toward the arena. Two steps later, she heard footsteps behind her.
00:29:03Quentin's voice then reached her. Why are you hiding your identity, Nora?
00:29:08Isn't the identity of big sister really cool? Nora replied, it's bothersome.
00:29:15Bothersome, Quentin thought for a moment. Are you worried that others will bother you
00:29:21once they know who you are? Well, that's true. After all, big sister is a well-known figure.
00:29:29Don't worry, Nora. I can keep secrets really well. I will never tell anyone about it. Oh.
00:29:36Nora had always adhered to her mother's last words, telling her not to expose her identity
00:29:42and to live in mediocrity. This was why she hadn't exposed her identity all this time.
00:29:49However, Quentin was simply too annoying. Moreover, now that he was aware that she had
00:29:55come to the arena given his tracking abilities, it was simply too much trouble to throw him
00:30:00off her trail. Thus, she had decided to reveal her identity. Besides, even though Quentin had
00:30:08eighth-grader syndrome, he was the leader of the Smith's secret forces. He wasn't stupid.
00:30:15Nora followed Quentin into the arena. As soon as they entered, Quentin suddenly said,
00:30:21big sister, I've suddenly discovered a problem. Nora Quentin said, I didn't expect you to actually
00:30:28have a pretty boy outside behind Justin's back. Number 820. Must be Cherry's biological father,
00:30:35right, Nora? She hadn't thought that. She wasn't sure whether she could reveal Justin's identity,
00:30:42so she simply uttered a sound of acknowledgment and admitted to it. In the end, Quentin looked
00:30:49at her with bright and shiny eyes and said, you're so awesome, you actually dare to cuckold
00:30:55even Justin Nora. Forget it. He could just think of it however he wanted to. They had five matches
00:31:02that night, so time was rather tight for them. Nora looked around and asked, he isn't here yet.
00:31:09Quentin also looked around while the two of them were looking around.
00:31:13A man's low and deep voice suddenly rang out. Are you guys team third in the world?
00:31:21The two of them looked over in unison to see a man wearing a mask with an eagle's design walking
00:31:26toward them. He was big and tall and was dressed in a black suit when he walked. It was as though
00:31:33he had an aura of justice around him. Additionally, he had deliberately lowered
00:31:38his voice so no one could tell what his actual voice really sounded like. Nora didn't say
00:31:44anything. Instead, she glanced at Quentin. Only then did something click in Quentin's head.
00:31:51He ushered, yes, that's right. You are not. As soon as he gave them his alias,
00:31:58Quentin instantly realized something. He asked, you're the first runner up of the previous
00:32:04tournament. The other party kept quiet for a moment before he replied, yeah, you can say that.
00:32:11Quentin took the opportunity to give Nora an explanation. He said, be sis. Number seven is
00:32:19an amazing martial arts master who came out of nowhere in the last tournament. He advanced all
00:32:25the way to class of that time. Both he and Big Brother were very impressive, and he even became
00:32:33one of the favorites for the title of champion. It was just a shame that he didn't turn up for
00:32:38the finals. So the title of champion went to Big Brother, while number seven became the first
00:32:44runner up. After explaining, Quentin looked at number seven and asked, why didn't you turn up
00:32:51for the finals number zero zero? Seven's gaze swept across the two of them. I had to take a
00:32:58mission at the last minute. Quentin and Nora sensitively caught a hint of something from his
00:33:03use of the word mission. Quentin then said, oh, what a shame. Is this your first time here? This year,
00:33:11though, with the exception of Big Brother and Class F, all the other martial arts experts from the
00:33:18previous tournament had been downgraded to Class CC this year. Thus, if they wanted to advance in
00:33:25rank, they would also have to defeat fellow Class B contestants. The fact that an expert like number
00:33:31seven hadn't caused any noise this year was indicative of something. This was his first time
00:33:38here. Sure enough, number seven nodded and replied, yeah. I also had something on previously.
00:33:46It seems like there's a surge in martial arts experts this year, though. He glanced at the
00:33:52Benevolence Hall disciples seated in the Veep dining area. They were in a class of their own
00:33:57and seemed out of place among the people around them. Quentin didn't say anything. Number seven,
00:34:04however, looked at Nora and asked, what do you think? Nora Quentin was undoubtedly very strong
00:34:12in team, third in the world, and she had been very low-profile all this while. Why was he suddenly
00:34:19directing his attention to her? She raised her eyebrows and nodded. It seems that way, yes.
00:34:26After she spoke, her cell phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated. Nora nodded to Quentin.
00:34:32And number seven walked to the side and took it out. She opened it and saw a text message
00:34:37from Lily. The test results are out. Lily was referring to the chemical composition test for
00:34:43the solution that Victor and the others were drinking. Nora sent a reply. The results?
00:34:50Lily responded very quickly. It's just an ordinary sports drink. The only thing different about it
00:34:56from normal sports drinks is the fact that it's more concentrated. Even martial arts practitioners
00:35:02wouldn't need that many nutrients, no matter how much energy they use up, let alone the average
00:35:08person. The results didn't disappoint. Nora, if Victor and the others had indeed only become
00:35:15this strong because they had taken some kind of drug, then said drug was undoubtedly a prohibited
00:35:20substance. On top of that, they were also acting very mysteriously about it. It was impossible for
00:35:28them to consume it at the arena itself, but a highly concentrated sports drink, when she was
00:35:33thinking about it elsewhere, number seven was looking around. Quentin asked, are you looking
00:35:40for Big Brother? There hadn't been a winner between the two during the last tournament.
00:35:45He would definitely be out for revenge this year, right? Unexpectedly, number seven instead said,
00:35:52I came late this year. Which of the contestants here is Big Sister?
00:35:57Nora abruptly raised her head and looked at him when she heard the words,
00:36:01Big Sister. Quentin subconsciously glanced at Nora. Before he replied, oh, Big Sister is resting in
00:36:10her lounge. You can look for her there if you need anything. She's the very big and muscular woman in
00:36:17there. Nora number seven was a little taken aback. She's very big and muscular. That's impossible.
00:36:24Quentin. Number seven went on, Big Sister does regular martial arts training, so it's impossible
00:36:32that she would be really big. All strong martial artists need physiques that move smoothly.
00:36:39I heard that there are people here who impersonate Big Sister to make money and stuff like that.
00:36:45Number seven then looked at Nora. Big Sister's figure should be like number zero twenty eight
00:36:51instead. Nora. She took a long look at number seven, thinking that it was likely that he might
00:36:58have already noticed something. However, he didn't press the issue, so Nora didn't say anything.
00:37:05She still needed to keep her identity a secret. Quentin lifted his chin and became very proud.
00:37:12You have good foresight. Not yet. Then he pointed to the dining area next to them and suggested,
00:37:19let's sit down and have a bite. I think it's your match.
00:37:23Soon before Nora could say anything, another low and deep voice reached them. No, it's fine.
00:37:31A few of them looked over and saw Justin walking over with Cherry in his arms. Cherry was still
00:37:37wearing her half mask and was holding a lollipop. Her big eyes blinked as she looked at them.
00:37:43Justin walked over, stopped in front of Nora and face number seven. Thanks. Then he took out a
00:37:50chocolate bar and handed it to Nora. This will replenish your energy quickly if you're hungry.
00:37:56Nora. Next to them, Quentin's lip corner spasms. Before this, he had felt that the pretty boy
00:38:04wasn't worthy of big sister. But now that he knew that his cousin was big sister, his requirements
00:38:10for his cousin-in-law had immediately become even higher. He tapped Justin's shoulder. Justin looked
00:38:17at him. Quentin sneered. Aren't you being a little too dulless? I can sense it even from a long
00:38:23distance. Justin didn't say anything. Quentin lowered his voice and said, kid, you're pretty
00:38:30bold, huh? Justin raised his eyebrows. Oh, Quentin glanced at Nora. Do you know her true identity?
00:38:39Yes. Quentin clicked his tongue a couple of times and said, you're pretty bold to have the guts to
00:38:46cuckold Justin Hunt. You got to protect your personal information, though. Get it. Otherwise,
00:38:54even my cousin won't be able to protect you. There are only two people in New York whom no one must
00:39:00ever mess with. One of them is Joel Smith, my cousin, and the other is Justin Hunt. Justin him
00:39:07cuckolding himself. Yep. If it wasn't because he was his cousin-in-law, he really felt like
00:39:13punching Quentin. But now, well, this was quite all right to the next five matches they played.
00:39:20Sent them straight into Class E. The five matches were no sweat for the three of them.
00:39:26After all, with Big Sister and Big Brother, as well as the third best fighter in the world,
00:39:32they completely crushed everyone else while they were crushing their opponents.
00:39:36Here. Victor's team also won two matches and gave their opponents crushing defeats.
00:39:42After finishing the five matches in succession, Nora yawned and stepped out of the ring.
00:39:47As soon as they got out, Quentin said, Beasis number seven has been staring at you, Nora.
00:39:53She followed his gaze and looked over, and sure enough, Nora found number seven,
00:39:59sitting at the bottom of the ring. However, he was staring straight at her and making no secret
00:40:06about it. There was admiration as well as scrutiny in his eyes. Nora raised her brows. Quentin then
00:40:14went to Justin. It's a love rival, bro. Justin was speechless when he saw how eager Quentin was
00:40:20to throw the world into chaos. Number seven got up and walked straight toward them after the match.
00:40:26However, before he could even come close, Nora and Justin had turned around very naturally
00:40:32and walked to the door. They didn't give him any chance to get close to them.
00:40:37This took number seven by surprise. He smiled wryly, stopped in his tracks and took the hint.
00:40:44He didn't chase after them anymore, but just as the two of them were about to leave the arena,
00:40:50Victor and the other two men in his team suddenly rushed over. They moved very quickly when they
00:40:55were passing by. Victor suddenly whispered, You're the real big sister, aren't you?
00:41:01Nora was taken aback. Then she narrowed her eyes and looked at him. Her lips curled into a smile,
00:41:10but she didn't admit to it. I don't know what you're trying to say.
00:41:15However, Victor was sure of her identity. He sneered. I can accept losing to you then,
00:41:23but it won't be the same next time. The few of them then left. Nora ignored him while she
00:41:31and Justin continued walking toward the exit. Another man wearing a white feathered mask
00:41:36entered. He looked rather unique and coughed a few times with every two steps he took.
00:41:43He looked ill. In addition, he coughed very hard. It sounded as though he was about to cough up his
00:41:49lungs. A man was supporting him at the side. Someone whispered, He came to the arena even
00:41:57when he's so sick and so weak. He must be here just to join in the fun and watch the show,
00:42:04right? Unexpectedly, the man walked up to the registration counter. As he coughed,
00:42:10a rich and mellow voice rang out. Sorry, I've already signed up, but I only just came to
00:42:17participate in the tournament today. I wonder if my eligibility still stands.
00:42:23The staff member replied, This is a little difficult. It's already been so long. During
00:42:29the exchange, the black clad bodyguard supporting the man handed the guy a check. The guy accepted
00:42:36the check in a very practiced manner and immediately changed his tone without any
00:42:41principles whatsoever. Of course, it still stands. What's your registration number? The corners of
00:42:48Nora's lips spasms. The Martial Arts Association must be as poor as church mice now, right?
00:42:55They really took all the money they could get. After bidding farewell to Justin in the car park,
00:43:01Nora took Quentin's car back home. On the way, Quentin suddenly said,
00:43:07Nora, someone's following us. Chapter End
00:43:11Nora looked at the back through the rearview mirror. It was filled with cars. Quentin lived
00:43:17up to his identity as a man in secret forces. His senses were sharper and keener than even hers.
00:43:24She also sensed it after Quentin brought it up. Can you throw them off? Nora asked.
00:43:31Of course, Quentin said triumphantly. Don't you know whose car? And right now,
00:43:37how dare they tell me? They sure think really highly of themselves. He sneered. I'm the only
00:43:44one who can tell other people in New York. No one can tell me. He suddenly turned the steering wheel
00:43:51all the way to the side at the traffic light and drifted straight into a small side road.
00:43:57Nora looked at the rearview mirror. Two black cars clearly looked a little confused because they
00:44:03hadn't expected him to suddenly break the traffic rules and go somewhere else. However, another two
00:44:12cars soon followed after them from the side. Quentin discovered their presence earlier than
00:44:17she did. He sneered. It seems like there are a lot of people interested in Big Sister Nora.
00:44:24Don't worry. I will definitely keep you safe. He changed the direction he was going in again.
00:44:31The car went back and forth in the familiar New York streets. Quentin was very professional.
00:44:37Half an hour later, when he turned to another side road, there were no longer any cars following them
00:44:43at the back. Obviously, Quentin had successfully thrown them all off. Quentin looked at her.
00:44:50He looked as if he was asking for praise as he asked,
00:44:54How was that? He lifted his chin. Nora gave him a thumbs up. Fantastic. Quentin couldn't suppress
00:45:02the smile at the corners of his lips. His idol was none other than Big Sister. It simply felt
00:45:09too blissful to be praised by his idol. He must do even better than this. While Quentin was getting
00:45:15fired up, his cell phone suddenly rang. When he answered, Joel's voice came from the other side.
00:45:22Where is Nora? Quentin looked at the woman in the back seat. She's in the car with me.
00:45:29What's up? Joel said. Come to the hospital right away, Quentin, he subconsciously asked.
00:45:36Is there something wrong with Uncle Ian? Joel sighed. You'll know once you're here. Okay?
00:45:43Quentin immediately took a U-turn and raced to the hospital. When Nora heard the call from Joel,
00:45:49she knew at once that something must have happened in the hospital. When the two arrived
00:45:54at the hospital, sure enough, they saw Joel pacing back and forth nervously in the corridor.
00:46:00When he heard their footsteps, he immediately looked at Nora and said,
00:46:04Quick, Nora, go into the operating room and save him. Nora entered the operating room right away.
00:46:10It was only after she went in that Quentin asked what happened. Joel replied, Uncle,
00:46:17Ian's heart suddenly stopped beating. They are trying to save him now. Quentin was stunned.
00:46:24His heart sank. In all honesty, he had never taken Ian's illness seriously because Ian had
00:46:31always been ill for as long as he could remember. Therefore, he hadn't panicked even when Nora
00:46:38operated on Ian previously. But when he heard that Ian had a cardiac arrest,
00:46:44he couldn't help but blank out. He immediately said, That's impossible. It's impossible that
00:46:50anything would go wrong when B-Nor is the one operating on him. Had Nora just been Auntie,
00:46:56Quentin might still have had doubts. But she was Big Sister. She was the famous Big Sister in the
00:47:02martial arts circle. There was no way she would do anything she wasn't confident about.
00:47:08Joel glanced at him when he heard him, based on his understanding of Quentin. Quentin should have
00:47:14already formed doubts about Nora a long time ago, yet he was so sure about it at the moment.
00:47:20It wasn't the time for him to be thinking about that, though. He said, It's Uncle Ian himself
00:47:26who suddenly pulled out the four-needle when he woke up. Quentin. Joel sighed. Uncle Ian
00:47:33still doesn't have any will to live. He doesn't want to live anymore. Quentin was in such a panic
00:47:39that he was going around in circles. What should we do? Didn't you tell Uncle Ian that Nora is his
00:47:46daughter? Joel said, That's exactly why I asked you guys to come. I'm hoping that Nora can find
00:47:52a way to keep him alive. Quentin nodded. It was unknown just how much time went by before the
00:47:59operating room's lights finally went out. The attending doctor then came out and looked at
00:48:05the two of them. Both Joel and Quentin looked at him, hopefully, but instead saw the doctor
00:48:12shake his head instead. Joel and Quentin were dumbfounded. The doctor said, Auntie lives up
00:48:19to her name as a master surgeon. She once again pulled the old gentleman back from the brink of
00:48:25death. He's awake now, but the doctor sighed. He still does not have the will to live. No will to
00:48:32live. Even though he was awake, Joel panicked. Didn't Nora tell him that she is his daughter?
00:48:40She did, but it wasn't of any use. The attending doctor then stepped aside. You.
00:48:47Why don't you go in and see him for the last time? Joel and Ian put on sterile gowns and entered the
00:48:53operating room. Ian lay on the bed. The thin man looked just like a sheet of paper, which easily
00:49:01showed that he hadn't been eating well. He was ridiculously thin. Nora was standing next to him
00:49:07blankly. Her eyes were full of perplexity and doubts, as if she couldn't understand anything.
00:49:14She asked, why don't you want to live? Even if it's for my sake? Ian's voice was very thin.
00:49:22He said weakly, I'm sorry. He coughed and slowly said, I'm very happy that Yvette didn't betray me.
00:49:30But when I think of how she has been all by herself in that lonely world for so awful,
00:49:36I feel so awful. I should have figured it out earlier. I should have gone to keep her company
00:49:42earlier. Nora. He reached out a trembling hand to Nora. Nora pursed her lips and held his hand.
00:49:50He said, please forgive dad for being so selfish. I was waiting all this time for the truth to
00:49:56surface, waiting to find out why she had left me back then. But now that I finally know it,
00:50:03I suddenly feel guilty and blame myself for it. It's no longer important why she
00:50:10she had done what she did back then. No matter what the reason for her departure was,
00:50:16I shouldn't have doubted her. She must have had reasons that she couldn't tell me.
00:50:21All I could do for her back then was to let go of her. And now the only thing I can do for her
00:50:27is to go and keep her company. He looked at Joel and Quentin who had entered Joel and Quentin's
00:50:33eyes were all red. They took a step forward and said to the two of them, Joe Quentin,
00:50:39Nora is my daughter. I put her in your care now. Joel choked up and shouted, Uncle Ion,
00:50:47you should take care of your daughter yourself. Ian smiled wryly and said, I'm tired. I really
00:50:54am. I've spent all these years like a walking dead. Leaving is the greatest relief I can ever
00:51:00have. All three youngsters looked at him blankly. All of them were dumbfounded. No one,
00:51:07no matter who had ever imagined that letting Ion know that Nora was his daughter would be the last
00:51:13straw to break the camel's back and send him to his death. Nora clenched her fists. Were they going
00:51:20to be separated by death? When they had only just reunited as father and daughter? Nora would never
00:51:27allow such a thing to happen. Quentin's eyes were red and swollen as he shouted, Uncle Ion,
00:51:34take care of your daughter yourself. Live and get up. Otherwise, I'll beat her up every day.
00:51:41Joel, who had always been a steady person, could not help but say, Uncle Ion, aren't you afraid
00:51:49that I will be selfish in the future and take over the Smiths without giving Nora anything?
00:51:54Also, Nora is going to marry Justin. Aren't you afraid that she will be bullied if she marries
00:52:01over? She's without her father and even comes from the countryside. Now the hunts look down on her.
00:52:09She needs your support. Ion muttered in a weak voice with his eyes closed.
00:52:14Joel, Quentin, you won't. I will. I really will. Uncle Ion, wake up. You can't die, Uncle Ion.
00:52:22Get up. Joel and Quentin shouted as their tears fell like rain.
00:52:27The person lying on the bed had been exceptionally powerful.
00:52:32Since they were young, but now he was weak and had been sick most of the year. He was very
00:52:38dispirited and would not wake up. It was as if nothing gave him hope for life. However, the two
00:52:46of them would never forget that when their parents had abandoned them, it was Uncle Ion who came
00:52:51forward to raise them, calling them good children. Especially Joel. If not for Uncle Ion, he would
00:52:59have been chased out of the Smiths when he was three years old. He would have become like a stray
00:53:04dog and starved to death on the streets. It was Uncle Ion. Not only had he given him the honor
00:53:11of being a man of the Smiths, but he had also let him take over the Smiths. Everything Joel had now
00:53:18was given to him by Uncle Ion. Joel held Uncle Ion's hand tightly, Uncle Ion just as the two of
00:53:26them were thinking of ways to make him stay. A cold voice suddenly sounded. Can I speak to him alone?
00:53:34Joel and Quentin looked at the person in a daze. It was Nora. She stood at the side. Perhaps it was
00:53:42because they had not known each other since they were young, but her current expression was a little
00:53:47cold and distant. The stunned expression in her eyes had disappeared as she stared at the man on
00:53:52the bed. Even though her voice was emotionless and she appeared to calm, Joel and Quentin looked at
00:53:59each other. The two of them stood up and walked out together. Before leaving, Joel took one last
00:54:07look inside. He watched as the girls suddenly walked to the bed and said, You're very good to them.
00:54:13Ion smiled bitterly. I didn't do my part as a father? Nora suddenly said. Now you have chance
00:54:22to fulfill your responsibilities. After saying this, she suddenly lowered her head and whispered
00:54:28into Ion's ear. Ion's eyes widened suddenly. When Joel closed the door, he heard Ion's last sentence.
00:54:35His voice trembled as he asked, Ah, are you serious? Two minutes later, the door to the
00:54:42operating room was opened. Nora pushed Ion's bed out of the operating room. Ion was lying there
00:54:48with his eyes closed. Joel's heart sank. He exchanged glances with Quentin, and the two of
00:54:55them looked at Nora. Quentin even swallowed his saliva and asked Uncle Ion, Hey, he's not dead.
00:55:03Nora's words sounded very calm, making Joel and Quentin heave a sigh of relief. Quentin asked
00:55:10tentatively. Then he's. I gave him two injections, and he fell asleep. He needs to rest in the next
00:55:18few days. Don't disturb him. In any case, no matter how powerful this lion is, his body has
00:55:25been hollowed out. His body needs to be raised from the roots. With that, she looked at Joel.
00:55:33I have a few medicinal recipes here. I'll write them down for you later.
00:55:38Joel hurriedly nodded. I'll arrange for someone to cook for Uncle Ion every day. The three of them
00:55:44walked into the veep ward together. After entering the ward, Nora checked Ion's vital signs.
00:55:52After everything was normal, she said he won't die for the time being. Joel probed. Then after
00:55:59the time being, Nora, if you follow the schedule I'm giving you and are obedient, he can live out
00:56:07his natural life. Joel, he dose of relief. Nora took out her phone and opened the memo.
00:56:14Her slender fingers quickly type something on it for a while. She sent Joel the things to take
00:56:21note of and future treatment plans. Joel took a look and realized that it was all basic care.
00:56:28The staff in the hospital could do it. Quentin asked curiously. Aren't you going to take care
00:56:34of Uncle Ion personally in the future? Nora glanced at him. I don't know how to take care of
00:56:41people. Quentin. After doing all this, Nora walked out. I'm going to see old Maddy. Ever since old
00:56:49Maddy was rescued, he had been in the hospital for treatment. After all, he had been too severely
00:56:56poisoned. Furthermore, old Maddy had never recovered from his crazy illness. Nora went to
00:57:04old Maddy's ward again. When she was about to go home, she saw Quentin. She raised her eyebrows
00:57:11and asked, What are you doing here? Quentin coughed. I'm waiting for you to take you home.
00:57:17Nora said helplessly. All right. After the two of them returned home, Nora went upstairs and saw
00:57:24Pete. She kissed her son's forehead and was about to take a shower when Pete suddenly said
00:57:29mysteriously, Mommy, did you know Uncle Joel came to pick Maya and me up just now? But he then later
00:57:38got the chauffeur to bring us back and went to chase after God. Mom, Tanya, Nora. When she went
00:57:46to see old Maddy, Joel had arranged for the medical staff to pick up Maya and Pete from school.
00:57:51She did not expect him to go after Tanya. Why was he looking for Tanya?
00:57:57Nora raised her eyebrows. She smiled and touched Pete's head. I understand. Pete blinked and
00:58:04suddenly said, Mommy is God. Mommy is God, Mom. Tanya going to be my aunt soon. Nora,
00:58:12this little fellow knew quite a lot. She asked, Do you want her to be your aunt?
00:58:19Yes. Pete nodded. Seriously. God, Mom treats me well. Nora sensed something. You mean Maya's
00:58:28mommy isn't good to her, Pete thought for a moment. No, she isn't. Nora frowned and pulled
00:58:35the chair over casually. She sat in front of Pete with interest. Come talk properly. Pete's
00:58:42expression was stern, as he said. Seriously, these are all my speculations. Nora had always
00:58:48thought that Maya's mother treated her well. After all, who would be cruel to their own daughter?
00:58:55It was because Hillary and Joel were on bad terms that the two of them did not get together.
00:59:00However, she did not expect Pete's next words to completely subvert her understanding. Pete said,
00:59:07Mommy, if I liked mathematics very much, would you stop me from learning it? Nora, of course,
00:59:14not everyone knew that Cherry liked to play games in order to make Cherry happy.
00:59:19She had agreed to let her play. She only limited the time spent on playing games.
00:59:25Pete nodded. Maya's mother knows she likes to dance, but she doesn't let her learn. Moreover,
00:59:32Maya is very afraid of her mother. Afraid no child should be afraid of their mother, right?
00:59:38Nora felt that Pete might have used the wrong word. Is it because her mommy is very strict?
00:59:43Pete shook his head. No. He thought for a moment and said, The tyrant is very strict too,
00:59:50but I know that he does it for my own good. Sometimes I go on a hunger strike to fight
00:59:55against him because I know he will eventually give in. But Maya's fear of her mommy comes from
01:00:01the fact that she's not sure her mommy would ever give in. Nora was stunned. Although Pete's words
01:00:08were messy, she understood them because Justin was his father, even if he was stern every day
01:00:14or even hit Pete. Pete still respected Justin and was not afraid of him, but Maya's mother was like
01:00:21a stranger and a bad person to Maya. Maya didn't even feel safe with her. She frowned. Did Maya
01:00:29tell you all this? Pete shook his head. I observed it myself. Nora frowned. If what Pete said was true,
01:00:37Nora would really have to reconsider this matter. However, Pete was only five years old.
01:00:43His conclusion could not be trusted so easily. Nora said seriously, Okay, Pete, I understand.
01:00:50I'll take note of this and observe. Mia, if it's true, I'll tell your uncle. At the same time,
01:00:58she frowned. Was there really a mother in this world who abused her own child in the suburbs?
01:01:04Tanya drove in and looked at the shameless man. After work, he took the opportunity,
01:01:10while she had yet to lock the car, to suddenly open the back door and sneak into her car.
01:01:15She wanted to scold him back then, but his words made her shut her mouth.
01:01:20Keep arguing if you want everyone to know about our relationship. If you don't, then drive.
01:01:26Tanya. She was speechless and anxious. However, as a kindergarten teacher, she did not want to
01:01:33make a scene in school. She gritted her teeth in anger, but she still drove home. On the way,
01:01:41she switched on her mocking mode. Mr. Smith, may I ask what my relationship with you is?
01:01:48Joel, I'm your ex-boyfriend. Or rather, it's because I can't forget my ex-girlfriend.
01:01:55When Tanya heard this, for some reason, her face turned red. She shook her head and sneered.
01:02:00Mr. Smith, you have a fiancé and daughter now. You're harassing me like this, understand?
01:02:07Joel lowered his eyes. Tanya, you were so angry yesterday. Were you jealous?
01:02:14Jealous. Tanya choked on his words. However, she immediately realized that from the moment
01:02:20she saw Hillary's Facebook post, she had indeed started to feel angry and humiliated. Previously,
01:02:27she had been deceived by Mia and Joel. Even after the two of them had left, she still felt happy for
01:02:34a while. It was Hillary's post that had brought her back to reality. She suddenly realized that
01:02:40Mia was Joel and Hillary's daughter, not hers. Why was she so excited about Maya's birthday?
01:02:48She did not sleep much that night before she returned, as she thought about her plans after
01:02:53returning to the country. She had told herself not to contact Joel ever again, but why were they
01:02:58involved again? She was angry with herself and even more furious with Joel for teasing her.
01:03:05He was making her sink deeper into it, step by step. She did not say anything else along the way
01:03:12until they arrived at the villa. However, after stopping the car, she did not get out.
01:03:19Instead, she said calmly, yes, I was jealous. Joel was taken aback. Tanya lowered her head.
01:03:27He could not see the girl's expression, but he could see that her shoulders were trembling
01:03:32slightly. She had never cried much since she was young. Why was she crying now? As he was thinking,
01:03:39she chuckled. I admit it. Are you satisfied? She looked up and asked with a smile. Mr. Smith,
01:03:47are you satisfied with me admitting that I may be an asterisk who covets someone else's fiance?
01:03:54You just had to make me admit that I'll always be lonely in front of you. Are you satisfied?
01:04:00The three. Are you satisfied? Encompassed everything she had suffered all these years
01:04:07in Switzerland. She had no lack of suitors, but she did not like anyone.
01:04:14What she was unwilling to admit was that she had never let go of this man.
01:04:18Even if this man was with the sister, she hated the most. As she smiled, tears suddenly fell down.
01:04:26The teardrop was crystal clear as it slid down the corner of her eye and landed on her leg. At
01:04:32this moment, a warm hand pressed down on her shoulder with a huge reaction. She suddenly
01:04:39reached out and pushed the hand away. She got out of the car angrily. Joel chased after her.
01:04:46Tanya. Tanya pushed him away and opened the door. Joel hugged her tightly. Tanya,
01:04:54Tanya was furious and shouted angrily, Doel, what are you trying to do? Let me tell you,
01:05:00even if I haven't completely forgotten about you, I won't be your mistress. I may be spineless,
01:05:06but I still have this bottom line. Let go. If you don't, I'll call the police. However,
01:05:14the man behind her did not let go. Just as Tanya angrily picked up her phone and was about to call
01:05:19the police. Joel's voice suddenly sounded. Uncle Ian is critically ill. Tanya paused.
01:05:27Tanya knew who his uncle was. She also knew how important this uncle was to Joel.
01:05:33She said nothing. Joel continued. After Uncle Ian and Yvette separated more than 20 years ago,
01:05:40they never saw each other again. His greatest regret in this life is that he couldn't be with
01:05:45her. Even though he knows that Nora is his daughter, he still wants to follow Yvette
01:05:50to the afterlife. Tanya, we're so lucky to meet again. This time I won't let go.
01:05:58At the Smiths, after taking a shower, Nora prepared to go downstairs to eat something.
01:06:04But as soon as she opened the door, she saw Quentin in front of it.
01:06:08Although the man was already 26 years old, he still looked very young. His thin body
01:06:13leaned against the wall and he instantly stood up when he saw her. Nora raised her eyebrows.
01:06:20What's the matter? Quentin nodded and asked curiously.
01:06:26Nora, what did you tell Uncle Ian that suddenly gave him the will to survive?
01:06:31When Nora heard this, she was silent for a moment. She suddenly said,
01:06:36Do you really want to know? Quentin nodded. Nora looked away. She was not planning to say
01:06:43these words after all. Her mother's last words were filled with danger. Now she did not even
01:06:49know who or where the enemy was. She said, Do you know why I hid my identity as Big Sister?
01:06:57Quentin shook his head. Nora said, Because my mother said that if I stand out,
01:07:02people might come after me. Quentin narrowed his eyes at these words. Nora looked at him.
01:07:08I told him this. She was referring to Ian. They had just reunited, but she was not used to calling
01:07:16that person father. She could not bring herself to call him a father. Quentin understood. Ian felt
01:07:23that Joel and Quentin could protect her well and that she would live well. Therefore, he had lost
01:07:30the will to live and wanted to reunite with Yvette. But when he found out that his daughter was in
01:07:35danger as a father, how could he leave? He had to live and help her get rid of all obstacles,
01:07:42especially that danger. Ian subconsciously felt that it had something to do with Yvette
01:07:48leaving him back then. This was Nora's gas. Yvette had suddenly run away from home and told the
01:07:55public that she had eloped with someone, but she had given birth to her. In addition to the
01:08:01organization, Morris had mentioned she felt that Yvette's departure back then might have been to
01:08:07protect Ian. Ian clearly thought of this as well, and Nora told him the first DNA test showed that
01:08:14my genes have mutated. Logically speaking, we could never acknowledge each other, but mother
01:08:21left my umbilical cord blood behind. Yvette had preserved Nora's umbilical cord blood because
01:08:27she wanted to have a contingency plan when she was at her wit's end. If Nora was to ever get
01:08:33involved in this, Ian could protect her appropriately and fulfill his responsibility
01:08:38as a father, even if Nora did not need his protection. If this responsibility could make
01:08:45Ian want to live, she did not mind being protected. However, Quentin suddenly understood something.
01:08:52He looked at Nora seriously. Nora, don't worry. I will help you guard your identity.
01:09:00If there was any danger, he would protect his cousin Nora in the suburbs. Joel was hugging
01:09:06Tanya. I don't know what Nora said to make Uncle Ian want to live, but I know that I can't lose
01:09:12you again, Tanya. When Uncle Ian lay on the hospital bed and recalled what had happened
01:09:18back then, he said the thing he regretted the most was not insisting on being with Yvette.
01:09:24At that time, Joel had thought of Tanya. He did not want the tragedy to repeat itself.
01:09:32When Tanya heard this, she stopped struggling. She closed her eyes tightly as tears started pouring.
01:09:39Even if I don't mind me as existence, what about Hillary? Hillary doesn't matter.
01:09:45Joel said, Tanya, back then, I was tricked into being with her. But all these years,
01:09:53apart from Maya, there's nothing between us. I gave her the title of fiancé because I didn't
01:10:00want Mia to not have a mother. But I told her long ago that when Mia turned five and became sensible,
01:10:07we would end the engagement. The last time I chased her away from the Smiths,
01:10:12it was to end the engagement. Tanya was stunned. Hillary was clearly saying that they were very
01:10:19loving. However, compared to Hillary, she trusted Joel more. She was not a romantic.
01:10:26The reason she chose to believe Joel was because she understood Hillary's character,
01:10:31but even so, she did not expect such a misunderstanding to have happened back then.
01:10:36She asked again, but her Facebook post. Joel explained again. It was Maya's birthday yesterday.
01:10:45I took a gift from her at the entrance of her house and left. As for the restaurant,
01:10:51it was only me and Maya. She followed us there by herself. Tanya was stunned.
01:10:58Joel hugged her. Tanya, I don't know what else I need to do to make you forgive me.
01:11:03But do you know how happy I was when I heard you say that you were jealous?
01:11:08The man no longer had the aura he had in front of outsiders. At this moment, he was as happy as a
01:11:15child who had eaten candy. At that time, I was thinking that even if you hate me or resent me,
01:11:22I won't let you go. This time, the wind around them seemed to have stopped. The birds and
01:11:29insects were all silent. Tanya only felt that at this moment, her broken heart seemed to have
01:11:35been filled with healing medicine as he comforted her. She did not know what to say. She did not
01:11:42know if she should forgive this man for that night, even if it was not his fault that he
01:11:47had been schemed against. She did not know if she could be a good stepmother either.
01:11:53She did not even know if it was right for her to pursue happiness like this
01:11:57before her child was found. Before she could think, the man suddenly held her shoulder
01:12:04and made her slowly turn her head. The man stopped talking and lowered his head to cover her lips.
01:12:11That familiar cool breath suddenly invaded her mouth, making her brain explode. The memories
01:12:17in her body seemed to have returned before her rationality, making her almost given without
01:12:22any resistance. She was in a sorry state and quickly retreated. However, he continued to
01:12:29press her hard and domineeringly. It was as if he wanted to claim sovereignty over every part
01:12:36of her mouth. Suddenly, a voice was heard. The two of them froze and hurriedly looked at the door.
01:12:43They saw Madame Florence covering her eyes.
01:12:46Goodness, Miss Tanya. Mrs. Hunt asked me to see if you were around you. You two lovebirds can
01:12:52continue. Pretend I didn't see you. With that, she ran off in a hurry. Tanya. Joel.
01:13:03The two of them were feeling a little awkward. It did not seem appropriate to continue what had
01:13:08just happened. However, if they did not continue, they would be at a loss if they just stood there.
01:13:16Tanya said, Let's talk inside. She turned and opened the door. Joel followed behind her
01:13:23obediently. He did not look like the tycoon who ran the business world at all. After the two of
01:13:30them entered the room, Joel took the initiative to say, You haven't eaten yet, right? I'll cook
01:13:36something for you. Tanya nodded in a daze. At that moment, she seemed to have completely forgotten
01:13:44that this was her house. When Joel entered the kitchen, Tanya had yet to return to her senses.
01:13:50At this moment, her phone suddenly rang. She picked up the call without even looking at it
01:13:56and accidentally put it on speaker. Hillary's voice came from the other end. Tanya, do you
01:14:03think Joel will return to your side just because you're back? Let me tell you. The person he loves
01:14:09is me. He's right beside me now. Our family of three is going to eat together. Stop daydreaming,
01:14:17daydreaming. Tanya looked into the kitchen and felt like she was really dreaming when she had
01:14:22left. Sadly, five years ago, she thought that she would never have the chance to be with this man
01:14:29in her life. This man was going to disappear from her life. Who would have thought that five years
01:14:36later, he would be cooking food for her? As Tanya was thinking, Hillary's voice was heard again.
01:14:43Why aren't you saying anything? Are you really going to degrade yourself to be a third wheel
01:14:48and come between us? Let me tell you. You better return to Switzerland. Joel chose me five years
01:14:55ago. He'll definitely choose me again when that time comes. How embarrassed would you be? As she
01:15:03spoke, Joel had already walked out of the kitchen. The villa was very quiet and there were no car
01:15:09horns around. Joel had heard the voice on the phone from the beginning. He looked at Tanya.
01:15:15Tanya was also looking at him. The slender girl just stood there, her body a little thin from
01:15:21dancing for a long time. She looked at Joel with her deep eyes and suddenly raised her eyebrows.
01:15:28She said on the third wheel, May I ask, Mr. Smith, what's your relationship with Madam Hillary now?
01:15:35As soon as she said this, Hillary's voice stopped. However, she then sneered. What are you doing?
01:15:43Do you think you can scare me like this? Let me tell you. I'm with Joel. If you want to talk to
01:15:50him, I can help you send a message. Amidst her chattering, Joel's originally angry eyes froze
01:15:56for a moment when they met the Tanya's. All. His anger seemed to dissipate with an evil smile on
01:16:04her lips. He took a step forward and said, I have nothing to do with Madam Hillary. The engagement
01:16:10has been broken off, Madam Tanya. What kind of braised noodles do you want to eat? Tomato eggs
01:16:16or green pepper? Pork. The voice on the phone instantly fell silent. Hillary, the entire villa
01:16:24fell silent. Tanya smiled and said, green pepper pork, but no ginger. You remember my preferences,
01:16:33right? Joel nodded. Of course. Just wait 10 minutes. With that, he glanced at the phone.
01:16:41Just as he was about to return to the kitchen, Hillary smiled mockingly. Tanya, are you lying
01:16:48to me? How can Joel cook? I'd been with him for five years, but I've never seen him cook. He doesn't
01:16:56know how to cook at all. Did you find someone with a similar voice to anger me? I'm telling you,
01:17:02I won't fall for it. Tanya recalled how Hillary had deliberately chased him to the restaurant
01:17:08and taken a photo to post on her Facebook. She was not surprised by her way of thinking.
01:17:13She only smiled and suddenly turned on the camera. She raised her phone and aimed at Joel.
01:17:20Here, let me show you. The man I'm looking at not only has a similar voice to Joel, but his
01:17:26appearance is also very similar. Her voice was filled with mockery when Hillary saw Joel wearing
01:17:32an apron. She was stunned. She had stayed with the Smiths for five years. Joel had never allowed her
01:17:39to enter his room. And every time she saw him, he was always the high and mighty leader who could
01:17:46stir up New York's economic scene with just a move of his finger. Since when was that man willing to
01:17:52fall from grace and start doing housework? Furthermore, he was holding a tomato in one hand
01:17:59and green pepper in the other. He was clearly cooking. As Tanya had turned on the camera,
01:18:05he looked up. His light eyes, which were always smiling, suddenly became sharp as he stared at
01:18:12the camera. He said calmly, Miss Hillary, is there anything else? Tanya looked at the camera and saw
01:18:21that the camera on Hillary's side suddenly shook and fell to the ground. Her hands must have gone
01:18:27soft from shock. This woman had been like this since she was young. She was a fox exploiting the
01:18:35tiger's mind and was extremely hypocritical. Tanya could not be bothered to talk to her anymore and
01:18:41hung up. She chuckled softly. She looked up and realized that Joel had not entered the kitchen,
01:18:48but was staring at her. The man was wearing a white shirt and an apron looking just like he
01:18:53did five years ago. Tanya suddenly realized that the five years overseas seemed to have lost their
01:19:00distance. As she was thinking, she saw Joel's eyes gradually turn deep and hot, making her heart
01:19:07beat wildly. She hurriedly looked away and said, there are still eight minutes. Only then did Joel
01:19:14retract his gaze and nod. After he left, Tanya hurriedly patted her chest and cheeks. She must
01:19:22stay alert. She could not be attracted by his stunning beauty. Eight minutes later, the noodles
01:19:28were done. Tanya went upstairs and had already changed into her casual home clothes. Looking at
01:19:35the two bowls of steaming noodles on the dining table, she picked up her fork. Just as she was
01:19:41about to eat, she heard Joel say, wait a minute. She paused and realized that Joel had brought a
01:19:48bottle of hot sauce over. Tanya stared at the bottle and suddenly thought of a time five years
01:19:53ago. At that time, she was still in university, as the living expenses from her mother were not
01:19:59enough. She often had to cook for herself. Noodles were her favorite. However, she only had one pot
01:20:07back then, so it was inconvenient to stir fry vegetables. Therefore, every time she would add
01:20:13a sufficient amount of noodles and vegetables before adding hot sauce. Joel had always known
01:20:18this habit of hers in the past five years. After she went overseas, the thing she was most unused
01:20:25to was eating occasionally. She would want to eat noodles, but without hot sauce. It was as if
01:20:32something was missing while she was in a daze. Joel opened the bottle and handed it to her.
01:20:38She dug a big spoonful and put it in the bowl of noodles. The thick sauce immediately floated
01:20:44on it and the fragrance wafted over. She picked some noodles up with her fork and took a bite
01:20:50excitedly, but she was stunned. She looked up slowly at the bottle of hot sauce. The packaging
01:20:57had already changed. As for the taste of the sauce, although it was still her favorite flavor,
01:21:04it was no longer the same as before. For some reason, her heart suddenly sank. A broken mood
01:21:11instantly attacked her, making her lower her head. Indeed, in five years everything familiar
01:21:18had changed. Nothing would stand there and wait for her. It was like losing her child.
01:21:25Even if she had returned to the country and she and Joel were still the same as they were
01:21:30five years ago, this fact could not be hidden. She became depressed. Joel looked at her and
01:21:37panic surged in his heart. He asked carefully, what's wrong? The noodles don't taste good.
01:21:44A hot tear fell into the bowl. Tanya suddenly looked up. There's something I need to tell you.
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