The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Wild About Harry (1998/2002)

  • 2 weeks ago
Season 1 (2001-2002)

Plot: It's touch and go for Harry the reptile keeper when he's bitten by the world's most venomous snake - the fierce snake. Terri and Steve look forward to parenthood, and Steve introduces Terri to some Aussie slang on their numerous trips to the doctor. At feeding time, Kelsey finds herself stuck within striking range of a hungry python. Thelma suspects her precious shingleback lizards are pregnant. And Tracie is traumatized after a fatal animal conflict.


00:00In this episode of Croc Diaries, Harry is bitten by the world's most venomous snake.
00:08Terry and I look forward to parenthood and a deadly session of hide and seek with two
00:14aggressive crocodiles.
00:16You alright girl?
00:17Join me at my home for the fun, the danger and the real life drama behind the scenes
00:23at Australia Zoo.
00:30It's one of the most feed out, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary,
01:00scary, scary, scary, scary, scary, scary,
01:17Don't flick him, he'll bite me.
01:21Oh, okay.
01:22Where is he?
01:23He's on your hat.
01:24I'll take my hat off.
01:25There we go.
01:26Oh, my heart.
01:27Here at Australia Zoo, the lunch room is actually the engine room.
01:37It's the hub of day-to-day drama, and it's a real dawning experience for any newcomers.
01:43Yeah, I just wanted to introduce everyone to Katrina.
01:47She's from Currumbin Sanctuary, and she's going to be here a few days learning about
01:51our crocodiles.
01:52Oh, really?
01:54So everyone, Katrina, everyone.
01:55As a part of our ongoing inter-zoo relationships with all the other zoological facilities here
02:03in Southeast Asia, Australasia, and the world, she wants to learn about crocodiles.
02:11So as per our schedule, you will be working with Brian.
02:16If you can look beyond his appearance, he's quite a nice guy, actually.
02:25No, he's not.
02:27He is.
02:28Hey, on a more serious note, Brian, I regard as one of the finest crocodile keepers, curators
02:35in the entire world.
02:37His expertise with all crocodilian species we have here, and some, is surpassed by anyone.
02:44He is, like, brilliant.
02:46Absolutely brilliant.
02:47No one can take that away from him.
02:49Don't look directly at him.
02:50He's like the sun.
02:51Just glance and look away.
02:53And the other thing you'll need to know about Brian, though, is he hasn't had a girlfriend
02:59for a long time.
03:00Can I introduce everyone really quickly?
03:01Yeah, Mike, go for it.
03:03So Rick's our park manager.
03:04If you want time off.
03:05Rick's lover is the mammal person, Megan.
03:06Harry's our homicidal knife-wielding maniac.
03:07You're getting married.
03:08Fredo, you know, part of our food source is the rat and mouse house.
03:09There she goes.
03:10And then we've got Stuart.
03:11Stuart, we encourage not to wear his shirt.
03:12So that's fine.
03:14His friend's better half.
03:15This is Thelma, and she's my personal secretary.
03:16I got to carry a part of the time, and that's not too much, because I'm a little bit of
03:17a busybody.
03:18And he's a bit of a snitch.
03:19I'm a snitch.
03:20And he's a bit of a snitch.
03:21And he's a bit of a snitch.
03:22And he's a bit of a snitch.
03:23And he's a bit of a snitch.
03:24And he's a bit of a snitch.
03:25his shirt, so that's fun.
03:27He's Fred's better half, this is Thelma, and she's my personal secretary.
03:33I got to carry a part of the time, and the rest of the time she gets to sit on my knee.
03:38At emergency animal rescue, Brian and Darren are dealing with a call to capture a big,
03:44dangerous venomous snake, or at least that's what they were told.
03:47When she called, she said it was a huge venomous snake over 8 feet, but I reckon it's bound
03:53to be a harmless python, it's that big.
04:00This guy, I'd say he's hatched this season.
04:02They're pretty inoffensive, like if a snake this size bit you, you probably wouldn't get
04:06anything at all out of it, but if you got bitten or it died, you might get a little
04:10bit of a headache.
04:12What type of snake is it?
04:13It's a yellow-faced whip snake.
04:15Big one.
04:16Well, a snake.
04:18Stood up, sniffed around, and then it came over this way.
04:20Yeah, you might have more around.
04:23Have you got a paper bag or something like that?
04:25Yeah, yeah, that'll be fine.
04:27Well, thanks for doing the right thing anyway, rather than, you know, trying to kill him.
04:31So much for big and dangerous.
04:33Don't you wish every emergency could be fixed with a brown paper bag?
04:37He's probably quicker than me.
04:38Well, if he's just starting to shed his skin, probably he's only a week or two old.
04:42Oh my god, that probably means that's where he's coming from.
04:45Ready to roll?
04:47The moment of truth.
04:48Is this the end of life as I know it?
04:50Yeah, and you have to come with me.
04:52All right.
04:54I can do it.
04:55He'll explain to you that I'm not fat.
04:59Can I take me dog?
05:01Yeah, I'm taking my dog.
05:03All right.
05:04These are the only kids we've got right now.
05:06We have to take them.
05:07Come on, Sue.
05:08Ready to go?
05:09Come on, Suey, we've got to go to the doctor.
05:13Come on, Suey.
05:14We've got to go and find out something about Mummy.
05:17Terry's pregnant, and we're having ultrasound tests that will make our new baby seem so much more real.
05:25I think I'm more nervous than you are.
05:26No, I am totally calm.
05:27You're going to be a wreck.
05:28I'll be a mess already.
05:30I'm going to try and park this dog over there.
05:33So she won't bark?
05:34It won't happen, but it's a nice dog.
05:37I'm going to give it a go.
05:39She'll bark wherever you park.
05:41It's a big thrill in life.
05:43Did you know she's 91 in dog years?
05:46You're joking, aren't you?
05:53She's an old steamer.
05:59So this is where my life as I know it comes to an end.
06:06It came to an end a long time ago, I've got to tell you.
06:08So the other question I needed to ask too, Michael, was I'm having trouble with terminology.
06:15What do you call your wife when she's got this tummy, fat isn't the word.
06:21I was wondering what the word is, because we can't quite get it to make her happy.
06:26I guess what you could call it would be that she's in a delicate way.
06:30I like that one.
06:32Delicate way.
06:33This is good.
06:34You're in a little bit of a delicate way at the moment.
06:37Check this out.
06:38The first time we've heard the baby.
06:44She's got a big heart.
06:49Thanks, that's really neat.
06:52Wow, that's a good trick.
06:55Wow, that makes it real.
06:57Instead of just being in a delicate way.
07:00And back at the zoo, things are getting a little bit delicate between the giant land tortoises.
07:05It's another boy.
07:07Oh, you're all upset now.
07:08Stopped you having some fun, didn't I?
07:10Yeah, you're all upset.
07:12You've got too many hormones.
07:15Australia Zoo virtually revolves around crocodiles.
07:20They're Australia's apex predators.
07:22Modern day dinosaurs.
07:24And by crikey, we love them.
07:26But even these big, boofy blokes start out as cute little baby dinosaurs that need our help to survive.
07:35Brian loves his crocodiles, especially the babies.
07:39But one of them's got big trouble.
07:41The odds on survival are far better inside Australia Zoo than out in the wild.
07:46But baby crocs are very fragile.
07:57Hey, Steve.
07:58Yeah, mate?
07:59Can you come and have a look at this for us, mate?
08:05This little guy's not doing too well.
08:07His shoulder's swollen.
08:09This shoulder's swollen.
08:11It's looking pretty thin on it.
08:21What do you want to do, mate?
08:23I think these others have been giving him a bit of a hard time, so I don't like his chances.
08:28But I'd really like to set him up.
08:30Brian's baby has to get away from the others so he'll have a chance to recover without competition.
08:37Here's your new home, little fella. Get better, eh?
08:41Easy, kid.
08:48Back in the staff room, Thelma's taking a break from being my secretary,
08:52and she's grooming her favourite shingleback lizard.
09:02He'll be hot.
09:03I'd be worried about him.
09:06Oh, no. He's very worried. He just peed.
09:10Did you do pee-pee?
09:12Just leave him alone, Brian.
09:14He's a gutsy.
09:15Yeah, he loves his food.
09:18You're going to be so beautiful when all this comes off.
09:22The lizard's shedding his skin, but Thelma reckons it should come off a lot quicker.
09:28Look at that. I don't think there's any mistake that Ernie's his dad.
09:31Peeling a lizard has got to be a sign of true devotion.
09:40Our visitor Katrina's getting right behind it with Brian, learning all about freshwater crocodiles.
09:47Through the palm barrel.
09:49These things are pretty cruisy.
09:52Go over to the mouth and she'll just gently take it out of your hand.
09:58She's absolutely gorgeous.
10:00The big thing here is dodging snapping jaws and rows of teeth that are sharp as needles.
10:13If you haven't done this before, you wonder if the croc will hit the food or your hand.
10:18But these freshies just aren't as aggressive or dangerous as the big saltwater crocs.
10:24Good job, and a nice gentle way to ease into working with crocodiles.
10:33Cocky and Joe Bob, the cockatoos, are allowed anywhere in the zoo.
10:37But they're being disrupted by wild birds coming in for a free feed.
10:45Joe, try being quiet for just a minute.
10:48Joe, try being quiet for just a minute.
11:02Joe Bob's a handful for everyone, except Tracy.
11:06And she lets him do anything he likes back in the office where she handles Australia Zoo's promotions and marketing.
11:18You alright?
11:23We wouldn't have a clue what he's doing, but it sure looks like it's important to Joe Bob.
11:38There's our girl. There's our girl.
11:42There's our girl. Terry?
11:44I need you on this head here, sweetheart. Nice and slow. Let's just wait.
11:48We're looking at lesions on her eyes.
11:51There she goes. She might react to you, sweetheart.
11:54It takes eight of us to hold down Teela the camel for minor eye and nose surgery.
11:59You're alright, sweetheart. You're alright.
12:01Good girl, sweetheart.
12:03Here we go. Here we go.
12:10You're alright.
12:12Hang on to her, sweetheart. You're alright.
12:15How'd we go, Chris?
12:22You're alright.
12:26Off! Go!
12:30Mission accomplished, and she'll be just fine.
12:33Hey, sweetheart.
12:35Just back off from around behind her, Freddo.
12:40Yeah, good job. Good work, team.
12:48Of course, when you're working with wildlife, one of the worst things that can happen is to get bitten,
12:54and every bite should be taken seriously.
12:57But to get tagged by the most venomous snake in the world, well, that's another matter altogether.
13:03Too tight?
13:05Just hope you never get bitten in the neck.
13:07Harry's been tagged by a fear snake, the most venomous reptile in the world.
13:12Underneath the teasing, we're intensely worried just one bite from a fear snake
13:18can have enough venom to kill a hundred adult human beings.
13:22Where do you want me? Up front?
13:25I know, but it's the least of your worries, Harry.
13:29Do you want me to support the limb?
13:32You alright, Harry?
13:34We're keeping him as calm and limp as possible to slow down the flow of venom through his body
13:40until he reaches hospital for a dose of anti-venom.
13:50You're enjoying this. You do anything for attention, Harry.
13:53Anything for attention.
13:55Yeah, to lay down.
13:58We're keeping Harry relaxed and positive.
14:01Everyone's covering up their fear in a typical Aussie way.
14:04Plenty of jokes.
14:14Where are the sunglasses, sunglasses, sunglasses?
14:17Steve, you said whatever happens, look cool.
14:20Oh, yeah, no, he doesn't have sunglasses.
14:22Steve, Steve will go with you.
14:24No, Steve won't go.
14:26He will, yeah. We'll save it all up for Harry.
14:28Someone can hop in there.
14:30So you're going to leave this other crowd on the way?
14:32Great. I'll actually follow you up there.
14:34No more massages for you.
14:37See you tomorrow, Harry.
14:39See you later, guys.
14:43It's going to be a tense hospital vigil while they check to see if Harry's been envenomated.
14:49As Harry faces an uncertain future, back in the crocodile nursery,
14:53the news is very bad for Brian and the baby croc he's been trying to save.
15:04Brian's tried everything, but it hasn't been enough.
15:10Hey, Steve, you got a minute, mate?
15:12Yeah, mate.
15:15Yeah, hang on a second.
15:18You've never made it, mate.
15:22I kept him in there for as long as I could.
15:25He used to stutter. He was a bit fooby.
15:27I just never made it.
15:30Sigh of relief.
15:44The day of the first egg raid, and it's going to be dangerous.
15:47We have to collect the eggs.
15:49They won't survive if they stay in the nest.
15:52Graham is an aggressive territorial male,
15:55and his girl, Bindi, well, she'll die defending her nest and her eggs.
16:10Righto, we've got a problem then, Briano.
16:13If Bindi goes in, he'll bite her.
16:15He's right on me now, mate.
16:19With everyone else keeping Graham occupied,
16:21I have to get Bindi away from her nest to grab the eggs.
16:25Come on, then.
16:27Bite, bite, bite.
16:29She's biting. Bite this tree.
16:31There's our good girl.
16:36Brian has to make sure Big Graham doesn't sneak up and ambush me
16:40while I've got a real handful with a fiercely protective mother.
16:48Come on, then.
16:50There's our good girl. Bite the tree.
16:52Before I grab the eggs, I've got to sample gas from the nest for scientific research,
16:56and that's going to prolong the danger.
17:01It may look like bedlam, but we all know what we're supposed to be doing.
17:05Everyone has a role.
17:07As soon as you get the eggs, draw back.
17:10Just someone's got to be watching in front.
17:12Here she comes.
17:14Push the lever forward, and you push the gas out.
17:17Right, draw back.
17:19Draw back, push it forward.
17:21Push the gas out.
17:23Push it straight up again.
17:25Draw again.
17:27Lever goes backwards.
17:33You're all right, girl.
17:35Just throw it over the fence.
17:41What about Brian?
17:43I need to know where he is at all times.
17:46Come on, mate. Come on, then.
17:48Come on, then. You back up now, sweetheart.
17:50Come on, then. Come on, then.
17:52There's a good girl.
17:54Terry, see if you can attract her at the ramp.
17:56At the ramp.
17:58Uh-oh. Brian's going to go on that ramp.
18:00That's OK.
18:06Here she comes, baby. Here she comes.
18:08Come on, Bindi.
18:12In the water, sweetheart. You've got to go in the water now.
18:15Come on, then. You can't bite Uncle Stevo.
18:18You can't bite Uncle Stevo.
18:20Come on, now. Come on, now.
18:22We're trying the food bucket to distract Bindi,
18:24but she's staying put,
18:26and I need Dave inside as a decoy.
18:28Dave, see if you can suck her over to your corner of the fence.
18:31Terry, whatever you do, don't move.
18:35Be confident.
18:37Jump in, but get ready to jump out.
18:41But if she turns on you, just bolt. I'll cue it, OK?
18:44You're right, mate. You're right.
18:48Brian's in.
18:50Brian's game. He'll do anything to keep Graham distracted.
18:53Graham's turned.
18:55Graham's out.
18:58Dave's not quite so keen,
19:00and Bindi's sticking close to the nest.
19:03OK, jump out.
19:09There's a good girl.
19:13Come on, then.
19:15Bite these. There's a good girl.
19:17Bite these things. Bite these things.
19:19There's a good girl.
19:21Keep biting. Come on.
19:23I've tried to trick Bindi into thinking she's got my arm,
19:26and it may work long enough to grab the egg.
19:29Is she under the water?
19:31OK, give me the bucket. Yep, I can go to the bucket.
19:35I've got her.
19:37No, don't see her. Don't see her.
19:39No, Bindi.
19:41Got to work fast.
19:43It's only a matter of time
19:45before Bindi or Graham notice me raiding the nest.
19:49She's still under.
19:51Don't see her.
19:55I've got her.
19:58Got her.
20:00Who's got another bucket?
20:02No, no, it's right.
20:04I cover up the nest
20:06so Bindi doesn't realise there's been a raid,
20:08and it's time to get out.
20:16I'm out.
20:18Good stuff.
20:20Good one, Dave-o.
20:22Success. The first egg raid of the dangerous season
20:25that'll keep us on our toes for several weeks.
20:28Meanwhile, Thelma's excited, hoping to be a grandmother.
20:32Her adopted shingleback lizards are having pregnancy tests.
20:36To the vert.
20:38Want your seatbelt on?
20:40And then we're away.
20:50Everyone at Australia Zoo
20:52can't help picking a few favourites among the animals,
20:55but I reckon no-one's as devoted as our Thelma.
21:04Big guy.
21:06He wasn't supposed to be a boy.
21:08Well, we really hope he's not pregnant, then.
21:10No, I want it to be pregnant
21:12because otherwise it's got respiratory problems.
21:14Oh, really?
21:16Now, this is weird.
21:18Thelma's not sure whether these lizards are male or female,
21:21but she's still totally convinced there will be babies.
21:25Work that one out.
21:27Well, what's the matter, sweetie?
21:29You've never been to the vet before, have you?
21:31That's what's wrong.
21:33OK. What's this one's name?
21:35This one's Bigfella.
21:37You can see why.
21:39Bigfella's a girl as well.
21:41Don't know.
21:43But you think Bigfella's pregnant?
21:45No, this is the one we think is.
21:47Oh, you don't think Bigfella is?
21:49I don't think Ernie would have mated with this one
21:51to laugh he'd mated with her because that's his favourite lady.
21:56Still to come in Croc Diaries,
21:58Harry's job is on the line after his snakebite crisis,
22:02another snake hits out at Kelsey,
22:04Tracy faces trauma after a fatal animal conflict
22:08and a pregnancy verdict for Thelma's precious lizards.
22:17There's only one way to tell if a lizard of unknown sex
22:20might be pregnant.
22:22Take an X-ray, and it's an anxious wait for poor old Thelma.
22:27I'm ready to go.
22:36Thelma's convinced she'll soon be hearing the scratching of little feet.
22:40But what does Chris Alvette say?
22:42The furthest along she could be would be about three months.
22:47Fetuses inside, we'd expect to see them as bony little lizards.
22:51There's a little shape here, but I really don't think it is a baby.
22:54I think it's just something that she's eaten.
23:02But no babies?
23:05You'd think that'd be it, but not the way Thelma sees it.
23:09Mum's back!
23:11How'd it go?
23:13We're not grandmas yet.
23:15Aren't they pregnant?
23:16No, it didn't show up.
23:18He said Ningen is either just really chubby,
23:22real fast,
23:24or it's too early for it to show up.
23:27He said keep weighing Ningen every week.
23:29No matter what the vet says, Thelma won't even admit they may not be girls.
23:34It's been a big lizard, never been a fat lizard.
23:38Does it show a male or a female?
23:41I can't tell that.
23:43That's what I said, he's got so fat and the tail has stayed exactly the same.
23:46How fat is he?
23:47Cubby, little cubby.
23:48Oh, he's such a chubby little boy.
23:50He's got a bulge.
23:51I know.
23:52Kelsey, Brooke and Ningen, I like to call them Stevie's angels.
23:56And they're on a mission.
23:58Spring the kangaroo has been spotted limping,
24:00and they're checking to see what's causing it.
24:03Here we go.
24:04Oh, I see it.
24:06There's a nasty infection on one of her hind feet,
24:09and it looks like we're going to have to call the vet.
24:12Good spotting, but well spotted, Brooke.
24:18You know, our marketing office is like no other office you've ever seen.
24:22As well as people, there's animals coming and going,
24:25and some of the animals have even got a second job.
24:29Susie and Kelly are handling the daily postage,
24:32and they're calling for help from one of the zoo's ferocious guard dogs.
24:36Lily, we've got a job for you.
24:39So it's time to do some work.
24:42Come over here.
24:45Chester, you might have to move.
24:47You know the routine.
24:48She knows already.
24:49Good girl.
24:52That's so cool.
24:53Lily, one more down.
24:56Lily, Lily.
25:02Come on.
25:08Good girl.
25:10She may be chief postage licker, but Lily does draw the line at some things.
25:15But she doesn't like air mail as much.
25:17No, she doesn't like the air mail stickers.
25:19Fred reckons he's an escapee from a part of the zoo we call the rat house.
25:24A bit of grain for the little treat on Thursday.
25:27This one hasn't got any babies.
25:30It's just straightforward.
25:34How old are those, Fred?
25:35These are about probably two to three weeks old.
25:38Probably two weeks old, I'd say.
25:41They're just getting their eyes.
25:45Their eyes are just starting to open.
25:47Do they bite?
25:48They very seldom bite you because they handle from day one.
25:53From the day they're born, I handle them all the time.
25:57Occasionally you get bitten, but not very often.
25:59It's like any animal, I suppose.
26:01Do you have any favourites?
26:02Oh, you've always got favourites, but you can't.
26:05They're a food item.
26:07And, of course, they're all humanely euthanised before they become a tasty reptile dinner.
26:19Feeding time for the huge pythons.
26:21And when there are two in one place, it can be tricky and dangerous.
26:27The smaller python gets one of Fred's rats, a little snack to keep him busy,
26:31so Kelsey can concentrate on handling the big bloke, who's a lot more dangerous.
26:47Snakes need the whole animal for good nutrition,
26:50and that means the fur, the gut contents and even the bones.
26:54It's a big meal, but it won't be dinner time again for a couple of months.
26:58And those goats, they're humanely killed in an abattoir.
27:01The moment the first snake gets a feed, the whole block goes on food alert.
27:06And that makes it really tough to open the next door and push the food in.
27:19They distract the snake by feeding on the other side of the cage,
27:23and Kelsey grabs her chance.
27:29Now have a look at this.
27:31One leg's caught in the door, and the heat-seeking reptile goes for live prey.
27:36And that is Kelsey.
27:54The snake's holding its prey by the leg. It can easily let go and strike again.
27:59So Kelsey and Harry, who's just back from his snake bite crisis, must have a clear escape route.
28:10Once the snake is fully engaged with its meal, they can go back inside.
28:14The snake can't go into attack mode with a half-swallowed goat in its mouth.
28:20She can't really get the goat now.
28:23You might need to push him in a bit as she goes.
28:25The reason they're helping the snake to feed is because of the woodchips covering the floor.
28:30If the snake swallows them, it could die.
28:32So every woodchip is carefully picked out by hand.
28:39After such a massive meal, the only movement now is the internal rippling of snake digestion.
28:50Steedy's angels have called for reinforcements.
28:53Don't let it kick you in the chest, mate.
28:55They've brought in the vet to treat Spring's swollen foot.
28:57It's an abscess that needs professional attention.
29:00It's all right, darling. It's all right.
29:05We can either put her on antibiotics for five days, see if we can get it cleared up.
29:12It's all right, darling. It's okay.
29:16It's all right, sweetie. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, darling. I'm sorry.
29:22I'm glad it was Spring and not one of the big ones.
29:35It's all right, sweetheart.
29:41Oh, you're a good girl. Good girl.
29:44Okay, this is the sun-dead roof.
29:49What do you want me to do?
29:50Let go.
30:01You okay?
30:02Let her go.
30:05No problem at all. She hops away happily.
30:09Can we put Jasmine on your desk?
30:13She's our little female bandit iguana, and I'm going to be bringing her in.
30:20She's going to be able to play with us.
30:21Oh, isn't she gorgeous? Look at her fat tummy.
30:23We've got to make sure all of our animals get used to being handled,
30:26because one day they may need care or treatment.
30:30Come on, little monster.
30:33Look at her fat tummy.
30:36Oh, my God.
30:39How many offices do you know of where you can sit here with a bandit iguana on your head?
30:44Well, not many, because most office staff work.
30:50Another reason we bring this cute little fella inside is because he's from the tropics,
30:55and it's going to help conserve body heat on cool days.
30:58All right, sweetie. Let's see if we can put her on our log.
31:01Look at her tummy.
31:03One of the things about being married to Steve is that there's never a dull moment,
31:08even when we're having a conversation.
31:10And when I was pregnant with our beautiful daughter, Bindi,
31:13some of the visits to the doctor became a real cultural education.
31:17Steve really has a way with words.
31:21Sweetie, Mommy's pregnant.
31:24Mommy's pregnant.
31:27Mommy had to go to the vet, and she's pregnant.
31:29Mommy had to go to the vet, and she's pregnant.
31:31You should have been spayed. I would have avoided all this.
31:35G'day, mate.
31:37How's your bum for warts?
31:40How come you're the only Australian who uses that greeting, and everyone else is bewildered?
31:45I don't know. I don't think that's true. I think everyone uses it.
31:50G'day, mate. How's your bum for warts?
31:53Most people go, what are you talking about? I bought them for.
31:57Only when you say it.
31:59Oh, is that it? Do I say it wrong?
32:01You say it.
32:02G'day, mate. How's your bum for warts?
32:07Is it lacking?
32:08No, no, you're saying it in American.
32:10Okay, you say it.
32:11G'day, mate. How's your bum for warts?
32:13G'day, mate. How's your bum for warts?
32:19Do you have bums in America?
32:20Yeah, we do. We don't really. Actually, they're more like hobos.
32:25So your bum isn't your bottom in America?
32:28It's your butt.
32:29Yeah, or your fanny.
32:34You know, you wear a fanny pack. They call them bum bags here. They call them fanny packs.
32:40So is bum a naughty word in America?
32:44No. It means hobo.
32:46Oh, it doesn't mean buttocks.
32:50No, it doesn't mean buttocks.
32:52It doesn't mean buttocks?
32:53You're a very interesting person.
32:55I'm going to have a crash.
32:56I like how your glasses go up.
32:57I know.
32:59Really cool.
33:00So, in essence, I could actually say, how's your bum for warts?
33:06And Americans wouldn't really know what I'm talking about.
33:08G'day, mate. How's your butt for warts?
33:12No, you should say it the way you say it.
33:14G'day, mate. How's your bum for warts?
33:16Yeah. And then people can go, what are you talking about? Because they do anyway.
33:20Got it.
33:28Are you a little bit nervous about all this?
33:30About my bum of warts?
33:32No, about seeing Igor.
33:36Are you excited?
33:41Of course I'm excited.
33:42What if it's not Igor? What if it's...
33:44Igor is?
33:47Yvonne. I don't care.
33:53Paging Dr. Matthews. Paging Dr. Matthews.
33:56Ultrasound imaging. What a buzz!
33:58Our very first baby pictures.
34:01There, right? Just across there.
34:04It's his jaw.
34:05Oh, he's crunched up.
34:06It's his little stomach bubble. Just that little bit from there.
34:09See the lab that's going above that?
34:10Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep.
34:12Do a zoom on that so we can see it better.
34:14See it going there?
34:15There it is.
34:16It's getting in there.
34:17It's like a trail of sperm.
34:20Wow, that's so cool.
34:22There it goes. See?
34:24See where his mouth is? He's got his mouth open. He's turned away.
34:27See his ear down here?
34:30Look at his spine.
34:31There's his backbone. Yep.
34:33His ribs come out.
34:34If you look at his nose, honey, make sure it doesn't look like yours.
34:43Susie, could you please call Harry up here?
34:47We've got a wolf spider.
34:49Or Darren.
34:50Or Darren.
34:51To transfer from one jar to another.
34:53And it's got quite a few little babies.
34:56Maybe 50.
34:57All over its back.
34:58Because they're giving me the willies and Jodie the willies.
35:00And we need tweezers to be able to get them out.
35:02And we need tweezers to pick them all out.
35:04Actually, there's tweezers up here. Just a man.
35:07Why is it that spiders always end up with people who ate them most?
35:14I just don't know if I'll squeeze all the babies.
35:17Just tip it in.
35:19You reckon?
35:21We'll just wait for Darren.
35:23Yeah, because my head's gone all itchy.
35:29I thought the little bunch comes all over her back.
35:32There's more of them on her back.
35:34Oh, okay.
35:37Would you like us just to give you some money for your jar?
35:40Darren to the rescue.
35:42A wolf spider can give you a painful, venomous bite.
35:45So he has to be careful.
35:54She's got heaps, hasn't she?
35:55A couple of hundred.
35:59No, that'll just stir her up.
36:01She'll slide.
36:04And all the little babies go.
36:05Look at them.
36:06See all the little webs they throw up?
36:11If you start handling them or if you squash them or something like that,
36:14they might give you a bit of a bite.
36:20Okay, do you want your container back?
36:22There you go.
36:24Get down there.
36:27Thanks a lot.
36:28Australia Zoo has a golden rule.
36:30And for good reason.
36:32If a venomous snake bites you,
36:34then it was your fault and your job is on the line.
36:37And back in one piece.
36:39But you need to explain to me exactly what happened.
36:43Dad, got a minute?
36:45I've got to do that demo.
36:46How long have you got, ten minutes?
36:47Ten minutes.
36:48Yeah, well, we're going to have a brief recreation
36:50of exactly how Harry got bitten by that fierce snake.
36:53You're in charge of snakes.
36:54I believe you have seniority in that snake collection,
36:58so you need to be on board.
37:00Okay, let's do it.
37:01Harry's one of the luckiest blokes alive.
37:03The deadliest snake in the world tagged him,
37:06but didn't inject any venom.
37:08It's what we call a dry bite.
37:14Actually, when I feed the snakes,
37:15I always have the table in the middle.
37:17Is that the case?
37:18Did you have this table out of your way before you got bit?
37:20Table, yeah.
37:22Right, now I'm confident it's okay.
37:24Now you should demonstrate exactly what happened.
37:27Okay, now the snake was up the back.
37:30In the enclosure.
37:32I just opened it up, and I'm stuffed up
37:35because I went like that to throw it to the snake,
37:38and it missed the rat, and then it nicked me.
37:42Just show me outside the exhibit.
37:45I'll be the snake.
37:47You open the door.
37:48Yeah, so here's the side of the enclosure.
37:51Okay, I open the door.
37:53And I put my hand in, like, partially,
37:54and threw it so I get it.
37:55Yes, and it came up and glanced you.
37:57Yeah, it just glanced me right there.
37:59It came in?
38:01Because I said,
38:02I've got to let Steve and Terry know.
38:03It's like, put it there.
38:04Because she started to work the bandage.
38:06This is an easy way to do it.
38:08And called out to Susie and went and got her.
38:09And I came in.
38:10Can you just show me how you did the pressure bandage?
38:13Harry talked me through it.
38:15Was he calm?
38:16Yes, very calm, and he had his head down.
38:17Good boy, Harry.
38:18And he was calming me down.
38:19He was great.
38:21The flying doctor's first aid book, where was that?
38:22It was up on the clip where it is now.
38:24I wrote down the time I was bitten.
38:27The time the first bandage was applied.
38:31And all the information like that
38:32was written on a piece of paper.
38:34And it was put inside here.
38:36And it was put there.
38:37And it was right there.
38:39Harry, I'm going to downgrade you
38:40from your venomous snake activities.
38:42This is not something that I take lightly.
38:44I take this very seriously.
38:46But we need to learn from this experience.
38:49And do you bear any malice towards that snake?
38:51Oh, no.
38:52I mean, like, I bear a lot of embarrassment
38:57for having done something as stupid and basic as that.
39:00Right-o, mate.
39:01So it's up to you to demonstrate to us
39:03your abilities with snakes.
39:04I want you to get back on top of this as quickly as you can.
39:08And prove to us that you're capable
39:10of going back into the firing line.
39:12It's a second chance for Harry.
39:14And for the local school kids,
39:15their first chance for a close-up look
39:17at one of our huge pythons.
39:19We've got something a little special for you guys
39:22since I heard you like snakes.
39:24We never miss a chance
39:26to get out our message about conservation.
39:29We especially work on the animals
39:31that don't have a lot of friends
39:33and that kids love it just as much as we do.
39:35And Barney is a Burmese python.
39:37No, Barney is found in the Burma and Thailand area.
39:41So he's not from Australia,
39:43but he's very similar to some of our Australian snakes,
39:46except he can get a lot bigger.
39:49Barney's just smelling you guys.
39:51And he says you guys smell like a bunch of little kids.
39:59Meanwhile, back at the zoo,
40:01a flock of wild cockies have caused total chaos.
40:04We've had wild animals come into the zoo
40:07for a feed, a fight, a play, a scratch, all the time, whatever.
40:11But this time, they've caused a tragic death.
40:16The wild birds chased our tame cockatoos all over the zoo.
40:20Joe Bob has to be rescued after being clawed
40:23when he came too close to the eagle aviary.
40:26And worse than that, his mate Cocky was killed by Shadow,
40:30one of the zoo's guard dogs.
40:36The death of an animal is just about the worst thing
40:39that can happen in a zoo.
40:41It breaks all of our hearts every single time.
40:44And it's even more disheartening
40:46when the animal is someone's personal friend.
40:50He's all caught up in this.
40:54We had to wrangle him down from the eagles.
40:57I'll show you how you got the neck ripped, Barney.
40:59This guy?
41:01Had him?
41:03Yeah, she only got feathers.
41:05And he just went up.
41:07He's, like, hanging on the eagle cage,
41:09and Amelia had him here.
41:11And he's just like...
41:13Look at Joe Bob. I've got his favourite.
41:16He loves palm fronds.
41:19He's going to rip it up.
41:21Who brought him over here?
41:23She's your girl.
41:25I'd sooner jump in with Agro the crocodile than have her.
41:31You got Joe Bob!
41:33It's a tough job, breaking the news to Tracy
41:36that her beloved Cocky is gone forever.
41:39What's Joe Bob doing?
41:41Shadow killed Cocky.
41:46And there's another cockatoo,
41:48which is forcing him down.
41:50A wild one.
41:52Amelia had Joe Bob this morning.
41:54It was like all hell was breaking loose.
41:56He can't go out on his perch.
41:58Because the other cockatoo pushes him down into eagles.
42:01If he pushes him into grahams...
42:03They don't like Joe.
42:05Cocky didn't like anyone.
42:07Even if Joe landed on Cocky's perch,
42:09Cocky would fly off.
42:11They just don't like sharing.
42:13Look how happy he is to have Tracy.
42:15She's marauding, so they fly down
42:17and ride into eagles.
42:19He just loves his mother.
42:21This is my mother!
42:25This is my mother!
42:27You've been away for a few days.
42:29Another tough job.
42:31And now I have to decide
42:33what to do about Shadow the guard dog.
42:35Did you tell Dave about what Shadow did?
42:39Is he going to talk to Craig?
42:48I don't really know what to do about it.
42:50She's over it.
42:54Chained up.
42:56Even though we're all upset by Cocky's death,
42:58we don't want to see Shadow
43:00pay too high a price.
43:06We don't know what to do.
43:12When Shadow attacked Cocky,
43:14it was a case of instinct overcoming training.
43:16But I have to make dead sure
43:18that she understands
43:20the other zoo animals
43:22are strictly off limits.
43:24You see that bird?
43:30Look at the bird.
43:32You look at that bird.
43:34Look at it.
43:36See the bird?
43:42I'll try to be brave.
43:55In future episodes of Croc Diaries,
43:58a vicious family fight
44:00among the alligators.
44:02The world's most dangerous lawnmowing job.
44:07And we do battle
44:09with a swarm of angry bees.
