Coronation St 2 September 2024

  • 2 days ago
Coronation St 2 September 2024


03:45You agreed, Mum.
03:48I can't handle this.
03:51Not on top of everything else.
03:54I'll deal with it.
03:56No, you won't.
03:59I mean, it's you who's caused this.
04:02You heard him.
04:04He's lost me now cos of you telling Emily.
04:06OK, but she would have found out about Joel anyway.
04:09No, he wants Frankie to replace her.
04:11OK, I know you're upset.
04:13Yeah, I am upset and I'm sick of you interfering.
04:16Lauren, you're being unfair.
04:18I don't care, Dee Dee.
04:20Hang on a minute.
04:22None of this is down to me.
04:24You slept with my fiancé.
04:26You had his baby, Lauren.
04:30I'm sorry, but I've been trying my best to help you.
04:32I never asked you to.
04:37Just go, Dee Dee.
04:40Leave me alone.
04:54Right, that is the kitchen clean.
04:56What do you want to do now?
04:58I've got a few minutes before Gemma arrives.
05:04Window, please.
05:06That's better.
05:10Hurry up.
05:12Right, wind it in.
05:14I'll chuck you out the flaming window.
05:22It's the rabble.
05:24Come on up.
05:26Let's just reposition you so you can see them.
05:34Here we go.
05:36Oh, wow!
05:38First day of school.
05:40Get in your uniforms.
05:42Yeah, they wanted to see Uncle Paul before they go in.
05:45Can I have some toast?
05:47You've had your breakfast. I'm still hungry.
05:49It's all right, I can do toast.
05:51Does anybody else want any toast?
05:53Cleo, do you want toast?
05:57We haven't got any chips.
06:00Hey, is this all right, bro?
06:04Good, cos they're not in till 12,
06:06so you've got, like, two more hours of this.
06:08And how is she now?
06:11Er, upset, mostly.
06:14Taking it out on me.
06:16I'm sure she doesn't mean it.
06:19Oh, we need to stop Joel.
06:21OK, he's ruining her life.
06:23My hands are tied, Dee Dee.
06:26Did you come across any other girls that he'd been involved with?
06:31There's got to be some out there.
06:33I was wondering if he had any friends
06:35who might have an inkling about what he was doing.
06:39I don't think he's got any.
06:42I mean, I never met them.
06:44Red flag.
06:46Or colleagues, maybe.
06:48He was at a firm called Walcott Associates for a few years,
06:53but left Buckley.
06:55OK, do you know why?
06:57No, and now the case is closed, I'm not allowed to go and ask.
07:00But I could.
07:02Well, apparently, they have a department
07:04that does pro bono work for vulnerable young people.
07:08And he split up with his ex-wife because he had an affair.
07:11What, while he was at Walcott's?
07:13I don't know for sure, but I'd be happy to put money on it.
07:18Costello wants to see you.
07:22Not still working on the Bolton case, are you?
07:25No, of course not.
07:27So what are you doing here, then, social call?
07:29That's none of your business.
07:31I'm your superior officer,
07:33and I'll see who I want to, when I want to, where I want to.
07:40Right, let's get everybody together for a photo.
07:43Oh, yeah, turn it off, Joseph.
07:45Oh, this is good, this. One of these two sets up.
07:47I don't care, it's picture time!
07:53Yeah, come and join the photo.
07:56Yeah, come and join the party.
08:00Oh, put you there.
08:03I'll have a nice first-day-at-school photo with Uncle Karl.
08:06You took your photos without me?
08:08I texted you.
08:10But I never got it.
08:12Oh, yeah, yeah, here it is.
08:14Apology accepted.
08:16Yeah, well, it's lucky I bobbed round.
08:18How are you doing, kiddo?
08:23Can't wait to wear it.
08:25Right, come on, photo, now.
08:27You ready to say cheese?
08:29Everybody say cheese!
08:31Beautiful. Let's have another one.
08:33Ah, cheers!
08:40Some mushrooms in the pan, if you want.
08:42Oh, thanks. Right, I'm going to get going.
08:44Did you manage to speak to Amy yesterday?
08:46Er, no, not quite.
08:48Tracy? She had her Mrs stay away.
08:50Yeah, well, you can't blame her, can you?
08:52I sent it. It's a good investment.
08:54Rowan's a man of his word.
08:56Yeah, and that word is charlatan.
08:58Look, Amy has got nothing to worry about.
09:00Anyway, I'd better get going. I need to open up. See you later.
09:07I don't think Amy's going to see a penny of her money ever again.
09:10Yeah, I agree.
09:12We need to do something.
09:14We don't. It's not your fight.
09:16But it's wrong, Nick. What they've done, what Leanne's done.
09:18Don't get wound up.
09:22Yeah, OK, you're right.
09:24You can sit down, put your feet up.
09:29I do appreciate you looking after me, you know.
09:32Yeah, someone's got to, haven't they?
09:34Oh, how about some of those mushrooms, then? On toast.
09:37God, you're so needy.
09:39I'm just hungry.
09:45Where's that barrister?
09:47I've got a message. She'll be out in a minute.
09:54What are you looking at?
09:56I've just been informed about your cosy little plea deal.
10:01And... it's a disgrace.
10:03What, like making deepfake videos of people?
10:06That boy tried to kill me and now he's going to get off with a slap on the wrist.
10:09He's a kid, lashing out because someone tried to wreck his family.
10:13Well, he picked on the wrong person.
10:15What are you going to do about it?
10:17My barrister is going to oppose it.
10:19Get him sent down.
10:21No chance. It's a first offence.
10:23You all need locking up.
10:25Look at the state of you.
10:27All dressed up smart for court.
10:29I bet that's the only suit you've got, isn't it?
10:33You're all just a waste of oxygen.
10:35A backstreet grease monkey and his druggie wife.
10:38Pathetic failures, the lot of you.
10:40All right, mate, let's take this outside, shall we?
10:43Just leave it, Kev.
10:56Hello. Diana Bailey, to see Mal Wolcott.
10:59I have an appointment.
11:01Take a seat. I'll let him know you're here.
11:07Miss Bailey suit to see you?
11:10He's on his way down. Can I get you a drink?
11:13Just some water would be great, thanks.
11:19Ah, Miss Bailey. Lovely to meet you.
11:22Great to meet you too, and thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice.
11:25Oh, it's no problem. I'm excited by your proposal.
11:28It's an area we've been looking to get into.
11:30Well, actually, I have a confession.
11:34I don't really have a proposal.
11:36Right. So what are you here for?
11:38It's about an ex-employee of yours, Joel Dearing.
11:43Well, as you'll be aware, I can't discuss current or former employees.
11:46I know, but this is serious, Mr Wolcott.
11:50Joel has been arrested for GBH against a young woman he was representing.
11:54Well, I'm afraid I know nothing about that.
11:57But you might know if he did something similar whilst he was here.
12:00As I said... I heard what you said.
12:03But I'm not leaving here until you give me some information.
12:23Look, I'll try and answer your questions,
12:25but I won't be able to give any confidential information.
12:28I totally understand.
12:30So, what do you want to know?
12:32Well, I'm told Joel had an affair while he worked here.
12:36I understand that Joel may have had some marital difficulties.
12:41OK, so was this affair with someone who worked here?
12:46Thanks, James. Thank you.
12:51Not that I'm aware of.
12:53OK, perhaps a client? Certainly not.
12:56OK, but Joel worked in a department
12:58that did pro bono work for vulnerable young people, did he not?
13:02OK, so could it be one of those clients he had an affair with?
13:05I highly doubt it.
13:07Joel was a good man and an excellent lawyer.
13:11An asset to the business, really.
13:13So why did he leave?
13:15He wanted a press challenge.
13:18More money, the usual.
13:21OK, well...
13:23I mean, was he ever in any sort of trouble?
13:26Any complaints, that sort of thing?
13:28No. Look, I'm sorry, is that everything?
13:30I've got another meeting in five minutes.
13:33I suppose so.
13:35Thanks for seeing me.
13:38And I am sorry about the false pretences.
13:42It's fine. I won't call the SRA.
13:46I've just had someone here asking some awkward questions.
13:51Oh, I told you to stay away, Battersby.
13:53I just want a word with Amy.
13:55Go and rob some other kids.
13:57I saw Lily Platt with her pocket money earlier.
13:59Mum, I can talk to Leanne. I don't need a guard dog.
14:02I just wanted to say...
14:04I'm sorry.
14:06I'm sorry.
14:08I'm sorry.
14:10I'm sorry.
14:12I'm sorry.
14:14Look, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry the way things have turned out.
14:17Me too.
14:19And I will keep pushing Rowan to get your money back.
14:21I should flaming hope so.
14:23But the Resource Centre, it really is a good idea.
14:26But I just wanted to say,
14:29if there's anything I can do to help, just say.
14:32Actually, yeah, there is.
14:34I can have my job back.
14:36You are joking.
14:38Why would you want to go back and work for this grifter?
14:40Because I didn't want to leave.
14:42It was Rowan messing with my head.
14:44I actually quite liked it there.
14:46Of course you can have your job back.
14:48We'd love to have you. You can start this afternoon if you want.
14:52Can she have a pay rise?
14:54Yeah, yeah, I'll see what I can do.
14:58And another thing,
15:00I was just wanting to ask you,
15:02are you still planning on suing the Institute?
15:05Yeah, two right we are. Luckily, we've got a solicitor in the family.
15:08Mum, she was talking to me.
15:10Why don't you just go get some hot pots?
15:12Because I want to stay here, in case she tries to nick your purse.
15:14Mushy peas and red cabbage are mine.
15:16Oh, whatever.
15:20Antoine's your question, yeah. I am.
15:22Right, OK.
15:24It's just,
15:26I don't think that's a good idea.
15:28Why not?
15:30Well, the Institute have got a massive legal team
15:32and I would hate for you to lose any more money.
15:34You saw what happened to our toyer.
15:36Yeah, I did. But I won't be bullied.
15:38I think I was conned into giving them that money
15:40and I've asked for it back, so I don't see why I shouldn't get it.
15:42Yeah, yeah, course.
15:44Well, right, it's your choice.
15:46Yeah, it is.
15:48See you after dinner.
15:56Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?
15:58And you're still a free man, like you said.
16:00So, what happens next?
16:02Well, you're not listening in there.
16:04Yeah, but it's hard to understand it all.
16:06You're going to meet the youth offenders team tomorrow.
16:08And you're back here next week for sentencing.
16:10Write it down.
16:12What the hell do you think you're doing?
16:14You have absolutely no right to be here.
16:16Oh, same old Stefan, blaming everyone else.
16:18Are you OK?
16:20This has nothing to do with you.
16:22I'm fine, thank you.
16:24I'd stay clear of him if I were you. He's pure evil.
16:26You just don't learn, do you?
16:28Stay away from me.
16:30With pleasure.
16:32Come on, guys.
16:37You fancy another one?
16:39No, I need to get back, really.
16:41We've only just got here.
16:43I'm busy. It's not like school.
16:47Are you still thinking about Mason?
16:49Yeah, a bit.
16:51I feel guilty.
16:53Think you might change your mind?
16:55Fess up?
16:57Can't risk it.
16:59I mean, we could do something else if you want.
17:01Go for a walk, ice cream...
17:03I've not got time.
17:05What about tonight?
17:07I can't.
17:11Have you gone off me?
17:13No. I don't know, I just...
17:15I think it was too soon after Mason.
17:19Fair enough.
17:21We can be friends, though.
17:27I'd better go.
17:31Oh, sorry.
17:35How did your little date go?
17:37Not good.
17:39I think I've just been dumped.
17:41Oh, no.
17:45Well, you were too good for her, anyway.
17:47I can't tell you the amount of times I've been dumped.
17:51Kenny Morgan, he was the worst.
17:53He had the dreamiest eyes.
17:59They were only here for a few hours,
18:01but they've eaten everything in the flat.
18:05I'm proposing to you.
18:09I'm going to miss them kids.
18:11Don't let them forget me.
18:17I won't.
18:27You need to stop poking your nose
18:29into other people's business.
18:31What are you going on about now?
18:33I heard all about your little trip to Walcott's.
18:35What exactly did you think you'd find out?
18:37I know you had an affair when you were with Emily.
18:39You already knew that.
18:41That's ancient history, and it's also not illegal.
18:43Yeah, but how old was this one, eh?
18:45Same age as Lauren.
18:49Were you acting for her as well?
18:51No, I...
18:53I wasn't. It was a mistake.
18:55Just like hooking up with Lauren was a mistake,
18:57and I regret them both.
18:59No, you've got secrets, Joel.
19:01I know you do.
19:05And I'm going to find them.
19:07There's nothing to find.
19:09So you need to stop this harassment,
19:11or I'll have to retaliate.
19:13Are you threatening to hurt me?
19:15No, of course not.
19:17What do you think I am?
19:19A liar?
19:21An abuser? Attempted murderer?
19:23You take your pick.
19:25You need to back off,
19:27or I'm going to have to have a word with Swain
19:29about how offensive it is of your dad
19:31and your uncle.
19:33Insider trading is a serious offence,
19:35and I only sat on all of that
19:37because of our love for each other,
19:39but if that's gone...
19:43Has he given you any trouble?
19:47No, we were just having a chat.
19:49Weren't we, Deeds?
19:55I'd love an excuse to arrest you.
19:59Well, I'd best be off.
20:01I enjoyed our little chat, though.
20:03It was constructive.
20:09Oh, come on, move, you stupid nut!
20:13Well, so will you now.
20:15Now, I just can't get that flammy nut out.
20:17Is this really about a nut?
20:21It's him, innit?
20:23It's Stefan Flaming Brent ruining everyone's lives.
20:25Well, there's nothing we can do, is there?
20:27Jack in court for arson.
20:29He wouldn't do that in a million years.
20:31Stefan made him, he pushed him to it.
20:33And then there's everything else.
20:35Yes, I know.
20:37And he's getting away with it. What kind of justice is that?
20:39Justice for the rich.
20:47Abi Webster?
20:49Yeah, do I know you?
20:51We met at court earlier.
20:53You look really familiar.
20:55I'm Coral Brent, Stefan's wife.
20:57Corey's mum.
20:59Right. What do you want with me?
21:03Are you sure he didn't threaten you?
21:05You just seem a bit rattled.
21:07No, I'm fine.
21:09It's just unpleasant to be near him, innit?
21:13So, go on, how did you get on at Walcott's?
21:17No luck, I'm afraid.
21:19Apparently Joel was a model employee.
21:21Do you believe them?
21:23They probably don't want
21:25any bad publicity, or
21:27there's an NDA involved.
21:31So that's it, then?
21:33I hate
21:35dead ends.
21:39I'd better get back to work.
21:41You know, crimes to solve,
21:43teenage daughters to keep track of.
21:45If you can think of anything,
21:47you just let me know, yeah?
21:49Yeah, yeah, course I will.
21:53Diana Bailey?
21:55Uh, yeah?
21:59Okay, when can you meet?
22:01Great, I'll send you the address.
22:05Good news?
22:07Looks like it might not be
22:09a dead end after all.
22:19You can sit down if you want,
22:21but I won't be bobbing the kettle.
22:23I'm grateful you've let me over the threshold.
22:25I've been meaning to come
22:27for ages, but
22:29I had a breakdown after...
22:33after my Corey killed yourself.
22:35Yeah, I know what afterwards is,
22:37after living afterwards.
22:39Of course, sorry.
22:41I think my brain knocked it out,
22:43I went completely doolally,
22:45and much worse, it's gone.
22:47No doubt, I went completely doolally.
22:49Much worse for you, I know.
22:51No comparison.
22:53My family's torn your lives apart.
22:55I don't...
22:57don't blame you.
22:59Corey knew
23:01what he was doing when he murdered
23:03Seven. Stefan knew exactly what he was doing
23:05with the deepfakes.
23:07Stefan was always mean,
23:09violent and manipulative.
23:11Maybe if I'd stood up to him a bit more,
23:13set a better example for Corey
23:15when he were growing up,
23:17if I hadn't been such a nervous wreck...
23:19Don't be sticking up for him.
23:21I wouldn't dream. I heard what happened with Jack and Kevin.
23:25I had to come.
23:27I can't just stand by and do nothing while Stefan
23:29puts your family through even more grief.
23:31You've been through enough.
23:33Well, that's a nice thought,
23:35but you're too late.
23:37Stefan's life is in ruins,
23:39and if knowing that gives you a crumb of comfort,
23:41I'm glad.
23:43Joel's old work phone.
23:45Thought it might shed a bit of light.
23:49I mean, you've gone above and beyond.
23:51He left Wolcott's under a cloud.
23:53The rumour mill went crazy.
23:55What kind of cloud?
23:57No clue. One minute he's the chosen one,
23:59next thing he's on permanent garning leave.
24:01No leaving present,
24:03no speeches, no drinks,
24:05airbrushed out of history.
24:07That is odd.
24:09Whatever went on, the bosses wanted it swept under the carpets.
24:11Well, no wonder the rumour mill went into overdrive.
24:13I thought he was dead
24:15till he tipped up one day to return his phone and laptop.
24:17The phone's been in the drawer ever since.
24:19Well, look, thank you for taking the time.
24:21Hope it's useful.
24:23But you didn't get it from me, OK?
24:25No worries on that score.
24:29I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of him.
24:31Loud and clear.
24:45Yeah, right up there.
24:47Oliver Reed.
24:49The second sexiest man who ever lived.
24:51Roger Federer,
24:53obviously being the first.
24:59Hey, what've I missed? Oliver.
25:01Oh, now there's a musical.
25:03Yeah, people often say I've got
25:05Nancy vibes.
25:07I saw that.
25:09If you want something to do in,
25:11ask a busy person.
25:13Uncle Paul
25:15and his fan club.
25:17Oh, that was quick.
25:19Yeah, well, time's precious.
25:21Got one for our place and all.
25:23I'm gutted I missed
25:25I'd Do Anything.
25:27Can we rewind?
25:29Oh, can we? Oh, Fagin's little legs
25:31when he twirls round with that broller.
25:33Right, you take a breather, Billy Bob.
25:35We've got a date with Oliver Reed.
25:37Oh, cos I do have a couple of errands.
25:39Yeah, and Jack Wild.
25:41Bless his cottons.
25:43And, um,
25:45Mark Lester.
25:47Yeah, he was big bezzies
25:49with Michael Jackson, him.
25:55Come in.
26:01I, um...
26:03I got you an Americano
26:05from Roy's, with extra hot milk.
26:07I mean, Alex
26:09did say that you drink too much of it.
26:13TMI, I'm... I'm nervous, sorry.
26:15Oh, don't be.
26:17And, actually, perfect timing. Thanks.
26:21Look, I'm... I'm sorry I was a cow
26:25I'm sorry, too.
26:27I shouldn't have retaliated.
26:29You're in a terrible position.
26:31All you've ever done is try to help me.
26:35And you are a victim, too.
26:37Well, I hate him way more than I ever loved him.
26:41And I really did love him, so...
26:45That's why I'm doing OK.
26:47Which is more than can be said for you.
26:51I don't want Joel anywhere near Frankie.
26:53But I know he's gonna do
26:55everything he can
26:57to take him away.
26:59They have laws, Lauren. Even Joel has to abide by them.
27:01And everybody has got his number.
27:03Yeah, but it's my word against his, though, innit?
27:07And I... I played right into his hands.
27:11I'm so stupid.
27:13Do not put yourself down.
27:15He's coming for me, Dee Dee.
27:17And he's...
27:19He's not gonna stop until he's taken Frankie away.
27:21I mean, you know what he's like.
27:23OK, look, just take a deep breath. I promise it will help.
27:25He's gonna take my baby away from me.
27:27Breathe, Lauren.
27:29But he's gonna take my baby away.
27:35Hearing him lay into your family like that...
27:37Sticks and stones. It was wrong.
27:39Everything about this is wrong.
27:41He's drowning in debt. His mates won't touch him with a barge pole.
27:43Corey won't have anything to do with him.
27:45Refuses to let him visit.
27:47And that kills Stefan on a daily basis.
27:49See, that should make me want to hang
27:51bunting across the street, but...
27:55I've got nothing.
27:57That's just it. You've got everything.
27:59A family that loves you.
28:01The most loyal stepson in the world.
28:03Look, it took us for you to come.
28:05We've both lost our sons. Can we just leave it there?
28:07I've... I've got this churning.
28:09I can't do this. I'm sorry.
28:11What can I do to help?
28:13With respect, leave.
28:15Just try and find
28:17a bit of happiness. I have.
28:19I've got money. I want you to have it.
28:21Coral. I took him to the cleaners in the settlement.
28:23Maybe you could have a family holiday.
28:25Sorry. That sounds crass.
28:27I don't want your money. I don't want anything from you.
28:29Might make life more comfortable.
28:31A trust fund for Alfie.
28:35let me give you £10,000, please.
28:39It's a kind thought.
28:41But I don't want it
28:43and I don't need it.
28:47Jack and Kevin will be home soon.
28:49I'm rooting for you, Abi.
28:55Have an uneventful life.
28:59Sounds wonderful.
29:03I'll be off, then.
29:11Joel's wiped it, obviously.
29:13I mean, you're IT guys.
29:15They can retrieve anything, right?
29:17So they say.
29:23In theory...
29:27The case is closed,
29:29Dee Dee.
29:31You're bringing me potential new evidence
29:33when I've already told you I can't help.
29:35I know, but we have to put our heads together
29:37and lock him away.
29:39The case is closed.
29:41Joel was not my only visitor today.
29:43Lauren came and she...
29:45She's right on the edge.
29:47Poor girl.
29:49At least it's going to get to keep Frankie
29:51and I've got an awful feeling she's bang on the money, Lisa.
29:55Look, getting this phone checked
29:57is so risky.
29:59I know that sounds lame, but I...
30:01I get it. I do.
30:03But I would not be piling on the pressure
30:05if things were not so desperate.
30:13At the end of the day,
30:15love hurts.
30:17Is that the best you can come up with?
30:19All right, then.
30:21Romantic love hurts. The end.
30:23But, you know, we live and we learn.
30:25We move on. Personal growth,
30:27emotional intelligence and all that.
30:29Right, Dad, you don't have to fill every silence.
30:33You know what? Getting dumped
30:35humbles you. Plus, it gives you a radar
30:37to spot the wrong-uns.
30:39Best you weren't a wrong-un.
30:41Hey! What happened, fam?
30:43Oh, better not. Got a new top.
30:45School. Oh, that's a milestone.
30:47Yeah. Their teacher's not going to know
30:49what's hit them.
30:51Billy, what are you doing?
30:53Oh, Billy, you're trailing tomatoes.
30:57I paid a fiver for this bag.
30:59Can I really just say that?
31:01How's Paul?
31:03He's watching Oliver with Bernie.
31:05The musical?
31:07A young Oliver Reed, Swinson.
31:09Cheers, Dylan.
31:13Ramsay, a cuppa?
31:15Do you know what? I can't, really.
31:17I need to get back.
31:19Well, Mum's there, isn't she?
31:21Yeah, you're allowed a breather.
31:23I just feel like I need to spend as much time
31:25with them as I can. Now it feels like we're on
31:29Well, I don't hear. Start at six for them tomorrow.
31:31The quads started school today.
31:33Autumn, just around the corner.
31:35Oh, I can't even think about that now.
31:37Pick quads up from school,
31:39feed quads,
31:41safe and alive on my watch,
31:43don't think about tomorrow.
31:45It works.
31:47I'll give it a go.
31:49Take a rain check on that brew, yeah?
31:51I'll hold you to that.
31:57I'm sending you the Institute's file
31:59on Amy. It's privileged access.
32:01I'd like you to view it forensically
32:03and compare the recordings
32:05with Amy's upload session.
32:07It's nothing sinister.
32:09We just need a little something to fire
32:11a warning shot across the bows,
32:13get her to drop the legal proceedings.
32:15But I thought her upload session would have been
32:17deleted by now. It was,
32:19but thankfully we managed to retrieve it.
32:23You look dubious.
32:25Well, I'm just thinking of it from Amy's
32:27point of view.
32:29If a refund really is off the table, then
32:31she's going to be devastated
32:33and this kind of feels like we're blackmailing her.
32:37Okay, let's unpack
32:39devastated and blackmail.
32:41One's wealth isn't one's wealth.
32:43One's health is one's wealth.
32:45Amy's a young woman
32:47with decades of earning potential.
32:49Devastated should be confined to
32:51war zones, genocides, famine...
32:53Yeah, I get what you're saying, but I...
32:55Blackmail is a very strong word.
32:57We're simply giving Amy a reality
33:01Litigation is a very dirty
33:03business. So we fight
33:05fire with fire. Exactly.
33:07Show Amy that we are
33:09benevolent, but we will
33:11also bear our teeth if necessary.
33:13I've got
33:15our best advocate
33:17on the case.
33:23I'm just saying, you've got to
33:25watch your work-life balance, that's
33:27all. You know it freaks me out when you
33:29talk like this. Yeah, I'm a concerned dad.
33:31I mean, look at all these goat-getting
33:33businesswomen, are they happy? Okay,
33:35respectfully, Dad. Stop.
33:39That's a very
33:41serious face, Detective.
33:43I've had a tip-off that you, your
33:45dad and your uncle have been involved in some insider
33:47trading. Alleged
33:49insider trading.
33:51No idea.
33:53It's Joel.
33:55My brothers-in-law and the niece,
33:57could we... That's Ryan?
34:01What the hell's he
34:05Operation Take Down Dee Dee.
34:19Insider trading,
34:21eh? Sounds like the sort of thing you need a brain
34:23for. I'm not even sure I know what it is
34:25myself. Don't sweat it, Dad.
34:27Your thing's a joke.
34:29Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
34:31This has got Joel written all over it.
34:33Anything to discredit
34:35me. The tip-off is quite
34:39I just find it funny how the police
34:41can't waste precious resources
34:43investigating Joel, who is a danger
34:45and a menace.
34:47When it comes to baseless allegations
34:49involving money,
34:51abracadabra, resources appear.
34:53Hey, you preaching
34:55to the choir? Sorry.
34:57He's just
34:59thought that he can sling as much mud as
35:01he likes and he's gone straight for my jugular.
35:03Right, well,
35:05I'll be in touch if any more questions arise.
35:07OK, it's her.
35:09Sorry to have taken up your time. We didn't even
35:11get you a brew. I'm drowning in
35:19I am so sorry.
35:21Shut up, Dad.
35:29I've dragged you into my mess.
35:31Oh, Joel has dragged me into this mess.
35:33Well, he's given it his best shot anyway,
35:35despite there being no evidence.
35:37Of course there's no evidence. It's got nothing to do
35:39with you, girl.
35:41You think a little thing like the truth is going to stop him?
35:45She offered you money?
35:47She knows we can't be bought, Kev.
35:49Well, she just pulled a cheque out of her handbag.
35:51She had it all planned.
35:53She's an operator.
35:55Is she, Ake? She's a grieving wife and mother.
35:57Her two are still alive,
36:01Oh, I'm so glad we're having this nice, civilised discussion.
36:03Imagine if you went off at the deep end
36:05and perished the thought.
36:07She should stay clear. All she's done is upset you.
36:09The weird thing is,
36:11she's sat in that courtroom and envied me.
36:13Not as though she should.
36:15Forget about the cheque.
36:17Look what we've got.
36:19Square eyes over there.
36:21Both of us, if you had to.
36:23And I know the 5am wake-ups are a killer, but
36:25how great is Alfie?
36:27Best of all, we've got each other.
36:29Like, properly got each other's backs.
36:31So let
36:33vile, nasty Stefan do his worst.
36:35I'm over it.
36:37He's lost everything.
36:39I just want to focus on us and our lads.
36:41You really mean it?
36:43I am so over
36:45hating and resenting, Kev.
36:47I'm over it.
36:51I've been on to the
36:53solicitors' regulation authority.
36:55I've told them you're as straight as a die.
37:01But now the police are looking into it.
37:03No smoke without fire and all that.
37:05Except Joel started the fire.
37:07Undoubtedly, but it's bad for business.
37:09You mean I'm bad for business?
37:11If you want to get rid of me, I don't...
37:13Don't be daft. As if.
37:15I just think you should maybe
37:17step down for a bit.
37:19Work from home. Be less visible.
37:21No, no. Like, step aside.
37:23Step away.
37:25So many steps, eh?
37:27Just until things pan out.
37:29Pan out? You're a solicitor, Adam.
37:31Stop dancing around it.
37:33Look, I'm sorry. It's part
37:35self-interest. I don't think your head's fully
37:37in the game right now.
37:41And it's part duty of care. You're under enormous strain.
37:43I can keep things ticking over
37:45and you'll be on full pay.
37:51Guess it makes sense.
37:53I'm not suggesting this lightly. I know.
37:57You do realise
37:59this is exactly what Joel wanted?
38:01Come here.
38:11Hello? So I found this purse
38:13in my pocket. Brand new.
38:15What do you want?
38:17Justice, Betsy.
38:19You know, I
38:21never really understood people's obsession
38:23with justice until I got
38:25banged up for something I didn't do.
38:29I'm just going to the loo. Meet you in the car, yeah?
38:33Should I put it on speaker?
38:35I've gotta go.
38:37Betsy, listen to me.
38:39If you do not
38:41come clean today,
38:43I will have to find my own
38:45type of justice.
38:59You have got some nerve.
39:01Trying to dismantle everything
39:03I've built cos I've seen the real you.
39:05You shouldn't have come gunning for me.
39:07Siding with Laura and making me lose access to me.
39:09Your chickens are coming home to roost.
39:11I'm not losing my son, too. He's not going to be dragged up in poverty
39:13by that needy little leech.
39:15I'm not having it.
39:17You need help, Joel.
39:19You're damaged. Way more damaged
39:21than you realise.
39:25Oh, why do you think that could, er,
39:27help my case? That's a good call.
39:29I'm serious. You need taken off the streets.
39:33You need help.
39:37Run away with me.
39:39What? You heard.
39:41Love defies logic. You can't just turn it off like it's hot.
39:43I've switched mine off at the mains.
39:45Nice analogy.
39:49A compliment from you means absolutely
39:57Oh, I adored you.
39:59We could have had
40:01a great life together.
40:05We still can.
40:07We built on lies.
40:09Cos love was real.
40:11Until you bludgeoned it to death with your cruelty.
40:15Me treating Laura...
40:17Look, you've seen the worst of me.
40:19But you bring out the best in me.
40:21Hurting you was never my intention.
40:25You're my future.
40:31Get your hands
40:33off me.
40:37If we could just draw a line
40:39in the sand.
40:41Press reset.
40:51You're delusional.
41:07Hey, good to have you back.
41:09Thanks. I need the money.
41:11I'm not stopping. I've just come back for my laptop.
41:13I'm so glad
41:15she gave you your job back.
41:17Yeah. Shame I had to come with a little lecture.
41:19Go on.
41:21You know, my investment's safe as houses.
41:23Why take on the Institute when they're a force for good?
41:25And that I'll end up paying their legal costs as well as my own.
41:27Putting the frighteners on.
41:29That's not the real Ian.
41:31It is. Unless it was a bop.
41:33They've done the proper number on her.
41:35He did try to warn me.
41:37I wish I'd tried harder. Wouldn't have made any difference.
41:39The Institute makes you feel like
41:41you can walk on water. It's like
41:43finally someone sees what I've always secretly suspected.
41:45That I'm special.
41:47Oh, no. That'd be
41:4940 grand, please, Amy. Ooh, what a bargain. Would you like
41:51cash or bank transfer?
41:53Just remember you're the victim of Fordsters.
41:55I am
41:57special. You'd go a long way
41:59to find someone more gullible than me.
42:05Not a
42:07cairn in the world.
42:09Well, if it thinks like a
42:11bot and acts like a bot.
42:23Well, I've had
42:25warmer welcomes.
42:27Sorry. If you'd
42:29got here ten minutes earlier, you could have said hi to John.
42:31Brass neck.
42:33Brass neck.
42:35Are you all right?
42:39He's poisoned the waters
42:41with the SRA, who now think I've been involved
42:43in insider trading.
42:45Adam's put me on paid leave.
42:49to answer your question, my career
42:51is in the toilet.
42:53My ex-fiancé is a high-functioning
42:55psycho. I'm worried sick about Lauren
42:57and Frankie, but
42:59other than that, peachy.
43:07just try to roll with the punches.
43:09He's gonna win the odd battle, but
43:11we've got truth
43:13on our side.
43:15It's hard for that. Very
43:19I've given his phone
43:21to a mate in IT forensics.
43:23She's gonna try to recover any data
43:25she can, but
43:27keep on the down low, yeah?
43:29That's great news.
43:31I mean, it's a big
43:33risk for you. Huge.
43:35Career ending.
43:39But it isn't gonna come to that,
43:41is it, Miss Bailey?
43:45No, it will not, dear Swin.
43:47Cos we're going to nail that
43:51You know,
43:53they got Al Capone on tax
43:57Doesn't matter how we get him,
43:59as long as we get him.