»Wir haben wieder Hoffnung auf ein neues Killzone, ein düsteres Battlefield oder ein C&C, das kein verdammtes Mobile-Spiel ist«, heißt es von den Machern von The Forever Winter . Das erklärte Ziel: Zurück zu finsteren und erwachsenen Settings und weg von aufdringlichen Mikrotransaktionen.
Düsteres PvE-Survival
Gegen die Postapokalypse von The Forever Winter wirkt sogar die Terminator-Zukunft fast noch freundlich ! Hier tobt ein endloser Krieg zwischen gewaltigen Armeen von Tötungsmaschinen, während wir in den Trümmern nach nützlichem Loot suchen und den blutrünstigen Konfliktparteien tunlichst aus dem Weg gehen.
Basis & Crafting
Haben wir Beute gemacht, bringen wir sie in unseren Unterschlupf unter der Erde, wo keine Killer-Bots, Mechs, Bomben und andere Gefahren lauern. Die Schlachten werden dynamisch und autonom von der KI gesteuert. PvP gibt es nicht, wir überleben allein oder im Koop. Zwischen den Expeditionen zur Oberfläche können wir in unserer Basis an Waffen und Ausrüstung basteln.
The Forever Winter startet am 24. September bei Steam in den Early Access und bietet vier fertige Maps, eine Reihe von Waffen, fünf spielbare Charaktere und erste große Bossgegner, die besonders albtraumhaft aussehen. Der Preis wird rund 30 Euro betragen.
Die Entwickler betonen, dass The Forever Winter niemals Pay2Win sein wird und man eine faire Monetarisierung sicherstellen will. Neue Spielfiguren, Maps, Quests oder Waffen erscheinen kostenlos und ohne Bezahlschranke.
Düsteres PvE-Survival
Gegen die Postapokalypse von The Forever Winter wirkt sogar die Terminator-Zukunft fast noch freundlich ! Hier tobt ein endloser Krieg zwischen gewaltigen Armeen von Tötungsmaschinen, während wir in den Trümmern nach nützlichem Loot suchen und den blutrünstigen Konfliktparteien tunlichst aus dem Weg gehen.
Basis & Crafting
Haben wir Beute gemacht, bringen wir sie in unseren Unterschlupf unter der Erde, wo keine Killer-Bots, Mechs, Bomben und andere Gefahren lauern. Die Schlachten werden dynamisch und autonom von der KI gesteuert. PvP gibt es nicht, wir überleben allein oder im Koop. Zwischen den Expeditionen zur Oberfläche können wir in unserer Basis an Waffen und Ausrüstung basteln.
The Forever Winter startet am 24. September bei Steam in den Early Access und bietet vier fertige Maps, eine Reihe von Waffen, fünf spielbare Charaktere und erste große Bossgegner, die besonders albtraumhaft aussehen. Der Preis wird rund 30 Euro betragen.
Die Entwickler betonen, dass The Forever Winter niemals Pay2Win sein wird und man eine faire Monetarisierung sicherstellen will. Neue Spielfiguren, Maps, Quests oder Waffen erscheinen kostenlos und ohne Bezahlschranke.
00:00So, here's the deal. These past few months, we've had an outpour of positive reception from you guys around what we're creating, and we really want to get that game out to you sooner.
00:12That's why we're diving right into Early Access on September 24th, 2024.
00:18And a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the beta.
00:21The team has been rocking around the clock to incorporate a ton of the feedback you guys gave us, and we can't wait to share the progress.
00:28Now, I don't believe anyone should have to pay more than 50 USD for a game.
00:32And if you want to support the team above and beyond the initial price point, that is awesome, and we really appreciate it.
00:39There will be a special edition with the game's soundtrack and Jason's awesome tunes.
00:43But that should be your choice, based on how much you guys dig the game.
00:46So, the Forever Winter is going to be 27 USD at Early Access.
00:50There will be zero pay-to-win solutions.
00:53You will earn your gear via skill or luck, and you will not be able to buy your way into Nirvana.
00:59You will never be charged for a new character, because that's the way it should be when you buy a game.
01:04You will not be charged for maps, and you will never be charged for a new character.
01:08You will never be charged for a new character, because that's the way it should be when you buy a game.
01:11You will not be charged for maps, guns, additional quests, new bosses, and more.
01:17That nickel and diming shit is for the birds.
01:20We will charge for skin packs, and any sales there will go to supporting the character team, and allowing us to make even more baller characters in the future.
01:29Now, why do all this?
01:31I fondly remember a time growing up in the 90s, when you could go to CompUSA and buy a boxed copy of Command & Conquer, Giant Citizen Kabuto, or KKND for 50 bucks, or less, and be set for months.
01:44I'm really hoping we can get back there.
01:47Now for the roadmap.
01:49We really respect what the homies did with Ready or Not.
01:52Having the balls to release greybox maps into their map lineup was incredible.
01:57So we're taking a page out of their book.
02:00We will give you one work-in-progress map early, so you guys can scope it out, have some fun, and hopefully give the team some super helpful feedback, so we can make them even more kickass when they drop fully.
02:13Taking it one step further, we want the community to get a chance to vote on which bosses and which features we bring online first in our post-launch plan.
02:23Anyone who bought the game will get access to an exclusive channel in our Discord.
02:28There, you will be able to vote on what or who drops next.
02:32The art team and our brothers at Evolve 512 broke our backs to make sure we planned months in advance to give you guys the post-apocalyptic road trip you deserve.
02:43And if the game does well, shit.
02:45We want to bring this art style to entirely new environments in the future.
02:49It's gonna be a wild ride.
02:53Now let's talk hosting.
02:55Regardless of how many people play, you will always be able to play with your friends locally and via peer-to-peer hosting.
03:03We learned from the nightmares some of our industry colleagues have gone through this past year.
03:07So that means no infinite loop matchmaking bugs, and no flooded servers where you can't jump into what you just bought.
03:14We did this so that no matter what happens, when you buy our game, you can jump in and rock and roll, even if it's solo.
03:23If you want to reach out to the dev team, hit up the Discord.
03:26There's a ton of homies in there that love Grimdark just as much as we do.
03:32Now on a more somber note.
03:34These past few months, we lost Spec Ops The Line, Project Boundary, and now they are shutting down the Battlefield 3 servers.
03:43The reality is, in the never-ending quest for profit, they are closing the gate on some really special games that inspired us.
03:51Games cost more now to develop than they ever have, and that means risk mitigation is priority one, two, and three.
03:59And remember, it's not their fault. They're a product of their environment.
04:04And that's why this year has been so inspiring, to see other crews breaking out of that muck to bring the magic.
04:10One ammo belt at a time.
04:14Lastly, words cannot express how much we appreciate your support.
04:18People from all nations and all ages have reached out, just to say, thanks for going there and handling the subject with the care and energy it deserves.
04:29This means we're not alone in hoping we see a new Killzone, a gritty Battlefield, maybe a new Command & Conquer title that's not a bloody mobile game.
04:38But if the response to what we're building is any indicator, maybe they will find the guts to bring those games back, the right way.
04:45And in the meantime, we'll see you guys in the Wasteland on September 24th, 2024.