• last year
THE EYE OF THE SALAMANDER Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Prepare for a mind-bending adventure in THE EYE OF THE SALAMANDER (2024), a thrilling blend of comedy, sci-fi, and suspense. Directed by Pavel Nikolajev, this 81-minute cinematic journey follows Professor Hiscock, an unconventional hero, as he uncovers the dark secrets hidden within an ancient Aztec pyramid figurine. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of quantum teleportation, he must confront primal folklore fears and battle his sinister alter ego in the treacherous catacombs of an uncharted realm.
00:00Exhibit number 25003.
00:28Located in the Pyramid of the Moon of the ancient city Teotihuacan in the Valley of
00:32Mexico, the top part is crowned by a head that looks like a dragon, on an ugly version
00:41of an axolotl salamander, probably dedicated to the Aztec god Zolotl.
01:11It is believed that the head of Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl, and it is
01:18believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl, and it
01:21is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:22and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:23and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:24and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:26and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:27and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:28and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:29and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:30and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:31and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:33and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:34and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:35and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:36and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:37and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:38and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:40and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:41and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:42and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:43and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:44and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:45and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:47and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:48and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:49and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:50and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:51and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,
01:52and it is believed that the head of the Aztec god Zolotl is the head of the Aztec god Zolotl,