Hunted AU S03E08 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously. I'm just going to go straight up to the front. On hunted, after being moments
00:09away from capture on day three of the hunt. Where are you? Ben and Luke made a miraculous
00:17escape from the hunters. That residence is a dry hole. There is nothing there. Absolutely
00:23nothing. But after making it to day 13 with no contacts and minimal supplies. Oh Lordy,
00:30this is my life. The newlyweds found reprieve in the rural town of Healesville. A full length
00:38mirror. Before a tip off. One of them was quite stiff, wearing pink shorts. Saw the
00:45hunters launch Operation Kitchen Sink. HQ that's Sparrow One Airborne. Under the cover
00:51of darkness. Capture pants are on. Capture pants are deployed. Sounds like a drone. Come on,
00:58go get the bags and we'll go hide, take cover. Hardly to be seen in a building. True. Stop there.
01:05Go out there. Let's get him. Ben stop there. While one half of the newlywed fugitive pair
01:14has now been captured. Confirmed I've got Ben. Awesome stuff. You got the cash on you mate?
01:21Luke's got the cash. Hairdresser Luke and their $103,000 are still at large. Come on Luke. You
01:32want to come out before the canine? Alpha Delta, you know what we need to do? This is a classic
01:40pincer. Let's get this done. Let's get Luke in the bag. We're now zooming in on the main area
01:45where the kitchen is for any signs of foot movement. If he gets out of this, his bloody
01:50new nickname's Harry Houdini.
02:10Drone, it's coming.
02:29Overwatch, Overwatch, have you got eyes on? At this stage, nil movement around those main buildings.
02:37He might have gone static under a tree.
02:40Get Chopper, send. Yeah, Rabbit moving now.
02:50What's that? Chopper.
02:55Good boy.
03:04Stop there!
03:08Luke, go! Luke! We've got a runner this way.
03:11We've got a runner generally towards the east. East towards the creek.
03:28Luke, stop there!
03:32Catch me if you can! Catch me if you can!
03:38Is that Luke squealing?
03:41The hunters are here! The hunters!
03:47Go, Luke! Go, Luke! Run! Luke, stop there! Keep running! Run!
03:59Luke, get the spotlight on.
04:02Get that drone orientated to light it up.
04:05Spotlight, spotlight.
04:09We've got him in a dead end. We've got him in a dead end.
04:13Stop there, Luke. Your time on the run is over. You have been hunted down.
04:20Awesome stuff! That's great work, Luke!
04:26Luke's in the bag.
04:27Luke's in the bag.
04:33There you go. We confirm we got Luke in the bag.
04:36Do you want to speak to him?
04:38How did you find your time on the run, Luke?
04:40Yeah, really easy. It took you ages.
04:42I'm just a hairdresser. You guys are professionals.
04:45We weren't trying until about two hours ago.
04:48Oh, really? That's funny. I saw you running up the driveway days ago.
04:52Oh, I know.
04:54You were slippery. You were slippery.
04:55Well, we got you in the end, mate.
04:57But to be fair to you and Ben, you've given us a good go.
05:00But yes, your time on the run is very much over.
05:03Chopper, do you like money?
05:11How did you go, Dale?
05:13I've got no socks on. No undies.
05:15We did 13 days.
05:17I know. Nearly 14.
05:19So proud of you. We're a great team.
05:21We did an amazing job.
05:23I would have liked to have made Extraction,
05:25but I'm just glad to have done this with you.
05:27It was like the ultimate, coolest, weirdest, amazing, scariest thing
05:32all rolled into one.
05:34And we're still true to ourselves the whole time.
05:36Whole way, we were still Ben and Luke,
05:38the authentic versions of ourselves.
05:40And we had a bloody good time doing it.
05:42I don't know how many bank robbers on the run
05:44have as much fun as we did.
05:47It was a blast.
05:53After Luke and Ben's capture,
05:55the hunters now have just four pairs of amateur bank robbers
06:00vying to reach Extraction,
06:02carrying $412,000 in prize money.
06:17All right, team, look,
06:19that was an awesome capture last night.
06:20Well done for everyone.
06:22Well done.
06:24We've captured five fugitive pairs,
06:26and now we are going to put all our resources
06:29on the remaining fugitives.
06:31Let's keep hunting. Let's keep hunting hard.
06:34I want a clean table.
06:36Yes, team.
06:38Let's talk about fugitives Andy and Deb.
06:41They've stayed off the radar.
06:43We don't have a lot of information on these guys.
06:47So a car's coming now.
06:48You don't know what car Andy's driving.
06:50Hang on, who's this guy?
06:52You working here, or you want...
06:54I'm after Andy.
06:56Where are you from?
06:58I'm from the game of taxes.
07:00Yeah, I'm not sure about that, mate.
07:02This is risky as.
07:04This could be a hunter ploy.
07:06Do you have a phone we can just call
07:08to double check that it's him?
07:12Not yet.
07:14I was just making sure the hunters hadn't sent in.
07:16I think a social engineering campaign
07:18out to the public.
07:20Rather than waiting for Andy and Deb to spike.
07:22I think let's spike them.
07:24Same tactic as we used on Dean and Shelley?
07:27Yeah, I think so.
07:29The further we get in the hunt,
07:31the less fugitives there are going to be.
07:34Things are really going to heat up.
07:36Constantly on high alert.
07:38Constantly second guessing every decision we make.
07:41Turn around.
07:43That car.
07:45That social media campaign was fruitful for us.
07:46Yeah, we want Andy and Deb to,
07:48every time they step off an address
07:50and go out in the public eye,
07:52they're worried about being spotted.
07:54Let's get onto it.
07:56Right, the catch and Joe.
07:58We've done a fantastic job at disrupting the network.
08:00We strongly suspect that we have
08:02completely denied them access
08:04and burnt their entire safety net.
08:06And they're now frantically trying
08:08to scratch around for other resources.
08:10At some point they are going to pop up
08:12and that's when we'll be ready to strike.
08:14I think full crisis mode for these two.
08:16I mean, there's nowhere to run.
08:19This is the worst part about camping
08:21when people steal your territory.
08:23Now you can have your shit tent back, mate.
08:25It's just stress.
08:27Like, you spend the whole day stressing.
08:29You don't know what the hunters know.
08:33The hunters, the hunters.
08:36Seeing the hunters was so scary, man.
08:39Did we just drive past hunters?
08:42Get out of here.
08:44We just made the decision
08:46to leave and we are just out
08:48in the middle of nowhere
08:50trying to evade capture.
08:52I want to jump on that boat
08:54and get away from you.
08:56Say hello to them and maybe we can get a ride.
08:58We are underprepared with this camp, OK?
09:00So, yeah.
09:02It's been bloody stressful.
09:06They're like, yeah, nah.
09:11Fugitives Romney and Chelsea,
09:13what do we have on these guys?
09:14Bravo expanded their searches
09:16down into Nechuka.
09:18That was off the back of the hit on the ATM.
09:20We looked at campsites.
09:22We spoke to members of the public.
09:24No sightings whatsoever.
09:26Cell dumps didn't come to anything either.
09:28So, unfortunately, Chief, nothing to report.
09:30We cannot let bank robbers get away.
09:35This is the energy that we need to channel.
09:39Dear Ned.
09:41Dear Ned, please keep us safe.
09:42He was our age.
09:44He was literally our age.
09:46You're joking.
09:48He is us.
09:50He is us.
09:5226, larrikins, the underdogs.
09:56The bush battlers.
09:58Yeah, that's us.
10:00We're cut from the same cloth.
10:02We're cut from the same cloth, babes.
10:04Probably shouldn't stand in the most,
10:06like the biggest attraction.
10:08Right, and the last pair, Kaylee and Tony.
10:10We 100% confirm Kaylee and Tony
10:12have a lock question which is unanswered.
10:14He's where to from there?
10:16We've put in CCTV requests
10:18and they've proved to reveal nothing.
10:21So, they've actually gone dark, Chief.
10:23Yeah, look, we need to think
10:25outside the box on these two.
10:27I'm not happy.
10:29We will catch every fugitive
10:31that we have on our table.
10:33No one will get to the extraction point.
10:35Thanks, Chief.
10:37Let's get to work.
10:39Well, I don't think
10:41we've got a chance in hell
10:43of getting found down here.
10:45There's so many good hiding spots here.
10:47Since the robbery,
10:52their network of rally contacts
10:54have taken fugitives
10:56Tony and Kaylee
10:58to all corners of Victoria.
11:02That's how we like it.
11:04And in all forms of transport.
11:05My goodness, what a risky team.
11:07Wave into the hunters.
11:10Thanks for having us
11:12and trusting in some people
11:14that robbed a bank.
11:16After staying with a friend
11:18in Bendigo,
11:20they've been dropped off in the bush
11:22You reckon that's him?
11:24Yep, definitely.
11:26before they meet up
11:28with their next prearranged rally contact.
11:32Oh, beautiful.
11:34With most leads
11:36on Tony and Kaylee's rally network
11:38going cold,
11:40the cyber team
11:42are widening their search,
11:44including re-examining
11:46the fugitives' social media accounts.
11:54Is this in relation to Tony and Kaylee?
11:58Go on, hit me with it.
12:00What have we got?
12:01I've got mutual associates.
12:03I've got mutual friends online.
12:05Let me come over to you then.
12:07So they're part of like
12:09just the general mechanics,
12:11electronics kind of rally car network.
12:13So Eli, Simon.
12:15I believe they might be brothers
12:17but that's yet to be confirmed.
12:19All right, brilliant.
12:21Let's get their addresses.
12:23Vicky's been doing some great
12:25digging around the internet
12:27to try and find out what we can
12:29and can't find about the associates in Victoria.
12:31The good news is the fact
12:33it confirms they are tapping
12:35into the rally network.
12:37Out to you, Alpha and Charlie.
12:39Do you read?
12:41Alpha, let me Charlie.
12:43Charlie's here.
12:45Guys, we have a family of interest today.
12:47Eli and Simon.
12:49We really, really need to understand
12:51the network a lot better.
12:53We'll chuck the kitchen sink at this,
12:55take our time, be patient,
12:57listen to devices and all that good stuff.
12:59Yeah, Ben, that's a good copy.
13:01This team's tyres down, I think.
13:03In a multi-pronged strategy,
13:06Team Charlie are approaching
13:08Eli's business address
13:10in Melbourne's south east.
13:12What does Eli get up to
13:14when he's not here at work?
13:16Only to speak to work colleague Katie.
13:18While 56 kilometres further south
13:20near the rural town of Bass,
13:22Team Alpha are mobilising on Simon.
13:24All right, let's go.
13:26Doors open, front doors open.
13:30The Raleigh network
13:32is quite a small, close-knit community
13:34to the east of Melbourne,
13:36so you can bet your ass
13:38it'll be a hard one to crack.
13:40So, where are the fugitives?
13:42I might have picked them up
13:44over a week ago now.
13:46And where did you take them to?
13:48Did you go to Simon's place?
13:56How are you, Simon?
13:57Pretty confident you had them here?
13:59I've never been here.
14:01They're not here anymore?
14:04We are going to follow the trail
14:06like we always do
14:08and find some intelligence
14:10and hopefully it'll be their undoing.
14:12All right, I'm done.
14:14With Katie offering little intel
14:16for Team Charlie to work with,
14:18they covertly plant a listening device,
14:20hoping that Katie will be spooked
14:22by their visit
14:24and call someone
14:25from the fugitives' network.
14:27Come on, Katie.
14:29They're now listening in.
14:34Here we go.
14:43Who is that?
14:45They're on to me and they're on to you.
14:56Pretty much in line with this.
14:58Oh my God, they're there.
15:00The fugitive pair are at Eli's house.
15:03HQ, HQ, this is Charlie.
15:06Priority, priority.
15:08Priority, priority.
15:21They're on to us
15:23and they're on to you.
15:25Oh my God, they're there.
15:27The fugitive pair
15:29are at Eli's house.
15:31After planting a listening device,
15:33Team Charlie finally have a new lead
15:36on rally team Tony and Kaylee.
15:39HQ, HQ, this is Charlie.
15:41Priority, priority.
15:44Priority, priority.
15:48Coming up now.
15:53I'm excited.
15:55What's the good news?
15:57You need to be excited.
15:59Yeah, be excited.
16:01So in summary, we left a listening device
16:03with Katie sounds like the fugitive pair
16:05at Eli's house.
16:09Right, I'll tell Alpha.
16:12If Alpha get there
16:14and throw a net over that place,
16:16they may well execute a capture.
16:18Let's go.
16:23That's us, one minute out.
16:25All right, so we're going to get to this property
16:27and lock it down.
16:29They believe they could be inside.
16:34Wait, we now have another vehicle just arrived.
16:37Get around that back, mate,
16:39because they're here.
16:41Let's just lock the house down first.
16:46Louie, lock the house down.
16:56Blue, confirm you've got eyes on the backyard.
16:58Yeah, mate, all clear.
17:00HQ, Alpha.
17:04So we've now got the house locked down.
17:06Blue to the rear, myself to the front.
17:10That's me at the front door now.
17:12Stand by.
17:18I've got eyes on the backyard.
17:20All clear.
17:22HQ, Alpha.
17:24Not possible movement in the house, mate.
17:30Hey, Rabs, I'm getting a bit of movement.
17:34Yeah, Rabs, got someone around the back there.
17:36How you going?
17:37Just looking for Kaylee and Tony.
17:39I'm just cat sitting.
17:41Are you just cat sitting?
17:43Oh, OK.
17:44No, there's no one else here in the residence?
17:47They're away.
17:48They're away, are they?
17:49Louie can.
17:50Right, OK.
17:51All right.
17:53Well, I'll let you get back to cat sitting.
17:57HQ, Alpha, over.
17:59Go ahead.
18:00We did think that Kaylee and Tony were in there,
18:03but it was just the cat sitter.
18:09So, stand down.
18:13Had the cat lady been a fugitive,
18:15we would have had her in the bag, put it that way.
18:17That's right.
18:20With Eli away for the weekend,
18:22Tony and Kaylee have actually been dropped off
18:25in the north east of Victoria.
18:29Thank goodness you picked up the phone.
18:31All right.
18:33To meet up with contacts Sue and Neil.
18:37How tired are we?
18:40Pretty much, yeah.
18:41Didn't sleep very well last night.
18:42Actually, you can get a decent one tonight.
18:44They've agreed to house the fugitives on their houseboat
18:47moored in remote Lake Eildon.
18:48Wow, this is a lovely spot.
18:50This is beautiful.
18:51Holy crap.
18:53And this lake is six times bigger than Sydney Harbour.
18:58The hunters, they've got drones, they've got cars.
19:01Surely they can't organise a boat
19:03in enough time to catch us.
19:05Yeah, and we'll be safe on a boat
19:07in the middle of the lake.
19:13Of the four fugitives,
19:15one of them has been found
19:16in the middle of the lake.
19:18Of the four fugitive pairs
19:20scattered across Victoria,
19:22married couple Andy and Deb
19:24have spent the most time
19:26living off the grid.
19:30OK, that looks pretty good.
19:32But they're now enjoying
19:34a bit of R&R at a stranger's house
19:36before heading off
19:38to the bush again.
19:40We've showered.
19:42We smell good.
19:43Feeling myself.
19:45Feeling myself.
19:47Feeling myself.
19:49Our entire game plan
19:51has been to move every 24 hours.
19:53This one?
19:55Yeah, let's go.
19:57Camping and going bush.
19:59You're going to be an absolute pro
20:01at setting up a tent.
20:03Use costumes and disguises
20:05or the Jason Bourne tactics and techniques.
20:09Yeah, he's better.
20:11We have no mobile phone devices,
20:13we cannot use technology.
20:15There's this one that we saw as well.
20:17That's quite a long walk out.
20:19And mostly reliant on strangers.
20:23We're just sort of trying to find a place
20:25to bed down for the night.
20:29With always having an escape route
20:31from any location we're in.
20:33Or jump over it.
20:37You know, $103,000,
20:39we want to take it home.
20:41So just happy to do anything
20:43that we can.
20:47Is that 10?
20:49Ah, get it on, get it on.
20:51It's not even...
20:53Um, where's my money bag?
20:55Oh, there it is.
20:57Whilst getting ready to leave...
20:59Oh, look at you.
21:01Oh, my God.
21:03Have you seen these people?
21:05Andy and Deb's hosts alert them
21:07to the Hunters' social media campaign.
21:09I feel so targeted by the Hunters.
21:11It makes me feel really angry
21:13and much harder.
21:15But we're going to get them back.
21:17And I'll write down the phone number
21:19because we want to taunt them back
21:21with this number.
21:23To execute their revenge,
21:25Andy and Deb have devised a plan
21:27to use the Hunters' social media campaign
21:29against them.
21:33Hello, sorry to see you.
21:35What's your name?
21:37Enlisting the help of a neighbour
21:39to access an online marketplace
21:41where users can sell unwanted items.
21:43We've got a team who are looking for us
21:45to put an Instagram post up
21:47when they left a phone number.
21:49So what we're wanting to do
21:51is maybe put a Gumtree advert on
21:53and attach that phone number
21:55to ring the Hunted people
21:57so that we're wasting their time
21:59and they've got to answer
22:01all these phone calls.
22:03Thank you so much.
22:07Post a couple of different items, Deb,
22:09just so that we get some interest.
22:11So post an item.
22:13For instance, we could put this watch on there.
22:17So we could take a photo of the watch.
22:19Are you going to say free?
22:21Say $10.
22:25Contact name, what shall we call?
22:27Somebody I think in HQ.
22:29Ben, Deb.
22:33OK, so that one's done.
22:35Jacket as well.
22:37Phone Ben for more info.
22:39This is a bit of a risky move.
22:41Post ad.
22:43All righty.
22:45Hopefully there's no way
22:47to trace that back to where we are now.
22:49It's got the Hunter's phone number
22:51which shows on the ad
22:53and their name which is Ben
22:55and then I've turned off any location here
22:57and it doesn't have your email attached to it,
22:59especially considering how far we've come in the game.
23:01Oh, you're a legend.
23:03Thank you so much.
23:05I hope we haven't left any breadcrumbs
23:07that is going to lead to our demise.
23:14Just to give you a heads up,
23:16I spoke to Alpha.
23:18After the Hunters launched
23:20a social media campaign
23:22on Andy and Deb
23:24with their tip line,
23:26the fugitives Gumtree ad Revenge
23:29is now in play.
23:31Hey, how you going?
23:33I'm very well, thank you.
23:35Who's speaking, please?
23:37Yes, Jono.
23:39Hello, Jono.
23:41What was it you're after?
23:43Yeah, mate.
23:45I'm just calling about the jacket.
23:47Is that still available?
23:49Oh, very nice.
23:51Not me, mate, but good luck.
23:53Oh, OK. Sorry, mate.
23:55I'll check the number.
23:57No worries. Bye-bye.
23:59This gets weirder and weirder every year.
24:01Hi, this is Graeme.
24:03How you going?
24:05I'm well, thank you.
24:07You are selling a jacket on Gumtree by any chance?
24:10No, we're tracking fugitives.
24:13Tracking fugitives?
24:15Oh, really?
24:19I haven't had any concerns about fugitives.
24:22Tell you what.
24:25What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
24:30Oh, for God's sake.
24:32What the hell's going on?
24:36Hey, mate.
24:38I'm just calling about the jacket on Gumtree.
24:40Is that still available?
24:43I keep giving it away for free.
24:45I'm just wondering, what's the catch?
24:48My God.
24:50We might have to get a new phone number.
24:53It's actually making me quite angry.
24:57We have identified that someone set up a Gumtree account
25:01with the number from the tip line,
25:03so we can expect, I guess, lots of information
25:05or lots of calls today about things
25:07that are completely irrelevant to fugitive hunting.
25:11I'm just calling about the jacket you've got on Gumtree.
25:14What material is it made of?
25:18So I've located the jacket,
25:20along with two other posts
25:22that had our phone number attached to it.
25:24Whoever's done that may be working with the fugitives.
25:27I want to know who it is.
25:29We can put in a warrant to get this user's details.
25:33Yeah, let's do that.
25:35It could be Joe.
25:37He tries to be the funny man.
25:41I don't know who that will be, don't you,
25:43setting that Gumtree up.
25:45I reckon it's Andy and Deb.
25:47I was making the tea thinking about it.
25:49If I was going to be a betting man,
25:51this would be Andy and Deb.
25:53I've got someone to set this up on their behalf.
25:55We put Andy and Deb's mugshots online
25:57so they would have seen those.
25:59They may have been a bit scared
26:01about members of the public calling in,
26:03so they want to confuse matters
26:05by putting our number online.
26:07So, Ben.
26:13Someone actually put my...
26:15It's my account, me.
26:19We've got an email and a phone number.
26:21The email address is goofy2264.
26:25Is that yours?
26:27It's not.
26:31I've got some weird emails, but that's not one of them.
26:33I am very much a banter kind of guy.
26:35I quite like things like this.
26:37It's funny, so I haven't taken any offence to it.
26:39But at the end of the day,
26:41we need to find out who set it up,
26:43where they set it up,
26:45and get us back on the trail of Andy and Deb.
26:47Cyber, can you do that,
26:49the email and phone number research?
26:51If it's one of the fugitives dicking about,
26:53we'll be out to dick around with them.
26:55That is good.
26:57We like a bit of banter,
26:59but hopefully the banter will turn into intelligence.
27:01Thank you so much.
27:03Thank you, guys.
27:07We'll send through a carton of 12 wines
27:09to say thank you when we get back to Adelaide.
27:11Andy and Deb
27:13are sticking to their strategy
27:15of moving locations every 24 hours.
27:18Now's the time to get out of here.
27:20Now being driven by their helper
27:22to a rural campground.
27:24I think it will be good.
27:26I think Ben is going to be pissed off.
27:28The only worry is
27:30how long does it take to
27:32work out the details of who posted the ad?
27:34Can they do that?
27:36I'm definitely feeling hyper-paranoid right now.
27:39That's Instagram and Facebook post
27:41is still rattling me.
27:43Strangers are essentially danger for us
27:45because we just don't know
27:47if we can trust them.
27:49There's always that 1% of doubt
27:51that maybe he could
27:53dob us into the hunters.
27:55Basically one person in all of Victoria
27:57who we knew could have run the hotline
27:59knowing where we're staying.
28:01Back in Hunter HQ.
28:05Ben, you don't have a pseudonym of Evan, do you?
28:09Yeah, I do.
28:11Cyber expert Carter
28:13has uncovered the owner of the phone number
28:15connected to the fake Ben Owen Gumtree account.
28:18Do you reckon this is the guy
28:20that set it up on behalf of fugitives or something?
28:22I think so. It's registered to this landscaper.
28:24Alright, nice one.
28:26Might be worth a phone call.
28:28Whoever that person is
28:30would have had to have interaction with Andy and Deb.
28:32We're interested in finding that interaction
28:34and where it was and when it was.
28:35And if it was in the last 24 hours
28:37it doesn't matter if we've known nothing about Andy and Deb
28:39because now we do.
28:41Right, where's his number?
28:48Is that Evan?
28:52Hiya, mate. My name's Ben. How are you?
28:56Awesome. I'm just calling about Andy and Deb.
28:58Have you got a couple of minutes?
29:00Have you got the right number?
29:02I don't even know who Andy and Deb might be.
29:03Oh, OK, mate.
29:05Yeah, you just tell me.
29:07I just want a bit of light information, that's all.
29:09And then we see how we go.
29:11I don't know what you're talking about.
29:13You do, mate.
29:15Essentially, as you would have already been told,
29:17it's two individuals that are on the run.
29:19It's our job to try and track them down.
29:21If people have assisted them on the way
29:23then we're acting as real life.
29:25So if you've assisted fugitives
29:27obviously you would have the police knock at your door,
29:29ask you questions.
29:31And if you said no and you did help
29:33you would be obviously looking at a prison sentence.
29:35So if we play it along those lines, mate,
29:37that would be awesome.
29:42See, I can't answer your questions without a lawyer in me.
29:46Oh, God.
29:48Alright, Evan, you're wasting my time, mate.
29:50Have a nice day. Bye-bye.
29:52Well, there you go.
29:54So that came to nothing.
29:56We have been given the runaround with Andy and Deb's network
29:58and I can tell you now we are getting very tired.
30:01Enough is enough.
30:03This is the end and they will be caught.
30:05And don't forget,
30:07they've got to be lucky every single day.
30:09We've got to be lucky once.
30:11I'm sure we can spam his phone.
30:15Simon, hack him.
30:17No, don't.
30:25Any update in the hunt for Tony and Kayleigh?
30:28Even though we've found a bunch of associates
30:30in Simon and Katie and Eli,
30:31we've had no visibility of them at this point.
30:34So we still have their last known at Inverloch, right?
30:39Despite reaching a dead end with Eli and his brother Simon,
30:42the cyber team aren't giving up
30:44on infiltrating the Raleigh family network
30:47aiding Tony and Kayleigh.
30:49Now looking into Simon's son, Jackson.
30:56Can I borrow you for a second?
30:58This is weird.
31:00Yeah, I'm going to say blocked contact.
31:05So Jackson's blocked Sue.
31:09Why would he block his own mother?
31:12Why would he block his own mother?
31:15That really just rings alarm bells in
31:17that they're actually trying to hide this connection.
31:19Music to my ears, mate.
31:21Let's see if we get any more information.
31:23Do residents check on Sue
31:25and also her phone to be on full intercept?
31:27Please check.
31:29I'm a little bit excited about the blockage.
31:31We put a residents check in as the first thing.
31:33Yeah, thank you.
31:35Do we want to get a glistening device for Jackson
31:37or do we just get around there and get in?
31:39I reckon we just get around there and get in.
31:46Right, five minutes out.
31:48Going to see Jackson.
31:54Here we go.
32:03Hey Jackson, how you going?
32:05Busy, busy, busy.
32:07Yeah? We won't take up too much of your time.
32:09You obviously know why we're here.
32:11So what can you tell me about Kaylee and Tony?
32:14What can I tell you?
32:16Dad said some people that were coming
32:18needed a job for the day.
32:20Right now we're looking at a family network.
32:25So anyone you can think of that would be helping her right now.
32:32Like I said, they left here with Dad
32:34and the rest of the guys.
32:38Just human behaviour, right?
32:40When you're lying, you take these big pauses
32:42and you look away.
32:44That's what I'm picking up here.
32:46So what can you tell me about where they left from here?
32:50I actually don't know.
32:52Like, we're just trying to build race cards here.
32:56Do you want to build a race card with us?
33:01G'day Ben.
33:03G'day guys.
33:05What's Jackson got to say for himself then?
33:07Mate, that bloke could be a good mechanic
33:09but could lie straight in bed if he tried.
33:11Oh okay, gotcha.
33:13So I feel they know where they've gone
33:15but yeah, we unfortunately couldn't get that out of them.
33:19Alright, thank you so much. Appreciate it.
33:21Alright, cheers Ben. We'll chat soon.
33:23Just the way it goes.
33:24Sometimes I speak, sometimes I don't.
33:26It's frustrating when you're speaking to people
33:28that are close to them in the network
33:30that aren't going to give up much information
33:32but at some point, they're going to make a mistake
33:35so we need to keep that foot to the floor
33:37and keep the pressure on.
33:49Under the cover of darkness...
33:51Here they come now.
33:52Fugitives Tony and Kaylee
33:54are preparing to board a tender
33:56that will take them to their contact's houseboat
33:59currently moored in a remote part of Lake Eildon.
34:03You good?
34:05You good?
34:07In you come.
34:09This has got to be the best plan
34:11in the history of hunting.
34:13Well done girlie.
34:17I reckon the hunters will have a hell of a hard time
34:19following us down this road.
34:20Is that your boat there?
34:22That is ginormous.
34:24Holy moly.
34:26How good is this?
34:28Welcome aboard guys.
34:32This is wonderful.
34:36Oh my goodness.
34:38This is awesome.
34:40No one's going to find us here.
34:42No one is ever going to find us here.
34:44Would you mind giving us a tour around?
34:47Oh this is gorgeous.
34:48We're sitting on a boat
34:50in the middle of Lake Eildon
34:52that's just fantastic.
34:55Is this a bar?
34:57It's a bar.
35:00We're now sitting pretty
35:01and things are looking up.
35:03The best part?
35:05It gets better.
35:09My goodness.
35:11I think we might be able to suffer
35:13through living here for a couple of days.
35:16Thank you for having us.
35:17While the fugitives settle
35:19into their luxury hideout,
35:21Sue has some urgent news
35:23from her son Jackson.
35:25So Simon and Jackson,
35:27they all were the buggies and everything.
35:29The hunters were there.
35:32Holy kerf.
35:33So they were at Jackson's?
35:35They were at Jackson's.
35:38We've been in planes
35:39and flown across
35:40one side of the state to the other.
35:42How in the hell
35:43would they have tracked us down?
35:45They put two and two together
35:46pretty fast.
35:47That's a bit disconcerting.
35:49So that means all their resources
35:50are on us at the moment.
35:51That's right.
35:53It's like the hunters
35:54are breathing down our necks really.
36:10Last night,
36:11it was a bit of a reality check.
36:13Sometimes you forget you're a fugitive.
36:15You know you're a fugitive
36:16but you forget what you're in for.
36:19On a luxury houseboat
36:20with their rally friends,
36:21Sue and Neil,
36:23fugitives Tony and Kaylee
36:25are still reeling
36:26from the news
36:27that Sue's son Jackson
36:29was visited by the hunters.
36:31We just have to assume
36:33that everyone that we've spoken to
36:35has been compromised now.
36:37We won't be able to go back
36:38to any of them.
36:41Do you think
36:42do you know anywhere, Sue,
36:43we might be able to go
36:45find somebody at the pub
36:46maybe borrow their phone,
36:48make a phone call
36:49and make a few plans?
36:51Well, there's townships
36:52on the lake.
36:54Probably, I mean,
36:55probably the one
36:56that you'd be more familiar with
36:57would be Bonny Doon.
36:59You know?
37:00The Serenity?
37:01Yeah, that'd be cool.
37:06Look at the Serenity.
37:08With the fugitives
37:09going to Bonny Doon,
37:10for the Serenity,
37:12they're planning
37:13to use a stranger's phone
37:15to contact
37:16an out-of-state rally driver
37:18to help them continue
37:19to evade the hunters.
37:21Lunch is served.
37:24Have you got a phone
37:25on you, mate?
37:26I have got a phone.
37:27We're fugitives on the run.
37:28Yeah, if we could possibly
37:29make a quick phone call?
37:30You can do that
37:31and I think you've got
37:32the name for a great band
37:33there, too,
37:34Fugitives on the Run.
37:36Hey, Paul.
37:37It's Tony.
37:38Is there any chance
37:39that you could maybe
37:40grab one of our cars
37:41and a bit of cash
37:44and come down?
37:45Yeah, I know it's a long way
37:46to drive from New South Wales,
37:51Yeah, OK.
37:54Will do.
37:55Thanks, mate.
37:56All right.
37:57Thank you very much.
37:58You've got to fill us in.
37:59What is going on?
38:01We can't.
38:02We can't.
38:03We can't.
38:04We can't.
38:05We can't.
38:06We have to kill him.
38:07With their getaway plan secured,
38:10the fugitives return
38:12with Sue and Neil
38:13to the houseboat.
38:14Well, the hunters
38:15didn't steal our boat.
38:18While HQ continue
38:20their investigation
38:22into Sue.
38:23Hey, Vicky.
38:25We have all of the addresses
38:26registered to Sue.
38:28The primary residence
38:29is located in Chernside Park
38:31and the second address
38:32is a houseboat.
38:35Which is currently moored
38:36in Lake Eildon.
38:41What a place to hide out.
38:43And you'd be self-sufficient.
38:45You wouldn't need to move.
38:46Going from shoreline to shoreline.
38:47You can quickly extract.
38:49Great location to go
38:50and hide out, mate.
38:52Before sending ground hunters,
38:54with Sue's phone
38:55already on full intercept,
38:57HQ confirm
38:59whether she's currently
39:00at home or on the water.
39:05We've just had a location
39:06ping on Sue's phone.
39:08The phone has pinged in
39:09Lake Eildon.
39:11Lake Eildon, mate.
39:12We're going to Bonny Doon.
39:14Let's do it, mate.
39:15Let's get them up there.
39:17Alpha and Delta,
39:18hunter operations over.
39:20Alpha, stand over.
39:21Delta, copy.
39:23Deploy to Lake Eildon
39:25and move now out.
39:28Yeah, Alpha, good copy.
39:30We are throwing
39:31everything that we have
39:32at fugitives Kaylee and Tony.
39:33We have to.
39:34They've stayed off the radar
39:35way too much
39:36and we need to get them
39:37in the bag.
39:40Back on Sue's houseboat,
39:42the fugitives are putting
39:43on disguises
39:45before the next leg
39:46of their journey
39:47to the mainland
39:48where they will meet up
39:49with their contact.
39:52Got the money?
39:53Got the money.
39:59I've never
40:01worn contacts
40:03like this before.
40:04Give it a go.
40:06I know how to do it.
40:10We've got some boat
40:11registrations coming through
40:12and we've got a picture here
40:13of an indigo houseboat.
40:16Let's go.
40:23HQ, this is Delta.
40:24We're at the vantage point.
40:25Heading there now.
40:26Yeah, Alpha, good copy.
40:27We're currently scanning
40:29the lake.
40:30Get some eyes on this boat.
40:32Up here, Em.
40:35You can see straight down.
40:38Indigo, indigo, indigo.
40:42With 18 marinas,
40:44Lake Eildon is home
40:45to over 700 houseboats.
40:49And with Sue's phone location
40:50ping only giving them
40:52an approximate location,
40:55from their vantage points
40:56along the shoreline,
40:58the ground hunters have
40:59a vast area to search
41:01for the fugitives.
41:05It's bloody huge.
41:07Can you make out names?
41:08Can't make out the names
41:09from this distance.
41:12Rabs, this is massive.
41:13That's bloody huge, mate.
41:15Yep, this is going to be it.
41:17They're doing the high stuff.
41:26HQ, this is Delta.
41:27We're at the vantage point.
41:28Heading there now.
41:29That way, Kel.
41:30Taking up vantage points
41:32around Lake Eildon,
41:33ground hunter teams
41:34Alpha and Delta
41:36are ramping up their offensive
41:38on the houseboat
41:39believed to be harbouring
41:41fugitives Tony and Kaylee.
41:44All they've got to go on
41:45is the houseboat's
41:46distinctive name and logo.
41:49Indigo, indigo, indigo.
41:52It's hard to see.
41:55Can you make out names?
41:56Can't make out the names
41:57from this distance.
41:59Tell you what,
42:00this is a huge lake.
42:01So many boats.
42:02So many houseboats.
42:03How do we pick one
42:05out of all of these?
42:07With over 700 houseboats
42:09across multiple marinas
42:11and the large body of water
42:13proving time consuming
42:15and difficult to search.
42:17Rabs, this is massive.
42:18It's bloody huge, mate.
42:20The ground hunters
42:21call for backup.
42:24Yeah, HQ, Alpha.
42:25Can we request support
42:27in this area?
42:31So what have we got asset-wise?
42:32What's available?
42:33What aren't we using?
42:36We might be able
42:37to get the drone.
42:39I like it.
42:40Let's do it.
42:43Drone it.
42:46Moored in a sheltered position
42:48on the other side of the lake.
42:51I think that's probably the answer.
42:52Fugitives Tony and Kaylee
42:54are disguising themselves
42:56before they venture past CCTV
42:59during their journey
43:00to the next rally contact.
43:03Holy bell, Batman.
43:04That's cool.
43:05You reckon that's enough?
43:06I don't think anyone...
43:07I think you need another coat.
43:08Just a little bit more around.
43:09Yeah, I think so too.
43:10I think at the front.
43:13Tony and Kaylee are unaware
43:15that the ground hunters
43:16are only one kilometre away.
43:21Let's get in position.
43:22Yeah, Alpha, good copy.
43:23That's us.
43:24RVed with Overwatch now.
43:27The area that we're actually
43:28looking at searching,
43:30it's a fair bit of land to cover
43:32with two ground teams.
43:34Fugitive pair Kaylee and Tony?
43:37Confirm two minutes,
43:38two minutes to launch over.
43:42But we have a drone capability
43:45that assists the hunters
43:46on the ground.
43:47I'm looking at about
43:49probably 2km max range.
43:512km max range.
43:52Copy, over.
43:53Yeah, Chief, from here,
43:55about one and a half.
43:57Having the drone in the air
43:58gives us a huge advantage
44:00over the fugitives.
44:02Atmospherics are very good,
44:03great conditions for flying over.
44:05With the technology
44:07and the assets that we have
44:08bought to this hunt,
44:10there is no way
44:11they are getting out of this net.
44:14HQ, Alpha, stand by for launch.
44:16Move now.
44:18Launch, launch, launch.
44:26That's Sparrow 1 at 100m.
44:28We now have eyes on the marina.
44:30Yeah, roger that.
44:31That is a good copy.
44:32Awesome stuff.
44:36It's hard to see.
44:38We're just going to draw
44:39and get some fidelity
44:40on that cluster of boats
44:41in the northernmost cluster over.
44:52HQ, Alpha, for your awareness,
44:53we're going to have
44:54two drones in the air,
44:56Sparrow 1 and Eagle 1.
44:58That is a good copy, over.
45:02Eagle 1 launching now
45:03to join the fight.
45:09What's that down there?
45:11Is that a female?
45:13Okay, can you track
45:14a little bit to the right?
45:15So I've got a female and a male.
45:18That looks like two males.
45:19Do you reckon?
45:21Yeah, disregard that.
45:26How about that one over there?
45:27It looks like it's by itself.
45:31Alpha, this is Delta.
45:32Yeah, boys, do you have
45:33anything else on this vessel?
45:39Zoom in on that small vessel.
45:45Rubs, rubs, rubs.
45:48I've got eyes on a boat
45:49that's matching the description
45:50of what we've been sent.
45:53We now have eyes on the vessel.
45:57Game over.
46:07It doesn't matter
46:08how many fugitives we have caught.
46:10If we do not end up
46:11in a clean sweep,
46:13all our efforts,
46:14all our work
46:15equals nothing.
46:17The hunters are on a mission.
46:19HQ, Delta.
46:20We're on the water.
46:21We have eyes on the vessel.
46:23And they won't rest...
46:24Oh, that feels nice.
46:26...until all the fugitives
46:28are captured.
46:30Seriously, get a massage
46:31on the run.
46:32That is BS.
46:35...will a surprising ambush...
46:37Good luck to them
46:38getting past me.
46:39It's about to go down.
46:40...leave the fugitives
46:41caught red-handed.
46:43It's time for the round over!
46:47Subtitling by SUBS Hamburg