Celebs Go Dating S13E08 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:04There's a shocking store for Ella Oh
00:07Darling bring it into Papa a tough call for Jamelia. Perhaps we call him
00:15Horrified and raw emotion for Steven he was probably one of the best things ever happened to me
00:21That's really beautiful as that's the lips you had a penis for the day
00:25What would you do go? Have you ever tried to drive to Burnley?
00:30Dating but if you're not laying down the day anymore
00:44Welcome to celebs go dating where the gurus of getting it on are primed for another busy day. I love HQ
00:51Hang on. Where's Paulie B?
00:55He's not here, mr. Brunson, it's out again, he's having a morning off, but you know what that's okay because we've got Steven
01:03Yeah, look at this. Yeah some girl time. Yes. No, I think things with him and Paul are good
01:09Yes, but I think we'll be a nice little like a cheerleader. Yeah
01:13I'm very curious to see how this last date went fingers crossed that yes, we're gonna be on an upward tick now
01:24Speaking of the cheeky devil here comes gobble boxer and semi-reformed potty mouth
01:29Steven to update the agents on his date with Danny. Hello celebrity dating agency. Hi Steven. Come in. Come in
01:55Hello you
01:56Hello you I've got my new jeans on Tom and they're supposed to make your bum look a bit more perked
02:01It's wonderful pockets are higher. I need a pair of those. I can sweep the floor in my arse cheeks
02:07I've noticed quite a sartorial change in Steven
02:11He's bounced into the agency full of joie de vivre and no longer seems to be carrying that heavy burden
02:18Might just be the jeans Tom. Where's the farthest flung place? You've ever been recognized for God boss
02:23We did get recognized at the Taj Mahal by a Indian couple. Yeah, the Taj Mahal
02:30It's time. It's such a staggering erection. Don't encourage in Tom Steve. Oh, so it's best behavior these days
02:40Hello hey Tom Tara and I are ready for Steven he's here looking marvelous great stuff
02:46Yep, we'll go straight into the consultation room if you can send him up. Bye. Well, no, it's just time to have you cleaved from me
02:55Thank you love it
02:58Whoa, I
03:00Mean a lot of zeros on his feedback, but not today. Look Taz. Let's be honest when you're at rock bottom
03:06The only way is up
03:16After a bollocking from Paul for his past date behavior, what's clear is you are selfish?
03:22Yeah, you were crude and you will not be successful in life if you continue this way
03:29Steven was set up on a date with Danny on the little bit Bella. I got you
03:34He said that you were a change manager. What is the change manager to be honest?
03:38I don't even know half the time
03:39But after the questions got a bit too intense when you see the pictures you think yeah, he's cute. I fancy him
03:45I thought you look like a fun guy
03:48That doesn't shout out. Yeah, he's gorgeous. They agreed not to go on a second date. It's a shame. You didn't work out
03:55Well, look it was lovely meeting you. It's lovely meeting you as well
03:59Tell us about your last date the last day Danny he was lovely
04:05Felt that he was a little bit nervous and I really listened and actually I was really interested in what he was saying
04:13I was trying to be attentive to him and I was aware not to be too flirty because I'd gone
04:21overboard on my last two dates
04:23Overboard you flew off the poop deck like you had a million firecrackers shoved up your ass diva
04:32He's good being very
04:35Careful, you'll get that new genie call over your hands mate, but you know, what's great is that you're mindful. Yeah
04:41So, let's hear Danny's feedback, I know he's not dated in a long time and I think he's a really really nice guy
04:49That's nice. Yeah, I think the date was going really well until he started interrogating me as to whether I fancied him or not
04:58I was just firing questions aim constantly and he did say it's all a bit too much. I was like, oh god
05:05I'm really sorry
05:07So the fact that you're recognizing all of this and you assessed yourself this is a huge improvement
05:14So it weren't the best day with Danny, but I'm really happy to finally be getting some positive feedback off the agents
05:21I've really listened to what I had to say and it's paying off and talking about improvement the score on this date
05:27But well, I mean you went from zero right before I from zero. Yeah
05:33Can they go into minus numbers?
05:36He gave you a six
05:39It's not great either that's a huge jump from zero
05:43And a long way from ten next time an eight. I'd say that was pretty good
05:48Well when the bars set lower than the snakes ball bag progress is progress
05:54Next to come a knocking is married at first sights Ella
05:57Ready to update the agents on a latest date with the Reese and unpack them. I am of a pretty tasty brunch
06:05Hello celebrity dating agency. Hi, Ella. Hello Ella. Come on
06:22Did you dance once upon a time because you've got a dance it's free. Yes, I did ballet around the pole
06:29Oh, yeah, I went to one of those ballets in Amsterdam. Yeah, I used to do hold on thing
06:34Is it like in the films where they put very crisp notes in your bra?
06:38No, it was one pounds being chucked at me dodging them left right in the center
06:43Sounds like one of my gigs in Croydon, you know in another life
06:46I'd quite like to do that to be that free with one's body and that fluid of hip and I'd love to master that
06:53Oh, well, this is quite an easy one. So I quite like to do this one. I think I just saw a pound coin fall out
07:00Back upstairs the agents have more advice to hopefully help Stephen get his leg over to
07:05What might be useful for you to have a think about is what do I determine to be?
07:11Sense of humor if they can make me laugh. Yeah, they can laugh me into bed
07:16I'm not about looks we think we have a wonderful date lined up for you. Are you excited to see him?
07:23Yeah, he's funny
07:25Yes, he's sexy you're sexy it's gonna be great
07:30This is safe. Okay. He is comfy director from London. He's 36 511 and Libra
07:36He likes well-dressed and confident. I mean hello
07:41First impression. Yeah, I find him attractive. Yeah
07:48Safe's gonna need a safe word at this rate. How are you feeling?
07:52Do you know what I don't feel nervous good. No, I think it's gonna be a good day
07:56Well, the good news is is that you haven't got much time to think about it because you're going on your date right now
08:01Now now right this minute right now
08:04You know, yeah clever funny Stephen good questions. Wait for the answers
08:10Listen to the answers. Let's go one step further and
08:13Reflect the answers back since you love and value laughter. How about you ask what makes you laugh?
08:20That's a really good question. I'm gonna ask that wonderful. Thanks guys. I'm gonna take it all on board, right?
08:35Anything to declare only this outrageous
08:39Calm down Judith charmers. You're going to the East End not Mauritius. I
08:43Love that. He's so aware about what happened. He's been really spending time thinking about you know
08:49How can I do better and really wanting to improve? I think this is really lovely. I was actually pleasantly surprised by that. Yeah, and
08:57It's where I could only have hoped he'd be good job, sis
09:02Hate to say goodbye, but love to see you leave steve-o. His ass looks like two bored eggs in a napkin
09:18Welcome back to celebs go dating say cheese and that goes for this guy, too
09:24Cuz look who's bothered turn it up. Yep fresh from thumbing it in. I've been phoning it in. It's the Bronson
09:32Hey guys, oh
09:35Well nice you showed up, I'm sorry for being late my apologies I was busy at home
09:42Busy at home busy at home. Yeah, I know what that means. Yeah, mrs
09:45B is currently putting a saddle and stirrups back in daddy's special cupboard
09:49Good to see you. Well, listen, we have had a very positive morning. Have you we've just for Steven? Oh
09:56Yeah, even came in. Yeah, exactly now we can feel the hesitancy, but the good news is double
10:02It was a ray of sunshine he came in it's like he'd been washed clean. It's a pleasant surprise
10:09Actually, I mean I think we were that close to him leaving the agency
10:12Yes, it can be really difficult what anybody his stuff
10:16They don't want to hear but we're here to tell him the truth and it's like we hit the reset button
10:20That's so good because the fact that he's reflected on this he's learned he accepted it because we know self-acceptance is critical
10:27That's powerful he's back on this is good
10:33The only person sadder than sad Steven at the last brunch was emotional Ella and she hasn't seen the agent since
10:40Well, you came in to that branch with a beaming countenance. You looked so chipper
10:46Well, I didn't fill it at the end Tom. I'll be honest. Oh
10:52Hello darling tea, could you send Ella up? All right. Thank you
10:57Shall we ready to go? Let's do it. Give it to my babes. Have a great consultation. Thanks. Thank you
11:03They're ready for you up there. Oh
11:06I'm anxious
11:08Time to bear our souls. I am really nervous to see the agents
11:13The last time I saw them was at the brunch where they called me out for lying about what happened with race
11:20So I definitely want to talk to them about that today
11:23Can't wait for this like I'm going into the pits of hell
11:42Don't blame you because at the last brunch the agents quizzed Ella if anything naughty happened after her date with Rufus
11:48How does it end? We did meet up after had drinks?
11:52Kissed and then I went home and she was well and truly busted
11:57We did over here that other things went on. We would just appreciate some real honesty
12:03Yeah, like some bits happened
12:08Can we start with brunch, yeah, how is that for you?
12:12It for me. I felt like it was a shit show because I'm not a liar. I really am very honest
12:19yes, some stuff happened and the reason I didn't want to bring it up is because I feel like when I was with you on
12:26My first sight I realized watching it back
12:28All I did was talk about
12:30Someone being attracted to me in sex and I'm not that person anymore
12:34Like I love myself inside more than I love the outside
12:39and I don't need to
12:41Have sex someone or talk about sex or wanting to know someone's attracted to me to feel valid as a person
12:47And I just felt great everyone including you guys are gonna think she's not changed and I I want to change
12:54But I told you as much as I thought that you needed to know
12:57It's interesting hearing Ella speak about how others view her. I'm just concerned
13:02She's trying to project what she wants other people to see
13:05I want her to have confidence in herself and what she's doing
13:09So by the time she leaves the agency, she knows exactly who she is
13:13there's always been a challenge that I think that you've had that I've seen show up here and
13:18That is your self-confidence
13:21In a very short amount of time you have become quite known and there's been a lot of backlash
13:29Against your notoriety and at the same time you're holding down representation
13:34For a very important part of our community. And so there's a lot of pressure that's being placed on you
13:40And that's something that needs to be applauded because you're walking
13:43This path with your head held high
13:48I think one thing that's super special about you. That is not said is that I think you're brilliant
13:59And I'm proud of you
14:01and I support you and
14:03As a result of that that's the reason why I hold you accountable. I want you to become better
14:08I want you to become stronger so that you can hold down and represent not just your community, but you could represent yourself
14:15And you can create that beautiful family that I know
14:18You want
14:23Oh darling
14:27I know
14:28Bring it into Papa. Paul is an incredible man
14:32You were doing great. Thank you. I don't hear that
14:36Yes, you're doing great. So the fact that he's been so supportive of me. It really does mean the world
14:42I always focus on the bad stuff and it's hard to believe in yourself
14:45And I just want to be like that shining light for some people which is a word
14:49You actually said to me when he said I'm like the shining light of the room. Yes
14:55Which is why don't turn it down. Oh
15:01That was lovely you should work half day more often Paul
15:04One man less likely to get a Brunson love bomb anytime soon is serial date dick around Merchant Chris
15:10Who's on route to meet his second new match in two days. I haven't even seen a photo of her
15:15I know absolutely nothing about this girl at the moment. So
15:18Yeah, I'm slightly anxious
15:20And with good reason as after getting the same bloody advice from the agents, you know
15:25Let's be mindful of this man. He's a good man. He's a good man
15:28He's a good man. He's a good man. He's a good man. He's a good man
15:31Agents, you know, let's be mindful of this Joker that kicks in just be aware of
15:37Giving light and shade. He pumped out the same old shit on his date with Daisy. Oh, I've got you a present by the way
15:44It's a watermelon with googly eyes on it. Do you like men with grape? You know what? I've never had a man with great pubes
15:55Message from the agents
15:57Hi Chris, your next date is Daisy. Yes. She's got the same name as the last day. I can't get that wrong
16:06She looks quite petite blonder. Let me have a little zoom blue eyes. Lots of teeth
16:12Basically me with a thousand filters on yeah, she's potentially
16:17Floating my go tickling my pickle. I think I did follow the agents advice on the last day. Really Chris
16:23We got deep and I think much of the same for tonight, you know, yeah
16:27Nothing says deep and meaningful like a watermelon with googly eyes
16:37Back at the agency and with brunch fully digested Ella's on to chat about her most recent day
16:43You saw Reese again. Yeah, I did and I liked it on their second date showbiz
16:48Ella dropped her facade and showed Reese her softer side
16:52Basically the way that my dad treats. My mom is what I want. Just let yourself
16:57Yeah, I feel like I'm in a really open state
16:59I'm still a little bit nervous and the big boy Rufo was putty in her and you're amazing
17:04But any level of the luck is ever
17:08And her mouth
17:12Let's see the feedback
17:14Brie said not being showbiz Ella. She was quite deep
17:19She's a spiritual person and showed a vulnerable side
17:25Stand out moment
17:26Reset when she says she's ready to change her old ways
17:30Like going for the wrong type of guy or self-sabotaging. It feels like that could be us growing together as a team
17:39He dropped the team already
17:43It's we
17:45How did it end?
17:47With a no bullshit else
17:52And then I went home. I swear I didn't do anything and I'm really proud of myself
17:57We are proud of you. Yes, there was more feedback
18:02What did you not like about Ella Oh No
18:10The fact that she might be dating other people oh
18:14Yeah, how do you feel about that I'm slightly worried he's the first guy I dated and
18:19Then I just stick with him because I'm comfortable and safe
18:22I don't want to see like I think the grass is greener
18:25Okay, I did come here for a purpose and it's really put me in an awkward position. This is really mature of Ella
18:31She wants to take a pause before she jumps into situations and relationships and she wants to learn from her past experiences
18:39We have a plan for her as you said, this is an agency
18:43So we want to continue to put you on dates, but it doesn't mean that Reese goes away
18:48You know how we should do it is opposed to showing Ella. I think this should be a blonde date
18:53I think so. No, that's the one thing. I really are. No, I really can't I don't want to do that
18:59Oh, you know given that you've said you don't want to do that
19:03That's even better
19:06You are doing quite well, you're on a roll right now. This is a way for us to really test you go and have fun
19:18Love you lots. I know that was great. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you. I'll keep making you proud
19:24Yes, and I certainly won't be you know, sharing a bed with this one
19:36Good work my friend. He needed that. I think now her journey has begun. Yes agency. It starts right here does today
19:46Another celeb looking to find their path in their best butt lifting jeans is Steven who's on his way to meet company director safe
19:53It's a different vibe today. I've got a day day the Sun's out drink a few beers
19:58Hopefully he's gonna pull it out the bag and it's gonna be a good day
20:01And it's got to get better because it can't get any worse. I think we all know that's not true
20:05I'm feeling very excited about my day with Steven
20:08I'm just hoping to just have a good time see if someone can make me laugh and just sort of connect with someone you
20:20Yeah, good you very well, thank you how you do please have a seat
20:24Hi nice day up nice day nice day for a day. It is a beautiful day for a day
20:29You don't seem nervous at all. No, it's good. Steven might be in safe hands it not like that grow up
20:35Now I've been I've been advised on how to maybe yeah act on my previous date. Yeah, one of my
20:43Opening questions was what do you find funny? Okay. Yeah. Well, what do I find funny?
20:50Just banter my past three days except banner and they come with zero
20:58It's just organic bunch like that sense of wits yeah that clever kind of like
21:02Zinger right there. I'll go for it and doesn't matter how it does not be clever or cheesy
21:06I think you're like a dad joke, for example, but maybe not like your mama jokes
21:13So this is looking promising safes funny he's good-looking he's got a lot of banter this is my kind of guy
21:21For what's like what would you say is your like favorite place to go travel wise? Oh, so yeah easy
21:26My favorite destinations India. Oh, yeah. Have you been no, but it's been my dream to go
21:32What about yourself?
21:34Japan, oh Japan. Yes. See that is on my list. I love that place because I speak a bit of Japanese
21:39Okay, go on. I'm not the nose that nice sexy nail
21:43Japanese or I see you've been to the Primark sale. That's you're really sexy
21:49Bit of flirting in Japanese and no reference to a hot cock. I'm gonna say this day is off to an exciting start
22:00Hoping for a few compliments of her own is Helen as she gets ready for her date with Danny
22:04I don't have a face of he said that my communication is terrible
22:09so I'm gonna try and work on that one and I'm gonna try and find out more about Danny and
22:14Yeah, give him a chance
22:16After finding it hard to vibe with her younger dates the agents found Helena more like-for-like offering on her last visit to the agency
22:2536 he's northern. Yeah, it's fair. So going in with Danny. Yeah, I think it's about the shared values
22:31You know, he is a dad. So naturally this conversation around children will probably be an easier one for you. You've got this
22:38Daniel it's really hot and he's a dad. So they've given me a dealt
22:43They've given a mill a deal sounds like a recipe for filth
22:47Across town Jamila's been invited for tea with dr. T in the hope that a one-on-one away from the agency
22:53We'll help her open up about her recent dating difficulties
23:02Jams last date was with 31 year old king-sized Kingsley. Hello
23:05Oh, hi, but despite admiring his ample assets. Your legs are huge. Oh my god
23:13Not that you would know it from the actual words leave in our mouth, I am dying to know
23:19How was your date with Kingsley? I had a great time
23:23I've really enjoyed myself, but I just wasn't attracted to him
23:27I didn't feel like any romantic vibes. You could have told him that Jamila
23:31I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
23:34I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
23:37I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
23:39Any romantic vibes you could have told him that Jamila, would you like to hear what Kingsley thought about the date? Yeah
23:48So he said I think we're a good match. It didn't feel like a first date at all
23:53It feels like i've known her a long time. We didn't stop laughing. I had a great time. Yeah
24:02I feel so bad
24:04Because I feel like I was so intentional about don't flirt because I wasn't attracted to him fancy him. Yeah
24:10But I think this is a classic case of people-pleasing. Yeah
24:15What you express is what he wanted to see and hear. Yeah. Yeah, you're so right. Honestly, this is like
24:21It's such a light bulb moment for me
24:24I spend so much time doing that why they're people-pleasing. Where do you think it comes from?
24:29I I know exactly where it comes from
24:31I think initially like as a child
24:34I had an inconsistent dad. I had a very strict mom and so it was kind of
24:39I either wanted the attention of my dad's like, you know, maybe if i'm more special he'll be around
24:45And then for my mom it was like let me just be perfect
24:47Let me just be amazing and she'll love me and be proud of me. Yeah. Yeah
24:53And then in relationships, I feel like it's a similar thing. Yeah, I did everything right? I was everything
25:00And it still didn't work
25:03So I kind of thought that I was like, oh, okay, well
25:06Forget it. I'm not i'm not people-pleasing anymore, but clearly I am
25:10It's hard to shed
25:12To hear that i'm still doing it today
25:14Is a little bit surprising and a little bit disappointing to be honest
25:18I've always wanted, you know people around me to be happy with me to like me and has caused me to maybe not live
25:26A true authentic life. So it's definitely something that I want to take on board and overcome
25:33Honesty is kinder in a long run. You're right. Would you want to ever be let on? No, not at all
25:41Since he probably thinks that he has another date with you lined up. What do you think about perhaps we call him?
25:50Judging by that reaction i'd say she'd rather stick a fork in her eye. Oh my gosh
25:55But then he's gonna think he's getting the call to like, oh, can we go on a second date?
26:00How about we call him and exercise that direct honesty right now i'm horrified
26:07You ever heard of a ship sandwich? I thought you were just going for tea
26:19Welcome back to celebs go dating where one of our celebrities is still laughing like a wind-up toy clown
26:25Me yet tea wants jam to make a phone call of doom to kingsley
26:38Hello, hi kingsley, this is dr. Tara from the celebrities dating agency
26:44Hello, how you doing? Good. How are you?
26:47I'm, not too bad. Can't complain. I have jamelia here with me
26:51Okay, and she has something to say
26:55Okay. Okay. Here we go
27:02Hello, hi kingsley, okay. Uh, you're right. I'm good. Thank you
27:11Uh, I just wanted to say that I had a really good time the other day, um, yeah and yeah, it was really lovely meeting you
27:20Um, but I don't I don't really feel like I felt the spark and so
27:24Unfortunately, I don't think we're gonna have a second date
27:28But it was really lovely meeting you
27:31Okay, that's all right, yeah
27:33If you didn't pull the spark then I understand where you're coming from, but I had a great time. I really really enjoyed your company
27:40All right. Bye
27:45Yeah, if you love awkward silences
27:47What's your first reaction being honest and direct?
27:50I feel like I just need to grow up. But um, I feel really really bad, but I also know that i've done the right thing
27:57Okay, so
27:58We are going to set you up
28:01On a date tomorrow. Oh my gosh, and it is a blind date
28:07Oh my gosh, okay, if you don't fancy him, let's be honest and kind and tell him you fancy him
28:13Let's let them know
28:15Yes, very empowering. Oh
28:18Nate good luck with that jam
28:22Back to the canal bank where reformed phil spouter steven has so far been on his best behavior with his date safe
28:29How long have you been single for him? Um, so i've been single for about 10 months now
28:34Okay, so me and my husband were together for 11 years. Yeah, and we decided to separate about a year ago
28:40How do you feel about it? Um, yeah, i'm fine. It was my I spearheaded it. I kind of felt like
28:47It's just come to an end really we kind of started living separate lives. It just wasn't working anymore
28:55But he was probably one of the best things that ever happened to me. That's beautiful. We'll get emotional now
29:00That's beautiful. That's so beautiful. That's really beautiful. I really
29:08Talking about my ex daniel is always going to be hard
29:11He's a lovely guy and I still love him with all my heart
29:14But it feels good to be talking safe about it
29:18That's brilliant. That's really really brilliant. I really
29:22Oh steve. Oh, he's like a new man
29:24But if you're not laying down the day anymore
29:27Ah spoke too soon
29:35Over to a man now who's very quiffy but his date banter is ever so iffy
29:39It's chris who's on his way to meet his date accountant daisy
29:43I'm trying to listen to what the agents want me to do, but it just doesn't feel very me
29:48We're going to start off with the general waffle just to see if she can give it back waffle herself
29:53I just want to be co-waffling in these situations and if the waffle's there the waffle will lead to other types of breakfast
30:01Items, they don't half waffle some shit this geezer. I am actually really excited to date
30:06I feel like he'll be a right laugh. We'll have a good time
30:09And I actually haven't been on a date in ages, so I think he might be able to teach me a few things maybe
30:14I hope she's not looking to find out how you button up a shirt properly
30:17Hello, really nice to meet you
30:20How are you? Very good. Thank you. Good. Oh, let me get that for you. Have you already sat down?
30:27I've got your present. Oh, you wrapped it up so nicely. Oh, here we go
30:30What is it this time a beef tomato with a fucking monocle on? Uh, I think you'll like it
30:35I've never been sure of anything in my life that she won't
30:39Make your own bird feeder. It's a make your own bird feeder. Yeah, who needs diamonds?
30:44Do you actually love birds?
30:46I don't know even about birds. Neither does he judging by that present
30:50She's passed the how do you react to a strange present test?
30:54This could be going somewhere
30:57I don't actually know your age, but don't tell me um, so
31:01I'm gonna guess your age
31:02Based on a sequence of age related questions. You're gonna lie about it because you're gonna try and be polite
31:08No, i'm not i'm gonna be brutally honest i'm gonna be i'm gonna be absolutely brutal about it
31:12So have uh, if if you were to use a fax machine, would you would you know how to send a fax?
31:18She's not 50 chris. I know what it is, but I wouldn't know how to use it. Okay, interesting
31:22Um, have you ever used a floppy disk? Jesus? What's next? Have you ever written boobies on a calculator?
31:28No, but I know what it is. Okay, I might be ready to make a guess an it professional from 1995
31:34Go on. I'm intrigued
31:39That's spot on you definitely need my age before no, I actually didn't did you it's like the weirdest game show on earth
31:44It actually is the shittiest game. Yeah. No, it's terrible. Yeah, I mean i'd host it if the money was right
31:52Thankfully flanners won't be playing any of chris's shit games with her date danny because she already knows he's a 36 year old barber
31:59from up north
32:00I'm excited for my date today if I like him
32:03There's more potential of it working because he lives north where I live and he's a dad which is nice
32:08I'm, naturally flirty. That is me, but i'm gonna try and like get to know him and let him in a bit more
32:16I'm excited about my date with helen. So i've met helen before very briefly in abifa airport
32:21I'm, not sure if she'll remember me to be honest 15 years ago, ain't it?
32:25Yeah, and if it was the 5 00 a.m. Still pissed flight home. You've got no chance
32:29I think I will mention it to her, you know
32:31There's a chance that she might remember as well. So it's a good topic of conversation or bum clenchingly awkward
32:36And I can't wait to see which hi. All right
32:40Danny nice to meet you. How are you? Yeah, you're good. Oh, it's so good to meet you
32:44Again, how's things? All right. Have a nice day. Oh my god. It's so nice here in northern accent. I know. Yeah
32:49A pretty familiar northern accent. Hey ellen. No
32:53manchester, yeah
32:54Uh, no, i'm from balton balton. Yeah, so i'm like halifax luddersfield. Come on. It was only 15 years ago. Helen
33:03So my first impressions of danny are good. He's got the looks he's got like a northern swagger. I think i'm going to enjoy this date
33:10Yeah, so did you just come in down tonight travel down today? Yeah, so i'm absolutely knackers. I've had my two little boys. So
33:16Up early school run everything. Oh, really?
33:19How old how old are you little boys? I've got a seven-year-old and a four-year-old planning kids parties, though
33:24Oh, I know and it's pretty isn't it like the bouncing places like inflating it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
33:30Wow 11 kids trying to do that
33:33Even the party I was stressing over party bags. Like what do I put in party bags glitter mainly if you hate the parents?
33:39Do you know I mean like i'm thinking that's cool
33:42But for a 36 year old man, and i'm like, yeah, well, let's just chuck that i'm very impressed
33:47You did party bags very hands-on. My wife never said that to me when I put pulp scratchings in ours
33:53And across town the old steven would usually have asked his dates if they're a fan of a bit of pulp by now
33:59But he's kept the filth to a minimum and having a lovely time is safe
34:03So mister so mister
34:06tell me
34:08What do you want to know if you were to pack your bag tomorrow?
34:13Where would you go? And what will you take with you?
34:16And what would you do?
34:18I would probably just
34:20Rock up at the airport
34:22See what the next flight long haul was out of there
34:25Book myself on that
34:28I wouldn't take anything
34:29Oh, oh just whenever i've gone traveling before i've only took one change of clothing
34:34What if you shoot yourself at the airport asking for a friend and a change of skids? Yeah
34:40And skincare
34:41I don't use any of that. Do you not? No, what's your secret? I had a facelift
34:46That would do the trip does that work on all wrinkly features asking for another friend
34:52Do you know what? I don't like anything on my face. It just feels really greasy. Yeah
34:55I don't want to do that just to avoid the eye area. I don't get it
35:00Oh, he's talking about semen
35:12Welcome back to celebs go dating. We're after a safe start to his date with safe steven switched off the safety filter
35:19Keep with your body right now
35:23What is your body cam
35:24I don't know who knows who keeps track me and if the wife's listening it's one and if she's not then it's still one
35:33Guestimation for me for myself. Yeah. Oh god. I honestly wouldn't know a reason I couldn't put a number to it
35:44Mine's quite low. I'm going to go three or four. Yeah, I think mine's maybe
35:51I haven't even had sex that many times
35:53Do you know the averages? No five
35:58Is it? Yeah, what for a 52 year old for anyone?
36:01This is what a good date feels like I cannot wait to tell the agents how good i've been
36:06And I only asked a few smutty questions, which for me is very successful
36:11I think it's safe to say this has been steven's best date by a long shot right then. Shall we let's go
36:19The date was fantastic it was excellent
36:23I am attracted steven. He's got
36:25This great dress sense and like the tattoos and the hair and the smile
36:31Yeah, he's a sexy man
36:37Definitely did feel there was a spark between us. I just hope he had as good a time as I did
36:42Oh, this is goodbye. We'll see you later. I've had a really nice day. I had a lot of fun. Yeah
36:49We'll be in contact
36:54So see you soon see you soon
36:56Oh, yes steve-o bags his first smooch at the agency get in I think the agents have definitely lifted up a gear
37:04So it's really good looking. I really like him
37:07So my last date was six out of ten. I think this one's gonna peak at nine
37:12Nice work goggle bollocks
37:16Not sure philander's date is quite hitting those heights yet
37:19But then danny hasn't revealed that they've already met in ib for airport yet. So there's still hope
37:24Thank you very much, thank you. Cheers. Cheers. Thank you. Yeah. Cheers. There we go
37:31Yeah, it's like a it's like a holiday drink in it makes me want to be on holiday and talking of holidays here's your chance fella
37:44They're really nice have some i'm not a massive nut fan. What's the flavor? Oh, he's bottled it and gone for the nuts
37:51I was actually all right
37:52so in terms of like dating then have you since you broke up with your ex have you like
37:58Been seeing anyone and it just hasn't worked out for whatever reason or have you just kind of kept yourself to yourself
38:02I ended up seeing someone for about six months. All right. Yeah
38:07And that didn't work out
38:09Then I did meet someone who was really lovely
38:13But yeah, how about you?
38:16I've dated two girls for a couple of months both of them both of them bit greedy, but then
38:23Just timing circumstances. Yeah, have you ever tried to drive to burnley might not be bad for you
38:29But for me that is a horror drive. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so it's like well over an hour on country roads
38:35It's like somewhere if lord of rings it's freaking well out of the way
38:39Danny is cracking me up, but I don't know if it's that banter that you have with a friend
38:44Rather than in a romantic way
38:46Come on, danny. It's make or break time
38:49We briefly met years ago. Here we go
38:53So you were i'm sure you were in ibiza 2013
38:57She's shitting it
38:59Stop. Yeah, probably met in the airport on the way home define met for us, please. Danny
39:05yeah, so
39:07I wanted to come and sit down and you were sat with a couple of your friends and then like
39:12There was a little bit of like
39:14I was probably staring at you more than you were staring at me
39:16Not sure that's helping buddy, but then all my friends were like, you know who that is though, don't you and I was like
39:21Because I don't really watch I watch football and that's about it
39:24And like oh, it's hell enough like honey. I was like you're fucking joking. Oh, that's so funny. Yeah
39:29Wow, I know crazy
39:31Oh, danny could be worse. At least you don't have to drive to burnley later
39:37Over to chris now who the agents have asked to open up more on date
39:40But the only things he's managed to open so far is his knitted shirt and foil wrapped bird feeder poor daisy
39:47Um, tell me about yourself myself through the medium of interpretive dance. No, just tell me about yourself
39:53I was gonna say you don't see my dancing. Can you not dance? No, can you?
39:57Like a dad. Yeah, really really good. Like a dad. You want me to do my dance move we can
40:03Describe i'll fully show you that's absolutely fine. Jesus. This guy will do anything to avoid a deep chat. I literally can't watch
40:11God that is
40:14He looks like an agitated granddad queuing for a piss I do a bit samba sometimes
40:19That's nice footwork hip movement. I was thinking what about the hips? We're having a lot of fun
40:24But I think daisy, come on, let's get serious. Let's get deep
40:27Finally, it's about bloody time. So if you had a penis for the day, what would you do?
40:32Oh, I think she'd slap you around the quiff of it. Chris. You don't like serious conversations. Why?
40:38Don't know you just don't like it. Let's not talk about that
40:45Let's get some shots should be getting shot you in a minute mate
40:52Another bloke on the brink is danny who having gone down in flames of his airport story is in danger of landing in the friend
40:59zone on his date with hells
41:01What I do I thought you those were so northern and so funny it just reminds me of home. I love it
41:05You sound like posh north
41:07I get that quite a bit, but i'm very northern though. I am. Where did you go to school?
41:12So I did I went to a girl's school. I did go to private girl's school, but it was still north though
41:17careful danny
41:19Yeah, but it's all a bit still a bit higher end, isn't it? But i'm still very northern
41:24Uh-oh, my wife does this external laughter internal fury
41:29Danny seems really sweet and I could talk to him for ages, but do I want to rip his clothes off? No, I don't
41:37But darling I've
41:39I've got to go back for my kids
41:41Yeah, i've got to make the school run in the morning
41:44Shit quick danny. Tell her about the time your postman saw her in wh smiths. You're joking. Yeah, but
41:50Genuinely, like it was so lovely to meet you. Like you're such a lovely guy like you're a lovely dad
41:55You're a good looking guy, but I just don't fancy you. I've really enjoyed tonight, but I really don't want to go back for my kids
42:01No worries, that's fine. Oh hell's bells just telling me don't float your boat. But yeah, I've really enjoyed this evening
42:06I've had such a nice time. No worries. Thank you. Yeah, you too. See you soon. See you later. Thank you. Bye
42:13I guess danny's footing the bill
42:16Good looking guy really lovely, but there just wasn't that like romantic connection. There wasn't that click
42:22I felt like we talked for ages, but it was as friends
42:26My date with helen went really well did it danny felt like we had a lot in common
42:30I think there's a little bit of sexual chemistry there. Yeah, not sure whether helen was flirting or whether she wasn't I didn't really get a
42:38Yeah, I wanted to kiss helen. She was gorgeous. What can I say? Oh, man, it's like b4 airport 2013 all over again
42:45And chris's date with daisy has also hit a little turbulence
42:49So it's time to get serious or fuck it. Just order some flaming shots here
42:53um, cheers
42:57Is it gonna be hot
43:00It's boiling hot. We might need to um, just wait a short period for that to cool down
43:05Oh my god, i'm so glad you did that for me
43:08To be fair the naked hot flame was a bit of a giveaway
43:11To be fair the naked hot flame was a bit of a giveaway
43:14I have failed to open up and the agents are not going to be up here
43:18So i've at this point i've just got to find a token some kind of token to take back to them
43:22It's now time to do what paul told me to do in this situation
43:26This has been delightful. It has
43:28however, having said that
43:31Obviously with what i'm doing here at the agency
43:35I should be
43:37100 honest agreed and I don't want to lead you on don't want to lead you down a path
43:42um and uh
43:44Big paul has taught me that if it if it's not like a very very certain. Yes, I should
43:50React accordingly agreed. So
43:52with that in mind, um
43:55I don't know
43:57If there will be a second date, is he piner? I'm, not sure even he knows
44:02That's absolutely fine better to be honest, I like that that you were honest
44:08Appreciate it. I think chris weirley might have just made some progress
44:11It's weird that i still want to kiss you. Oh fucking never mind. Right. Should we?
44:16Adjourn. Yeah, let's let's
44:19I'll take my present. You've got birds outside your gap in perpetuity now. That's a nice situation to have what is perpetually?
44:25I wish I had that do you want my address? Yeah
44:29Yeah, I feel like you will turn up shut up
44:32So he's gone from letting her down honestly to trying to secure a sly booty call agents will love this
44:38Right. Well, this was delightful, wasn't it? Really nice to meet you. Have a good night. Safe journey home. See you later. Bye
44:46I think my date went well. I feel like we had good chat, but I think he was a bit reserved
44:51Like he didn't want to open up. It just wasn't enough really
44:54I had a really good date with daisy. There was a lot of nice chat undeniably a physical spark
44:59She's a good looking girl. Very attractive
45:02But it wasn't a hell. Yeah
45:04So it's no
45:06With some confusing snog me signals thrown in I feel like when the moment's bright the serious side will come out
45:12I can't force it. I can't pretend to be comfortable with somebody that i'm not comfortable with
45:18That was probably the most honest thing i've said in the last four weeks
45:21Well, whoop-dee-doo he's found his honest streak next time maybe dig it out before your actual date's gone home
45:28next week
45:29Our fast flirting event will commence
45:33New celeb lauren goodman makes an emotional agency entrance. How do you feel about him? I don't know
45:41If I will ever forgive him
45:44Helen drops a bombshell at speed dating. It's making it very difficult now when i'm dating. So that means you lied to us
45:51And that also means you wasted our time
45:54And there's a steamy snog fest on the romantic retreat. Blimey
46:00I do like to sit on most dates with a semi as our celebs you could play on my care. Yeah
46:07Get it on me girl. This is fucking
46:09Dating I feel like it's christmas and my birthday one. It's an absolute sex fest