Mi Amor Sin Tiempo Capitulo 36 Completo en Español

  • 2 weeks ago
Mi Amor Sin Tiempo Capitulo 36 Completo en Español
00:00I love Barbara.
00:05I love her like I never thought I could love a woman.
00:09Daniel, Barbara is your cousin's wife.
00:14I know.
00:15And it hurts me that she is.
00:17Because I don't want to betray Mario.
00:19But I don't want to give up Barbara either.
00:22And Barbara knows?
00:23Have you told her how you feel?
00:25Yes, yes.
00:26And she loves me too.
00:29No, no, no.
00:30For God's sake.
00:33I'm going to ask her to leave the ranch,
00:35to come back to the city when Fatima leaves,
00:37because if not, a disaster will happen here.
00:39No, Mom.
00:40I forbid you to meddle.
00:42Neither Barbara nor I are children
00:44for you to meddle in solving our lives.
00:46This is something that only she and I are going to solve.
00:52Hi, Monica.
00:54Hi, Remigio.
00:56Hi, Remigio.
00:57How are you?
00:58We brought you some gifts to celebrate your birthday.
01:02Look what we brought you.
01:03Everything is for you.
01:05Thank you very much.
01:07And the cake that Aunt Lucia and I are going to make for your party is missing.
01:11Thank you very much.
01:12I have never had a party with piñata and many sweets.
01:15Well, there is always a first time.
01:17Thank you very much, ma'am.
01:19I hope I haven't bothered you.
01:21No, it's not a bother.
01:23Remigio, you will be able to invite all your friends from school and the ranch.
01:26Wow, it's going to be the best party of my life.
01:29Look, do you want some sweets?
01:31Maca, you're not going to eat them all, okay?
01:35Daniel, you have to end that love.
01:38As if it were that easy, Mom.
01:40Let's see, I'm not saying it's easy,
01:42but realize everything you can destroy if you let yourself be carried away by that passion.
01:46A marriage, your relationship with your cousin Mario,
01:49your grandfather's dream of having the family together.
01:52And I haven't thought about that, Mom.
01:55Don't I feel guilty for this love?
01:57Son, please.
01:58Also think about Maca.
02:00She adores you, you're her uncle.
02:02Think about what you're going to suffer when she finds out you're after her mom.
02:05I don't want to hurt anyone, Mom.
02:07I swear.
02:10But what do I do with what I feel for Barbara?
02:13Maybe you're just dazzled by her.
02:16Maybe she's so different from you.
02:18She made you put your eyes on her.
02:21But you can't go from hating your cousin's wife to being completely in love with her.
02:26Well, that's how it was.
02:27That's how it happened.
02:29That's why they say there's only one way to hate love.
02:31But let's see, when did it happen?
02:33If we were here...
02:34Mom, no, Mom, no.
02:35Listen to me, Mom, I don't know.
02:36I don't know.
02:38We went from not being able to stand each other to not wanting to separate.
02:41For God's sake, you have to come to your senses.
02:44Mom, since Maria died,
02:47I thought love would be over for me.
02:50Today I know I can fall in love again.
02:52And even though I shouldn't feel what I'm feeling,
02:54I can't help it.
02:58This love is superior to me.
03:01I love you.
03:06Calm down, really.
03:07Don't apologize to me.
03:10I understand perfectly well that you may have felt uncomfortable or annoyed by some of the situations,
03:14and it really wasn't my intention.
03:17You don't know how excited I was to be in this campaign,
03:20to do this commercial.
03:22I'm giving it my all.
03:24And I really want us to get along,
03:26to have a good relationship.
03:30Will you forgive me?
03:33Jose, Jose wants me to go see him in the hotel room.
03:37And you're going there?
03:38Well, I have to talk to him
03:40and see what he's up to by pretending to be a friend and distributor of Federico.
03:44And the sooner I face him, the better.
03:48Well, in that case, I'm going with you.
03:50Yes, yes, yes, friend.
03:52I accept that you accompany me and Armando,
03:55but I'm going in alone, because that's what he demanded.
03:58Let's see, what are we going to do, Armando and I,
04:01if you go in alone to see that guy?
04:03Well, I don't know.
04:04They can stay outside the room,
04:06and if I need them,
04:08I don't know, I'll scream and force them in.
04:11Armando doesn't know how to do it.
04:14Besides, I have something.
04:15I bought something,
04:16I bought something that can help me a lot.
04:19Look, I'm going to take this, look.
04:21Tear gas, what do you think?
04:23It's better than nothing.
04:25Let's see, you're right.
04:27Let's go at once.
04:30Are you serious?
04:32Yes, Armando.
04:36Yes, yes, it's fine.
04:38And take the party in peace.
04:40What party?
04:42Nati, let's get closer and talk.
04:47I don't know, I feel like something has stung me.
04:50Do I have something?
04:51No, I don't see anything.
04:52Are you sure?
04:53Yes, I'm sure.
04:55No, no, I don't see you.
04:56You're excited.
04:58He's here.
04:59Listen to the door.
05:00Oh, family, we're here.
05:04Oh, Maquita.
05:05It's good that you're here, Dad.
05:07How are you, little girl?
05:09Hello, little girl.
05:10It's good that you're here, Dad.
05:11Hello, Grandma.
05:12I was looking forward to seeing you.
05:17The food is ready.
05:18You must be starving.
05:19Well, something like that.
05:21Because of Pablo, we left a little later than we had planned.
05:31My son.
05:32How are you?
05:33Fine, fine.
05:34I'm going to sit next to Fati.
05:35Oh, well, let's go.
05:36Let's go to win the place.
05:37Let's go.
05:38Let's go.
05:39Because we're hungry.
05:40Yes, yes, yes.
06:02Let's sit down.
06:07I can do it.
06:08I can do it.
06:24I bought you your favorite wine.
06:25I don't want it.
06:27Well, it's courtesy.
06:29My good Federico has a bad habit.
06:32What do you want me to do to leave me alone?
06:34I already told you, but you don't listen to me.
06:37That's why I had to get close to your boyfriend.
06:39So you can see that I'm not playing.
06:41I want you to come back with me.
06:43Did you hear me?
06:44Well, that's all I want.
06:46I wish I die for getting.
06:50Oh, the truth is that I already missed the pure air of the countryside.
06:55And we missed you, dad.
06:57I'm going to miss you a lot when I finish the holidays.
07:01And I have to go back to school in Mexico City.
07:04Oh, my life, but you can come to visit here.
07:06I don't know, on a bridge or on your next vacation.
07:10And so we give him another piñata and other sweets to Remigio.
07:14It's a great idea, my love.
07:16Well, I'm going to walk a little through the countryside.
07:19I've been sitting all day.
07:21I'll go with you.
07:22Let's go.
07:24Go, dad.
07:29I have to return the packer, but see you at night.
07:32How good, son, that you focus on work.
07:37Well, see you later.
07:39And if you want us to organize a bohemian night, I bet.
07:43Perfect. Yes, yes, yes.
07:46Goodbye, son.
07:47Goodbye, mom.
07:51Well, I'll leave you.
07:52You probably have a lot to talk about.
07:55Excuse me.
07:57Well, let's go to the garden to talk more comfortably, right?
08:02Wait, Toto.
08:04Come in.
08:07Excuse me.
08:13How do you expect me to come back to you
08:15when you destroyed my life when you killed my son?
08:18Yes, yes, yes, I was an animal.
08:20I'm very sorry now.
08:22Please forgive me.
08:23I'm very sorry now.
08:24Please forgive me.
08:25There are things that cannot be forgiven, Jose.
08:28Look, Renata, I know I hurt you a lot,
08:32but I've suffered a lot too.
08:34I was in prison for almost 20 years.
08:37In that horrible place, the only thing that kept me alive
08:40was the idea of seeing you again.
08:42Don't touch me!
08:43I love you.
08:44Instead, I hate you.
08:45That's not true.
08:47You also love me and you wanted me as much as I wanted you.
08:50All I want is that you don't look for me anymore.
08:53Let go of me!
08:54Don't touch me!
08:56Let go of me.
08:57Don't force me to hurt you, please.
09:02That outfit looks great on you.
09:05I bought the first one, Daniel, and I bought the rest.
09:08Yamaka says I look a lot like you.
09:12Well, you did miss some necklaces, but...
09:15There's no doubt that you're a totally different woman
09:18than the one who came here.
09:22I was really worried about you, to be honest.
09:25That's why I brought Grandpa Alvaro.
09:27How are you?
09:29Well, with the same idea of leaving Mario.
09:38Let's see, maybe I'm making up ideas,
09:41but the fact that you didn't answer me when I asked you
09:44if there was someone else really made me mad.
09:51Trust me.
09:53I'm your sister, I'm not going to judge you.
09:55I want to help you.
09:57No one can help me.
10:01Who is it?
10:03I swear I don't understand how it happened or when, but...
10:07I fell in love with Daniel.
10:11Did you marry me, my love?
10:14Don't you remember how many times you told me you loved me?
10:16Yes, when I didn't know you were aggressive.
10:19I'm never going to hurt you again, but come back to me.
10:23I want you a lot more than before.
10:24Renata is driving me crazy.
10:26And I'm just going to make you enjoy my arms.
10:28You're never going to touch me, you hear me?
10:31Never again.
10:32Yes, Rafael.
10:33You're never going to touch me, you hear me?
10:35Never again.
10:36Yes, but you do let Federico do it, don't you?
10:38Because he loves me.
10:39Let go of me.
10:40Because he loves me and takes care of me and protects me and you don't.
10:44You're going to do it one day.
10:46Stop idealizing it.
10:50I already asked you nicely to stay away from him.
10:53Otherwise, don't say I didn't warn you.
10:56The same thing might happen to him as to Oscar.
10:58What did you do to him?
11:00Well, it's not worth wasting time talking about a poor bodyguard.
11:05When the important thing is to see how we get Federico out of jail.
11:08No, don't touch Federico.
11:10No, if I'm not going to do it, it's a fool to do it.
11:13I don't want to go back to jail.
11:15You do something to Federico or any of the people I love and I swear I'll kill you.
11:22Don't touch me.
11:25Let go of me.
11:26Don't provoke me, Renata.
11:29Let go of me.
11:30Let go of me.
11:32Renata, are you okay?
11:35Let go of me.
11:45Let's go, let's go.
11:48And I love him and now I don't know what to do.
11:50I swear we tried to stop him, stop him.
11:53At all times, but it was impossible.
11:55Let's see, you don't have to swear anything to me.
11:57I understand that sometimes you can't control your feelings, but well, knowing you, I know that what you must feel for Daniel is something very strong.
12:08A lot, a lot.
12:10I swear I tried to stop him, stop feeling things, not see him anymore, but it was useless.
12:19I can imagine how difficult this is for you.
12:22And more with how rigid you have always been with these things.
12:26I don't know, I never thought this would happen to me, you know?
12:30And now I don't know when it happened.
12:33And you know what's the worst?
12:35I don't know, sometimes I feel the worst of women, with Maca, with Mario.
12:41But, but when I'm with Daniel, like everything is perfect.
12:46You know?
12:47Like my eyes shine, I feel my heart full, I don't want to change for anyone.
12:52Like I don't know what to do with so much love that I feel.
12:57I don't know.
12:58I've never seen you like this.
13:00Come here.
13:04No, Maca.
13:06Daniel can't be in love with that dead bitch Barbara.
13:08I heard it, Maricruz, there's no doubt.
13:11Daniel is in love with his cousin's wife.
13:17Well, I'm not sure about that.
13:19I didn't stay to listen anymore because I was afraid they would find out.
13:23But for me, that she is also interested in him, you can tell.
13:27Barbara cheated on him, Rita.
13:29She is to blame.
13:31She loves to draw attention and that everything is coming out of her hand.
13:35Well, it was whatever.
13:36But young Daniel fell in his nets.
13:41Damn old Rita.
13:43But you know what?
13:44Daniel is going to hear me.
13:45He who says he defends the family so much and messes with his cousin's wife?
13:50I'm not going to leave her.
13:52Do it.
13:53Do it, because the one who gets involved in a marriage has no forgiveness.
13:56And for you to leave her, I'm going to make you a more powerful amulet than I made you,
14:00to help you achieve it.
14:02Your amulets that she didn't trust, the other one didn't even help at all.
14:06It's because you never had faith in him.
14:08But well, I'm going to do it.
14:10You'll know if you use it.
14:13You're going to have to make a decision.
14:16I know.
14:17I know.
14:18I swear I love Daniel.
14:21But I don't want to do anything that hurts Mario,
14:24that affects Maca.
14:26You know?
14:27I don't want things to end badly.
14:29I know and I understand.
14:31But things are going to end badly if you don't do something in time.
14:35Try to do things right.
14:37Well, in the most correct way possible.
14:39But tell me.
14:40Tell me how.
14:41I mean, how do you do things right when you're married
14:45and you're in love with a man who is doubly forbidden?
14:49Well, not walking with both at the same time.
14:52If you don't love Mario anymore, it's fine.
14:54I swear it's worth it.
14:55But, but put a final point first to your marriage.
14:58And after you're a free woman,
15:00then you see if your thing with Daniel can work.
15:04It's not that easy.
15:05No, I know it's not easy, Barbara.
15:07But while you and Daniel are here, under the same roof,
15:10it will be much more difficult for you to clarify your thoughts.
15:14Let's see, it's too tempting to have him here every day by your side.
15:18And forgive me, but Mario doesn't deserve to be deceived.
15:22I know.
15:24Say what you want,
15:25but for me it's a terrible idea
15:27that you're going to break up with Federico because of Jose's threats.
15:31I can't keep risking his life and all of your lives.
15:35I don't want to put you in danger.
15:37And how are you going to justify to him that one day you say goodbye to him?
15:41Do you think he's not going to ask you why you do it?
15:44What do you suggest?
15:45Jose is not playing.
15:47I'm sure he did something bad to Oscar.
15:50Well, then tell Narvaez that there will be an investigation
15:53and that he files an act against him.
15:56Let's see.
15:57There is no evidence that it was him
15:59and about the investigation they are already doing.
16:02Jose not only wants you to break up with Federico,
16:05but to get back with him.
16:06Enough, enough, please.
16:08I'm going to get away from Federico so he doesn't hurt him
16:11or any of you.
16:13But I'm not going to get back with Jose.
16:16Just thinking about it makes me nervous, makes me anxious.
16:22Look at me, how am I with the dermatitis?
16:24Did this come from him?
16:27It's a rejection of my body, my body doesn't want him close.
16:30I can't have him close to me anymore.
16:33Renata, I would like to tell you that he is going to leave,
16:36but I doubt it very much.
16:39But tell me, what excuse do I get to leave the ranch
16:42when Maca has not yet finished his treatment?
16:45Well, I don't know.
16:46You can go to Mexico with the pretext
16:49that they are going to operate on our dad.
16:51And then you leave Maca here and,
16:54already being there with Mario,
16:56you talk to him and ask for a divorce.
16:59But don't come back here until you have everything solved there.
17:03And I can come for Maca
17:05while you are in the legal process of separating.
17:10I swear I'm so worried about Maca.
17:13She adores her dad
17:15and she will never accept Daniel as a partner.
17:20And the truth is that much less that I get divorced.
17:24Well, you're going to have to choose, brother,
17:26between the mother or the woman.
17:29Because you can't have both in this world.
17:34I just arrived from the course and I already found out.
17:36How is it possible that you have put your eyes
17:38on your cousin's wife?
17:40What are you talking about?
17:41Don't pretend I know everything.
17:43And right now I'm going to tell your grandfather
17:45to bring her back to Mexico.
17:46Now you are not going anywhere, listen to me.
17:48And I remind you that there is nothing between you and me.
17:50You have no right to meddle in my life.
17:52Oh, react, please.
17:54You shouldn't love that woman.
17:56Don't you understand that if everyone does it,
17:58they will reject you for taking your cousin's wife?
18:01Oh, my love.
18:02And if you think that Barbara is going to leave everything for you,
18:05her image, her luxuries, her comforts,
18:08to be with a rancher, you are very wrong.
18:11Let's see, stop saying nonsense
18:12and pretending to do things you don't even know.
18:14No, they are not nonsense and I know, look.
18:16Or deny it to me.
18:18Did you fall in love with Barbara?
18:21Tell Federico what's going on.
18:23Maybe he can help you get Jose back to jail.
18:26No, I can't.
18:28Let's see, let's see.
18:29Under what charges, huh?
18:31That guy has me cornered
18:33and my hatred for him grows and grows and grows every moment
18:36because he has me in his hands.
18:40He's destroying everything I have now.
18:44Just like he did before with my life.
18:47He's doing it again.
18:50He's doing it again.
18:53I'm not going to keep talking to you about that or anything.
18:57Because you're going to regret loving her, look.
18:59That love you feel and your love for her
19:01is going to make you very unhappy,
19:02you and everyone around you.
19:05Accept my defeat?
19:07I swear I would.
19:08But if there was only something good in that relationship,
19:11the only thing you're going to cause is a tragedy.
19:13Maria Jose, enough!
19:14I don't want you to talk about this with anyone,
19:16not my grandfather, not Barbara.
19:18Because I swear that if you do,
19:19you won't like the consequences.
19:20Oh yeah? Are you threatening me or what?
19:21No, no, no, I'm warning you to respect my life.
19:25Don't touch my things or anyone else's.
19:34I love you, Daniel.
19:37And I'm not going to let you go to the precipice.
19:47What am I going to do with you, Greta?
19:49I don't want you to look for me.
19:51I don't want to be close to you.
19:53How do I make you understand?
19:56You're going to look at me,
19:58so don't provoke me, Renata.
20:16And what happened with Fatima?
20:17Has she moved in with respect to Verania?
20:19Look, I haven't been able to talk to her well.
20:21She had to go to a ranch to see her sister.
20:23And the truth is that I don't think she's calmer.
20:26Besides, I gave her the reason.
20:27Verania hasn't stopped looking for a way to be close to you.
20:30Yes, but she's not going to achieve anything.
20:35The exhibition was a complete success.
20:37Francesco Neri extended an invitation to you
20:40to exhibit in his gallery in Los Angeles.
20:42It would be my first international exhibition.
20:45The first of many, as I told you.
20:48I can't believe it!
20:50But tell me, when, where,
20:52who else is going to exhibit in that gallery in Los Angeles?
20:55I have to send all the information,
20:57so what do you think if we have dinner or eat
21:00as soon as you get back to Mexico
21:01to tell you all the details?
21:03Besides, we deserve a celebration, don't you think?
21:06Yes, yes, yes, of course.
21:08As soon as I get to Mexico, I'll call you.
21:10Thank you, Diego.
21:11Thank you, thank you for believing in me.
21:18Well, I'm going to leave what we've consumed unpaid until now.
21:20If they ask for anything else, you pay it
21:22and let me know so I can pay you back, okay?
21:24Yes, perfect, thank you.
21:25Good, good.
21:27Hey, but we're leaving.
21:29No, Andrea and I were recommended a great salsa place.
21:33Of course.
21:34I'm super tired,
21:35the truth is that I need to get into bed and lie down.
21:37Totally, me too, yes.
21:39Yes, I think, Verania, that you should rest
21:41because it's a very cool day this morning.
21:43You don't have to tell me anything.
21:44I know how to take care of myself.
21:46Ah, okay, well, have fun.
21:50Bon appetit.
21:51Bon appetit.
21:53What? You're not going to say goodbye to me?
21:54Yes, well, no.
21:56Good night.
21:58See you tomorrow.
22:00Good night.
22:01Good night.
22:02Get some rest.
22:03Of course.
22:05Don't you think it's a coincidence
22:06that they end up in the same restaurant as us?
22:08Too much.
22:09I don't know why Fatima doesn't trust Verania.
22:12I hope at least a good picture came out.
22:17I brought you Coca-Cola.
22:18It's sugar-free.
22:20Thank you. Can you put it there?
22:24Be careful, okay?
22:26You're a mess.
22:31I'm very worried about Maca.
22:33I think it's going to be very hard for her to accept the divorce.
22:37Well, her, Mario, my parents, everything.
22:42But beyond what I feel for Daniel,
22:45I can't be with Mario anymore.
22:47You know?
22:48Yes, yes, I understand perfectly.
22:50That's doing things right.
22:54Oh, Fatima.
22:56I think what I feel for Daniel is...
22:59I don't know, it's from another planet.
23:00You know? It's something I can't explain.
23:02I mean, it's not just the desire that I don't feel for Mario anymore,
23:05but it's something unique, you know?
23:08Like, deep, different.
23:11I understand perfectly.
23:13Something similar happened to me when I met Sebastian.
23:16I mean, because Adrián was still in my life and...
23:20Oh, well.
23:22It seems that we fell in love at the same time.
23:25Well, at least you didn't have to fight that you're married,
23:29you have a daughter,
23:31you have relatives.
23:33Your relationship with Sebastian...
23:35Well, it's not a betrayal.
23:42Oh, what a night!
23:44Did you see how I was earning and earning?
23:46I told you we were getting back together.
23:49Well, it was time.
23:51Hey, hey, hey, hey.
23:53You're not going to give me money, you're not going to be like my ex-husband, huh?
23:57We'll figure it out tomorrow.
24:00I'm so stupid.
24:04No, baby.
24:05Hey, let's have another drink.
24:09Good evening.
24:12Good evening, ma'am.
24:13Good evening, ma'am.
24:15Where are you coming from?
24:18We came to have dinner to celebrate our marriage.
24:21We didn't want to bother you, much less.
24:25But we're leaving now.
24:26Yes, we're leaving.
24:27I'm going to sleep.
24:28Get some rest, mom.
24:30No, no, no, no, no, no.
24:31You smell like alcohol, you stink like alcohol.
24:33You can't celebrate without a drink, right, mom?
24:39I'll take care of it.
24:41Hey, and speaking of that, I wanted to apologize.
24:47I haven't been a good sister.
24:49And I really judged you, I treated you badly, I told you ugly things, I never wanted to understand you.
24:57And I feel really bad.
24:58You've been the only one who's listened to me.
25:01I want to apologize.
25:03I feel bad.
25:05No, I have nothing to forgive you for.
25:09Look, now I appreciate that things have changed between us.
25:14And, well, from all this that's been happening, something good came out, right?
25:19Yes, yes.
25:20We have each other.
25:21I know.
25:22But you've been the only one who's really listened to me.
25:25And I swear, if it hadn't been for you, I don't know what I would have done to get this out that was eating me inside.
25:31So, thank you.
25:36I love you, I love you.
25:37Don't forgive me.
25:39I was the worst, I was the worst of the worst sisters in life.
25:42You weren't.
25:50I was very afraid of your mom.
25:51Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to you.
25:54But, I don't know.
25:59Your wedding night begins.
26:03Hey, if we keep winning like this, soon we can leave here.
26:08It's not the time to be millionaires.
26:10Let's do what we're given.
26:12No, I want to be a millionaire.
26:14I love you.
26:15I want a lot, a lot of millions.
26:16Are you going to give me all that?
26:17All that.
26:18And more.
26:19And more.
26:21Don't tell me these things.
26:32I know our story is full of obstacles.
26:39I know our story is full of obstacles.
26:42But I also know that our love has the strength to keep us together.
26:46I love you.
26:50I love you too.
27:03Come more often and more time for you.
27:05I'm going to try, princess.
27:08Give a kiss to the grandparents.
27:11I'm going to go play with Remigio.
27:13I love you a lot.
27:14I love you a lot, a lot, a lot.
27:15Behave yourself, okay?
27:17Promise me.
27:19I love you.
27:20I love you.
27:23Well, see you next week for my dad's surgery.
27:27Yes, I told Mario to go so I could talk to him.
27:31Hey, I'll be there for whatever you need.
27:34Yes, always.
27:37Daughter, please, let me know as soon as you get to Mexico.
27:41Yes, grandpa, don't worry.
27:43Have a good trip.
27:44Take care.
27:46Did you bring your suitcase?
27:47Yes, thank you.
27:49I'm going over there.
27:50In fact, let me check if I have my charger because...
27:54No, I remembered that I do have it.
27:57Yes, now.
27:59It's good to see you, although we hardly live together.
28:06Hi, how are you?
28:07How did it go in Houston?
28:08Good, good, very good.
28:11Well, good, good.
28:12They ratified the diagnosis.
28:14And I'll have the surgery on Monday.
28:16Everything will go very well, you'll see.
28:19Hey, I'd like to see you before they operate on you.
28:24What if you come to the restaurant to eat one of these days?
28:27Oh, go for it.
28:29I'm definitely going to like being with you for a while and talking.
28:35I'll be waiting for you, Gonzalo.
28:38Have a very nice day.
28:45He already told you everything, right?
28:49I'm no one to judge him, okay?
28:51But do things right, please.
28:53There are a lot of people involved.
28:56Believe me, I'm the first one who's surprised by everything that happened to us.
29:00The circumstances are very heavy, but...
29:03But I love her.
29:05I love her like I never thought I could love.
29:08Then be patient, please.
29:11Because Maca and Mario are in the middle of you two, and it hurts me a lot.
29:16Me too.
29:17But I promise I'll take care of you.
29:20Fatima, you're going to be late.
29:22Yes, yes, yes.
29:24Let's go.
29:25I'll take her.
29:27Yes, I do a little exercise.
29:29Let's go, let's go.
29:41To give you
29:43You'll have the other half of me
29:45Look at that face.
29:47What? What's wrong?
29:52What's up, Ivy? Sit down.
29:56How are you?
29:57I'm fine.
29:58And you?
30:01Here, just making decisions.
30:04Can I know which ones?
30:09I'm going to divorce Greta.
30:12I'd like to believe you, but I doubt you'll do it.
30:15You've told me three times, and you always change your mind.
30:18No, no, no. This time, really, I swear...
30:22I swear I'm already decided.
30:24Life is giving me...
30:27It's giving me a second chance.
30:31And this time I'm not going to waste it.
30:37I'm glad you came. I wanted to talk to you.
30:40Fatima already knows.
30:41Yes, she told me, and my mom and Maricruz also know.
30:43How? Why?
30:44Because my mom is a very perceptive woman. She noticed.
30:47What did she tell you? How did she find out?
30:49I don't know. She told me the same thing that everyone is going to say.
30:51That our relationship shouldn't be, and that it's not okay.
30:53And Maricruz? How did he find out?
30:55I have no idea how he found out.
30:57She's going to tell everyone, Daniel.
30:58No, no, no. Don't worry. She's not going to tell anyone.
31:00I already took care of that. Don't worry.
31:02I have to talk to Mario. I have to tell him things.
31:04No. I'm the one who has to tell him, and I'm going to tell him now.
31:07When I go to my dad's surgery, I'm going to tell him, and I'm going to ask for a divorce.
31:10Well, it hurts me for him, but...
31:13But I'm very glad that you and I can live our lives without having to hide.
31:17No, Daniel. It's not such an easy decision, but Mario doesn't deserve to be cheated.
31:23The best thing is that...
31:25For now, we leave him here.
31:34Good morning, Federico.
31:36I didn't expect to see you here.
31:37I know, but you didn't leave me an alternative.
31:40I'm sorry. I've been very busy.
31:42In fact, I'm going to be late for a meeting.
31:44I understand, but my messages don't get to you?
31:47I mean, I don't know if you have me blocked or what's going on.
31:50We have to talk before your son fulfills his threat of telling Fatima everything.
31:55My son is out of town and will be back in a few days.
31:59But don't you think everything is already said between you and me?
32:04You asked me why I married Gonzalo if I didn't love him.
32:07And after thinking about it...
32:10I've decided to tell you the truth.
32:12You have the right to know.
32:15I'm listening.
32:17Do you want us to break up?
32:19Yes. Yes, yes.
32:21I can't be with you until I'm a divorced and free woman.
32:24No, no, you can't.
32:25No, no, don't tell me that.
32:27That can take a long time and I can't be without you.
32:30I know, I know, I know.
32:32But I don't want people to find out.
32:34I don't want Mario to find out.
32:36I don't want to hurt the people I love.
32:38And besides, I have to take care of Maja.
32:40I know, I know you have a daughter. I know.
32:45I'm afraid.
32:46I'm afraid that...
32:49That you're not going to be with me every day.
32:51That you'll break up with me and you won't bet on us anymore.
32:54And I'm also afraid.
32:56I'm afraid that you'll stop loving me and that you won't fight for all of this.
33:00No, no, no, no, no. That's never going to happen.
33:02Never, never.
33:05I love you with all my heart.
33:07And I love you.
33:08You don't know how much I'd like to be free right now
33:11to be able to feel all this I feel.
33:14But it's not true.
33:21No, no, no, no, no.
33:22It's not something I can talk to you about standing here.
33:25It's something very important that can change your life.
33:28You intrigue me, Greta.
33:30No, no, it's not my intention to do it.
33:33But if life allowed me to meet you again,
33:36I have no right to be silent.
33:38But, well, I'll leave you.
33:40Let me know when you have time.
33:43I'll wait for your call.
33:51I'm going to miss you so much.
33:53I'm going to miss the air without you.
33:56Please don't look for me.
33:58Don't send me messages.
34:00Don't try to be close to me.
34:02Don't ask me that, please.
34:04It's not out of pleasure, Daniel.
34:06It's because it's what we should do.
34:17I love you.
34:25I want to love you.
34:29It's like an obsession.
34:31Your name is still written on the walls
34:34of my heart.
34:37Take me to a place where you'll be happy.
34:41Sometimes I regret the rest of my life,
34:43but I can't and I don't want to leave you for a single moment.
34:46Stay one more night with me.
34:53Come and take me to live a dream...
34:59Well, Greta didn't care at all.
35:04That's it.
35:05Really, that's it.
35:07I don't want to continue with her.
35:10And if for some reason she wants me
35:12to be in charge of the business,
35:14I'll do it.
35:16And if she wants to call someone else,
35:18let her do it.
35:19Really, Ana.
35:20That's enough.
35:23It's the first time I've heard you say that.
35:27I'm going to do it.
35:30Oh, Daniel.
35:31I've never felt anything like this.
35:34You're so beautiful.
35:37I can't put into words
35:39everything that makes me feel when I have you in my arms.
35:44I really wanted to put a distance between you and me,
35:48but what I feel for you goes beyond me.
35:53Yes, and what we feel makes sense.
35:56Definitely, but I really didn't want to be in love.
36:01Don't regret it.
36:03We wanted it and we couldn't help it.
36:06I know.
36:08But I didn't want to feel all this
36:12and I ended up letting myself be carried away by the love I feel for you.
36:16I know.
36:17That's why I value it more.
36:20This love is too much.
36:23There's no point in you leaving to face things with Mario.
36:27We can do it together.
36:29I don't know how to do things better, Daniel.
36:33There's no better way to face all this.
36:37But what we feel is so intense that it's worth fighting for it.
36:42That's the only certainty I have right now.
36:46Then let's fight together to overcome all the obstacles this love has.
36:52That's the only way we can be happy.
37:01My kids are grown up, they're not stupid.
37:04They know the bad relationship that exists with their mom.
37:07And finally, I'm at peace with Fatima.
37:11She's an independent and hard-working woman.
37:15She's going to get through this.
37:18Barbara has her family.
37:21Mario is a good man.
37:23What about Pablo?
37:26Pablo can take care of himself.
37:29I'm sick of this.
37:31I've given up on saving him.
37:35Not anymore.
37:37Brother, you don't know how happy it makes me to hear you.
37:42To see that you're finally going to let go of the burden you're carrying.
37:47I want to live for me.
37:49I want to live with dignity for as long as I live.
37:54I want to be surrounded by the people who love me.
37:59The people who are worth it.
38:04You look amazing!
38:07Tell us the truth. What did they do to you?
38:10Nothing. I just got a haircut.
38:13No, no, no. You did something else.
38:16You put on some makeup.
38:18Of course not!
38:20No, no, no. I like the natural.
38:23I'm natural.
38:27Whatever it was, you did it perfectly.
38:29Because you look spectacular.
38:32I feel wonderful.
38:34And you reflect what's inside.
38:37What's inside?
38:39If they were to operate on my husband like they did on Gonzalo,
38:42I'd be very nervous and worried.
38:45No, Gonzalo's surgery is a very common procedure.
38:49Besides, he's in very good hands.
38:51That's true.
38:52Well, if I didn't know you,
38:55I'd think it was about a new love.
39:00No, rather old.
39:03He's been wanting the same man for many years.
39:07Although that man hasn't noticed how good I look.
39:11I thought you'd tell me something, Federico.
39:14I dressed up for you, and you didn't even notice.
39:18Rita, has Barbara returned?
39:20Not that I know of.
39:21Anselmo told me he saw her walking around the field.
39:24She must be with young Daniel.
39:26No, I don't think so. Daniel must be working.
39:29He's not at the grocery store.
39:31Justino called a while ago to ask about him,
39:34but he hasn't been working lately.
39:37Should I send someone to look for them?
39:39I'm sorry.
39:40Should I send someone to look for Mrs. Barbara?
39:44Maca asked me about her, but she'll be back soon.
39:47Yes, that's for sure.
39:49Although she spends a lot of time outside lately.
39:58I can't believe they're not together right now.
40:09I'm not going to change this moment for anything.
40:12Me neither.
40:14I just want to feel, because if I do, I'll feel a lot of guilt.
40:18Don't think about anything other than this.
40:21I feel guilt too.
40:24But what I feel for you can't be bad.
40:29No, love isn't bad.
40:32Our love was forbidden, but I feel like it's not going back.
40:36Neither you nor I want to stop feeling this.
40:41Not even for a second.
40:43We're never going to give up.
40:45No matter what happens, we'll always be together.
