
  • 2 days ago
Set in 1997 before the historic Kargil war, four boys aged 16, set foot in the prestigious National Defence Academy. Cadets is a coming – of- age story about a world where boys become men of honour.


00:00This war was not only fought on the border, but in every house of the country.
00:28We were trying to console our families, but we didn't know what fate had in store for us.
00:34I just spoke with my dad.
00:35We are deploying Jeet's regiment at the LOC.
00:38I know it's a difficult terrain, but I'm sure Jeet will adapt.
00:44Yes, no doubt about it.
00:47Along with the goal, the purpose was also clear.
00:50As the war progressed, we started to understand the real meaning of winning.
00:59Like us, the whole country was watching on TV.
01:02With every bulletin, the hope of winning increased, but we also felt the pain of losing our loved ones.
01:08In such a situation, we cadets, along with our fellow soldiers, just wanted to fight shoulder to shoulder for the country.
01:28A few days later...
01:36Mitra, there's a call from your house.
01:45Hello, Manoj.
01:49What is it, Manoj?
01:51Hello, I just came back from training.
01:54I'll be right there.
01:57Mom, you called me all of a sudden. Is everything okay?
02:01I saw the news.
02:03Twelve more soldiers have died.
02:07Things are bad there.
02:09But Major Sabarwal said that this war will end soon and we will win.
02:15Yes, this war will end and a new one will begin.
02:18And then you'll not be at your fair to have this phone call with me.
02:25You'll be at the border.
02:28And I'll be sitting in front of the TV waiting for the news of your martyrdom.
02:33Is that what you want, Manoj?
02:39Look, Manoj.
02:41The academy is fine.
02:44But war is different.
02:46Why don't you want to understand that?
02:50You weren't made for this life.
02:55Mom, what is your problem?
02:59Anyway, I have to go now.
03:02Take care of yourself.
03:18Manoj, you couldn't even answer.
03:23I could see Manoj's face.
03:26And there was a girl with him.
03:27She was dancing with Chetak.
03:29And he couldn't do anything.
03:31What a loser, man.
03:35I'm telling you.
03:37I'm telling you.
03:50Are you with me?
04:31You were enjoying yourself in front of everyone, right?
04:34You were enjoying yourself, right?
04:36You were making fun of me?
04:38Hit him.
04:41I didn't play football.
04:43And I'm not Haryana's son.
04:47Apologize to the senior.
04:50I'm sorry.
04:51I'm sorry.
04:53He got over it very quickly.
04:56The kid has come to his senses.
04:59No, he's not sorry.
05:01He's not sorry at all.
05:03Hit him more.
05:05Hit him.
05:08Hit him.
05:09It's an order.
05:12It's an order. Hit him.
05:13I'm sorry.
05:15That's enough.
05:16That's enough.
05:17Loser, loser.
05:18You called me a loser?
05:20I'm not a loser.
05:21Tell me.
05:24Manoj, leave him.
05:25Leave him.
05:26Have you gone mad?
05:28Are you out of your mind?
05:44Cadet Tomar.
05:50Sir, Albert and Neeraj were just following my orders.
05:53They didn't know I was going to go this far.
05:59CHM Natarajan.
06:01Do you have anything to say to him?
06:04No, sir.
06:09I can understand your disappointment.
06:16You know, Nitra.
06:19We were thinking of making you the company's cadet leader.
06:23And you wanted to be the CCL.
06:25It's an open secret.
06:27I knew that.
06:29And it's not like we were preferring the two of us over you.
06:31Many times,
06:33we make stupid people the CCL,
06:35who make all the cadets.
06:42But this time, we were thinking of doing something different.
06:48We were thinking of giving a person a responsibility
06:50that would motivate everyone else.
06:54And show them the way forward,
06:55like you did in the previous terms.
07:01But I guess we were wrong.
07:05Effective immediately.
07:07You are stripped of your corporal stripes.
07:10And for the remaining time in this academy,
07:11you will not get any appointment.
08:01When women gave jewellery,
08:03men gave salaries.
08:06How is Jeet?
08:10How is Jeet?
08:12I'm sure he must be doing front rolls from Paki,
08:145000 metres above.
08:16No, but everything is fine, right?
08:18I heard some of our brothers were martyred at the border.
08:23It's nothing, man.
08:24They don't have the courage to face us.
08:26They are attacking us from above.
08:28I spoke with my father.
08:29He said that they will be thrown out of the border very soon.
08:40All you senior cadets,
08:42your conduct is being followed by the entire squadron.
08:45I will pour your glass first.
08:47And write one thing in your bold letter.
08:50In the passing out parade,
08:51your term will participate as much as your seniors.
08:56All your focus will be on training.
08:57There will be double mourning.
08:59And there will be long, difficult drills.
09:01For Camp Everest,
09:03where you will get performance marks.
09:06And Camp Everest training
09:08will start from tomorrow.
09:10General Company,
09:12from now on, your new drill instructor will be
09:15Raghuveer Tewari.
09:18That's all.
09:28Excuse me, sir.
09:30Where did Drill Instructor Natarajan go?
09:32Don't you know?
09:35He was called from his regiment.
09:37Oh, I didn't know that Ustad was an active combatant.
09:43What did it take you?
09:45You are in trouble.
09:46Can't you go to war?
09:48Where is your drill instructor?
09:51Soldiers like Natarajan
09:54are the pride of the military.
09:55They are the pride of the military.
09:57And AFMAs also come to teach the same
09:59to the top fighters.
10:03I didn't do a lot of active duty.
10:06But if I have to risk my life for someone,
10:10then without hesitation,
10:12I will take the name of your drill instructor.
10:15I am sorry, sir.
10:19It's good to have a mission in the army.
10:23But the thing is,
10:25we are writing a story for ourselves.
10:29But our country
10:31is writing a story for us.
10:34And when the time comes,
10:36no one can compete with it.
10:45Now this war had reached our doorstep.
10:48Drill instructor's presence at the border
10:50brought a new life to our war crime.
10:55Yes! Yes! Yes!
10:57Let's fly high in the sky.
10:58Go! Go! Go!
10:59Let's fly high. Let's fly high.
11:01Let's fly high.
11:02We are the drill instructors.
11:03AFM's pride.
11:05Let's fly high. Let's fly high.
11:06Yes! Yes! Yes!
11:08Our seniors were fighting for the country in the war.
11:11This feeling changed the meaning of our training.
11:14As we reached the final camp,
11:16the training became more difficult.
11:18We were all very enthusiastic.
11:20We were just waiting for the right moment.
11:25Let's go.
11:43As we were completing the training,
11:44we were intending to win the camp.
11:48But I would have climbed Mount Everest
11:50if not for Camp Everest.
11:52But still, my mother couldn't let me win.
11:55What happened to you? Why are you so sad?
12:02Come to the library in the evening. We'll have fun.
12:12Which aircrafts were used in the operation Vijay in Goa?
12:15I know that. Hunters, Tufanis, Vampires and Canberra Bombers. Ask one more.
12:24You called me to have fun.
12:28What happened to you? Are you sad because I made Kaustubh a serial?
12:33I'm just not feeling good, okay?
12:36And this studies and you are not getting along. What's actually going on?
12:45I don't have any other option.
12:48If I fail in the fourth term, Wing Commander Subramanian won't let me take Air Force in the next term.
12:53That's why.
13:16What happened?
13:23Did you talk to your father?
13:26About what?
13:28About dropping the AFA.
13:31No. Dad is in the Corps Headquarters now.
13:36It's been a difficult war.
13:39Jeet's regiment is on standby but last we heard he's fine.
13:46And you?
13:49How are you?
13:56I was just thinking that if this war was after 2-3 years and I had actually dropped the AFA, where would I be now?
14:08Wherever you are, I'd be happy knowing that at least you were safe.
14:18You don't get it, do you?
14:21Do you know that this is all my family has done?
14:24All their life, they fought for the country.
14:27They've always been on the ground.
14:29Randhir, I'm just trying to...
14:31Do you know what difficulties Jeet is dealing with right now?
14:33Blood turns to ice in half a minute.
14:36Why are you getting mad at me?
14:38Because it's easy for you to say.
14:41I should have never listened to your leap of faith bullshit.
14:44I mean, how did I even think that I could drop the AFA?
14:48Don't blame me.
15:12Come on, let's go.
15:18Hey, you.
15:20No matter how stubborn you are, why aren't you joining the team?
15:24Look at the ball.
15:26You've never washed your hands properly.
15:29Come on, let's go.
15:33Come on, let's go.
16:00Hello, brothers.
16:02And Randhir?
16:03Hi, hello.
16:04We'll talk later.
16:06Take some rest now.
16:08Doctor, what's wrong with him?
16:10He's lucky that he didn't get a fracture.
16:12It's just a small sprain.
16:14He'll get better after a week of bed rest.
16:17His physiology is a little different.
16:18Just give him a couple of minutes with us.
16:20He'll get up and sit down.
16:28Please, Dad.
16:32Two minutes.
16:33After that, he has to rest.
16:35Thank you, Doctor.
16:40Brother, I'm really sorry.
16:42I should've been with you for the trials.
16:43I called you to the company office.
16:45What could you have done?
16:47What's done is done.
16:50It's not a big deal.
16:52Anyway, as Joshi said,
16:54as soon as I get fit,
16:56I'll give the Polo team trials again.
16:59How can you be so calm?
17:04That's fine.
17:05But how did you fall off the horse?
17:07Zeeshan got a little aggressive.
17:10It's a part of the game.
17:11Hold on.
17:14Zeeshan did this?
17:16No, he was chasing the ball.
17:18He didn't know that his mallet would kiss my feet.
17:27Zeeshan didn't do this.
17:29You take rest.
17:30We'll deal with him.
17:31You take rest.
17:40Randhir, stop!
17:44Where are you going?
17:45I'm going to teach Zeeshan a lesson.
17:47Neeraj said it was an accident.
17:49Listen, that's rubbish.
17:50He's taking revenge for what Neeraj did to Zeeshan.
17:53I know it.
17:55Don't repeat my mistake.
18:01They snatched your manhood with your corporal badge.
18:06Randhir, you're right.
18:08Zeeshan should be punished.
18:10But not like this.
18:16Let's go to Major Sabarwal.
18:18Let him take the action.
18:20You know it's the right thing to do.
18:30Come in.
18:32I have to inform my family.
18:38Sir, we want to discuss something urgent with you.
19:07I have bad news from the border.
19:24I'm so sorry, my boy.
19:43As some of you must know,
19:46we've lost another ex-AFA cadet today.
19:52It feels like yesterday that Lt. Kamaljeet Singh Dhanoa
19:55left the academy and joined the frontline.
20:00And some of you will remember him only as a senior.
20:05Such a big sacrifice at such a young age.
20:09This is the gospel truth of this academy.
20:13A bitter one at that.
20:16Whatever it is,
20:18we live for this.
20:20We fight for this.
20:24And we become martyrs for this.
20:27For this country.
20:30May his actions and his sacrifice
20:35be an inspiration for all of us.
20:44The face I was looking for in the fire that had been burning for a year,
20:48I saw it for the first time today.
21:01Hello, Uncle Francis.
21:05Mom is not at home.
21:07She has gone out.
21:09Actually, I wanted to talk to you.
21:12To me?
21:14Everything okay?
21:15Is there a problem?
21:21I just want to say sorry.
21:24After Dad left, you took care of Mom.
21:27I thought we'd be happy alone,
21:30but now I know she was my wrong family.
21:34Nothing was possible without you.
21:38I'm happy here at AFA just because I know she's happy with you.
21:44Yes, I didn't like some of your decisions,
21:47like sending Dad to the restaurant.
21:50But now I know it was for the best.
21:55So nice of you to say that.
21:58I didn't even congratulate you on your wedding.
22:02I should have been there.
22:04That's okay.
22:06When you graduate and make both of us proud,
22:09we'll celebrate together.
22:13Take care of Mom.
22:41I'm so sorry.
22:47You killed Ajit.
22:49I know how you feel.
22:54But Ajit didn't die, he was martyred.
22:57And we're all so proud of him and his sacrifice.
23:02Ajit is a hero.
23:05Not just for us,
23:07but for the entire academy.
23:09In fact, the entire country will...
23:11What do you know about being a martyr, Manoj?
23:14I don't know.
23:15What do you know about being a martyr, Manoj?
23:18About sacrifice?
23:21Have you ever lost a loved one in a war?
23:26Then don't tell me how I feel right now.
23:30This isn't a military drama, this is real life.
23:35You don't know how many people I've lost since childhood.
23:42And every time you think it hurts less, but...
23:45it doesn't.
23:49I didn't mean that.
23:51I'm just...
23:52Ajit must be a hero for you guys.
23:55He sacrificed, but he was my brother.
24:02I should have been there for him.
24:05I should have been with him.
24:09I don't see that.
24:12Just get the fuck out of here, Manoj!
24:15Leave me alone!
24:46And just like that,
24:48Randhir left.
25:20I know what sacrifice is.
25:22And I've seen it since I was a kid.
25:25A medal on the shoulder.
25:27A martyr.
25:29Number one, fire!
25:33Number one, fire!
25:43Number two, fire!
25:46Number two, fire!
25:52Number three, fire!
25:56Number three, fire!
26:13Number three, fire!
26:16Number three, fire!
26:42Number three, fire!
27:12We've learned our lesson.
27:14Where will this cruel heart stop?
27:17My nights are as if there is no consciousness of the day.
27:20The whole life takes account of itself.
27:24This heart is incomplete, like a Sunday from Monday.
27:27The wall of my dreams is stubborn.
27:30Life is alive.
27:33It was dark, now it's bright.
27:37Wake up, take care.
27:40Keep moving forward.
27:44Life is alive.
27:47It was dark, now it's bright.
27:51Wake up, take care.
27:54Keep moving forward.
28:10Wake up, take care.
28:14Keep moving forward.
28:17Wake up, take care.
28:20Keep moving forward.
28:41Life is alive.
28:44It was dark, now it's bright.
28:48Wake up, take care.
28:51Keep moving forward.
28:54Life is alive.
28:57It was dark, now it's bright.
29:01Wake up, take care.
29:04Keep moving forward.
29:07Life is alive.