A Cult Classic hot Movie _ Canibal Slasher sexy Movie In Hindi explained (1080P_HD)

  • 2 days ago
Hot Hollywood sexy movies explained in Hindi sexy story #viral #hot #sexy #hotwebseries #sexystory #erotic #trendingvideo #hotscene
00:00The story begins with a construction site where many workers were working.
00:05Today, a beautiful girl was walking towards the site and this girl's name was Paris.
00:10Paris's lover also used to work on the site and Paris was going to meet him.
00:14Meanwhile, it was lunch time on the site.
00:16At the same time, Paris also reaches near the site.
00:19Now she went into the hole in the wall and started looking for her lover.
00:23Paris saw that all the workers were having lunch, but she could not see her lover anywhere.
00:28Paris did not know that her lover was standing behind her and waiting for her.
00:33He quickly came to her and grabbed her from behind and the two started there.
00:37While having lunch, Jack's eyes fell on Paris's chest, which was visible from the hole in the wall.
00:42He quickly tells his companions that he will come back after hiding Vimal.
00:46Saying this, he leaves from there.
00:49While Paris and her lover were still there.
00:51Jack's second companion Billy starts his lunch.
00:54But he was very surprised to see his burger.
00:57Meanwhile, Sam's third companion's eyes were also on the wall.
01:00And he also gets up from there quickly.
01:02Billy was still surprised to see his lunch.
01:05As soon as her two friends reach near the wall, Paris leaves from there.
01:10Now let's take the story to the second part of the city.
01:13This woman's name is May.
01:14And today she has made a new oven in her house.
01:17May was very fond of making new dishes.
01:19But her husband did not like her new dishes at all.
01:23May's husband's name was Billy, who worked on the site.
01:26Billy was worried about his wife's hobbies.
01:29While his friends were worried about their lives.
01:31Neither of them had a girlfriend.
01:33Because of which he used to go crazy after seeing the boys.
01:36It was evening after a while.
01:38Billy's wife May was still preparing a new dish.
01:41Soon, Billy stops his car outside his house.
01:44And then comes home and tells May,
01:45You sent a new dish again for lunch today.
01:47And I couldn't eat it.
01:49But May ignores him.
01:51Billy wanted to eat plain food.
01:53While May hated plain food.
01:56She kept making new dishes all day.
01:59Because she thought she was modern.
02:01Because of this, they had a lot of fights.
02:04But May never stopped making new dishes.
02:07Today, May made a new dish for dinner.
02:10And Billy refuses to eat it.
02:12The next day, Billy was having lunch again on the site.
02:15Today he bought bread from the market.
02:17So that he can eat it and satisfy his hunger.
02:19Meanwhile, Paris also came to the site to meet her lover.
02:22Billy's friend Sam comes to him and tries to befriend him.
02:26But he couldn't succeed.
02:28At night, a new dish was made in Billy's house again.
02:31Today, he gets angry and first abuses Ogan.
02:33And then he beats May's dish.
02:35May couldn't hear anything against Ogan.
02:38And neither against her dish.
02:40She also got angry and started abusing Billy.
02:42Finally, Billy gets very angry at May.
02:45After which he strangles her and kills her.
02:48After May's death, Billy broke her whole body into small pieces.
02:52After this, he wraps all the pieces and puts them in the fridge.
02:55Billy was doing all this to save himself from the police.
02:57He knew that until the police doesn't find May's body, he will be safe.
03:02After finishing his work, he starts watching TV.
03:05And at the same time, a crime show starts on TV.
03:07In this show, an officer was telling that some murderers eat the body.
03:11So that the police can never catch them.
03:13After watching the crime show, Billy also decides to eat the body.
03:16So that the police can never catch him.
03:18The next day, Billy was having lunch on the site.
03:21His friends came to him and asked him what he was eating.
03:24Billy tells them that I have made a new meat dish.
03:27And I am eating it.
03:28After hearing this, Billy's friends also ask him for a dish.
03:31And Billy happily gives them the dish.
03:33First Sam eats the new dish.
03:35And then Jack.
03:36Both liked Billy's new dish very much.
03:38By the way, the dish that Billy made with May's meat.
03:41After eating the dish, Jack tells Billy that
03:43Your dish is great.
03:45But I found the meat a little old.
03:47In response to this, Billy says that
03:48I will use fresh meat from next year.
03:51That night, Billy was drinking in a bar.
03:53And at the same bar, a girl named Kat was also sitting alone.
03:57Seeing Kat's young body, Billy's eyes shone.
04:00After which he talks to her and takes her home.
04:03After coming home, he first kills her.
04:06And then he also cuts her body into pieces.
04:08Today, Billy was making the dish again.
04:10And this dish was of a young girl's meat.
04:13After a few days, Billy was looking for a new girl.
04:16And soon his eyes fell on the costume artist.
04:19This artist was a girl.
04:20Who was collecting money by making people laugh on the side of the road.
04:23Billy first makes fun of her costume.
04:26And then he says to her,
04:27I can get you a good job.
04:29The girl quickly gets stuck in his words.
04:32After which Billy tells her to come with him.
04:34He brings the girl to his house and cuts her into pieces.
04:37And then he cooks her in May's oven.
04:39Soon the new dish was ready.
04:42As soon as Billy starts taking it out of the oven.
04:44Then his chest starts hurting.
04:46After a while, Billy's pain was over.
04:49After which he breathes a sigh of relief.
04:51By the way, May's corpse was still lying in Billy's fridge.
04:54Ever since Jack advised him to use fresh meat.
04:57Since then, Billy has never looked at May.
05:00Just like that, one night he decides to bury May's corpse.
05:04And at that moment a woman comes to his house.
05:06This woman's name was Eva.
05:08And she was May's younger sister.
05:10May had not called Eva for many days.
05:12That's why Eva went to meet May.
05:14Billy tells Eva that May is unwell.
05:17And she doesn't want to meet anyone.
05:18But Eva always wanted to meet May.
05:21In anger, she started looking for May in the whole house.
05:24And in the meantime, Billy calls her to himself.
05:26He comes to a door and tells Eva.
05:29May is sleeping in this old room.
05:30You can see her.
05:32But don't try to wake her up.
05:34After this, he shows Eva to the bedridden May.
05:37Now Eva comes to the room quickly and starts looking at May.
05:40But she soon finds out that May is dead.
05:43In the meantime, Billy grabs her from behind and locks her in his closet.
05:47The next day, Billy goes to meet a doctor.
05:50Who was an expert in heart diseases.
05:51After checking Billy, the doctor says.
05:53You should eat light food.
05:55You are old enough.
05:57Heavy food is dangerous for your body and heart.
06:00In the meantime, the young nurse of the doctor also comes there.
06:03Seeing her, Billy's hunger awakens.
06:05On the one hand, the doctor was telling him to eat light food.
06:08And on the other hand, Billy was thinking about the nurse's mask.
06:11On top of that, a young girl named Nancy came to live in Billy's neighborhood.
06:15Seeing Nancy's youth, Billy's fever also increased.
06:18Seeing Nancy's fair skin, Billy also started dreaming about her.
06:22One evening, Billy was coming back from the side.
06:24And on the way, a young girl asks him for a lift.
06:27As soon as the car stops, the young girl asks Billy for help.
06:30And our old hunter gets ready to help him.
06:33After a while, he brings the girl to his house and says.
06:36I will change my clothes now.
06:38And then I will drop you at your house.
06:40Billy had also trapped this girl in his talks.
06:42Soon, he kills the girl first.
06:44And then he also cuts her body into pieces.
06:47The next day, as soon as Billy starts going to work,
06:49he looks at Nancy.
06:51Seeing Nancy, the mouse started jumping in Billy's stomach.
06:54But then he quietly leaves from there after thinking about something.
06:57After working all day, as soon as Billy starts going home,
07:00his two friends stop him.
07:02Billy's friends were going to a party.
07:05And he also wanted to take Billy with him.
07:07This party was tonight.
07:09Billy first refuses to go to the party.
07:11But he agrees when his friends tell him again and again.
07:14Billy's friends tell him that we will come to your house at night.
07:17And then the three of us will go to the party together.
07:20It gets dark soon.
07:21And tonight, Billy was cutting Nancy's pieces.
07:24After a while, his friends come to Billy's house.
07:26So that they can go to the party together.
07:28As soon as they come home, they look at Billy.
07:31Who was lying on the ground.
07:32Both friends understood that Billy must have had a heart attack.
07:36And he died from it.
07:37In the meantime, their eyes are on the oven.
07:40Which was constantly making noise.
07:41As soon as they look at the oven,
07:43the inside of the oven shakes completely.
07:46Both understood that Billy was a man.
07:49And for many days, he was feeding him human flesh.
07:52At the end of the story, Billy's death was due to a heart attack.
07:55Because he didn't listen to the doctor.
07:57Billy's relatives had put his house on sale.
08:00Some workers were vacating Billy's house.
08:02And they get live food from the cupboard.
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