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Mohammad Ali Ashraf, [6/29/2024 7:07 PM]

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00:00Hello everyone, welcome to this session about python data structures where you will be studying
00:14about tuples, how can insert the values in a tuple, deleting, modifying, all these kind
00:21of arrays, list, then different dictionaries, how all these concepts can be included in
00:27the data structure, so let's move on.
00:31So first we will be learning about the python tuple, tuple matching in python is a method
00:36of grouping the tuples by matching the second element in a tuple, it is basically a set
00:43of array or list that you have formed, now it is achieved by using a dictionary by checking
00:49the second element in each tuple of a python program.
00:54Now we have a syntax here, you can use the short form of tuple as tup which is equal
01:01to you can say x, y, z, now here I have mentioned the months June, July, August, so this is
01:08how generally the syntax looks like, you are giving tup and the list or the elements that
01:15is required, now to empty a tuple basically if you don't want anything in your tuple
01:21you can just give the word tup and just keep it blank inside the braces, now if you want
01:28to include just one element this is how the syntax looks like, you can just include one
01:34element put a comma and just keep it blank and close the braces, so this is how the general
01:41form of a tuple syntax look like.
01:45Now how to assign values in the tuple, the tuple assignment, this feature basically enables
01:52us to assign more than one variable at a time, so look at our program here, we have two tuples
02:00tup1 and tuple2, so the first tuple includes the list of certain things like the name,
02:09the color, the designation and to where she belongs, then the next tuple includes a list
02:18of numbers such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, now what I want is from the tuple1 I want to print
02:27the value that is being assigned in 1 and the value assigned for the third, now for
02:33the tuple2 I want the value to be printed from 0 and 5, so basically you see the tuple1
02:43here Krishma it is in the position of 0, karta is in the position of 1, 1988 is the position
02:51of 2, so this is how it has been assigned.
02:54Now for the tuple2 the value 1 is in the position of 0, 2 in the position of 1, so this is how
03:00it goes, so when I am saying from the tuple1 I need to print the values of 1 and 3, so
03:07definitely which values will come, the value karta and the value 1998, now if I want to
03:19print the value of from tuple2 the value which is therefore 0 to 5, definitely the values
03:28will come from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, so this is how the values will be ranging, you can print
03:38the values that stands from, so when 1 is to 3 means you are printing the values that
03:44are coming from 1 is to 3 that is from 0, 1, 2 you count in that way, so just run this
03:51code you will understand how this tuple concept works.
03:56Now basically we will be learning about the packing and unpacking technique here used
04:00for tuple, packing you are placing a value into a new tuple, unpacking is basically extracting
04:08those values back into the variable, so now I am using the variable x here and I am assigning
04:15the tuple packing values such as uni, athena, 500, education, now tuple unpacking is basically
04:24you are taking the same, you are assigning some values related to it and you are assigning
04:29a variable, for example it is a company that you are having an employee ID and the profile
04:35of that company, so basically you are unpacking it, so now here I am printing the company
04:43name, printing the employee ID and I am printing the employee profile, so that is when the
04:51variables will come that is uni, athena, 500, education, so this is how the tuple packing
04:58and unpacking takes place that is you are placing a value into a new tuple and you are
05:03extracting the values from the tuple, so this is how the packing and unpacking technique
05:10Now you are comparing a tuple, so basically a comparison is basically between two tuples
05:17where you can find if the value is equal to 1, tuple 1 to tuple 2 is equal to or greater
05:23than or less than, so all this concept can be applied, so comparison operators in python
05:29can work with tuples, okay the comparison starts with the first element of each tuple,
05:36if they do not compare to equal to less than or greater than then it proceeds to the second
05:43element, so always remember the first elements are compared, if it does not match then only
05:49it will proceed to the second element or so on, so it starts comparing basically with
05:56the first element.
05:57So here I have given an example, I am taking a tuple A, I am assigning a value A, 5 and
06:036 then B, 1 and 4, so basically I am programming it in such a way that if the A is greater
06:10than B print A, if B is greater than A print B, so just run this program and you will find
06:17out exactly, so here from with this we can understand that tuple A is greater than the
06:23value of tuple B that is the first element here is being compared that is 5 and 1, if
06:30it does not, if it did not work out definitely you will compare the second element.
06:37Now you can even delete the entire tuple, deleting optional tuple always remember you
06:43can delete the entire tuple, you cannot delete the one variable that is required, okay so
06:50tuples are immutable and cannot be deleted, you cannot delete or remove items from a tuple,
06:58but deleting the tuple entirely is possible using the DEL command, okay.
07:05Now even slicing can be applied for tuple to fetch specific sets of sub elements from
07:11tuple or a list we use this unique function called slicing, okay slicing is not only applicable
07:18for tuple, but it could also be used for arrays or list, now I have given an example here
07:26you can use this for how slicing can be applied.
07:30Now we learn the advantages of tuples over a list, so we know tuples are immutable basically
07:36we cannot delete or insert any kind of elements inside it, if we want to delete the tuple
07:42we have to delete the tuple in entire form, so iterating to the tuple is much faster when
07:48compared with the list because tuples are immutable.
07:52Now tuple consist of since it is immutable we can use this as a key elements for dictionary
07:59which is not possible with the list, now if you have a data a set of data that is immutable
08:06implementing it in a tuple will help us to generate the output as desired and it is quite
08:13protected, okay.
08:14So, we need not worry about any such kinds of you know missing value issues or anybody
08:22altering with the data because since the tuples are immutable if we use data's that are
08:29immutable it will be helpful for us in the case of tuple listing rather than listing
08:36Now we will come to the python dictionary, okay it is an unordered and changeable collection
08:42of data values that holds key value pairs, now each key value pair in the dictionary
08:50maps the key to its associated value making it more optimized, now a dictionary in python
08:57can be declared by enclose by enclosing it in a bracket in a comma separated list of
09:03a key value pairs using curly braces.
09:07Now python dictionary is classified into two elements here one is keys and values, keys
09:14will be a single element and values can be a list or list within a list numbers etcetera,
09:21okay so this is how the syntax looks here, we can use DICT it is a short form of dictionary
09:28and you can just implement it for example I am specifying a name for specifying the
09:34age then any details that I can I want, so it can be implement within a list or a list
09:42within a list, so this is how the python dictionary works.
09:47Now what are the properties of a python dictionary keys, okay there are two important points
09:53while using dictionary keys, first one is more than one entry per key is not allowed
09:59that is no list within a list, so this is how the python dictionary works.
10:09Now what are the properties of a python dictionary keys, okay there are two important points
10:14while using dictionary keys, first one is more than one entry per key is not allowed
10:20that is no duplication is allowed, now values in the dictionary can be of any type, okay
10:27now while the key must be immutable like numbers, tuples or strings always remember values can
10:35be of any type but the keys should be immutable just as in the case of tuple.
10:42Now dictionary keys are very case sensitive, okay same key name but with the different
10:47cases are treated as different keys in python dictionary, okay case sensitive means spellings
10:55you know the capital letters, small letters, so all these kind of things that should be
11:00it should be noted when we are using the dictionary keys.
11:05Now this is certain examples here that is the method descriptions and the syntax for
11:11the list included, first one is copy basically you know we are copying the entire dictionary
11:16to a new dictionary and the syntax uses dig.copy and the this is, now then you are using update
11:23basically you are updating a dictionary by adding a new entry or you know deleting anything
11:29and for that for the syntax here is dig.update.
11:33Now the items you know basically returning a list of tuple pairs, okay for this we are
11:38using dictionary.items, now sorting if you can sort the elements within for that you
11:44are using dig.sort, dictionary.sort and for the length that is the number of pairs in
11:50the dictionary, okay number of pairs of elements in the dictionary for that you will be using
11:56length of dig.
11:58Now next is comparison that is cmp, comparing the values or the keys of the dictionary for
12:06that you can use cmp of dictionary 1, dictionary 2 etc.
12:10Now string, okay that is we are making a string format we need a specific format make a dictionary
12:17into a string printable string format for that we are using str of dig, okay so these
12:26are the methods that have been included in our dictionary.
12:31Now we are example here is merging two dictionaries using update method, okay so now I am giving
12:37a dictionary name I have two dictionary list here that is dictionary 1 consisting of certain
12:42location, dictionary 2 consisting of certain other list.
12:46Now I basically want to update my dictionary 1 and dictionary 2 list, okay so I am asking
12:53them to print the dictionary 1, okay after updating I am asking them to print the dictionary
13:001 that is you are merging the dictionary 1 element and dictionary 2 together and forming
13:06it into dictionary 1 element.
13:07So what is happening here?
13:09Dictionary 1 is merged with dictionary 2 and you are getting a single list so this is one
13:16of the example of how you are merging two dictionaries together using update function.
13:23Now certain inbuilt methods that have been used in dictionary 1 is the clear function,
13:29okay clear is already inbuilt in a dictionary then you have appending so before clearing
13:34it removes all the elements from the dictionary.
13:37Now what is append?
13:39It is an inbuilt function in python that helps to update the values for the keys in the dictionary.
13:46Now other method is update function it helps us to merge one dictionary into another.
13:54Now next one is swap function it removes the elements from the dictionary.
13:59So these are all the built-in methods of a dictionary.
14:03Now we have python operators, okay python operators such as you know arithmetic operators
14:09and comparison operators.
14:11So arithmetic operators I need not say it is basically adding you know deleting or minusing
14:17or anything or subtracting anything of the arithmetic form that is for that reason we
14:22are using arithmetic operators.
14:25Comparison operators definitely you know larger than, less than, equal to all this is comparison
14:31Now how do you assign in a python assignment of the operators, assigning operators in a
14:37python are used for assigning the value of the right operand to the left operand, okay.
14:43So for that you know you can use all these kind of simple plus or equal to minus equal
14:48to you know division, multiplication etc.
14:52So this is one of an example here where you are assigning the value to number 1 and number
14:582, you are adding the values that is of number 1 and number 2 to generate a result you are
15:04giving this procedure and finally you are getting an end result.
15:08So this is an example that you can run in your python and you can find the end result.
15:13Now logical operators such as AND operator, OR operator, NOT operator, okay.
15:19For AND operator it returns true if both the operands are true that is both the left and
15:26the right is true.
15:27Now for OR operator it returns true if either that is either left or the right is true.
15:34Now for NOT operator it is basically if it returns true if the operand is false.
15:41So this is how the function the program here looks like if you are saying A and B you are
15:47asking them to print if A and B then print A or print NOT A so what is it false, okay.
15:55So this is how the logical operator works.
15:59So this is how you can program and you can try and run it.
16:03Now there is a other thing called membership operator.
16:06So these operators test for membership in a sequence such as list, strings or tuple.
16:12There are two membership operators that are used in python IN and NOT IN.
16:17It gives the result based on the variables present in the specified sequence or string.
16:25Please note this IN and NOT IN.
16:29So there is an example here we are assigning the variables, okay for x is equal to 10 and
16:34y is equal to 5 and you are giving a list and how the IN and NOT IN membership operator
16:41works for this program.
16:44Now we have identity operators, okay.
16:47Identity operators in python are used to compare the memory location of two objects.
16:53This is the memory location of two objects.
16:56Now to identify the operators used in python are IS, ISNOT, okay.
17:03So the operator IS here, it returns true if two variables point the same object and false
17:11Operator ISNOT, it returns false if two variables point the same object and true otherwise.
17:20So this is how the identity operator works.
17:23Now next we have operator precedence, okay.
17:27The operator precedence determines which operators needs to be evaluated first.
17:33To avoid ambiguity in values, the precedence operators are necessary just like in a normal
17:40multiplication method which has higher precedence than addition.
17:45I hope you are familiar with the term board mass, okay.
17:49So we are applying for long equations where you have all the operators, arithmetic operators
17:56and arithmetics together.
17:57You are applying the rules of board mass.
17:59The same thing you can use here in operator precedence.
18:03So declaring the value of variable, then now you apply the formula and you run the code
18:08and finally you give the output.
18:12Now we are coming to the python array, a collection of common type of data structures having element
18:20with same data type.
18:21That is called array.
18:22It is used to store a collections of data.
18:25Now in python programming, array can be handled by the array module.
18:31If you create arrays using the array module, elements of the array must be of the same
18:36numeric type, okay.
18:38Now what are the uses of array in python?
18:41Python arrays are used when you need to use many variables which are of the same type.
18:46Now it can also be used to store a collection of data.
18:52Now arrays are especially useful when you have to process the data dynamically.
18:58Now python arrays are much faster than list as it uses less memory.
19:03So these are the advantages of array in python.
19:07Now this is the syntax here of array.
19:09You have to name an array, then you give array.array, then type of, you know, data type and array
19:15items, whatever.
19:16So here identifier, it specifies a name like usually you do for the variables, okay.
19:23Now module here, python has a special module for creating array in python, okay, called
19:31You must import it.
19:32So that is why you are using this array here.
19:35Now the method, the array module has a method for initializing the array.
19:41It takes two arguments that is type code for data type.
19:45So this is the method used here.
19:48This is the module and this is the identifier.
19:52Now the type code is to specify the data type using the type of codes of available and definitely
20:00It is especially useful when you have to process the data dynamically.
20:08Now python arrays are much faster than list as it uses less memory.
20:14So these are the advantages of array in python.
20:18Now this is the syntax here of array.
20:20You have to name an array, then you give array.array, then type of, you know, data type and array
20:25items, whatever.
20:27So here identifier, it specifies a name like usually you do for the variables, okay.
20:33Now module here, python has a special module for creating array in python, okay, called
20:41You must import it.
20:43Now this is the method, the array module has a method for initializing the array.
20:52It takes two arguments that is type code for data type.
20:55So this is the method used here.
20:58This is the module and this is the identifier.
21:02Now the type code is to specify the data type using the type of codes of available and definitely
21:09elements you know specify the array elements here inside the bracket.
21:15So this is how type code and method module and identify, so this is how you built in
21:21the array for a python language.
21:26Now creating of arrays in python, so this is a class array dot array then you are giving
21:31the type code your initializer, so this is an example here of how you basically you name
21:38an array ok, so this is the array name or you can say identifier, you are giving a module,
21:45you are giving a method and you are listing out the array list, so this is an example
21:52So identifier again specify a name like you usually do, module here you has a special
21:57module that is array you must use array, then you are specifying the method that is array
22:03module has a method for initializing the array that is d and type of code that is a type
22:09of data type data code which is available and the list of elements that are inside the
22:15square bracket.
22:18Now this is the type of code ok, you need to understand what type of elements you are
22:24listing out, so if you are using u you have a unicode character ok and the type and the
22:31minimum byte available size available, if you are using b it is for integer and it's
22:37called signed char, if you are using capital b it is unsigned char, if you are using h
22:43it is signed short, so this is the list ok for float you are using b, for float double
22:50floor just for float value using f, for i is for int that is signed integer value, so
22:57this is the type which you need to remember when you are listing it in an array.
23:04Now array access of array elements ok, so this is how you can access an array element
23:09you are using the syntax array name and the index number ok, so this is an example here
23:17that you have if you just run this you can find out how you can access an array ok, so
23:24just run this and you can find out the balance output of a, so for this also you have an
23:29identifier module method in the type of code and the element.
23:36Now last here is inserting of an element and how do you modify an element, so insertion
23:42of an element python array insert operation enables you to insert one or more items into
23:48an array at the beginning, end or at the even given any given index of an array ok,
23:55this method expects two arguments that is the index and the value, so you have the syntax
24:01here is array name dot insert you can have the index and the value, so this is an example
24:07here again of how you can insert an element.
24:12Now to modify this you use this syntax that is object name index and the value to be modified,
24:20so this is the basic of python array for you to understand, please run these codes generate
24:26your own program run it for your better understanding, with this we conclude the session thank you
24:32so much.
