9 Girls Choose His Perfect Match #dailymotion #hotness
00:00Raise your hand if you would swipe left on this guy.
00:05How you feeling? You ready to meet these eight girls?
00:07There's eight of them? I'm a little nervous.
00:08What are you nervous about?
00:09The most I've ever been with is three.
00:13No, I'm kidding.
00:24What up YouTube, what's going on guys? Before we start the video,
00:27make sure to like, share, and subscribe. Put on the post notification because every video
00:31I'm choosing two random people who comment within the first 1,000 comments.
00:35You just said we're choosing two. You didn't say what they get.
00:38Oh, they get 50 buckaroonies.
00:40We're about to bring the girls in. How you feeling?
00:42I'm excited. You know, I've been single for a while now,
00:44and I know that reality YouTube videos...
00:48Too long, I don't care.
00:49Let's just bring the girls.
00:58What kind of guy are you guys expecting right now?
01:01Tall, muscular, masculine energy.
01:06What age range are we looking for?
01:09Late 20s.
01:09Yeah, I'm not me thinking about it. I'm like, what kind of man do I want?
01:12Late 20s.
01:13When do you guys mature?
01:14Do they ever mature?
01:15So I have your bachelor right here. He's shaking.
01:18He should be.
01:18All right, three, two, one.
01:24That's a good reaction. It makes me feel real good. Yeah, wow.
01:28His voice is never that deep. He's making it deeper than it is right now.
01:33Guys, this is Hunter. This is our bachelor for the day.
01:35How are you feeling right now?
01:36Yeah, overwhelmed for sure.
01:37I heard someone say my footsteps sounded five times as slow.
01:40Yeah, that was me. I was right.
01:42That feels like you're James Bond or something. That was very impressive.
01:47We're just going to do a swipe right or swipe left.
01:49So I want to ask you guys, raise your hand if you're going to swipe left on this guy.
01:53Meaning you don't like that he's, how tall are you?
01:58You don't like a 6'3 guy? You're not interested?
02:02You want to be out of the video? You want to get out of here?
02:04Not that it matters, but the sooner you're out,
02:06the less chance you have of going viral in one of his clips.
02:09So just keep that in mind.
02:10Don't you mean dating you?
02:12I'd rather go viral than date me.
02:14Raise your hand if you would swipe left on this guy.
02:20Jesus Christ.
02:29Also, maybe say what your names are so I, you know, know.
02:33I'm Paris.
02:34I'm Michelle.
02:34I'm Pierre-Yvelle.
02:35I'm Bailey.
02:37Lindsey with a Z.
02:38I'm Janet.
02:42I'm Alexis.
02:44I'm Catherine.
02:46All right, so we've got cocktail hour.
02:48You guys have 20 minutes to get to know our...
02:52It's just the word, Catherine.
02:55I'm immature, sorry.
02:56Timer starts now.
02:57All right, so I'll start.
02:58What is a non-negotiable for you when it comes to a trait in a person that you're dating?
03:02Like a red flag?
03:04That I want or I don't want?
03:05That you don't want.
03:06We're not looking for toxic.
03:07Because some red flags are great.
03:09Oh my god.
03:10Just to keep the relationship a little spicy.
03:12Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:13A red flag that I wouldn't want?
03:14Someone who's selfish.
03:16I like gracious people.
03:17I like saying thank you a lot myself.
03:19So like when I notice someone doesn't say thank you to like a waiter or something, it
03:22hurts a little bit.
03:23Yeah, that's a good thing.
03:24I think it's really good that you want to be respectable to service people.
03:28That's really sweet and admirable.
03:29Unless they're slow and then it's like, hey, f*** outta here.
03:33What's a red flag that you do like?
03:35It depends though.
03:37It depends though.
03:38Now I'm at a point in my life where I don't necessarily want like a short-term situation
03:42as much.
03:43But back in the day, like if a girl had like tattoos or even face tattoos, I didn't mind.
03:49I was into it.
03:50Ooh, you like them red.
03:51I see a tattoo.
03:53What does the tattoo say?
03:57Which is queen.
03:58Oh, okay, okay.
03:58But it's my mom's name.
03:59I like that.
04:00I like that.
04:00And what about your tattoos?
04:01I have quite a few.
04:03I have my little butterfly.
04:04Oh wow, those are really pretty.
04:07How would you feel if one of us had an ex-partner tattooed on us, like their name?
04:13I dated someone who has my name tattooed right here by his crotch.
04:16I probably wouldn't f*** that guy, no.
04:20No, but I'm saying like, I'm sure like the partners kind of feel a little weird about
04:25someone else's name being on their skin, no?
04:27I don't feel insecure because I feel like, like give me an example.
04:30What was that guy's name?
04:32Like if you had Ben tattooed on you somewhere?
04:36I would just add a D and an over to it.
04:39And then it would be like a whole new tattoo.
04:41It'd be like fun.
04:43You're quick.
04:44He's clever.
04:46Yeah, I like the wittiness.
04:47The wittiness is admirable for sure.
04:49This is great.
04:50I'm winning.
04:50This is good.
04:52I mean, I don't know who's going to ask, but what's your zodiac sign?
04:55Oh, I was thinking that.
04:57I know that I'm the bad one.
04:59Nobody wants to be.
05:01Oh god.
05:02I'm an Aries.
05:03That's not a bad one.
05:04I'm an Aries.
05:04It's not a bad one when you're an Aries.
05:05But to everybody else.
05:06Aries men.
05:08Aries men what?
05:09I just have a pass with Aries men.
05:12So do you want another pass?
05:13Might as well.
05:14Well, anybody not compatible with an Aries?
05:17Well, I'm a fire sign too.
05:19I don't know if that's good or bad.
05:20Fire fire.
05:22Fire fire might burn the whole neighborhood down.
05:24Well, it would be fun.
05:27I mean, the wetness is going to make sure that they extinguish the fire, right?
05:32Okay, so just describe your dream girl.
05:35Someone who's really driven.
05:36I like that.
05:37When I talk to them, I want to be inspired too.
05:39So like they're doing their thing and it just makes me excited about doing my thing.
05:42And I want to help them with whatever they've got.
05:44What about physical attributes though?
05:46Like, do you like brown hair?
05:47If I didn't like brunettes today would be a big issue for me.
05:52A lot of brunettes.
05:52In terms of like hair color, I'm more of an ass guy.
05:59Like you have a lot of assets.
06:00Assets, assets, assets.
06:02That's what he means.
06:03Yeah, that's and I like smiles.
06:05I like pretty eyes.
06:06I like, I think the pretty, pretty normal stuff.
06:08Working out is kind of like a big part of me.
06:11So do you work out and like, would you be able to lift us?
06:14What's your bench?
06:15Can you try?
06:18Let's just do something fun.
06:19Like pick me up with your shirt off.
06:29Does anybody want to volunteer?
06:34Are you ready?
06:35Three, two, jump.
06:36Let me see.
06:40Yeah, okay.
06:41That was way more sexual than I meant for it to be.
06:44That, this felt like the beginning of an OnlyFans video.
06:49So how do we rate that guys?
06:51Well, I mean, we never, we didn't see the muscles though.
06:54Like he's still wearing this baggy thing.
06:57I kind of like him skinny a little bit.
06:58You might just blur it in the video, you know?
07:04I'm gonna go hunting tonight.
07:08Does anybody have a fun question?
07:10No, it's very immature.
07:11Okay, let's hit.
07:12Are you a grower, not a shower?
07:17One second, sorry.
07:18So should we lie?
07:19Was that an inappropriate question?
07:21That was a very appropriate question.
07:22And I think very important because a lot of times, you know, sex is a very big part.
07:26Very big.
07:26Yeah, we're sex positive.
07:28Does it matter to you guys?
07:30No, it doesn't.
07:31Because it can be like scissoring if it's small.
07:34I think I would grip a little bit more probably.
07:37Jesus Christ.
07:40Every time you step forward, I'm like,
07:42how's this video gonna get us canceled today?
07:45Are you allergic to cats?
07:46No, but you have cats?
07:48How many?
07:49I don't mind cats.
07:50I have a dog though.
07:51There's a chance my dog would try to kill your cat.
07:56That's okay.
07:59So how do you feel about having sex on the first date?
08:04And would you take that person serious if you did have sex on the first date?
08:07Yeah, my only long-term relationship, we ended up having sex on the first date.
08:12I have a question though.
08:13So on the first date, do you pay the bill?
08:17Or like, do you expect to pay the bill?
08:19No, no, no.
08:20I expect the whole fake reach into the purse thing.
08:24We were talking about that.
08:25And I'm actually reaching to scratch my ass instead or something.
08:29If you scratched your ass.
08:30And then I'm like, here, here's a card.
08:32And you're not going to want to accept it because I was deep in there.
08:37So you're going to be like, don't pay baby girl.
08:39I got it.
08:39Good strategy.
08:41Do you pay on a first date?
08:43I have.
08:44I actually have, yeah.
08:45Raise your hand if you would not go on a second date,
08:47if a guy didn't pay on the first date.
08:50You would not go on a second date.
08:52I'm sorry.
08:53I feel like if a guy is asking a girl out on a date,
08:56it's, you know, like, it's like you're inviting someone.
08:59What if you ask a guy on a date?
09:00I wouldn't pay if I asked.
09:02Yeah, I guess the woman can pay because she's awesome.
09:04It should be 50-50.
09:05But first date, if you're not paying, then I'm not...
09:13All right, moving on.
09:15How would you feel if the girl you're getting to know is celibate
09:18until she's in a relationship?
09:21Then I'd probably ask her to be my girlfriend pretty quick.
09:25Good answer.
09:27No, I wouldn't mind.
09:28I understand that now, especially like as I've gotten older,
09:31I think that waiting is often really beneficial.
09:34If I were to ask your friends what your type is,
09:38what would they say?
09:39And be 100% honest.
09:41Really? Your friends would say that?
09:42Specifically me or just a white guy?
09:44Specifically you.
09:48How tall? What's the minimum?
09:49Well, I'm 5'5".
09:51Should we back to back?
09:53Yeah, we can go back to back.
09:54Let's back to back.
09:54I'm in heels now, right?
09:56So let's see if it's going to work out.
10:01Why is everyone so surprised I'm taller than 5'8"?
10:04Being shorter is not a bad thing because you're closer to the ass.
10:07So you can just start eating immediately.
10:10That's her answer that I was looking for.
10:13I used to think I have a type, but I like short, tall, black, white.
10:18I like anybody that I just have a connection with.
10:21Um, usually tattoos.
10:22The tattoos I don't have yet, but I think I'm getting them soon.
10:24You can work on that, yeah.
10:25Yeah, yeah. That's an easy fix.
10:27I feel like I'm really into masculine men.
10:30Very like attracted to me.
10:32I feel like I get attracted to my person if I feel like they see me like as like their queen.
10:37Like that, you know, makes me become very attracted to them.
10:41For me, I love a family man.
10:44So I pay attention to how the person treats their parents
10:47and how close they are to their family.
10:48Because that's really important to me.
10:50I'm a family woman, so.
10:51I love goofy looking guys.
10:53I'm not a pretty boy lover.
10:55I'm not a pretty boy lover, you know.
10:57But am I?
10:58Are you a type?
10:58I wouldn't say you're goofy, but you're cute.
11:00Um, probably like a fit build.
11:02But that doesn't necessarily, that's like my initial attraction.
11:05But they would say more so they need to be witty.
11:08They need to be driven.
11:09And he's very driven.
11:10His dad drove him here today.
11:12That's good.
11:13Is that his dad?
11:14That's my dad, yeah.
11:16You should bring him up here.
11:16Hey Jeff, why don't you come up here real quick?
11:18By the way, dad, I'm sorry I'm being inappropriate meeting you for the first time ever.
11:24All right guys, so this is what Hunter's gonna look like in uh, maybe a couple years.
11:30I mean, you're gonna age pretty well.
11:33If you guys want to check out a video we did with Hunter's dad, click right here.
11:37We're doing my dad chooses my date for his channel.
11:41It's gonna be good, check it out.
11:42That applause for my dad, huh?
11:44Dude, raise your hand if you choose him over this guy.
11:47The dad is very handsome.
11:48Can we do both?
11:53Is he any of your usual types?
11:55Like if you saw him walking down the street, would you go, hey?
12:00Honestly, no.
12:02Absolutely, if I got to know him like at a personal level.
12:06But it's a little hard right now, you know, but I don't think,
12:09I mean as of right now, I think there's other better candidates.
12:13Let's say like if I didn't talk to him at all, I wouldn't rate him above an eight.
12:16But like now that like I've talked to him and like I've conversed with him,
12:20it's like that adds to it.
12:22If you're just like looks alone, it's like it's hard,
12:24it's hard to say because it's like this could just be like not the best day.
12:28This is hard, I actually like him.
12:30He just seems like a really funny and sweet guy.
12:33He seems really sweet.
12:34And down to earth.
12:35Yeah, down to earth, for sure.
12:37I think he seems like a very genuine, emotionally mature person, family person.
12:42I think he's cute.
12:44I think he's nice, like he'd be fun to like hang out with.
12:46I think he's like a really supportive partner.
12:48Like when he said what he really liked or admired about a relationship is if
12:52they inspired him and then he was able to help and inspire them as well.
12:56He's family-oriented.
12:57He is low-key.
12:59He seems put together and like...
13:02I need a balance in my life.
13:03I need to be the one that's put together so he can be put together.
13:26Before I let you guys know who got voted out,
13:29does anybody want to vote themselves out just because they do not want to be here?
13:33They do not want to date Hunter.
13:38Okay, well, thanks for coming.
13:40We appreciate you.
13:41Thank you, guys.
13:42You guys are gorgeous.
13:46Good luck.
13:47The two people that got voted out, one of them was Alexis.
13:50So you guys did vote out right.
13:52And then the other person was Paris.
13:57I'm sorry.
13:58But your fire is hell, baby.
14:00Yeah, your fire is hell.
14:02If it doesn't work out with Hunter, give us a call.
14:07Well, hi.
14:07Yeah, yeah.
14:08How are you?
14:09I'm good.
14:10Okay, tell me how to say your name again because it was the...
14:12Hardest one.
14:13It was the hardest one to say.
14:13It's a unique name.
14:14So it's Kyary Bell.
14:16Kyary Bell.
14:17And where's that from?
14:19My mom made it up when...
14:21And now like people have named their children after me.
14:25Yeah, it's pretty cool.
14:26So there's just a bunch of Kyary Bells running around because of you?
14:28There's about four or five.
14:30Only the shittiest white kids in the world are named Hunter.
14:34So it's not a good thing.
14:36So what would you like to ask me?
14:38Well, I feel like you're an open book.
14:39So maybe I branch out a little bit with these questions and we just cut straight to the point.
14:43Let's go ahead.
14:44What do you want out of this?
14:47How fast do you move in a relationship?
14:50Are you going to move in with her within a month?
14:52Because that's the kind of girl I am.
14:54Let's get to the point.
14:55Am I moving it with you or are you moving it with me?
14:56No, in general.
14:57If you really like a girl, I kind of want the man to move in with me so I can have control.
15:01So when we argue, I can kick him out because my name is on the list.
15:07But he can come back after he begs for a little bit.
15:09What's your ideal date?
15:10My ideal date?
15:11Where would you take a girl?
15:12A good...
15:13I'd pick them up.
15:13And then I grew up all around LA.
15:15So I know a lot of good spots.
15:17So I'd want to do maybe like even like go get food here.
15:20And then we go get dessert somewhere else.
15:21It'd be nice.
15:22The way to a girl's heart is definitely through food.
15:25So that's a...
15:26I'm a good cook.
15:27Oh, are you a good cook?
15:28Yeah, yeah.
15:29I do a lot of cooking.
15:30That's perfect.
15:31So actually, maybe my ideal date would be cooking for a girl.
15:33Oh, that would be perfect.
15:34Yeah, well, if all goes well, we can cook.
15:37Yeah, yeah.
15:38You can cook for me.
15:38I would love that.
15:39That would be perfect.
15:40So I noticed like you're very wholesome compared to other guys I've dated.
15:46So I just wanted to ask you like how freaky are you, you know?
15:50That's your opener?
15:51Well, yeah, because like what I do for work,
15:55it's kind of like I need a guy who's like kind of open-minded, you know?
15:59And what do you do for work?
16:00I do only fans.
16:02I would say I'm probably one of the more open-minded guys.
16:06So you know like what the industry is like?
16:08Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:09Okay, that's good to know.
16:10Big fan of the industry.
16:11Love what you guys are doing.
16:12Oh my god, maybe you could be a fan of me.
16:15Okay, all right.
16:16I have another question then.
16:18Do you ever f*** in a relationship?
16:21I can say that maybe I do.
16:23Okay, explain it.
16:25But I won't say, I don't cheat,
16:27but I will say that maybe the things that I do might look a little weird.
16:31Where you're like, is she having sex with my dad?
16:35But I'm not.
16:36I'm actually trying to engage with your dad to get to know you.
16:39I'm very shy like when it comes to like men.
16:42But the good thing about it is that you're really comfortable.
16:44Like you don't make me feel intimidated or anything like that.
16:47That's what women say, not intimidating at all.
16:50Yeah, you have comfortable energy.
16:52Yeah, I'm going to just take purely the positive aspect of that
16:55and ignore that it could also be negative.
16:57No, no, it isn't.
16:58Because yeah, girls like to be comfortable.
17:00They're compatible.
17:01I'm not compatible.
17:02We're not as awesome.
17:04Can I ask you a question?
17:05Of course.
17:06Do you want to f*** my dad?
17:10Wait, actually, you want me to be honest or do you want me to lie?
17:12I want you to-
17:13I'm not, I'm loyal.
17:15So I'm not f*** your dad.
17:17No, but-
17:17But if I wasn't with you.
17:18But if you're more loyal, if you want to be more loyal to my dad,
17:21I would understand.
17:23He seems fun.
17:24Do you want my dad to just take my car right now
17:26and you guys go on a date instead of you finishing this?
17:29I mean, he seems fun.
17:31Why not?
17:32All right, you guys can go.
17:35Give that to him.
17:36Have fun.
17:36It was lovely meeting you.
17:40Thank you, daddy.
17:42Okay, how do I follow up with that?
17:45Don't worry, as long as you don't try to f*** my dad,
17:47I'm pretty sure we'll be okay.
17:49I just want to start off with, I loved like your energy up there
17:53and like I love the fact that you were like saying like you're witty
17:55because being witty is a really big thing for me.
17:58I thought it was really attractive.
17:59Okay, good.
18:00You seem pretty witty though yourself.
18:01I feel like wit likes wit.
18:04Everyone likes comedy, but witty is, you know, a little bit more specific.
18:07Yeah, it's a little bit sarcastic and it's kind of like little daggers,
18:10but it's like, it's all out of love.
18:13If you can't go back and forth with somebody,
18:15it's like, I feel like it'd be hard for me for someone to not have that.
18:19So do you like kind of going at your partner a little bit?
18:21Like, do you like nagging them when you're together?
18:24Yeah, like to a point, like if they're like,
18:26hey, like, I'm like, okay, like I get it, but-
18:29Do you like pegging them?
18:33Um, I uh, I don't think so.
18:36Um, like-
18:37So no to the pegging?
18:38No to the pegging.
18:39Um, no to the pegging.
18:42I'm sorry if you're into that.
18:43I'm kidding.
18:44That's not me.
18:45It just sounded like it.
18:46I said it the first time.
18:47I'm just kidding.
18:48What turns you on, like, from a girl?
18:50Curves for sure.
18:52And then in terms of personality, I like, I like someone who's freakier for sure.
18:56Yeah, there's really nothing I won't or haven't done.
18:59David knows me.
19:00David, what would you say?
19:01On a scale of one to ten, one being wholesome, ten being freaky?
19:04Uh, I'd say probably ten.
19:05Oh my god.
19:06Do you, like, would you let me suck your toes?
19:09Like, I'm just curious.
19:10I'd let you do it right now.
19:13How are you?
19:14Good, good.
19:14How are you?
19:16I like your style.
19:17I dressed myself.
19:18Did you?
19:20I think that that's pretty impressive.
19:23How would you fix my outfit if you could?
19:25I would definitely change out the socks, roll down the pants a little bit,
19:30maybe change out the shoes, change out the sweater,
19:34scrub up the hair a little bit more.
19:37What's left?
19:39Just take it all off.
19:41Maybe it's better off that way.
19:43How about you start with this and then...
19:45I feel like Janet wants to take my shoes off really bad so she can fix that.
19:49I want to see your toes, yeah.
19:52I'm a little nervous.
19:52You make me nervous.
19:54No, I don't.
19:54Yeah, you do.
19:55No, I don't.
19:56So what do you want to ask me?
19:58What do you want to ask me?
19:59Will you be my boyfriend?
20:03I do feel like it would be disrespectful to all the other women who...
20:06Oh, okay.
20:07That's fine.
20:07Who haven't, you know, they haven't made a decision.
20:09You guys have to decide.
20:10Oh, that's fine.
20:11I haven't made a decision between you and your dad either.
20:14I feel like we shouldn't have brought him in to the video.
20:17We should have let him out of it.
20:19I love a guy who's comfortable in his body and allows a woman to like,
20:24let him explore it, you know?
20:26Yeah, I think for me, when it comes to physical intimacy,
20:30I love a total, like, confidence in yourself, you know?
20:34Or even if you're not confident in yourself,
20:35at least you're confident in your partner to take care of you and to guide you in a way.
20:39Like, if you guys were trying something new, I'm all about that.
20:42I think more people should really try everything because there's lots of things
20:45that I think sexually people just leave on the table.
20:48And they never try.
20:49And then they end up in a boring relationship because they never...
20:52Always spice it up.
20:54Always spice it up.
20:54Hey, where'd you come from?
20:56She was right here chatting a bit, you know?
20:59Dude, I don't know where the f*** they went right now.
21:01But they came back at the same time.
21:04She'll take the dad.
21:05I'll take you.
21:07These are good answers.
21:09All right.
21:09Well, I'm abstinent, so I'm not having sex right now until I'm in a relationship.
21:14However, I do love having fun.
21:17Okay, so you're abstinent right now?
21:19Right now, yeah.
21:20How long has this been going on?
21:21Um, like, eight months or so.
21:23Ooh, that's a good run.
21:24Have you ever been abstinent for eight months?
21:26Yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:27For sure, right before I started having sex.
21:30I was abstinent for, like, 15, 16 years.
21:33I went, like, a long round.
21:34And finally, I was like, you know what?
21:37No need to be a hero.
21:38Let's go ahead and break this.
21:41Are you close to your parents?
21:42Yeah, very close.
21:43Is your mom single?
21:45Do you want her number?
21:46I don't know.
21:47If you want to go with my dad, I feel like it's only fair.
21:48Yeah, it is.
21:50No, I think I'll stay away.
21:53I don't know what the f*** is going on.
21:55Everything is overwhelming on this side of the room right now.
21:58No, because the dad's already taken.
22:00Oh, so you're getting upset by this?
22:02Yes, I'm getting very upset.
22:04No, you can have him.
22:05No, I want to fight.
22:08I don't think she's kidding, by the way.
22:10I think she'd be willing to throw down right now.
22:13What are you looking for in a woman?
22:16Just someone who doesn't want to sleep with my dad.
22:18That's kind of the main one.
22:20Oh, s***.
22:21Please have a seat.
22:22I will.
22:23When you went back over there, I looked back and you were gone.
22:26And so was my dad for a little bit.
22:28Where'd you guys go?
22:30Well, we went to the bar.
22:33There's no bar in this studio right now.
22:35So where did you go?
22:37Do we just agree that it's not going to work between you and I at this point?
22:40I know it wouldn't because you're a wholesome man.
22:43You deserve a wholesome woman.
22:45And that wholesome woman isn't me.
22:49But I would love to be your stepmom.
22:51So hello, stepson.
22:54Hi, stepmom.
22:55It's really nice to meet you.
22:57Yeah, yeah, yeah.
22:58Thank you so much for everything.
22:59I mean, genuinely.
23:00So do you want to just...
23:02Do you want to, like, self-eliminate so you can be with him?
23:04I'm going to be there for Christmas.
23:05But do you want to self-eliminate so that you can be with him?
23:08I would love to.
23:10X comes up on the screen right now.
23:12Is that okay?
23:14Oh my god, my stepson.
23:16Thank you, guys.
23:17Why did you bring your dad this early to this shoot?
23:19This was a bad idea.
23:21Right now, we're going to give you guys five minutes to deliberate.
23:24So you can argue for yourself or argue for someone else.
23:27Good luck.
23:27Five minutes starts now.
23:29Okay, cool.
23:30So I really liked your vibe with him.
23:32Like, you just, like...
23:32I feel like there was, like, a supernatural connection between you guys.
23:35And it's, like, not that there wasn't with, like, others.
23:37But I feel like yours was, like, right off the bat.
23:39He's like, oh my god.
23:40Like, I really like this.
23:41I really like this.
23:42I really like this.
23:42Complimenting you, right?
23:43And, like, complimenting you.
23:44I also felt like he had a really good connection with Kat also.
23:48They had the banter going on, the eye contact, the sexual tension.
23:54So it's definitely, I feel like, between you two.
23:58That's a hard one.
24:00Should I be besides you?
24:11I'm sorry to be on this side.
24:13I'm sorry.
24:15You had some good dates.
24:16You had some interesting dates.
24:17Your dad had a date.
24:20After all that, we have chosen a winner for you.
24:26The women have chosen.
24:29And the winner is...
24:37Hey, look at us.
24:38We did it.
24:39I know.
24:40You guys did good.
24:41Yeah, thank you guys so much.
24:44You know, I can't trust myself to make my own decisions anymore
24:46when it comes to dating, apparently.
24:48So this feels right.
24:50I'm equally excited that my dad may have found love today.
24:56I never thought I would find love.
24:59Thank you guys so much for watching David's video.
25:01Again, like, subscribe, comment, all that stuff.
25:03But we also just did a video, like we said earlier,
25:05with my dad as the person who...
25:07Dad, stop it.
25:09As my dad who chooses my date.
25:11We're going to see if his tastes are any at all similar to mine.
25:16If he's not too busy for the rest of the night, that is.
25:18We'll see.
25:20Seems like it'll be a pretty busy night.
25:21I don't know.
25:24You did amazing.
25:26That was awesome.
25:27That was awesome.