Iwataniスペシャル 鳥人間コンテスト2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00:01The record is there to be broken!
00:00:05This is the record of Mr. Birdman's first ever win!
00:00:13Tonight, a new history will be engraved on the Birdman!
00:00:18And Kimondi Takagishi will become a pilot!
00:00:21Kimondi Takagishi, you can do it!
00:00:31There's more, there's more!
00:00:42The new propeller class!
00:00:47This is a class that uses pedals to turn the propeller and fight for flying distance.
00:00:53The pilot is in need of power and endurance to continue climbing the slope on a bicycle.
00:01:01Kimondi Takagishi, you can do it!
00:01:06Last year, the pilot Yuta Watanabe from Birdman House...
00:01:11You can do it!
00:01:13Ah, he fell.
00:01:16He's just one step away from a complete victory!
00:01:2369km is the record for the longest climb in history!
00:01:28This year, a fierce competition will be fought for the record.
00:01:37Will it be the 42km win at Tohoku University?
00:01:44Or will it be the 5th win at Tokyo Institute of Technology's My Star?
00:01:49I'm confident. We're strong!
00:01:58We did it!
00:02:02This is a class that uses a lot of manpower and propellers.
00:02:06We have a rare female pilot.
00:02:08Wow, she's so cool!
00:02:10I'm curious to see what kind of girl she is.
00:02:13Let's call her out.
00:02:16And here we have...
00:02:18This is Sumire Yamasaki, a pilot at Yokohama National University's Yokohama Aerospace.
00:02:24Yamasaki-san, you've always wanted to be a pilot since you were a kid.
00:02:28My father was a pilot during the Japanese Colonial Era.
00:02:31My mother was also a C.A. pilot.
00:02:34It's like a love letter.
00:02:40Here at Oenzuki Harbor, we have Sumire Yamasaki's father and mother.
00:02:47A pilot and a C.A. pilot.
00:02:49They met at work, right?
00:02:53No, not at work.
00:02:55No, not at work.
00:02:57Not at work?
00:02:59That's even worse.
00:03:03Don't try to act like a parent in front of your daughter.
00:03:10Father, aren't you worried about Sumire-san?
00:03:13I believe she'll do her best until the end.
00:03:16I'm worried that she won't get injured.
00:03:20But I hope she'll do her best.
00:03:23That's right.
00:03:26Go, go, Sumire!
00:03:30Go, go, Sumire!
00:03:32Go, go, Sumire!
00:03:34Yamasaki-san is aiming to become a pilot because she admires her father.
00:03:38This is her first flight.
00:03:40Will it be a satisfactory result?
00:03:47So cool!
00:03:49It's so cool!
00:03:51It's like she's on a switch.
00:03:53So cool!
00:03:55It's like she's in a drama!
00:03:58Go, go, go!
00:04:00The pilot, Yamasaki Sumire-san, has turned the pedals.
00:04:05Let's go!
00:04:063, 2, 1, go!
00:04:08She's flying towards her dream of becoming a pilot!
00:04:13Oh, nice!
00:04:14She's stable!
00:04:17She's stable!
00:04:19She's stable!
00:04:21Wow, amazing!
00:04:26Yokohama University is in the air!
00:04:30They're flying in the air!
00:04:33They're flying high!
00:04:44OK, OK, OK!
00:04:56She's flying slowly, but she's stable.
00:04:59She's flying forward!
00:05:01Wow, amazing!
00:05:04So cool!
00:05:05The team's highest record is 458 meters.
00:05:09I feel like they're going to break the record.
00:05:11Go, go, go!
00:05:15You can do it!
00:05:29The headwind is a little tiring.
00:05:31Let's raise the altitude a little.
00:05:33Let's raise it a little.
00:05:35I think the propeller's rotation has dropped a little.
00:05:42It's getting a little higher.
00:05:44It's getting a little lower.
00:05:54You can do it!
00:05:55It's getting a little lower.
00:05:57It's getting a little lower.
00:05:59You can do it!
00:06:08They landed!
00:06:10But it was a beautiful flight!
00:06:13Did it break the team's record?
00:06:17Nice flight, nice flight!
00:06:19Are you OK?
00:06:21Good job.
00:06:23Are you OK?
00:06:26Sumire Yamasaki's current record is 540.33 meters.
00:06:35Sumire Yamasaki's current record is 540.33 meters.
00:06:42You can do it!
00:06:44You can do it! Thank you!
00:06:46Nice flight!
00:06:55You can do it!
00:06:59Now, let me introduce the prize money and the reward money.
00:07:03Each winning team will receive a prize of 1 million yen.
00:07:12The reward money is from Iwatani Industrial Co., Ltd.
00:07:15Lux Camp Stove, a stylish outdoor cassette stove for the wind.
00:07:21Yakijouzu Beta, a large-sized cassette gas hot plate.
00:07:25Accessory Plate 4, which expands the range of cooking.
00:07:29Arara Series, a natural detergent for home use.
00:07:35Next up is the winning team in 2021.
00:07:39Please take a look at this.
00:07:42This is amazing.
00:07:44T-MIT, a training club at Tokyo Toritsu University.
00:07:49The famous Wada Pass in Kusshi, Kanto.
00:07:53Kei Arakawa trained here for two years.
00:07:57This is tough.
00:08:00I'm going to fly 45 kilometers to break my student record.
00:08:03I'm going to win in the best way possible.
00:08:12However, there is another reason why he is the champion.
00:08:18This bicycle was given to me by my late father.
00:08:24Sadly, it was the last thing my father bought me.
00:08:33Mr. Sakae, who passed away at the age of 61 two years ago.
00:08:39It was a gift he bought me from a bed in the hospital.
00:08:44However, a month after the bicycle arrived,
00:08:48my beloved father did not return.
00:08:53My father and I watched the birdman contest together.
00:08:57When I was in elementary school,
00:09:00I told him that I wanted to have a cool dream.
00:09:04Now that I'm a birdman,
00:09:07I have no choice but to fly.
00:09:09I think he will watch over me.
00:09:13What does his mother think about this?
00:09:16When my husband passed away,
00:09:19I was worried about how he would grow up.
00:09:25However, he did everything he could to help me.
00:09:30It's a shame that he's not here.
00:09:33But he's doing his best,
00:09:35so I can feel that he cares about me.
00:09:53No matter how far it is,
00:09:55the journey is like a memory of his beloved father.
00:10:00I want to tell him that I'm flying now.
00:10:04I was looking forward to it.
00:10:07After I returned to the university,
00:10:10I wanted to show him that I was flying.
00:10:14That was one of the things I wanted to do.
00:10:21I want to tell him that I'm flying now.
00:10:25I want to show him that I'm flying.
00:10:29I don't want to do anything for him.
00:10:33I just want him to see me flying.
00:10:36I want to tell him that I'm flying.
00:10:42Two years have passed with his father's memory.
00:10:46Will he be able to show his father the Big Flight?
00:10:54How do you feel, Abe?
00:10:56I'm sure he's watching us now.
00:10:59He's rooting for us from above.
00:11:02I want to tell him that I'm flying.
00:11:17His mother and brother are here to support him.
00:11:22Here's his father's photo.
00:11:25It's heavy, isn't it?
00:11:29I'm worried that the wings are too low.
00:11:33The wings are too low.
00:11:35I can see that both wings are too low.
00:11:40I'm worried that the base is broken.
00:11:49It could be bad.
00:11:51It could be bad.
00:11:54The gate is open.
00:11:56The two of them will fly into the sky.
00:11:59Let's go!
00:12:07What a great speed!
00:12:11It's the best record in history.
00:12:20The gate is open.
00:12:22The gate is open
00:12:25It's the best record in history
00:12:29I'm worried about the gate.
00:12:33It could be bad.
00:12:43The gate is open by the pilot Kei Arakawa and his dad.
00:12:48They will fly into the sky!
00:14:08Was going to buy you
00:14:11You're gonna get it
00:14:20So they don't I got you are it's not I don't think I see Meguru then Joe not a joke you don't know course
00:14:29No, I don't see you
00:14:33You have to know that's not a good idea
00:14:44Nami don't know about one touch
00:14:47She's on the phone. No cookie. Oh, Papa. No, that's not you. You got told you'll sue
00:14:52you show Hokkaido
00:14:57Masaka no dark horse
00:15:02And I put out the home Joe, ah
00:15:05Tokyo Ponyo Daigaku
00:15:32We are the pilot Suzuki Ryosuke-kun.
00:15:39Go! Ryosuke!
00:15:42Go! Ryosuke!
00:15:45Go! Ryosuke!
00:15:48Go! Ryosuke!
00:15:51Go! Ryosuke!
00:15:54Go! Ryosuke!
00:15:58Oh, it wasn't us.
00:16:00It was me and Yagi-san.
00:16:05Let's do our best!
00:16:13Have fun!
00:16:18Gate open!
00:16:21Let's go, Suzuki-kun!
00:16:23Go for it!
00:16:28Let's go!
00:16:293, 2, 1, go!
00:16:34This is the return flight.
00:16:36This year, we aim to turn around and win!
00:16:39He's flying!
00:16:41He's flying!
00:16:42Okay, nice takeoff!
00:16:47Good, good!
00:16:49Go for it!
00:16:52Good, good, good, good, good!
00:16:57Go for it!
00:16:58Go for it!
00:16:59Go for it!
00:17:00Go for it!
00:17:01Go for it!
00:17:02Go for it!
00:17:03Go for it!
00:17:04Super beautiful!
00:17:05Katsura-san, this is a good start.
00:17:06It's good.
00:17:07The course, the angle, and the posture of the aircraft are perfect.
00:17:12Good, good, good, good, good, good!
00:17:17It's stable!
00:17:18Airspeed is about 7.
00:17:22Airspeed 7, okay.
00:17:28How's the GPS?
00:17:29The GPS and the data of the aircraft are all on the computer.
00:17:34The designer, Ito-kun, is giving instructions.
00:17:40It's like an airport.
00:17:42Yeah, it really is.
00:17:43This is a training center.
00:17:45He's giving instructions.
00:17:47Go for it!
00:17:48Go for it!
00:17:49Go for it!
00:17:50Go for it!
00:17:51Go for it!
00:17:52Go for it!
00:17:53Go for it!
00:17:54Go for it!
00:17:55Go for it!
00:17:56Go for it!
00:17:57Go for it!
00:17:58Go for it!
00:17:59Go for it!
00:18:04This is a great training center.
00:18:09It's 20 km to the training center.
00:18:11It continues to fly at 20 km per hour.
00:18:14It's the best!
00:18:15Really, it's the best.
00:18:17Go for it!
00:18:18Go for it!
00:18:19Go for it!
00:18:20Go for it!
00:18:21Go for it!
00:18:224, 3, 2, 1, time's up!
00:18:26Okay, okay!
00:18:28Nice, Ake!
00:18:33Nice, Ake.
00:18:38All right!
00:18:40I'm going to revive as a strongman!
00:18:42I'm going to fly!
00:18:45A few days later...
00:18:51All right, 4km to go!
00:18:53All right!
00:18:55We're getting closer and closer!
00:19:00I'm definitely going to turn!
00:19:03I'm not going to waste your two years!
00:19:07Go, go, go!
00:19:09Go, go, go!
00:19:11Go, go, go!
00:19:13The temperature is now 35 degrees.
00:19:17It's so hot!
00:19:19How will this affect the pilots?
00:19:24It's so hot!
00:19:26What is this?
00:19:313, 2, 1, time's up!
00:19:34It's going down a little.
00:19:36The altitude is about 2m.
00:19:38It's going down a little.
00:19:40I want to raise the altitude.
00:19:42Go, go, go!
00:19:44Go, go, go!
00:19:46I want to raise it a little more.
00:19:48I want to raise it a little more.
00:19:50Go, go, go!
00:19:52Go, go, go!
00:19:54It's going up a little.
00:19:56It's calm.
00:19:58It's following the instructions from the boat.
00:20:00It's going up a little more.
00:20:06That was close.
00:20:10The altitude is good.
00:20:12It's good as it is.
00:20:14The speed is 14km per hour.
00:20:22Now, here,
00:20:24they are flying while
00:20:26eating nutritious food.
00:20:30Go, go, go!
00:20:34I can't finish it with just a leg hangover.
00:20:42It's 6km now.
00:20:44It's 6km.
00:20:46It's 6km.
00:20:48It's 6km.
00:20:50It's 6km.
00:20:52It's 6km.
00:20:54It's 6km.
00:20:56It's 6km.
00:20:58It's 6km.
00:21:00It's 6km.
00:21:14How is the heat?
00:21:18It's hot.
00:21:24The humidity is amazing.
00:21:28What is this?
00:21:30It's the best.
00:21:32It's hot.
00:21:34There is a breeze,
00:21:36but it's hot.
00:21:38It's hot.
00:21:40I want to fly again.
00:21:46The altitude is going down a little.
00:21:48It wasn't like this before.
00:21:50The cockpit is moving
00:21:52up and down.
00:21:54It's going down a little.
00:21:56Go, go!
00:21:58Go, go!
00:22:00Go, go!
00:22:02Go, go!
00:22:06Go, go!
00:22:08Go, go!
00:22:10Go, go!
00:22:12Go, go!
00:22:18Can you see me through the window?
00:22:20Oh, from the cockpit to this boat, a Guts pose good sign came out.
00:22:30Is it okay?
00:22:35If it's okay, it's too cool.
00:22:40My star is strong.
00:23:00I'll turn around and prove it.
00:23:06The flight time has exceeded 40 minutes.
00:23:11Really? 40 minutes?
00:23:14Does the pilot, Suzuki-kun, see Chikubushima?
00:23:18It's a little down again.
00:23:20Chikubushima is 18 minutes and 1,000 rotations.
00:23:25The flight time is getting longer.
00:23:45I don't want to end yet.
00:23:57Damn it.
00:24:04I'm sticking to it.
00:24:07I want to go up.
00:24:20It's up.
00:24:26It's completely down, but it's up.
00:24:29Don't be surprised.
00:24:33Don't be surprised anymore.
00:24:39It's broken.
00:24:51I can see it.
00:24:52Chikubushima is in sight.
00:24:55It's amazing.
00:24:56It's amazing.
00:24:57It's an 18-kilometer turning point.
00:25:04It's coming.
00:25:05Tokyo Institute of Technology.
00:25:12It's not a point.
00:25:16Hang in there.
00:25:17Hang in there.
00:25:18Hang in there.
00:25:19Hang in there.
00:25:20Hang in there.
00:25:21Hang in there.
00:25:22Hang in there.
00:25:23Hang in there.
00:25:24Hang in there.
00:25:25Hang in there.
00:25:26Hang in there.
00:25:27Hang in there.
00:25:28Hang in there.
00:25:29Hang in there.
00:25:30Hang in there.
00:25:31Hang in there.
00:25:32Hang in there.
00:25:33Hang in there.
00:25:34Hang in there.
00:25:35Hang in there.
00:25:36Hang in there.
00:25:37Hang in there.
00:25:38Hang in there.
00:25:39Hang in there.
00:25:40Hang in there.
00:25:41Hang in there.
00:25:42Hang in there.
00:25:43Hang in there.
00:25:44Hang in there.
00:25:45Hang in there.
00:25:46Hang in there.
00:25:47Hang in there.
00:25:48Hang in there.
00:25:49Hang in there.
00:25:50Hang in there.
00:25:51Hang in there.
00:25:52Hang in there.
00:25:53Hang in there.
00:25:54Hang in there.
00:25:55Hang in there.
00:25:56Hang in there.
00:25:57Hang in there.
00:25:58Hang in there.
00:25:59Hang in there.
00:26:00Hang in there.
00:26:01Hang in there.
00:26:02Hang in there.
00:26:03Hang in there.
00:26:04Hang in there.
00:26:05Hang in there.
00:26:06Hang in there.
00:26:07Hang in there.
00:26:08Hang in there.
00:26:09Hang in there.
00:26:10Hang in there.
00:26:11Hang in there.
00:26:12Hang in there.
00:26:13Hang in there.
00:26:14Hang in there.
00:26:15Hang in there.
00:26:16Hang in there.
00:26:17Hang in there.
00:26:18Hang in there.
00:26:19Hang in there.
00:26:20Hang in there.
00:26:21Hang in there.
00:26:22Hang in there.
00:26:23Hang in there.
00:26:24Hang in there.
00:26:25Hang in there.
00:26:26Hang in there.
00:26:27Hang in there.
00:26:28Hang in there.
00:26:29Hang in there.
00:26:30Hang in there.
00:26:31Hang in there.
00:26:32Hang in there.
00:26:33Hang in there.
00:26:34Hang in there.
00:26:35Hang in there.
00:26:36Hang in there.
00:26:37Hang in there.
00:26:38Hang in there.
00:26:39Hang in there.
00:26:40Hang in there.
00:26:41Hang in there.
00:26:42He did it!
00:26:44Good job!
00:26:56Everyone, I'm sorry.
00:27:00He landed it!
00:27:04That was a great flight!
00:27:13He did it!
00:27:15Are you okay?
00:27:17I'm so relieved.
00:27:19You don't have any strength left.
00:27:22I'm sorry.
00:27:40It's okay.
00:27:42I'm sorry.
00:27:43It's okay.
00:27:48You did your best.
00:27:51You did your best.
00:27:53You did your best.
00:27:59The current record of
00:28:01the Tokyo Institute of Technology
00:28:05Ryosuke Suzuki
00:28:10is 14,207 meters.
00:28:14The Tokyo Institute of Technology Meister
00:28:16did a great flight!
00:28:22Masato Masa
00:28:24Masato Masa
00:28:26Masato Masa
00:28:28Masato Masa
00:28:30His team's current record
00:28:32was less than 1 km.
00:28:34But this year, he aims for a record break.
00:28:36I want him to do his best!
00:28:38His pilot is Daiki Ueda.
00:28:42My goal is to fly
00:28:44as much as 20 km
00:28:45in a turn.
00:28:47I want to do it.
00:28:49He has a powerful supporter.
00:28:543, 2, 1.
00:29:00It's Shibata, the manager.
00:29:04He not only manages the pilot's training, but also...
00:29:09I'm making a bento for Ueda.
00:29:13I'm going to make a spicy curry.
00:29:18Curry is a little greasy.
00:29:22But I'm going to use spices instead of roux.
00:29:27Ueda likes curry.
00:29:31He goes to the gym once a month.
00:29:35He says he wants to eat curry.
00:29:39Here you go, Ueda.
00:29:42This is your curry.
00:29:51Is it good?
00:29:54It's delicious.
00:29:57It's not as spicy as the last one.
00:30:02What is Ueda like?
00:30:06Ueda is a stubborn man with a lot of action.
00:30:11He's a quiet pilot, and a manager who believes in him.
00:30:17But why is Shibata so hard-headed?
00:30:23I'm the one who wants to be a pilot.
00:30:28I didn't become a pilot, and I was defeated.
00:30:35Ueda and Shibata were rivals when they first joined the team.
00:30:44I was injured, and I was defeated.
00:30:50I thought it was bad.
00:30:54I was in despair.
00:30:57I thought I should quit.
00:31:01But he couldn't give up his desire to become a pilot.
00:31:07I've been training as a pilot.
00:31:12I know how hard it is to be a pilot.
00:31:19Ueda has a lot of experience.
00:31:23I have to support him.
00:31:27If Shibata wasn't there, I would have had a hard time mentally.
00:31:34My goal is to be a pilot with Shibata's feelings.
00:31:41Ueda and Shibata were rivals when they first joined the team.
00:31:46Now they're going to be a pilot.
00:31:49Shibata and Ueda's first pilot
00:31:53How do you feel?
00:31:56I want to praise Shibata's curry.
00:32:02But I'm a little embarrassed.
00:32:05I think it's good to know the relationship between Shibata and Ueda.
00:32:11I want to show the current VTR to Yoshimoto's manager.
00:32:15We didn't even come to the scene.
00:32:20Ueda and Shibata are always together.
00:32:24They've never had a fight.
00:32:27The more they travel together, the closer they get.
00:32:32They're friends.
00:32:34Shibata and Ueda's first flight
00:32:45The highest record so far is 944.11 meters.
00:32:49It's not even a kilometer.
00:32:52But this year, I'm confident.
00:32:55I'm going to support Shibata.
00:32:58I'm going to break a lot of records.
00:33:00I want Shibata to win.
00:33:05Gate open!
00:33:08Ueda and Shibata's first flight
00:33:14The propeller is spinning.
00:33:17Shibata and Ueda's first flight
00:33:31It's a good start.
00:33:38It's a very stable flight.
00:33:41It's very stable.
00:33:44How far will it fly?
00:33:55Shibata is crying.
00:33:57Shibata is crying.
00:34:00The wind is blowing from left to right.
00:34:04It's going to the right.
00:34:10How's the course?
00:34:14It's going to the right.
00:34:17I want it to swing to the left.
00:34:20I want it to swing to the left a little more.
00:34:23It's going to the left a little more.
00:34:27It's going to the right.
00:34:31I'm worried it's going to the right.
00:34:35I want it to swing to the left.
00:34:48Tell me the time and distance.
00:34:53The team record has been updated.
00:34:56The team record has been updated.
00:34:59It's a good start.
00:35:02It's going to the right.
00:35:05It's going to the right.
00:35:12It's calm.
00:35:14It's not going to the left suddenly.
00:35:17It's going to the left gradually.
00:35:19It's a delicate task.
00:35:23This aircraft is confident this year.
00:35:27The team record has been updated.
00:35:40The wind is blowing from the side.
00:35:44The team record has been updated.
00:35:49It's amazing.
00:35:52The record has been updated.
00:35:55The record has been updated.
00:35:58The record has been updated.
00:36:05It's hard.
00:36:08It's a hard job.
00:36:11It's a hard job.
00:36:14It's a hard job.
00:36:40The Kogyo University is flying at 14km per hour.
00:36:43The Dark Horse is closing in on the record!
00:36:50I can see the pylons!
00:36:56I can see the pylons!
00:37:02I can see the pylons!
00:37:04I can see the pylons!
00:37:07I can see the pylons!
00:37:09I can see the turning point!
00:37:16I can see the turning point!
00:37:28I can see the pylons!
00:37:32I can see the pylons!
00:37:404km to the turning point!
00:37:58Will Waseda University win?
00:38:01Waseda University is flying at 14km per hour.
00:38:05The Kogyo University is flying at 14km per hour.
00:38:08The Kogyo University is flying at 14km per hour.
00:38:14I can see the pylons!
00:38:20It's closing in!
00:38:22It's 50cm!
00:38:24It's closing in!
00:38:26It's 50cm!
00:38:28It's closing in!
00:38:32It's the lowest it's ever been!
00:38:38It's almost there!
00:38:40It's almost there!
00:38:42It's almost there!
00:38:44The pylons are amazing!
00:38:50It's 15km!
00:38:53It's 15km!
00:38:55It's 15km!
00:38:56It's 15km!
00:39:06Waseda University is amazing!
00:39:08Waseda University is amazing!
00:39:10It's the turning point!
00:39:12It's the turning point!
00:39:14It's the turning point!
00:39:22It won't touch the surface!
00:39:26It's going up again!
00:39:29The wheel touched the surface!
00:39:31The wheel touched the surface!
00:39:33It's going up!
00:39:35It's a lie!
00:39:45I can see the pylons!
00:39:47It's going up!
00:39:48It's going up!
00:39:49It won't fall!
00:39:50It won't fall!
00:39:51It won't touch the surface!
00:39:55Oh, my God.
00:40:25The current Waseda University Space Aviation Research Association, WASA,
00:40:31Mr. Daiki Ueda's record is 15,646.6 meters.
00:40:41That's amazing.
00:40:48How do you feel about this record break?
00:40:53I'm glad I did a lot of training.
00:40:58Mr. Iwata, please tell us how you feel now.
00:41:03Mr. Ueda is really amazing.
00:41:09Thank you, Mr. Iwata.
00:41:12I can't get enough of the atmosphere here.
00:41:32After this, Tohoku University, which has the highest student record, is finally on the move.
00:41:48This is Shuka Chiba, a pilot of the Tokyo Toritsu University MAPL.
00:41:55Chiba, how do you feel about standing here?
00:41:58I'm very excited and looking forward to it.
00:42:03You're the type of person who sits down with a smile on his face.
00:42:07That's nice.
00:42:09I'd like you to know more about the pilot.
00:42:12I'll give you a quiz about the pilot.
00:42:14You're attracted to something because you can do it.
00:42:18What is it?
00:42:21You're from Hokkaido, aren't you?
00:42:25Can you drink alcohol like a bear?
00:42:29That's amazing.
00:42:31The correct answer is that you can touch a cockroach with your bare hands.
00:42:38You're laughing.
00:42:41Chiba, everyone in the studio is laughing.
00:42:47This is a competitive team with a student record and a female pilot record.
00:42:52Chiba, the pilot, is aiming to break that record.
00:42:57Chiba, the pilot with a smile on his face, has a frown on his face.
00:43:01He's got a good look on his face.
00:43:04He's good at flying in the air.
00:43:07If he makes a mistake, he can't get it back.
00:43:10It's like a different sport.
00:43:14You can feel a different kind of romance.
00:43:17It's all about the power of your hands.
00:43:19You have to laugh and get it back.
00:43:21Here we go.
00:43:24You can do it.
00:43:27That's cool.
00:43:29Are you ready?
00:43:30Here we go.
00:43:313, 2, 1, go.
00:43:33Oh, my God.
00:43:43Oh, my God.
00:43:54He's so good at this.
00:43:56He's moving his body back and forth.
00:43:58He's controlling his body so well.
00:44:07He's sliding.
00:44:09He's sliding on the board.
00:44:11He's fast.
00:44:12He's fast.
00:44:13He's fast.
00:44:14He's sliding.
00:44:15He's moving his body forward.
00:44:19What a great flight.
00:44:24What a beautiful flight.
00:44:29He's sliding.
00:44:31He's sliding.
00:44:32He's sliding.
00:44:33He's sliding.
00:44:34He lands on the board.
00:44:38What a great flight.
00:44:45The record of Mr. Chiba Shuka,
00:44:47the current Tokyo Toritsu University
00:44:50was 428.16 meters.
00:44:52was 428.16 meters.
00:44:54was 428.16 meters.
00:44:56428.16 meters.
00:44:58428.16 meters.
00:45:00He's so cool.
00:45:11This category is a machine that doesn't have a propeller or other power.
00:45:14This category is a machine that doesn't have a propeller or other power.
00:45:16It has to control the momentum it wants to launch
00:45:18and the power of the wind
00:45:20to compete for the flying distance.
00:45:24Currently, Mr. Azamino's record of 533 meters
00:45:26Currently, Mr. Azamino's record of 533 meters
00:45:28is the highest record in history.
00:45:31But this time!
00:45:33Who would've thought
00:45:35Who would have thought he would make it this far?
00:45:42Who set a new record that no one expected?
00:45:47And this time...
00:45:49Hi, I'm Maeda Kimoji.
00:45:50And I'm Takagishi.
00:45:54It's autumn now.
00:45:56No, no, our summer has already begun!
00:45:59It's already begun?
00:46:00What does that mean?
00:46:02The truth is...
00:46:04Finally, Takagishi is going to fly!
00:46:09I'm going to fly.
00:46:10I was so worried, but now I'm scared.
00:46:12I'm so excited.
00:46:14Who will make Takagishi's dream come true?
00:46:17Is it Aichi General High School?
00:46:22This is a school that has a class where you have to try to become a birdman.
00:46:26It's a rare school in Japan.
00:46:30So, let's go meet the students in the class.
00:46:36Hello, everyone.
00:46:38Nice to meet you.
00:46:40Nice to meet you.
00:46:41Nice to meet you.
00:46:42Nice to meet you.
00:46:43Nice to meet you.
00:46:44Nice to meet you.
00:46:46These are the main members.
00:46:48They're going to make Takagishi's plane.
00:46:53What are you doing right now?
00:46:55I'm thinking about a bathtub.
00:46:57There's a group called LIV.
00:46:59If I don't make it bigger, I won't be able to bear the load.
00:47:03I might end up falling.
00:47:05That's right.
00:47:06The size is different.
00:47:09That's right.
00:47:10The biggest challenge in flying Takagishi is the size.
00:47:14It's huge.
00:47:15Usually, the pilot of an aircraft has to choose between small and light people.
00:47:20I see.
00:47:21But Takagishi...
00:47:25It's 93 kg.
00:47:27It's huge.
00:47:28What do you think of this?
00:47:30It's a challenge.
00:47:32So you've never seen a person this tall fly?
00:47:36I've never seen it.
00:47:37You've never seen it?
00:47:38I've never seen it.
00:47:39It's easier to fly if it's light.
00:47:43For the students, flying this huge thing is an unprecedented challenge.
00:47:50We'll do our best to live up to your expectations.
00:47:54Thank you.
00:47:55Thank you.
00:48:13What's the biggest difference?
00:48:17I didn't expect it to be this big.
00:48:26It takes a lot of time and effort to build an aircraft like this.
00:48:32I wanted to ask you a favor.
00:48:35I'm afraid of being greedy.
00:48:37I'm afraid of being greedy.
00:48:39You're from Saibi, right?
00:48:47I didn't know there was this kind of training.
00:48:53Takagishi is amazing.
00:48:58I want to fly.
00:49:01In a year?
00:49:03In one go.
00:49:05I can't help but fly when I look at the back.
00:49:09I want to fly.
00:49:10I want to fly.
00:49:11I want to fly.
00:49:13I want to fly.
00:49:14July is one month away from the competition.
00:49:20The test flight with the aircraft.
00:49:243, 2, 1, launch!
00:49:28Go, go, go!
00:49:30It's floating!
00:49:31It's floating!
00:49:36I feel a little powerless.
00:49:39I've built a bond with everyone over the past year.
00:49:44I'm going to fly.
00:49:46I'm a little worried.
00:49:48I wonder how much it'll fly when it's in the air.
00:49:52I hope it'll fly well.
00:49:54I can see it.
00:49:56I can see the big flight.
00:49:59Will there be a big flight in a bigger aircraft?
00:50:08Tell me your goal.
00:50:10My goal is to be in the air.
00:50:14He's going up.
00:50:16He's joking.
00:50:22How was your training?
00:50:25I was serious.
00:50:26I was serious about the training.
00:50:32I want you to fly.
00:50:34I'm looking forward to it.
00:50:36Let's go!
00:50:39You can do it!
00:50:46He is 187 cm tall and weighs 95 kg.
00:50:51He will carry this huge aircraft to the sky.
00:50:55Katsura, how do you feel?
00:50:58The pilot and the aircraft weigh 90 kg.
00:51:07The pilot alone weighs 90 kg.
00:51:10Takagishi is 95 kg.
00:51:13The aircraft weighs 72.5 kg.
00:51:17He is 167 kg.
00:51:20He is heavyweight.
00:51:23Let's go!
00:51:26Let's go!
00:51:36Takagishi is going to fly.
00:51:453, 2, 1, go!
00:51:53You can do it!
00:52:01You can do it!
00:52:14He is turning to the left.
00:52:18He is landing.
00:52:25How was it?
00:52:29How was it?
00:52:30My legs were flying.
00:52:36Takagishi's record is 102.3 m.
00:52:46Nice flight!
00:52:51Takagishi, you were closer than I thought.
00:52:57If you were on the left, you would have been home run.
00:53:01That's not fair.
00:53:04I think everyone did their best.
00:53:08I want to give you a gold medal.
00:53:12I'm glad.
00:53:27Go, go, go!
00:53:30He landed here.
00:53:34The students and the team had a fierce battle.
00:53:38The record was set in the first half.
00:53:43Who is the pilot of this competition?
00:53:49The RTR team has participated in the competition 20 times.
00:53:58Hashimura is the pilot.
00:54:04He has a strong admiration for the sky.
00:54:07I want to be a bird-man contestant.
00:54:11I want to be a bird-man contestant.
00:54:16She has been dreaming of becoming a pilot since she was a child.
00:54:22She has been dreaming of becoming a pilot since she was a child.
00:54:25When I was in kindergarten, I was playing with a plane, not a doll.
00:54:32I was playing with a plane, not a doll.
00:54:34I was playing with a plane, not a doll.
00:54:41You don't like it.
00:54:43There are many models and badges on the plane.
00:54:51I thought there were few female pilots.
00:54:55When I went to the airport, I took a picture with a female pilot.
00:55:02I said, I want to be a pilot.
00:55:06She gave me a wappen.
00:55:10I was encouraged by her words.
00:55:16She is confident and cool.
00:55:20She has been dreaming of becoming a pilot since she was a child.
00:55:28She has a skill to fly a glider.
00:55:35The glider is a plane without an engine.
00:55:38The glider is a plane without an engine.
00:55:43The glider is a plane without an engine.
00:55:53The glider flies at a high altitude of 500 meters.
00:56:01It's amazing!
00:56:03To be able to be thrown into the air,
00:56:06she relies on her senses and her skills to control the aircraft.
00:56:15Oh, it's a speed of 100 km per hour.
00:56:18900 km per hour, zero feet.
00:56:21Speed of 100 km per hour.
00:56:23100 km per hour?
00:56:24100 km per hour?
00:56:28It's an airship.
00:56:31There's a view that you can only see from above.
00:56:34You can go anywhere without any restrictions.
00:56:38You can do anything.
00:56:40It's like a drama.
00:56:42It's cool.
00:56:45No way!
00:56:48Because of the aircraft,
00:56:50she likes to fly.
00:56:52What is her goal?
00:56:54I want to break the student record and win the championship.
00:56:58I want to be respected by myself when I was young.
00:57:06I want to fly as much as I can.
00:57:08It's amazing!
00:57:10The girl who was fascinated by flying
00:57:13is now flying to the sky of Biwako.
00:57:20Now, the girl who loves flying has spread her wings to become a birdman pilot.
00:57:25The reason she wants to fly in the sky is because she wants to fly comfortably.
00:57:29Such a pure-blooded airship is flying in the sky of Biwako.
00:57:36She has a good look on her face.
00:57:39I'm nervous.
00:57:40I'm nervous.
00:57:51Are you okay?
00:57:53Now, Ms. Hashimura is finally getting on the cockpit of her dream Biwako.
00:57:57All right.
00:58:00Stand by.
00:58:01Gate open!
00:58:04The sky of Biwako she dreamed of is now changing into a sky where she can make her dreams come true.
00:58:09Do your best.
00:58:11Are you ready?
00:58:13Are you ready?
00:58:15Are you ready?
00:58:17Here we go!
00:58:183, 2, 1, go!
00:58:44I'm sorry.
00:58:45I can't do this.
00:58:49It's okay.
00:58:53I can't do this.
00:58:55I can't do this.
00:59:13I can't do this.
00:59:25I can't do this.
00:59:29This is the Iwatani Clean Energy Team.
00:59:31Do you remember Sono-chan, who had a lot of fun last year?
00:59:34She was very talkative.
00:59:36I remember.
00:59:37Sono-chan is here again this year.
00:59:40She's not a pilot this time, but there's a reason why she's here.
00:59:45That's right.
00:59:46This year, I came back as a leader.
00:59:54The fans are perfect, too.
00:59:57I'll do my best to win the championship.
01:00:02And this year, the cheering squad is amazing.
01:00:08I will cheer for the best birdman contest ever.
01:00:14It's like an Alps stand.
01:00:16That's nice.
01:00:18It's a company that makes gas cylinders, so professional welding technology is used to connect the aircraft.
01:00:24Thanks to this welding technology, we can achieve high strength and weight reduction.
01:00:29That's great.
01:00:31You can see Hikone Castle.
01:00:33The birdman contest is being held at the foot of Hikone Castle.
01:00:37Mr. Hikone is working on the registration of this Hikone Castle as a World Heritage Site.
01:00:42Will there be a big flight at the foot of Hikone Castle?
01:00:48I'll do my best.
01:00:49I'll do my best.
01:00:51Three, two, one, go!
01:01:01It's going!
01:01:02Did it get a little closer?
01:01:04It's flying up!
01:01:06The right wing is a little higher because of the wind from the right.
01:01:10Will it stick?
01:01:11It's stuck!
01:01:12It's stuck here!
01:01:13It's back in position.
01:01:15That's great!
01:01:18It's stuck.
01:01:21Great piloting skill!
01:01:23It's going to land on the ground!
01:01:25It's going!
01:01:26It's going!
01:01:29That's great!
01:01:34It's going!
01:01:35It's going!
01:01:36It's going!
01:01:37It's going!
01:01:38It's going!
01:01:39It's going!
01:01:40It landed!
01:01:41I did it!
01:01:49How was it?
01:01:51Takebe Touma's record is...
01:01:55Go! How was it?
01:01:57374.53 meters!
01:01:59I think the pilot was really good.
01:02:03The first place goes to MAPPLE, Tokyo University of Technology, which achieved a big flight of 428 meters.
01:02:16It tilted a little to the left, and now the main wing has landed.
01:02:30It's no good.
01:02:33It's no good!
01:02:41While the team is struggling against the complicated wind, how will the legend overcome it?
01:02:50Mr.Temingen, thanks to his pride, he flew 530 meters!
01:02:54He's got a lot of momentum!
01:02:56Last year, he flew 460 meters and won for the 14th time in 7 years.
01:03:03Mr.Temingen, Shouji Ooki.
01:03:06That's amazing.
01:03:08It was when he was 26 years old that he first appeared on the show.
01:03:20Then, 28 years later.
01:03:24Ooki is the oldest in the competition, 54 years old.
01:03:28The average age of the team is over 50 years old.
01:03:33That's cool.
01:03:35He has the longest training history.
01:03:38Mr.Temingen and Mr.Ito are the same age, right?
01:03:407 times.
01:03:42Mr.Temingen is 83 years old.
01:03:44Mr.Temingen is 80 years old.
01:03:47The aircraft produced by the hands of such great craftsmen is as beautiful as a work of art.
01:03:54It's really beautiful.
01:03:56But the team's strength lies in their unwavering ingenuity.
01:04:03It's so detailed.
01:04:05It's good for painting.
01:04:07I think it's going to be pretty good.
01:04:09I think it's the best.
01:04:12The pilot, Shouji Ooki, is the one who brings out the performance of such aircraft to the maximum.
01:04:18Speaking of Ooki.
01:04:21Mr.Temingen is good.
01:04:24I can tell which way the wind is blowing.
01:04:28He calls the bird a teacher.
01:04:30Looking at Mr.Temingen, it seems that he is flying with a wild intuition.
01:04:36In fact, Mr.Temingen's flight is based on a precise calculation.
01:04:43Let's go, everyone!
01:04:45It's about 3 meters above the platform.
01:04:48After taking off with a strong wind,
01:04:51I lowered my head, accelerated, and became an airplane.
01:04:54It's about 10 meters above the ground.
01:04:57Plus, it's about 2 meters from the back.
01:05:00If I can fly at this height,
01:05:03I think I can fly 1.5 times.
01:05:09In other words, it's a strategy to take off with a headwind of 2-3 meters per second suitable for takeoff
01:05:14and fly with a tailwind of 5 meters per second away from the platform.
01:05:20If I fly for 50 seconds, it's about 500 meters.
01:05:23It's about 50 meters per second.
01:05:25If I fly at this height and fly 5 meters from the back,
01:05:28I think I can fly more.
01:05:31Plus 250 meters.
01:05:33750 meters.
01:05:35That's great.
01:05:37If he can fly according to Mr.Temingen's manual,
01:05:41he can set a new record.
01:05:47Mr.Temingen and I are the same.
01:05:50I think it's important to work hard to get results for one thing.
01:06:0454-year-old legend Mr.Ooki is aiming for a new record.
01:06:12Mr.Ooki, you came again this year.
01:06:15Yes, I wanted to set a new record, but the wind is so strong.
01:06:19It's not good.
01:06:22I'll do my best as much as I can in this situation.
01:06:26How do you feel now?
01:06:31Mr.Ooki said the wind was strong.
01:06:34I think I have a chance.
01:06:37That's good.
01:06:40It's the takeoff of fate.
01:06:44It was said that it was impossible to fly more than 500 meters in the air.
01:06:48In 2012, Mr.Ooki flew 501.38 meters, which was unprecedented.
01:06:53He set the record for the longest takeoff in the air.
01:06:58However, in the competition the year before yesterday,
01:07:01Team Azamino changed the record.
01:07:055.4, 5.5
01:07:08The wind is more than 5 meters on the platform.
01:07:12I think I can takeoff safely.
01:07:18Do you want to stop?
01:07:26You don't have to stop.
01:07:53You don't have to stop.
01:07:56Mr.Ooki became a bird from a birdman.
01:08:05Strong wind is not the best condition.
01:08:08The record is to be broken.
01:08:48The record is to be broken.
01:08:52Mr.Ooki became a bird from a birdman.
01:08:56Mr.Ooki became a bird from a birdman.
01:08:59He turned to the right.
01:09:01He turned to the left.
01:09:03He is aiming for a new record.
01:09:06He is very fast.
01:09:08He is very fast.
01:09:18Strong wind is not the best condition.
01:09:22Mr.Ooki became a bird from a birdman.
01:09:31He is very fast.
01:09:33He is very fast.
01:09:35He is very fast.
01:09:37He is very fast.
01:09:39The record is to be broken.
01:09:42Mr.Ooki became a bird from a birdman.
01:09:49He is very fast.
01:09:51He is very fast.
01:09:56Strong wind is not the best condition.
01:10:03He is a bird from a birdman.
01:10:06He is great.
01:10:09He is a bird from a birdman.
01:10:11I cannot say anything.
01:10:13That was great.
01:10:18He did it!
01:10:21He did it!
01:10:22He did it!
01:10:26He did it!
01:10:30What a great record!
01:10:33The current record of Shouji Ooki and his team is...
01:10:45645.15 meters!
01:10:48645.15 meters!
01:10:51He did it!
01:10:53He did it!
01:10:58Finally, the birdman has entered the 600-meter mark!
01:11:02He did it!
01:11:03This is the record for the highest birdman ever!
01:11:08Mr. Ooki!
01:11:11Thank you!
01:11:13Thank you!
01:11:14I'm so happy!
01:11:15He's in such bad shape!
01:11:17Isn't this amazing?
01:11:20I'm not the only one who succeeded this time.
01:11:24It's the result of all the friends in the city of birdman.
01:11:28Mr. Ooki is talking about the freedom of adults,
01:11:32but is it really like that?
01:11:34Only the pilot is free.
01:11:37Mr. Ooki is the most free, isn't he?
01:11:40Congratulations, Ooki!
01:11:42Isn't it good?
01:11:44It's thanks to your efforts!
01:11:46Thank you!
01:11:50The winner is Team Mitaka-Mobarashi!
01:11:53Mr. Ooki was really strong!
01:12:02The Human Propellant Division.
01:12:06The course of this tournament is 70 kilometers long,
01:12:10with three pylons.
01:12:12The results so far are...
01:12:15Waseda University is in first place with a 15-kilometer flight!
01:12:21And now, the winner is about to be announced!
01:12:27The next goal is the student record!
01:12:29Let's go!
01:12:30The student record!
01:12:31The student record has been updated!
01:12:36Last year, they flew 42 kilometers and updated their student record.
01:12:41Tohoku University, Wind Notes.
01:12:46The team is burning for further record-breaking.
01:12:49This year's pilot is Mr. Todo Naru.
01:12:54Last year, I saw my seniors in person
01:12:57and updated my student record.
01:12:59When I saw that, I thought I had to do it next year.
01:13:03They're coming back! Amazing!
01:13:07The battle was given to them by their seniors.
01:13:10The pressure of being the finalists.
01:13:13They felt the weight of it more than anyone else.
01:13:16They silently trained by themselves.
01:13:20However, no matter how much they practiced,
01:13:23they couldn't exceed their goal.
01:13:26It was a difficult time for them.
01:13:29I had a dream that I would crash right away.
01:13:34To be honest, I wanted to throw it away.
01:13:40He wrote down his feelings that he couldn't tell anyone.
01:13:46It's already January, but it's too heavy for me.
01:13:50Everyone is doing their best, but it's hard.
01:13:53It's a lot of pressure.
01:13:55Things are going crazy again.
01:13:58It's hard.
01:14:01They can't expect the results.
01:14:05But the members believe in Mr. Todo, who works harder than anyone else.
01:14:11I'm watching him work hard.
01:14:15If he says he did his best,
01:14:21I don't think I have anything to say.
01:14:25The only thing I can say is that I'm looking forward to it.
01:14:30I'll do my best.
01:14:32Nara is the best.
01:14:35His goal is to break the student record.
01:14:38What will happen to the man who has been working harder than anyone else?
01:14:44I think it's a lot.
01:14:46I think so, too.
01:14:47I think it's going to be crazy.
01:14:49But he's facing reality through his notebook.
01:14:54I'm sure he has the power to overcome that pressure.
01:15:04The Tohoku University is aiming to break the student record and win with the aircraft they built.
01:15:12The team flew 36 km in 2022.
01:15:16Last year, they flew 42 km.
01:15:19That's amazing.
01:15:21It's amazing to go to the moon.
01:15:23That's a lot of pressure.
01:15:25This year's pilot, Mr. Todo, has begun to feel the pressure in front of his senior's great record.
01:15:31As expected, the result of the practice did not come out.
01:15:34However, the team members believe that Mr. Todo will definitely break his senior's record.
01:15:40It's a really good team.
01:15:45Are you nervous?
01:15:47A little bit.
01:15:49Stop it.
01:15:51The first record that the Tohoku University is aiming for is 15,646 meters, which is currently the top of the Waseda University Space Aviation Research Association.
01:16:03It's a big record.
01:16:06Gate open.
01:16:07The Tohoku University wind notes are finally starting.
01:16:13There is a good chance that the wind will turn around and come back.
01:16:18Here we go.
01:16:19Three, two, one, go.
01:16:28Now, the world's most unrestful and the world's most harsh flight of the Tohoku University has begun again this year.
01:16:38It's hard.
01:16:40It's amazing.
01:16:43Now, it's the start of the long journey of the Tohoku University.
01:16:54The speed of the boat is 23 km per hour.
01:16:58It's amazing.
01:17:00What is this?
01:17:02It's stable.
01:17:05It's very stable.
01:17:07It passed 1 km.
01:17:09It's fast.
01:17:11It's fast.
01:17:12It feels a little fast.
01:17:14It's fast.
01:17:16Go, go, go, go.
01:17:18Go, go, go, go.
01:17:32The speed of the boat is 30 km per hour.
01:17:37It's amazing.
01:17:47There is a sense of royalty.
01:17:49It's a royal flight.
01:17:51It's a royal flight.
01:17:52It's amazing.
01:17:59There is a sound. What is this?
01:18:02It's the aircraft trouble.
01:18:07There is a sound. What is this?
01:18:09It's the aircraft trouble.
01:18:17There is a sound. What is this?
01:18:20It's the aircraft trouble.
01:18:25There is a rattling sound in the cockpit.
01:18:29I think it's the engine noise.
01:18:33I think there is no problem.
01:18:38I'm glad.
01:18:43Can you hear me?
01:18:48Can you hear me?
01:18:50How do you feel now?
01:18:53I think it's all right.
01:18:56He had a good expression.
01:18:59He had a good expression.
01:19:03He is free now.
01:19:05He is free now.
01:19:09It has passed 5 km.
01:19:11It has passed 5 km.
01:19:16There is no anxiety at all.
01:19:22It is a graceful flight in the sky of the boat.
01:19:27It is a graceful flight in the sky of the boat.
01:19:29It's amazing.
01:19:32It's a nice angle.
01:19:46Can you hear me?
01:19:51How do you feel now?
01:19:54He said there was no problem.
01:19:59I think it's all right.
01:20:01You have a nice smile.
01:20:05Thank you.
01:20:07I have a lot to ask you today.
01:20:11I have a lot to ask you today.
01:20:13I have a lot to ask you today.
01:20:15Where do you cut your hair?
01:20:17Where do you cut your hair?
01:20:30It has passed 10 km.
01:20:32It has passed 10 km.
01:20:34It's amazing.
01:20:36It's amazing.
01:20:40The altitude has started to fall.
01:20:43The altitude has started to fall.
01:20:45I want to raise the altitude.
01:20:47I want to raise the altitude.
01:20:51The wind may have changed a little.
01:20:54The wind may have changed a little.
01:20:56The wind may have changed a little.
01:21:07I want to raise the altitude.
01:21:11The altitude has risen.
01:21:13The altitude has risen.
01:21:19We have to respond to the change of the wind.
01:21:22We have to respond to the change of the wind.
01:21:31It has passed 13 km.
01:21:33It has passed 13 km.
01:21:35It has passed 13 km.
01:21:40We will win in a little while.
01:21:42We will win in a little while.
01:21:45The record of Watsuda University is 15646 meters.
01:21:51The record of Watsuda University is 15646 meters.
01:21:59I want to raise the altitude.
01:22:11The flight time has passed 40 minutes.
01:22:14The flight time has passed 40 minutes.
01:22:22I want to raise the altitude.
01:22:24I want to raise the altitude.
01:22:32Where is the victory?
01:22:39Watsuda University has passed 15 km.
01:22:43Watsuda University has passed 15 km.
01:22:48I want to raise the altitude.
01:22:50I want to raise the altitude.
01:22:54The pilot is flying.
01:23:05Watsuda University has passed the record.
01:23:11We will win.
01:23:17Thank you.
01:23:21We can do it.
01:23:23Watsuda University has passed the record.
01:23:29I heard about Watsuda University.
01:23:33I heard about Watsuda University.
01:23:35I heard about Watsuda University.
01:23:38The pilots are very good.
01:23:44The pilots are very good.
01:23:47He's got the pylons in the eyes of the pilot, Toro-kun.
01:23:54All right, all right!
01:23:5616km to go!
01:23:582km to go!
01:23:59He's finally turning!
01:24:02You can do it!
01:24:05He's about to turn, so I want to raise the cord.
01:24:11I can't go any higher than this.
01:24:14One more time.
01:24:16How's it going, Naru?
01:24:20How's the height?
01:24:24Can you hear me, Naru?
01:24:27I can't hear the radio very well.
01:24:30I can't hear you.
01:24:37Now, the turn is going to put a lot of pressure on the pilot,
01:24:42so it's going to be a tough situation.
01:24:5017km to go!
01:24:521km to go!
01:24:541km to go to the turn!
01:24:56You can do it!
01:25:01You can do it!
01:25:03You can do it!
01:25:24That's true.
01:25:59You can do it!
01:26:19Now, this is the first team to turn.
01:26:24Now, it's a home run.
01:26:35Now, they're already in the turn.
01:26:38They're in the right-hand turn.
01:26:45This is the turn we've all been waiting for.
01:26:54You can do it!
01:26:59Now, raise the score!
01:27:00Raise it! Raise it!
01:27:02It's a little low.
01:27:03It's where the pilot is most under pressure.
01:27:06You can do it!
01:27:07You can do it!
01:27:08You can do it!
01:27:09You can do it!
01:27:10You can do it!
01:27:11You can do it!
01:27:13Oh no, I'm losing track of where I am.
01:27:20Can you talk, Shogo?
01:27:23The turn is a huge burden on the pilot.
01:27:26Don't push yourself.
01:27:27You can do it!
01:27:31Raise it! Raise it!
01:27:33Oh, it's almost there!
01:27:34You can do it! You can do it!
01:27:35You can do it!
01:27:40I really don't know.
01:27:45Now, you can do it!
01:27:46You can do it!
01:27:47It's the most stable turn.
01:27:52You can do it!
01:27:53You can do it!
01:27:54You can do it!
01:27:57Oh no, the camera!
01:28:02The camera is out of focus.
01:28:03It's out of focus.
01:28:04It's out of focus.
01:28:17The turn is complete!
01:28:18The turn is complete!
01:28:19The turn is complete!
01:28:23You can do it!
01:28:24You can do it!
01:28:38The turn is complete!
01:28:39The turn is complete!
01:28:48Let's get to the platform!
01:28:53Now, he's coming back.
01:28:56Kono-kun, come here!
01:28:58Ready, set, go!
01:29:13Now, the flight time has increased by one hour.
01:29:23I think he's exhausted.
01:29:27You can do it!
01:29:28Come on, Todo-kun!
01:29:29You can do it!
01:29:37The sun is shining on Todo-kun's face.
01:29:45I want to go a little higher.
01:29:46It's 2 or 3 meters now.
01:29:49He's passed 20 kilometers!
01:29:52He's passed 20 kilometers.
01:29:56He's coming back, isn't he?
01:29:58He's amazing.
01:29:59He's too amazing.
01:30:01Go, Naru!
01:30:03I'm waiting for you!
01:30:12Now, the altitude is 1 meter.
01:30:15I want to go a little higher.
01:30:19I want to go a little higher.
01:30:20Higher, higher, higher!
01:30:22He's saying, higher, higher!
01:30:26It hurts.
01:30:31It hurts.
01:30:35A little more, a little further!
01:30:38It's okay!
01:30:40You can do it!
01:30:44Go higher!
01:30:46You can do it!
01:30:47You can do it!
01:30:50You can do it!
01:30:52It's dangerous!
01:30:59He landed here!
01:31:13He landed here!
01:31:15He landed here!
01:31:16However, after 1,000 times, he made a great big flight!
01:31:19He's amazing!
01:31:20Nice, nice!
01:31:21He's amazing!
01:31:22I'm sorry.
01:31:23Big flight!
01:31:27I'm scared.
01:31:28I really want to go higher.
01:31:30It's all thanks to you.
01:31:32I'm sorry.
01:31:35The current record of the Tohoku University Wind Notes,
01:31:39Todo Naru-san,
01:31:44is 21,823 meters.
01:31:47That's amazing!
01:31:49The winner of the Human Propeller Kizumon is
01:31:52the Tohoku University Wind Notes!
01:31:57Nice, congratulations!
01:32:00Well, Todo-kun,
01:32:02how do you feel right now?
01:32:05Well, I was able to win,
01:32:08but it was a little different from what I expected,
01:32:12so I'm a little disappointed.
01:32:14No, it's a great record.
01:32:17Well, Abe-kun.
01:32:18I heard that the radio was cut off on the way.
01:32:24I couldn't hear it,
01:32:26so I was really nervous and scared,
01:32:31but I thought everyone was cheering for me,
01:32:34so I thought I'd move on without giving up.
01:32:37Wow, that's great.
01:32:39Thank you very much.
01:32:40Good job, everyone!
01:32:42That's a good record!
01:32:43So, congratulations on your victory!
01:32:47Nice flight!
01:32:50The Human Propeller Kizumon competition will now begin.
01:32:57My dream was to become a pilot.
01:33:00But when I was in junior high school,
01:33:02I had a visual impairment,
01:33:04so I had to give up my dream of becoming a pilot.
01:33:07I'm going to try to make my dream come true.
01:33:11The seven-foot-tall Kizuna-san
01:33:16is trying to catch his breath.
01:33:24Hang in there!
01:33:28Oh, no!
01:33:29He's landed here!
01:33:31Hang in there!
01:33:45He's going to win for the first time.
01:33:48And come back!
01:33:52A little higher!
01:33:53He's landed here!
01:33:58He's not flying at all.
01:34:01Wow, what a view!
01:34:03What a beautiful flight!
01:34:06He's going to fly straight ahead!
01:34:09Okay, just like that!
01:34:10Let's go!
01:34:13This is so much fun!
01:34:16Now, it's a close-range battle!
01:34:19Hang in there!
01:34:24He's fighting!
01:34:32It was so much fun!
01:34:35I had so much fun for the past two years!
01:34:55Now, ride the wind!
01:35:02Come on!
01:35:04Hang in there!
01:35:05Hang in there!
01:35:08Hang in there!
01:35:10Hang in there!
01:35:12Come back up!
01:35:14Hang in there!
01:35:17That was great!
01:35:19My father, well,
01:35:21he always supports me, and I'm so grateful for it.
01:35:25We've done all kinds of things together, since we were kids.
01:35:28She's flying alone, but she has two people with her.
01:35:44She's going, she's going!
01:35:45She's going, she's going!
01:35:57Let's go!
01:36:16This is the best!
01:36:24She lost her father in June, 2022.
01:36:29She has been training on the road bike that her father bought for her.
01:36:33She wants to thank her family for their support.
01:36:38She's going, she's going!
01:36:41She's flying!
01:36:43She's flying!
01:36:45She's flying!
01:36:52I think I've got a little bit of a bad feeling about this.
01:36:55I think I'll just have to work hard towards my next goal.
01:37:01She's going, she's going!
01:37:02She's going, she's going!
01:37:04She's going, she's going!
01:37:06She's going, she's going!
01:37:10She's going, she's going!
01:37:12She's going, she's going!
01:37:15This is the best record ever!
01:37:22Thank you very much.
01:37:28The world's most difficult sky trip has begun again this year!
01:37:33The world is looking up at the same sky.
01:37:43The world is looking up at the same sky.
