The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Kelly's Big Day (1998/2002)

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Season 1 (2001-2002)

Plot: Hazards come with concreting a pond with a crocodile still in it. Agro is one very aggressive crocodile, and Brian and Steve have to stabilize the banks of the pond he shares with three females. A greater glider is brought to the zoo injured with a baby in its pouch. It's finally time to put Ivory in with the rest of the koalas. Peter saves a little bandicoot's life, nursing it back to health, and Steve and Terri are proud to release it back into the wild. Another animal needs attention - an alligator snapping turtle with a nasty food wound. There are new arrivals in the nocturnal house - brush-tailed phascogales. These small mammals are aggressive predators and handling them is a handful. Darren removes eggs from the king brown snake exhibit before they hatch and hide. Australia Zoo is gripped by wedding fever as Richard and Kelly tie the knot in a special ceremony on the zoo grounds.


00:00In this episode of Croc Diaries,
00:02the hazards of concreting a pond with the crocodile still in it.
00:08One of Australia's cutest animals injured with a baby in the pouch.
00:12And Ivory's first move into koala society.
00:16Join me at my home for the fun, the danger and the real-life drama
00:21behind the scenes at Australia Zoo.
00:47Sticky mud and anxious crocodiles,
00:49an incredibly dangerous mixture in agro-diversity.
00:53A dangerous mixture in agro's home territory.
00:59Agro is one very aggressive crocodile.
01:02We've been laying concrete to stabilise the banks
01:05so his pond doesn't all cave in.
01:13With the pond half-drained, the changed environment
01:16makes the crocodile edgy and even more unpredictable than usual.
01:21We're bogged in the mud and we've got to keep dodging four crocodiles
01:24who hate having us anywhere near their water.
01:30You need speed to escape the striking croc
01:33and the mud is really slowing us down
01:35and attracting other wildlife into danger too.
01:39Look at that.
01:43That bird ain't going to last too long if it keeps doing that.
01:50Good work, mate.
01:52Don't worry, mate, it won't bite you.
01:54It's only a baby crocodile.
01:56Whack him up that tree.
02:01Agro would prefer more water
02:03but he's not letting an army of people into his pond
02:06without putting up a decent fight.
02:08He's on you, mate. Agro's moving up.
02:11Jeez, he's naughty.
02:13Check him out. He's sneaking up.
02:15He's not stupid. He thinks you'll cut through there.
02:19Brino's tied to a safety line.
02:21If he gets stuck during an attack,
02:23they'll be able to pull him out fast.
02:25It's going to be a long day
02:27and to make matters worse, it looks like rain.
02:31Cookie's coming. Cookie's coming.
02:37It's time to get an orphan animal
02:39who's been in foster care back to the wild.
02:45Peter's saved this little bandicoot's life
02:47with love and attention
02:49and now this little bloke's ready
02:51for a new chapter in his life.
02:55Don't you jump out of there, you little jerk.
03:01The greatest sensation of all
03:03with wildlife rescues at Australia Zoo
03:06is when the animal recovers
03:08but easily, the greatest feeling on earth
03:11is when you're able to release that animal
03:14back out into the bush where it belongs.
03:17We're taking our tiny rescued bandicoot home
03:20as close as possible to where he was found.
03:23At the same time, we have to make sure
03:25he's nowhere near the road
03:27so he doesn't get squished by a car
03:29and also away from houses
03:31so he doesn't get attacked
03:33by someone's pet cat or dog.
03:42Don't go boinging out on me.
03:48These little fellas used to be everywhere.
03:51Sadly, they're getting harder to spot all the time.
03:59You're OK.
04:01It's the moment of truth.
04:07You go in there and hide.
04:11Good job, darling.
04:13He didn't even look back.
04:18Back at the zoo, the rain's bucketing down,
04:21the concrete truck's arrived
04:23and the job's turning into a real epic.
04:26We can't send the concrete back
04:29and we can't leave the pond half empty for too long
04:32so the lookouts are on the fence
04:34and we're working flat out.
04:38As always, Steve's the closest one to danger
04:41and what a difficult day to be laying concrete
04:44or standing guard over a bunch of crocodiles.
04:47Now that looks tempting.
04:49Just what a crocodile likes to see,
04:52a handy foot to grab
04:55and Steve's treating her with the greatest of respect.
04:58With most of the water gone,
05:00at least we've got a bit more visibility
05:02to spot them coming
05:04but what we gain from that
05:06we lose by a lack of mobility in the mud
05:08and the rain's also made the grassy banks
05:10dangerous and slippery.
05:12Steve is struggling to move even a few steps
05:15so the lookouts are especially important
05:18and if the crocs get too close,
05:20we'll have to stop work,
05:22get out and wait until they back off.
05:25To the crocodiles,
05:27this is a gross invasion of privacy.
05:30They are territorial predators
05:32and that means we are both a threat
05:34and a potential meal.
05:36The crocodiles don't just give up.
05:38As long as we're here,
05:40they'll keep watch,
05:42waiting for their chance to see one of us
05:44make a fatal mistake.
05:50It's turned into an exhausting day
05:52but it's a job that had to be done
05:54The pond was slowly getting bigger and bigger
05:56and the banks were crumbling into the water.
06:09Every time a croc goes in or out of the pond
06:12they take a little bit more grass and dirt with them.
06:15If we let it keep going,
06:17there would be no banks at all,
06:19just a giant pond of mud.
06:24It's going to be much better for everyone.
06:26The crocs will have deep water
06:28right up to the bank
06:30and we'll find it much safer at feeding time.
06:38Agro and the girls have had more than enough
06:40of us mucking around in their home
06:42but I'm down to the finishing touches,
06:44a few artistic flourishes
06:46and finally the job's done.
06:50There's just one more thing to do,
06:53set up the pipes and refill the pond.
07:08There's one good thing
07:10about dropping the water level in Agro's pond.
07:12It means that we can retrieve
07:14some of the gear
07:16that he's taken from us.
07:18If you can imagine,
07:20Agro sits in the water
07:22anything comes into his territory
07:24he strikes, hits, pulls it back
07:26into the water, kills it
07:28and you can't get it back.
07:30Well, when the tide's out
07:32at least we can retrieve some stuff.
07:34Lawnmowers are Agro's most frequent kills.
07:36Every time one starts up
07:38in his enclosure
07:40he goes berserk.
07:42He hates a noisy lawnmower
07:44as much as he hates people in his territory
07:46and while he hasn't got any people
07:48he's slaughtered a few mowers.
07:52It's a sweet moment
07:54for Brian, finally recovering
07:56something he lost months ago.
07:58It isn't the first time we've had
08:00to fish machinery out of Agro's pond
08:02and it probably won't be the last.
08:14This is one of the most adorable
08:16animals in Australia,
08:18a greater glider.
08:21It has a broken car
08:23and her legs broken.
08:35These soft, precious creatures
08:37live in the forest canopy
08:39using flaps of skin joining their legs
08:41to glide from tree to tree.
08:43They use the tail for balance.
08:51There you go.
08:53Boy or girl?
08:55Oh no, it's got a joey.
08:59It's a libel, right?
09:01Yep, it's suckling.
09:03The back leg's
09:05shaking, there's some movement there.
09:09With her mum injured
09:11we just had to make sure the baby
09:13was ok in the pouch
09:15and we didn't feel confident about it
09:17so it was definitely a job for the vet.
09:20Normally a greater glider would
09:22scratch and bite anyone trying to handle her
09:24but this poor little girl
09:26can hardly do a thing
09:28though she did give me a little nip.
09:30I think her little
09:32line is kind of
09:34turned over.
09:36Here we go.
09:40I'll just eucalypt these as well
09:42as some other kinds and we'll get them
09:44from right where she lives.
09:46It's alright darling.
09:48It's ok.
09:54Look, she's doing a wee.
09:56Good girl.
09:58Let's have a look at that bite, Terry.
10:02Ah, you can see the teeth marks
10:04and everything.
10:06Like all marsupials
10:08the glider suckles its babies
10:10in the pouch before they emerge
10:12into the outside world
10:15at the baby feed.
10:17Come on, just a minute.
10:19Come on, sweetheart.
10:21There you go.
10:33I wonder if we can leave him in the pouch
10:35and supplement feed him.
10:37It would be great to get him
10:39back on the teeth.
10:41I still think there's a chance he can do it himself.
10:43He's a pretty strong little fellow
10:45and he seemed to know where the teeth was.
10:51It may just cost him his life by morning.
10:53Another animal needs
10:55our attention.
10:57Not as cuddly, but just as precious.
10:59An alligator snapping turtle
11:01with a nasty foot wound.
11:03I think we might have to puncture that tube.
11:05A lesion has developed on one of the feet
11:07and while Darren holds
11:09the dangerous end of the turtle safely away
11:12Rick applies the medication
11:14and seals the wound
11:16so it has a chance to heal.
11:30Terry's birth is getting closer
11:32and closer
11:34and she's checking if I can be there too.
11:36We should try and get the husband
11:38involved in the delivery.
11:41You said that you cleared a schedule for that.
11:43So we just put there
11:45a pair of gloves on
11:47and get involved
11:49in delivering.
11:51Oh, great plan.
11:53That'll be great.
11:55So now,
11:57you've got your test done.
11:59It's a perfect test
12:01in that the results are absolute.
12:03That's as near
12:05as you're going to be able to get.
12:07That'll put Steve's mind at ease.
12:09They're not the prettiest animals in the zoo
12:11but the American snapping turtles
12:13are breeding well
12:15so obviously they find each other quite attractive.
12:21The foot's not getting any better
12:23and Chris is assessing whether he'll
12:25have to operate to fix the problem.
12:27Check out that mouth!
12:29Razor sharp beak!
12:31Wide open and waiting to snap shut
12:33on anything in range.
12:36Is that a local?
12:38Is it Chris?
12:40Like xylocaine?
12:44Chris has decided to operate
12:46and cut out the abscess
12:48that's developed around the wound
12:50which hasn't responded to treatment.
12:54Oh no, it's living tissue
12:56but it's just not healthy tissue.
12:58It's probably full of
13:00some sort of bacteria.
13:02What we'll do
13:04is we'll send this back to the lab
13:06and see if we can get them to grow
13:08the bacteria that's causing the problem.
13:10When they identify the bacteria
13:12we'll be able to treat it properly
13:14and in the meantime
13:16we're doing everything we can.
13:28When it was finally time for us
13:30to put Ivory in with our other koalas
13:33you see she was raised with humans
13:35she's never actually seen
13:37another koala.
13:51It's an anxious moment
13:53we've got no idea how Ivory will behave
13:55or how the other koalas will react to her.
13:58A bit of indecision to start with
14:00and then she gets at least
14:02one instinct dead right
14:04head for the trees
14:06and go as high as you can reach.
14:20She's made a great start
14:22and she'll meet the other koalas
14:24when she's ready.
14:28There's no apparent reason
14:30for Lily the guard dog
14:32to be limping.
14:58First of all, I'm not worried about it
15:00but if they...
15:02Oh, I just heard something click.
15:08You got any stickers on your feet, bud?
15:10That's a fun one, yeah.
15:12It's time to find these little bindi eyes
15:14on your pad.
15:16Is bindi in your pad?
15:18I don't feel anything.
15:20Well, she's weight-bearing
15:22which means she doesn't have anything broken
15:24so I'd say don't worry about it
15:26We'll have to fit it very carefully
15:28so as we don't move the tube too much.
15:30The black swan
15:32who had a radical beak job
15:34is doing pretty well
15:36being fed from a syringe
15:38through a tube
15:40inserted directly into her neck.
15:42She's going to be pretty sore for a while.
15:46Her damaged build was rebuilt
15:48but the protective wrapping
15:50has come loose
15:52and we have to re-bandage the beak
15:55so the vet's work can heal properly
15:57to make sure that her nostrils
15:59don't get blocked by the tape.
16:01A couple of breathing holes
16:03for the nostrils
16:05and it's all done.
16:07They're going to be pretty much stuck together.
16:09Oh mummy.
16:11Darren's recovering eggs
16:13from the king brown snake exhibit
16:15before they hatch and hide.
16:17This is one very dangerous reptile
16:19and she's going to have to
16:21be very careful
16:23because she's going to have to
16:25be very careful
16:27because she's going to have to
16:29be very careful
16:31because she's going to have to
16:33be very careful
16:35She's a very dangerous reptile
16:37and she could strike at any time.
16:41Darren's put her in the safest spot in the display
16:43while he collects the massive eggs
16:45that are glued together.
16:51Meanwhile, mummy's looking considerably quiet
16:53considering her babies-to-be
16:55are being gathered up
16:57and taken away to be incubated.
17:05That must have been the last one, huh?
17:11So we've got two
17:13four, six
17:17twelve eggs. When you have a look at those eggs
17:19and have a look at her
17:21that's a fair old clutch.
17:25Around about a quarter
17:27of a body weight.
17:29It's pretty full on, isn't it?
17:31It's far safer to do it this way.
17:33If they hatch out naturally, the little tiny snakes
17:35would be all over the display
17:37and their venom is just as deadly
17:39as their highly dangerous mum and dad.
17:49Raiding Connie's nest is always
17:51a really wild experience.
17:53It's because she's a very protective mummy.
17:55Anything messes with her eggs
17:57and she'll attack with all her might.
17:59And on top of all that
18:01she lives with Australia Zoo's
18:03biggest crocodile, Akko
18:05and he hits
18:07like a tonne of bricks.
18:21Even when you know where they are
18:23it's still an adrenaline pumping
18:25experience when they launch
18:27straight out of the water like a cruise missile.
18:31Get around the other side here.
18:35How you going there, Brino?
18:39How about Connie?
18:41How's Connie going?
18:45You got Connie?
18:47I'm not going till you get her.
18:49Terry's distracting Akko, but Brian can't get a fix on Connie.
18:51Come on, Brino.
18:53You got her? Come on. Talk to me, Brino.
18:55I've got him.
18:59Brino, you keep an eye on
19:01Connie and Brian. I'm going in.
19:03I've got him.
19:05I'm losing him.
19:07Talk to me, Terry.
19:09I'm losing him. He's not watching me.
19:13Here he comes. Watch him, Steve.
19:15Watch him, mate.
19:17Coming in.
19:19Don't forget that gas on her.
19:21We've got to get a reading.
19:23There is the food bucket.
19:25The whole idea is that Akko sees that
19:27as the food source and not Terry.
19:29What's going on, mate?
19:33I don't know how much longer I can hold him.
19:35You still got the girl down there?
19:37Connie's right below me,
19:39but she's intent on Brino.
19:41That's only temporary because females
19:43always defend their nests
19:45no matter what else is happening.
19:47Quick. Hurry.
19:49I'm losing him.
19:51Come on, Steve-o.
19:53I think I've got him.
19:57I'm going as quick as I can.
19:59I've got a few more to go.
20:01I'm scooping up the eggs like my life depends on it.
20:03Well, actually, it really does depend
20:05on how fast I can get in and get out.
20:09How long, Steve?
20:13He's moving. He's moving now.
20:15I'm losing him.
20:19Get out of there. Get out of there.
20:25I'm done. I'm done.
20:27He's going in now.
20:29I'm done.
20:31I'm out of there.
20:35Good job, team.
20:37Thanks, Brino.
20:39There's good news
20:41and bad news about the injured glider.
20:43The baby didn't survive
20:45the trauma of the accident,
20:47but the mother is doing really well.
20:49There's that flap of skin
20:51that acts like a gliding wing,
20:53and finally, the vet checks the pouch
20:55to see if she'll be okay for future babies.
20:57If we sort of find them with wolverines
20:59and they do have a dead young,
21:01we're supposed to wash them out.
21:03I wanted to make sure it was done properly.
21:05I didn't want to...
21:07Yeah, I think that's if you've got
21:09a dead young that's...
21:11Could have been in there for weeks.
21:13What you're doing if you're washing that out
21:15is washing away normal flora,
21:17because it's not infected, it's not...
21:21She must be feeling better,
21:23getting back to standard behaviour
21:25of using her claws when she feels threatened.
21:27She went straight to eating,
21:29and she's brightened.
21:31She's brightened right up.
21:33Still to come
21:35in Croc Diaries,
21:37life's looking up for the greater glider.
21:39Ivory the koala
21:41in trouble again.
21:45And Australia Zoo
21:47is gripped by wedding fever.
21:55We need to be very, very
21:57accurate with this.
21:59Yeah, 27th, it's in my diary.
22:01I picked up the book. 27th of March.
22:03Okay. 27th of February.
22:05Ah, February, excuse me.
22:07That was a Friday.
22:09The thing down the front that I got fixed,
22:11it was the left one down the front.
22:13It was fixed, I brought it back.
22:15All this heavy discussion is over
22:17one missing boot, not the crown jewels,
22:19just Steve's favourite boot.
22:21Yeah, that's one boot.
22:23That's the fixed one.
22:25Yeah. It's the one that's missing.
22:27No, there was like, one boot goes in
22:29as another one comes back, and then another boot goes in.
22:31This boot's been gone for a long time.
22:33The fact is, I love my boot.
22:35A good boot is a lifesaver.
22:37And when one goes missing,
22:39I get as agitated as one of my crocs.
22:41One was brought in on Monday.
22:43It couldn't be repaired.
22:45That's the one in your office.
22:47So the one that is missing is here somewhere.
22:51But I think
22:53that a boot went in before that
22:55to get fixed,
22:57and never got picked up.
22:59And then I gave him another boot to go in and get fixed.
23:01There's two pairs of boots.
23:03One pair, two pair.
23:05One pair Steve's got.
23:07This boot, the right boot, can't be fixed.
23:09This one is missing.
23:13But we've called all the shoe repair places,
23:15and they said they were all picked up.
23:21So what we'll all do is search and rescue here.
23:23Because I'm really confident it's here.
23:25Brooke and Brian are treating one of the koalas
23:27for a fungal infection.
23:29A good checkup all over,
23:31and medication between the toes and inside the ears.
23:35He doesn't like it one little bit,
23:37so we have to hold him very tight.
23:39Claws designed for climbing trees
23:41can be extremely sharp.
23:45It's big and brave.
23:47It's very brave.
23:49You don't want me to look at your ear do you?
23:57It's a cauliflower ear.
23:59It's got a box on it.
24:03It's a bit sore isn't it mate?
24:05Cotton wool buds in your ear
24:07so you can sleep at night.
24:11All better.
24:13That wasn't so bad was it?
24:15There you go mate.
24:17You're about to get poo on your arm by the way.
24:21Once it's all over,
24:23the koala's back to his usual placid self.
24:25Chewing gum leaves and sleeping
24:27nearly 24 hours.
24:35It's not only the animals
24:37who fall in love and get together
24:39at Australia Zoo.
24:41It happens among the staff as well.
24:43And when time got close to Kelly and Richard's
24:45wedding, everyone got caught up
24:47in the excitement.
24:49They've been planning the big day for six months
24:51and it's Kelly's final fitting.
24:57It's not a problem.
24:59That's it.
25:01As far as you go.
25:03Just about everyone at Australia Zoo
25:05is involved in the wedding one way or another
25:07and they've decided to have the ceremony
25:09right in the middle of the zoo.
25:17While Kelly
25:19supervises the final touches to the
25:21wedding gown, the groom's
25:23arguing with a koala over a different
25:25item of clothing.
25:37Richard's trying to give medical treatment
25:39to Ivory, the orphan koala.
25:41But all she wants is mischief.
25:43Doesn't matter if it's Richard's hat or head.
25:51And just outside the fence,
25:53a maintenance job's about to go bad
25:55with Richard in no position to help.
26:11Stuart manages to isolate the leak.
26:13Richard continues his polite
26:15but painful struggle.
26:17And everyone is relieved that the leak is not
26:19a sewage pipe.
26:29There's always a new
26:31challenge to overcome and there's
26:33always an animal who doesn't know
26:35what's good for it.
26:41if the bride-to-be ever manages to
26:43overcome her first hurdle.
26:45Help me.
26:53Kelly's going to learn to feed
26:55Ivory, who's still learning to be a
26:57koala after being brought up by humans.
27:03Ivory is so humanized
27:05she immediately recognizes
27:07the syringe as her source of food.
27:13She does eat some gum leaves,
27:15all looking forward to when she can survive
27:17without constant hand feeding.
27:23What's this baby formula?
27:31Don't worry about him.
27:33It's okay, sweetie.
27:37A rescued bird of prey.
27:39And as Australia Zoo's Senior Birdman,
27:41Stuart has good news
27:43about its future.
28:03The brown falcon Stewie's releasing
28:05back into the wild is an important
28:07species for judging the health of the
28:13Come on.
28:19There you go.
28:21They're really sensitive to polluting
28:23pesticides, and if the falcons are
28:25healthy, the environment's doing just fine.
28:31It's always very
28:33important when we have new animals
28:35coming to Australia Zoo, that we
28:37get them to settle in as quickly
28:39as possible. So when the new foxes
28:41came, we had to walk them around
28:43their new surroundings so
28:45they could experience the new smells,
28:47sights, and sounds.
28:49They're incredibly cute,
28:51but foxes are an introduced species
28:53and they've caused devastation among
28:55Australia's wildlife.
28:59After they've had
29:01a few orientation walks in their
29:03specially designed harness, they'll be kept
29:05safely isolated where they can't follow
29:07their instincts and hunt down their
29:09neighbors in the zoo.
29:11Other animals seem to recognize
29:13the danger, and the foxes would like
29:15nothing more than to react to their
29:17natural urges and stalk some prey.
29:19The reason we keep them on
29:21display is to help educate our visitors
29:23about the delicate balance of life
29:25in the Australian bush.
29:29Just as cute and
29:31recovering from injuries, the greater glider
29:33has everyone pleased with her progress.
29:35There you go.
29:39That's excellent.
29:41Her injuries are healing well,
29:43and we're all positive that this girl's
29:45going to make it. It looks like
29:47she'll be one of our successful releases
29:49back into the wild. It's only
29:51a matter of time.
29:53I think it'd be
29:55good exercise for her too, to have
29:57to reach up and pull the tip down as well.
29:59She's got a healthy appetite,
30:01but there's still a lot more healing
30:03to do.
30:05She seems to be using
30:07her back foot now. She wasn't the other day.
30:09That's good.
30:11She still can't climb with it though.
30:13She's sort of dragging them.
30:15Other animal rescues aren't
30:17so cute, but by crikey,
30:19this one is impressive.
30:23Monster snake!
30:25It's a highly venomous
30:27red-bellied black.
30:29Oh, what a beauty.
30:31Darren's got a real handful here,
30:33super dangerous and highly venomous.
30:35We'll keep him overnight, just to make
30:37sure there's nothing wrong with him.
30:39He'll be back in the bush first thing tomorrow morning.
30:45Nice snake.
30:47Yeah, he's a river.
30:51You'll have to swing around this way, Dad.
30:55That's it.
30:57I can't see you.
31:01Oh, look at that.
31:03Oh, yes.
31:05That was good.
31:09Nice snake.
31:13Come on, Dad.
31:15Where's the bag?
31:21Yeah, I just thought it might be easy
31:23for you because it was okay to do it again.
31:27What a beauty, eh?
31:37While Jodie's
31:39handling another reptile with problems,
31:41a deformed mouth,
31:43the vet's more concerned about one of her eyes.
31:47How are our eyes done going?
31:49He's trying to remove secretions
31:51that have glued the poor little girl's eye
31:53tightly shut.
31:57I've only been using it once a day
31:59but that was like
32:05Danny's got the eye open again
32:07but the infection seems to be causing
32:09problems right through the lizard's head.
32:13And also in his mouth.
32:19After a thorough examination,
32:21she'll be handed to Peter Miller,
32:23our volunteer carer who nurses injured
32:25and orphaned animals back to health.
32:27A dental examination,
32:29a thorough clean-up,
32:31and while she's not quite as good as new,
32:33the chances of recovery look great
32:35with the right treatment.
32:47First thing in the morning
32:49and it's perfect timing to release
32:51the red-bellied black snake.
32:53They're a bit slow before they heat up in the sun.
33:00Can I show you a trick?
33:02See how you twist the bag right there
33:04so he can't come back up through it and bite you?
33:06Like all our rescued animals,
33:08he's being released as close as possible
33:10to where he was found.
33:12Be real gentle with him, eh?
33:21It's Amanda's birthday!
33:25Look how red she is!
33:27Hurray! Hurray!
33:30Birthdays mean more than celebrations.
33:32Everyone gets together
33:34for the bonding that's essential
33:36when people rely on each other
33:38for their everyday safety.
33:40And for Terri, it's a chance to show off
33:42her new baby gear.
33:44Yummy birthday cake.
33:46Why don't you just get a big spoon instead?
33:48Fanny slippers!
33:54And there's an opportunity
33:56to start getting even
33:58for some of the previous practical jokes.
34:00Has anyone seen Brian O's boots?
34:02There they are over there, mate.
34:06Brian O, where's your boots?
34:08Oh, I ran out!
34:12Oh, all these boots
34:14went in his sandwich!
34:17Well, you shouldn't have hit him.
34:19Yeah, that's right.
34:21Mean Murray,
34:23one of our biggest saltwater crocs,
34:25and he lives in a clear pond
34:27because he's originally from a tropical river
34:29which runs clear most of the time.
34:33It's a constant cleaning challenge.
34:35It's the same treatment
34:37you'd have to give a standard swimming pool.
34:39Murray and his girl
34:41like the same water conditions as we do,
34:43but they don't like the pool cleaning equipment.
34:47He's a bit slow today,
34:49but sometimes Murray is quicker than the eye,
34:51and Brian has lost a few nets.
34:55At least
34:57we can see him coming,
34:59but with two big powerful salties in the water,
35:01it's a dangerous job,
35:03and we have to keep lookouts posted
35:05to act as extra sets of eyes
35:07for those determined predators.
35:09It's certainly not a simple case
35:11of just jumping in and cleaning the family pool.
35:19Doug the Alligator's about to star
35:21in a promotion for our Animal Planet TV series,
35:23along with Steve,
35:25who's getting as close as you can ever get
35:27to these unpredictable American predators.
35:33Time for some close-ups,
35:35and Steve can't allow anyone else
35:37to risk losing a camera
35:39to a very cranky alligator
35:41who feels his territory's been invaded.
35:45Whoa! Almost lost a camera there, Steve.
35:47That was close.
35:49Give me like three or four different variations.
35:51Mark it.
36:03Hi, I'm Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter.
36:05And I'm Terry Irwin,
36:07and this is Rosie, the boa constrictor.
36:13I'm going to start your move before I...
36:21Ivory's had her problems along the way,
36:23but we got the surprise of our life
36:25when she did something very unpredictable.
36:29All koalas love to climb,
36:31but Ivory's jumped out of the tree
36:33onto the roof, and now she's stuck.
36:37Come on, get down.
36:39Come on, get down.
36:41Come on.
36:43No, come on.
36:45This little koala has so much personality
36:47you just have to love her,
36:49even when she's being naughty.
36:59Koalas normally very rarely
37:01spend much time on the ground
37:03and would rather climb to the top of a tree
37:05than be handled by humans.
37:07But because Ivory has been raised by people,
37:09she looks to us for protection.
37:13Come on.
37:17You're a little psycho chick.
37:19Back with the other koalas,
37:21Ivory still doesn't want to let go.
37:23She enjoys the feeling of security in my arms.
37:25This isn't right.
37:27This isn't a flat, green surface.
37:29You're a bad pet.
37:33She's still just there.
37:35If you turn your back, she jumps on you.
37:37Oh, no, we don't want you to leave just yet.
37:39The greater glider's starting to recover
37:41a bit of condition.
37:43This will be easy.
37:45They're incredibly light for their size,
37:47so they can glide between trees.
37:55Let's get you out of this awful bag.
37:57There you go.
37:59All right.
38:01Like all arboreal species,
38:03the greater glider goes for the highest point,
38:05which happens to be Megan's back.
38:07At least she's not so bad with her claws these days.
38:09When she tries to climb off,
38:11it's only natural they dig in.
38:13So what we're going to have to do is worm her again.
38:15The worming treatment's easy.
38:17She's learned about the feeding syringe
38:19and takes it straight away.
38:23Oh, there we go.
38:25The new method.
38:27She's getting a bit too used to human handling,
38:29but we expect she'll still be able
38:31to go back to her home forest
38:33when the injuries from the road accident
38:35have healed completely.
38:37She'll be able to go there herself.
38:39Good girl.
38:41In the meantime, this gorgeous, fluffy little Australian
38:43sees a big plastic box
38:45as a pretty good temporary home.
38:53On the other side of Australia Zoo,
38:55a few trees have to go.
38:57Fred's an old timber cutter from way back
38:59and will help remove the threat to the new dingo display.
39:01If you reckon they're too much of a problem,
39:03but this big branch out here
39:05that we're going to have to cut down and cave things in.
39:07Fred's ready, but I'm not all that confident.
39:09I've spent a long time on that exhibit, Fred.
39:11Oh, I got big wedges.
39:13I got a big block.
39:15He's leaning out there.
39:17I've got a big stress level too.
39:19But if it goes back on that,
39:21I suppose
39:23we can always build something again.
39:25Do you want to go back on it?
39:27The old timber cutter.
39:29The trees are at the end of their lives.
39:31They're diseased and won't last much longer.
39:33And if they come down, it'll be dangerous.
39:35The first cut will help set up the direction
39:37that Fred wants the tree to form.
39:39The main cut will prove whether Fred
39:41still has the skill to put the tree
39:43right where he wants it.
39:45This one's more of a challenge.
39:47There's a building, a ditch, some concrete work
39:49and just one spot
39:51where the tree has to fall.
39:55Fred's a real artist with a chainsaw.
39:57Total precision.
39:59This one's more of a challenge.
40:01There's a building, a ditch, some concrete work
40:03and just one spot
40:05where the tree has to fall.
40:15Fred's a real artist with a chainsaw.
40:17Total precision.
40:19This one's more of a challenge.
40:21Total precision.
40:25Now it's Bryno's turn to show
40:27some multi-skilling
40:29and a bit of precision driving.
40:31These trees are all introduced species.
40:33I guess you could call them feral trees.
40:41There's no way we'd be treating
40:43a stand of native Australian trees
40:45in the same way.
40:47Nah, we love them.
40:49First thing, a bit of a haircut
40:51for a few dead branches.
41:01One of the great traditions
41:03leading up to a wedding
41:05is the Bucks party, and of course
41:07we had to turn it on for Richard.
41:09But by the next morning, he'd had enough
41:11of what we thought was pretty entertaining.
41:15How you going this morning, mate?
41:17Not too bad, considering.
41:21They tell me there's no key.
41:23I don't know.
41:25So you've been carrying that around
41:27since last night?
41:29Yeah, I haven't had a choice.
41:31I had to sleep with it.
41:33Excuse me, did you have anything
41:35to do with this?
41:37Me? Mr. Innocent?
41:39Having crackers go off on you
41:41and get this on you.
41:43I find it hard to believe
41:45Dave would have had anything to do with that.
41:47He was in on it too.
41:49We were really impressed.
41:55He should have chained him to a post.
41:57Where did we start?
41:59Kelly looks nervous as the last minute
42:01preparations are underway.
42:03And take a look at this.
42:05One of the guests of honour
42:07is getting ready as well.
42:09Fox, come here.
42:11You're not an enthusiastic man.
42:13Pet dog Fox will be part of the whole event.
42:15We're not sure who
42:17the best dressed man really is.
42:19Richard the bridegroom
42:21or Fox the flower dog?
42:23Put your hat on.
42:27That's it.
42:33We're really honoured that Kelly
42:35and Richard chose to have their special day
42:37right here at our
42:39Australia Zoo.
42:41I feel like I'm at work.
42:43One thing's for sure,
42:45everyone wishes them
42:47all the very best with their new
42:49life together.
42:51It's obvious on this beautiful afternoon
42:53that we're all here to celebrate
42:55a very, very happy occasion.
42:57Richard, will you take Kelly
42:59to be your wife,
43:01your lifelong partner?
43:09Will you take Richard
43:11to be your husband,
43:13your lifelong partner
43:15through whatever may come?
43:21So therefore,
43:23on your behalf,
43:25and on behalf of the community,
43:27I now declare them to be
43:29husband and wife.
43:31Richard, would you like to kiss your beautiful bride?
43:39And of course,
43:41for the wedding photos,
43:43what else but a special reptile
43:45formally dressed just for
43:47occasions like these.
43:49Put your face out behind it.
43:51Kelly, look in here.
43:53Lovely. One more.
43:55In future episodes
43:57of Croc Diaries,
43:59concreting the pond of
44:01Australia Zoo's biggest croc,
44:05a water rat arrives
44:07and Darren
44:09sticks his foot in it.
