After School Dice Club (Ep. 10) – Snow Clips Because It's December _ Anime Christmas Marathon Day #7

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00Thank you for coming! Merry Christmas!
00:10Merry Christmas!
00:13Let's each drink and have as much fun as we possibly can!
00:17Everyone's feeling festive.
00:19And I'm right there with them!
00:21That's great. What happened with your father?
00:23Oh, that? He went off to photograph the bears in the inn. It's all good, though.
00:28He and I were able to talk some stuff out last night.
00:30He may be gone, but I won't miss him as much.
00:33Besides, he met my best friends!
00:35Out of everything I wanted to share with him, you two were top priority!
00:40So that's what she meant by introducing me to her dad.
00:43And here I thought I was going to have to win his approval or something.
00:46Honestly, I'm kind of relieved it turned out like this.
00:50But because I jumped to conclusions, I dragged Ryuji to this party.
00:56It was nice of you to drop by, Yoshioka. I hope you have fun with the games.
01:04Play on, playa.
01:07Papa can handle the rest, which means I'm officially off hostess duty.
01:12So it's game time!
01:14Yeah! If no one's opposed, there's a game I've been wanting to try for a while.
01:19This one! Ladies and Gentlemen!
01:23The one where you pair up and compete over a whole week to see who can dress the nicest for a party.
01:28Leave it to Midori. Of course you'd know this game.
01:31It already sounds fun! Let's give it a go!
01:34Yeah, I'm in.
01:36I'd play, but it sounds like a girly game.
01:39And you are incorrect in that assumption.
01:42Girls and boys pair up to play this game together.
01:45Girls and boys pair up?
01:47That's right. In this board game, the ladies are in charge of purchasing the ensembles.
01:52What about the gentlemen?
01:54The men are responsible for making money so the girls can buy the outfits.
01:58Sounds a little bit like a racket to me, but okay.
02:01How about we divide into pairs now?
02:03I'll join the guy side since the ladies outnumber the gents.
02:06Sure thing.
02:09Let's play rock, paper, scissors to decide the pairs.
02:13Here we go.
02:15Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
02:19And the results are in. Pair one is Tanoue and Aya.
02:22It's in the bag, right Tanoue?
02:24Uh, right!
02:26Then Yoshioka and Miki.
02:28Um, good luck to you.
02:29Thank you. Same to you.
02:31And the third pair will be Emi and Mei.
02:33Sehr gut. Please earn lots of money, ja?
02:37It's a miracle! We are not worthy!
02:41In this game, the ladies and gentlemen will be playing at the same time.
02:45To start things off, the ladies play a craftsman card in front of a shop.
02:49This will determine what's available for purchase.
02:52There are four categories for these cards.
02:55First is a dress with four types.
02:57The second is accessory which has five types.
03:00The third one, jewellery, also has four types.
03:03And twenty different maids make up the last category.
03:07We buy these things, dress ourselves up for the ball and show up looking stunning!
03:13Our role is a crucial one.
03:15We have to make a profit in the futures market.
03:18We need money to provide for our ladies.
03:21There are fifteen tokens with one of six different goods on them,
03:25and we place all fifteen face down.
03:28The gentlemen then simultaneously flip them over
03:31and collect three of any type they choose.
03:34Next we sell these hard-earned goods for the rate indicated on the card.
03:38You'll find there's something called a contract card,
03:40and the first player to draw it gets a bonus.
03:42I guess it's every gentleman for himself.
03:44It's first come, first serve.
03:46Better bring your A-game.
03:47I'm counting on you, so don't screw up!
03:49Um, just do your best.
03:51Yeah, okay!
03:53Are you boys ready to play?
03:56Get set, go!
04:00Right, while they are busy doing that, we get to go shop!
04:05Wow, they're all so cute!
04:09And it's hard to pick. There are so many choices.
04:12It sure would be nice if we could have all of them.
04:15It really would.
04:17So, has everyone made their selections by now?
04:20Alright girls, try to be cute when asking for money.
04:25Hey, Tanaway, please buy this.
04:27You can do better than that.
04:29Speak to Shota as if he were your husband.
04:32I got it!
04:34I really want this. Pretty please?
04:38Your wish is my command. I'll buy anything you want.
04:41Thanks, babe!
04:42Let's see here.
04:48We're way out of my price range.
04:52Um, would you divorce me if we settled for just the dress?
04:57That's what I get for marrying a bum.
05:03Wait, are you sure? This is all you want?
05:06Yes, that's right. May I please buy it?
05:09Yes! Of course you may!
05:11Man, she's really being modest here. Really modest.
05:18Thank you for my accessory.
05:22Please, Midori.
05:24There's no denying that this tiara and necklace are a match made in heaven.
05:28It's too expensive to buy both.
05:30You can have one and that's final.
05:32Oh, but darling...
05:34If you buy them for me, I promise to make it worth your while. Please?
05:41You drive a hard bargain. I'll pay £100 to keep it for you.
05:45Wunderbar! I love you very much!
05:48And that brings us to the end of day one.
05:51Cool. Five more days and we'll be on our way to a fancy ball.
05:56Wait, we repeat this nightmare five times?
06:00That's right. I said the party was in seven days, didn't I?
06:03Good luck, my darling!
06:05Um, please try not to overwork yourself.
06:08Make tons of money that I can blow!
06:10Oh man, this isn't just a game.
06:13It's a test of masculinity.
06:17I'm not gonna lose. I'll win this.
06:20It's day two. Ready, set, make money!
06:30I'm rich. I'll be all that was my pick up line.
06:49Why, madam!
06:51That dress you're wearing is absolutely fabulous!
06:56Where on earth did you find such a treasure?
06:58A favourite emporium of mine.
07:00I must say that tiara is gorgeous.
07:03Oh, do you recognize it?
07:05Lola Laverne came out with it not too long ago.
07:08I'm pleased to see you all together.
07:17Fine party, isn't it?
07:19Wow, pretty.
07:21Twenty-two, twenty-three, plus three from the maid makes twenty-six.
07:26Emi and I win.
07:28We won because the power of our love could conquer anything.
07:32Oh darling, I love you.
07:35I, um...
07:37It's my fault that we lost.
07:39If only I could have made more money.
07:41Oh, please don't say that.
07:43You did a lot for me.
07:46You deserve nothing but thanks.
07:48I'm happy. This was just enough.
07:52I will provide for her for the rest of my life.
07:58Aw, shucks. We lost again.
08:01I guess someone has to end up in last place, huh?
08:10Later, alligators.
08:12Make sure Miki gets there safe and sound, okay?
08:15Thanks, Aya. See you later.
08:17Well, you wanna get going too?
08:20Yeah, let's go.
08:22I really let her down during that game.
08:25Oh, it's freezing.
08:28I'd give anything for some hot cocoa right now.
08:30Oh, almost forgot.
08:33Here, take this.
08:35Uh, I got you a Christmas present.
08:38A Christmas present? But why me?
08:41Was that too much?
08:43Dang it, I'm so dumb!
08:48I was surprised because I didn't expect you to get me something,
08:51but then I remembered, tis the season to be giving.
08:53Right, tis the season.
08:56Crisis averted.
08:58Can I open it?
09:00Yeah, go for it.
09:02Wow, what a cute pair of gloves.
09:05Oh, they're warm too.
09:07You've been giving me stuff all night tonight, haven't you?
09:10Thanks a lot. I couldn't be happier.
09:14So does this mean you've found it in your heart to forgive me?
09:19I couldn't buy you any gloves earlier.
09:21I hope this makes up for it.
09:24I appreciate you walking me all the way to the station like this.
09:28Just a second!
09:30I, uh...
09:32Come on, say it.
09:34Tell her I wanna see you again.
09:38I hope you have a happy new year.
09:41I hope you have a happy new year.
09:44I failed!
09:49Yeah, see you again next year.
09:55Oh wow, would you look at that?
10:01How cool!
10:03It's really starting to snow!
10:11To be continued...
10:41Thank you for watching!
11:11Thank you for watching!
11:41Thank you for watching!
11:51I think it's about time I headed home too.
11:56Darling, I love you so much!
12:00Huh? What?!
12:06I've decided to submit my game to a competition all the way in New York.
12:10I'm not running away anymore, whatever the results may be!
