Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 13 His Leading Lady

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 13 His Leading Lady


00:00By script. New and improved.
00:03So Dawson and Joey finally get it on, huh?
00:05The so-called Dawson character does it with the beautiful neighbor from the big city.
00:10Can't seem to find the leading lady.
00:12The part requires a certain mixture of spirited passion, wide-eyed innocence, and unparalleled external beauty.
00:19Sounds like you're looking for a Julia Roberts.
00:22Looking for you.
00:30So, what do you think?
00:43That was the director's cut, right? It seemed a lot bloodier.
00:46No, no, I meant with you and me. We did it.
00:51Did what?
00:52Our first official movie night post-breakup. I'd say it went rather well.
00:58Yeah. Well, congrats. I should probably go.
01:02Where are you going, Joey?
01:04Well, Dawson, we watched that movie.
01:07Hold on a second. I have some pictures I want you to look at.
01:16You're really okay with all this?
01:19What, you mean me?
01:22Yeah. I'm just so happy that we're finally past all that relationship trauma.
01:28Me too.
01:30Great. So, big dilemma now that you're officially helping me in the movie is who should we cast as Sammy?
01:39Joey, you're a distinctly unattainable original.
01:45Well, Dawson, maybe you should progress beyond the notion that the character of Sammy is me.
01:50Why don't you look for an actress who can bring her own unique interpretation to the role?
01:58I'm kind of amazed at how together you are about us.
02:06I'm going to let go. Unless you let me go.
02:12Granted, at first it was really hard for me to accept, but you moved on, you met Jack, and you let go.
02:23So I, in turn, let go of you.
02:32Yeah, well, since we're all letting go of each other, I really should go this time.
02:42Yeah, because I'm really tired, and we obviously have a lot to do.
02:47I'll see you tomorrow, Joey.
02:53Night, Joe.
03:03My heart is in my hands My head is in the clouds
03:13My feet have left the ground My life is turning around
03:22Every voice inside my head Is telling me to run like mad
03:31Oh, balls and arrows Stars and sunsets
03:35Hey, hey, hey, yeah Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:39Every heartbeat Every kiss
03:43Just makes me wonder What all this is
03:48Suits of armor Hearts and barrels
03:52Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:02Now, the task here is not just to represent the subject.
04:07You're trying to evoke a feeling that you have for the subject.
04:12And remember, this is your work, so personalize it.
04:17If you see the world in triangles, then go with it.
04:23Excellent work, Joey.
04:26You're coming along nicely.
04:43Dawson, what are you doing here?
04:45I had to do some research at the college library,
04:47but I wanted to give you my new revised draft hot off the presses.
04:51Thanks, but I'm in class.
04:57She's naked?
04:59Yeah, okay, peep show's over, get out.
05:01You're gonna get me in trouble.
05:03Sorry, this class is closed to wide-eyed visitors.
05:06I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
05:22You know, it says in here I can have the butt I always wanted in three weeks.
05:27Casey, I've seen your butt. You have nothing to worry about.
05:31I'll tell you, it's really no wonder we have such an obsession with the posterior.
05:37It's impossible to get a good sense of one's own butt, you know?
05:40Casey, are you checking out your own butt in the mirror?
05:44Me? No.
05:47You know, I do agree with you, though.
06:16This butt belongs in the hall of fame, what do you say?
06:20Thanks, Johnny.
06:46See anything you like?
07:08Oh, my God, you're the...
07:12My name's Devin.
07:17You must think I'm a total perv.
07:21Actually, I was leaning more towards deviant.
07:24My psych professor would say that you were suffering from some sort of a latent desire.
07:30The need for someone to watch you.
07:34Sorry to disappoint you, I was actually just dropping something off to a friend.
07:39Psych's not my major, anyway.
07:45How do you do that?
07:48Remodel naked? I mean, it's kind of uncomfortable.
07:51Well, actually, I'm a drama major, so I just kind of look at it as an acting exercise.
07:55Plus, it helps that the money doesn't suck.
07:58So you're an actress?
08:00That's interesting. I'm directing a movie.
08:03Oh, I didn't know they had a film school here.
08:06They don't. I'm still in high school.
08:09Oh, and you're trying to make your first film.
08:12That's cute. Good luck.
08:14It's my second film, actually.
08:17My first film won the Junior Division of the Boston Film Festival.
08:21And they gave me the funds to make my second effort.
08:27You know what?
08:29I'm actually still casting.
08:31There's one part that I haven't cast yet. It's one of the leads.
08:35And we start shooting in two days. It's kind of a crunch situation.
08:39But I'd love it if you'd read it.
08:43And it's funded by the Boston Film Festival?
08:48Yeah, absolutely.
08:51I understand your skepticism, but give it a read.
08:56It's the part of Sammy.
08:58My address and phone number are on the front. I'd love to hear what you think.
09:02Careful, Dawson.
09:04Stronger men have been crushed, by what I think.
09:18Ah, Grandchair Godson, we are in desperate need of snacks for rehearsal.
09:24Oh, Jennifer, dear, this is Tyson Hicks.
09:28He was kind enough to help me with my groceries.
09:31Uh, Ty, actually. It's great to meet you.
09:34Nice to meet you, too, Ty.
09:36So your grandma tells me that you're working on a movie.
09:39Yeah, yeah, um, we're just gearing up to start.
09:43Jennifer, Tyson has expressed an interest in helping out with the picture.
09:49Aren't you a little short-staffed?
09:53Yeah, yeah, um, do you have any experience working on a film set before?
09:58Well, no, but, um, I've worked on a bunch of theater productions,
10:02and I'm pretty good with my hands and a fast learner.
10:06Yeah, that sounds great. I mean, we can use all the help that we can get, Ty.
10:10Even Gramps has been doing craft service, so...
10:13Great. Uh, well, you can use me for anything.
10:19You found a bottle of prescription pills. So what?
10:22You see, they were in my parents' medicine cabinet.
10:25It's a veritable pharmacy.
10:27Yeah, but this is Xanax, Dawson.
10:29Not exactly your typical Saturday night muscle relaxant for severe anxiety.
10:36You haven't noticed Sandy being any more high-strung lately, have you?
10:41Uh, no, I've been too busy watching Guns Off the Walls.
10:45You see, if you're worried, then why don't you just ask her about it?
10:48Because, man, I don't want to make the situation any worse.
10:52She's already under enough stress as it is with her family.
10:55You know, the way I figure it, if she wants to open up to me, she will, you know?
10:59But it's also not really in my nature to just sit by while the girl suffers.
11:03I mean, I want to help her, but...
11:05She's operating on a lot of stress, though, Pacey.
11:07The only thing you can really do is make sure that the time she spends with you is as stress-free as possible.
11:13You know? Help her have fun.
11:18Dawson, what are you doing, man? We just put the E.T. poster up.
11:21Why are you taking it down?
11:22Ah, there. It's not the shot over here. It would be in the perfect position.
11:27You know, I understand that we have budgetary constraints,
11:30but don't you think telling your life story in your own bedroom is a little perverse, even for you?
11:49Hey there.
11:50Hey. How are you?
11:53Good. I read your script.
11:55You did? Great. And, uh, what did you... what did you think?
12:00I didn't love it.
12:03I mean, all the angst and the over-analyzing and the hesitancy to act on anything.
12:08I mean, I really had to search my psyche and call back my analysts.
12:12Ah, a few old years ago.
12:15Dawson, there is a vast difference between us.
12:20Anyway, this script's a little heavy-handed and overly verbose.
12:24So what you're saying is you're not interested?
12:27What I'm saying is that I managed to muddle through the $20 words in Psycho's speak
12:33and got to the core of the Sammy character.
12:36Look, I think what I'm saying is I'm not interested.
12:39I mean, just... the more and more I think about it, you just...
12:43you're really just not right for the part. You're a little... small.
12:48Wait, so what you're saying is that because I had an opinion of your script,
12:52you're not going to let me read for the part?
12:54Well, here's the cold, hard truth, Dawson.
12:57If you can't take a little constructive criticism, you're never going to make it.
13:02Good luck in high school.
13:04I'm sorry I wasted my time.
13:07Wait a minute, wait a minute. Devin.
13:09I'm... I'm sorry. Maybe you're right. Maybe I overreacted.
13:13You know, I mean, you came all the way down here to do his audition, right?
13:21So, uh...
13:23We can read scene 5 when he starts on the page.
13:25Actually, I thought we'd do scene 15, closer to the middle.
13:35Okay, just, uh, give me a minute.
13:52Sammy, if you could only see yourself through my eyes.
13:59You know, for the longest time, I thought that was what I wanted.
14:04For the boy across the creek.
14:07My best friend.
14:10To see me as beautiful.
14:14But this is just...
14:17cosmetic enhancement.
14:21And a hairspray.
14:33I'm still the same old Samantha.
14:37The girl who resides on the wrong side of the creek.
14:40And if you look closely, Wade, you'll see...
14:47it's just me.
14:55Is that kind of what you had in mind?
14:58It was kind of...
15:03It was kind of...
15:25Hey, um...
15:26I gotta get out of here early because I promised Austin I'd have him with me tomorrow's shoot, okay?
15:32Okay, um...
15:33You think he'll have us working, uh, all day?
15:39Yeah, yeah, Jen, she said that they were understaffed.
15:42She asked me to help out.
15:43Best that you cover my shifts, so...
15:48And how does Dawson feel about this?
16:06Can I get you something to drink?
16:15Um, are you ready to order?
16:17Ready to order?
16:23Is everything okay?
16:26Yeah, I'll, um...
16:29I'll have a hamburger, fries, and a Diet Coke.
16:37Um, I'll be right back with your drink.
16:50Jack, can you go...
16:53help that girl out there? I mean, she's really weirding me out.
16:59I know.
17:07Here you go.
17:10Excuse me, um...
17:12Do you know that waitress?
17:18You could say that.
17:19Would you mind telling me everything you know about her?
17:28Hey, McPhee.
17:32How's it hanging, girl?
17:35I've been reading this same paragraph for the last 20 minutes.
17:39I can't concentrate.
17:42I've got a ton of homework.
17:47Um, listen.
17:50I've been wrestling with whether or not to confront you about this.
17:56I think I'm just gonna get it out in the open.
17:59So, uh...
18:02Do you want to talk to me about the pill bottle that I saw in your bathroom yesterday?
18:07Or is that an ex?
18:10It's my mother's.
18:16If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, Andy, but don't lie to me.
18:30I started taking it right after Tim died.
18:34Helps even out my mood swings.
18:39So why'd you feel like you had to hide it from me?
18:44I don't know.
18:46I guess I was afraid I didn't know how you'd react, and, uh...
18:51But it doesn't matter now, anyway.
18:53You know, my doctor's not gonna refill my prescription.
18:57She wants me to try therapy for my stress, but just thinking about that makes me even more stressed out, so...
19:03Well, maybe therapy's not such a bad idea.
19:07I mean, it couldn't hurt.
19:11Look, Pacey, I can take care of myself.
19:17Don't look so worried. I'm okay.
19:25But if you weren't okay, you wouldn't tell me, right?
19:34Okay, so this team will open up with you two sitting on the bed.
19:37Sammy, you're on the left, and Wade will be on the right.
19:40It's, um, however comfortable. It's fairly casual.
19:43And, hey!
19:45Um, since Abby's late again, I was wondering if you could read the part of Kim.
19:50You two from over here?
19:52Yeah, sure. Okay, um...
19:55Um, what page are you guys starting on?
20:00Okay, you guys ready?
20:03And action.
20:07Hey, guys.
20:10I thought it was video night.
20:12Well, it is.
20:14Kim doesn't really know anyone here in Creekside, so I just invited her to join us.
20:18Isn't watching movies a little, though, mundane for someone from the big city?
20:24Um, listen, if I'm intruding, I can...
20:28No, no, not at all.
20:32The more, the merrier.
20:34No, no, wait. Wait a minute.
20:36Hold on, let's not write a crisis. The way you're saying it now, it sounds like you're trying to hit the middle of a nonchalant twa.
20:42I mean, you're interested in Kim, but Sammy's just your friend.
20:45I mean, she's your best friend, but she's just a friend.
20:48The nuances are subtle, but they're very specific.
20:52But Dawson, it's obvious that Sammy's into me.
20:55What, am I just supposed to ignore that?
20:58No, no, actually, um, I mean, you're not ignoring, you're just, you're not aware of it yet.
21:08Um, Dawson, wait for a second.
21:12Thank you for casting a jock, he's got the insight of a warthog.
21:15Okay, maybe you should just ease up a little.
21:22Joey! Hey!
21:27Come here, um, come here, there's somebody I want you to meet.
21:31Devin, this is Joey. This is Joey's Devin.
21:35Yeah, you came into the accesses today.
21:37Yeah, now you know why I was acting so peculiar.
21:42I was studying you.
21:44It's just Dawson told me that my character was based on you, so...
21:48You recognize Devin from art class?
21:50Oh, right, yeah.
21:51Look, clothes threw me at first, but, you know, I figured it out.
21:55I've got to talk to Chris for a bit, so, but you two talk, get to know each other, and you can study her memories.
22:05So anyway, I'm going for a method approach to Sammy, and I was just wondering if you had some, you know, character insights for me.
22:13I have a couple dozen questions I want to ask you.
22:18A few dozen.
22:19Well, I think that Sammy and Wade are soulmates who will be forever connected by an overpowering, transcendent love.
22:30What do you think?
22:32What do you think?
22:45Wade, please stop.
22:48No, stop.
22:51Why are you running away from me?
22:53Because for the first time in 15 years, you aren't the last person I want to see.
22:57I'll lose it. Hold on. I'll lose it.
23:00I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Dawson. I'll catch you next time.
23:08You guys can take five.
23:11Dawson, we should really try and get the first shot off before you start taking breaks, okay?
23:17Is there a problem?
23:20Jen, I'd like to say that this accident could have been avoided, but with you standing nearby, I lose all ability to concentrate on the job at hand.
23:31Down boy.
23:34Joy, I want to ask you. This whole thing really bothers you, doesn't it? I mean, life laid out for the world to see.
23:44Please, it's a movie. Why should it bother me?
23:46Because it's about you. I mean, if I was trying to get over somebody and get on with my life, I think the last thing that I would do is to make a movie about it.
23:55Somebody needs to tell Oliver Stone over there that this whole war is over.
23:58Look, Dawson is clearly over me. I promise.
24:02Well, where's your evidence? Because I have proof of the contrary.
24:06Don't think so much, Jack. I mean, everything is going to be fine. Don't worry about it.
24:13You're right.
24:16As long as you're over him, nothing else matters. Dawson can do whatever he wants.
24:42I beg you to let me take you home. You were wrong. I was right. You said goodbye. I said goodnight.
24:57It's all been done. It's all been done. It's all been done.
25:12It's all been done.
25:44Being a good boy?
25:46What a disappointment.
25:48Oh, man, I've got the worst kids.
25:52Here, here, let me.
25:57Feels like you've got some experience with this.
25:59And being manipulated into a neck rub, yeah.
26:04Maybe I could also manipulate you into coming out with me, then.
26:10I mean, I think that once we get this scene done, I'm really going to need to loosen up.
26:14I think that can be arranged. Of course, there's one stipulation.
26:20You've got to put yourself in my hands.
26:24Well, they are good hands.
26:34Dawson, all I'm saying is I don't think my character would play it hurt.
26:37And where's my anger coming from? I'm really confused.
26:40I think that's implicit.
26:42See, I think he'd try and play it cool. I mean, retain a little self-dignity and not put all his emotions on his sleeve.
26:47And I don't think I'd blow a gasket over this.
26:50Okay, all right. Um, Chris, not everybody is as cool as you.
26:58Okay, um, when Wade finds out that his girlfriend kissed another guy, I mean, he's crushed.
27:05Okay, the last thing he's thinking about is preserving any self-dignity.
27:08Okay, and Devin, you're an angry girl. I mean, that's part of the essence of who you are.
27:15Okay, right now you're frustrated that Wade can't see that you've moved beyond that.
27:21Dawson, man, I can't relate.
27:25I've never been there.
27:28Okay, um...
27:38It's agony.
27:43Complete, excruciating agony.
27:47It's like your heart has been ripped out of your chest and stomped on and you can't breathe.
27:54You don't want to eat. You can't function.
28:04It's the most intense pain that you'll ever feel, and the worst part is there's no way to relieve it.
28:09It's unyielding, merciless torture, and you know that it's yours for life.
28:17Okay, and Devin, you're...
28:21You feel completely misunderstood.
28:24You think that this guy who you believed in your whole life can't see the hope and potential of what you can become,
28:30and so you're petrified. You're confused.
28:35You're afraid to stay with him. You're afraid to stay without him. You're frustrated.
28:40You feel so alone.
28:46You feel so alone.
29:17Sammy, I was wondering if I could speak with you for a moment.
29:20It's Jilly.
29:25Anyway, I'm having a problem with this scene.
29:28I don't really get where my anger comes from.
29:32I personally am not angry by nature, and I was just wondering if you could show me how you do it.
29:39Do what?
29:41Be angry.
29:43Be angry.
29:45Oh, well, see, I personally am not angry by nature,
29:49so that would be the fictional part of this autobiographical tale.
29:58So tell me, how do you date one guy while you're still in love with another?
30:04Look, I know what you're trying to do.
30:07Don't go there.
30:10Please, I see you lip-locked with that puppy dog,
30:13and your heart is still so clearly with Dustin.
30:16What is this Jack guy's safety net?
30:19Oh, you're good.
30:21But I'm not that easily manipulated.
30:25Is everything okay?
30:27Tell me, Jack, what's it like being the transition guy?
30:30Would you stop it?
30:32You know, it must be really hard opening your heart to a girl whose heart is reserved for someone else.
30:38You know what? Look, you annoying little third-rate wannabe,
30:41why don't you take your irritating self and prey on somebody who doesn't see through your pathetic attempt to masquerade bitchiness as research?
30:54What was that?
30:58She's too short to play me.
31:03What do you mean you don't have it? It was in your hair.
31:06Well, no, it's not.
31:08Okay, that barrette is a prop, and I'm in charge of all props. I need to get it back.
31:12Well, you better go find it. I need to prepare.
31:16Oh, like I have any idea where to start looking for some little tiny barrette, okay?
31:21You know, it could be absolutely anywhere.
31:24How could you have been so careless with something that wasn't even yours?
31:27I mean, don't you realize that people have jobs to do?
31:30Or does the whole universe just revolve around Devin?
31:33Get a grip, prop girl.
31:37Did you see that? Do you believe her?
31:40Yes, but I'm starting to get a little worried about you, McPhee.
31:43Well, don't be. I'm fine.
31:45No, you're really not fine.
31:47Oh, great. Thanks for your support, Pete.
31:50Well, hey, listen. Just tell me what to do here, okay?
31:53Because I'm starting to feel like I'm getting a little screwed either way.
31:56My dad is MIA.
31:59My mother is barely lucid.
32:01I'm holding on by my fingertips, and yet somehow you're the one that's screwed?
32:05Oh, yeah, that's right. It's always got to be about Pacey.
32:08Don't do that, Andy.
32:10Okay, don't make me the bad guy.
32:12I'll be your shoulder to cry on. I'll even be your punching bag.
32:15But I'm not the bad guy.
32:16Pacey, I keep adding things to my life instead of subtracting.
32:19Between school, my mother, Jack, you, something's got to give.
32:24And the way I see it, there's only one expendable on that list.
32:28Come on, Andy.
32:30You're not in the right place to make that decision right now, okay?
32:35I just, you're not thinking straight, okay?
32:38Yes, I am.
32:40You know what? For the first time, I'm seeing everything crystal.
32:43It's you, Pacey. You're the one that's got to give.
32:46We need to cool it because us, that's the problem.
32:49Andy, you don't mean that.
32:50Yes, I do.
32:51And if you really care about me, if you really want to help me,
32:54then you would just back off and leave me alone.
33:10At least let me explain.
33:12What purpose could that possibly serve?
33:15You kissed another guy.
33:17In my mind, there's absolutely, unequivocally, nothing left to say.
33:24You don't even want to know why, do you?
33:26You're not even listening.
33:28What justifiable reason is there that the girl who supposedly spent her entire life pretending
33:35like I was the only thing that mattered
33:39threw it all away for a 30-second cheap thrill?
33:46It cut.
33:47That was incredible.
33:49Alright, camera reload. Let's go.
33:51That was great.
33:53Great, you guys. Great shot.
33:55Let's get moving on. Set up the next one before we lose the light, alright?
34:03That was great.
34:04You see that? Wasn't it incredible?
34:06Okay, watch the lights.
34:15Dawson, why do you insist on reliving in excruciating detail one of the most painful experiences of our lives?
34:22Is this your perversely self-defeating way of moving on, or are you just trying to punish me?
34:28How can you be so okay with this, Dawson?
34:30I mean, didn't we mean anything to each other?
34:32Isn't anything sacred with you?
34:35I mean, I know that you've gotten over us and everything that we went through,
34:39but has it ever occurred to you that maybe I haven't?
34:41I mean, it takes time, and I'm happy you are, and I'm glad that you found it so easy to just move on,
34:48but you know, this movie is just self-indulgent and unfair.
34:52Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
34:53Let's take a little refresher course, Joey.
34:55You broke up with me, okay?
34:57You have a new boyfriend. You found your art passion. You have a whole new life.
35:01What do I have?
35:02A self-obsessed movie.
35:03Look, forgive me for not letting go of the one thing that I've got left.
35:07Well, that's not healthy, Dawson.
35:09You know what? I'm not going to sit here and listen to you bitch to me about what I've done, okay?
35:12Joey, you left me. You dumped me. I haven't moved on.
35:17I haven't let go, okay? And that's why.
35:19That's why I'm clinging to your life, to the one thing that is keeping me going.
35:41Thanks for a good time.
35:42All right. Tomorrow, call times 830.
35:51Can I get some help, guys?
35:52Oh, thank you, Jennifer.
35:56I watched you today, and you know what I saw?
36:00Why do I feel like you're coming on here?
36:03I saw all these young people working together as a team for a common goal, and I was so impressed.
36:11Then I realized who was in charge of everyone, and I was so proud.
36:17I found myself watching a beautiful, accomplished young woman who just happened to be my granddaughter.
36:28Well, I hope that I had everybody else fooled, because I was definitely flying by the seat of my pants.
36:35A woman movie producer.
36:38In my day, women didn't have many options. You got married, you raised a family.
36:44But now, what a wonderful time to be a woman.
36:50You can do or be anything you want.
36:56And without a man by your side.
36:59Couldn't resist that one, huh?
37:02We're just right at the last shot.
37:04So I'm ready to go whenever you are.
37:08Just give me a second, okay?
37:13Okay. Go ahead.
37:16I know that you're dying to get it off your chest.
37:20Have a nice time, dear.
37:23You too, Savage.
37:27Thanks, Gross.
37:29Just don't stay out too late.
37:33I know.
37:49Do you trust me?
37:52I trust you.
37:58Do you care?
38:02Well, I should. I mean...
38:06I really kind of screwed up with Andy. Pushed too hard.
38:11What happened?
38:17She told me that I'm the element in her life that she can do without.
38:22Did she mean it?
38:23Yeah. She meant it.
38:28Let her go.
38:34I think you should let her go.
38:36I mean, really do. Don't just pay lip service. I mean...
38:40Let her go.
38:42Like what you've done with Joanne.
38:44Or what I'm trying to do with Joey.
38:46I mean, I've been fooling myself, Basie, but I think...
38:49I'm gonna do it.
38:51It's the only way you can really get somebody to come back to you.
38:56You know...
38:59As textbook healthy as the letting go theory sounds, Dawson, and you know, it may work out for you...
39:07It doesn't apply to me.
39:10And this isn't a case of teen romance gone sour. I know what I want. I want Andy.
39:15She's really hurting right now, and whether she knows it or not, she needs me.
39:22I have absolutely no intention of letting her go.
39:44I'm kind of hungry. I was hoping that we could maybe grab a bite to eat.
39:49Well, they'll have stuff to munch on here.
39:51It's my friend Lloyd's place. He's having a get-together. I told him I'd stop by.
39:56Party? Why didn't you say so? I'm always up for a good party.
40:03I have to.
40:10There he is.
40:12Hey everybody, Ty's here.
40:15Okay, we can get started.
40:17Um, I brought a friend with me. Jen, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Jen.
40:22Hey, everyone.
40:27Okay, last time we stopped on the first book of the Kings.
40:33Why don't we pick it up from chapter 9, God's Promise and Warning.
40:39If you turn aside from following me, you or your children, and do not keep my commandments and my statutes that I have set before you.
40:51I'm coming.
41:02Holy PC.
41:03I'm ignoring you!
41:33I can save lives.
41:37Never lie.
41:42Save lives.
41:47Never lie.
41:50Are you nuts? What are you doing?
41:53This thing reinforces...
41:55Oh my God, be careful!
41:59I don't believe you.
42:00I don't believe you. Is this your way of staying away from me?
42:04Uh, yeah, well about that, I've decided not to.
42:10You see, you need me, McPhee.
42:12Come on, who else is going to put up with you, right?
42:14You know, it's just one shove and it's a long way down, PC.
42:18I just have to climb right back up.
42:22Okay, you know what? You're acting like a psycho and the last thing I need in my life right now is another crazy person.
42:29So go home, okay?
42:35You're not going to let you push me away, McPhee.
42:40You know, I think I forgot to mention that I'm actually the charter member of the Andy McPhee Fan Club, and as a matter of policy, our adulation never waivers.
42:51That's what a good time's all about.
42:54I just...
42:57I want to feel better, PC.
43:01I know, Andy.
43:03I know, and I can help.
43:07I know I can.
43:09And I'm not going to turn away from you.
43:12Not after all you've done for me, Andy.
43:15And certainly not when you need me the most.
43:17We can do this together.
43:20And I know that I can help you.
43:23PC, how do you know that you can help?
43:28Because, Andy.
43:32I love you.
43:37I love you, too.
43:41I love you.
43:44I love you.
43:48I love you.
44:00Hey, Dawson.
44:02We're, uh, we're going to go grab a bite to eat.
44:04Want to join us?
44:05Um, no, actually, I've got some work to do.
44:10You sure?
44:11Yeah, yeah.
44:13All right.
44:14See you later.
44:15Hey, good work.
44:20You know, you impressed me today.
44:23I did?
44:26You know, it's, it's interesting.
44:28You made such an effort to make the script so precisely match reality,
44:32and yet you changed the ending.
44:34You know, my psych professor would say...
44:36Let me guess, your psych professor would tell me that
44:39I should probably give up all hope for the past and focus on the future.
44:45Very good.
44:50Look, I, uh, just wanted to say that I think you show real potential as a director.
45:01I appreciate that.
45:04Hey, you sure you don't want to grab a bite to eat or something?
45:08I'll definitely think over that some other time.
45:10I just...
45:12Right now I just kind of want to...
45:16be here.
45:25Have a good night.
46:03Soon you'll probably take it off.
46:08I, um...
46:10So, about earlier...
46:12Look, Dawson, I'm very sorry that I came down on you so hard this afternoon.
46:20It was unfair.
46:26You know, it's just been really hard
46:28having to watch my life being reenacted in front of half of Capeside.
46:32Joey, if I offended you or hurt you in any way, I'm sorry.
46:38I just thought that by making this autobiographically cathartic movie
46:43that I could put the past behind me in one fell swoop, you know?
46:49Turns out...
46:51it doesn't work that way.
46:58If only things could be that simple, right?
47:04You know what it is, Joey?
47:08spent the last few months of my existence
47:13trying to figure out how to...
47:18be without you.
47:21I'm gonna try...
47:24acting like it doesn't hurt, pretending I don't care.
47:30I guess I just felt that if I...
47:34if I acted like I was over you, then...
47:37somehow I would be, you know?
47:43truth is...
47:47most of the time all I wanted to do was just crawl into my room
47:51with my best friend and shut the blinds
47:54and just pour my heart out to her.
48:11Dawson, um...
48:14I don't think you realize that
48:17it has been just as difficult for me. I mean...
48:22it's been tearing me apart, too.
48:28But I know we'll always be connected.
48:33I know that our lives are destined to be intertwined, but...
48:38We have to move on.
48:53A little bit today.
48:58A little more tomorrow.
49:06You, uh, you ready?
49:14Jack, thanks for helping me out today.
49:16We appreciate it.
49:17No problem. It was a lot of fun, actually.
49:20Hey, do you want us to hang out and help you clean up some of this stuff?
49:24No, you...
49:27go out and have some fun. You've given me enough for your day.
49:31You sure?
49:32Yes, absolutely.
49:36Get out of here.
50:03Be a savior
50:08And a lover
50:13Be a savior
50:18And a lover
50:32Be a savior
50:37And a lover
50:42Be a savior
50:47And a lover
50:52Be a savior
50:57And a lover
51:02And a lover
