Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 1 The Kiss

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 1 The Kiss


00:00Why, you will never leave my heart behind
00:11Like the path of a star
00:20I'll be anywhere you are
00:25In the spark that lies beneath your bones
00:37In the secret place inside my soul
00:46Keep my light in your eyes
00:55Say goodnight, not goodbye
01:25Maybe we could...
01:30No, no. You were going to say something. What were you going to say?
01:35Nothing. I mean, I don't know. I don't know what I was going to say.
01:42You were going to say we shouldn't have done that.
01:44And that's what you're thinking, right?
01:47Actually, Dawson, I don't have a thought in my head right now.
01:51But apparently that's what you're thinking, so...
01:53No, no. I...
01:56Look, let's sleep on it.
02:01Not together. I mean, you and you are bad and me and pie.
02:04Right. Absolutely.
02:07Obviously, we'll sleep on it.
02:10We'll wake up and, um, it's all be a dream.
02:17Like it never happened.
02:20Is that what you want?
02:22Is that what you want?
02:27Okay. Poof. Didn't happen, Dawson. See you later.
02:38Don't even think of climbing through that window.
02:53My heart is in my hands
02:58My head is in the clouds
03:02My feet have left the ground
03:05My life is turning around
03:11Every voice inside my head
03:15Is telling me to run like mad
03:20Bowls and arrows, stars and sunsets
03:28Every heartbeat, every kiss
03:32Just makes me wonder what all this is
03:37Suits of armor, hearts and arrows
03:41Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:11It was hard to find
04:15Don't matter what I say, only what I do
04:19Never mean to do bad things to you
04:22So quiet that I finally woke up
04:25If you're sad
04:28Then it's time you spoke up
04:32To me
04:41Is everything okay?
04:44I was just lying here waiting.
04:48Waiting for what?
04:50Well, I don't have to be in until nine today.
04:55And of all the possible ways to spend a free morning,
04:59there's one idea that just kinda seems to stand out.
05:08Oh, Gail.
05:11You can protest if you want.
05:14But resistance will only make the conquest that much sweeter.
05:18Gail, Gail, I have to shower.
05:20I have a meeting.
05:21Oh, that's okay.
05:22The sack plays underwater, too.
05:54I could just open my mouth and scream,
05:56I hate this truck, it's always something.
05:58Hey, these things happen, Bessie.
06:00Don't let it get you down.
06:03Your morning glow is highly suspicious.
06:07How many cups of coffee did you have?
06:10Can't a person be in a good mood?
06:12A person can, but you, you're Miss Promise Gail.
06:15So what aren't you telling me?
06:19Then what's with that look?
06:21What look?
06:22You have this look, this cheery, yet sneaky, I got lucky look.
06:27I know this look.
06:29Hey, wait a second.
06:30Where were you last night?
06:37Start talking.
06:39You know, I knew there was a reason you got me up this morning for the morning trim.
06:43So go on, set the stage, I want details.
06:46Um, well, it's hard to explain.
06:48It was...
06:50In a word?
06:52Extremely hot.
06:53So what kind of kiss was it?
06:55Back on the cheek, probing tongues, fingers clawing at your neck.
06:59A silly touch with the thingamajig?
07:01Get out of the gutter.
07:02No thingamajigs involved.
07:04It was just the sweetest, most romantic,
07:09pointy-lied, fireworky, waves crashing on the shore beyond any movie I could ever imagine kiss.
07:14Congratulations, Toss, I'm happy for you.
07:16But, more importantly, are you gonna do it?
07:20Don't go there, Bess.
07:21I'll extinguish this conversation right now.
07:24Okay, alright.
07:27So, what's next?
07:29After you kiss somebody, things change.
07:31Questions arise.
07:32Four questions.
07:34Does this come france?
07:38We haven't discussed it.
07:39I can't believe this.
07:40After years of gratuitous self-examination, you finally did it.
07:44You acted.
07:45I mean, I thought you and Joey were gonna draw out this whole will-they-won't-they drama for at least another couple years,
07:50but, you know, Sam and Diane, they didn't get together for at least four seasons,
07:54and Mulder and Scully, they haven't even kissed.
07:57This really inspires me, man.
07:59If you and Joey can get past the whole romantic checkmate thing that you've been in for god knows how many years,
08:06anything is possible.
08:08Alright, calm down, Basie.
08:09No, no, I'm serious here.
08:10I can change, too.
08:12I can be Pacey Witter, badass stud and man about town.
08:16I can score with high-quality chicks.
08:20Chrissy Livingston, for example.
08:24Senior cheerleader?
08:26Let's not abandon all sense of reality here.
08:29No, no, no, no.
08:30No more negative thoughts.
08:31You know what, Pauly?
08:34I need a new look.
08:35What do you say we frost my tips or something?
08:39Frost your tips?
08:44It's easy sometimes when you just coast along
08:52Like it or not, something always seems to go wrong
08:57Sometimes people build you up just so they can knock you down
09:04Sometimes they won't have you there cause they need someone around
09:11Perhaps you'll receive
09:13Hey, Chrissy!
09:17Perhaps you'll love
09:19Maybe you'll hate
09:23Oh my god.
09:27It's great. It's great.
09:29My father's gonna kill me.
09:35Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
09:37Officer, please, I am so sorry.
09:39I didn't see you pull out. I mean, I did see you pulling out, but
09:43It was so abrupt that
09:46Oh god, I just got my license. Please be kind.
09:50We'll have to see that license on your registration too, little miss.
09:55Andy McPhee. Rhode Island driver's license?
09:59Yes, sir. See, my family just moved to town. We live over on Windsor.
10:04Country Club?
10:06Yes. Is that a detriment?
10:11Do you realize the severity of what you've done here?
10:14I don't know what you're talking about, sir.
10:16I mean, it's not like I've done anything wrong.
10:20Do you realize the severity of what you've done here?
10:24Hmm? Do you?
10:26Sitting behind the wheel of a very powerful and dangerous automobile is a huge responsibility.
10:34One lapse in judgment, you could run over a cat, a child, a nun.
10:39You know, I could have this license revoked just like that.
10:45In fact, I think I'm just gonna take you on a bookie right now.
10:48No, you can't!
10:51I mean, um, please, don't do that.
10:55I just got this license. Please don't revoke it.
11:03Okay. Maybe I can just let this one incident slide, but I want you to know I've got my eyes on you now, blondie.
11:09If you cause any more trouble in Capeside, Officer Pacey's coming after you. Hmm?
11:15Okay. I understand. Thank you. Thank you so much.
11:24Oh, um, it was really nice meeting you. Thank you.
11:32Good luck.
11:33Thank you, sir, and I appreciate all of your advice.
11:36Good luck.
11:55How are you?
11:56I'm good. Um...
12:01Yeah. How are you?
12:08I don't know, Dawson.
12:12I think I might have made the biggest mistake of my life.
12:23I told Mr. Allard, I just wasn't going to go.
12:35So, do you want me to probably stick around Capeside for some guy?
12:40Yeah. Maybe if you're lucky, I'll introduce you to him sometime.
12:43Oh. Okay.
12:45Well, he's a very lucky guy.
12:58Seriously, Dawson, what do you think?
13:02I'm... I'm amazed. I'm... I'm ecstatic. I'm psyched. I'm... I'm aroused.
13:14We'll put your hormones aside for now, Dawson.
13:17No, Dawson, just for a second.
13:20Me not going to France, you and me talking dirty in the halls,
13:24I mean, do you think we're making some massive monumental mistake?
13:28I mean, because things have always been so complicated between us that I...
13:31I think we'll be fine.
13:35And granted, you and I are entering some uncharted, border-gold territory,
13:38but I honestly think that regardless of how complicated things are on a day-to-day basis,
13:43we'll be fine.
13:45We'll just concentrate on the simple stuff.
13:49Like what?
13:52Like what?
13:55Like a date.
13:58A date?
14:00Me and you on a date?
14:04Oh, I don't know, Dawson. I was going to watch TV tonight.
14:08I hear Luke Perry's back. I don't know what you want to know.
14:11Look, Saturday night at the Rialto is closing.
14:13It's the last show, and I think that we should go.
14:17Will you still be around some Saturday night?
14:20I think I can guarantee it, yeah.
14:26Hey, guys.
14:31How are you?
14:32How are you doing?
14:33I'm not great.
14:35My, uh...
14:38My grandpa died last night.
14:41Oh, my God, Jen, I'm so sorry.
14:44How are you doing? How's your grandmother?
14:47She's okay.
14:48She's actually handling it better than me.
14:54Is there anything we can do?
14:57No, no, I'll be fine.
15:01Actually, you know, I think I'm just going to head home.
15:04I thought I'd stick out the day,
15:06but it doesn't seem like the greatest idea.
15:09It doesn't seem like the greatest idea.
15:14Hey, Jen.
15:17We should go see if she's okay.
15:21It's okay.
15:38What's going on?
15:39I'm pulling out of this car.
15:40Listen to me.
15:41Why outside?
15:42I'm in the cruiser of my dad's car.
15:45Give me the car key.
15:47License, registration, everything.
15:49It's nothing.
15:50Officer Macy. You little scum.
15:57Hey, little Macy, how you doing? You keeping out of trouble?
15:59You know, impersonating an officer is a felony. I should call the police station and inform you.
16:05Here's a conversation I'd love to hear, seeing as my father is the town sheriff.
16:10I have been having major anxiety attacks, to the point of medication, since you pulled your stupid stunt.
16:18Spinning scenarios in my head about being carted off to prison and becoming a sex slave to some sadist named Bomber Bertha.
16:27Okay, now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you cause the accident?
16:31Alright, you hit me. I was just having a little fun.
16:34And besides, it's nothing compared to the hell my father's given me, okay?
16:38And you know what? Your country club song is still in one piece, so...
16:43Hi, Andy. Hey, Christy.
16:45Hey, Christy.
16:49Didn't you tell me you're new in town? How do you know Christy Livingstone?
16:52Well, unlike certain sewer rats, she made an effort to welcome the new and slightly insecure team site.
17:00Yeah, she probably just didn't recognize me. I just had my tips frosted.
17:04You had your tips frosted?
17:07You had your tips frosted?
17:10Your tips are an attempt to win a certain someone?
17:13Yeah, me too.
17:14Hot tip. Christy Livingstone is a homo sapien, so perhaps you should try barking up a different tree.
17:22Perhaps you should just stop barking altogether.
17:27Tell you what, here's an idea.
17:30I've always had a certain soft spot for pathetic, lovelorn losers such as yourself.
17:36So, if you like Christy, I'll set up an intro.
17:42You serious? You'd do that for me?
17:47Hi, Gramps.
17:48Hello, Jennifer. How was school today?
17:55What's going on here?
17:58I decided to donate some of your grandfather's old clothes to the church charity drive.
18:07You're just giving his stuff away?
18:09No, it's for a good cause. There are people in this community who rely on these donations.
18:17But don't you think that it's a little early to be clearing out his closet?
18:22He's not going to be needing these things. Those less fortunate do.
18:32Gramps just died yesterday.
18:36We haven't even buried him yet.
18:39What would you have me do, Jennifer?
18:42I don't know. I mean, it's just that you're not exactly the picture of the grieving widow.
18:49Let me tell you something, Jennifer. I loved your grandfather from our very first date through 43 years of marriage.
18:55And when he had his stroke, I sat by his bedside. And for months, all I did was pray for his recovery.
19:02But when his condition worsened, do you know what I prayed for?
19:06Not for his recovery. For his release.
19:11I watched him waste away in that bed for almost two years.
19:16So, whether I clean out his closet today or not, he's gone.
19:24He's been gone.
19:35I know. I know I'm late. And I know what you must be thinking, but...
19:40You do?
19:41Before you let those thoughts get the best of you, here's the truth.
19:44The promo meeting ran long, and after that, there was traffic all the way up I-95,
19:49and I know that Ann Landers said that you're never supposed to give more than one excuse when you're explaining yourself to somebody,
19:55but that is the truth, Mitch, and I really need you to believe me.
20:00I do. Actually, I heard about the traffic jam on the radio.
20:06Oh, thank God. Because I just don't want you to ever have to worry again that I'm...
20:12Those days are behind us, you know that, and I would just hate for one of those old suspicions to creep back.
20:18I know. It's okay. Really. Oh, God, look at the time. I gotta get going.
20:24Wait a second. Where are you going?
20:26It's just an appointment that's arisen suddenly. I won't be home too late.
20:42Yeah, I know.
20:56Go for it, PC. She's all ready for you. I got her primed.
21:00Okay, what's the matter?
21:03Ah. Once was a girl named Christy.
21:08The thought of her nude makes me misty.
21:11At night on the town, we'll both go get down. By the end of the date, she'll have kissed me.
21:17Uh, Christy? Hey.
21:19Casey. How are you?
21:23I'm fine. How are you?
21:26Good. What can I do for you?
21:29Uh, listen. I know this is sort of abrupt, seeing as how we hardly know each other.
21:37In fact, we don't even know each other at all, but I was wondering if I could change that.
21:41Maybe get to know you a little better. Maybe take you out to dinner and a movie sometime.
21:46See if we have anything that resembles a future together.
21:50Uh, so, I was thinking, uh, tomorrow night?
21:57What do you say?
22:00Sounds great.
22:24Mr. Leary? Yes.
22:26Mr. Drake will see you now.
22:30Drake Witherspoon at home?
22:33No. We specialize in divorce.
23:03My mom wanted me to bring you this. It's this chicken-cheese-noodle thing with way too many spices, but she's kind of proud of it, so...
23:11Thanks, Dustin.
23:13No problem.
23:15Well, you sure look spiffy tonight. Where are you heading?
23:18The movies. It's, uh, Rialto's last night.
23:21You know, my grandma's going to that.
23:27Just worn up to going?
23:30No. I thought I'd sit here and curse the world instead.
23:39So, you going with Joey?
23:42Yeah. Who else?
23:48So, how did things work out between you guys? How are the two star-crossed lovers?
23:54You know us, you know. Just Dustin and Joey. Will always be Dustin and Joey.
24:04Whatever that means.
24:08How about Dustin and Jen?
24:12Honestly, I think you could use a friend right now. More than anything else.
24:19How about it?
24:22I think I'd like that.
24:40Okay, I gotta go.
24:44But don't sit here and curse the world, okay?
24:51It's beautiful out.
25:11Hey, what are you doing here?
25:14Nothing. Just thinking about tonight.
25:17I'll have a date.
25:21This will be interesting.
25:25Hey, what's wrong?
25:28I don't know. It just seems weird.
25:31You think Dustin and I on a date? Doesn't that seem weird to you?
25:36Well, was it weird when you kissed?
25:38No. No, that felt pretty right.
25:43But the thing is, it hasn't happened since. It was yesterday.
25:50Well, that's not unusual. Just the way I see it, the second kiss is always tougher than the first one.
26:00We actually kissed more than once that night.
26:03Yeah, but it only counts as one.
26:06And that first kiss, it's the passionate one. It's the one fueled by desire and attraction and all of that.
26:16Well, the second kiss is rational. You got time to think about it.
26:20Worry and overanalyze.
26:24Most women, they prefer that first kiss.
26:29But I'm partial to the second one.
26:33Because it's about something more.
26:37You'll get that second kiss, Joey.
26:41And when you do, it'll be great.
26:45It'll be real.
26:48It'll be meaningful.
27:24There've been changes beyond my dreams
27:30Everybody wants me to sing
27:35There've been changes beyond my grasp
27:40Things are sinking in
27:45So keep me, keep me
27:50In your arms all day, all day
27:57Nothing heals me like you do
28:02Nothing heals me like you do
28:08When somebody knows more
28:12While there's no comfort like that
28:18So my first text is your date.
28:20I thought chocolates, diamonds, convertibles.
28:25But, um, I'm still looking for a foliage.
28:30Foliage is good.
28:39So should we go?
28:47I'm really glad we, um,
28:49already bypassed the end of the evening
28:51where she kissed me, drama.
28:55So it should be, um,
28:57pretty much smooth sailing from here on out.
29:04Now you have to endure the agony
29:07of, well, I've already kissed her,
29:09so should we just check into a motel room
29:11and go out of, like, porn star's anxiety?
29:17I, I think I can handle that.
29:24Because, um, I know a good hotel.
29:29How about we, um,
29:31we start with something very simple.
29:34Something that goes beyond this bus path.
29:36That's fine.
29:39And, and what would that be, Dawson?
29:43I would really like to hold your hand.
30:02I can't believe we're tearing this place down.
30:05Yeah, they're probably putting up something horrible
30:08that'll just make this place even more boring
30:10than it already is.
30:12I guess all our movie watchmen
30:14have to be restricted by bedroom then.
30:18Too bad for us.
30:21A fate worse than death.
31:09Oh, Christy.
31:13Makes me miss the air.
31:17By the end of the day, she'll have kissed me.
31:22Now, let's get serious.
31:38I thought I'd take your advice
31:40and get out of the house for a little while.
31:44My advice?
31:51I've been out of the house for a little while.
31:54Have I?
31:59I don't know what she's talking about.
32:06Is your grandmother here?
32:08Yeah, yeah, I just thought I'd come sit with you guys.
32:11And I figured that afterwards we could go over to the ice house and grab some food.
32:18Unless I'm not welcome.
32:21No, no son, you're not welcome at all.
32:23It's just...
32:24No, you know I shouldn't come.
32:25No wait, we did that.
32:38Be right back.
32:39I don't know what I'm going to do.
32:41Bobby was the last one.
32:43He's just going to be an old man, honey.
32:45That's just the way it goes sometimes, you know.
32:47You win a few, you lose a few.
32:49What are you two?
32:51Nothing's ever the way it's supposed to be at all.
32:54You're right.
32:55Come on.
33:03You know, I was just thinking.
33:06I was thinking that, um, that we actually went to our first date at this theater.
33:16And now they're tearing it down.
33:19How's that for one of your metaphors?
33:21Jen, I'm really, really sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't stay with us, alright?
33:26It's just that Joey and I kind of...
33:28The whole time that we were dating, were you really wishing that you were with Joey instead?
33:38It seems a little sad, really, that I was the girl whose sole purpose was to allow you to figure out who you were really in love with.
33:47Please don't think of it like that.
33:49I mean, you and I had fun.
33:51No, we did.
33:53But I held you off.
33:55I pushed you away.
33:57And I basically ran you right out of my life in the midst of all that fun.
34:04So I guess it serves me right.
34:05I lost you.
34:06You haven't lost me.
34:08I'm here.
34:09I want to be a part of your life.
34:11I want to be your friend.
34:17I'm sorry, I...
34:28From being the girl next door, to the object of your affection, to the third wheel.
34:37It's been quite a ride, Dawson.
34:39Jen, don't even think about this now.
34:41I mean...
34:44Give yourself some time.
34:48Let yourself heal.
34:49You and I will work all this out eventually.
34:52Give yourself some time.
34:54I just want to be your friend.
34:58You have to say those things, Dawson.
35:00I don't.
35:01I see through those comments.
35:02I mean it.
35:03Just do me one favor.
35:04All I ask is that you don't jump Joey right away.
35:07I'm not going to jump anybody, Jen.
35:09Because honestly, I just don't think that I could handle seeing the two of you together.
35:13I just think it'd send me to razor blades or something.
35:16Don't joke about this.
35:18Why not?
35:21This whole thing is a joke.
35:24You, me, my whole life here is a joke.
35:28Jen, come on!
36:16Oh, you made it.
36:18Thanks for coming.
36:20I was thinking we'd go get a little bit of dinner,
36:22and then we're probably a little bit too late for the movie.
36:24But that's okay.
36:25Actually, I can't stay.
36:30My boyfriend's waiting for me in the car.
36:33Excuse me?
36:35Tonight's our five-week anniversary.
36:38I wasn't too stoked, but I made other plans.
36:42I just...
36:43I had to stop by and tell you how brave I think you are.
36:49I don't know what's supposed to be a secret,
36:51but your friend Andy told me about your condition.
36:55I'm really following you.
36:57I just think it's really inspiring
36:59how you can still live a normal life under the constant cloud of death.
37:03The cloud of what?
37:05She told me about your heart strain.
37:07Heart strain?
37:10It's a heart strain.
37:14Yeah, the strain you have right across your heart,
37:17and how at any moment it could just start strangling your heart,
37:20and you'd stop breathing and...
37:31She said that you wanted to keep it a secret.
37:34No special treatment or anything.
37:38And I really respect that.
37:45I suffer from asthma.
37:48And I know how much I'd hate it if people treated me differently because of that.
37:58Goodnight, Pacey.
38:03I really think that you're quite a guy.
38:08I'm sure.
38:19That didn't just happen.
38:41Fancy meeting you here.
38:47So where are you off to now?
38:48Going to go find a little action now that you're a single woman?
38:52Oh, Jennifer, don't say those things.
38:56I know you're upset about your grandfather.
39:00No, it's not just that.
39:04Look at me.
39:07I'm 16 years old. Look what I've become.
39:13My parents couldn't stand me, so they shipped me off to you.
39:18So here I am, living in this strange town without a friend of my name, and...
39:26You know what the sad thing is?
39:28Is actually I think that you may be the best friend I've got.
39:33I'm just not all that sure that you like me.
39:35Oh, Jennifer, don't say that.
39:39Now, it's true we might bicker from time to time, but I love you.
39:45With your grandfather gone, you're all I have now.
39:49You're my whole world.
39:54Well, if I'm all you've got, then I pity you too.
39:57Oh, Jennifer.
40:06Do you like the movie?
40:09Oh, well, they're not like they used to be.
40:14Not like the one they showed on that first date with your grandfather.
40:20He brought me right here.
40:23That night.
40:25That night.
40:27That night.
40:29That night.
40:31He brought me right here.
40:34That night.
40:35The real deal.
40:39See, I didn't come tonight to watch the movie.
40:42I came to be with him.
40:49I'm so sorry.
40:52He was never as handsome as that night.
41:01There you go.
41:16Casey, what are you doing here?
41:19A man in your condition should be in bed, hooked up to a life support system.
41:24Oh, that's very funny.
41:26Oh, what the hell is a heartstripe anyway?
41:29I made it up. Pretty creative, don't you think?
41:32Oh, yeah.
41:36Look, Casey, I don't really know you, but if you thought for even one second
41:42that Christy Livingstone was going to dump her beautiful all-state football boyfriend for you,
41:48a sophomore with a heartstripe, you're massively deluded.
41:52A sophomore with a heartstripe? You're massively deluded.
41:55That's great. Why don't you just rub some salt in this open, painful wound?
41:59You know, Christy Livingstone, she was kind of like a metaphor.
42:03You understand? The same reason I dyed my hair,
42:05I was under the impression that I could overcome my unlucky ways.
42:08But after what happened tonight, obviously not.
42:11Back to the old Casey, the black sheep, the loser, the brunette.
42:20Well, I think you should dye your hair back.
42:23I mean, forgive me, but it looks hideous.
42:26It's nice.
42:28Don't use that.
42:31Why not?
42:32That's peroxide. That's going to strip your hair of all its color.
42:37Here, use this. Put it in for 20 minutes and then rinse. That should do the trick.
42:43Okay. You're not pulling another prank on me here, are you?
42:48I screw you, you screw me, we're even.
42:52I guess you'll just have to take that chance, won't you?
42:56Bye, Officer Basie.
43:04I never thought I'd call my husband a liar.
43:10Excuse me?
43:12So, tell me, Mitch, why do you lie?
43:16What could you possibly gain by lying to me?
43:22I have no idea what you're talking about.
43:25You tell me everything is fine with us.
43:28You tell me nothing's the problem.
43:30That my worst fears are unfounded.
43:34Yet, something tells me that's not what you're telling...
43:39Drake Witherspoon and Hall.
43:52It was one meeting ago.
43:58Because you want a divorce?
44:02Because I'm not sure I can stay married to a woman I love
44:07and hate
44:09in equal measure.
44:15The reason that I went to see Mr. Drake is because I want to know what my options are.
44:22Well, you can either give me another chance, wholeheartedly,
44:30or you can go back to Mr. Drake and write him a very large check and make this marriage another statistic.
44:40Either one of those options sound appealing, Mitch?
44:49I just don't know which one yet.
44:59I'm sorry.
45:11I was hoping you might be here.
45:17It's beginning to sound like a ridiculous refrain.
45:21Joy, you have to know that I don't have any of those feelings, I freaking swear to you.
45:27It's okay.
45:34Do you want to know why I didn't go to France, Dawson?
45:39Because I wanted to so badly.
45:47I mean...
45:50France, I could have started over.
45:53You know, I wouldn't be Joey the waitress, or Joey the daughter of a convict,
45:58or Joey half of the will-they-won't-they couple of the century.
46:05I didn't go to France because it just seemed like the easy way out, you know?
46:11The easiest escape from my life, which, in spite of a few highlights, is pretty pathetic.
46:18But I didn't want to take that easy way out, Dawson.
46:21It just seemed like sticking around here would only make me stronger.
46:26And there was you two.
46:29Austin, Larry.
46:31I finally got a clue.
46:36But I have to tell you, Dawson, as complicated as our friendship was,
46:40it doesn't even compare to how complicated whatever you and I have here is bound to be.
46:52What you and I have may never be simple.
46:57But that doesn't mean that we're not going to be scorching.
47:04Besides, who's to say that you can't have some of France right here in Cape Town, huh?
47:08Here we are, along the River Seine.
47:11A tour of the Ile de la Cité, a favorite spot of lovers and friends.
47:20from here we also have a view of the magnificent structure that we simplists in Cape Town like to call...
47:28the Swing Set.
47:33We're gonna just go after the tower, but...
47:36that's all we got.
47:38But don't forget about the other francophone opportunities in town.
47:41French fries.
47:44French toast.
47:47French doors.
48:11French kiss.
48:30French kiss.
48:35Second kiss.
48:41Let me be quiet for a moment.
48:48You know, I found out what they're replacing the Rialto with.
48:54Another movie theater.
48:58Replacing one theater with another?
49:01They're upgrading.
49:03Bigger seats, bigger screen, better sound.
49:06They say it's supposed to be great.
49:08I don't understand why they have to change something if it already works.
49:12Because maybe it'll work even better.
49:21It's gonna be so simple, Jo.
49:26You know, I'll just talk about a second kiss.
49:32It's kind of put me in the mood for a third.
49:35Me too.
49:38I told you it was gonna be simple.
50:08You know, I'll just talk about a second kiss.
50:11Me too.
50:13I told you it was gonna be simple.
50:16Me too.
50:18I told you it was gonna be simple.
50:21Me too.
50:23I told you it was gonna be simple.
50:26Me too.
50:28I told you it was gonna be simple.
50:31Me too.
50:33I told you it was gonna be simple.
50:35I told you it was gonna be simple.
