Cbeebies Me Too The Operation 1x22 DVD Version...mp4

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00:00Come on and get on down to the city, where the trains are clowning through.
00:07Hey, look at that driver driving, I want to ride that train on blue.
00:12I'm looking way up high to the windy, take a peek from inside view.
00:17All those people busy working, I want to see what they all do.
00:22Come on, let's weave round the market, do you hear that hullabaloo?
00:28Everybody's busy selling, I want to buy me something new.
00:33Look through the arches under the station, down where the pigeons perch and coo.
00:39Take a taxi ride to the river, I want to drive down the avenue.
00:45Hey, look at those buses gleaming, their licks are clean and spanking new.
00:50All lined up to drive around the city, we're knitting that bell to the loo.
00:56I've got a ride on ride to the school stop, where the children hurry through.
01:02Sit down, the teachers teach ya, I'd love to learn a thing or two.
01:07I love to skip and river-dee-bingle, river-dee-bingle by the creek.
01:12I love to skip and river-dee-bingle, river-dee-bingle, that's for me.
01:17Come on and get on down to the city, where the ferry boats sail through.
01:22Time to call on Granny Murray, she'd love to say hello to you.
01:31Me too!
01:34Hello honey pie, come away in and see who's at home today.
01:39Granny Murray's house has two at home to play, Granny Murray's house is home too.
01:45Who's here today? Well, we've got Gary and we've got Rachel, but don't just sit there poppets, let's have some fun.
01:56Well, what animal's this guys?
01:58A lion.
01:59A lion, good girl. And what do you think we should put on the lion? What material?
02:03What material for the dog? That's the way.
02:06Do you think that looks a bit like Samson? Of course.
02:11Is that a good one?
02:15Well, we've got Gary and we've got Rachel, but someone's missing from home today.
02:22Not anymore, who's that? It's Samson with Dr Juno, hello there.
02:30Dr Juno, oh and my Samson, come on then, clever boy.
02:39Oh, come and say hello to Samson.
02:41Oh, Samson, look who's come to say hello.
02:43Oh, that silly nice and gentle.
02:45He loves coming here, Granny Murray.
02:47Oh, and we love having him.
02:49Oh, I think that's enough patting.
02:51To your basket Samson, good boy.
02:54Oh, Samson looks lovely and cuddly, why don't you guys dress Claude up to look lovely and cuddly and soft.
03:00Oh, I feel like cuddling up into one of those armchairs, come on.
03:06Oh, I love beautiful fabrics and things that feel soft.
03:11Oh, me too, Granny Murray.
03:13But Samson doesn't, he likes his old cotton rag.
03:16Oh, well, I suppose we all love something that gives us comfort.
03:20I don't suppose dogs are any different.
03:22Yeah, but Samson's rag's really dirty, I'd like to wash it.
03:25The trouble is, I know he likes its smell.
03:27Oh, you know, we're washing Dove's clothes later today, maybe I could wash Samson's rag for you.
03:32That would be so kind, but maybe Samson wouldn't like his rag after all if it was clean.
03:37Don't worry, it'll be fine.
03:39Dirty or clean, some things are good to comfort us.
03:43Oh, look at Claude, he looks cosy enough for a hug right now.
03:47Oh, well done cutie pies.
03:51Oh, here.
03:53Doctor, do you know, you take this to work with you, it'll remind you of Samson.
03:57Oh, thank you, Granny Murray, so sweet.
04:00Right, I'll just put it in my pocket now.
04:02Right, bye Samson.
04:04Bye everyone, see you later.
04:08Just remember, dirty or clean, some things are good for comfort.
04:13Thank you, Granny Murray, see you later.
04:15Bye bye, my darling, I'll be thinking of you.
04:17Me too.
04:20Now, you keep an eye on Doctor Juno and make sure she goes the right way to work.
04:25I'm in a bit of a hurry, how can I get to work quickly?
04:55Whiney, whiney, whiney, drives the speed up.
04:57Squeaky, squeaky, squeaky, slows us down.
05:00Clatter, clatter, clatter through the street, that's squeaky, squeaky to a stop.
05:06I'm in, I'm in, in a hurry.
05:09I really, really need the speed to work.
05:13Oh, hurry, hurry, hurry.
05:15Oh, hurry, I need to get changed.
05:18All scrubbed and ready to go.
05:21Oh, this is the little dog Granny Murray gave me.
05:24He's so soft, just like my Samson.
05:33Oh, good morning Nurse Hendry.
05:35Morning Doctor Juno.
05:36I should have knocked.
05:37Please don't be embarrassed, it's such a lovely little dog.
05:39It is, isn't it?
05:41It is, isn't it?
05:43Please don't be embarrassed, it's such a lovely little dog.
05:45It is, isn't it?
05:47Here, look at this.
05:49I've had this since I was a kid and I still carry it with me now.
05:52I play with it so much it's gone bald.
05:54Aw, he's obviously very well loved.
05:56It's cute.
06:02Oh, there's a panda in the waiting room.
06:04Good morning Doctor.
06:06He's talking to me.
06:09Got you Doctor Juno.
06:11Oh, Mickey John, I should have known it was you playing tricks on me.
06:14I wanted to show you this panda.
06:16He's going to be a prize in the Friends of Harlequin Hospital raffle.
06:19Oh, he's gorgeous.
06:21Yes, and so cuddly.
06:23Oh, I'll take two tickets please.
06:25One for me, one for Samson.
06:30Two pounds please.
06:34Here you go.
06:36Here you go.
06:38Aw, he's so nice to Pat.
06:41Just like my Samson.
06:43I love to skip and river see bingo, river see bingo by the sea.
06:49I love to skip and river see bingo, river see bingo, that's for me.
06:57Good boy.
06:59Let me see a nice throw Rachel.
07:01Oh, good throw.
07:03Ready, ready.
07:07Good boy.
07:08Come on.
07:10Come on.
07:11Oh, you're a good boy.
07:13Look at this, it's filthy.
07:15What's Doctor Juno going to say?
07:17What's she going to say?
07:29Doctor Juno, there's a wee boy in the examination room I think you should take a look at.
07:32Oh, thank you Nurse Hendry, I'll come right away.
07:34What's his name?
07:39Hello Dylan, I'm Doctor Juno.
07:41Who's this?
07:44Hello Mr Ted.
07:45He looks really cuddly, doesn't he?
07:47I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, what's the trouble?
07:50It's not because it's touching right here.
07:54Oh, right there?
07:55Let's have a look.
07:57If you just lie down for me.
07:59There we go.
08:01Right, I'm going to have a quick feel of your tummy, okay?
08:07Let me know if it's sore again when I take my hand away.
08:11Oh, I'm sorry.
08:12Cough for me.
08:14Oh, good boy.
08:15Does it hurt when you cough?
08:18Right, so let's have a look at Mr Ted in.
08:20Right, Nurse Hendry will take your temperature, alright?
08:23Let's see.
08:24Let's see, it's medium.
08:29Oh, Teddy's a little hot.
08:31And so is Dylan.
08:32He's got a fever.
08:33Oh dear.
08:34Right, Dylan.
08:36Nurse Hendry will make sure you're really comfortable.
08:38I'm going to have a word with Daddy, alright?
08:41Hi Daddy.
08:43I think Dylan's going to need an appendix operation today.
08:45Alright, okay.
08:46Hey Dylan.
08:48You're going to need an operation today to make your tummy feel all better.
08:52You're going to get to spend a few days with us in the hospital.
08:55Nurse Hendry will take you to your bed in the children's ward.
08:58There's loads of fun up there.
08:59So my Daddy can walk me?
09:01Yeah, of course your Daddy can come.
09:03Oh, and Dr Marshall will make sure you get there safely.
09:07I'll see you later.
09:08Right, Dylan.
09:09Here we go.
09:10Let's go.
09:13I'll pop in and see you later.
09:15Take care.
09:17Right, now down to some hard work.
09:20It's so exciting in the hospital
09:23It's where the people who are ill get well
09:26Machines are buzzing to give us a thrill
09:29I'm rushing here and there to be here
09:32I'm rushing here and there to be here
09:36It's so exciting in the hospital
09:39Patients sliding through the corridors
09:42Flashing blue lights right up to the door
09:45I'm rushing here and there to be here
09:48I'm rushing here and there
09:50Oh, yeah
09:55I'll be there to comfort you at all times
09:59I'll be there to see all and smile
10:03I'll be there whenever I'm needed, yeah
10:11To heal a heart, keep it in time
10:15Don't worry, I'll always be kind
10:18I'll bring a smile and take away your worries, yeah
10:26Nurses and doctors, you must understand
10:30We are there to hold a hand
10:34We are there to take your cares away
10:41It's so exciting in the hospital
10:44I'm rushing here and there to be here
10:47I'm rushing here and there to be here
10:54Hello, Nurse Hendry
10:56What a busy morning
10:58How's young Dylan?
11:00He's all tucked up in bed on the ward
11:02And you were right, it's his appendix
11:05Oh, poor boy
11:06Of course he'll be fine, Dr Juneau
11:08He's all sleepy and comfy waiting for his operation
11:10It's a good thing you spotted what was wrong with him
11:12Thank you, Nurse Hendry, just doing my job
11:14Aunt Dylan's dad's upstairs with him
11:16So when he wakes up afterwards, he'll be with someone he loves
11:18Oh, that's good
11:19Being with someone you love is the best comfort of all
11:26I know that being with Samson always comforts me
11:37Oh, we're busy in here today, aren't we?
11:39These doll's clothes are filthy
11:41Swish it round and round
11:43Oh, really scrub it
11:45Get those bubbles in
11:47And pass it on to Rachel
11:49That's the way
11:50Oh, that's Samson's rag
11:52Oh, give it a good old scrub, Gary
11:56Can you grab your baskets, my wee helpers?
12:00Who's going to put this one out here?
12:04All dry in no time
12:05It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
12:07Look at that
12:11Here's your rag, darling
12:13That's our boy
12:15Don't worry, Samson
12:16It'll be dry before you know it
12:28These furs are heavy, Dr Judo
12:30I think you must have left them upstairs
12:31Oh, let me give you a hand, Nurse Hendry
12:33Oh, I'm sorry I left them behind
12:35I've been all over the place today
12:37I really should be a bit more careful
12:39No worries
12:40I'm off on my break now
12:41See you later
12:44More files
12:46Let's have a look
12:47How many do we have?
12:49One, two, three
12:52Oh, what's in here?
12:54It's very bumpy and lumpy
12:58Oh, it's a teddy!
13:01What are you doing in there?
13:03You're a bit grubby, though
13:05I'm not sure you can stay in our nice, clean hospital
13:08Wait a minute
13:10I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before
13:13I know you're a bit grubby, but I'm sure you're very important
13:20Where have I seen you during my busy day?
13:23And when was it?
13:25Where did the time go?
13:28At seven o'clock, I took Samson round to Granny Murray's
13:31The children were sticking fabrics onto animal shapes
13:34and then they dressed Claude up in cuddly clothes
13:37I showed Granny Murray Samson's dirty rag
13:39and she offered to wash it for me
13:42At eight o'clock, I went to work at the hospital
13:46At nine o'clock, there was a patient waiting
13:48His name was Dylan
13:50and he'd brought his teddy, Mr Ted, along to comfort him
13:53He had had a bad tummy ache
13:55and he'd also been feeling sick
13:58I thought he needed an operation to have his appendix out
14:01but I sent him upstairs to Dr Marshall to make sure
14:04Nurse Hendry took Dylan up to the children's ward
14:07to get him ready for his operation
14:10At three o'clock, Nurse Hendry brought in a huge tray of files I'd forgotten
14:14When I looked through them, I found a grubby bear
14:17I couldn't think where I'd seen him before
14:19but I knew he was important
14:22Now remember, dirty or clean
14:24some things are good for comfort
14:28I know who you are
14:30You're Dylan's bear, Mr Ted
14:32Oh, Dylan's going to wake up from his operation soon
14:35and he's going to want you there, Mr Ted
14:37Oh, but you're a bit grubby for me to take you up to the children's ward
14:42I'm going to have to clean you up myself
14:44I'm going to have to do it before Dylan wakes up
14:46It's a race against time
14:49I've got to do it, I've got to do it
14:51I've got to beat the clock before the chime
14:54I've got to sort it, I've got to sort it
14:56I've got to do the job on time
14:59Like a busy bee, I'm going to beat that bong
15:01I'm going to finish this job before I finish this song
15:04Do we think she's going to do it?
15:06Do the job that needs to be done?
15:09Will she know how to fix it?
15:11Will she finish what she has begun?
15:14It's a sure thing, I promise she will get there in the end
15:16Because she does what she should do, and I'm going to do too
15:19I'm going to do it, she's going to do it
15:21I'm going to beat the clock before the chime
15:24I'm going to sort it, she's going to sort it
15:26I'm going to do the job on time
15:29Like a busy bee, I'm going to beat that bong
15:31I'm going to finish this job before I finish this song
15:36Hey, look who's come to see you, Dylan
15:39Mr Tim!
15:42How are you feeling?
15:44Much more better
15:46Good, I'm glad you're on the mend
15:49See you
15:53Oh, another bear in my office
15:57And a friendly one too
15:59This is my new home
16:02What do you mean, Mr Panda?
16:04Congratulations, you won this panda in the raffle, Dr Juno
16:07Oh, Mickey John, he's beautiful
16:10Hello, Mr Panda
16:15Oh, but I think he should go to a child
16:18I'd like to give him to your Rebecca
16:20Dr Juno, how kind
16:22Oh, thank you so much
16:24Rebecca will love cuddling this panda
16:27See you, Mickey John
16:30After all, I've got my own cuddly friend
16:40Oh, I think a doll's clothes are dry now, darlings
16:43That's the way, pop them in the basket
16:46Clever girl
16:48Oh, that's Samson's rag, isn't it?
16:51Smell that, Rachel
16:53Oh, that's much better, Samson
16:55Dr Juno will be pleased with us
17:08Dr Juno, come all the way through, won't you?
17:12Come and see who's here, Samson
17:14Hello, Samson
17:16Good boy
17:17Look at that wagging tail
17:19Oh, he was fabulous
17:21Samson would like to say thank you, Granny Murray
17:24And thank you from me too
17:26I remembered what you said
17:27Dirty or clean, some things are good to comfort us
17:30It saved the day
17:32Oh, gracious
17:34Come on now, you'll want to be all
17:36Come on, boy
17:38Bye-bye, my darlings
17:39I'm looking forward to next time
17:41Me too
17:42Come on, Samson
17:43Let's chat about our time away
17:45And I suppose you'll want to know all about my time too
17:49Well, there was playing, running, creeping, jumping, chasing, painting, laughing, baking, bathing, dressing, singing, swinging, walking, sliding, hunting, hiding, jumping up and turning around
18:00Dressing up and sitting down
18:05But what was really special about today?
18:08Well, Claude was dressed in cuddly clothes
18:11Because we were making soft toy animals with scraps of fabric and card
18:15Dr Juno arrived with Samson and his favourite rag
18:19But it was very dirty
18:21So in the afternoon, the children and I washed Samson's rag through in warm soapy water
18:26The children pegged the dolls' clothes on the line
18:28And pegged Samson's rag on the line too
18:31Dr Juno was also washing at the hospital
18:34She was washing Mr Ted for Dylan, who had to have an operation
18:38Mr Ted really cheered Dylan up
18:42I hope you enjoyed yourself
18:44Me too
18:45Bye bye, honey pie
18:47I love to skip and river see things, river see things, bye bye
18:52I love to skip and river see things, river see things, don't pass it for me
18:57Come on and get on down to the city
18:59Where the fairy folks dance with glee
19:02Time to call on Granny Marie
19:04She'd love to say goodbye to you
19:11Me too!
19:14Bye bye
