Enders 4th September 2024

  • 2 days ago
Enders 4th September 2024


00:3010 years. 10 years I've been waiting for that monster to hold his hands up. It's a relief.
00:54Finally Dean's shown himself for what he really is. I, Dean Wicks, admit to raping Linda Carter
01:04on Saturday the 27th of September 2014. Is that official enough for you? It's a start.
01:14Might I have a few moments with my client?
01:21Interview terminated 2013.
01:31Dean only did this to throw the murder trial, didn't he?
01:35Yeah, no, I know that.
01:37Right, and he got what he wanted. A mistrial means that the police will be crawling back over every little detail.
01:43We're all going to be questioned again.
01:45All of us.
01:46Looks like the officers will have mum in tomorrow. They'll go over the rape first. Then they'll go over your witness statement.
01:54Right, well we stick to the story. That way Dean will get what he deserves.
01:58Yeah, all of us, though, because, no, I just, I thought that wasn't guaranteed.
02:05No, it's just, what if I can't remember what I said? And what if one of us slips up?
02:14Oh, come on. Give me a break. I'm not saying Keanu was deliberately killed just to pin it on me, am I?
02:22What rot they find you under? Where's Warren anyway? What rules says I can't have Warren on my case?
02:28Mr Finn does not believe that it will be mutually beneficial for him to continue representing you, so...
02:33Whatever. It's like none of you lot can see the bigger picture.
02:37If they're going to charge me with rape now, then that is a small price worth paying, because I'm telling you, Sharon Watts is a murderer.
02:44OK, and what proof for your theory will they find?
02:50I don't know. I'm not a detective, am I, sweetheart?
02:54I'm sorry, I'm just trying to, um, I'm trying to follow your thought process, Mr Wicks.
02:59Only the police have it on record that Linda Carter accused you of rape.
03:04Now, regardless of whether you admitted or denied it, that shared history will have been factored in and flagged by the police when asking the CPS to bring in the murder case.
03:13Yeah, no, I know that.
03:17But look, look, a bit of bad sex ten years ago, that's Linda's beef.
03:24That is why they're setting me up. And now, thanks to me, all that's out in the open.
03:31Now you've admitted you're guilty of rape and you've concealed it for a decade. Is that the only new information you're aware of?
03:39But it weren't you that stood up in Lydon Court, though, was it, Denise?
03:42We were so close. I cannot...
03:44It weren't you that planted the murder weapon in his house.
03:46Yeah, and that is still damning evidence against Dean.
03:48Yeah, it is, if I don't go down for it.
03:50How many more months? I just, honestly, I cannot believe we are finally done.
03:55Look, the fact is, Dean is not getting what he deserves, is he?
03:59He's looking at getting what we all deserve and all.
04:01It's a bit late to come over all moral now, isn't it?
04:03Look, framing Dean for lying about what he did to Linda, that's one thing, yeah, and I get it, and I did buy in.
04:08But he's not lying anymore, is he?
04:11We are putting the blame for Keanu's murder on an innocent man.
04:16Innocent of murder, yeah.
04:17Is she seriously feeling sorry for Dean Wicks?
04:19Oh, are you really asking me that?
04:21I lost my marriage over this and I did nothing.
04:24Nothing but find myself in the wrong place at the wrong time and keep my mouth shut.
04:28Yeah, you ain't the only one.
04:29Yeah, but none of you are working with Keanu's sister, are you?
04:31Oh, and no, Suki.
04:33I'm not saying Shank flippin' annoyed me with the graffiti and the text messages, but...
04:38Oh, come on, we all saw Bernie in court.
04:41She is desperate.
04:43You kept that, didn't you?
04:45She is desperate for the truth.
04:47Yeah, but she ain't getting it.
04:48Not unless you want to ruin us all, see us all locked up.
04:51Well, do ya?
04:52Can you stop twisting my words?
04:54I'm not twisting your words.
04:55I'm not twisting your words.
04:57Can you stop twisting my words?
04:59And how is that in any way my call?
05:03I am just trying to work through this, all right?
05:07Because I think you're all going to be very, very disappointed
05:10if you think that this will just end with Arthur's re-interviewing us all.
05:14Even if they don't find new evidence.
05:16Even if Dean does go down.
05:18What's to stop him appealing, eh?
05:20I mean, Linda waited it out for ten years.
05:23What, you don't think Dean will use every day he's banged up for rape
05:27to fight a murder he didn't commit?
05:31I can't face another trial.
05:34She's right.
05:36She is right, this is never going to stop.
05:39Maybe it's what we all deserve.
05:41You can't think like that.
05:44We are where we're at, and there is no way out, OK?
05:47So I suggest we all stop panicking, again.
05:50Stop tying ourselves in knots, again.
05:52And keep our heads down and get on with living our lives
05:55and loving the families that we have fought so hard to hold on to.
06:27It says here that Keanu Taylor's murder weapon was found in your home.
06:31Just stop agreeing and reading stuff out that I already know.
06:34And listen...
06:35I'm not saying that you were in any way pressured into making the admission of rape.
06:39No, but I didn't think that... I just thought...
06:41And you do understand that you can serve a sentence for rape
06:44and a concurrent life sentence for murder if you are convicted.
06:47You do not get to pick the one that looks the shortest.
06:49I'm telling the truth. I am telling the truth, you patronising...
06:56I can't be convicted.
06:58I cannot be convicted because I didn't do it.
07:01I didn't kill Keanu Taylor, and you...
07:06It's your job.
07:09You have to make them believe me.
07:13Mr Wicks, have you had a psychological evaluation?
08:20I'm sorry, darling.
08:23I'm sorry, I...
08:26Where is everyone?
08:31I'm sorry, darling.
08:34I'm sorry, I...
08:38Where is everyone?
08:59Things got complicated. I've only been back in to...
09:09What does that mean?
09:14Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, OK.
09:16I'll meet you at the hospital. Let's go.
09:25Message Cathy.
09:26She's got to make up her hours.
09:28This time of night.
09:30She hasn't said one word since that judge ordered a mistrial.
09:33Pick the wrong side, mate.
09:34Put money on the rapist, what can she say?
09:36I don't mean Dean killed Keanu.
09:38Does mean he's a grubby little liar, though.
09:40What, Bernie reckons Sharon did Keanu with?
09:43Reckons Sharon's behind all of this, pulling the strings.
09:45Bernie into conspiracy theories and all, yeah?
09:48Well, Sharon ain't very good at it.
09:50She got herself arrested in court for contempt.
09:54Mind you, maybe Sharon ain't the brightest.
09:57I heard they were cutting corners.
09:59Someone dies from that crash over at Peggy's,
10:01her and Phil will be looking at a serious stretch.
10:03I had to balance all the selling tickets on the side.
10:06I heard that.
10:07Tell you what, anything can happen to Nugget,
10:09leave me up for murder.
10:19Darling, we thought you were coming down.
10:21Kojo's polished them glasses up special.
10:23Oh, I, er...
10:25You're overwhelmed, I get it.
10:27I said to George, it's a lot for you to get through.
10:30You've waited so long for justice.
10:33But you've got it now, finally.
10:36You've done good, girl.
10:41Like I've always said,
10:42even if you're a snivelly little toe rag like Dean Wicks,
10:45the truth will come out in the end.
10:48Well, my...
10:51I can't.
10:52Yes, you can.
10:54Look, sob the cleaning, get them gloves off and freshen up.
10:58I'm going to go and put the orange juice on ice
11:00and we will have a wonderful toast
11:02to the first day of the rest of your life.
11:15So, Alfie starts singing My Way,
11:18and then, um...
11:20I'm always messaging Fat Elvis to see
11:22if he could get us in through the fire doors.
11:24You know, that new karaoke bar on High Street.
11:26And I just thought, oh, no.
11:29No, it's time to leave.
11:32I thought you wouldn't have eaten.
11:37You know, it's not too late.
11:38We could, um...
11:39We could pop over to the Albert
11:41if you wanted.
11:44Oh, um...
11:48We could just talk.
11:51Sakia, I wish you hadn't gone.
11:54Not because you missed little Charlie's party,
11:56but I've said this to you.
11:58Christmas was bad enough, so...
12:02Why would you make yourself dig everything back up?
12:05By sitting through a murder trial
12:06that's got nothing to do with you?
12:08I need a shower.
12:39Well, if it wasn't for you and the elephant
12:41you didn't say very much,
12:42you'd just made your little wife!
12:47Well, come on, you've got one.
12:48Come on.
12:50You're drinking enough.
12:51Come on, Charlie.
12:54That's as funny as it is.
13:00Come on, Charlie.
13:01Come on, Charlie.
13:02Come on, Charlie.
13:04Come on.
13:07Come on, Charlie.
13:10Come on.
13:11This is the biggest show I've seen.
13:13Come on.
14:10Stop, stop, stop!
14:13No, stop!
14:18Oh, no, no, no.
14:21Little, little, little.
14:42Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.
14:50Help me.
14:54Help me!
14:59How is she?
15:00She's fine.
15:01It's OK. Overreacted.
15:04I mean, she has got an infection, but they said I didn't need to rush down.
15:08Ricky asked me to do a video call when Amy was feeling better, so I'll see you later, yeah?
15:45All right, last thing she needs is a load of people coming in here wearing her out.
15:48She called me, Dad.
15:49She's doing me a favour.
15:51I'm bored out my head.
15:54So, did they say anything?
15:57Do you know why the crash happened?
16:01The police think it was some kind of accident.
16:05The police think it was my fault.
16:07They think I messed up ticket numbers or something, but I didn't, Ames.
16:14I guess maybe I could have, but you shouldn't have been in there.
16:20And that is on me.
16:21No, listen, Penny.
16:24You turned me away.
16:26We all make mistakes.
16:29Don't we, Dad?
16:45Hey, hey, hey, come on. It's all right.
16:48It's all right. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here.
16:51I'm here.
16:59I don't think I'm very nice.
17:02Chelsea, you were looking out for your boy.
17:09And if he...
17:11If you did get sent out for, you know, the ticket sales, the crash, and if...
17:18Well, if someone dies, then that's both his mum and dad locked up.
17:27So what do I do?
17:30I don't know what to do.
17:38Well, I can't tell you.
17:41What I do know...
17:42What I do know...
17:45All I know is, is that it just starts with one lie.
17:51And then another lie to save that lie.
17:55Look, if you don't come clean now, like right now...
18:03You'll be in so deep, Chelsea.
18:07And you can't, you won't be able to get out.
18:13Because guilt haunts.
18:18Trapped and...
18:23Yeah, trust me.
18:28It will haunt you.
18:33I want Mick back.
18:36I need Mick back.
18:42He was my person, Phil.
18:45He was my...
18:49This would never have happened.
18:52You would never have had to lie to me about my kids just to get me to...
18:56I would never have wound up such a mess.
18:58Yeah, well, you didn't have a drink, did you?
18:59Yeah, but I want to! God!
19:02Well, you called me. Yeah, that's a good thing.
19:04Everything Gabby said was right.
19:06Yeah, she weren't trying to make me feel bad.
19:08She was just saying it like it is.
19:10All of them are falling apart.
19:13That's what she meant.
19:16And all of it is all my fault.
19:19And right and wrong and truth and honesty and all them things I care about
19:23and I've been trying to teach my kids and I've...
19:26It's all I've ever wanted to be my whole life.
19:29Look at me, look at me!
19:31I'm no better than him.
19:33Dean Wicks, I was.
19:36No, that ain't true. No, I am. I'm disgusting.
19:40Everyone hates me and they should.
19:42I hate myself. I'm a horrible, horrible person.
19:55No, not drinking.
19:58It's hard enough, but since Christmas it's...
20:03I'll have a drink and for five sweet minutes I can try and forget.
20:07I stay sober and every minute of every hour of every day
20:11I am battling my dirty, guilty conscience
20:15and I'm faking my own life and I am so close to the edge, Bill.
20:26Keanu is never coming back.
20:31And Denise is right. I mean, there is no end.
20:33There is no end, is there?
20:39No, you...
20:41You ain't ever going to get your life back, not like I was.
20:45You're addicted to alcohol, you killed a man.
20:47There ain't any good options.
20:49It's damage limitation, that's all there is.
20:52But anyone will tell you, you know, to stop drinking once and for all.
20:56Everyone will say the same thing, that you've got to win.
20:59Everyone will say the same thing, that you've got to win.
21:02Rock bottom.
21:04And that's where you are now, Linda.
21:06You're rock bottom.
21:08So you've got a choice, you either learn to live with yourself
21:12and stay alive for your kids
21:16or you drink yourself to death.
21:57We did Charlie's presents hours ago.
21:59It's not for Charlie.
22:01It's for you.
22:29Come on.
22:59Come on.
23:30I'm sorry.
23:51I get it.
23:53That today
23:55is a mess with your head, I do.
23:57me out. I've been worrying about you for ages. You know that if you show an emotion, it doesn't
24:08make you weak, it just makes us close. And isn't that what getting married is all about?
24:15That you and me, we share the load. Yeah? It's okay, we have to trust each other with
24:23everything, otherwise what's the point? I... You are the only one I want to talk with.
24:40I just... I can't... Yeah, it's okay.
25:10How many photos is this amount? Who got one of her first haircut?
25:26Yeah. I think you're amazing.
25:29Yeah. Yeah. I had a whole speech.
25:33Good thing you didn't come, then. She'd start bawling, and that's embarrassing.
25:40I'm sorry I didn't make it to her party. You're here when it counts.
26:03Make a wish. What I'm saying, Jade, and this is important,
26:24legally, they might want to call it rape, but just before you start jumping to all sorts
26:30of wrong conclusions about your old man, just come here and let me explain to you,
26:33let me explain the corner that these dried-up, twisted old hags have backed me into.
26:38Simon, sir. Look, and you remember, okay? Remember, you're still my daughter. You're
26:44still my little girl. We're still family, aren't we? You are the only person that I've
26:49got left. So I need you to listen to me, okay? I am not a murderer. I am not a murderer.
26:56I love... I was leaving her voice, but I didn't even get to speak to her.
27:01Bam's here.
27:03No, I want a proper phone call, my daughter. I want a decent brief!
27:10Bitch! Get off me! Get off me! Get off! Get off me!
27:27Sorry. I have to grab a bite while I can. We weren't expecting you till tomorrow.
27:31Is that on? Can you turn it on, please?
27:38Would you like a lawyer present?
27:46It was me. I did it.
27:53I killed Keanu Taylor.
27:56I killed Keanu Taylor.