The Ark - Season 02 Episode 07

  • 2 days ago
Conference Call
,Cord Blood,
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00:00Previously on The Ark.
00:01We received a distress call from Ark 8.
00:03They're still survivors, but their comms are damaged.
00:05I thought you were dead.
00:06What are you talking about?
00:08Wait, you really didn't know you were a clone?
00:10I am not a clone.
00:10What generation clones are you?
00:12Yeah, we're all Gen 2s.
00:13But there were Gen 3s on board.
00:14And then one by one, they became violent.
00:16They caused us to crash.
00:17I think Bryce and Markovitch are both EF spies.
00:20Come on!
00:21Is that the device that controls your implants?
00:23Supposed to be.
00:24Let me see if I can decipher it.
00:26It's an explosion center to the Ark 8 wreckage.
00:28All Gen 3s are dead.
00:30How the hell does a bunch of wreckage just explode out of nowhere?
00:40Right when we were about to save the people we left behind.
00:43I did an analysis of the blast energy signature.
00:46It looks like Ark 8's FTL blew and caused the explosion.
00:48FTL can't blow up on its own.
00:50Well, someone must have triggered the self-destruct.
00:52Are the Gen 3 clones suicidal?
00:53I have no idea.
00:58Captain Garnett?
01:00My sensors detected a signal sent down to the planet right before the explosion.
01:04From where?
01:06From our observation deck.
01:09Someone from Ark 1 did this?
01:30What are we looking for?
01:46We need to find evidence of who sent that signal.
01:48Maybe they left something behind or someone saw them.
01:50Kimmy, Ava, search the lower deck while we investigate up here.
01:52Look for places someone might ditch whatever they used to send that signal.
02:00Ava, did this one of the Gen 3 clones dead?
02:12Someone who had no problem betraying my direct orders.
02:17I think I might have something.
02:30We've got something.
02:33I found it stashed deep under the bottom stair.
02:36What is it?
02:37Look at the bottom.
02:38It's com-stack from Ark 8.
02:40It was reconfigured to transmit long-range signals.
02:43Looks advanced.
02:44Whoever did this has some experience in engineering.
02:47Didn't Ian say he was an engineer on Ark 8?
02:55Come on, listen to me.
02:56I'm telling you, I didn't do this.
02:57The triggering device was from Ark 8.
02:59You're the only engineer we brought up from Ark 8, unless you know of another one.
03:02As far as I know, they all died in the crash.
03:05Come on, Spence.
03:05I mean, you've got to believe me.
03:07It's Lieutenant Lane.
03:09Are you really going to treat your brother like this?
03:12I know nothing about you.
03:35I just wanted to see how it went with Ian.
03:38Well, he still denies it.
03:40You feel sure he didn't?
03:43I don't know who else had the knowledge necessary to pull it off.
03:46How are you dealing with all this?
03:50I thought eventually I'd get to know him when I was ready.
03:54I guess on some level he is still my brother.
03:59Is that the Juno Project tablet?
04:07I, uh, I wanted to show you something in light of, you know, what you found out about yourself.
04:14Spencer Lee.
04:18I didn't match with anyone.
04:22What do you mean?
04:25They don't want clones to breed.
04:26Trust doesn't want clones to breed.
04:28Well, everyone else would agree.
04:30They're afraid we'll make Gen 3s, and we all know how dangerous they are.
04:39Guess that means I don't have a match either.
04:42I don't think they knew you're a clone.
04:44You matched with an ensign who died when we fell out of Kryo.
04:48So my match is dead, and I wouldn't be matched anyway if they knew I was a clone.
04:53So I guess that means we're both available.
04:56Um, what are you doing?
05:23Uh, I hope you don't mind.
05:25I had Alicia unlock your room.
05:27If you're trying to get me into bed, I already told you-
05:29No, no, no, no, no, no.
05:29Look, this, this isn't, this isn't for us.
05:32This is for you.
05:34I know you said you needed some space, so I just thought I would make your room
05:38into a nice little sanctuary where you can just relax and enjoy being on your own.
05:44Oh, um, would you care for a vodka tonic?
05:48Just without the tonic.
05:51So, vodka?
05:53Kind of.
05:53I don't have a lot to work with.
05:56But I did find these candles and these nice glasses in the R3 crate,
05:59so somebody somewhere was a real lush.
06:02Thank you, you're very sweet.
06:16You should stay.
06:17No, no.
06:19I told you, I'm leaving.
06:21I can't drink a whole glass of vodka by myself.
06:23What kind of Serbian are you?
06:27Oh, come.
06:29I wish you a night full of very happy, very tipsy dreams.
06:35Preferably all about me.
06:41Good night.
06:43Good night.
06:52I'm truly impressed with how Katrina was able to program this in such a short time.
06:59I've always been attracted to brilliant women.
07:01I tend to seek them out.
07:03And they me.
07:06I don't know.
07:07Seemed like Katrina was way smarter than you.
07:11Are you almost done with that thing?
07:12Need I remind you that I'm just helping you out of the kindness of my heart?
07:17More because it's what Katrina would have wanted.
07:19But thanks anyway.
07:22I'm programming the ability to adjust your implants.
07:24I think you'll be pleased.
07:26Maybe I'll feel less like a freak if I can control myself.
07:30Self-control is overrated.
07:36Hang on, I'm almost there.
08:05Kelly, where are you?
08:48What did you do?
09:04How are you feeling, Ava?
09:06Well, she's just been practically strangled today, so I'm guessing not so great.
09:09It's okay.
09:10I'm okay.
09:10Whoever made Kelly do this will be held accountable for their actions.
09:14Whoever made Kelly do this?
09:15What are you talking about, Felix?
09:17It was Trost.
09:18He had Kelly's device.
09:18He was punching in codes the whole time.
09:20We've got witnesses.
09:21Ava, do you have any idea why Trost would want to use Kelly to murder you?
09:25No, we barely interacted recently.
09:27It makes no sense.
09:28We're going to get to the bottom of this.
09:29Yeah, you're damn straight.
09:30We are.
09:30I want guards protecting Ava at all times until we find out who was trying to kill her and why.
09:35I'm going to stop her a while, too, if that's all right.
09:37I'm sorry.
09:46All I remember is sitting in there and listening to him drone on and on
09:50about how bad he has it for Katrina.
09:52There's no need to be rude.
09:54And then I just blacked out.
09:57Well, I've got no reason to kill Ava.
09:59You actually have a great reason.
10:00If ever Doug Ubership stopped engineer-making, indispensable.
10:03I'm already indispensable.
10:05I'm the only reason that any of you are even in space, remember?
10:07If you weren't controlling Kelly,
10:08what the hell were you doing at the scene of the crime?
10:11I was trying to stop her.
10:12Once I saw Kelly activate, I followed her out of the cell
10:15because I was worried what she might do.
10:17How did you break out of your cell?
10:19Oh, shut up.
10:20I built the damn ship.
10:22I've always been able to get out.
10:23My cell door is to keep other people out, not me in.
10:26Where did you get a controller for Kelly?
10:28When Katrina came over from the other reality,
10:39she reprogrammed her wrist device and gave it to me.
10:42And the two of you never thought to mention that to anyone.
10:45I was afraid you were going to take it away, which you did.
10:49Because obviously neither of you can be trusted to handle it.
10:52I was just carrying out Katrina's wishes
10:54by helping Kelly take control of her augmentations.
10:57Perhaps you should speak to Dr. Marsh.
11:01He's the only other one on the ship
11:02who has the ability to control her implants.
11:24Well, there it is.
11:27And what am I looking at?
11:31Uh, it's an apricot tree.
11:33Or it will be in three to four years.
11:38Oh, that's...
11:43I thought apricots were your favorite.
11:45Was it peaches?
11:46No, no, no.
11:47I love apricots.
11:48I'm just...
11:51I'm sorry.
11:54I'm just distracted.
11:58Who'd want to murder her?
12:00Ava will be okay.
12:02And Strickland will figure out who did it.
12:04Well, until he does, I won't feel safe.
12:07Hey, we can stay together.
12:10Until I catch whoever did it, I promise I'll keep you safe.
12:17What's so funny?
12:20You sure?
12:21I'm sorry.
12:24I didn't mean to spoil your surprise.
12:26It really is cool.
12:28Pretty cool.
12:30My own tree?
12:48Yeah, sorry.
13:00Get on the path!
13:01You're stepping all over my swing!
13:06Right, yeah.
13:09Don't get me wrong, boss.
13:10I'm really happy you finally got the balls to kiss her.
13:15But take it to one of your cabins before you kill half our crop.
13:38Dr. Kabir sent me to give you your anti-radiation medication.
13:41I don't need it.
13:43You do, actually.
13:47Everyone we rescued from that planet is being treated in MedBay.
13:50Oh, and you had to bring me mine because I can't be trusted to leave this closet?
13:54Come on, Nate.
13:56I didn't blow up those people.
13:57I didn't come here to argue.
13:59Take it.
14:00How long are you going to keep me locked up in here anyway?
14:02I mean, what's the plan?
14:04We'll figure that out when we get to Trappist.
14:05Oh, great.
14:06Yeah, that shouldn't take long at all.
14:08Take this.
14:11I hate pills.
14:11Grow up!
14:14They made us take tons of them every day in the research facility.
14:18And most of them made me sick.
14:28I'm sorry.
14:32So, do you have genetic alterations like many of the other clones do, or...
14:39Just that our organs aren't rejected by other bodies?
14:44We were bred to harvest spare organs for the highest ranking and wealthiest officials.
14:50That's terrible.
14:53That's cloning.
14:55What about, um, your...
14:58Well, our...
15:01You said there were two more of them back at the facility?
15:06They took Fletcher's heart...
15:09and Danny's lungs.
15:11The anti-radiation treatment seems to be working well.
15:14Can't believe how long they survived in those conditions.
15:18Do you smell that?
15:21Okay, so I wasn't gonna say anything, but some of these people haven't showered since they were rescued.
15:27No, no, no, no, no, this is, uh...
15:29It smells like flowers.
15:32I'm sorry.
15:33I'm sorry.
15:34I'm sorry.
15:34I'm sorry.
15:35I'm sorry.
15:36I'm sorry.
15:37I'm sorry.
15:37I'm sorry.
15:38I'm sorry.
15:38I'm sorry.
15:39It smells like flowers.
15:43I may or may not have stolen a few of Angus's roses from the bio-shelter and used them as perfume.
15:49You what?
15:51Oh, you thief!
15:52I'm gonna tell.
15:53Oh, you better not.
15:54Or I'll tell Angus that you said his lettuce was tasteless.
16:10I really wanna kiss you right now.
16:18I'm sorry.
16:19I'm so sorry.
16:20That's so inappropriate at work.
16:22It's not gonna happen, okay?
16:29I'm confused.
16:31We get along so well.
16:32I feel like there's something between us.
16:34I'm sorry, but no.
16:40You should spend more time with Griff.
16:43Someone who's actually into you.
16:45Wow, okay.
16:47A what?
16:47I mean, you had to notice.
16:48She's been flirting with you for weeks.
16:51No, she hasn't.
16:53Dr. Marsh.
16:56We need to talk.
16:57I'm sorry.
16:58Are you suggesting that I ordered Kelly to strangle Eva Markovitch?
17:01Answer the question.
17:03The answer is no.
17:05I barely know Eva.
17:05What reason would I have to-
17:06You tell us.
17:08I was nowhere near Kelly or Eva all day.
17:10We all know you had the power to control Kelly with your WD from anywhere on the ship.
17:14I'd never put Kelly in harm's way like that.
17:16Oh, yeah?
17:18I'm sorry.
17:19I'm sorry.
17:19I'm sorry.
17:20I'm sorry.
17:21I'm sorry.
17:21I'm sorry.
17:22I'm sorry.
17:22I'm sorry.
17:23I'm sorry.
17:23I'm sorry.
17:24I'm sorry.
17:24I'm sorry.
17:25I'm sorry.
17:25I'm sorry.
17:26I'm sorry.
17:27Aren't you the doctor who turned her into a killing machine without her consent?
17:31I was just trying to-
17:32Hand me your wrist device.
17:46None of Kelly's controls are here.
17:48They can't be, right?
17:50What did you do?
17:51I didn't do anything.
17:54Somebody must have wiped it.
17:55Dr. Marsh, was that somebody you?
18:06How do we know Kelly wasn't acting on her own?
18:08Mr. Trust had the controller.
18:09She had no way to turn on her implants.
18:11She was clearly using them, so someone was controlling her.
18:14There's someone who doesn't have the guts to try and kill Eva with their own hands.
18:17Well, the only other person with the controller was Marsh.
18:19Sanji, you know him better than any of us.
18:21Do you think it's possible he did this?
18:23There's no way.
18:24I mean, he's a good, kind, rational person.
18:26You have only known him a few weeks.
18:28I work with him all day, every day.
18:29He's not a murderer.
18:30He is the person who turned Kelly into a killing machine,
18:33and he could have easily wiped his own watch.
18:35Let's just not forget about Trust.
18:36Trust says he was trying to keep Kelly from doing anything bad to herself or others.
18:39You can't believe a word that man says.
18:41Plus, he's got a motive.
18:42Look, Sharon, he's an egomaniac who doesn't care about anybody but himself.
18:45Yeah, and don't forget, Kelly did kill his wife.
18:48Could be trying to get Kelly spaced.
18:50I'll analyze the device Trust was using during the incident,
18:52and see if I can clarify exactly what he was doing.
18:54We should also run diagnostic on Marsh's device
18:56to see if there's any evidence that he wiped it.
18:58Already on it.
18:59And I'll have Griff keep an eye on Marsh in the meantime.
19:01Right, so meanwhile,
19:02Trust can just let himself in and out of his cell whenever he likes
19:05and take another crack at Ava.
19:06We reprogrammed his cell codes,
19:08and we have three guards on him and Kelly 24-7.
19:10We're gonna figure it out.
19:23Milo Warren?
19:25That's me.
19:26Hello again.
19:27Have a seat.
19:31Just look straight ahead for me.
19:34This feels uncomfortable.
19:36Very good.
19:37Okay, looks good.
19:38And the other eye.
19:53Sorry, all right, Milo.
19:55How are you feeling today?
19:57Got a headache.
19:57Otherwise, I'm fine.
19:59Just take this.
20:00I'm just gonna check your vitals.
20:06Dr. Marsh?
20:07Sorry, I will be right back.
20:11Hey, stop it!
20:12What the hell is going on?
20:13You took more than his ration.
20:14It's out to steal my new phone.
20:15Oh, is that right, huh?
20:16Not here!
20:17Not here.
20:22Stop it.
20:24Knock it off!
20:36Okay, this is a way better location.
20:40Way more private.
20:42Way less dirt.
20:43Okay, okay, this is happening.
20:45This is...
20:46Okay, okay, okay, this is...
20:48This is happening, okay.
20:52Oh, I'm gonna need that shirt.
21:13You okay?
21:15Yeah, I'm good.
21:43Hey, Dr. Kabir.
21:45Oh, hey, Grefg.
21:54Listen, I just wanted to say thank you for encouraging Dr. Marsh to pay attention to me,
21:59I've been trying to get close to him ever since he arrived,
22:01to keep an eye on him.
22:03But, um, what?
22:06Well, we wanted to make sure he wasn't hiding anything.
22:08Strickland and I.
22:10And now, the Marsh is a murder suspect.
22:12All the more reason for me to stay on him.
22:14He didn't do anything.
22:15We'll see.
22:16Grefg, he's a good man.
22:18If you're not actually interested in him, you shouldn't play around with his feelings.
22:50Eva, you okay?
22:57I don't feel so.
23:03Let's go, sir.
23:09Somebody help!
23:10Come over there.
23:12What happened?
23:14I don't know.
23:15She tried to stand up and then she just collapsed.
23:19Wait, wait.
23:19You, of all people, should not be working on Eva right now.
23:22Where's Dr. Kabir?
23:22She's on her sleep shift.
23:24It's either me or no one.
23:25I'll get Dr. Kabir.
23:26There's no time.
23:27You want me to save her or not?
23:28Grefg, please, right?
23:29Just back off.
23:29Just let the man work, okay?
23:35Hey, hi, fever.
23:51This might be poisoning.
24:03I'm trusting you here, so she better make it through this.
24:29Thank God.
24:31Thank God.
24:36Hey, hey, hey.
24:38You're okay, sweetheart.
24:39We've got you.
24:40What happened?
24:42It's all right.
24:45We've got you.
24:53So now you think Dr. Marsh is clean?
24:55Well, he could have let Eva die.
25:00So, can I leave Medbay now?
25:02Join security again?
25:04You still don't want to work with me?
25:05Why the opposite?
25:06A lot of people come through Medbay.
25:07I need someone there.
25:09I thought we had guards on her.
25:10We did.
25:12Felix, where are we?
25:13I found a white, oily residue on Eva's pillow.
25:15Could be his cross-checking that with the toxicology report on Eva's blood.
25:18Whoever's going after her, they are not giving up.
25:20There's something else.
25:21I analyzed Marsh's wrist device, and it wasn't wiped.
25:24It was swapped.
25:25How do you know?
25:26This is not Marsh's ARC-15WD.
25:27It's a non-assigned ARC-1 device.
25:29You think someone swapped the watches to get control of Kelly?
25:33Which means Dr. Marsh is innocent.
25:36Hey, guys.
25:37You're going to want to see this.
25:40So, the residue from Eva's pillow matches the toxins in her blood.
25:43And I checked the composition of the poison, and it's ricin.
25:48Where the hell would anyone get that?
25:49We certainly don't keep it in Medbay.
25:51Is there a way someone can create ricin?
25:53It's made from caster beans.
25:55We need to talk to Angus.
25:59I hear you're probably not a murderer anymore?
26:06Is that why you're speaking to me again?
26:09Well, I'm sorry.
26:10If you're going to have to keep me waiting, I don't care for anything else.
26:14I'm going to make it up to you.
26:17Why are you doing this?
26:18What did I do?
26:19What did I not do?
26:21You still have the right to decide.
26:23But you still can't do this.
26:24I will.
26:24Is that why you're speaking to me again?
26:26Well, I wasn't not talking to you.
26:29No, but you were also not telling me something.
26:37Look, Sanji, I apologize if I was too forward before.
26:45I feel there's something here, and I think you know it.
26:50Or if I'm wrong, tell me.
26:53And I will never say another word again.
26:56You're not wrong.
26:59But that doesn't mean I can do this.
27:02Just when it comes to relationships, a lot of stuff has happened to me.
27:07So when I say I can't go there with you, I need you to respect that.
27:12I need you to respect that.
27:18Okay, I hear you.
27:23But for the record, I think you're really great.
27:43We don't grow any castor beans here, at least not that I know of.
27:47How could you know, Farrar?
27:49Well, the Fifteeners planted a lot of new seeds when I was out of commission healing.
27:52The new stuff is all over here.
27:54Like Swiss chard, a bunch of different kinds of beans, like soy, and...
28:00Wait a minute.
28:13It's a castor bean plant.
28:16She didn't want us to touch it.
28:18Who didn't?
28:43Why would Laddie want to kill Ava?
28:45She, um... she went off book.
28:48What are you talking about?
28:53There's something you need to know about Laddie and me.
29:00We're Federation operative hunters.
29:04That's an Eastern Federation?
29:07There are some of us placed undercover on every arc.
29:09We're trained to hunt down and expose EF operatives.
29:11We just wanted to bring Ava to justice.
29:13I never thought Laddie would actually...
29:15We lost her.
29:17Wait, Kimmy.
29:19Are you saying Laddie went after Ava because...
29:23Ava is Eastern Federation.
29:25I don't believe you.
29:27No, we'll discuss this later. Do you have any idea where Laddie went?
29:30No clue.
29:32I don't like secrets, and I don't like surprises, Kimmy.
29:34We were going to tell you when the time was right.
29:37Captain Garnet, Kelly Fowler has broken out of her cell again.
29:45Security is down.
29:47Damn it.
29:49Fowler was spotted dragging Alicia Nevins down Corridor BF.
29:51They're headed to the shuttle airlock.
29:53Alert Dr. Marsh!
29:55He knows how to control Kelly better than anyone.
29:57Tell him to meet us there!
30:10Or I'll have Kelly break her neck.
30:18You don't want that, do you?
30:21Laddie, what the hell are you doing?
30:23I should ask you the same thing.
30:25You lied to me and went behind my back.
30:27You weren't moving fast enough. We have a job to do.
30:29To bring EF rebels to justice, not murder them.
30:31Those were the rules on Earth, but the only justice out here is death.
30:41Now here's what's going to happen, Captain.
30:43You're going to order your stores to bring six months worth of food, water, and fuel to this shuttle.
30:48Then I'll get out of your hair.
30:50And as soon as this WD is out of range, Kelly will let Alicia go.
30:53Where do you think you'll go?
30:55That shuttle doesn't have an FTL. You'll get away from us, but you'll die in space.
31:00I'll have six months to contact someone, find another ship, and then you'll die in space.
31:05Find another ship? A planet?
31:07Or at least I'll have six more months of life instead of letting you send me out the airlock for murder.
31:11At least here you'll have a chance to plead your case.
31:13Give the order, Captain! Stay there!
31:17Or Kelly kills innocent young Alicia.
31:27Kelly, listen to me. I know you're in there somewhere.
31:35You don't want to do this to Alicia. I know you don't.
31:39Don't listen to her, Kelly.
31:41You're stronger than your implants.
31:59You don't have to be a killing machine.
32:03I warned you.
32:05Kill Alicia, then kill Garnet.
32:11You have to carry out your orders!
32:15You have the power to stop this.
32:22Get away from me!
32:30It's okay. It's okay.
32:35Hey, I got you.
32:40I got you.
32:54Thank you, Sasha.
32:56Second time in two days.
32:58How's Alicia?
33:00She'll be fine. How are you?
33:02Do you need more food or water while the sedative wears off?
33:05What I need is to get my control device back.
33:07And for Dr. Marsh's device to be destroyed so that no one can take control of me again.
33:11I understand. I really do.
33:13But until we can fully trust you, we can't return your device to you.
33:16Otherwise, you'll be able to break out of your cell as you so clearly demonstrated.
33:25However, I've decided to confiscate Dr. Marsh's controller.
33:30You will no longer have control over your implants.
33:33I'll keep the controllers safe and only I can access them.
33:36So, if I need to activate myself...
33:39You'll need permission from me.
33:48Mr. Tress, can I speak with you in the corridor?
33:51Sure. I'll let myself out.
33:53But we changed the coats.
33:55Sherry, you make me laugh.
34:06Thank you for stopping Kelly when she tried to kill Ava.
34:09You did the right thing.
34:11Well, maybe I'm not such a terrible prick after all.
34:14I wouldn't go that far.
34:16But it seems like you've been trying to be better
34:19ever since Katrina told you about the other version of yourself.
34:22Well, she was a good woman.
34:24It sounds like he was a good man.
34:26I've decided you've earned your way out of your cell.
34:29It makes sense for you to have your own cabin now,
34:31especially since you could apparently break out of this place whenever you wanted.
34:35Well, it's about time.
34:37Let me thank you.
34:40You know, I will need a strong lock on the cabin for my own security.
34:46And I will have a private bathroom, yes?
34:48And of course, I will be needing a tub.
34:50Preferably, clawfoot.
35:03Hello, Lottie.
35:20I heard what happened with Kelly.
35:23I should have been there.
35:26What would you have done?
35:28She might have killed you.
35:30Still, I...
35:34I should have stayed.
35:36I'm sorry, but I...
35:38I, um...
35:42I'm sorry, but I...
35:44I, um...
35:45But you had to go wash up, you know?
35:48After hurling in my cabin.
35:51Yeah, look.
35:52Listen, about that, I want to explain.
35:54I think I know what it was.
35:55No, you really don't have to explain.
35:56It's not a big deal.
35:57You know, vomit is a physiological response to rapid reaction.
35:58I must have eaten something weird right before,
35:59which could have caused my gastrocephalic reflex to flare up.
36:00And if I comment for the fake nervousness,
36:01it's good when someone's nervous.
36:03I wasn't nervous.
36:06I mean, a little nervous, sure.
36:10But not like vomit nervous.
36:13It's okay if you were.
36:15I mean, I was surprised,
36:18since we've done all this stuff before with Kelly.
36:26No, we, uh...
36:28We haven't done anything but kiss.
36:35Uh, what about you and Trent?
36:37Did you...?
36:41I'm glad we didn't,
36:43because when I do that,
36:46I want it to be with someone I love.
36:51Me too.
37:02Can you believe all three have this chip?
37:06Hey, what did this bunch of bag ever do to you?
37:13What's going on?
37:18You've got enough to deal with today.
37:20Hey, it's me. What happened?
37:23I mean, something, but it was years ago.
37:25What was?
37:28I'm in the middle of damn space.
37:31I could forget about him here.
37:34Forget about who?
37:37When I got on this ship,
37:39I wasn't just running away from Earth.
37:42I was also running from my ex-husband.
37:52Well, he was charming as hell at first.
37:57I mean, most narcissists are.
38:00Until they're not.
38:02I'm a walking cliche.
38:04Woman falls for man who seems too good to be true,
38:08and it turns out she's right.
38:12He wasn't brilliant.
38:13He was manipulative.
38:15He wasn't decisive.
38:17He was abusive, and I fell for it,
38:20like an idiot.
38:23I thought I put him behind me,
38:26but now I realize I'll never really be able
38:30to be with someone again,
38:32because when I start to be,
38:36it makes me feel like I'm still not in control,
38:41if that makes any sense.
38:44It does.
38:46That ass is a billion miles away,
38:48but he's still right here.
38:53Perhaps there's a way I can help you.
38:57You know, when I was a kid, I used to get bullied a lot.
39:01Kids used to steal my things, harass me, beat me up,
39:05until I found a way to defend myself.
39:08That gave me a lot of confidence.
39:11If you'd like, I can teach you.
39:15Yeah, I'd like that.
39:18Okay, so, I mean, we can practice
39:20some of these self-defense techniques,
39:22and maybe it'll help you get some of that control back.
39:25Oh, right now?
39:30I'm glad.
39:33All right, so, lesson learned.
39:35Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
39:36Give me a heads up.
39:45Hey, Ava.
39:49How are you feeling?
39:51Um, I heard it was Latte, but I didn't hear why.
39:59I'm not sure how to say this.
40:05Ava, Kimmy claims to have evidence
40:08that you may be a member of the Eastern Federation.
40:13Do you have any idea why they would think that?
40:15I mean, obviously, it's not true.
40:22It is true.
40:28I know how it sounds, but...
40:29I don't understand.
40:30How could you?
40:31Just let me explain.
40:32There is no possible explanation.
40:33You've been lying to us this whole time?
40:35Lieutenant Layton, Captain Gurnett, you can trust me.
40:37How can we ever trust you?
40:38I'm still me.
40:46This is not true.
40:49This is not the place or time.
40:52We will hear your side of this later,
40:54but for now, you'll be confined to your quarters.
41:19Ava, Ava, wait, wait.
41:21Just give me a minute, okay?
41:29This won't happen.
41:30I mean, this isn't true, okay?
41:32This is some kind of misunderstanding or something.
41:35Ava, look at me.
41:36Ava, look at me.
41:40This isn't true, right?
41:42Ava, look at me.
41:48Ava, no.
41:57I have to confine her to her cabin, Sir Royce.
42:00I'm sorry.
42:12I'm sorry.
42:42I'm sorry.