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CwtS 2024 episode 6
00:00It's signature dishes tonight, what's yours?
00:02Beef on croutes.
00:04But with a twist.
00:05Instead of croutes, toast.
00:06And instead of beef, beans.
00:09Ooh, fancy.
00:11Cooking with the Stars,
00:12sponsored by M&S British Fillet Steak.
00:20The ultimate showbiz food fight is back.
00:26Let the games begin.
00:29Chopping, chopping gloves.
00:31God damn.
00:33That's a table spoon.
00:34This is a disaster.
00:35Wow, that's hot.
00:36Oh, my God.
00:37What the hell is going on?
00:39Is it going to be okay?
00:43Stress building up.
00:44Somebody will be crowned Cooking with the Stars champion.
00:48Here we go.
00:54There's a lot of pressure with this.
00:57It's going to be an amazing showstopper.
01:00I can't believe I'm actually in the finals.
01:06All right.
01:08I'm getting confused again.
01:09I'm not happy with that.
01:10I'm losing time.
01:11It's all stress, stress, stress.
01:13I'm missing something.
01:20I can now reveal the winner
01:22and 2024 champion of Cooking with the Stars is...
01:41Welcome to Cooking with the Stars.
01:44It's the grand final.
01:48This series, the ultimate showbiz food fight,
01:51has really seen it all.
01:52High drama, huge excitement,
01:54contestants losing their minds
01:55and completely ignoring the recipes they've been given.
01:58And they know exactly who they are.
02:00Katherine Ryan.
02:02But we've also seen some amazing dishes
02:05and tonight somebody will be crowned
02:08Cooking with the Stars champion.
02:10Who will take home that coveted trophy?
02:12We'll soon find out as we welcome our finalists.
02:16Oh, there they are.
02:22Right, let's get going with our first challenge of the night.
02:25All three stars will cook.
02:27The winner goes straight through to the final battle.
02:31The two losers will face a cook-off to stay in the running.
02:34And obviously we wouldn't dream of making this easy for you
02:38as tonight you'll each attempt your mentor's signature dish.
02:42No pressure.
02:44Let's take a look at how our finalists have prepared
02:47for this almighty challenge.
02:52It's the final countdown.
02:58Smash it.
02:59I honestly thought I'd be out, like, first round.
03:02Are we ready?
03:03Are we steady?
03:04Yes, we are.
03:05Today we're cooking my signature dish,
03:07which is morgo masala with puria,
03:09which is a fried bread.
03:11My mum's chicken curry, I still love it.
03:13You know what I mean?
03:15I've never, from scratch, made a curry before.
03:18I'm a little bit worried.
03:20Chili, garlic.
03:21Ginger, the trinity.
03:22And ginger, the trinity.
03:24And then stir it.
03:26Oh, wow!
03:28That smell!
03:29All of this is new to me.
03:31And now we're going to put in the chicken as well.
03:34Turn the heat up, so we're going to reduce that a bit.
03:37OK, this is time-consuming, isn't it?
03:39While that's cooking, we'll make the dough now.
03:42Now I'm going to make the puri.
03:44The puri is one of the most difficult breads to make.
03:47So it's just a tiny bit dry.
03:49So just a touch more water.
03:50Touch more water.
03:51And what we're going to do here is we're going to fry it.
03:53With the puri, you want it to puff up like a great big cheese puff.
03:57If the oil's too hot, they'll burn.
03:59If the oil's too cold, they'll be greasy and stodgy.
04:01So some are popping, some aren't popping.
04:04With the puri, I found that quite tricky.
04:07Should puff up.
04:10This is Tony's signature dish.
04:12Yeah, that's it.
04:14If I can produce that in the same way,
04:17I think we've got a good chance in the final.
04:19I really do.
04:20Wings of a butterfly, eyes of a tiger.
04:23Whatever you want, baby, choose your fighter.
04:31I cannot believe I've got to the final.
04:34I'm going to share with you something that is part of our Mauritian culture.
04:37It's a Mauritian wedding feast.
04:39Oh, I love, love, love this.
04:41The recipe is five incredible dishes, packed with flavour.
04:45We've got a rogai, which is a spicy tomato sauce with butter beans.
04:48Then we're going to have this gorgeous orange dal.
04:51You have a vibrant pineapple pickle.
04:53We have a roti and we have cauliflower poppers.
04:56Wedding feasts in Mauritius take days to prepare by a whole troop of family.
05:00We've got an hour and it's a lot.
05:03We're going to go straight in to make our butter bean rogai.
05:07First thing we're going to do is add the spring onions.
05:09A sweet paprika is going to go in, a tablespoon of that.
05:12We're going to need, to keep an eye on this thing,
05:14we need to make sure that we're not burning.
05:17We've used a lot of spices in each dish,
05:19so that's definitely a thing I'm going to worry about on the night.
05:22We've got another dish to get on, OK?
05:24She has to juggle flavours, balance spices, fry, flip.
05:28Oh, oh, oh!
05:30There's going to be a lot of multitasking for this dish.
05:33There's so many things I'm worrying about.
05:35I really, really want to do you proud.
05:37Let's do this.
05:44And here we are, waltzing into the...
05:49I can't believe it.
05:50Vegan dishes made it all the way to the final.
05:53So this is my signature dish that I think you're going to really, really enjoy.
05:57We have a fondant sweet potato with some crispy exotic mushrooms
06:01and then the sauce is a butter bean emulsion with a bit of parsley oil.
06:06Sounds so good.
06:08With these fondant potatoes, there are so many steps,
06:11we have to keep our foot on the pedal.
06:13Yeah, do it quicker.
06:14We sear the potatoes on both sides to get nice colour and caramelisation
06:18before putting the entire thing into the oven.
06:20The texture is quite nice.
06:22We don't want it undercooked at all.
06:24The next thing we have to do is get the butter bean emulsion.
06:27To prepare the butter bean emulsion,
06:29it's really important that we get it properly blended
06:31because we need it to be as smooth as possible.
06:33And then in your emulsion,
06:35you just need to put some of your parsley oil.
06:38And that's it.
06:39Here you go, babes.
06:40Here we go.
06:41Right from the start, April made it clear she wanted to win
06:45and go for it.
06:47And now we're in the final.
06:49I can sense that went to the next level.
06:51There's no way we're not winning.
06:55Oh, and again.
06:56And here we go.
07:04Carol, Tasha and Ellie,
07:07this really will be your toughest battle yet.
07:10You have got one hour to make your mentors proud
07:14and then it will be judged by the five chefs
07:17who are not competing in this battle.
07:19Remember, this dish is your mentors' pride and joy.
07:23So if you feel yourself maybe messing it up,
07:25then just bang the golden frying pan behind
07:27and they will come and help you for two minutes.
07:30Stars, get cooking!
07:39These three are really equal.
07:42They are all determined as well.
07:44They all want this.
07:46Come on, guys, this is the final.
07:48We've got this.
07:49I was all right when I woke up this morning
07:51and then everyone reminds you it's the final and it's like...
07:55The key thing for Carol is to get that curry on top
08:00This is Tony's curry mixture.
08:03Carol's making Tony's signature chicken masala,
08:06served with an onion salad and Indian puri bread.
08:10To wow the judges, she will need perfect spicing in the curry
08:14and a succulent slow-cooked chicken.
08:17There's so many different ingredients to it.
08:20That's why I'm concentrating.
08:23Carol's just taking her time.
08:24Has anybody seen the chicken?
08:27I need to get this chicken in there.
08:31There's a lot of chicken to cook in the time.
08:34Fingers crossed there's enough time to make sure the spices melt out.
08:40OK, I'm going to go to my potatoes because they need to be done first.
08:46He needs to be getting that potato in as soon as possible.
08:49This is a lot of pressure because if I run out of time,
08:52I'm going to be in deep trouble.
08:54The idea is that the texture is buttery, it's luscious.
08:57We don't want it undercooked.
08:59I need to speed up.
09:01Pasha's fondant M&S sweet potato
09:03will be served with crispy exotic mushrooms
09:05and a butterbean emulsion and parsley oil sauce.
09:09A soft sweet potato is key to nailing this dish.
09:14Pasha! Hello!
09:16Hi, how are you doing?
09:17Listen, I'm feeling like I'm running behind a little bit.
09:21Do you ever use dancing in the kitchen if you're stressed?
09:24Oh, that's great!
09:26What's he doing?
09:28Maybe a shimmy grate.
09:32Oh, yeah!
09:33It needs to be a fondant potato that has to cook in 30 minutes
09:36and right now what he's supposed to be doing is getting it in the pan.
09:41What's he doing?
09:42So, what are you making in the cook-off?
09:46Put it in and get it going.
09:49It needs to fry faster if I want to make it on time.
09:52This competition, time just runs away with you.
09:55So, I've got five elements going on, but you know what?
09:58It is the final.
10:00She has got a lot to do, but I have pushed her to the max.
10:04Ellie's Mauritian wedding feast will feature butterbean rogai,
10:08coconut dal, cauliflower poppers, pineapple chutney and roti bread.
10:13She will have to multitask to the max
10:16to pull off five perfectly executed elements.
10:19Ellie's got to make a Mauritian rogai.
10:21It's making sure she sautés things and gets all of that lovely,
10:24wonderful herbs and fragrance running through it.
10:29Sorry, sorry.
10:31She's smoking.
10:34Pan's on fire.
10:35OK, maybe turn it down.
10:40The most important thing about Mauritian food
10:42is fragrant garlic, ginger and spices.
10:45But that pan is currently on fire.
10:48That's a lot of smoke.
10:51Well, that's going to be delicious.
10:53I think Ellie's just burnt her spices straight off.
10:55Oh, my gosh, she can't do anything about that.
10:59That's kind of like a crazy start for her.
11:15Cooking With The Stars, sponsored by M&S mangoes.
11:24Welcome back to Cooking With The Stars,
11:26where our finalists are taking on their mentor's signature dishes.
11:30Tonight, somebody will be crowned champion.
11:34But there's a lot of smoke coming from Ellie's kitchen.
11:38If the spring onions are burnt, you will taste that throughout the dish.
11:41So that's going to cook now.
11:43It's going to cook.
11:44It's going to cook.
11:45It's going to cook.
11:46It's going to cook.
11:47It's going to cook.
11:48The noodles will taste that throughout the dish.
11:50So that's going to cook now.
11:52We just need that to simmer in.
11:53Stars, 30 minutes left, you're halfway.
11:57This is going to be the puree.
11:59Oh, they're really complicated to do.
12:01The hardest thing of this dish is that pillowy, puffy, pony.
12:05If I go wrong at this point, it's not very good.
12:08If the dough's too dry and tight, it won't puff up.
12:11If the dough's too wet, it'll stop the puffing up.
12:14Fingers crossed we don't have any of these challenges.
12:19Tony looks moderately disgruntled.
12:21It looks too wet, so it's not got enough flour,
12:24but that will stop the puris puffing up.
12:26Ah, bloody hell.
12:28Oh, Carol looks slightly flustered over there.
12:30Carol, what are you doing?
12:32The puris went wrong, so I'm just making some more.
12:35I'm a bit stressed at the moment.
12:37This is Tony's signature recipe.
12:38Yeah, shh, don't tell him.
12:40Don't tell him.
12:41And you've butchered it already.
12:46Not going wrong this time.
12:50Right, it's going in.
12:52I lost a little bit of time with potatoes.
12:54I need to make a butterbean emulsion.
12:56I'm going to add a little bit more beans to get consistency
13:01a little bit thicker.
13:02Pasha's doing a lot of back and forth with his butterbean.
13:05This needs to be done perfectly.
13:08Right now, we don't have time on our side.
13:10There's a lot of tension in that kitchen.
13:12Oh, absolutely, they've got no time,
13:13not even a beat to spare, have they?
13:15Right, so I'm putting the puris in the deep fat fryer.
13:19So this is a moment of truth when she fries.
13:22If the dough's not got the right texture, it won't puff up.
13:26That one's perfect, that one's not.
13:28I don't know why.
13:30There's always one.
13:31If they're not puffy, there's some people that like them,
13:33but not me.
13:35Yeah, that's not good, that one.
13:37So I'm hoping this one will pop.
13:42Stars, 10 minutes to create your mentor's signature dish.
13:46Ellie, is that fruit?
13:47Yeah, yes, I'm making like a chutney.
13:49She's also got to make a pineapple salsa.
13:52Oh, yes.
13:53Be careful, Ellie.
13:54This is salt?
13:55It's like pineapple salsa.
13:56It's going to be really salty.
13:58It's so salty.
14:02Shalina, I'm going to get you in.
14:07Oh, oh, Shalina, go on.
14:09Oh, OK.
14:12OK, yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:15OK, I'm going in to rebalance this.
14:16It's really salty.
14:17Ellie was very worried about the seasoning.
14:19That's very clever of Ellie to get Shalina in at that point.
14:22She's adding in pineapple to save it.
14:24It's OK if it's salty, Ellie.
14:26Jack will be tasting it.
14:27He loves a bit of seasoning.
14:29Is that all right, the salsa?
14:30The salsa's fine now.
14:32Shalina, time's up.
14:37Stars, five minutes left.
14:38Five minutes.
14:43I'm concerned because the sweet potato
14:45should have been cooked by now.
14:46The fact that he's put it back in the oven
14:48implies that they haven't cooked through yet.
14:50If you do not have a properly cooked fondant sweet potato,
14:53the whole thing has failed.
14:54It's getting near the end here.
14:55Yeah, it's almost there.
14:57Hopefully, I'll get enough time.
14:59The collage after that's done.
15:0090 seconds remaining.
15:02Come on, Pasha.
15:03Get it on the plate, babe.
15:05Time to serve.
15:07They're all just moving so fast, aren't they?
15:10Go, people, go, people, go.
15:14She's done it!
15:15I'm definitely not a five-dish woman normally.
15:18It's all stress, stress, stress.
15:20Well done, Ellie!
15:22The mushroom's going out.
15:23I don't have more time.
15:32Come on.
15:33Come on.
15:33Shall we carry it off for him?
15:37Come on, Pasha.
15:38Put it on the plate, Pasha.
15:40Yeah, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
15:4310, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...
15:48I need one more sauce.
15:50One more sauce!
15:51..4, 3, 2, 1.
15:56Well done.
15:58Carol is hoping to wow the judges
16:00with Tony's signature dish of chicken masala
16:03with purée bread and an onion salad.
16:06I did feel the pressure
16:08because, obviously, it's Tony's signature dish,
16:11but the purée, like, popped and bubbled perfectly
16:15second time around.
16:17Has Pasha perfected the cook on April's fondant sweet potato
16:21served with crispy exotic mushrooms
16:23and a butterbean emulsion and parsley oil sauce?
16:26It all came down to the very last second.
16:29I wasted a lot of time.
16:31I just took a long time with this potato.
16:34Hopefully, I did enough.
16:36Ellie has served Shalina's take on a Mauritian wedding feast.
16:40Butterbean rogai, coconut dal, cauliflower poppers,
16:44pineapple chutney and roti bread.
16:47I had five dishes to do and I managed to do it on time,
16:50which, wow, I was so happy with myself for.
16:54I really, really want to avoid the cook-off
16:56because I really, really want to make this final.
17:01Chefs, it's time to taste.
17:03First up, it's Carol's attempt at Tony's myrrh masala
17:07with purée and red onion salad.
17:13Michael Cain's.
17:15The curry is just so beautifully done.
17:18The spicing, you've cooked them out well.
17:21I think perhaps the seasoning in the onions,
17:23maybe a little bit of salt,
17:24but it's an outstanding bit of cooking, so well done.
17:28Rosemary. I loved that purée.
17:32If I had got that in a restaurant,
17:35I would have been super pleased.
17:37Michael O'Hare.
17:38I think it's phenomenal.
17:39If Tony had cooked it himself,
17:41I can't really see what the difference would be
17:44or where else this has got to go.
17:45And I think that is an incredible achievement.
17:51Carol, amazing feedback there.
17:53I was quite emotional there.
17:55Because it's Tony's signature dish,
17:57I really did want to make him proud.
18:01OK, chefs, next we have Pasha's version of April's fondant
18:05sweet potatoes and butterbean emulsion.
18:13OK, chefs, let's hear your thoughts.
18:15We'll start with you, Poppy.
18:17Pasha, that is a finals dish.
18:21The fondant is cooked beautifully and it is melting like butter.
18:24You've done April really proud.
18:26Michael. I think the butterbean sauce itself could have done
18:29with a little bit more seasoning, just to elevate it.
18:31But what a fantastic job.
18:34Pasha, the fondant, perfect.
18:37If I didn't like seafood so much, you'd be convincing me to become
18:39a vegan, because your food is epic.
18:42Honestly, it's fantastic.
18:43Well done.
18:49Well, chefs, finally, it's Ellie's take on Shalina's Mauritian
18:54wedding feast.
19:02Chefs, what are your thoughts? Poppy.
19:04The amount of work that's gone into this is huge.
19:07The rogai may be a little bit burnt, but well done.
19:10You've definitely done Shalina proud with that wedding feast.
19:14I think that pineapple chutney is just Moorish.
19:18When eating all together, it truly was a real celebration,
19:21so well done.
19:22Rosemary. My giddy aunt.
19:24I love it.
19:28The dal, unbelievable.
19:30The pineapple, delicious.
19:32I think that's a phenomenal piece of work.
19:35Oh, thank you very much.
19:38Chefs, it's decision time.
19:40You're voting for your favourite dish.
19:42The winner goes straight through to the final battle
19:45at the end of the show.
19:46The two losing stars will face the cook-off
19:49to remain in the competition.
19:51Jack, we'll come to you first.
19:53Which dish was your favourite?
19:55All of the dishes were fantastic, but I think the person that I felt
19:59made the signature dish the best...
20:03..was Carol.
20:07So, my favourite dish...
20:16I had to go to the dish that kept me going back for more.
20:21And that was Carol's.
20:23Carol has two votes and Pasha has one.
20:26So, Carol, you need just one more vote
20:29and your place in the final battle is secure.
20:33Rosemary, which dish impressed you the most?
20:36It has been so difficult for me, personally, to choose,
20:39but the person I am going with is...
20:56I'm genuinely...
20:59Are you OK, Carol?
21:01I'm really, like, quite overwhelmed by it.
21:05I love him.
21:06And just, I never, ever thought I'd get to the final
21:10and it's genuinely overwhelming.
21:12Thank you very much. Thank you.
21:14After the break, Pasha and Ellie cook again to remain in the final.
21:19And somebody is going straight out of the kitchen door.
21:22We'll see in a few minutes.
21:26My signature dish is beef en coute,
21:29but instead of croute, toast, and instead of beef, beans.
21:33Cooking With The Stars, sponsored by M&S British Fillet Steak.
21:37My signature dish is beef en coute,
21:39but instead of croute, toast, and instead of beef, beans.
21:43Cooking With The Stars, sponsored by M&S British Fillet Steak.
21:51Welcome back to the Cooking With The Stars final.
21:55Where Pasha and Ellie are about to face the cook-off
21:59to stay in the competition.
22:01The winner goes through to the final battle at the end of the show,
22:04where they'll face Carol to be crowned champion.
22:07Pasha and Ellie, as ever, you're going to have to follow a recipe
22:11that you have never seen before.
22:13But this time, there's a twist.
22:17You'll have to use everything you've learnt so far
22:20to put your own spin on the dish.
22:23It will then be judged blind by all eight chefs, and, as you know,
22:26they'll have no idea who's cooked which plate,
22:29so your own mentor could help send you home.
22:33So, to book your place in the final,
22:35you are going to face a proper triple threat,
22:39as you attempt to make three different vegan canapes.
22:46Let's see how it should be done.
22:50Canapes, the ultimate high-end snack.
22:53This is a real test of excellence.
22:56There are three canape bases,
22:58bellinis, vol-au-vents and tartlets.
23:01Each base takes a lot of skill to pull off perfectly.
23:05Bellinis must be crispy on the outside and soft in the middle.
23:10The vol-au-vent needs to have perfectly risen puff pastry
23:13with a little filling.
23:15The perfect shortcrust pastry tartlet should be thin and crisp.
23:20For these, they will have a recipe, but here's the twist.
23:24For the toppings...
23:26We're not giving them a recipe, they are completely on their own.
23:31They will have to use their skills they've learned so far.
23:35The topping needs to be vegan.
23:38They need to be creative and final-worthy,
23:41and we're looking for precision.
23:43Whoever pulls this off is going to get to the final challenge,
23:46and that's exactly where they belong.
23:54So, Pasha and Ellie, you have plenty of ingredients to choose from.
23:59You have 55 minutes on the clock.
24:02Very best of luck.
24:03Stars get cooking!
24:08OK, so what am I making?
24:10What do I want? What do I want?
24:11I've got ideas, but it's just...
24:13I'm used to sticking to a recipe.
24:15All right.
24:16I'm glad I'm not in this cook-off,
24:18cos it's the most scary bit, I think,
24:20cos you've got to come up with the recipes.
24:22Trying to stay calm and collected,
24:24but in my head, I'm having so many ideas.
24:27I love how hard this is.
24:29So, this is my first dish. I'm going to focus fully on this.
24:32Do you know what you're going to do inside, El?
24:33Yeah, so I'm going to make some chilli peas for the vol-au-vent.
24:37Oh, nice.
24:38I'm going to try and channel a bit of shallina.
24:41You need a plan.
24:43You can't just ad hoc this,
24:45because you'll get the flavour combinations wrong,
24:47you won't have time to make them precise,
24:49or garnish them effectively.
24:51Mmm, that's really good.
24:52Typical of Ellie's style.
24:54She knows exactly what she's doing here.
24:56She's planned it all out.
24:57It's meticulous, methodical.
24:58Basically, I'm just going to wing everything
25:01and see what comes out at the end.
25:03She's completely freestyling it, isn't he?
25:05I need a spoon.
25:06How are you getting on, Pasha?
25:08I'm trying to figure out what to do first.
25:11I have no idea.
25:12My first topping I hope to make is a cauliflower mash
25:16with some feta cheese...
25:22..and some...something else.
25:24I'll decide what I'm going to add as I go.
25:28OK, now it's going to be the vol-au-vent, the vol-au-vent.
25:31Can you see my hands?
25:35All right, I think those are ready to go in.
25:39That's the vol-au-vent.
25:41Pasha, how are you getting on?
25:43I don't really have a solid plan.
25:45This is the hardest cook-off so far.
25:48What are you making?
25:49Something with chickpeas.
25:51That's going to be a topping.
25:53I'm just going to put them in and hope for the best.
25:56The thing they have to remember with canapes is they need to be
25:58bold with their flavours, because it's one bite.
26:01OK, I'm going to do this beetroot salad, the third topping.
26:05I need some salt.
26:07Looking good and colourful.
26:10I wonder what's in there.
26:12Too much salt. Is that for the tart or the vol-au-vent?
26:15I don't know. I don't think he knows.
26:18Why did I put so much salt?
26:19That might be the thing that will make or break this dish.
26:24How much time do we have left?
26:26Ten minutes left for a place in that final battle.
26:29Now I need to make the onion chutney for the tartlets.
26:33And it's just caramelised now.
26:35That's hot, Ellie.
26:38What's happening in there?
26:41This is burnt, this is burnt.
26:43Oh, that's so annoying.
26:45I've lost anyway.
26:47I'm going to start working on vegan blinis.
26:50In my blini is going to be beetroot and hummus.
26:55Blinis are really tricky to make.
26:57We want them all the same size.
26:59Need to keep an eye on them and flip them at the right time.
27:03Something is burning.
27:04Otherwise, they're going to go crispy and they may burn.
27:08Oh, one is burning.
27:14Look how nervous I am.
27:15When they're cutting the bollivan,
27:16they've got to make sure they don't break it,
27:18because that is the structure.
27:20That is where the filling is going to sit.
27:22Oh, for God's sake, this pastry is breaking off.
27:25Elle, careful on that.
27:27And if it's broken, game over.
27:29I think I'm running out of time again.
27:32Two minutes left, stars.
27:3320 minutes!
27:35Oh, yes!
27:37Huh, now I need to make an executive decision.
27:40What topping goes where?
27:43Peas are going next.
27:45Look how nervous I am.
27:47Oh, she's having trouble getting her peas on top.
27:48She's peed all over her plate.
27:50On my bollivans, I'm going to put in a little bit of cauliflower mash.
27:55I'm just getting too nervous.
27:57Come on, Elle, you can do this.
28:00I forgot about my chickpeas balls.
28:04One minute.
28:05Three different canapes, two different stars,
28:08one place left in the final battle.
28:12A little space.
28:14I'm trying to garnish it just a little bit.
28:17Elle, get them over.
28:18You're going to run out of time.
28:20I know, I can't be quick, for God's sake.
28:22Get them on, Elle, quick.
28:24Come on, come on, darling.
28:25That's it.
28:26Clashy, you're going to run out of time.
28:28Oh, go, go, go!
28:31Elle, do you need to move?
28:34Elle, do you need to move them?
28:35What can I take?
28:36Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
28:55This whole cook-off was about thinking on a fly
28:59and was the most improvisation I've ever done in cooking my life.
29:04Gosh, that was a really tough challenge.
29:06I love sticking to a recipe.
29:08I really, really want to get to the final cook.
29:10It's all about the judges now.
29:15Oh, wow.
29:17The gold plate belongs to Shalina's star, Elle.
29:20Her canapes are caramelised onion and vegan feta tarts,
29:24chilli pea and coconut yoghurt vol-au-vents,
29:27and hummus and beetroot blinis.
29:29The gold plate is presented beautifully.
29:31They all look very kind of uniform and really quite inviting.
29:34I really feel that the flavours on the gold plate
29:36really complement each other really well.
29:38But for me, the red onion jam is just a little bit too reduced
29:42and it's just creating that sticky texture in my mouth.
29:45The green plate belongs to April's star, Pasha,
29:48who has made beetroot salad tarts,
29:50mushroom and cauliflower mash vol-au-vents
29:52and roasted chickpea ball blinis.
29:56The green plate, I like the detail on there.
29:58There's been room for garnish.
30:00Flavour was interesting, interesting textures.
30:02They complemented each other very well.
30:04The tart with the spiced beetroot packed a punch,
30:08but too salty for me.
30:10So, let's vote.
30:13Whose canapes will be crowned winner
30:15and get them through to the final cook?
30:17Elle's gold plate or Pasha's green plate?
30:22Pasha and Elle.
30:23The chefs have tasted your canapes
30:26and voted for their favourite.
30:28We need to find out if your mentor voted to keep you
30:32in the competition or to send you home.
30:35April, you voted for...
30:38..the green dish.
30:40That was made by...
30:50Shalina, the dish you voted for was...
30:54..Elle's gold dish.
30:58There are six more votes that make up the final result.
31:02It was extremely close,
31:06but the star with the most votes
31:09and going through to the final battle is...
31:26Oh, no!
31:28You looked pretty shocked, Elle.
31:29I'm just so shocked that...
31:31I don't know how I'm going to cook another dish.
31:34But, yeah, I can't believe it.
31:39Pasha, you have been phenomenal.
31:42Have you had a good time?
31:43This whole experience was very humbling
31:46and taught me a lot,
31:48and I'm so grateful to you, April.
31:52So, it's Elle versus Carol.
31:56Battling to be crowned champion.
31:58But to do it, they'll face the most demanding challenge
32:02we've ever seen on Cooking With The Stars.
32:06After the break, they're going to create
32:08their very own three-course signature menu.
32:12Somebody will cook their way to that trophy.
32:15We'll see you after the break.
32:21I always try and stick to a Mediterranean diet.
32:26Fresh veg.
32:30Cooking With The Stars, sponsored by M&S olive oil.
32:32I always try and stick to a Mediterranean diet.
32:34Also, olive oil.
32:37Fresh veg.
32:41Cooking With The Stars, sponsored by M&S olive oil.
32:46Welcome back to the Cooking With The Stars grand final.
32:49Just two stars remain,
32:51and very soon, either Carol or Ellie will be crowned our champion.
32:55To win the title, they now face one last battle,
32:59and it's a biggie,
33:01because for the first time in Cooking With The Stars history,
33:05they're going to be cooking not one, not two,
33:07but three courses in their final signature challenge.
33:12So, for the last time this series,
33:14please welcome back Carol and Ellie.
33:19I think the chef's here!
33:24Carol and Ellie, welcome back to the kitchen.
33:27You have earned your chef's uniform.
33:30Yes! OK!
33:32Now, let's find out what you've each come up with
33:35for your grand final signature menu.
33:41Expanding my knowledge of cooking and doing this journey with Shalina
33:44has been something so special.
33:47That's a teaspoon.
33:48That's a tablespoon!
33:50Ooh! Sorry, guys, sorry.
33:53Coming into this competition,
33:54I wasn't really confident about using spices.
33:57I'm cleaning.
33:59I'm putting too much stuff in already.
34:01But Shalina has pushed me to my limits.
34:04My confidence has grown.
34:06Wow! I cannot fault that drop.
34:10Welcome to my kitchen.
34:12I've just got my three-course menu to do,
34:14and then that gold frying pan could be mine.
34:17We're here. Yeah, the final.
34:19We're in the final.
34:20I absolutely love my dad's cooking,
34:22and I want to incorporate my favourite dishes that he makes
34:25into my three-course meal.
34:27This is my favourite dessert.
34:29My dessert is white chocolate tiramisu.
34:32If you whip up the cream, vanilla and mascarpone together,
34:36that's good. Yeah, that's enough.
34:38We don't want to curdle the mixture.
34:40My main course is ricotta and spinach stuffed ravioli,
34:42inspired by a dish that my dad makes every Sunday,
34:46which makes every Sunday dinner.
34:48Two whole eggs are going to go in.
34:49We don't want it to be kind of cloying.
34:51No, we don't want it to be dry. We want to be silky smooth.
34:53And then for my stuff,
34:54I am making camembert stuffed in phyllo pastry.
34:58This is next level.
35:00So to be able to achieve that in the time that we've had,
35:02I'm just so proud of you.
35:04For me, this three-course menu means so, so much.
35:07And I've got to really think about time.
35:09I'm genuinely worried, yeah.
35:11I really want that golden frying pan in your hand.
35:14Carol, I've absolutely loved seeing you cook,
35:17but it's final time, and it's me against you,
35:20and you're going down.
35:27I have loved every single minute...
35:31..of this whole experience.
35:33Whoo! Oh, that's hot.
35:35Wow. I didn't realise that I would laugh as much as I have...
35:42..and be dancing around the kitchen.
35:45I used to cook all the time,
35:47and then just stopped cooking at least ten years ago.
35:53My Tony has put the fun back into cooking.
35:56So we're in the final. We're there to smash the opposition and win.
36:00Yes. Yes.
36:01Differences, Carol. It's a three-course menu.
36:04I want to do things that remind me of my childhood.
36:07Tony and I talk about how food has quite an emotional attachment.
36:12So we're going to do some dishes that tie into your Welsh heritage.
36:16The starter will be this beautiful pea soup.
36:21Put the shellfish stock on the peas in the blender.
36:26For the main course, because I'm Welsh, lamb is our dish.
36:32To get medium rare, super hard.
36:34Oh, wow. Look at that.
36:36And then as the pudding...
36:38Oh, baby!
36:40Classic bread-and-butter pudding.
36:43Oh, I see. That's perfect.
36:46My main worry is time, and there are a lot of components.
36:51It really works.
36:53It's so good.
36:54I would really like to win the competition for Tony,
36:56because he's the very best teacher, and we've had such a laugh.
37:01That golden frying pan, baby.
37:11Well, Carol and Ellie, you have one hour and ten minutes
37:16to create your signature starter, main course and dessert.
37:20And this time, there'll be no help from your mentors whatsoever.
37:26So, for the last time, this series...
37:32..Get Cooking!
37:37You got this, Ellie!
37:39Go, Carol! Go, Ellie! Thank you.
37:41Once you're in the final, anybody can win.
37:43I want to do Tony proud. I want to do everybody proud.
37:46Bread-and-butter pudding is something that I've loved
37:49since being a child.
37:50It's quite an emotional oneness.
37:53It's going to be hard juggling starter, main course and dessert,
37:55but Shalina's given me a process list of what to do first
37:59and how to do it.
38:00The tiramisu needs to go in the fridge to set,
38:02so that's why I'm rushing.
38:04Got to get this on ASAP.
38:06She has got a lot to do.
38:10She needs to make sure she whips it to stiff peaks
38:12with the cream and the mascarpone with the vanilla.
38:14I've got to make sure this doesn't curdle, so I've got to be quick.
38:18She's whipping that cream very fast.
38:21She's giving me anxiety.
38:23It looks like Ellie's split the cream.
38:26Yeah, I can see it.
38:28That looks like it's curdled.
38:30It's not curdled.
38:32That looks like it's curdled.
38:34You're better off just starting again.
38:35Yeah, I agree.
38:39Don't worry, just breathe.
38:41She's lost time.
38:42So we're just going to watch with bated breath
38:44and see what happens again.
38:45I'm putting my bread and butters in.
38:48What am I doing now?
38:50Stars, 45 minutes until we crown our winner.
38:54Carol looks like she's done her bread and butter pudding.
38:56Yeah, she should have her soup on.
38:58Get the soup ready.
39:01Shellfish stock.
39:03So this stock Carol's putting in the pan now.
39:06It should have been in the pan 20 minutes ago.
39:11The taste of this, honestly, if I get this right,
39:15mama's coming home.
39:17But the thing is, if it's not reduced enough,
39:19the flavour won't be strong enough.
39:20I just want to get it right, so...
39:24Finally, the stock is on.
39:26Right, that's going to come to the boil.
39:29So I'm placing up my tiramisu now.
39:31Last little bit.
39:32Ooh, Ellie, it looks nice.
39:35Thank goodness for that.
39:36The cream, the tiramisu looks so much better.
39:39But she has a lot more to do.
39:4230 minutes left, Stars, 30 minutes.
39:46Ellie, what are you doing there?
39:47This is the dough for my ravioli.
39:49You make your own pasta? That's impressive.
39:51It doesn't seem like it's coming together, though.
39:54She might need more egg in there.
39:56It's too dry.
39:57We are behind.
39:58Don't panic, breathe, breathe.
40:00It says just one egg, but...
40:02Maybe it was a small egg, that chicken was skinny.
40:04Yeah, just a small egg.
40:06Not all my eggs are effective anymore, either, Ellie.
40:11It's better.
40:13Stars, final ten minutes.
40:16Harold, what are you doing there?
40:18I'm just doing the lamb for my main course.
40:21She tries her meat to be medium rare.
40:24So let's hope it comes out medium rare.
40:26Take it off the heat.
40:30I like it a bit pink.
40:32Beautiful, if done well.
40:36Do you think that's a bit too pink?
40:38Lamb looks a bit raw rather than rare.
40:41That is too pink, isn't it?
40:43The problem is, if you undercooked it,
40:45it's actually chewy and not nice.
40:47The lamb is not cooked through.
40:49I have to get it back in the pan.
40:51I actually think this is the first time
40:53I've seen cow looking a bit stressed.
40:55So I just need to cook it a little bit more.
40:59How are you doing, Ellie?
41:00I'm running out of time a bit.
41:02So am I, but I'm trying to pretend I'm not.
41:05Time's just gone so fast.
41:07Pasta rolling.
41:09Look at that, Ellie. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
41:11I've got to get my filling on.
41:13And then I'm going to do two things at once.
41:17Filo parcels going in.
41:19Five minutes left, stars.
41:21I'm plating up my chutney.
41:23And then I'm going to rush.
41:24I'm going to be, like, limp-tip crusty.
41:26Run as fast as I can.
41:28We don't have the sauce.
41:29We need the sauce in a pan.
41:31What about the sauce? We've just got pasta.
41:3390 seconds.
41:35I'm just making my own sauce.
41:37So that's that.
41:39I don't know who looks more nervous,
41:41the stars or the chefs.
41:43Three courses is such a tough challenge.
41:46I can get these out.
41:48Oh, my Lord.
41:50Come on, Kaz.
41:52You can do it, Carol.
41:55Oh, look at that bread and butter pudding.
41:57Oh, my goodness. Doesn't that look delicious?
42:00Oh, my God.
42:02It's all stuck.
42:03Sorry, sorry, sorry.
42:05Don't worry. All OK.
42:08Ellie's nearly done now.
42:12Yes, Ellie, you're getting it over. Good girl.
42:16You've got this, Carol.
42:18Carol, it's got to be on the pass.
42:20Yeah, I know, I know.
42:22Now you know how the countdown clock feels.
42:24Do you want any help?
42:26Get what you want.
42:28Come on, girls, you can do this.
42:3015 seconds.
42:32Get it on the pass.
42:33Carol, you've got a minute.
42:34Where have I put the sauce?
42:355, 4, 3, 2, 1.
42:3910, 9, 8, 7, 6,
42:445, 4, 3, 2, 1.
42:51Oh, my gosh.
42:54Has Carol served up the winning plate
42:56with her Welsh-inspired menu of pea and shellfish soup,
43:00lamb loin and bread and butter pudding?
43:03Cooking lamb and talking about Wales,
43:06talking about my childhood and all my family,
43:08it just brought back memories.
43:10I think they'd be proud.
43:12Will Ellie take the crown with her menu
43:14inspired by her dad's cooking of camembert filo rolls,
43:18ravioli stuffed with ricotta and M&S spinach, and tiramisu?
43:22I'm so shocked I got it out on time, but you know what?
43:25I did it, and I'm really proud of all my three dishes.
43:29Right, chefs, it is time to taste.
43:31First up, it's Carol's pea and creme fraiche soup,
43:35followed by lamb loin and then bread and butter pudding.
43:39April, what did you think?
43:41It's the best dish with the scallops and the peas.
43:43It's so light, so refreshing.
43:45But the star, and I know you know, babes,
43:48but that pudding is delicious.
43:51They've put it over here for a reason.
43:55I know you had a problem with the lamb.
43:57You realised your mistake, and that's the only time
43:59in this whole competition I've seen you flustered.
44:02But you've saved it. Everything was flawless.
44:04Thank you so much. I really loved it.
44:07I tell you, what a triumph.
44:09Thank you for putting that lamb back into the pan.
44:11Well done.
44:12And that delicious bread and butter pudding.
44:15Who doesn't love it? I'm in awe.
44:21OK, chefs, you've just had a three-course meal.
44:23Guess what we've got coming up next.
44:26It's Ellie's deep-fried camembert filo rolls,
44:29then spinach and ricotta raviolo,
44:32and then a white chocolate tiramisu.
44:35OK, chefs, it's time to get your thoughts.
44:39The pasta is perfect.
44:41It's the right consistency, it's the right thickness.
44:44The tiramisu is absolutely something else
44:46and deserves to be in the final. It's incredible.
44:51Wonderful starter, that crisp filo on the outside,
44:54the cheese oozing through.
44:56The pasta dish was audacious. I loved it.
44:58So, congratulations.
45:01Ellie, it was incredible.
45:03That is, hands down, the best tiramisu I've ever had
45:07in my entire life.
45:12OK, chefs, for the last time this series,
45:15it is time for you to vote for your winner.
45:18Being a part of this, I would say it has changed
45:22a part of my life, genuinely,
45:25that I am now ready to cook again.
45:28Every time I step into that kitchen, I get such a rush
45:31and it's exactly the same rush as when I used to swim.
45:34I would love to come away with that gold frying pan.
45:42Over the last six weeks,
45:44you have dazzled the chefs with your amazing cooking
45:48and now it all comes down to this.
45:53I can now reveal the winner
45:55and 2024 Champion of Cooking With The Stars is...
46:13Ellie, congratulations. How do you feel?
46:16I've loved every second with Cooking With absolutely all of you.
46:19It's been a massive, massive joy.
46:21The skills that I've learnt from you, Shalina,
46:23like, you are phenomenal.
46:25Just watching you smash through those weeks,
46:27it's awe-inspiring.
46:29Spending time with you has been incredible.
46:31Carol, commiserations to you.
46:33I'm so happy.
46:34The problem that I have now, you do know,
46:37is that I have no excuse not to cook for my friends now.
46:41But you're now really good friends with Tony,
46:43so you can just get him to come over and do it.
46:46Well, massive congratulations to you, Ellie.
46:49And now all that remains for you to do is lift your trophy.
46:53Everybody, give yourself a big round of applause.
46:56Thank you, Ellie.
46:57And now all that remains for you to do is lift your trophy.
47:01Everybody, give it up for the 2024 Cooking With The Stars champion,
47:04Ellie Simmons!
47:12That is it for this series.
47:14Thanks to all of our stars and, of course, their incredible mentors.
47:19A huge well done to Ellie.
47:21Thank you for watching. We'll see you very soon.
47:23Goodbye! Bye!