• last year
US S14 E16 >>> https://dai.ly/x95j16y


00:01Previously on MasterChef Generations.
00:04Your challenge is to use those hot ingredients
00:06in a restaurant-quality dish.
00:08Now, here to help us judge, please welcome Sean Evans.
00:14Way to go.
00:15I'm going to try my best, because it's top 10.
00:16Two of you will be going home.
00:18Oh, boy.
00:19I'm cooking spicy bran chicken.
00:21Make sure that you don't overcook that thing.
00:23Oh, I'll lose my shit.
00:25You have an overcooked dried chicken.
00:26I'm not getting any heat whatsoever.
00:28Yes, chef.
00:29Kimberly and Kaylee, say goodbye.
00:33This might be the best cornbread I've ever had in my life.
00:36Congratulations, Adam.
00:38It feels nice to finally get a win.
00:40It's really a dream.
00:42Tonight, the top eight's communication skills
00:46are about to hit the wall.
00:48We're going to work in pairs to make dishes
00:50that taste and look identical.
00:52And tonight, two individuals will be going home.
00:56That's right.
00:57Tonight is another double elimination.
00:59I have a feeling that things might go awry.
01:01Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:02You've got to stay behind.
01:04It's kind of too late.
01:05My hands are hot.
01:06It tipped over.
01:07You didn't what?
01:08They've got a big problem.
01:09That was not me.
01:09That's Becca.
01:12Horacio's got a big mouth.
01:14Shut up, Horacio.
01:14Shut up.
01:18The wall.
01:19The real moment of truth.
01:21Can you trust your partner?
01:23This is next level.
01:26Oh, my gosh.
01:27Oh, no.
01:29This is crazy.
01:30The dreaded wall.
01:31It was way taller in person.
01:34It's the wall.
01:35I can't believe it.
01:36I can't believe it.
01:38It's the wall.
01:39It's the wall.
01:40It's the wall.
01:40It's the wall.
01:41It's the wall.
01:42It's the wall.
01:43It's the wall.
01:44It's the wall.
01:45The wall, I guess we all knew it was coming and seeing it. It is daunting. It's huge
01:52This is crazy. We got it guys. We got it. This is the thunderdome
01:55This is the challenge that everybody fears and this could bring a lot of us to our knees today
02:01Right. Good evening. Everyone the top eight. Come on. Give yourselves a big round of applause
02:07If you want to get one step closer to a quarter of a million dollars, you've literally got a barrier to entry
02:15This 65 foot giant has previously taken down more than one top cook in this competition
02:23Tonight we're putting your communication skills to the test
02:26You're going to work in pairs to make dishes that taste and look identical while you cook on opposite sides of this very wall
02:35You need to conceptualize and execute a fully composed master chef worthy dish because tonight
02:43Two individuals will be going home
02:46That's right. Tonight is another double elimination
02:49Oh my god, but just so you know those two individuals don't necessarily have to be on the same team
02:58The team pairings are arguably the most important thing about this challenge and honestly they can make or break you
03:06Now adam since you won the challenge last time around tonight, you've got the last advantage of the season
03:12You right now get to pick your teammate first come on up here
03:18Right before you tell us who it is give us an insight to what you're thinking
03:22I think this person works really good under pressure is a good communicator
03:25I think we together can create something really interesting really unique tonight. I'll be pairing up with michael
03:32Adam and michael, please line up over there. Thank you
03:36Thank you
03:38Wow michael, did you see that one coming? I was hoping for it
03:41Yeah, it's a dynamic pairing as for the rest of you. You still need to be paired up
03:46Adam took who he thought was cream of the crop. So you're stuck with these leftovers
03:52Well, do you know what we'd like to make this as fair as possible tonight? So the person picking your teams
03:58Is you right now?
04:03Yes, I guess it's me and you
04:06It's okay. All right, we got this. Oh my goodness me
04:10Rebecca what happened there? I went for mert first, but he went for becca and then I was like, well i'm taking this girl
04:17He's a wanted man tonight. Uh, right all of you put your team colored aprons on horatio and rebecca both latch on to me
04:23I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa
04:24I know i'm a high commodity, but i'm going right to becca because that's how I want on my team
04:27Oh, that was wild. We have the same type of cooking style and also becca's more of a leader
04:32I'm more of a follower. We have a gen z lingo. We talk a lot
04:35Honestly, I think we're gonna be very very strong in this challenge
04:38Don't be afraid to scream my dear friend. No problem. We have to scream. I'm a little nervous
04:43I'm worried that horatio has a problem with receiving information
04:47I think that he hears what he wants to hear that he's not really listening. I have a feeling that things might go awry
04:55Ready to go. So, uh blue team. We got two gens here's mert and becca. Yes red team
05:00A millennial in kamei and a baby boomer from rebecca
05:05Golden oldies great team for gray hair
05:07Two baby boomers and horatio and warren and then finally one millennial in michael and a gen z in adam
05:14Okay, guys, you'll have one hour to cook alongside your partner separated by that imposing wall
05:21Now remember guys, this is important. The end goal is for your dishes not only to look but to taste identical
05:29You're going to be judged on the complexity and the quality of the dish
05:34Not just on their similarity. You guys will get just five minutes in the pantry
05:40To compose your dish and pick up all the ingredients that you need
05:44But what a warning that pantry is closed after five minutes that door's not reopening
05:50Understood. Yes, all of you the very best of luck
05:54your 60 minutes
05:58Now let's go
06:03First thoughts new yorkship. I was also thinking doing like a turnip and parsnip puree. Okay, i'm great with that
06:08Either we go the scallop or the pork chop route. I feel better about the pork chop
06:12Okay, you get to be in charge and i'm gonna follow. Okay, so i'm thinking a sweet potato puree with an herb champagne vinaigrette trout
06:19Creamy polenta, which is going to have heavy cream in it
06:21We're going to reduce a half a bottle of white wine the white wine will reduce by itself
06:25No, you gotta put it on the fire and we need another side i'm thinking
06:29Like if we did flambéed caramelized red onion, i'm going to take the lead on our team start shopping guys
06:34You get baskets. I'll get the pork. I know that mert is here to win
06:38He's here to play, but i'm not 100% sure if he's gonna listen and there's a lot of unknown
06:44And so that makes me a little nervous
06:47Horacio get by warren's side getting champagne vinaigrette
06:51Butter four three
06:54Two one and the pantry is closed
06:59All right, michael take the lead communicate everything. I got you. I got you unpack everything
07:04All right, what are we hopping on first hot water adam? Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
07:10You gotta stay behind my bad you got it on the highest heat right i'm sorry adam. I can't hear you rossio warren
07:16One more time adam warren. Oh, it's not the pepper. I'm still peeling too. Okay
07:21Having a ratio next to me is really affecting the performance of our team because I can't hear anything
07:26I mean, he's yelling like he's at the track
07:29How are you doing? Shut up Horacio. Shut up
07:32I'm unloading get food processor then blender. Okay. Yes
07:37No, that was not me. That's becca. Okay
07:41Guys a big night tonight's the big wall and another double elimination
07:46As we move towards the top six a lot on the line adam prep the asparagus next trim them trim the asparagus
07:52Got you. Let's talk about the pairing. Shall we?
07:54I love the idea of adam and michael together both young guns very driven. Do you think michael was the best pick?
08:00Yes, michael's trajectory over the last three weeks adam can spot that so he wants to be by his side, right?
08:05Exactly. I think it's a smart move about a half inch size, right half inch. Yes, sir
08:11How many potatoes are you doing? I'm doing one and a half on the red team
08:14We have kamei and you have rebecca two strong personalities back in the pantry
08:18It sounded like kamei was going to take the lead
08:21I'm shocked that rebecca is going to remain silent and let kamei drive this one to victory
08:26You put two people like that. They both have the instinct to take charge. It could spell trouble
08:32I'm cutting my potatoes. I've got my potatoes cut. Okay, my water's boiling. My water's boiling
08:37It doesn't need to be boiling potatoes are in great on the blue team. We have murt and becca
08:43Both jen's years young energetic. So hopefully that will aid them becca has to lead that team
08:48I think she just has a little bit more maturity in the kitchen
08:51Murt star is rising, but I think that becca is the better cook
08:55Graham the brussels sprouts a little bit on the end and then cut them in half. Thank you
09:01Horacio put the chicken stock in to boil for the polenta. Oh, we forgot the the stock chicken. I got it
09:07I'm gonna throw over a chicken stock. Yeah, you ready? Yep. Go
09:12Where this goes? Oh, oh my goodness me. Warren is already throwing ingredients over the wall
09:17I mean they've been cooking side by side throughout this whole season
09:20So the idea is that they have to know each other's strong suits and weaknesses. So hopefully put that into play
09:26But I don't think they share the same palette the same insight and so i'm slightly nervous that wherever they conceptualize back in the pantry
09:32They can really execute
09:3410 minutes gone. We're down to 50 minutes remaining
09:38Hey, yes, I have striped bass and scallops. Let's do striped bass. All right, how are we seasoning salt pepper?
09:44Salt and pepper and butter basing. Yes. Okay, rebecca appointed me leader
09:48But now that we're in the cook she just starts sparking orders after you're done getting those potatoes in let's prep our veg
09:57I have no idea what happened here. Give me about one minute
10:02Sometimes two strong-willed people butt heads we're doing right now is seasoning do not cook the fish
10:07Give me one minute rebecca
10:09This could go off the rails very quickly. It's going to be disaster. Come on. Get those potatoes on. Oh my god
10:29Oh my god, all right i'm getting them in right now
10:32You said you wanted to make the striped bass, correct? Let's do it. So i'm gonna follow your lead rebecca
10:37All right, rebecca snatched the steering wheel out of my hands, but there's no time to dwell
10:43I thought I was leading but it looks like rebecca's leading and i'm fine with that
10:47Are you scoring the top of the fish? Yes score it a quarter from the edge. Okay, okay
10:5215 minutes gone
10:5445 minutes to go. So let's check our parsnips. Check our what parsnip?
10:59Yep tonight this challenge is not about is she just looking the same aesthetically they need to taste identical as well
11:05That's the hardest part. Yeah, and a big part of this riddle is communication and speaking that same language culinarily
11:10Potatoes should almost be done. I need more time. Rebecca. That's fine. Let's go
11:16Becca do you have butter center ready? One got it two
11:21There it is. Becca. How's it going? It's it's going good chef. I'm really excited to be with mart
11:25I feel like we're on the same page. I'm really excited about what we're gonna make love that
11:28What's the dish?
11:28What are you doing pork chop and I wanted to complement it with the sweet potato and the chimichurri
11:32Make sure you get a really nice depth of flavor that chimichurri does need the acidity. Oh shoot. What's wrong? We forgot lemon
11:39You forgot what we forgot lemon. Well, you know
11:42No citrus and we've got vinegar. Thank heavens. Becca. Pour your sweet potatoes out
11:47Okay, put a lid on it so they can steam a little bit. Exactly. I'm putting them in the food processor right now
11:53You want to steam them first put them in the corner in the pot. Do not take them out of the pot
11:57There you go. Listen, um, just have a 40 minutes to go stay together. Okay, you've got this. Yes
12:02Good luck
12:04Michael so prep the mushrooms. Let's try to keep it like an even rough chop. Yep
12:08So michael you were the number one pick right? So how do you feel about that?
12:12I feel great, especially being picked by adam because I think adam is an extremely strong cook
12:16I think we're communicating well, and what is the dish a new york strip with the red wine sauce?
12:20We got some beets and then we also have some asparagus as well. Whose idea was the dish?
12:25I kind of took the lead on just trying to come up with the concept but then we went from there
12:29Adam did you season your steak? Yes. All right, just salt right now. Okay, you're telling him to salt. How much would you put on?
12:36Yeah, just like that. Make sure you're communicating that. All right. Good luck. Yeah
12:41Rebecca my sweet potatoes are going into the food processor. Okay, never mind. I have a pat of butter in there now salt and pepper
12:47Right. That's what i'm gonna do too. You said you were sitting in the passenger seat and you're driving this thing
12:52Girl, you cannot help yourself. Can you I can't help it. Tell me about the dish. What are you doing?
12:56So we're doing a sea bass with sweet potato puree asparagus and patty pans and okra
13:03Now they take some cooking right? Yes, and if they're not right, then we're not won't put them on
13:07We also have two alphas in this team. Kamei is headstrong. Hopefully it'll all just be a happy party
13:13What is it with you and that control? I don't know. I like to control everybody. That's bad
13:17You and I are alphas, right? Yes. Yes. We can probably kill each other. Yeah, probably
13:21Don't put that fish too early. No, no. All right. Don't leave it too long to get that sauce there
13:25Yes, absolutely
13:27Cayenne pepper. Okay, mine are pat and dry. I'm getting the seasonings right now. Yeah, i'm throwing seasonings on right now also
13:32All right, warren. What's the dish? Yeah, we're doing a
13:35Crispy skinned trout over a creamy polenta with pan-roasted asparagus with a little garlic with a beurre blanc and an endive
13:41Who's leading here? I'm leading. Can you believe it? Yeah, is orazio listening?
13:46Can you believe it? He is he has the chicken stock up already boiling warren. The white wine is boiling. Let it reduce
13:52It's got to reduce a lot
13:54How are you guys coping with this eight foot wall in front of you listen orazio's got a big mouth
14:00What do you know about what's going on over there? He's telling me he's doing everything i'm doing. All right. Good luck. Thank you gentlemen
14:0530 minutes gone 30 minutes remaining halfway
14:10Let's start the chimichurri and then we'll get the pork on yes
14:13Okay, okay mert and becca. This team has definitely been driven by becca. They're doing pork chop
14:19With a delicious fragrant chimichurri, but guess what they forgot to pick up lemons from the pantry
14:25Oh, no, they have got vinegar. Okay, but it needs that lemon, right?
14:30It's in one tablespoon. Okay now got the skin in the in the trout. Yeah score the skin about five times
14:36Okay, good five times five times
14:39Orazio and warren are using trout as their protein and they're gonna make a beurre blanc who's leading definitely warren without a doubt
14:46No time to think we need to act
14:48All right, rebecca. I'm gonna drop my patty pan now. Okay patty pan and asparagus both in the pan
14:54Kamei and uh, rebecca, so they're doing a pan roasted, uh striped bass. They've got some okra
15:00I'm, not too sure if they know how to cook those things properly. I don't like okra. Am I turning the okra yet?
15:05How's it look the seeds are nice and brown. Okay, flip them over. All right
15:10Clearly rebecca is running this thing. So we're confused. Didn't she say running it?
15:14Kamei started and now rebecca stepped up. You can't control herself. No, she's beating mama bear. Take your asparagus out first
15:22Oh, you cooked your asparagus already? Yes, my asparagus is done. Let me cook mine now. All right
15:26Straining parsnips right now. Yep
15:28Adam and michael are going with a new york strip and they're going to do a red wine sauce
15:32Michael is definitely leading the charge. I think it's a strategy to do something very simple. Adam is a great cook
15:37I'm going in the blender you strained them, right?
15:39Okay, we're going straight into the blender but a little soft spoken for a challenge like this tonight
15:44What's that now straight into the blender? I can't hear you. Hey pork needs to go on pork goes on
15:49Sear the fat first. It's on the one side. You gotta sear that first. Okay, three two one go
15:56Are you holding both of them? Yep
15:59All right, i'm tipping in three
16:03My hands are hot it's tipped over one get your pork on one side. All right, both are on one side
16:08All right
16:09Let's go
16:10Becca, I think my okra is almost ready. Make sure they're tender. Okay
16:14Horacio hello, sir. I have to ask you one thing. Is that how you score trout?
16:21Horacio you have a problem. Are there words to describe how you cut that badly?
16:26You gotta puncture the skin not the flesh, right?
16:29Warren warren. Yes, sir. I butch this trout and I need an extra one
16:34I don't have an extra and the pantry's closed. I I screw up warren. No
16:39Oh lord
16:50Warren warren. Yes, sir. I butch the trout and I need an extra one
16:55I don't have an extra and the pantry's closed. No. Oh lord
16:59I'm gonna try to make the best of the last one. I have okay
17:03It's all riding on these cuts score not slights. You just gotta puncture the skin not the flesh
17:11Yeah, there you go, there you go, there you go, okay warren, I got it beautiful
17:15Good luck
17:16Adam, yes, sir. We got to get this steak on because my pan is searing hot. All right going in you ready? Yep
17:25Make sure it's staying cranked hot. What'd you say?
17:29What's that adam already talks at a really low volume?
17:32So i'm having a really hard time hearing him over the wall
17:34If me and adam don't have steaks that are cooked at the same temperature and have the same sear on the outside of it
17:39It's gonna completely ruin the dish. Tell me when you're ready to flip the steak. Okay, one second
17:4540 minutes gone. We're down to 20 minutes remaining. Let's go
17:51Fish on fish on
17:54All right, get that pan going for your right young man new york strip the color that it looks boiled as opposed to
18:00Beautifully seared get the grill pan on get it smoking hot. Yes. Hey michael. Yes
18:04Chef didn't love the color on my steak. The problem is is that it's kind of too late. Yeah, I know I got you
18:10We got 12 minutes adam. We gotta move. We gotta get the fish in rebecca. Okay, you ready? We're gonna put it down one one
18:16two three go
18:19Warren I have a problem. Yes. I'm here the sauce. I didn't put the tarragon in the beginning
18:24I'm gonna add more wine gonna put the tarragon and reduce again. Perfect
18:28Bourbon sauce is my worst enemy
18:31I never did a bourbon sauce before and I don't want to tell warren because I don't want him to get nervous too
18:37I recovered I recovered. How are you doing? It is good. It is good. Is the puree done?
18:42Yeah, as a polenta a polenta just check that you've got the same consistency next door. I have idea
18:48Hey, warren. Yes. Horacio. What you do be ready
18:52I'm ready
18:55Ah, it's good or bad cook it more cook it more. There you go. It would help you turn the gas on
19:04Just the polenta over
19:07My fish is pretty close
19:09I'm gonna turn it i'm keeping mine down for like another 30 seconds. It's nicely brown, but I want a little bit more brown
19:16Oh no harasses on fire. Oh jeez. Oh my god. No, he's blowing on it as if finding his oxygen
19:24All right
19:27Everyone's on fire blue team is actually they're flambeing their onions. So they're hitting with a little bit of bourbon
19:32Which is a nice touch. Yeah. Yeah, they're burning off the alcohol
19:36Whereas horacio accidentally set his oil on fire and charred his endive that's gonna taste horrible
19:41We only have six minutes adam. Is your sauce still on high heat and reducing?
19:46Yes, my sauce looks pretty good. Hey, my wine's really reduced. Is it really i'll add a little more in
19:54And look at that the green team michael's sear on those new york strips are beautiful but adams they look boiled
20:00Oh, you didn't go with the hot pan. See if those new york strips look totally different. They've got a big problem. Absolutely
20:07Five minutes to go adam. Let's grab two plates. Uh biggest white plate biggest white plate. Got you
20:13It's a dark charcoal plate with like a cream rim around the top. Yep. It's a dark gray, right?
20:19Yes, two white plates that look like balls. They're plates plate in a bowl. Yes, sir
20:23You have a white one with the cordugated surface and you have a white one with the very shiny surface. It's very shiny very shiny
20:32We're going to do
20:34A pile of brussels sprouts at the three o'clock of the plate three o'clock. Okay. I feel like a boomer right now
20:40I'm trying to tell mert how to plate using analog clock positioning ready brussels sprouts are the three o'clock
20:45What would be really nice if we could just hop on a video call and see where each other are at
20:50But we can't
20:51Because it's the wall
20:53Chimichurri is down puree down from six o'clock and swipe it all the way to 11 swoop to 11 o'clock. Yes
21:01That was two minutes guys. Let's go. Come on. So now my asparagus is going down. It goes across the potatoes
21:07The asparagus is outside or inside outside the polenta for asparagus
21:14Line the beets down the center of the plate got me got you one minute to go. Let's go
21:21I have five slices of red onion on my pork chop right on top. Yes red onions on top
21:26Absolutely the most stressful thing i've ever done in my life patty pans at two o'clock got a slice of okra in the middle
21:32How much sauce a half a cup half a cup?
21:3715 seconds to go put it all on the plate. You have chimichurri around. Yep. You have your pork chop out of diagonal
21:43Yep, clean the plate. We're done
21:46Five four three two one
21:57Michael i'm so proud of you, bro, dude. I'm so proud dude. How do you feel dude?
22:00One of my onions fell off my pork chop. That's okay. Are the flavors there? Uh, yeah, okay
22:05I'm feeling
22:08I think the salsa is a little bit over the top and I struggle with cutting the skin. Maybe I hit the wall
22:17How you doing?
22:18Doing all right. I am feeling not that confident
22:21We were rushing our plating a little bit and i'm also worried. It's not going to wow the judges
22:26Rebecca wanted to be the leader and I followed her directions to the best of my ability at this point
22:32It's out of my hands, so i'm preparing for the worst
22:45Right all of you well done that was a very tough challenge
22:50Now remember two individuals regardless of team will be going home tonight
22:55So very carefully bring your dishes down to the front with the cloche on
23:04Well done
23:15Okay now time to taste those dishes and to see how identical they are
23:20Right first up becker and mertz, please step forward
23:25I feel good mert and I communicated I led mert through this dish the entire time
23:29But at the end of the day this is going to show if i'm a good communicator and he's a good listener
23:34Are you happy after that 60 minutes?
23:36I think me and becca really worked great together and I think every thing you put on the plate is down to the pinch of salt
23:43It's a statement
23:45Let's see how similar they look
23:56Wow, that's good
23:59These things look incredible
24:01Right. Tell us what you've made, please
24:03It's a spice rub seared pork chop on a sweet potato puree with roasted brussels sprouts flambéed red onions and a chimichurri
24:13Becca you seem to have a more rounded smoother puree chimichurri because don't want a touch less oil if i'm honest for sure
24:19Mertz yours looks delicious really nice caramelization on that pork chop
24:24Honestly, it's almost like you were handcuffed to the same stove because they are identical well done
24:32Thank you. Thank you
24:33Becca in terms of the temperature on this pork chop, what we going for medium?
24:43Beautiful good job
24:51Beautifully cooked man
24:53Identical bravo. Thank you
25:07Becca your pork chop is cooked beautifully
25:09Puree is just silky smooth everything you want sprouts delicious. It's a real restaurant quality dish
25:15Mertz the cook on the pork chop again exceptional puree is delicious
25:19Your chimichurri is actually more flavorful because it's got less oil in there
25:24Two exceptional dishes. I'd never thought there's a 60-foot wall separating you. Well done. Thank you. Thank you chef. Appreciate it
25:31This is so impressive
25:32Like you both have the same amount of mint in your chimichurri
25:35And even the same char on the damn onions and those subtle things really speak volumes. Thank you
25:41Think these dishes are not only similar in the way they look and the technique, but they have a similar spirit
25:47It's really really special when we can taste two dishes made by two different cooks under these extreme circumstances that have the same attitude
25:55Well done both of you. Thank you
26:01Delish pretty good you tamed the Mert dream team right there
26:09Next kamei and rebecca
26:12Rebecca I feel like rebecca and I communicated
26:1790 well, it's the 10 that's really worrying me, but I followed her directions to the best of my ability
26:26Who selected the plate for this dish? Honestly, I can't remember but I think we just decided on a dark. Yeah a dark gray
26:34Let's see how closely they look alike
26:44Wow, you got the same plate
26:47It's a good place to start with the same plate. Okay
26:50Please tell us what you made. We made a striped sea bass with a sweet potato puree asparagus patty pan squash
26:57Okra and a champagne herb vinaigrette, you know
27:01I love judging the wall challenge because I look at these two dishes and I say
27:06Is it credible that these two dishes on the plating could come up at the pass together at one of my restaurants?
27:11and the answer
27:15And that is a major major accomplishment. Thank you. Joe. Let's try it
27:19Uh, rebecca, let's start off with your striped bass. How do you cook this?
27:23Pan seared in oil first then finished it with butter
27:27and herbs
27:29Yeah, it's cooked beautifully it's glistening that's a good one. Yep
27:34Now come on, let's have a look
27:42Yeah, another good one, what did you put in this puree kamei butter salt pepper and a little bit of cream chef
27:55At rebecca at stripe sea bass, uh cooked beautifully pure exceptional
27:59I think the only letdown here is that vinaigrette was a great idea, but it needs more acidity
28:04Kamei your puree tastes delicious as well
28:07Crispy delicious skin on that striped bass two really good dishes. Thank you chef. Yeah, rebecca
28:13I think everything on the plate is fantastic except the vegetables put some cinnamon
28:17Little chili flakes something to kind of take away from the monotony of something just so plain like pureed sweet potatoes
28:22Kamei the cook on the actual sea bass is wonderful
28:25I think your puree is not as smooth as rebecca's but it does have a lot of flavor
28:30Good job now for me
28:31My question is do I believe these two dishes could have been cooked by the same line cook?
28:37Now that's the real test that line cook did make some mistakes
28:41But I would believe that the same person cooked them and that's saying a lot. Thank you. We really appreciate it. Good job. Thank you
28:53You could believe that these dish came from the same yeah
28:57See I could follow you're lucky I can follow
29:00All right next up oracio and warren, please bring your dishes forward i'm feeling a little nervous
29:06I knew this wasn't going to be easy but in my dreams and my nightmares I could still hear oracio screaming
29:13But were we listening?
29:15Because hearing is one thing and listening is a whole nother story
29:20Right, you guys communicated on you led the challenge. I did. How did I say? Were you listening totally?
29:25Are they identical what kind of plate did you use a plate like a ball a plate like a ball warren
29:33Like a bowl a bowl. Thank you. Let's have a look. Shall we?
29:49Warren are they identical? Let's have a look. Shall we?
29:55Let's have a look
29:58They are two plates like balls
30:02Unfortunately two completely different plates
30:07Tell us what you guys made. Please. It is a crispy skinned trout served over a creamy polenta asparagus
30:14Balsamic endive and a beurre blanc with a touch of tarragon
30:18So visually there's a nice color on the ocean trout on both dishes
30:24The big no-no here is the fact that in all my
30:28Years of cooking i'd never seen a beurre blanc served with a polenta
30:34Whose idea was the beurre blanc with super rich polenta? No. Why sir?
30:39Well, I thought it was light and would go with the fish. Beurre blanc is super heavy
30:43It's just butter and sadly one of the beurre blancs is broken. So it looks like an oil slick on the plate
30:50Warren in terms of the cook on the ocean trout, what did you go for? I went for medium
30:56Is that pepper? It was only salt and pepper. Nicely scored
31:01Yeah, it's definitely medium. Horacio again all that pepper
31:07Yeah, it's definitely medium
31:09Horacio, what's in your polenta?
31:12Parmesan, chicken stock
31:14Half creamy. We follow exactly the same recipe
31:20Okay, Warren
31:23Fish for me is a touch overcooked. Okay, so touch dry. Beurre blanc exceptional
31:28You could actually work better without the polenta. It actually brings the dish down. Horacio, ocean trout
31:32It's actually cooked beautifully, but polenta too stodgy too rich. Yeah, Warren, I mean for me
31:39I want everything on this dish except the polenta
31:42I think your endive is beautiful. It's nice and caramelized. Horacio
31:47I'm, sorry
31:48You made a huge mistake by putting a broken beurre blanc on top of it
31:51And when you flamed up your endive it rendered it so accurate and terrible
31:57You never serve food that has been flamed up like that. It looks cool, but it tastes horrible
32:04And it makes what you served it in inedible
32:07I think the problem here Warren quite frankly is the conception
32:12Creating a dish that you know
32:13You can both execute and I think that your ability to judge his cooking level is an error in this wall challenge
32:21Thank you
32:23Thank you chefs
32:25Such a shame
32:29The team has to be solidified in that pantry with the ideas with the ingredients knowing what the other cook can do
32:35Yeah, so I think it's a team problem more than anything else. Absolutely right. What a shame
32:39Thank you
32:42Next up the green team adam and michael, please bring your dishes forward
32:47I'm feeling very hopeful. I took a risk by choosing michael and giving him that leadership
32:52I'm, just hoping that we communicated enough on the technique to get all of our components, right?
32:57Who was leading this green team?
32:59So I took the lead on this one chef gotcha and then who's responsible for the aesthetics of this dish?
33:03I drove the plating on this one as well chef
33:07Let's see how they compare
33:13Okay, wow
33:15Tell us the dish you've made please
33:17So it's a pan seared new york strip with parsnip puree honey beets asparagus and a red wine mushroom sauce
33:25Here's the shock for me. One's got a really nice crust on their new york strip
33:29The other one looks a little bit lackluster one's got five slices of beetroot. The other one's got four
33:34I really thought both you'd be elevating this dish and really making it visually restaurant quality
33:41Quite frankly, I would have expected something a little bit more cutting edge from the gen z or in the millennial
33:47But let's hope the steaks are cooked the same because that is a really important element. Shall we?
33:53Adam let's deal with the elephant in the room. Yes, sir. Sadly. There's white fat here
33:58And that is a big no-no, yes, sir, every steak needs rendering and common sense wasn't that common tonight
34:07Temperature wise what we've gone for inside medium rare medium rare
34:27Adam temperature wise what we've gone for inside medium rare medium rare
34:36And it's a tad under medium rare
34:41I was also going for medium rare chef medium rare fat rendered down beautifully
34:50And a perfect medium rare good work, thank you chef
35:02Adam sauce is delicious. Thank you. Puree is not as smooth as michael's steak is undercooked. Let's get that absolutely clear
35:11Michael your new york strip is cooked to utter perfection red wine sauce super rich delicious, but the puree is to die for
35:17Yes, chef, you led this team and it tastes like it as well. Thank you. Chef
35:22Yeah, adam the time and communication really led to the inconsistency of the cooking of the steak
35:28Thank michael the magic in yours lies in that puree
35:31Overall, the composition of both dishes are a little boring. You guys can jazz it up a little bit more than that. Yes, chef
35:37two steaks
35:38the better steak
35:39Michael's better puree michael better mushroom sauce adam and the asparagus I would say is a draw
35:47Thank you gentlemen, thank you. Thank you
35:50The overall is a little bit dated safe not bold. No, I agree. We're good each other
35:58All of you well done i'm not gonna lie that was a very tough challenge
36:01Now, please make your way around to the front and excuse us for a moment, please
36:16So merton becker both dishes pretty identical. How do you separate those two dishes oil too much oil perhaps?
36:22You know on becker's version of the chimichurri, but everything was aligned
36:27Rebecca and kamei it just needed more vinaigrette. Yes
36:31The mistakes of the red team were not of duplication or more of conception. Absolutely
36:36Horacio and warren so here we had technical cooking errors on both dishes
36:41Yeah, and I expected more from the green team. Yeah
36:45They made a lot of mistakes. Adam was relying too much on michael to guide him. He didn't think for himself
36:51Damn, they're really disgusting
36:53Very true
36:56Here they come
37:01Right the three of us felt that there was one team tonight that really overcame that wall the team that created the best dishes
37:10congratulations goes to
37:12The blue team becker and mert well done
37:18Uh, really well done the dishes tasted identical two of the closest dishes we've ever experienced since the beginning of this
37:26Extraordinary challenge both of you. Well done. Thank you. Thank you chef, right? There's another team. That was exceptional
37:33Congratulations goes to
37:34the red team kamei and rebecca
37:40Congratulations make your way up to the balcony you are in the top six. Well done
37:46That's my first win here. I mean top six. This is nuts
37:49You know, I came from the bottom worked my way up and I think people realize i'm no underdog anymore
37:54Like i'm an alpha dog
37:56Now what I see are warren michael and adam both teams tonight didn't do this challenge justice
38:02As you know, there are two individuals leaving the competition, but they don't necessarily have to be on the same team
38:10We felt the worst two performing home cooks tonight
38:21And sadly
38:35Michael and adam say goodbye to warren and horacio and get up to the balcony
38:52Horacio and warren honestly the mistake started even before you started to cook
38:58Never reserve a beurre blanc with a super rich polenta over delicious ocean trout
39:04warren a young man say young because the energy and the love you put into food honestly is
39:10Exceptional we can't teach that I don't have the words to tell you guys
39:14How much I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us and all these wonderful people that i've met
39:19I mean this goes down as one of the most amazing things i've done in my life. Amazing. Thank you so much
39:24Horacio a baby boomer brazilian bull an absolute joy having you in this competition
39:31And if there's one thing that you've helped us confirm is that you can teach an old dog new tricks
39:38I swear to god
39:39Have you enjoyed yourself?
39:41Unbelievable top eight
39:43Me I feel rewarded totally rewarded. Absolutely
39:47I think you guys bring new meaning to the euphemism that age is only a number and I think all these young kids
39:53Look to you guys and there's so much to learn and I think that's a beautiful outcome of this season of master chef generation
39:59So thank you for that. Thank you so much. Thank you. Come and say goodbye guys. Come on
40:05Oh my goodness
40:07When I came into master chef I was a self-made home cook I nailed it. It's a yes
40:18Through this journey I was myself
40:22every day
40:24And now i'm leaving the master chef kitchen beyond just a home cook
40:29I think you had the most intelligent use of very very challenging ingredients and that is
40:40In the history of master chef I am the oldest person to get an apron I like you
40:45I like the energy and for 70 years of age, you're quite rare
40:49The warren that walked into the master chef kitchen was someone who absolutely loved cooking. Okay
40:55But now I have a deeper appreciation for cooking cabernet sauce. So boomer. That's who I am. Love it
41:02You know, you don't get old you just keep doing different things you just keep moving on we did it
41:12And I am going to enroll in culinary school there's so much more to learn so that's I'm ready to go I can't wait
41:19Thank you
41:29Next time on master chef generations, it's the infamous restaurant takeover
41:34You will be manning the line at my pop-up restaurants. I guess party started and trust me
41:38If it's not good enough, I will let you know i'm gonna have a panic attack
41:41On order three scallops one lobster two steak two duck three steak one duck. How long give me a time who cooked these scallops?
41:48I am not sending this who put out the plate
41:52Blue steak and black fennel and bring that right now. That's wrong captain. Come here. Please get the fucking thing off decide
41:57Who's gonna run this team?
41:59Okay, it's still raw. I'm just gonna shut it down
42:06One potato two potato