For any questions or inquiries regarding this video, please reach out to chucky@mrbeastbusiness.com
For any questions or inquiries regarding this video, please reach out to chucky@mrbeastbusiness.com
00:00I just bought this train and it is currently barreling full speed towards that giant pit
00:06over there.
00:07We're also crashing countless cars, blowing up thousands of sticks of real dynamite, and
00:11even putting 10 jet engines on a car.
00:14Just to show you the most insane experiments of all time, starting with filling a house
00:18with over 100,000 fireworks.
00:21Please do not try this in your house.
00:23For this experiment, each of the boys will hide a dummy in my new house to see if it's
00:27even possible to survive.
00:29Water and fire don't mix.
00:30My mannequin is going to survive.
00:32Mine's in the fridge.
00:33Go in.
00:34Come on.
00:35Let's blow this house up.
00:36Hey, be careful.
00:37If you accidentally press one, the house explodes.
00:39Oh my goodness.
00:41Where's your mannequin?
00:44Under the washer.
00:46Front porch.
00:47Oh yeah, it's sitting right there.
00:48This is going to be the coolest thing you have ever seen in your life.
00:525, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:55Fire in the hole!
00:59Oh my god!
01:05What happened to the house?
01:06I can't even see it anymore.
01:18Oh my god.
01:20I don't think our mannequins are going to make it.
01:22The house burned out all night until there was literally nothing left, including all
01:26the mannequins.
01:27Next experiment.
01:29We're about to play tug-of-war between this real military tank and these two school buses.
01:34And the loser gets dragged into this pit.
01:36There's no way the tank loses.
01:37We're probably going to lose.
01:38No, we're not.
01:39Obviously, people can't be in these vehicles because they'll die when they fall in the
01:43So this remote actually controls the tank.
01:46This feels illegal.
01:473, 2, 1, go!
01:52I'm full-throttled right now.
01:54You're done for!
01:56Oh, we're screwed.
01:57The buses are done for!
02:00Oh my god.
02:02Oh my god!
02:03Oh, they're about to fall!
02:15Oh my god!
02:17Do you hear the buses beeping?
02:19It's horns going off.
02:20We're going to go investigate the bottom of the pit to see the buses.
02:23Oh god.
02:24Oh no.
02:26We need to stop looking down this territory.
02:27Stop moving!
02:28I'm not moving!
02:29We're in the pit.
02:30Oh my god.
02:31Bro, look at that.
02:32Why'd the bus think it could beat the tank?
02:34I don't think it did.
02:35Later in this video, a train's going to come off those tracks and land right about there.
02:39But before we do that, this is $50,000 and it is surrounded by thousands of pounds of
02:46And this is Will.
02:47What's up, guys?
02:48See that crate in the field?
02:50Oh man.
02:52That is around 1% of the explosives surrounding this money.
02:55Are we safe standing here?
02:56Uh, yeah.
02:57You'll be fine.
02:58Here's my credit card.
02:59Spend as much money as you want to protect this $50,000.
03:01I don't care if you use wood, bricks, or even steel to protect this money.
03:05Whatever's left of this $50,000 when that TNT blows up, you keep.
03:09Good luck building walls.
03:10All right.
03:11Let's make $50,000.
03:12He doesn't stand a chance.
03:14The first thing Will did was buy 12 industrial water containers and fill them with 20,000
03:19pounds of water.
03:21I'm really worried that Jimmy's TNT is going to get through this.
03:25And he should be, because this isn't even close to enough to stop the TNT.
03:29Meanwhile, we're going to test another experiment.
03:31In a previous video, we put a jet engine on a car, and it jumped over eight buses.
03:36So this time, we put 10 jet engines on the car, and we're going to see if it flies 10
03:40times further.
03:41When this car flies off this ramp, I think it's going to go past all the buses and to
03:45the trees.
03:46I think it's going to hit the first bus.
03:47Our guess is couldn't be further apart.
03:49He's currently matrixed into the car, so he sees what the car sees.
03:54Oh, should we move?
03:55Yeah, we're sending a rocket car.
03:57Oh, okay.
03:58Three, two, one, send the jet car!
04:05That car is coming straight at us.
04:07I lost signal.
04:09Maybe we should jump?
04:10Yeah, I'm straightening out.
04:19Oh my god!
04:25What the heck?
04:26Whoa, wait, wait.
04:27We broke the ramp.
04:28I think it was a success.
04:30The jet car easily cleared all 12 buses and literally left a crater in the road.
04:35I love how this block of engine's just on the road.
04:38Yeah, it's still smoking.
04:40Oh, and smoking.
04:41And now, we are back at the giant pit.
04:44If you jump in this deep pit and land on 1,000 bouncy balls, would you die?
04:48I'd love to know.
04:49You only catch.
04:50Catch what?
04:51What are we doing?
04:57You completely missed!
04:58Luckily, we have more mannequins.
04:59Will it survive?
05:00Heads, heads, heads!
05:08Jimmy, what if we drop the car on it?
05:10I think you know what's about to happen.
05:13It worked!
05:23Clearly, that mannequin didn't survive.
05:25Next pit.
05:26Meanwhile, Will was desperately trying to protect his $50,000.
05:30He's honestly taking this way more seriously than I thought he would.
05:33In the past four days, I've hired some professionals, and we've already built the cinder block wall,
05:37filled it with matches, and we're already on our second cinder block wall.
05:40This dynamite is not getting through.
05:42You blew my expectations out of the water.
05:44How about this?
05:45If you let me double the TNT, I'll double the money.
05:47So 100 grand, double the TNT.
05:49Yeah, but if it blows it up, you get nothing.
05:51Take the deal.
05:53Take the deal.
05:56Deal, baby!
05:57And while he kept working, the boys and I went bowling.
06:00And the bowling balls are these cars.
06:02I'm ready to see some destruction.
06:03Let's see if I get a strike.
06:08Hey, first ball strike.
06:09Oh, it's not going straight.
06:11It's coming our direction.
06:14We should move.
06:15We should move.
06:16Watch out!
06:18Into the field!
06:19There it goes!
06:20Oh, it's turning around!
06:21Oh, it's coming back!
06:22The car's got a mind of its own!
06:23It's coming back!
06:24Take number two.
06:27Oh, that's a perfect strike.
06:35Let's go!
06:36I love cars hitting things.
06:37And if you're wondering, the other car is still going in circles.
06:39During this bit, me and the boys have been wearing some brand new designs,
06:42which you can now buy on our new store, mrbeast.store.
06:45Three, two, one!
06:48We switched from shopmrbeast.com, which was very long,
06:52Move over, move over!
06:53to mrbeast.store.
06:54Oh my god!
06:56No way!
06:58We just about died!
06:59I'm going to show you how to just hit a full strike easily.
07:02All right, here comes the strike, baby!
07:04A .store domain is the perfect choice for anyone looking to sell anything online.
07:08That was the worst throw yet!
07:12That was the best throw yet!
07:13That was awesome!
07:14If you're looking to set up a store, it should be a .store domain.
07:18So your customers clearly know that your website is a store.
07:21This is Carl's car.
07:22On like.com, mrbeast.store tells the world that the website is my store.
07:30Don't forget to head to mrbeast.store and buy our brand new merch right now.
07:34Since I doubled Will's money and TNT,
07:37he's completed a seven-layer fortress of 20,000 pounds of water,
07:41mattresses, a cinder block wall,
07:44four mattresses, a second cinder block wall,
07:47an additional 32,000 pounds of water,
07:50all packed in with a vinyl wall of dirt.
07:53But I actually have another layer that Jimmy knows nothing about.
07:55Jimmy will never see this one coming.
08:00Hey, Jimmy!
08:01How am I supposed to blow up Feastables?
08:03That's the point!
08:04And with the TNT doubled, it's time to put Will's bunker to the test.
08:08I also brought number 40 from 1-100 back to help us blow up all this TNT.
08:12You're in charge of the button.
08:13Don't press anything yet.
08:16Moment of truth!
08:17Whenever you're ready, press the 1.
08:20I'm nervous.
08:28Oh my god!
08:31Oh, that money's gone for sure.
08:37Oh my god!
08:38Look at that smoke cloud!
08:39I can't even see anything!
08:40Is it okay?
08:41Wait, I think I see money falling from the sky!
08:44Seven days of work just went up in flames.
08:46I don't know if I've got this.
08:49I gotta see if my money's okay!
08:51Why are we running?
08:52I'm running because he's running.
08:55Oh my goodness!
08:56Oh, there's so many stacks!
08:57We counted up the money and over $95,000 survived the explosion.
09:01I just won $95,000!
09:03Congrats on the $95,000.
09:05Let's go see what happens if you drive a train into a pit!
09:10And now is the moment you've all been waiting for.
09:12A train is going to go full speed down those tracks into this giant pit.
09:17If you were on this train, where would you sit?
09:19I'd put my mannequin in the cabin.
09:20Statistically the safest place to be on a train.
09:22Alright, we got this.
09:23Alright, we're going to sit him right on the front.
09:27You're not going anywhere.
09:28We're going to give the Feastables bar a front row seat.
09:30Stop eating Hershey's, eat Feastables.
09:32We have waited our entire lives for this moment.
09:34This is going to be epic.
09:36Send the train!
09:37The train's coming!
09:38Let's do this!
09:45Oh my god!
09:47Oh my gosh!
09:50Oh my gosh!
09:51Here it comes!
09:58Oh my gosh!
10:07Look at that!
10:16That might have been the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life.
10:19Are you kidding me?
10:20Yeah, my mannequin didn't survive.
10:21Train versus pit, the pit won.
10:23I hope you enjoyed the video.
10:24Let's end it with an explosion.
10:29That is so hot!