Mr Beast Anything You Can Fit In The Triangle I’ll Pay For

  • 2 days ago

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00:00Anything you fit in this triangle, I'll pay for it.
00:05Let's go.
00:05I think I want to start right here, bro.
00:07You're starting off with the TV.
00:08Where are you going to put it?
00:09We can put this right on the wall.
00:10Oh my gosh.
00:11I just realized how big this triangle is.
00:13You want another TV?
00:14I'll take two, bro.
00:15So, Tariq, Tariq, Tariq, you do realize
00:18if this touches the red line, he loses it.
00:20You almost just made him lose.
00:21Do you hate me, Tariq?
00:22What if we use those big TVs
00:24and then you can put other things on top of them, Adam?
00:27You can walk away with a million dollars.
00:29Don't let Chris screw you.
00:31I thought that was the bathroom.
00:32You gotta stand it up.
00:33You gotta stand it up.
00:34One, two.
00:36Go, go.
00:37TV's in.
00:38We need to start going over with it.
00:39Lift your side up a little bit.
00:41Okay, we're good.
00:41There you go, slowly.
00:42There we go, there we go.
00:44We have now created a TV table.
00:46Guys, we can get that 85 inch on top of this one
00:48and make a double table.
00:49Do you guys want to do another TV table on this TV?
00:53There is zero chance this is happening.
00:57Oh, oh, oh, oh!
00:58You almost touched it.
00:59Watch out, man.
01:00All right.
01:01One, two, three!
01:02All right, Chandler, hold on.
01:03Start going down with it.
01:04Slowly, guys, slowly.
01:06There's no way this just worked.
01:07Let's go!
01:10Oh, nice.
01:14These boxes are starting to bow.
01:15Something's bound to go wrong, man.
01:17I think we're good right here.
01:19Never in a million years when I laid down this triangle
01:21did I think you'd fit this much stuff.
01:23Adam managed to fit over $23,000 worth of stuff
01:26in this triangle,
01:27which is only a fraction of what other people
01:29later in this video won.
01:31It gets crazy.
01:32This is a parking lot.
01:33Just kidding, it's a giant red triangle!
01:36And anything you fit in this triangle, I'll pay for.
01:39Follow me.
01:40I'm pretty sure you could fit this entire Sam's Club
01:41in that triangle if you wanted.
01:43I'm gonna try.
01:44The reason why Darren has such a big triangle outside
01:46is he actually runs my food pantry.
01:49Cart number one, cart number two.
01:51Oh, dropped your pistachios.
01:52Cart number three.
01:53We maybe filled up half a percent of the triangle.
01:56Darren, grab as much as you want.
01:58We're gonna head out.
01:59Now we're inside a GameStop,
02:00and if you can fit the entire store in this triangle,
02:03I'll pay for it.
02:04What the heck?
02:05I think it'd be pretty easy, actually.
02:07If you're with me, we can do anything.
02:09We're gonna move it all over there,
02:11and then we're gonna plant it.
02:12Wait, wait, wait, we can't put it in a circle yet.
02:14It's a triangle.
02:14I've never passed geometry.
02:16Chandler wants to see.
02:24Everything hits the edge, so you lose.
02:25How did you do that?
02:26Carl, it's okay, bro.
02:27Zealous, come here, buddy.
02:29Wait, actually, what?
02:30I'm gonna need you to leave.
02:31All right, see you guys.
02:33I love you guys.
02:34I'm so sorry.
02:35It's okay.
02:36This time we brought two people.
02:38How about it, boys?
02:38It's the shelf for sale.
02:40The shelf could hold all of the small, loose items.
02:44These guys were so serious about winning
02:46that they used a tape measure
02:47to measure the dimensions of the triangle,
02:50and then measure the dimensions of the boxes
02:52so they could perfectly fit them in.
02:54We are almost out of space here.
02:56Bring me three more games.
02:57We need to move some of these things over to this side.
03:00What do you think the configuration should be?
03:05We build a perimeter.
03:06Side by side, vertically.
03:08And then set one on top.
03:13We have crossed the line.
03:14We can put it down.
03:17You put these large boxes,
03:19you filled it to the brim in the middle,
03:21and you still have over half the store left.
03:23Where do you go from here?
03:28This is possibly the craziest thing
03:30I've ever seen in my life.
03:32And the funny part is,
03:33they still have a lot of stuff left.
03:35Do we just keep going up from here?
03:37There's nowhere else to go, sir.
03:38We can't build down.
03:39I've never liked Funko Pops,
03:40but now I hate them more than ever.
03:42Hey, let me tell you right now,
03:43when you were coming up,
03:44these Funkos right here started shaking.
03:46They did that.
03:46That's exactly what they did.
03:47There's a lot of opportunity for everything to go wrong,
03:51and I will cry.
03:52Ah, ah!
03:54Oh my God.
03:55He is less than one pinky away from the triangle.
03:59What else is there to do?
04:06This will fit.
04:07To fit, it has to go down on the ground and slide in,
04:10and it'll touch the triangle.
04:11So we don't put that there?
04:13This has gone too far.
04:15The dude's shoveling stuff in a crack in between two boxes.
04:19Guys, you got about 10 items left.
04:20I am so stressed out right now.
04:22I'm stressed out for them.
04:24Come on, let's just do it.
04:25Okay, okay.
04:27That is not straight.
04:28That is not straight at all.
04:29I see what you're doing, and I love it.
04:31Could you not have made the triangle
04:32just like a little bit bigger?
04:34We're having so much fun.
04:35All right.
04:36This is what we've all been waiting for.
04:36This is all the marbles.
04:38Everyone's gotta let go at the same time.
04:40Three, two, one.
04:42Everyone let go.
04:43Everyone let go.
04:43No one touching it.
04:44No way.
04:46Who's touching it?
04:47Oh my God!
04:48Oh my God!
04:50We did it!
04:51I don't know how you did it.
04:52What did you do today?
04:53Oh, I went to work.
04:54I had some dinner.
04:54What did you do?
04:55I won a GameStop.
04:56How is this still up here?
04:57Ironically, this is my third time buying a GameStop.
05:00Triple fist bump.
05:01You might be wondering,
05:02why is there a giant triangle in front of a car dealership?
05:05Well, as many cars as she can fit in that triangle,
05:08I'll pay for it.
05:09Here's the thing.
05:10If any of these cars touch the red lines, you lose,
05:13which is why we brought these boards
05:14to get the cars over the line.
05:16All right, you two are the board guys.
05:17Is that good to you?
05:18Carl, this is slanted.
05:19What, you don't want her to win a bunch of cars?
05:21All right, as straight as you can.
05:24All right.
05:26The first car is in the triangle and it did not touch it.
05:29Shirley seemed like a really sweet lady.
05:31So me and the boys definitely did everything we could
05:34to make sure she won.
05:36Oh, stop, stop, stop, stop!
05:38All right, keep going.
05:39Can we keep going forward?
05:40All right.
05:42Let's go!
05:43More cars, honey, more cars.
05:46He better move.
05:46You're good.
05:47Oh, that one was close.
05:48Oh, clean.
05:49That was close.
05:50Oh, and clean.
05:51Right there.
05:52Okay, right there.
05:53Keep coming.
05:53It looks good to me.
05:54All right.
05:55Yeah, it does look good.
05:56All right, back wheels.
05:57Bottom, boom!
05:58You're good, you're good.
05:59You're good.
06:00You're good.
06:00No, you're good.
06:01You're good.
06:02This is terrifying.
06:03Now you're good.
06:04You're good, you're good, you're good.
06:05One more time.
06:05No, you're good.
06:06She's got close to $100,000 in this triangle.
06:08This is serious, okay?
06:09If you make her lose,
06:11you're gonna see a grown woman cry.
06:12I think you're gonna regret that.
06:13And it's gonna be completely on Nolan.
06:14Why me?
06:15She just picked her next car
06:16and it's one of the biggest ones on the lot.
06:18We gotta be careful.
06:19This one looks easy,
06:20but if we mess up, it's all gone.
06:22Okay, let's do this.
06:23Hey, don't worry, you got this, okay?
06:25You scared me.
06:26One more.
06:27You good?
06:28You're good?
06:29Holy cow.
06:30You're good.
06:31Now it's just the back wheels.
06:32Just the back wheels?
06:33Don't scare me no more.
06:34Keep it coming.
06:35Let's go.
06:36Oh, God.
06:38She missed!
06:39Just don't even move.
06:39You now have five cars in the triangle,
06:42over $100,000.
06:45No, I'm calm.
06:48What are you even gonna do with five cars?
06:49I get any car I want.
06:50Every single one?
06:51All five of these cars are yours.
06:52Wait a minute.
06:53I don't understand how,
06:53but she didn't realize she was getting all five cars.
06:57For whatever reason,
06:57she thought she was only getting one,
06:59even though she put five in the triangle.
07:01Wait a minute.
07:03You said all five cars I want?
07:06Oh my God.
07:08Oh gosh.
07:09Oh my God.
07:10Okay, we're just crying now.
07:11Okay, calm down, Shirley.
07:12Moments like this are exactly why I love giving away stuff.
07:15Just watching this footage back warms my heart.
07:18Ooh, want me to do a five car?
07:21I just really want it.
07:22This is Dino,
07:23and if he can successfully jump out of a plane
07:25from thousands of feet in the air
07:27and land in this red triangle,
07:29I'll give him $20,000.
07:31And because I know Tariq is afraid of heights,
07:33I offered him $20,000 to go up there and skydive as well.
07:37Face those fears, Tariq.
07:38Unless you hate him.
07:39Unless you hate him.
07:40Okay, let's do it.
07:42Don't worry, Tariq.
07:43I'll always remember you by this.
07:45Don't forget, Tariq jumps,
07:46you get another 20 grand, Godspeed.
07:48Whether you go with him,
07:49or whether you go by yourself,
07:51you're getting out of this plane.
07:53Oh my God.
08:07How high are we?
08:0810,000 feet.
08:08Oh my God.
08:09Let's do it.
08:10Let's go, baby.
08:14Here we go.
08:18There's the triangle.
08:20I'm gonna hit it, man.
08:22We're gonna get that money.
08:28Apparently they just jumped out of the plane,
08:30so we should probably-
08:31Yeah, we should move.
08:32We should get out of the way.
08:33We should get out of the way.
08:37All right, he's coming in.
08:38He's coming in.
08:39Oh, oh, oh.
08:44He just didn't put the brakes on enough, man.
08:46Play the footage back.
08:49You landed in the triangle.
08:50Here, go back over there.
08:51And as far as I can tell, he never left.
08:57Wait, where's Tariq?
08:58Oh, this is crazy.
09:04How you feel, baby?
09:05You made me feel great.
09:07He landed in the triangle and won 20 grand.
09:10Because you jumped, he just won $40,000.
09:13Let's go, baby.
09:14Let's go.
09:15Have you ever had 40 grand in cash?
09:17What are you gonna spend it on?
09:18I don't even know.
09:19All right, well, while he figures that out,
09:20let's go check on Darren.
09:21According to the cashier, so far you've spent $25,000.
09:25I gave you this giant triangle
09:27and all you spend is 25 grand?
09:29Can I use pallets?
09:31Get some pallets, put them in this triangle.
09:33I'm gonna go give away more money.
09:35We need food to feed people.
09:36Neil, under this black blanket is a triangle
09:39and whatever you can fit in that triangle, I'll pay for.
09:42It's a big black tarp, though.
09:43This is a big black tarp.
09:45There's no key indicators here.
09:47Anyway, scrap whatever you can.
09:48Those are like $2,000.
09:50These are $400 Supreme slippers.
09:53I almost have five grand in my hands right now.
09:55Let's put it on the table.
09:56You're confident.
09:57Whatever triangle is over here, these are fitting enough?
09:59No, I'm not.
10:00Baseball bat?
10:01We could probably stack it on the side, right?
10:03If I think it's not gonna fit, I could put it on the side.
10:05Whatever you put here, you have to put it in the triangle.
10:08If it doesn't fit, you have to put it back.
10:09We might have to put some stuff back.
10:11Let's put back the baseball bat.
10:12Do I have to say it?
10:13Wait, so you're putting these shoes back?
10:14If you're sure, here you go.
10:15I'm not sure.
10:16Then I think it's time we show them the triangle.
10:18The moment you've been waiting for.
10:20Wait, this is really cool.
10:21We're supposed to look at my triangle.
10:22Oh yeah, we're supposed to reveal this.
10:24Oh no!
10:26Man, that's easy.
10:27I could stack it there easy.
10:28Sorry, this is my pizza box.
10:30I actually left it there.
10:31Did you think this was the triangle?
10:32I totally didn't put it there to throw him off
10:34so he wouldn't spend as much money
10:35because there's like a million dollars in the store.
10:37There's no key indicators here.
10:39I'm still gonna go with the game plan,
10:40even though it's unnecessary at this point.
10:44You're not using much, uh...
10:47What are you doing?
10:48What are you doing?
10:48That legit scared me.
10:49Like, come on!
10:50All right, you're good.
10:52Oh my gosh!
10:53He can't touch that!
10:54He can't touch the tape.
10:55Your finger was blocking it.
10:56You're welcome.
10:57I could have kept my bat.
10:58That was the one thing that I really felt bad about.
11:01Okay, congratulations.
11:03You made it all fit.
11:04What do you have to say before we go?
11:06Man, thank you guys for everything.
11:07This is awesome.
11:08Thank you for the tips.
11:09Putting it in the bag was definitely needed
11:10to fit in the triangle.
11:12Appreciate everything.
11:13And now it's your guys' turn.
11:15Chris, I need you to go hide far away.
11:17Anything you fit in this triangle, Chris will pay for.
11:20But when you finish, we're gonna remove it all
11:23and anything Chris fits in this triangle,
11:26you'll have to pay for.
11:27Do you think Chris is gonna go easy on you?
11:28He'll go easy.
11:29I'm running his up, though.
11:31While you're doing this, just remember,
11:33he has a kid and a wife.
11:34Oh, well.
11:35Alexander McQueen's.
11:37Take some of those.
11:38Why is this a thing?
11:39This is Supreme.
11:40We should use it.
11:41You're gonna make Chris pay for this?
11:42Yeah, we gotta get that.
11:43Why are you making him pay for this?
11:44He's thinking of the children.
11:45It's for you, though.
11:46Oh, I get to keep this?
11:49But Chris gets to do the same thing.
11:52He didn't even get it.
11:55What did Chris do to you?
11:57That's so much money.
11:58I know.
11:59He's gonna hate me.
12:00Wow, you went easy on Chris.
12:01I was joking.
12:03Chris is literally gonna hate you.
12:04Chris is gonna be mad.
12:05Big mad.
12:06What's the total?
12:09Chris is gonna screw you over.
12:11Get out of here.
12:13Chandler filled this triangle with stuff
12:14that you have to pay for, which we hid,
12:16and now we're gonna have you do the same thing for Chandler.
12:19How much did he spend?
12:20How much do you think he spent?
12:21Like four grand.
12:22Four grand is the friendship barrier?
12:25Is that?
12:27You're not gonna get anything out of him.
12:28Is that a big or a small number?
12:29We're not giving you hints.
12:29Is that a big one?
12:30We're saying go grab stuff and put it in that triangle.
12:33I literally set this aside before the video started
12:36and I was like, I'm gonna buy this.
12:37But now Chandler's gonna buy it.
12:38Just for fun, you should get this brick
12:40that cost Chandler to lose here.
12:41Not only did it cost him to lose,
12:43it also just cost him $100.
12:45Hey, let's go!
12:46What if Chandler didn't put anything in the triangle?
12:48Or what if he only put one pair of shoes?
12:53Maybe I should've got a bigger book bag.
12:55Why are you doing it like that?
12:57You guys ready?
13:00All right!
13:00And what is the total of everything he grabbed?
13:07Whoops, I broke the $4,000 friendship limit.
13:09Sorry, Chandler.
13:10Chandler is standing in front of what he got
13:12and Chris is standing in front of what he got.
13:14Gentlemen, take off the blindfolds.
13:17Hey, it's pretty even!
13:19Did you try to stay under four grand?
13:22Oh my God!
13:25I didn't see the other side!
13:27Chris, you have to pay off $6,500 worth of stuff.
13:31And Chandler, you have to pay $4,500 worth of stuff off.
13:34The friendship limit's $4,000!
13:36You owe $6,500, you owe $4,500.
13:39Hug it out.
13:40And while you guys are paying for stuff,
13:41we're going to the next place.
13:42This is Heather and she works at a children's hospital.
13:45Whatever you can fit in here,
13:46I'll pay for so we can donate.
13:49I don't know what we're chanting.
13:51Assembly line.
13:53I can just like see the kids light up
13:55when they see this.
13:55It's gonna be so cool.
14:00We also brought some PlayStation 5s for the children.
14:03I think we call it here.
14:05We're gonna check out and then go take it to the hospital.
14:07We checked out, loaded up the U-Haul,
14:09and drove everything to a local children's hospital.
14:12The children and staff there were so excited
14:14to receive everything,
14:15and I'm just beyond grateful we could help them.
14:17Thank you, Mr. V!
14:19Carl, do you remember in GameStop where you did this?
14:23That was literally yesterday.
14:24Because of that, he lost the GameStop.
14:26I think you know where we're going with this.
14:28I put a whiteboard on Carl's floor.
14:30That's not an Expo marker.
14:31Is that a peanut?
14:32Is that a triangle?
14:33Zealous, anything you put in this oval, I'll pay for.
14:35Let's go steal stuff from Carl.
14:37Yo, bro, bro, bro!
14:39If you're gonna take the PlayStation,
14:40take the controller.
14:41This guy has another PS5.
14:42That was my secret one!
14:44This is nerve-wracking, actually.
14:45Jimmy, can you catch this Power Glove?
14:48Not the Power Glove.
14:49That's a mini fridge.
14:50It's my monster fridge.
14:51All right, hopefully nothing falls.
14:52Wait, slow and steady.
14:54Yep, yep, yep.
14:54I can't believe that worked.
14:56Is that Totoro?
14:56Oh, he's so cute.
14:58They took gaming consoles and laid a TV on it.
15:01They're serious.
15:02Robbing Carl!
15:03Robbing Carl!
15:05All right, take your hands off.
15:06It's good.
15:07This is all balancing on two PlayStation 5s.
15:08Yeah, I think we'll call it here.
15:10Congratulations on all this stuff.
15:12And Carl, everything he took,
15:13I'm gonna buy you a Rubik's Cube.
15:14Oh, all right, let's go!
15:15So, he didn't actually take anything.
15:17I'm gonna buy Rubik's Cubes for Carl next bit.
15:19All right, dare bug.
15:20What the heck?
15:21There's so much room here.
15:23I think it's been 12 hours.
15:24I don't even know anymore.
15:26That I have given this everything I got
15:28and I couldn't even come close to matching your generosity.
15:30You know what you could have done?
15:31You could have just taken apart the triangle
15:33and put it around Sam's foot.
15:34It would have been easier.
15:36You managed to put a lot of food in this triangle,
15:38cut to the drone shot.
15:39Let's go see the total.
15:40And now the moment of truth.
15:42Buffy, tell me the damage.
15:43How much did Darren spend?
15:47You couldn't even get over a hundred grand?
15:48I did my best, man.
15:50Genuinely, thank you so much for staying over late.
15:52Can I shake your hand?
15:54I appreciate you.
15:55I'm here to help you guys.
15:55Because of the food we bought in this video,
15:57we're literally gonna start servicing
15:58another community every two weeks.
16:00Go check out the Beast Philanthropy channel.
16:01We'll show you there.
16:03♪ Mr. Beast, $6,000. ♪