Neighbours 9107 5th September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
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00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02I knew losing the nurse who was in the cards.
00:04I can't keep babysitting forever. I need a real job.
00:07Rhys is empowering me to fully represent the Sinkast Corporate Assassins.
00:11I need to sell Harold's, like, ASAP.
00:13If you don't sell it in time, I'll step in on your behalf.
00:16I really do not think that you should be taking on Hazard's problems.
00:19You can't veto my decisions.
00:20But I hope that we can work through it together.
00:23Yeah, me too.
00:24Sorry, I gotta go.
00:25Now one prisoner has been stabbed.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:55That's when good neighbours
00:59Will be forever good friends
01:11Don't try and talk.
01:13You've had a stab wound to the stomach. There's free air under your diaphragm.
01:16His heart rate is 80 over 60.
01:19Let's get him on fluids and 50 micrograms of ibuprofen.
01:25He should start to feel better when the meds kick in.
01:28Oh, thanks.
01:29I've gotta go.
01:40Have you got a second? I need a consult.
01:43Yeah, I, um...
01:45I can't treat him.
01:48It's personal. It's family stuff.
01:50Of course.
01:58So, your dad and I are touching base today about my involvement
02:02after you and Hugo move out.
02:04When will that be?
02:06I'm not sure yet.
02:08I'm in no rush to leave.
02:14Um, I've got a study session in the library in a bit,
02:18but I'll be home after that.
02:19Yeah, I've gotta get going. I'll see you later, darling.
02:21See you.
02:24Oh, Christa!
02:25Hey, congratulations on the new role.
02:28That means a lot coming from you.
02:30So, how's it going?
02:31Are we all giving you any grief?
02:33No, it's great. We work well together.
02:39It's still weird.
02:40Even when they think I'm not listening, it's pretty awkward.
02:44And I'm still kicking myself about telling Dad about Quinn.
02:47OK, you've gotta stop this.
02:49You've gotta focus on your own stuff.
02:50How's the, um, how's the job hunting going?
02:52Well, that's just depressing.
02:54I'm not qualified for anything decent.
02:56Forget qualifications.
02:57You've gotta approach it like an escort.
03:00Are you suggesting I become an escort?
03:02No, no, no, I'm not saying that.
03:03I'm just saying, you know, confidence.
03:08How about this?
03:12What, the Lassiter's day spa job?
03:14Well, they want an all-rounder and I'm just a makeup artist, so...
03:17Were you not just listening to me?
03:19Well, the escort bit did kind of throw me.
03:22What I'm saying is just...
03:24Fake it till you make it.
03:27No, here's your chance, OK?
03:28Up, up, up, up, up.
03:29What, now?
03:30Yes, yes, yes, OK?
03:31Shoulders back.
03:32Chin up.
03:33And go get them.
03:36Hey, Krista.
03:38I heard you're looking for a new, um, beautician for the Lassiter's day spa job?
03:43We are.
03:45Why are you standing like that?
03:48It's just the way I stand.
03:50Um, I was wondering if it's too late to apply.
03:53No, it's not.
03:54I'm surprised that you haven't already.
03:58Well, I've just been doing stuff.
03:59You know, crossing my eyes, starting my teas.
04:02Um, well, I'm just heading over to reception, so come and find me when you're ready.
04:04We'll chat.
04:17Hey, wanna go shoot some hoops?
04:19I'm playing 3-on-1.
04:20Can't, man. Got a study session.
04:22Is this some attempt to take the smart brother crown?
04:24Uh, yeah, something like that.
04:33Hey, Nellyfish.
04:36You, uh, you got any plans for tonight?
04:38I'm thinking maybe we could all go out for dinner.
04:40You know, go to a good pizza shop with the real ham.
04:47Um, I don't know.
04:49I'd have to see if Therese is okay with being home alone.
04:53Yeah, okay. All right.
05:02It's good that you're looking after Therese, darling.
05:04But, uh, please just remember what Rhonda said.
05:06It's not your job to look after her.
05:10I know.
05:12She doesn't have anyone else.
05:20Um, I'm gonna go.
05:23I love you.
05:25Love you too.
05:31My special interest is makeup, but I'm all about the glow up.
05:34Good. We've got makeup services on the day spa menu.
05:37Are you interested in diversifying?
05:40Heck yes. Train me up.
05:42Great. I'd love to hear that.
05:44We'll pay for that, of course.
05:47Wait, does that mean...
05:49Sadie, you had me at glow up.
05:51So I've got the job.
05:52We'll start with the trial, but yes.
05:55Thank you so much. I promise you won't regret this.
05:58I know.
05:59What's going on?
06:00You are looking at the newest trial employee at Lasseter's Day Spa.
06:05Oh, congrats.
06:06Slash Abby's babysitter, of course.
06:10I have to tell people.
06:11I have to tell all the people, okay?
06:16I got the job! I got the job!
06:19I got the job!
06:32I've got news.
06:33I've got news.
06:41Hey, your text message said it was an emergency.
06:43Everything alright?
06:44We thought you were in trouble.
06:45I am.
06:46Gorgonzola's a biohazard.
06:48I should have worn a mask.
06:52What is this an ade of?
06:54Well, I'm going to be coming into some money soon.
06:56So I decided to shirt you.
06:58And honestly, you guys, you have to eat it.
07:01I don't think there's anyone else in the world who can stand this much grossness.
07:04The whole of Italy would disagree with your love.
07:06In Australia, you're the only two people with this addiction.
07:09Now that's compatibility, eh?
07:11Okay, we get it. Slow chummer.
07:15Oh, I also, I got a job.
07:17But I'll tell you about it later.
07:19I've got to go to Byron's.
07:21Enjoy your stinky cheese.
07:30Think she's harbouring some misplaced guilt?
07:34Yeah, probably.
07:36But it smells good, though.
07:41Remember that time that I accidentally fed you the mouldy brie from the back of the fridge?
07:46Because I thought it was blue.
07:49Yeah, sure.
07:50It was, I promise.
07:53I knew the whole time.
07:55I just, I didn't want to embarrass you.
07:59You ate homemade penicillin for me.
08:04Of course.
08:12It's the prison warden.
08:14Apparently there's been a brawl at Warriner.
08:17A bad one?
08:20Felix has been sent to the hospital.
08:23Oh, Andrew. Okay.
08:26You call the station, find out what happened, and I'm gonna, I'll ring the hospital.
08:37I thought you would have called Abby for a reference.
08:39She's a good judge of character.
08:40She sure is.
08:43Did you just hire a total incompetent without consulting me or the day spa manager?
08:47Yes. Okay, relax.
08:49I often say to your trial.
08:50She has no skill set.
08:53She's almost a fully qualified makeup artist.
08:55Yeah, that's all well and good.
08:56What happens if a client wants a facial or a wax?
08:58Yes, she'll be able to do all that eventually.
09:01I offered to pay for her additional training.
09:04It's not our policy to hire unqualified, inept staff.
09:09And you would know that if you'd bothered to talk to me.
09:11Dad, Sadie looks after your granddaughter.
09:13She's not inept.
09:16All I'm saying is I should have been consulted.
09:20I understand that you're upset but I,
09:22I just don't think we should have to run every staffing decision by one another.
09:26You know, I would trust you to work autonomously
09:28if you were capable of choosing the right candidate
09:30but clearly that is beyond you.
09:32Come on, Dad, that's enough.
09:33Look, it doesn't matter.
09:35HR are already processing Sadie's paperwork as we speak.
09:38So I suggest you get on board because it's happening.
09:41Wow, that was, that was impressive.
09:44If this is what Paul is going to be like now that we're business partners,
09:46I'm going to need my own workspace.
09:48I can't share an office with him.
09:50Just give me the ball.
09:52Do you have the ball?
09:57How's Felix?
09:59Still in surgery.
10:01There's a risk of concussion.
10:03I'm sure he'll be fine.
10:05I'm sure he'll be fine.
10:07I'm sure he'll be fine.
10:08Still in surgery.
10:09There's a risk of complications.
10:12Must have been a shock seeing him like that.
10:16He was in so much pain he couldn't even speak.
10:20So do we wait until he's out of surgery to tell them?
10:24What are you doing?
10:27What if the worst happens and JJ doesn't get to say goodbye again?
10:32What, do you really think he could die?
10:35It's a possibility.
10:38How's JJ going to feel when he hears that?
10:42With anything like me, pretty confused.
10:46Maybe it is better we hold off.
10:50Keeping secrets hasn't done well for us in the past.
10:54We've got to do things differently this time.
11:03We've got to tell you something.
11:05Yeah, righto.
11:07Alright, thanks.
11:09So allegedly Felix wasn't actually part of the brawl until he stepped in to protect a mate.
11:14Then he got a shiv in the guts for his troubles.
11:16Well allegedly, so you don't believe that's what happened?
11:19Look, I just need to call Cara and Remy just to get ahead of this for JJ.
11:22No, no, no, they already know.
11:24Remy was on shift when he was brought in.
11:26Wait, why didn't you saw him?
11:28He's in surgery now and their surgeon, it's, well he's one of their best.
11:32Okay, well look, at least that's something.
11:36Do you want to go see him? I can drive.
11:39No, no, look, this doesn't change anything, Wend.
11:42No, look, we're not going.
11:44We're not going to go.
11:54Felix is out of surgery.
11:56He's going to be okay.
11:57They managed to repair the perforation on his bowel without any complications.
12:02That's great news, eh?
12:04Yeah, yeah.
12:06He'll be back on the ward soon.
12:08Relatives can go and visit if that's something you want to do.
12:12Is he going to be conscious?
12:14I'd say so. A bit woozy maybe.
12:20Yeah, I'd like to see him if that's okay.
12:24Of course.
12:26Of course.
12:31It's like, now that we're equals, all of that mutual respect and playful banter has just gone out the window.
12:36Playful banter? With Paul?
12:38Yeah, he can be funny when he wants to be.
12:41Look, I'm a little out of my depth, but the best person to ask has just walked in.
12:46No, don't bother.
12:48Therese, can you come here for a sec? Krista needs a little help with Paul.
12:51Thanks, big mouth.
12:52Oh, let me guess.
12:55Now that you're his co-counsel, he's being a pig-headed self-righteous paratrooper with double standards?
13:01Okay, that was really scary. Were you just on the balcony at the penthouse now?
13:06Look, Paul's always been terrible at sharing his toys, so it's not you.
13:11So what do I do?
13:14Business is a game to Paul. You just need to get better at playing.
13:17It's just we've developed a really good working relationship, though.
13:20I don't want to have to fight for his respect all over again.
13:23Yeah, sure. But unfortunately, Paul loves conflict. And if there's none, he'll create his own.
13:29Oh, good.
13:31And part of sharing Lasseter's with him is learning to enjoy the sparring.
13:35But that sounds unhealthy.
13:38Yeah, well, it's the only strategy that works, unfortunately.
13:42I told you she'd be helpful.
13:43Listen, I promise it's worth it.
13:45Paul can be a pain in the arse, but he's also great in a crisis.
13:50Well, that's true. Yeah, he was really helpful when all of that stuff happened with Hope.
13:56You know, I remember when I had cancer.
14:00The Utugawas were doing everything they could to try and get me fired.
14:04Paul fought for me.
14:07I'll never forget it.
14:08Anyway, I'm lucky to still have Paul in my corner. That's all I'm saying.
14:22Let's keep him on ampicillin subactin, one and a half grams, and make sure you monitor his pain level.
14:32Mark, do we need to let him know we're here?
14:35We'll be right by the door.
14:44I don't want a son, and I'm not interested in being a father.
14:50Scott, I mean nothing to you.
14:52I'm sorry, you're just a...
14:54You're just a kid who lives across the street from me.
14:57I'm sorry.
14:58I mean nothing to you.
15:00I'm sorry, you're just a...
15:02You're just a kid who lives across the street from my brother.
15:06I don't want to be your buddy, and I definitely don't want to be your parent.
15:13You okay, mate?
15:16Yeah, I've changed my mind. I don't want to see him anymore.
15:21Are you sure?
15:23Yeah, well, he doesn't want me in his life. Why am I bothering to worry about him?
15:26Because you're you.
15:29No, it's okay. We can just go.
15:32Come on, let's go shoot some movies.
15:35No, I can still make my session at the library if I leave now.
15:39Yeah, of course. We can talk at dinner.
15:57Dad, that's awful. Should we go see him?
16:01I can give you a lift to the hospital.
16:03No, thanks, mate. I appreciate it.
16:05We're actually not going in.
16:07But he's your brother.
16:09Yeah, and we never decided on that.
16:12Why don't I get us around the drinks?
16:18Dad, he nearly died.
16:20Every time we let Felix back into our lives, it backfires.
16:23Yeah, but going to see him in hospital isn't letting him back in.
16:28And it sounds like he was just trying to protect a friend anyway.
16:33Look, that's not confirmed yet.
16:35Either way, Felix knows better. He should not have been involved.
16:39He's a train wreck.
16:41And one hero move doesn't erase the past.
16:45And yeah, I don't regret not going in, but it was just really freaky seeing him lie there.
16:51Can't imagine.
16:54Knock, knock.
16:56We're studying.
17:00I just popped over to get some work. Therese said that she'd lift it out for me.
17:06Here you go.
17:10I heard about Felix, mate. How are you going?
17:13Yeah, I'm doing good, thanks.
17:16Need anything else?
17:20Walk me to the door.
17:31I told Megan Haz that they can have their wedding at the nursery before the new tenant takes over.
17:36I hope that's okay.
17:42That'd actually be a nice way to say goodbye to the place.
17:45Yeah, I thought so too.
17:49See you later, babe.
17:54Is everything okay?
17:58But it's getting better.
18:03I'll come over for dinner.
18:11I'm going to talk to Dad about that outburst this morning.
18:14You can't keep getting away with stuff like that.
18:17Don't worry, you don't have to. I'm fine.
18:19What, is he all good with the Sadie stuff?
18:22Oh my God, he's still raging about that.
18:24But Therese made me realise that that's probably not such a bad thing.
18:30Right now, Paul doesn't have a girlfriend or a wife and he's bored.
18:34And bored Paul's always looking for a fight.
18:37So I'm going to give him one.
18:39At Sadie's expense?
18:41No. Don't worry, he won't win.
18:43He knows that Sadie's a great hire.
18:45I just have to give him the time to rail against my decision.
18:48Therese was always good at playing him, I guess.
18:52Yeah, it was actually kind of weird hearing her talking him up like that,
18:56after everything that he's done to her.
18:58Well, they're a good team.
19:02Hmm, didn't sound 100% professional to me.
19:06You know that door's closed, right?
19:09Deadbolted, locked and never to be opened again.
19:13We'll see.
19:14Okay, now you listen to me.
19:16You need to tone down the grumpy old man routine.
19:19It's way too predictable, Paul.
19:21I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
19:23Oh, cut the act.
19:25You're going to crush that poor girl's spirit.
19:27Lasseter's needs spirit and you not.
19:30Krista is tough.
19:32She can handle a little criticism.
19:34Sure, yes, a little.
19:36But not everyone wants to butt heads every minute of every day.
19:39She's not me.
19:41No, she certainly isn't.
19:42No, she certainly is not.
19:45Just go easy on her.
19:47For your sake and for Lasseter's.
19:49I still have a sore spot for it.
19:53The hotel.
19:58Therese, I refuse to make any promises that I cannot keep.
20:05Well, promises are a sign of trust.
20:08And believe it or not, I actually still trust you, Paul.
20:13Are we checking in with Krista?
20:16I'd expect nothing less.
20:32You know, in a lot of ways, I think our life would have been easier
20:36if I hadn't have gone back to study.
20:39Don't say that.
20:40You and Dad will get past the Quinn stuff.
20:43He's just taking a backseat to it for Uncle Felix.
20:46He always put us all through a loop again.
20:49Dad's just super hard-line about it.
20:52Well, going to see Felix in hospital doesn't mean we're letting him off the hook.
20:57Maybe it's just too confronting for him.
21:00No, he's worried about his brother. I know he is.
21:06The warden called me about the melee.
21:08Apparently some inmates are seeking representation.
21:11Yeah, I heard cheers that there were charges being laid.
21:15Sounded pretty brutal.
21:18Look, it's easier in my line of work to block out what goes on in there.
21:22It's been harder since Felix went in.
21:26Yeah, not so easy to turn those big brother instincts off, eh?
21:31I mean, he knew the consequences.
21:34He knew that by breaking the law, he would end up in there again.
21:38Sometimes it takes people a while to learn from their mistakes.
21:43Doesn't mean they don't care.
21:45That's part of the problem, mate.
21:48Felix pushed JJ away by telling him he didn't care about him.
21:53It's a lie. Felix does care about JJ.
21:56Do you really think that he's going to cause an issue for you all?
21:59If Felix hadn't put everyone I care about in danger, I might have been able to let it go.
22:05But I can't.
22:08I can't.
22:39I didn't think I'd ever see you here.
22:47Coming up on Neighbours.
22:49Your dream wedding dress awaits.
22:53She obviously wants to be around him.
22:55She just lost Toadie. She's just trying to feel better.
22:59Maybe this is a chance for you and Andrew to reconnect.
23:02Who was that?
23:08I don't know.