How do we save our High Streets was the basis of an event at The Orbit in Wellington.

  • last week
Guest speakers and networking was the order of the day at the Orbit where ideas were bounced around at a special seminar organised by Good 2 Great, the topic was our High Streets.
00:00So we're here in Wellington, outside the Orbit, and Johnny Thiemans, you represent Good to Great?
00:05Yes I do, yeah.
00:06What's been happening here today then, Johnny?
00:07So we've been running a, it's been a seminar, and we've had people from various towns all over the place,
00:13we've had some great speakers, coming to a real sort of brains trust really,
00:17about how we can just make our high streets and our towns better places to live and do business,
00:21and you know, all of that really.
00:23Yeah. So Steve, you've travelled from Manchester?
00:27And so you've thrashed it out in there, so you've got the answers, are we saving it?
00:32Well yeah, that is, I think we do have the answers, we know what the problems are,
00:35and we know what the solutions are, but something seems to stop change from happening,
00:39and that's kind of the work I've been doing for the High Streets Taskforce for England,
00:43has been trying to get at that, what are the local barriers,
00:46and what needs to be removed to enable more change,
00:49and sometimes people get kind of fixated on big projects,
00:52but actually it could be the little things, like are the shops open at the right time?
00:56Are the windows of the shops dressed? Do they look inviting?
01:00Is there enough events and activities?
01:03Some of the simple things, which are really achievable,
01:06are often very, very important to keep places vibrant and thriving,
01:11and that's what I talk about.
01:12Yeah. And you represent, sir?
01:15So I'm from Shrewsbury Bid, so I represent traders from the counter town just down the road,
01:19and yeah, it's been a great morning actually, just sort of connecting with other bid managers,
01:23other people involved in place, and just sort of hearing how people are doing,
01:28and some new ideas. It's always good to share best practice.
01:31Oh, non-taste change, really cool.
01:32Things we haven't thought about, but that have worked really well, are transferable,
01:35so yeah, a really positive morning.
01:37Yeah. And good all-round then, Johnny, yeah, some interesting ideas,
01:41good to get together, isn't it, really?
01:42And, you know, different experiences, different cities, towns, and see what's...
01:45Yeah, definitely, and there's people from other councils,
01:49there's people from, you know, other bid organisations,
01:52there's people from central government departments as well,
01:55and they're all coming here, and they've just finished in there with great ideas,
01:59and now they're actually going and walking around the town,
02:01and they've just gone off to look at Wellington Market,
02:03just everybody's really desperate and thirsty for solutions and ideas
02:07and things that they can implement and do in their towns right now,
02:10because everybody wants where they live to be a better place.
