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00:00have been awarded. If they do it wrong, they will be sanctioned. Ask, ask. Well, hit them in the gloves and let the best one win.
00:30The fight is tied at 10 in the weight of Huerta. The bell rang, the bell of the first assault.
00:36With shiny golden pants is Heidan, black and blue pants.
00:43In shine is also Kenny Deleon.
00:47Back to left is Heidan Martínez.
01:00Two great prospects of the Dominican Boxing.
01:09Yes sir, the first round.
01:12So far, no new blows.
01:19This is Heidan Martínez in his bag.
01:22A great punch, 12 knockouts, most of his fights.
01:26I know that only one has gone beyond the first round.
01:33He will face, without a doubt, one of the most experienced boxers
01:38that has had in his career, this Kenny Deleon.
01:41Young like him, undefeated.
01:45First round, the fight is tied at 10.
01:49Here everyone is standing, watching this fight.
01:52This was the fight that everyone was waiting for.
01:57First round, the fight is tied at 10.
02:00The bell rang, the bell of the first assault.
02:04With shiny golden pants is Heidan Martínez.
02:11In shine is also Heidan Martínez.
02:14Kenny Deleon, El Choco.
02:18And now, the left guard, Sugar, Kenny DeLeon.
02:28Well, this is about to get hot very quickly, eh?
02:38A great expectation here in the Esgrima Pavilion of the Olympic Center, Juan Pablo Duarte.
02:47This is full to capacity, everyone standing.
02:55There, the clean, when the referee has to intervene, José Garrido.
03:02Wow, what expectations, what emotions.
03:08Living the Dominican bocheo with this confrontation between these two great prospects.
03:14Heydan, Sugar Martínez, Kenny DeLeon, El Choco.
03:20Today there is one undefeated, most likely.
03:23Well, gentlemen, here there has been an exchange of blows.
03:29And again, the clean.
03:33They clinch, the bell rings and the first round is over.
03:40The first assault is over.
03:44And there is a huge expectation here in this Esgrima Pavilion.
03:56Yes sir, this is crazy.
04:01Here in the Esgrima Pavilion of the Olympic Center, Juan Pablo Duarte.
04:04We are already seeing the most important moments of the previous assault.
04:12Today there is one undefeated, most likely.
04:17Well, gentlemen.
04:42And he has a great corner, he made a great preparation.
04:46There is El Choco entering, he got it very well.
04:50Kenny DeLeon, who is the man who has the blue pants.
05:01The fight is tied at ten.
05:04Hey, good combination by Kenny DeLeon.
05:08And the partials of Kenny are encouraged.
05:11He got it.
05:14Good right again by Kenny DeLeon.
05:22And sir.
05:25It's been a while since a fight between two Dominicans has attracted so much attention as this one.
05:32We are in the second assault.
05:35This is a historic fight.
05:38It should be remembered as one that attracted the most attention.
05:43I am very clear about that.
05:47Thanks to everyone who has been watching this broadcast.
05:54Through the Chuan Bochin channel.
05:57Through the Chuan Bochin channel.
06:02From different countries.
06:03There he came with his right to Kenny DeLeon.
06:08This is round number two, there is still a long way to go.
06:12This is just beginning.
06:15And you have to see the faces.
06:17The expectation that has been created here.
06:20This is crazy here in this Grima pavilion, Hector.
06:27Yes sir, that lift that Chugar gave him there.
06:30It's necessary to invest energy to take care of your opponent.
06:39Until now there has not been a blow of a vital force.
06:44Although they have arrived.
06:46Kenny DeLeon.
06:53Heidan Martinez.
06:56Looking to defend his undefeated title.
06:58The same as Kenny DeLeon.
07:02Two undefeated titles and one result.
07:11Kenny DeLeon has to decide to throw his hand more like he is doing now.
07:20This assault is about to end.
07:25It is the number two of this fight that has been agreed to 10.
07:30With blue gloves, Kenny DeLeon.
07:33Yellow gloves, cold.
07:36Martinez, Heidan.
07:37Martinez, Heidan Martinez.
07:39Martinez, Heidan.
07:44Good combination.
07:51Well, gentlemen, this is getting hot.
07:58This assault is about to end.
08:03They are going to take the step to round number three.
08:10Martinez DeLeon.
08:15El Choco and El Chugar.
08:20Who will you stay with?
08:23Who will you stay with?
08:25I ask you because I don't know.
08:29Look, they both hit each other.
08:31Yes, yes, yes.
08:32There are strange head movements and forcings there.
08:35And the referee does well to call them to calm and good conduct at this moment.
08:39Yes, sir.
08:50Well, the second assault has ended.
08:55The first one, how did you see it, Franklin?
08:58Very even because there was not so much activity.
09:00Yes, I saw it very lacking in action.
09:03However, in the second, within the little action that was seen, there were some blows from Heidan
09:08that hit El Choco's face.
09:12Yes, sir.
09:13That of DeLeon, so I think that second assault could have been taken by El Chugar.
09:20But with little, with very little.
09:22And that's why I was telling you that El Chugar, when he already has it measured at that distance,
09:26he has to tell himself.
09:29It must also be said that DeLeon hit him well.
09:31What a good pair of blows DeLeon hit there.
09:33But he has to tell himself when he has it at a distance.
09:36Yes, sometimes as if he is amaging.
09:38That is not good.
09:43Some shout chocolate now.
09:45Yes, other Heidan.
09:47It is that this is very divided.
09:51The neighborhood is very divided.
09:53The two come from El Sancho and Isabelita, right here in Santo Domingo.
09:55I imagine that all the houses are closed today.
10:02DeLeon is attacking.
10:06And the reaction from Martinez is that of a totally free fight.
10:11It's not boxing.
10:12Yes, sir.
10:17Well, I hope that these guys don't lose control.
10:23I have a lot of confidence in Jose Garrido's ability.
10:27If they were fighting without anger, without rage.
10:31Let's see now how it goes.
10:35People expect a good show from them.
10:37They are two great boxers.
10:39Chocolate and sugar.
10:57Chocolate and sugar.
11:05It's hard for you to have chocolate without sugar.
11:16DeGuardia on the left.
11:19He arrived well with the right of the jaw, the black pants, which is the chocolate.
11:23Kenny DeLeon.
11:24The chocolate.
11:29Now the middle zone.
11:30You can't let him steal the offensive.
11:32You can't let him steal the offensive, the choke.
11:34In this assault, the clear blows are being hit by Kenny DeLeon.
11:39He arrived with a left.
11:42With a short right there.
11:50Round number three.
11:57Well, gentlemen.
11:59Kenny DeLeon does well.
12:01If the referee hasn't stopped the action, he has to keep fighting.
12:04Well, he made a clear foul there.
12:10This has been going on for a while.
12:12Clear blows, blows outside of the boxing rules.
12:15Heidan Martinez.
12:19Look, Heidan is letting himself be provoked.
12:21And that could be dangerous.
12:28Well, gentlemen.
12:29I think the referee...
12:35I hope this doesn't get out of control.
12:39Round number three.
12:54Assault number three.
12:56So many emotions.
13:02You know, Heidan is on a field he's never been on.
13:06Almost all of his fights had ended in the first assault.
13:09We'll have to see how he handles this in the future.
13:14In the first assault?
13:15Yes, sir.
13:21And it's obvious how uncomfortable he is.
13:23Because in this round, they could have easily lost him a point.
13:26That's what I'm saying.
13:28And Choco is aware of that.
13:32He can't let himself be provoked.
13:36He's got experience.
13:41He's a good fighter.
13:42Victor Ortiz and Mayweather.
13:48That's why the referee has to keep an eye on the refs.
13:52Three minutes.
14:03Let's go to the third assault.
14:10It could be the fourth.
14:11The fourth.
14:12Yes, sir.
14:13The fourth.
14:19Fourth round of the fight.
14:23In terms of
14:25sugar, can you delay al al choco can you delay on pero como te dije tu suerte
14:33Martinez de que no haya sido un día a ocho porque le pudieron haber descontado y ahora está chocándolo
14:40De león chocando lo temprano en el asalto no y se está dejando robar la ofensiva
14:52Preocupación con interrogante mucha gente que va a pasar pero mira tiene buen aire este es lugar no sé con buen aire todavía
15:15Asalto número cuatro
15:18Una de las peleas que más expectativa ha creado aquí en la república dominicana en los últimos años
15:23que nadie se llame a engaño y lo demuestra el público que ha fortalecido aquí hasta las 2 y 10 de la madrugada que son
15:31es efervescencia
15:35Mi programa prácticamente esta semana fue ese fue mi principal contenido
15:41Buena derecha y de parte otra vez el choco
15:48Y le dice algo le está hablando el choco
15:58Vamos a ver todavía queda mucho tiempo de este asalto número 4
16:03Como que no se ha notado Héctor ha entrado con muy con más confianza que ni de león
16:12Pero cuando tiene de frente a un hombre que pega
16:18Si no puede tener confianza exacto la confianza tiene que ser con cuidado
16:25Si señor
16:28Boteo al más alto nivel
16:31El árbitro le dice que es más lo que se habla que lo que se están lanzando
16:35El público lo que quiere pelea es válido el llamado del árbitro
