Antonio Benítez vuelve a declarar en el caso Loan

  • last month
En un día que podría ser crucial para su situación legal, Antonio Benítez se presenta nuevamente ante la justicia para ampliar su declaración en el caso Loan. Su abogado, Ricardo Zuna, afirma que Benítez aportará nuevos detalles recordados durante su detención, con la esperanza de mejorar su defensa. La declaración incluye aclaraciones sobre videos y situaciones del día de los hechos, como el cambio de remera que algunos testigos mencionaron.


00:00The Lohan case and we are facing a day that may be key or maybe it is one more day as we told you yesterday through America News
00:09in which we told you that Antonio Benítez will declare again, the other day he could not do it or they did not decide to carry out the inquiry
00:18this extension that will be before the justice will try to modify or improve his process situation
00:25Let's remember that he is under arrest. What can you add? We are going to ask Ricardo Zuna, who is Antonio Benítez's lawyer.
00:32Ricardo, good morning.
00:34How are you?
00:36What Antonio Benítez adds today, is it important? Can it be vital for the cause?
00:43In itself, for the common expectation of the people, no, but for his material defense, since what he is going to do is to provide different details
00:53of what he was remembering during this time, of what was happening that day and that undoubtedly those elements are going to be closed
01:01with the evidence that the judge and the prosecution team have gathered so far and it will surely be interrogation of the prosecution team
01:10with any doubt that arises from what Antonio Benítez has said and with respect to the rest of the evidence that has been gathered to date
01:20on Wednesday he could not declare because of the fact that he was declaring, hiding the expert, Dr. Morcillo, who did the oral examination
01:30and well, the statement was extended, even some videos of other situations were shown to him that were also pertinent
01:42and that the prosecution team understood that the expert should make some clarifications, so well, let's hope that today
01:50in a certain way the doubts about his participation are evacuated and the judge can have all the elements to immediately resolve his legal situation.
01:58Ricardo, among the things that he is going to declare today, are they things that he remembered that perhaps before he did not have them present?
02:04Yes, he was remembering, notice that he has been 24 hours practically looking at the ceiling, looking at the wall, so from there surely he was remembering
02:14different situations that were happening that day and that all that will serve to give greater clarity to his defense.
02:22And among what he remembered, Dr. Osuna, did he remember anything related to the t-shirt, this that some point to having seen him with his torso uncovered,
02:30with a t-shirt rolled up in the arm of a color, then they see him with another t-shirt in another color, did he remember anything about that?
02:38Yes, what he told me is that at all times he had the blue t-shirt, yes, he clarified precisely that that also clarified to the prosecutor
02:48that at one point he took off his t-shirt because it was hot that day and that precisely also because there was a lot of mosquitoes in the afternoon,
02:58which was the time when he took off his t-shirt and then precisely to enter the premises of a corral that he had told me that he had entered,
03:07that he even told me to ask the security cameras that were asked from that place, he put it on and it was the blue t-shirt, he did not speak of another color of t-shirt.
03:16Dr. Osuna, do you ratify that Dr. Fernando Burlando made a show about the Logan case?
03:23And the Logan case, the Sena case and I don't know, in most cases, I don't know if you remember the Candela case too.
03:31Now, why do you argue that he makes a show making fun of these three causes of national impact?
03:38Why would he do it in the case of Logan, who disappeared on June 13th?
03:42Doesn't he put the fact of finding Logan on top of everything else and that the truth is known?
03:51And what did he contribute to the cause? More than gossip and gossip.
03:55And well, he went to speak the other day to the Mirta Legrani program and said that supposedly the main involved was Benitez.
04:05And Benitez, if he starts reading the file, in reality, it has absolutely nothing to do with it.
04:10And the search begins precisely with the call that Benitez makes to Laudelina at 2.25 p.m.
04:17And that's when Logan's search begins.
04:20If he didn't make that call, maybe they were going to tell him, no, he must be playing there in the mountains, he climbed the tree or anything else.
04:27And they were going to continue to distract.
04:29He also came and said here in the cause that he did not depend on any absolute proof.
04:34That's why I say that he didn't even take the trouble to read the file.
04:37He said that supposedly he had the investigative line of the Triple Frontier.
04:41Then he said the subject of Paso a los Libres.
04:43He threw a lot of possibilities and nothing of that was corroborated and the elements contributed to the cause did not arise either.
04:51That's not serious. That's just a show.
04:56Doctor, let's see, although it is true that Benitez is the one who makes the call that detonates or shoots the search,
05:03it is also true that he is the last adult who has a contact with the boy.
05:07He is not the last. That, I mean, that starts from an erroneous appreciation.
05:13Because there was Ramirez Miyapi and Benitez.
05:16And when Benitez goes to Naranjal, he doesn't tell the boys, let's go there, I'm going to look for orange.
05:23Or he invites the boys.
05:25Benitez, what he clarifies in his investigative statement, says that he supposedly,
05:29he looks, the boys were playing among the cars, he looks for the bag, he goes to look for the orange,
05:35and in a little while Ramirez Miyapi arrives with the group of boys who were coming after them.
05:41And that was the situation that was also corroborated with the last photo they had taken of him going with the group of boys to Lohan.
05:49That is, he being the uncle of the boy, the boy was five years old,
05:53in the open, that no one would look at him, that no adult would take responsibility for him.
06:00And the father was at home and the boy was playing outside.
06:04The uncle did not feel any responsibility in looking after him.
06:08He did not have any kind of responsibility because he did not tell him, let's go boy, let's go there.
06:13If he had invited the boys and he took them to the boys and said,
06:17well, let's go boys, let's go to the orange, let's go there to the side of the mountain.
06:22There yes, but at no time did he say, well, let's go.
06:25Then yes, of course.
06:26Notice how he assumes the responsibility that a boy was missing.
06:30He and Ramirez Miyapi make the call and start the search.
06:35It is logical that anyone would do.
06:38Ricardo, two final questions.
06:40One, you mention Miyapi and Perez.
06:44And Ramirez.
06:45And Ramirez.
06:47The question is, do you think that among the detainees are those responsible for the disappearance of Lohan?
06:55I think so, that there are two main people involved here in the cause,
07:00and more with the statement of the other day of the expert Morcillo,
07:03who was the one who did the smell test and the different nuances and the different clues
07:09that precisely throw a result on that issue,
07:13that strikingly all converge on the same two people
07:18and that later those two people also communicate with a police officer
07:22who is also detained in the cause and that undoubtedly
07:27from there the detention of him arises, beyond the fact that I am not a defender
07:31nor am I going to put myself in belief,
07:34but if one reads the file, it clearly arises that they have some kind of participation and intervention in the cause.
07:41Dr. Osuna, thank you for talking to us.
07:44Well, thank you, have a good day.
07:46See you later.
07:48And today we are going to show you a different and interesting effect,
07:51so that you can share in your stories,
07:52so that you put a little wave and with a 3D text that you will see how it is used.
07:57Let's go to the stories?
