The Jack In The Box Rises (2024) - Full Movie 1080p

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The Jack In The Box Rises (2024) - Full Movie 1080p
00:00:30What the hell is this place?
00:01:00Let's just get this thing and get out of here
00:01:42Screw this
00:01:48One last share right?
00:01:54Do you think this contains the heart Harvey wants?
00:02:20What are you waiting for? Take it already
00:02:31No, no, no, no, please no
00:02:40Someone help me please
00:02:42No, no, please no
00:02:44No, please no
00:02:46Please no
00:02:52Please help me
00:04:19I did everything I could to get it for you
00:04:33And the other two?
00:04:38They're dead, Harvey
00:04:43Two boys died trying to get that heart for you
00:04:47Doesn't that mean anything to you?
00:04:49Well it means I'm left empty handed
00:04:52That's a problem for us both
00:05:03She's failed to deliver
00:05:04Harvey please
00:05:09Don't do this
00:05:14I tried
00:05:18Stop please I'm begging you stop
00:05:27Don't make me kill you too
00:05:39Please give me one more chance to pay off his debt
00:05:46He's all I have
00:06:00That's enough
00:06:03For now
00:06:15I'll go back to that place
00:06:19I will not fail you again
00:06:25I'm thinking something bigger
00:06:29And there's nothing bigger in the world of paranormal collections than the Yakastamara
00:06:36The Yakastamara?
00:06:37A demon so powerful it had to be contained centuries ago
00:06:48This diary, diary of the man who captured it, chronicles how he enslaved the Yakastamara in this box forever
00:07:09You want me to go and steal it?
00:07:13First Raven, I need you to find it
00:07:18This book was found in the very place I believe the box remains
00:07:24How can you be so sure?
00:07:28When six people went missing from Rosewood Manor a few years ago, every corridor in that building was laden with blood
00:07:37The lady of the manor knew the eyes of the world would soon be hunting her
00:07:42As an old family friend she came to me for help
00:07:45A new identity, a fresh start
00:07:48What does some old lady have to do with the box?
00:07:52When Olga fled the country, she told me she left the box in a secret room buried behind the manor walls
00:08:01It's proven harder to find than I expected
00:08:04A test that I've failed to figure out
00:08:09So far
00:08:12Rosewood Manor is now an all-girls boarding school
00:08:15A generous donation from your father
00:08:19A little spring cleaning of your record should get you through the door with no questions asked
00:08:29Bring me the box and you can consider your debts repaid
00:08:35You'll both be free
00:08:43Owen Raven
00:08:49Whatever you do
00:08:52Don't open the box
00:09:12Rosewood Manor
00:09:42Rosewood Manor
00:10:13Things here are a little different to what you're used to in America, I'm sure
00:10:19A boarding school of this standard ensures all students take great care with their appearance
00:10:37The term hasn't even started yet
00:10:39We can't ever afford standards to slip now, can we?
00:10:43And the same applies to Univall
00:10:53You're allowed a phone in jail
00:10:56Don't think of this as prison, Raven
00:11:00You're allowed visitors there
00:11:05You see, your father and the parents of all the girls here are putting their faith in me
00:11:11Not just to provide the highest quality education
00:11:15But also to keep a very close eye on you
00:11:19Should you wish to leave the grounds at any point
00:11:23You are to report to me armed with a watertight reason of course
00:11:31Until then, the gates remain locked
00:11:39You're earlier than I expected
00:11:42However, there are a few girls who stay all year round
00:11:46Who I'm sure will give you a warm Rosewood welcome
00:11:53Rosewood Manor
00:12:06Hi, I'm Kara
00:12:12Welcome Raven
00:12:14I'm Crow
00:12:16That one over there is Pigeon
00:12:19And in the corner goes my seagull
00:12:22Ignore her
00:12:24That's Olivia
00:12:26That's Victoria
00:12:28Erin, Anna
00:12:30That's Willow
00:12:34What did you do to piss your parents off so bad they sent you here?
00:12:38It's a long story
00:12:41But I don't think I'll be here too long
00:12:44That's what we all said
00:12:47Then four years go by and you realise that your family's actually much happier
00:12:52When you're not home at all
00:12:59It's like an all-girl Neverland
00:13:05Most of the time
00:13:09That's Dean, Olivia's boyfriend
00:13:14It's a bit weird at first
00:13:17I've only been here two months and I'm already getting used to it
00:13:43The demon inside the box cannot kill the person who releases it
00:13:48For a deal with the demon is entered
00:13:53It will claim six victims before being trapped again
00:13:58It will claim six victims before being trapped again
00:14:03It will claim six victims before being trapped again
00:14:08It will claim six victims before being trapped again
00:14:15It is believed that the souls of its victims keeps it alive
00:14:20Each soul increases its strength
00:14:27God, our Venus is such bullshit
00:14:38God, our Venus is such bullshit
00:15:08God, our Venus is such bullshit
00:15:38The key to what you seek lies between these covers
00:15:43Olga Marsdale
00:15:53The key
00:15:57The key
00:16:03The key
00:16:07Lies between these covers.
00:16:38Here we go.
00:16:41Here we go.
00:16:46Let's go.
00:16:50Here we go.
00:16:55Planning your escape already, I see.
00:17:20Crystal Creek. Ever heard of it?
00:17:31You won't find any creeks down here.
00:17:34Why not?
00:17:36Well, creek is a bit, I don't know, American?
00:17:42Crystal Lake? Or river, maybe?
00:17:48No, that's not it.
00:17:53What is it, anyway?
00:17:58My dad said something about finding Crystal Creek when I got here.
00:18:04I assumed he thought it was a place I should visit, but I guess not.
00:18:10Well, whatever it is, one thing's for sure.
00:18:15You won't find it on this map.
00:18:40This thing could grant a wish.
00:19:07Studying before the term's even started?
00:19:33I knew I'd like you.
00:19:43It must be weird, staying here when everyone else goes home for the holidays.
00:19:50This is the first year I've not gone home.
00:19:55Really? How come?
00:20:02When my mum died of cancer, my stepdad made it pretty clear I wasn't welcome home.
00:20:11I mean, seriously, what would you think?
00:20:14Speak of the devil.
00:20:21Get out of my chair.
00:20:33What do you think you're doing?
00:20:36You know, just admiring the view.
00:20:46No, I'm good, thanks.
00:20:51Maybe you didn't hear me.
00:20:54I said...
00:21:01And I said...
00:21:29Do you actually think I'm scared of you?
00:21:43Come on, Olivia, leave her alone.
00:21:47What the hell is this?
00:21:55Wow, you're even weighter than I thought.
00:22:13You're gonna regret that.
00:22:25Oh, my God.
00:22:55Oh, my God.
00:23:23Oh, my God.
00:23:51Oh, my God.
00:24:07Oh, my God.
00:24:37Oh, my God.
00:24:57Oh, my God.
00:25:17Oh, my God.
00:25:33If the box is what you seek,
00:25:36your search will end at Crystal Creek.
00:26:05Oh, my God.
00:26:08Oh, my God.
00:26:11Oh, my God.
00:26:14Oh, my God.
00:26:41Oh, my God.
00:27:11Oh, my God.
00:27:41Oh, my God.
00:28:10Oh, my God.
00:28:36Come on.
00:29:05Oh, my God.
00:29:34Oh, my God.
00:29:47What are you doing, Raven?
00:29:50What is this place?
00:29:52Come back here now!
00:30:15Oh, my God.
00:30:44Oh, my God.
00:30:46Oh, my God.
00:30:52Oh, my God.
00:31:15Oh, my God.
00:31:17Oh, my God.
00:31:18Oh, my God.
00:31:19Oh, my God.
00:31:20Oh, my God.
00:31:21Oh, my God.
00:31:22Oh, my God.
00:31:23Oh, my God.
00:31:24Oh, my God.
00:31:25Oh, my God.
00:31:27Oh, my God.
00:31:28Oh, my God.
00:31:29Oh, my God.
00:31:30Oh, my God.
00:31:31Oh, my God.
00:31:32Oh, my God.
00:31:33Oh, my God.
00:31:34Oh, my God.
00:31:35Oh, my God.
00:31:36Oh, my God.
00:31:37Oh, my God.
00:31:38Oh, my God.
00:31:39Oh, my God.
00:31:40Oh, my God.
00:31:41Oh, my God.
00:31:42Oh, my God.
00:31:43Oh, my God.
00:31:44Oh, my God.
00:31:45Oh, my God.
00:31:46Oh, my God.
00:31:47Oh, my God.
00:31:48Oh, my God.
00:31:49Oh, my God.
00:31:50Oh, my God.
00:31:51Oh, my God.
00:31:52Oh, my God.
00:31:53Oh, my God.
00:31:54Oh, my God.
00:31:55Oh, my God.
00:31:56Oh, my God.
00:31:57Oh, my God.
00:31:58Oh, my God.
00:31:59Oh, my God.
00:32:00Oh, my God.
00:32:01Oh, my God.
00:32:02Oh, my God.
00:32:03Oh, my God.
00:32:04Oh, my God.
00:32:05Oh, my God.
00:32:06Oh, my God.
00:32:07Oh, my God.
00:32:08Oh, my God.
00:32:09Oh, my God.
00:32:10Oh, my God.
00:32:11Oh, my God.
00:32:12Oh, my God.
00:32:13Oh, my God.
00:32:14Oh, my God.
00:32:15Oh, my God.
00:32:16Oh, my God.
00:32:17Oh, my God.
00:32:18Oh, my God.
00:32:19Oh, my God.
00:32:20Oh, my God.
00:32:21Oh, my God.
00:32:22Oh, my God.
00:32:23Oh, my God.
00:32:24Oh, my God.
00:32:25Oh, my God.
00:32:26Oh, my God.
00:32:27Oh, my God.
00:32:28Oh, my God.
00:32:29Oh, my God.
00:32:30Oh, my God.
00:32:31Oh, my God.
00:32:32Oh, my God.
00:32:33Oh, my God.
00:32:34Oh, my God.
00:32:35Oh, my God.
00:32:36Oh, my God.
00:32:37Oh, my God.
00:32:38Oh, my God.
00:32:39Oh, my God.
00:32:40Oh, my God.
00:32:41Oh, my God.
00:32:42Oh, my God.
00:32:43Oh, my God.
00:32:44Oh, my God.
00:32:45Oh, my God.
00:32:46Oh, my God.
00:32:47Oh, my God.
00:32:48Oh, my God.
00:32:49Oh, my God.
00:32:50Oh, my God.
00:32:51Oh, my God.
00:32:52Oh, my God.
00:32:53Oh, my God.
00:32:54Oh, my God.
00:32:55Oh, my God.
00:32:56Oh, my God.
00:32:57Oh, my God.
00:32:58Oh, my God.
00:32:59Oh, my God.
00:33:00Oh, my God.
00:33:01Oh, my God.
00:33:02Oh, my God.
00:33:03Oh, my God.
00:33:04Oh, my God.
00:33:05Oh, my God.
00:33:06Oh, my God.
00:33:07Oh, my God.
00:33:08Oh, my God.
00:33:09Oh, my God.
00:33:10Oh, my God.
00:33:11Oh, my God.
00:33:12Oh, my God.
00:33:13Oh, my God.
00:33:14Oh, my God.
00:33:15Oh, my God.
00:33:16Oh, my God.
00:33:17Oh, my God.
00:33:18Oh, my God.
00:33:19Oh, my God.
00:33:20Oh, my God.
00:33:21Oh, my God.
00:33:22I birthing her home.
00:33:23She got that whole bag hence.
00:33:27Which one of you followed me last night?
00:33:30Who took it?
00:33:33Calm down.
00:33:35No, I won't calm down.
00:33:37What happened?
00:33:39There was one of you.
00:33:40It had to be.
00:33:42Great work, Detective.
00:33:47Was it you?
00:33:48Jesus, Raven.
00:33:49Do you have the box?
00:33:51You're crazy!
00:33:52What box?
00:33:53Whatever it is, I don't have it, okay?
00:33:57Well, who does?
00:34:02Who took it?!
00:34:08Are you alright?
00:34:11I know the one of you stole it from me.
00:34:17Was it you?
00:34:19Hey, why would I steal from you?
00:34:24Maybe you want the box for yourself.
00:34:27Maybe you're the one who got into my room and found out exactly what it can do!
00:34:32You're not making any sense.
00:34:37Who has it?
00:34:56Another psycho.
00:34:59Just what this place needed, I was beginning to get bored.
00:35:18What are you doing?
00:35:37Olivia will kill you if she sees you going through her stuff.
00:35:48What's going on, Raven?
00:35:54Let me help you.
00:36:03Something happened last night.
00:36:07Something bad.
00:36:11I'm really scared.
00:36:14You can tell me.
00:36:26No, I can't.
00:37:21Dad, are you alright?
00:37:23Please tell me you got the money for Harvey.
00:37:28I'm close.
00:37:29Dad, I'm really close.
00:37:32We're running out of time.
00:37:34I know.
00:37:35I'm sorry.
00:37:36I'm sorry.
00:37:37I'm sorry.
00:37:38I'm sorry.
00:37:39I'm sorry.
00:37:40I'm sorry.
00:37:42I know.
00:37:49I'm not sure I'm going to be alive next time.
00:37:53There won't be a next time.
00:37:56I'm going to get Harvey what he wants.
00:37:58I promise you.
00:38:00I'm so sorry.
00:38:03I'm sorry for everything.
00:38:12I love you sweetheart.
00:38:15I'll never forget that.
00:38:42Sorry, Hench.
00:38:46I can't say I'm missing you right now.
00:39:30This isn't funny, Olivia.
00:40:00I love you.
00:40:01I love you.
00:40:02I love you.
00:40:03I love you.
00:40:04I love you.
00:40:05I love you.
00:40:06I love you.
00:40:07I love you.
00:40:08I love you.
00:40:09I love you.
00:40:10I love you.
00:40:11I love you.
00:40:12I love you.
00:40:13I love you.
00:40:14I love you.
00:40:15I love you.
00:40:16I love you.
00:40:17I love you.
00:40:18I love you.
00:40:19I love you.
00:40:20I love you.
00:40:21I love you.
00:40:22I love you.
00:40:23I love you.
00:40:24I love you.
00:40:25I love you.
00:40:26I love you.
00:40:27I love you.
00:40:28I love you.
00:40:29I love you.
00:40:30I love you.
00:40:31I love you.
00:40:32I love you.
00:40:33I love you.
00:40:34I love you.
00:40:35I love you.
00:40:36I love you.
00:40:37I love you.
00:40:38I love you.
00:40:39I love you.
00:40:40I love you.
00:40:41I love you.
00:40:42I love you.
00:40:43I love you.
00:40:44I love you.
00:40:45I love you.
00:40:46I love you.
00:40:47I love you.
00:40:48I love you.
00:40:49I love you.
00:40:50I love you.
00:40:51I love you.
00:40:52I love you.
00:40:53I love you.
00:40:54I love you.
00:40:55I love you.
00:40:56I love you.
00:40:57I love you.
00:41:17Have you seen mum?
00:41:21I haven't seen her since yesterday.
00:41:24Hinch, she's Dean's mother.
00:41:28A cause to it.
00:41:30There must be a logical explanation. There always is.
00:41:35When was the last time you saw Hinch leave the grounds?
00:41:58She's not here. I've looked everywhere, it just doesn't make any sense.
00:42:04She'll turn up. I know it.
00:42:06How would you know that? What if something's wrong? What if...
00:42:10She's gonna be fine. I promise.
00:42:29I can't do this right now.
00:42:33Fine. I'm just trying to take your mind off it.
00:42:38Sorry. I was really worried about her.
00:42:50I get it.
00:42:52Get what?
00:42:54This is about her.
00:42:57Just stop, okay? I'm not stupid.
00:42:59Not this again, Olivia.
00:43:03I heard her talking to Vicky.
00:43:06About you and her.
00:43:08We can't keep going through this.
00:43:10There is nothing going on between me and Willow, alright?
00:43:14You're the one I want to be with.
00:43:19You know you're the only one.
00:43:21Do I?
00:43:25Why would I even look at her when I have you?
00:43:36It's just you and me.
00:43:42Against the world.
00:44:24I love you.
00:45:34There's something down there.
00:45:55I just...
00:46:05I'm sorry.
00:46:12He tried to kill me too.
00:46:25Sorry, but the person you've tried to reach can't take your call.
00:46:31Sorry, but the person you've tried to reach can't take your call.
00:46:39Sorry, but the person you've tried to reach can't...
00:46:42Don't even think about going out there.
00:46:45You won't make it to the gates alive.
00:46:48And what? Your plan is to just sit here and wait for that thing to find us again, yeah?
00:46:51I don't have a plan.
00:46:55Not yet.
00:46:59What's down there?
00:47:03I don't know how to describe it.
00:47:08It came from a box.
00:47:12A box?
00:47:15Guys, listen, we have to stick together.
00:47:17We have to all work together to find a way to get...
00:47:21The box from Raven's little spell book.
00:47:29You brought that thing here.
00:47:31No, I didn't.
00:47:37Tell us the truth, Raven.
00:47:47The truth is...
00:47:55I didn't mean for any of this...
00:47:57What is that thing, Raven?
00:48:03A demon.
00:48:05You're insane!
00:48:15Do you think it got Mum too?
00:48:21It wants six victims.
00:48:27Four more.
00:48:29You expect us to believe this hocus-pocus shit?
00:48:33Killing keeps it alive.
00:48:36It lives off of its victim's souls.
00:48:41I'm no student.
00:48:43And I wasn't sent here by my wealthy father.
00:48:47I was sent here to find that box and take it back with me.
00:48:53But I promise you...
00:48:56I wasn't the one who opened it.
00:49:03I didn't unleash that creature.
00:49:09Then who did?
00:49:17Well, who opened it, then?
00:49:27Stay silent.
00:49:34But whoever did this...
00:49:38Blood is on your hands, too.
00:49:40Fuck you!
00:49:43Blood is on your hands, too.
00:49:45Fuck this. I'm not staying here any longer.
00:49:47Just waiting to die, all right?
00:49:51Pinch had the only key to the gates.
00:49:54The walls are too tall to climb. How are we going to get out of here?
00:49:57Well, I'm finding a way out now.
00:49:58No! No!
00:49:59Erin, don't!
00:50:00Look, you lot can talk all night if you want to.
00:50:04I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago.
00:50:07I'm getting out of here and going home!
00:50:15Walk by the gates through the fog.
00:50:17Want to bet?
00:50:26Either you come with me,
00:50:29show us all how sorry you really are
00:50:31and find a way to get us all out of here,
00:50:35or you go back up there and hide,
00:50:38just like the rest of them.
00:50:42It's your choice.
00:50:54Even your bravery is fake.
00:51:08Do you think she's going to be okay?
00:51:13I don't know.
00:51:15Willow, I don't know.
00:51:42Come on!
00:52:12Come on!
00:52:42Come on!
00:53:12Come on!
00:53:15Come on!
00:53:59We can't just let her die.
00:54:02She chose to go out there.
00:54:15Come on!
00:54:46We need to protect ourselves.
00:55:03I'm not going to kill shit with this, am I?
00:55:16What about you?
00:55:23Don't worry about me.
00:55:37We need to send a message out somehow.
00:55:39There's no phone signal here.
00:55:41How can we get help?
00:55:43We're not going to get help.
00:55:45Well, what then?
00:55:48Look, me and you need to find a way out of here.
00:55:52Let the demon go after the others.
00:55:54Sacrifice the others?
00:55:56You got a better idea?
00:55:59It's too dangerous.
00:56:02You said it yourself, we can't just sit here in fear.
00:56:14You and me versus the world.
00:56:17Just like we always talked about.
00:56:21You and me.
00:56:25I say we burn the box.
00:56:28Burn it, smash it to pieces, do whatever it takes before that thing gets out of it again.
00:56:33I don't think we can.
00:56:35How hard is it to destroy a box?
00:56:38This one? Impossible.
00:56:42We've got to do something.
00:56:45I am going nowhere near that thing.
00:56:48What's the prize?
00:56:51Once a pussy, always a pussy.
00:57:03Look, that thing is going to burn.
00:57:07What we did to them, to mum.
00:57:10I'm going to make sure of it.
00:57:40I'm going to make sure of it.
00:58:11It's gone.
00:58:14It's not here.
00:58:19What the hell is this thing?
00:58:40Come on.
00:59:04Not sure about this.
00:59:13Follow me.
00:59:38Come on.
00:59:59Maybe this is a bad idea.
01:00:03We're too late.
01:00:16What are you doing?
01:00:21This is our chance.
01:00:33Are you coming with me?
01:00:46You won't leave her, will you?
01:00:49You won't leave Willow.
01:00:52What are you talking about?
01:00:54Don't lie to me.
01:01:02I can't do this.
01:01:09Well, I'm not waiting any longer.
01:01:32Come on.
01:01:37Come on.
01:02:02Come on.
01:02:32Come on.
01:05:09What is wrong with you?
01:06:16Is it gone?
01:06:24For now.
01:06:26What happened?
01:06:29The light seemed to burn it.
01:07:09Sorry, but the person you've tried to reach...
01:07:20Shut your mouth.
01:07:24Do you think that you can talk to me like that after what you just did?
01:07:29After you trapped us with it and left us to die?
01:07:40Did you break into my room, Olivia?
01:07:45You read that that thing could grant a wish.
01:07:48You set it on Hinch, then Victoria, then it got to Aaron,
01:07:51then you trapped us with it, that's six!
01:07:54Leaving you and Dean alive and your wish, whatever it is, granted.
01:08:00You opened that box, didn't you?
01:08:03Do you know who you're talking to?
01:08:05They died because of you!
01:08:07Get out of your mind!
01:08:12I didn't open it!
01:08:15I didn't open it!
01:08:21I don't believe you.
01:08:28Who's Rose?
01:08:33What does that name mean to you?
01:08:35Nothing! Why should it?
01:08:45Believe what you want, OK?
01:08:47But if you're accusing me, you're wasting your time.
01:08:55It could be any of you.
01:09:05What about you, Kara?
01:09:07What about me?
01:09:09You're always saying how you wished your life had been different.
01:09:13I'm thinking maybe you wished for your parents back.
01:09:17I never even knew them.
01:09:19And from what I've been told, they're better off dead.
01:09:24Whatever you want, then.
01:09:26You've only been here a couple of months.
01:09:29Maybe that wish of yours means more to you than we do.
01:09:33For the first time in my life, I actually felt part of something.
01:09:39Yeah, I know, I said I wished my life had been different, and guess what?
01:09:48Thanks to you guys, it actually was different.
01:09:54Before all of this, I was happy.
01:09:59I'm not the one that did this to us.
01:10:02Yeah, well, we're running out of suspects.
01:10:06I think that we can kill it.
01:10:10And your dummy's guidebook to demons is the answer.
01:10:15Although it is almost impossible to kill a Yaksamara,
01:10:21there is one known exception to this rule.
01:10:27When the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon align in such a way to produce a sanguis lunae...
01:10:33A blood moon.
01:10:34This rare form of light is deadly to the demon.
01:10:38You and the demon could chase us into the moonlight.
01:10:43No, too risky.
01:10:47But we could use pieces of broken mirror to direct the light.
01:10:53Like a weapon.
01:10:57We'll have to collimate the light first.
01:11:05Make all the rays travel parallel to each other in the same direction.
01:11:10Shock horror, I learned something in physics.
01:11:13And how do we do that, Einstein?
01:11:16We're going to need some lenses.
01:11:19There's a telescope in the library.
01:11:21Let's end this thing.
01:11:51We can bring Dean back.
01:12:22You know what?
01:12:26This might just work.
01:12:51I'll be right back.
01:13:21I'm sorry.
01:13:45Any luck?
01:13:47I'm sorry.
01:13:52Anima ab infano.
01:13:58Anima ab infano.
01:14:10Anima ab infano.
01:14:14Anima ab infano!
01:14:17Anima ab infano! Come on!
01:14:19Come on!
01:14:20I need more!
01:14:21Come on now!
01:18:58Know you thought I was dead
01:19:07But I was there
01:19:12Hiding for my life
01:19:16Watching on helplessly
01:19:27I want you to know how it feels to feel trapped to feel hopeless
01:19:36Begging you
01:19:40Look at this Olivia Brown begging for mercy
01:19:50You made our lives a misery day in day out
01:20:08Still don't see it. Do you I
01:20:13Kept you close because I was afraid you torment me too. I was glad of you
01:20:20But not anymore
01:20:42You only care about yourself
01:20:48And now there's only three of us left
01:20:51And when that demon takes your life
01:20:57That's six victims
01:21:11Me and Raven we will be free
01:21:15You pay the price
01:23:50That's impossible
01:26:28Watch you die. Are you sure about that?
01:26:44See because I open the box and release the demon
01:26:51It can't kill me
01:26:55I'm immune
01:27:01Now let me guess
01:27:03Harvey sent you to I
01:27:07Was beginning to give up
01:27:09Started to think maybe Olga had lied
01:27:12But it wasn't here at all
01:27:15And then you
01:27:22Not only did you leave me here
01:27:27But I realized this box offered a lot more than I ever could have imagined
01:27:34This box
01:27:37Offers the impossible
01:27:49Harvey promised me the money to save my sister's life in return for finding him that box
01:27:57But I took too long
01:28:04I was too late
01:28:09She passed away
01:28:18But when I discovered the box is true power I
01:28:24Knew if I could be brave
01:28:33Heartless I
01:28:38Could get the one thing his money could no longer offer
01:28:51Nothing was gonna get in my way and nothing is gonna stop me taking this chance to bring back my
01:28:59My dear sister
