Durood Un Par Salam Un Par | Rabi ul Awwal Special | 6 September 2024 | ARY Qtv

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Durood Un Par Salam Un Par | Rabi ul Awwal Special 2024

Speaker: Mufti Ramzan Sialvi

#aryqtv #Rabiulawwal #Durood

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00:00As-salāmu alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh, Bismillāhi r-Rahmāni r-Rahīm, Allāhumma
00:09ṣalli ʿalá Muḥammadin wa ʿalá āli Muḥammadin wa ʿasḥābi Muḥammadin, wa bārik
00:13wa sallim, taslīman kathīran kathīrā, Mu'azzaz nāzarīn wa sāma'īn, program
00:21Durood Unpar, Salām Unpar, ṣallá Llāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam.
00:27With this recitation, today we will talk a little bit about the beautiful
00:33collection of Durood-e-Pāk of the Chosen One, ṣallá Llāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam,
00:38Dalā'ilu l-khayrāt sharīf.
00:43And we will tell you that this collection of Durood-e-Pāk,
00:49its author, the importance of this book, and especially among all the Sufis,
00:59the four chains, Silsila Aaliyah, Qadriyah, Naqshbandiyah, Sohruwardiyah, Chishtiyah,
01:06all the saints and saints of all the chains, for centuries,
01:12this collection of Durood-e-Pāk and Munājāt, Dalā'ilu l-khayrāt sharīf,
01:17has made its recitation its norm based on its routine and habit of reciting it daily.
01:29This book, this collection of Durood-e-Pāk and Munājāt,
01:34in the order of its words, in the use of words, in the praise and exaltation of Allah the Lord of Glory,
01:48is filled with such eloquence and hearty words and names that if the reader is not able to understand the translation,
02:13then in each and every word, the reader feels himself close to Allah,
02:21and while reciting Durood-e-Pāk, he feels himself present in the presence of Aka Kareem Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam,
02:29and from the presence of Mustafa Kareem Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam,
02:32he feels the light and the manifestation of Allah.
02:37And you can gauge its acceptance from the fact that even today,
02:45after 800 years, on this earth of Allah the Lord of Glory,
02:53the Awliya-e-Kāmilīn, the Sufis, the Ahlullah,
02:57have made this collection of Munājāt and Durood-e-Pāk a part of their spiritual life.
03:10It is a part of their Wazāif, it is a part of their Aurādh,
03:14and on the basis of their daily life, reciting a part of it, that is a part of their destination,
03:20is a source of happiness and a source of blessings for them.
03:25The original name of this book in Arabic is
03:28Dalā'ilu-l-Khayrāt wa Shabāriqu-l-Anwār
03:33Fi Dhikri-s-Salāti wa-s-Salāmi ala Nabiyyil-Mukhtār Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam.
03:40The author of this book is Abu Abdullah Sayyid Muhammad bin Sulayman al-Jazuli
03:48may Allah have mercy on him.
03:51He was born and raised in Marrakesh.
03:55He died in Marrakesh.
03:57I will briefly describe the circumstances of his death.
03:59He was well-versed in knowledge, virtue, piety, Taqwa,
04:03Allah and the Lord of Glory,
04:06he was well-known for being a Mustajab-ud-Dawāt,
04:08he was well-versed in all of his morals and all of his spiritual qualities.
04:17There was an incident that became the reason for me to write this book and the Darood-e-Pak.
04:25Once, he went to a well to get water for his ablution.
04:35He saw that the water level was low and there was no bucket to get water.
04:42He was perplexed as to how to get water from the well.
04:49A woman in a hijab came to him.
04:53She recognised Prophet Muhammad bin Sulayman al-Jazuli, may Allah have mercy on him.
04:59She said,
05:01Prophet Muhammad bin Sulayman al-Jazuli is well-known for his Taqwa, piety, worship and prayers.
05:09He said,
05:10Yes, it is I.
05:12She asked him why he was standing there.
05:14He said,
05:15I have to perform ablution and get water from the well, but there is no bucket.
05:21The woman said,
05:24You are such a well-known Sufi and you are waiting for a bucket to get water for your ablution.
05:38He remained silent.
05:40The woman stayed there for a few moments
05:43and he saw that the water level of the well was so low that it was so close to his hand that he could perform ablution from it.
05:57Allah Akbar! He was astonished.
05:59He asked the woman,
06:01How did you attain this spiritual rank and status in the presence of Allah?
06:10The blessed woman replied,
06:16It is because I recite the Durood-e-Paak a lot.
06:21He said,
06:22I also recite the Durood-e-Paak.
06:24What is the special Durood that you recite?
06:28There are seven stages of the book Dalail-ul-Khairat Sharif.
06:36Hizb-ul-Awwal, Hizb-ul-Sani, Hizb-ul-Salis, Hizb-ul-Rabi, Hizb-ul-Khamis, Hizb-ul-Sadis, Hizb-ul-Sabi.
06:46The Sufi says,
06:47The Durood-e-Paak that was recited by the blessed woman is the same Durood-e-Paak that Imam Muhammad bin Sulaiman Al-Jazuli recited in his book Dalail-ul-Khairat Sharif in the seventh stage and Hizb-ul-Awwal.
07:07What is the book?
07:09And there is another miracle of the Prophet.
07:12After 77 years, when the Prophet opened the Mazar-e-Pur-Anwar,
07:27After 77 years, the Prophet's body was in perfect health and was protected by the Anwar-e-Tajalliyat.
07:40This was because of the abundance of Durood-e-Paak.
07:44Since we are not going to talk about the benefits of Durood-e-Paak, I am just giving you a hint.
07:50Today, we are going to talk about this Dalail-ul-Khairat Sharif.
07:57It is a collection of Munajat.
07:59This book begins with a person's humility, prayers and Munajat.
08:06When you read these Munajat, with the words of Allah,
08:17you will feel as if the desire in the heart, the desire for humility,
08:25the desire for servitude in the presence of Allah,
08:27the desire to ask Allah for something in the form of words and Munajat,
08:34is being transmitted through these blessed words.
08:39After this, there are 7 Hizbs.
08:43Each day, there is a Manzil that is recited.
08:48Since there are 7 days in a week,
08:53the Auliyas recite one Manzil daily.
08:58The day the last Manzil, the 7th, ends,
09:01they recite the first Manzil as well.
09:05This is because the last Manzil ends on the last day,
09:09and the next day, the next Manzil starts from there.
09:13And this cycle continues.
09:15Then, in different Salats,
09:20the days of the week are different.
09:25Usually, it starts on the day of Peer and ends on the day of Peer.
09:31And in Chishti and Nizamiya,
09:36it starts on Friday and ends on Friday.
09:41I have spoken about this,
09:44which is common among the spiritual elders.
09:47In the presence of the Prophet,
09:49the beautiful combination of the words of Durood-e-Paak,
09:53and the selection of the words,
09:59the truth is that each word of Durood-e-Paak
10:05is a sign of the acceptance of Allah.
10:09Please pay attention.
10:11Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
10:13Allahumma salli ala roohi Sayyidina Muhammadin fil arwaah
10:17wa ala jasadihi fil ajsaad
10:20wa ala qabarihi fil qaboor
10:22wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim
10:25Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin
10:28kama dhakarahu th-dhakiroon
10:30Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin
10:32kullama ghafala an dhikrihi al-ghafiloon
10:35Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik
10:37ala Sayyidina Muhammadin
10:39an-nabi al-ummi wa azwajihi
10:41ummahatil mu'mineen
10:43wa dhurriyatihi wa ahli baytihi
10:45salatan wa salaman
10:47la yuhsa adaduha
10:49wa la yuqta'u madaduha
10:51ila akhirihi
10:53In this book,
10:55and remember
10:57the names of Prophet Muhammad
10:59among them
11:01in just one section
11:03of the book
11:05about two hundred
11:07or two hundred and one verses
11:09of Prophet Muhammad
11:11are present
11:13in this book
11:15with the names of Prophet Muhammad
11:17with the attributes
11:19of Prophet Muhammad
11:21with the miracles
11:23of Prophet Muhammad
11:25with the perfect body
11:27of Prophet Muhammad
11:29with the attributes
11:31of Prophet Muhammad
11:33with the noble morals
11:35In short,
11:37the glory of Prophet Muhammad
11:39the status of Prophet Muhammad
11:41the status of Prophet Muhammad
11:43the status of Prophet Muhammad
11:45all of these are mentioned
11:47in such beautiful words
11:50by Hazrat Muhammad bin Sulaiman Jazuli
11:52may Allah have mercy on him
11:54that this is his speciality
11:56and with the love
11:58of Prophet Muhammad
12:00with the love
12:02of Prophet Muhammad
12:04with the love
12:06of Prophet Muhammad
12:08with the love
12:10of Prophet Muhammad
12:12with the love
12:14of Prophet Muhammad
12:16may Allah have mercy on him
12:18may Allah have mercy on him
12:20This is what
12:22the religious leaders
12:24and the saints and the Sufis
12:26call it
12:28the worship of Prophet Muhammad
12:30and especially
12:32the Durood-e-Paak
12:36is the fastest way
12:38to reach
12:40the threshold
12:42of Prophet Muhammad
12:47to reach
12:49the threshold
12:51of Prophet Muhammad
12:53in a single moment
12:55which is
12:57the servant
12:59of his master
13:01the follower
13:03of Prophet Muhammad
13:05the lover
13:07of his beloved
13:09the one who joins
13:11the hearts
13:13and the one who fulfills
13:15the wishes
13:17of Prophet Muhammad
13:19in a single moment
13:21is the Durood-e-Paak
13:23and then
13:25with those words
13:27with those words
13:29with that order
13:31which thousands
13:33and thousands
13:35of Sufis,
13:37Qadris, Naqshbandis
13:39Surwardis, Chishtis
13:41all have different
13:43orders and duties
13:45to fulfill
13:47but the acceptance
13:49of this
13:53in the court of
13:55Prophet Muhammad
13:57that every Sufi
13:59through this Durood-e-Paak
14:01and to make it their
14:03place of worship
14:05is considered a blessing
14:07and a special thing
14:09is that
14:12even today
14:14through different sersons
14:16Prophet Muhammad
14:18reaches to Allah
14:20in different places
14:22it is recited weekly
14:24Saliqeen, Sufis
14:26go to Durood-e-Paak
14:28and then
14:30through the International
14:34the Durood-e-Paak
14:36is recited
14:38with the blessings of
14:40the blessed ones
14:42who have the
14:44special permission
14:46from Prophet Muhammad
14:48to write
14:50the Durood-e-Paak
14:52and the blessings
14:54of the Durood-e-Paak
14:56in the court of
14:58Prophet Muhammad
15:00May Allah bless us
15:02with the Durood-e-Paak
15:04in the court of
15:06Prophet Muhammad
