Prepare to be swept away by Falling Together, a captivating romantic drama directed by Mike Rohl, set to premiere on Hallmark on September 21, 2024. This film tells a heartfelt and uplifting story of love, laughter, and unexpected adventure. Ashley Williams and Paul Campbell lead the cast with their charming and emotionally resonant performances, bringing the characters to life in a way that is sure to touch your heart. Set against a beautiful backdrop, Falling Together explores the magic of chance encounters and the power of human connection. With its blend of romance, humor, and heartfelt moments, this movie promises to be a truly memorable viewing experience. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy this enchanting premiere—mark your calendars for an evening filled with joy, love, and warmth!
Falling Together Cast:
Ashley Williams, Paul Campbell, Rryla Mcintosh, Paul McGillion, Linda Kash, Hrothgar Mathews, Amy Goodmurphy and Nisreen Slim
Stream Falling Together September 21, 2024 on Hallmark!
Falling Together Cast:
Ashley Williams, Paul Campbell, Rryla Mcintosh, Paul McGillion, Linda Kash, Hrothgar Mathews, Amy Goodmurphy and Nisreen Slim
Stream Falling Together September 21, 2024 on Hallmark!
00:00I just want everybody in the building to...
00:02Be your friends?
00:06I didn't have a lot of friends growing up.
00:09My brother is 12 years older than me,
00:11and he left the house when I was 6.
00:14My parents worked a lot,
00:15and I know what it's like to feel alone.
00:21And disconnected.
00:22I think you'd be a lot happier
00:24if you got involved in fixing
00:25whatever's going on between our neighbors.
00:27Well, I think you would be happy
00:29if you stopped worrying so much about everybody else.
00:33So I'll tell you what.
00:34I will help you broker peace in the building,
00:37but you have to spend more time just for you.
00:42Okay, so I help you to be more involved.
00:45You help me to be less involved?
00:47I mean, I don't know that you would be helping me,
00:49but, yeah.
00:51Well, that sounds like a win-win to me.
00:54Falling Together.
00:55Only on Hallmark Channel.