• last year
Sue and Eric welcomed us into there garden as they prepare to open for the National Garden Scheme. This is the first year they have done so for the scheme and the 15th will be there gardens last opening of three this year.
00:00So we're here in Market Drayton at Riverside Garden and beautiful it is and
00:05it's the work of you guys, what's your names folks? Sue and Eric Harrison.
00:10How long have you lived here? 26, 27 years. Yeah and it's this garden as we see it
00:16it's all your work isn't it? It wasn't like this when you moved in. No it wasn't, not at all.
00:21So have you always been into gardening? Yeah I suppose so, yeah yeah but not
00:28as much as we bought the house for the garden. Yeah. Because I wanted the garden.
00:32And it's gone, it's one of those, we'll put a couple of shrubs in and then a
00:36couple more and then before you know it you've got, it must take up a lot of time
00:41to maintain it because it's a big plot isn't it? It does, yeah. They call it the
00:45green gym though don't they? Well yeah, yeah it is, it is very much. Any particular
00:50favourite spots in the garden? The woodland I love, I love the feel of the
00:56woodland, I love the feel of here for a drink in an evening. So there's all
01:01different areas that you you go to each time of the year. Yeah. The hosta garden
01:07in the spring because it's full of snow drops. Yeah. So, so you've opened
01:12previously for Macmillan that you do some work for, fundraising. Yeah. And this
01:18year's been your first year with the NGS. Yeah, it is. So how's it gone for you? It's
01:22gone very well, it's gone very well. We've had people come that are really keen
01:26gardeners, interested but they've also supported us for Macmillan and they've
01:31been very generous. Yeah, yeah. So you think you'll be on the NGS list next
01:36year, is that the plan? Yeah, yeah. So this year you'll be opening, not this, what's
01:41the date you're opening? We're opening on the 15th of September, that's the last
01:45one for this year. Yeah, yeah. And then there's dates to be confirmed for next year,
01:50we'll confirm them later. And that's the third of your openings for the year
01:55isn't it? Yeah, yeah. So has it been nice going, you know, getting, being in your
01:59garden, even the, oh wow, and even the reactions. Yeah, it's been nice to chat to people. Yeah.
02:05You know. Just the stress from the month before. Just getting, all the getting it
02:10ready like, yeah, yeah. So you've give yourself free, lots of stress haven't you
02:14Yeah, we have, we have. And cakes, making cakes. Yeah, yeah. People do travel though, don't they, with the NGS's, you know.
02:21Always, always. Yeah, they do come some distance. Yeah. So, so who's the garden designer then?
02:27Who's, who's kind of the brains, is that you Sue? Me, well me, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And Eric, any
02:34particular favourite spot for yourself in the garden? Well, cutting the grass is about
02:38my thing. We've, we've said you've had a few nice times in this little building here,
02:46we've had a glass of wine in the evening, it's a nice spot to relax isn't it? Yeah, yeah it is.
02:51Yeah. Have you ventured round to any, any other gardens around Shropshire? We've been to a few
02:55this year haven't we? Yeah, yeah. Friend opens don't they? Yeah, and my friend opens as well.
03:01Oh yeah, who's your friend then? Chris Brown, she opens her garden. What's her garden called?
03:05Um, oh. Is it in Market Drayton or? It's just outside. Near Hodgman. Lockley Wood is it? Lockley
03:12Wood. Okay. Yeah, yeah, we'll look out for it. She opened. Yeah, yeah. For the second year she opened.
03:17Yeah. Yeah. So when you've curated such a magical garden, you can never leave this house now can
03:23you? You're tied to it aren't you? That's the problem, yes. Yeah, that is the problem. Yeah.
03:28Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's a good size house but yeah, you're tied to it aren't you now? This is
03:33it, you know what I mean? You're not starting again with another 20-year garden project are you?
03:37No, no. I don't think we should somewhere, a nice little bungalow. Yeah. Well maybe, pass this one on,
03:43you can just pay a fiver and come and visit on an open day. Come and visit myself, yeah, yeah.
03:48Well thank you for inviting us to your garden, it really is magical. So many little paths and
03:54little gardens and like you say, that wooden section, you look to all of a sudden you're in
03:58a different world aren't you really? Yeah, a different feeling completely. Yeah, yeah.
04:02And I'm just relaxing here listening to the rail in the background. Yeah. Beautiful. Well thank you
04:07very much and good luck with your third and final opening for the year folks. Thank you, thank you
04:11very much, thank you.
