NGS : Upper Farm Garden open this weekend for charity, in the shadow of the Wrekin.

  • 2 days ago
See what you can create in just four years as Upper Farm garden Opens this weekend for the National Garden Scheme.
00:00We're here at Upper Farm, Rushton, just in the shadows of the reek in there.
00:05Gents, introduce yourselves.
00:07Hello, I'm Paul.
00:09And I'm Pete.
00:10How are you doing guys? You're a fantastic garden.
00:13We're just having a tour around and we'll bring up some little clips to show the viewers.
00:18You're opening for the NGS?
00:20Yep, this weekend.
00:22The 4th, no, the 5th and 6th.
00:26So you're in the thick of it at the minute then.
00:28It's a lot of work, isn't it, when you open for the NGS?
00:31Yes, preparing everything, especially with this weather.
00:34Yeah, it's thrown its extra challenges I dare say.
00:37That's right, I mean we've been lucky on previous openings with good weather.
00:40But that's not good for this weekend.
00:42Well, let's hope it's wrong, because they often are.
00:45So you've opened, this has been your first year for the NGS?
00:49Yes, it has.
00:51And what's your experience so far then? Enjoyable?
00:54Fantastic, we've really enjoyed it, haven't we?
00:56The best one was the last one, which was in August time.
00:59And we had over 200 visitors on the two days.
01:03That's good going, isn't it?
01:04It really was good.
01:05It's nice because you put the hard work in.
01:07I should imagine it's quite nice just to stand back and listen to people as they go and go.
01:11And we've raised nearly £5,000 for the charity.
01:17With the cake money and the teas and the cake shops.
01:20So it hasn't scared you off, do you think it'll become an annual fixture then?
01:24I think so, yeah.
01:26So just tell us a little bit about how long you've lived here
01:29and how long it's taken you to create the garden then.
01:31Yeah, sure. We moved here about seven years ago,
01:36but we didn't get started on the garden straight away.
01:39This was actually just an open meadow.
01:41I was cutting the grass every weekend.
01:44And we always meant to do something really constructed with it.
01:49And then Covid came along and we thought, right, this is the opportunity.
01:53And we drew some plans out and got on with it really
01:58with a bit of help from a local contractor who was prepared to work through Covid.
02:02Doing some of the hard work with us.
02:04Because it was outdoors, he could do it.
02:06He could do it because it was outdoors.
02:07So most of what you see, well, everything that you see here
02:10has only been there for, this is its fourth summer really.
02:14I can't get my head around that, do you know what I mean?
02:16Yeah, I feel amazed and frustrated at my own garden
02:20when I know you've done this in four years.
02:22Who'd have thought it, you know what I mean?
02:24I bet you didn't think at the time, did you, in four years it's going to be like this.
02:28No, I didn't. I mean, it's come on in leaps and bounds.
02:31We're really pleased with it, for sure.
02:33So you've got some gardening knowledge between the two of you.
02:36That was your background back in the day, wasn't it?
02:38Originally, yeah, when I left school, I went into horticulture
02:41and I worked for about eight or nine years in the Parks Department in Birmingham.
02:49So I did some training there.
02:52But it's become a hobby.
02:55Yeah, we both enjoy it.
02:57And if anybody recognises your faces, you used to run, what's the place you used to run it?
03:02We used to run the Old Orlerton.
03:04Pete and Paul from the Old Orlerton.
03:06Older people might remember Oliver's Vegetarian Bistro in Ironbridge.
03:11We were 16 years before that.
03:14They'd have to be really old to remember.
03:16They were not really old.
03:18Well, when you're in those kind of industries, there's not really much time aside,
03:22spared for gardening, I should imagine, is there?
03:25No, no, exactly. No, no, that's right.
03:27So it's not until we retired we had the time to do it.
03:31So this is a lovely little section we've got here then.
03:33And it's a bit of inspiration you've took from somewhere, is that right?
03:36Yes, we took our inspiration from Dungeness here, actually.
03:39I don't know whether you...
03:40I've never been. No, no.
03:42It's very atmospheric.
03:44You should have a look at that sometime.
03:46But it's basically a scree for miles and miles.
03:50And then there's just odd little things punctuating it.
03:54And that wood there, that feature, that was some old wood that you'd found in the house.
03:59And kind of, what can we do with it?
04:01And before you know it, it's chopped in four and looks like a perfect little sculpture.
04:04It's come out of the cellar.
04:05There were just some old timbers in the cellar rotting away.
04:09Got them into some bits and Bob's your uncle.
04:13So if people haven't been to your garden before, how would you describe it to them?
04:18Well, it's a series of rooms really.
04:22There's lots of little separate areas with different ideas.
04:25Different themes.
04:26Different things going on.
04:27There's the sort of Port Merrin inspired Chet's set just behind us over the hatch there.
04:35And there's the layered scree garden in the far corner.
04:38And the fountain and the rose garden.
04:41My veg garden behind us.
04:43Greenhouses, etc.
04:45And then the front's more like a sort of cottage garden in the front, isn't it?
04:50And there's that lovely terraced area.
04:52You were saying you almost decided upon that by accident.
04:55You were up doing the roof on the outbuilding.
04:57Yes, the viewing platform.
04:59And while you were doing the roof you thought, hang on.
05:02We need to get people up here.
05:05So there's a viewing platform with somewhere else to sit underneath.
05:09Plenty of places to sit.
05:10A good garden needs plenty of places to sit.
05:13Totally, totally.
05:14Well, thank you for inviting the shops to your start.
05:17And we look forward to sharing it with our viewers.
05:20And get yourselves down this weekend, guys.
05:22And if you don't make it this weekend, look out next year then.
05:25That's it indeed.
05:26Thank you very much indeed.
05:27All the best, gents.
