Lesbian movie

  • 2 weeks ago
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00:29For just three minutes you could stop time
00:34Tell me
00:37What would you do
00:46Huh? Oh, come on. Were you even listening?
00:49Sorry, I guess I kind of spaced out. I was saying I've read some short stories by that same author there. Oh, right
00:57Sorry, I've been thinking of picking up some of their longer novels, too. Do you have any recommendations? Oh, I
01:08Let's see
02:30That was huh, uh
02:34That was but a fleeting dream what how are you still moving?
03:41What really is forever anyway
03:56Stopped time. Did you do this Mauritania and got caught doing it?
04:03How can you tell?
04:05How are you even moving Murakami?
04:07So, can you like stop time for as long as you want before three minutes give or take Wow three minutes, huh?
04:15That's not too long
04:21So you really stopped time itself because you wanted to see my panties that bad
04:28You're a real next-level perv
04:31What no, you've got everything wrong. I'm not I bet our classmates would like to know that our shy
04:38quiet little Mauritania
04:45Really a pervert who wants to look up girls skirts, even though she's a girl herself
04:50No, please don't I'll do anything you want. Is this really anything?
05:01What Murakami is like
05:12You'll do anything, huh? She seems kind of mean but still
05:18her beauty makes my heart race I
05:22Wonder what I should have you do for me Mauritania
05:27I'll think it over tonight. Think what over?
05:40What on earth is she going to ask from me good morning Mauritania, oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Oh
05:48I mean morning. Uh, is something up? Everything's normal
05:54So hey, I was thinking you're not in any clubs yet, right?
05:58No, great. Like table tennis. We could totally use some more members
06:05I'm already a second year. Yeah, that's not a problem
06:08Our club is not strict at all. So there's nothing to worry about. How about you come check out our club after class?
06:14Why does she always try and chat me up every day? You know you want to
06:24Well, well you'll stop time over anything, huh
06:34Are you sneaking off to lift up some skirts again? No, of course not
06:39Well, you sure treated yourself to it yesterday, but I've never done that to anyone else
06:44That was my first time I swear
06:48Really now really?
06:50Well, regardless of that
06:54Times really stopped now, huh?
06:57It wasn't a dream after all oh how I wish it was am I the only one who can move I think so
07:04Why am I the only one not affected by it?
07:06I have no idea if I had more control over it. I'd have chosen you anyway, huh?
07:12I find it rather peculiar that you can stop time, but it doesn't affect me for some reason. I wonder
07:19Does that mean I've piqued your interest Mauritania?
07:22Huh, could it be that you actually wanted to spend some time with me, maybe that's the reason I bet that's it
07:31Which makes me think that you must like me then
07:36Murakami you aren't making any sense to me
07:41By the way, do you have any plans this Sunday?
07:45When's the last time I even hung out with anyone? Hey you alone where you headed more Tani?
07:57Sorry to keep you waiting. Oh, oh, it's fine
08:02I've got myself a date
08:06A date
08:18Wow, no, that's really delish
08:21Here you got to try this thing
08:24Say ah hurry. It's falling off the spoon. Come on. Come on
08:32Tasty right
08:36This really fine with you got any shops you want to stop at in particular? Oh, um, not really
08:43I'm fine with going wherever you wanted to go
08:46You sure don't be afraid to speak up. Wow. She's pretty she sure is
08:58I wish I could stop time here and run away
09:04Hey, I bet this would look great on you
09:18Here, let me get these for you
09:21She's so different from everyone else. These are the same exact ones. I have you on them
09:27You did take a good long stare at mine. That's not it. I really don't care about panties or anything like that
09:35So you don't like them when I'm with her. Oh
09:39I get it. It must be that you like seeing these on me then
09:44Just drop it already
09:47It's fun
09:54Am I even allowed to have fun while spending time with someone like her
10:12Doesn't this look cute incredibly, huh?
10:15That's our classmate Tamaki and some girl from another class
10:20Well, they sure seem to get along you think they're a couple. I wonder when they became a thing. Uh, I
10:28Wish she would have just said something
10:32Wait a second
10:34Does that mean you and Tamaki are dating?
10:37Supposedly, but it looks like all that's over now, huh?
10:43Wait, so he's just out here with some other girl behind her back. Hang on now on we should go
10:55Are you just fine with it if you two were dating then how could Tamaki do something like this to you?
11:01We should say something. It's not like I cared all that much about him. He was the one who wanted to date in the first
11:07But even if that's the case, it's not fair to you though doesn't really matter. I guess
11:20Why do you talk as if you've given up on absolutely everything you and your feelings matter, too
11:45More Tani, why'd you stop time?
11:54We can get away with anything right now
12:11Find it rather peculiar that you can stop time, but it doesn't affect me
12:16Well, I did want to spend some time with her
12:20Does that mean which makes me think that you must like me then
12:38Soon after that we need a hobby out of my ability
12:42We would stop the clock every day and take a peek at all our classmates dirty little secrets
12:48It made me realize something
12:50She really knows everyone
12:53almost too well even
12:57Are our three minutes almost up? Yeah, this is like our own secret little break. It's kind of exciting
13:05Yeah, it is. I feel the same way
13:09See, huh? I uh, wait what how soft I wish this time with you lasted just a little longer
13:33You already grabbed three people from the basketball club
13:37Haruka's as good as a whole team herself, right like hell. I'd let you have her, too
13:45Everyone likes Murakami
13:59Nice shot. Alrighty, let's go for an Oh
14:09Mortoni, huh? What?
14:13Something up. Well, why'd you stop time now? Oh
14:16well, um, I
14:18Did I do this without even realizing you've been running around for a little while now
14:22So I thought maybe you could use a breather I
14:27See well, thanks. What am I doing? Oh
14:34I get it. See that's all it takes to make it super easy. That makes sense. Thanks
14:40That's Haruka for you friend and hero to all
14:44Sorry for bugging you you're so good at explaining this stuff, though
14:58More Tani, I'm sorry. That was totally accidental
15:03Was it now? I'm not the only one who likes her everyone else does too
15:09Hey since everything stopped anyways, can I ask you about something? What is it? Go on? Oh
15:19What am I doing
15:28Even if I stop time, I know I can't keep Murakami for myself
15:42Murakami, did you hear the rumor about Tamaki? Huh? What what about him? Didn't you hear?
15:49And he's on his head in the middle of the mall what no way did you know about any of this? Yeah
16:05What's up more Tani this wasn't on purpose it really wasn't but oh, um, well, that's odd
16:12Guess my powers are acting up again
16:14Something's really off
16:16Why are you lying to me, huh?
16:20Could it be you're feeling jealous
16:23Do you want me more for yourself? It's not like that. I'm not jealous. I'm really not this is all just a coincidence
16:31Really now
16:36More Tani. Yes. Let's just say if it was on purpose you better stop
16:52Better stop
17:07Her words echo
17:16They keep playing over and over in my head in my head she must be so sick of me
17:27That thought scares me
17:35Several days have passed without anything getting resolved. Can I be excused my stomach hurts?
17:46What am I doing really I'm so dumb
17:53Students are resting in here. So keep it down, please. Got it
18:05You haven't been freezing time lately, why is that
18:10Well, I mean
18:11You told me I'd better stop, huh, the last thing I want is for you to hate me
18:18So this is my fault then no
18:21You need to learn to accept the things you want
18:25Except the things I want. Yep. I
18:30Can't do it. Why not if I told you you'd hate me
18:38I'd hate you
18:42If you're gonna be that way, I guess no one is ever gonna know how you really feel then
18:55The next period is about to start if you're feeling better than get back to your next class
19:15Power of yours can only stop time for about three minutes, right?
19:20Yeah, and
19:21If I were to kiss you right now time would start up again
19:25But the nurse would catch us
19:28Isn't that right?
19:31What if I told you I don't mind I don't care who sees me kissing you just so you know that
20:00You're feeling better than get back to your next class sure
20:23What if we really were a couple
20:31A couple if we start dating I'll stop talking to people alone and focus my attention on you
20:38But I'd want you to you'd want me to what?
20:45Want you to you'd want me to what
20:51To listen to what I want to do, okay
21:07Where did you go to junior high Maritani, huh? Wait me I
21:15It was a different school than the rest of us, right? Yeah, that's correct. I went to meet me junior high
21:22Yeah, not many kids from Mina may go here, huh? Oh, I guess
21:28Hey, so I finally got my hands on that new lipstick. I'm jelly the trendy strawberry
21:35Haruka about that homework from fifth period don't you girls feel like you rely on her a little too much?
21:41Sorry, it's fine. Let me grab my notebook. You're a lifesaver. Well since you're giving free hand out you too
21:53Why does spending unstopped time with people have to feel so oppressive doesn't Murakami ever get tired of it
22:02These false lashes keep popping off. Just keep popping off. Got any glue. It's because you keep touching your eyes
22:08Hey, what's with that girl Maritani? Anyway, can't you just even answer a simple question, right?
22:14I'm going out of my way to include her in the conversation, but she won't reciprocate
22:18Why'd Haruka even bring her over? I don't know
22:23Murakami has always been a people pleaser though. No kidding makes me think she's fake
22:28Well, she's always batting her eyes at the boys and then there's that whole, you know being with our teacher. Mr
22:33Yamaguchi, I heard she lets him feel her up. It's all of that true. No wonder she's his favorite then
22:39I mean, it really wouldn't surprise me. I won't pretend I'm not jealous of how popular she is
22:44But not so much that I'd want his hands on me that's karma for you
22:49This doesn't leave the ladies room, by the way, obviously
22:54Now I remember
22:56This is why I never felt like I could get along with anyone
23:02Friends are only for appearances. I always hated being forced to be around other people. I
23:09Always just ran
23:12But it's the people who can't run the people like Murakami
23:18They're the ones who truly suffered don't they?
23:23Okay, you may begin
23:50Can you take a picture for me a picture and I want you to keep your eyes on me too, okay
23:57Well, yeah, of course I will
24:02My eyes are on you
24:26Come here
24:34You can do whatever you like to me
24:57No one's watching not yet at least
25:09With my hand pressed against her I could feel her heart racing
25:21Our hard-working class days she wanted to break the rules
25:45You need to get dressed before time starts up again
25:52She seemed almost disappointed it was almost as if she wanted to be caught I
25:59wonder I
26:01Are we going to do that all again tomorrow?
26:16Nope just Kobayashi. Well, sorry about that. No biggie. You've been spending lots of time with her after all
26:25Thinking about joining the club. She said huh? Oh
26:28No, that's great. Have you given the table tennis club any thought yet then table tennis?
26:36Yeah, all right, she asked me to join already, huh
26:40Honestly, I'm not really an athletic person
26:42Well, you're in luck missy because table tennis is much easier to get into than other sports
26:47And if you can keep a secret our school doesn't really push the table tennis club to compete either
26:52It's really a great moment to stop time again and escape
26:56You can just start with some swinging practice, that's all it takes. I should save my ability for Murakami
27:03I'm kind of surprised you actually stuck around to hear me out today
27:06Huh? Every time I try and talk with you you always vanish on me
27:10I was kind of afraid you maybe hated me or something. Sorry. It's not like that at all
27:17That's a relief
27:20Let's eat
27:25Is that strawberry milk you've got there you mind if I take a sip? Oh sure
27:33This is like an indirect kiss, thanks a bunch your lunch looks so good want to trade with me sure open wide
27:41What's with all of this physical contact? Oh
27:46Octopus sausages are so cute. You make them for your whole family pretty much. Everyone seems to love them
27:52Oh, I wish I was part of the Kobayashi's good thing. You're not I'd hate to have to cook for you, too
28:00Is this how girls act when they're close if that's what I thought so what's she really like
28:08Were you talking to me? I'm asking about Murakami. She seems so hard to talk to
28:14Maybe a bit. Yeah, I don't think I've had a real one-on-one with her
28:19Well, you two are close though, right like how'd that start anyway, uh
28:24I'm not really sure. I can't tell them this all began because I stopped time and looked at her panties
28:42She looks lonely or is that in my head?
29:02Whoops sorry about that, huh?
29:09Hi, I'm oratani, so why did you stop at this time?
29:21Did you want to talk to me about something or maybe you
29:27Down is all
29:30You just seem so weighed down is all
29:34I'm sorry. Maybe I'm wrong for assuming but sometimes it's like you're just staring off into space
29:40I thought maybe that was a sign that you're feeling worn out
29:44You seem so busy every day and all hey since you're here, I just remembered
29:49I still haven't given you those pictures. You had me take from before. I don't need them. I
30:00Want you to hang on to them more time so that you never forget it really happened
30:11What did you get over there, huh, it's like you just teleported from your desk
30:17Don't be silly let's go. Oh, okay
30:22So that I never forget
30:26It really happened
30:33Moritani Moritani
30:40Feeling sick. You want to go see the school nurse? Huh? No, I'm alright. Thanks
30:45What do you say we go and get some fresh air?
30:48Come on. What?
30:56Ah, I think that did the trick
31:00Extra oxygen always helps. What'd you fill out on your career course form? Nothing yet
31:06How about you?
31:08What manga artist keep it down? Well, yeah. Oh, sorry. Let's just keep that between us
31:14I'm sure we were supposed to write our colleges down
31:18But I think it was worth a try before I settle on something else, you know, I never knew this about you
31:24Well, it's more like the easy route. Honestly, I'm working on a table tennis comic now
31:28I think it's coming out well so far plus I'm using my club experience to pull from yeah
31:34My career path, huh, I
31:38I have a hard enough time figuring out things one day at a time
31:43Is that paper on the floor someone's career fun? It's Kobayashi's a manga artist. Let me see
31:50She's into that junk
31:52Just imagine if she made it big though. I don't see any schools listed. Yes. She's skipping college talk about no foresight
32:15Remember what I promised when we started going out how I said, I'd never be alone with anyone else but you
32:23I've kept my word, you know, even when I'm just chatting with someone I always make sure someone else sticks by so we aren't by
32:31But I guess I'm the only one who ever planned on keeping that promise, huh? No, no, it's not like that. Look
32:39Truthfully, you're the only person who's ever on my mind. Look at these panties. I
32:44Wanted to wear the same ones as you so badly. I went looking for them online
32:49Well, look at that we're wearing the same pair
33:01This is all so ridiculous
33:04But just seeing that smile on her face
33:08Made me so genuinely happy. I stopped caring about anything else
33:18Three minutes, that's the amount of time the two of us have together
33:24But oh how I wish it lasted longer
33:27I wish there were no limits and we had all the time in the world
33:39It looks like our three minutes are almost up
33:44The clocks are about to move again, don't worry about it
33:53Look everything's still frozen
33:59Hey, you're right
34:01There's no way to measure the passing of time while time itself is stopped. There was never any limit on this to begin with
34:09You know, it makes sense when you put it that way I guess you're right
34:14So does that mean time has ceased forever?
34:21The waves the stars the sand the people everywhere
34:24It's all stopped the clock that counts down our three minutes together is paused too, and it'll stay that way forever
34:31What really is?
34:35Anyway, do you feel lonely here? Not at all. Not when I'm here with you
34:41And bit by bit things all started to come tumbling down
34:51You hear they were showing off their panties in the hall. You're joking. No, seriously. You saw it too, right?
34:55Yeah, and it was definitely Murakami Haruka did that didn't they even care the guys were around?
35:01Whoa, is she some kind of streaker with looks like that? She could get away with anything
35:05She always seemed weird, but this is a bit much
35:10Rumor has it her and teacher Yamaguchi are a thing too. Gross. I have no idea what to do anymore
35:17on your mark
35:22Thanks for that yesterday, huh for picking up my career course form for me I
35:28Get that aiming to be a manga artist is a bit of a regional but it's a dream. I've had since I was a kid
35:35Can I ask you something weird? Hmm like imagine if
35:40What is it? I'm all ears
35:42Let's just say you had special powers and there's someone dear to you and you wanted to try and protect that person
35:49What would you do if those powers started to fade away?
35:52I think I get it
35:53So like if there was this prince who tried to pay the bills for his sick lover, but ended up going broke in the process
35:59Kind of like that, huh? Oh, yes something like that situation. I guess there's not much he can do
36:05Uh, I think he'd be better off telling his lover the truth
36:09Yikes, was that a little too blunt?
36:13It's just what if his whole situation was that maybe his lover was only with him for his money to begin with
36:20You should just jump her ass then what's worse than a gold digger?
36:24But maybe she also helps him out a little too. She maybe he thinks she does
36:31The prince likes the time he spends with her and loves seeing her smile
36:36So he wants to be with her for help instead of keeping this pent up
36:41You know is this lady we're talking about Murakami
36:44What? No way. This is all purely hypothetical
36:48I'm just teasing you
36:50I'm pretty happy though. I never thought you'd come to me in search of help with this sort of thing Moritani. I
36:57Never imagined I'd be able to just relax and talk with someone like this either
37:02This is all thanks to the time I've spent with Murakami
37:19Have something I need to tell you just save it. Oh, wait
37:26Murakami I
37:29Might lose the power to stop time
37:38I can't stop it. Like I used to
37:41Each time it lasts less and less. I suppose that means we won't be able to run free forever then, huh? I'm sorry
37:49You've still got your indoor shoes on, you know, well, I mean it wasn't like you were gonna wait for me
37:56Why don't we do something that'll last
38:00While we've still got the time
38:11Was got this part all wrong, let's fix that for her. Huh? Don't you think she'll notice it's fine
38:18She's not the attentive type. I'd say we've got a 50-50 chance
38:22Hmm, let's see. How about you should be careful napping at the front of the class. Wait, what are you just leaving a note?
38:29From there on she didn't really do anything too extreme
38:33Hey, who did this?
38:36Someone wrote something weird in my notebook. You use your birthday as your password. Your boyfriend can unlock your phone. I
38:43Don't really get what any of this is for
38:46She goes from taking off her clothes in the middle of class to leaving personal notes for people. That's right
38:52You've got a good memory now for your next assignment. See he just touched her shoulder
38:58Doesn't that bother her after showing her panties in the hallway? That must be nothing. She's always had that sort of vibe
39:03No kidding enough. I don't want to hear any of this. I
39:08Really don't know. Come on, Tamaki. You two went out, right?
39:13Yeah, but I mean even when we were dating she never really seemed interested
39:18Mauritania, what do you really think of me?
39:21How does it make you feel that I kissed you and showed you my panties or how I asked you out or stripped in class?
39:28Do you feel the same as everyone else?
39:30This is awful, all I ever did was what I thought everyone wanted from me
39:35Show me your homework or explain this to me carry this or go out with me
39:41My plans changed. Can we reschedule? I did what they all asked and this is what they think
39:47Mauritania when I asked you to stop time you never even asked what I wanted to do or why did you I?
39:53Get it at the end of the day. No one bothers to get to know anything about the real me
39:59You're right. I don't want to know the real you she can seem a little mean, but she's actually nice
40:05Then you think she's nice, but she suddenly gives you the cold shoulder
40:09And when you think she's done with you next she I don't want to know
40:15But if I don't then I can never really say that I like her
40:18I don't want to know but if I don't then I can never really say that I like her
40:22I do want to know the real her
40:26Murakami, um can I come by your place sometime?
41:21Did you get here okay? Oh, yeah, it was pretty easy to find
41:32Thanks for having me make yourself at home. No one will be around till later tonight
41:40Want something to drink maybe some tea mm-hmm. I'd love some
41:48Now don't go snooping around while I'm not looking okay
41:55How long has it been since I've been over to someone's house her room smells so nice
42:07You didn't go touching anything did you of course not really not even my bed. I didn't look anywhere
42:18Um I came by today, so I could chat with you because I realized something
42:24We only get to have our one-on-one talks when I stop time
42:29So I wanted to take this opportunity to get to know you a little bit better more Tommy
42:35Huh here sit next to me come on
42:53Know what you really came here for
42:57Go on it's okay, I
43:01Don't get it I
43:03Don't know why but I'm getting the impression. This is something you really don't want to do
43:07Why are you always doing things like this Murakami?
43:11What do you mean? Why?
43:22Come on isn't this exactly what you came here to do Murakami. What is she talking about aren't I right?
43:30Does she mean it's fine to do whatever you want hold on Murakami is what others want from her all she ever thinks about
43:39What do you wanna play today?
43:41What do you wanna do?
43:43I wanna play hide and seek
43:45Me too!
43:47That's horrifying
43:49Was it because
43:56Was it because it seemed like I wanted to go out with you
44:16Give me a sec my mom's home. She said she forgot something
44:22Don't go poking around anywhere weird like under my bed or anything. I'll be right back
44:34Don't go poking around anywhere weird
44:45This kid likes this
44:48That kid likes that
44:50That kid likes this and this kid likes that
44:58Okay, you're all set for dinner right yeah, I'll be fine make sure you at least eat something too. Yeah, yeah
45:14These are the names of every student and teacher at school and on the back is their birthdays
45:20Their blood type what they like what they dislike what makes them happy
45:26You memorized all of this and tried to do just what they wanted I
45:30Did did you get to read through yours yet?
45:33Misuzu Moritani
45:36Spends her time reading books alone only because she has trouble talking to people
45:40Grows to like anyone who talks kindly to her
45:44She's actually interested in everyone else, but can't take the first step herself
45:48She doesn't care who she spends time with as long as they're nice
45:51They'll make her feel like she's the only one who understands them as long as they get close enough to share secrets
45:57Then things will get more and more exciting for her
46:00Especially if this person is also a girl
46:03Anyone will stop it. I'm not like that every person is like that to be honest
46:09People only have friends or besties so they can advance in the classroom hierarchy
46:13They're just objects they flaunt to make themselves look better. Am I wrong?
46:20All everyone wanted was a Haruka Murakami who was kind who catered to them who never gave them a single
46:26Haruka Murakami who was kind who catered to them who never gave them looks who always helped who never told them anything
46:33They didn't want to hear who listened to anything. They had to say that's what they wanted. But what about what you want?
46:41There's got to be something you want to do for yourself, right?
46:44Let's take a look
46:48Haruka Murakami, she just wants to be liked by everybody
46:53Makes pretty faces to seem charismatic
46:56Until well
47:01Until for her
47:05There's nothing left
47:32If you just pretend you never saw any of this
47:36Then we can go right back to being secret lovers again tomorrow. Okay, it's so sad
47:42Murakami can't bring herself to like anything or anyone
47:47Even when time stops for three minutes, she doesn't know what she wants to do
47:53Is she fine with things being this way I
47:58Don't know
48:01Random person like me could ever understand
48:05No one can ever really truly know another person
48:11So so are you okay with that? I don't know
48:18But our hands still hold one another's
48:30What's up with him
48:33Moritani why has time resumed?
48:37There's no running away from it. This time Murakami. I
48:41Miss Izu Moritani and Haruka Murakami have been stopping time and doing whatever the heck we please while it was frozen
48:50Wrote on all of your things. We put underwear on that cheater Tamaki's head and we even got undressed in this classroom
48:57What are you doing? Moritani?
49:00If you say all this then
49:03Then we what huh?
49:04Go on. Say it Murakami. Say it
49:24You said it yourself though you want everyone to like you so you put on a pretty face
49:29Well, then you wouldn't want everyone finding out what you did when no one was watching, right?
49:34And yet you didn't stop me just now. Did you why not?
49:43What you really want is for everyone to know the real you you wanted to show them who you really are
49:49There's nothing left for you because you just catered to everyone else. There's nothing you want for yourself
49:55That's a lie, right? Shut up
49:57The truth is that you're selfish shut up and you wanted nothing more than to let someone see the real you
50:06Do you even know about me? Anyway, Murakami, you have no clue
50:11But you go on and on about how I really feel. How could you if I don't even know myself?
50:24Haruka you're such an angel. This outfit looks so lovely on you
50:32Want to wear this every day
50:38It's not like I know myself either
50:41Also, I'm not only what you have written down about me on your dumb flashcards. What same goes for you too, though, right?
50:48You don't know yourself, but you still feel high and mighty enough to pass judgment on other people
50:54You're the one who's so afraid of being here with everyone that you've run away to your own world afraid of being hurt
51:05You think the pain will go away if you can blame your actions on someone else
51:08Even though you're the one making the choice to pulling your skirt up in the hall and dressing in the middle of school
51:14I'll just because I wanted it
51:17You're just putting the blame on me for something
51:29Didn't stick out I was the person everyone wanted me to be
51:33Always behaved and loved by everyone. I was thinking the same thing
51:37I have to be that version of me or no one will ever like me
51:53I do
52:16No one's really ever hated me, however, no one was ever close to me either
52:20I just hid away in my own little world never putting in any effort
52:26But you did
52:27You may blame other people and you're selfish, but you still work very hard to be a good person
52:35You try to understand people the best that you can you make efforts to help people without getting in their way
52:42You devote yourself to it without running away
52:48Truly admire that trait in you and also I love you for it
52:55I get it now
52:58The reason I got to be with you when all else had stopped was because I wanted to spend time with you. I
53:09Loved you all along I
53:13Must have fallen for you first. I love you so much
53:28Several months went by in my power to pause time faded away. I
53:38Can no longer stop everything and run away from my problems like I used to
53:44I've started to at least try and be part of the world along with everyone else
53:50I'd be lying if I said it was easy
53:54I'm one person among all these other people now. I
53:59Envy others
54:00They envy me. I
54:03Take things the wrong way get misunderstood even hated and
54:09Sometimes people just don't even give me a second thought
54:17But I'm okay with all of that because here in this world
54:23There's someone I really care about
58:52That was but a fleeting dream
58:56But a time that for the two of them was truly real