Coronation Street 9th August 2024

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00:01What's wrong?
00:02I don't know.
00:03There's a fly at eight o'clock.
00:06Doesn't mean she'll be on it.
00:10Hey, could I...
00:11Yeah, please. What are you up to?
00:22I was. I was checking flights to Bucharest last night.
00:25But I told you Alina said she was leaving today.
00:27I know, but she's checked out the hotel. Maybe she's changed her mind.
00:30Right, sorry, why does it now seem like you're blaming me?
00:33He wasn't.
00:34Aren't ya?
00:35No, of course not.
00:38Look, I just wish you'd have called me straight away, that's all.
00:41Are you for real?
00:42What should she have called you about?
00:46And a little boy who may or may not be his son.
00:57You're not at work today?
00:59No, day off.
01:01What's that?
01:02Just that new controller. Before you ask, it is my own money.
01:04Oh, alright, relax. I wasn't accusing you of anything.
01:09Anyway, like I say, I'm a man of leisure today, so...
01:12I thought, you know, we could do something.
01:15Father and son, kicking it.
01:17Illing and chilling.
01:18Oh, please don't.
01:20Oh, I thought we could have some fun.
01:22I can't.
01:23Hey, don't put yourself down. Even someone like you can have some fun.
01:25Right, well, I'm not in the mood.
01:28We could go for lunch.
01:30I just want to play my game, Dad.
01:31You can spare a couple of hours for your old man.
01:36Look, you cannot let this Mason dictate the rest of your life.
01:40It's not about Mason.
01:42Sometimes we've just got to face our fears.
01:44I'm not scared of him.
01:47So prove it, Dylan.
01:51This is all just speculation.
01:53The kid may not even be yours.
01:55Yeah, and he might be.
01:57Yeah, exactly.
01:58I'm just one to know either way.
02:00But if there was something that she wanted you to know, she'd have got in touch with you a long time ago.
02:05And if it is true, she's still chosen not to tell you.
02:07If I was you, I would just leave well enough alone.
02:09Except you're not him.
02:11I can't just pretend this isn't happening.
02:14I'm going to work.
02:19Why are you encouraging him?
02:21It's called being a supportive mum.
02:23You might want to try it sometime.
02:26Look, you are confusing the lad.
02:29If you ask me, you never should have said anything in the first place.
02:32Are you being serious?
02:34That woman has wreaked havoc on this family and now she's doing it again.
02:36Tyrone wasn't exactly an innocent bystander, was he, remember?
02:39No, but that's why we don't want to stir it all up again, do we?
02:43Do you really not care that you might have a great grandson?
02:46No, I don't actually.
02:48Because I've got enough dysfunctional family filling my mind as it is.
02:52And the sooner that one books for Bucharest, the better I shall be.
03:20Oh, hi.
03:22I was just in the area. Thought I'd check in. You okay?
03:27Yeah? Speaking of survivors, how's the little one?
03:29She's fine.
03:31I'm glad you're here.
03:33I'm glad you're here.
03:35I'm glad you're here.
03:37I'm glad you're here.
03:39I'm glad you're here.
03:41I'm glad you're here.
03:43I'm glad you're here.
03:45I'm glad you're here.
03:48Yeah, he's getting stronger, thanks.
03:51When was the last time you got out of there?
03:54Since the birth. Like a week ago.
03:57You going a bit stir-crazy yet?
03:59Yeah, getting there.
04:01Look, why don't you come for lunch with me?
04:03The bistro have got this two-for-one special thing.
04:09Yeah, thanks, but...
04:11I don't want to leave Frankie alone.
04:13Well, he's not going to be alone.
04:18Look, Lauren, getting out of here for two hours is not going to make you a bad mum.
04:26Just think about it, yeah?
04:36Well, it doesn't really matter, does it?
04:38I suppose the long and short of it is I've got no idea where Alina is right now.
04:41Well, you might not want to hear this, but it could be for the best.
04:45Leave it while alone and all that?
04:46I guess.
04:47You sound like me now.
04:49Look, whether you're the lad's dad or not,
04:51the bigger question is, do you want him to be your son?
04:55Or you could just tell me to keep my snout out.
04:58I don't want to fall out again.
05:00We're not going to fall out, are we?
05:02I don't know, mate.
05:04I suppose after everything that's gone on, all the pain that I've caused,
05:07it probably would be easier if he wasn't mine.
05:09Probably would be, yeah, but it's not that simple, is it?
05:14Then what are you going to do?
05:16Find out what my options are, I suppose.
05:22I'm lost for words.
05:24It's a pre-season against the under-18s.
05:26It's hardly the FA Cup final.
05:28I mean, is that how it's going to be, is it?
05:30Are you going to start joining the prawn sandwich brigade?
05:32Are you trying to guilt me out?
05:34Well, I'm just saying, you know, whatever happened to rain or shine,
05:36sleet or snow, wherever you count it, to our grave we go.
05:40Do you really want to go there?
05:43Well, that is a low blow.
05:45I was in a very bad place.
05:47Well, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place, aren't I?
05:49I.e. the missus.
05:51You know, if Sally wants a night out, she wants a night out.
05:53What can I do?
05:55Plus, it's all credit in the bank for away days.
05:57Got to chalk it up, haven't you?
05:59Well, single pringles march to the sound of our own drum.
06:03Ooh, text from Demi.
06:07Go on then, don't leave me hanging.
06:09That's no harm doing.
06:11Interesting. Kiss or no kiss?
06:13What? Maybe she's missing me.
06:15Yeah, either, or her guide dog is.
06:17Hiya. Hiya.
06:19What can I do for you?
06:21I was going to ask if you were going to the footy,
06:23but now I'm more interested in who's missing you.
06:25Oh, well, that's just a lady friend
06:27who P45'd him a few weeks ago.
06:29That Demi, is it?
06:31Yeah, that's right.
06:33Wants to know how I'm doing.
06:35And what exactly did she say in the text?
06:37Howdy. How you diddling?
06:40Any kisses?
06:42Oh, lovely.
06:44I reckon she's chasing you, so
06:46I'd play it cool if I was you.
06:48Well, of course my medal ain't.
06:50I was thinking of sending her a funny gif.
06:52Well, nothing says cool like a dancing chihuahua.
06:54Excuse me, I'll have you know
06:56that I was going to send her the cat, same.
06:58So, fair play.
07:00Do you want a brew?
07:02Don't mind if I do.
07:04I'm trying to avoid going home,
07:06but drama's turned up to eleven.
07:10It was so not what I was expecting.
07:12Well, all that matters is
07:14you found the retreat empowering.
07:16More like life-changing.
07:18I feel like I can do anything.
07:20Well, that's because you can.
07:22But before you take over the world,
07:24I think table five are ready to order.
07:28How you doing?
07:30Never mind that. Come on.
07:32What's this big news?
07:34Don't I even get a coffee first?
07:36Later. Come on, spill.
07:39Cutting to the chase,
07:41Willow would like you to run the new resource centre.
07:49I'm speechless?
07:51I hope not.
07:53Because we're meeting a potential investor later.
07:55What, later today?
07:57Well, I've not prepared.
07:59Well, you'd better get your game face on
08:01because this isn't a drill.
08:05So, Fears is pretty frazzled.
08:08I mean, it's not every day you find out your other half
08:10might have a secret love child.
08:12Unless your other half's named Steve,
08:14in which case it's his superpower.
08:16Yes, thank you. Very funny.
08:18Aren't you supposed to be on a job, Mrs Jenkins?
08:22That's for you specifically.
08:24Why, what's wrong with Mrs Jenkins?
08:26Chatty catty.
08:28Let's just say she's very high on the decibel range.
08:30Brian Blessed on speed.
08:32Thanks for that.
08:34You're welcome. Don't forget your earplugs.
08:38Got another brew?
08:40No, I'm fine, thanks.
08:42Steve, can I ask you a personal question?
08:44Yeah, go on.
08:46If you were Tyrone, would you want to know?
08:52You didn't even have to think about that.
08:54Well, otherwise it'd disfest us, don't you?
08:56But it's not certain.
08:58Still a chance, though, right?
09:00My gal, that little Ty, is always going to wonder.
09:02But if a leaner doesn't want any contact,
09:04then there's nothing anybody can do now, so...
09:08Yeah, I suppose so.
09:10Right, I'll get out your hair.
09:12Oh, actually, can you do me a favour?
09:16Could you just watch the phones, please, while I just nip to the shop?
09:18Yeah, of course.
09:20Oh, you sipster.
09:22Oh, if anything falls, just take the details back in a bit.
09:52Hello, Streetcars?
09:56Yes, of course.
09:58What's the first name, please?
10:02And the surname, thank you.
10:06Sorry, can you spell that, please?
10:16Maya Butcheeks.
10:18Ha, ha, ha.
10:20Very funny.
10:22If I get my hands on you, you little scrotum.
10:26Look, like I said, I don't know if the boy's mine or not.
10:28Alina didn't tell Fiz,
10:30and I didn't get a chance to ask.
10:32Well, look, this is really more Adam's area of expertise.
10:35He will be back tomorrow.
10:37No, no, no, tomorrow's too late.
10:39Okay, let's start with the basics, then.
10:41Where was the child born?
10:43I haven't got a clue.
10:45Is that important?
10:49If he was born in Romania,
10:51that makes things a lot more complicated.
10:53Um, okay, let's say,
10:55for argument's sake, you are the child's father.
10:57Do you think she'll have named you on the birth certificate?
11:01Well, after the way things ended,
11:04I don't doubt that very much.
11:06Look, I don't know much of anything, right?
11:08I just know that she's here to testify,
11:10and she's going back to Romania today.
11:12And that's if she's not already gone.
11:14Okay, well, what exactly is your end objective?
11:16My end objective?
11:18What do you hope will come from this?
11:22Well, I just want to know the truth.
11:28Okay, well, then your starting position
11:30needs to be to get a DNA sample.
11:34Tyrone, bottom line is,
11:36without parental responsibility,
11:38or proof of paternity,
11:40you've got no rights.
11:48Go on, let me guess the names.
11:50I have a biggin'.
11:52Oh, sorry, love.
11:54Yes, yes, this is Streetcars.
11:56Yeah, of course.
12:01yes, we've got a car seat.
12:03What's the name
12:05of the person, please?
12:09Sorry, say that name again.
12:39Thanks for that.
12:43Will you move aside, please?
12:51You're having a laugh.
12:55Oh, you've already got
12:58solicitors involved, have you?
13:00I just wanted some advice.
13:02Advice, right. Well, I'll give you some advice
13:04and it'll be cheaper.
13:06You be grateful
13:08for what you've got.
13:10You be very grateful that Fizz is still with you
13:12and be even more grateful
13:14that Romania Gate is closed.
13:16Honestly, I've got the brains
13:18of a flaming rocking horse.
13:24Hey, we could go to the cinema later.
13:26There's that new Florian Montagnier movie.
13:28Looks good. Isn't that the big guy out of Creed 2?
13:30I don't know what you're talking about. All I know is it looks like a very interesting film.
13:32Oh, yeah, because it's not like he's a superhent
13:34or anything, is it? I don't think I'm that superficial.
13:36I know you are. I'm just trying to drool all over the popcorn.
13:40Although he is quite easy on the eye.
13:44Second thoughts, I'm not hungry.
13:46I've had enough of this. Wait there.
13:48It's okay. None of this
13:50is okay.
13:56She wears
13:58an emoji for this.
14:02I'm aware of its meaning.
14:04Do I want to know how you know that?
14:06Never mind all that.
14:08We've got 50 carrots to slice.
14:10I want you fired!
14:12Oh, Sean, this is not the time or the place.
14:14He should be in prison, Yasmine!
14:16You know I'm stuck right here.
14:18Don't get involved.
14:20You're a disgrace.
14:22The pair of you.
14:25Oi, no, no. Don't be taking this out on them.
14:27What are you going to do, Mr. Big Man?
14:29Are you going to try and beat me up, are you?
14:31Try and make me go and kill myself?
14:33Come on, Sean. That's below the belt.
14:35Is it? Doing to Liam what he's still trying to do to my son?
14:37Dad, come away.
14:39How can you both be so stupid?
14:41Seriously, come on. You don't want to mess with him.
14:43I'm going to tell people.
14:45I'm going to let people know
14:47what kind of business this is you run.
14:49Oh, yeah. What kind of people
14:51you employ.
14:54You finished? Finished!
14:56I'm just getting started.
15:00And you,
15:02with you.
15:04You fooling no one.
15:06Right, come on. You've said your piece.
15:08No one!
15:20Look, maybe we should have gone to the precinct.
15:23Relax, yeah?
15:29I heard about what happened. How are you?
15:31I'm alright.
15:33A bit tired, I guess.
15:35How's baby doing?
15:37Yeah, baby's alright.
15:39Getting stronger every day.
15:41Matt's just thought I deserved a time out.
15:43I'm not surprised.
15:45I can't even imagine how hard it must have been for you.
15:47I'll give you a few minutes.
15:49It's really great to see you.
15:59She seems nice.
16:01Yeah, she's lovely.
16:03So, you feel better
16:05about coming out?
16:07Yeah. Yeah, I do.
16:09Right, let's see what's what.
16:13Let's see if they'll agree to mediation before we issue
16:15the claim, yeah?
16:20Okay, bye.
16:22Babe, look!
16:24Oh, yeah!
16:26It's nice to see her out and about, isn't it?
16:28Yeah, it's great.
16:52Mrs. Pop?
16:54Miss. And please call me Alina.
16:56Alina? Okay.
16:58It's a beautiful name.
17:02What a handsome young man.
17:04And a tired one.
17:06Is everything okay?
17:10Yeah, it's just
17:12the lad reminds me of someone.
17:14Right, come on, let's get you where you need to be.
17:19long-term, we envisage
17:21the Resource Centre to be a key
17:23community hub.
17:25Very worthy, I'm sure.
17:27I like to providing a healthy revenue stream.
17:29Now you're talking my language.
17:31Any other questions?
17:33Actually, I wouldn't mind hearing
17:35Leanne's vision.
17:37Literally my next suggestion. Leanne,
17:39you up for that? Ah, try and stop me.
17:41Living the energy.
17:43Well, I've got to go
17:45to another meeting. No worries.
17:47Me and you can all grind up, kind of familiar?
17:51We'll chat later.
17:55seeing you again. Likewise.
18:01Aaron can sell
18:03kexta anew, this... Well, that's because
18:05he believes in the product. I'm sure.
18:07So, where would you like to
18:11How about a glass of wine?
18:13Well, the hard sell's got me a little parched.
18:19Whoa, whoa, whoa. This isn't the shortcut
18:21to the airport. I'm sorry, love. I must have got
18:23a bit lost. No, this is completely the wrong way.
18:25Is it?
18:29What are you doing? Nothing.
18:35Since when did your mum start working for Streetcast?
18:37She doesn't.
18:39Go, now.
18:41Mum, she's driving Alina round in one of their cars.
18:43Drive now. I'm sorry, love.
18:47Mum, what's going on?
18:49She's your mother.
18:59Oh, that's excellent.
19:01You know your wines.
19:03A woman of many talents.
19:05Ah, well, it's Nick, my partner. He's the expert.
19:07I'd neck anything.
19:11I probably should get back to work.
19:13So soon? I thought we might take this into town.
19:15We could go to my private club.
19:17Oh, well, I've probably
19:19told you everything I can about the project.
19:21You said I wanted to talk business.
19:23When I invest,
19:25I invest in a person.
19:27That means getting to know each other.
19:29And I appreciate that, but there'll be plenty more
19:31time to talk going forward.
19:33Well, that's assuming I splash the cash.
19:35It's not a done deal yet.
19:37I thought you liked the idea.
19:39I love the idea.
19:41What I guess I'm saying is,
19:43I'd like to be wooed.
19:45It's a sizable amount of money you're asking for.
19:47With a sizable return.
19:49Even so,
19:51Rowan led me to believe I'd
19:53have your full attention.
19:55And I've given you that.
20:01maybe I need you to give a little more.
20:03Call an
20:05incentive-based agreement.
20:07Come on.
20:09Don't let Willow down.
20:15Please, just let me carry your bags or something.
20:19I swear, I had no idea she would pull a stunt like that.
20:21Honestly, love, he didn't.
20:23Why should I believe you?
20:25Because that's the truth. Please, just stop and talk to me.
20:27There's nothing to talk about.
20:29Please, love, will you just give him two minutes?
20:33Because my son is a good man and he deserves that.
20:35If you're going to be angry with anyone, be angry with me.
20:39You have two minutes.
20:41Use it well.
20:43Mums, eh?
20:45The things they do for the kids.
20:51see something?
20:59His name is Doreen.
21:03Never heard that name before.
21:05It means gift.
21:09Hey, Doreen.
21:11My name's Tyrone.
21:21Who's this?
21:23That's Teddy.
21:47Looks like you
21:49have just got to be a win.
21:51I am.
21:53Sorry about Cassie.
21:55I thought your mother was dead.
21:57Long story.
21:59I'm not being horrible,
22:01but she's very strange.
22:03Believe me, she's been called a lot worse than that before.
22:09Yeah, you had your two minutes. Now I have to go.
22:11What time's your flight?
22:13In three hours.
22:15You've got ages yet.
22:17Tyrone, what do you want from me?
22:19Look, I just want to
22:21know if he's mine, that's all.
22:23I know you might not want to talk to me
22:25after everything that happened. I get that.
22:27But this is bigger than any... It's yours.
22:33Now I have to go. You have what you wanted.
22:39Say something.
22:45can I buy you a coffee or something?
22:51You were right.
22:53I needed this. Thanks.
22:55You're welcome.
22:57Lauren, do you mind
22:59if I ask you something?
23:01Yeah, anything.
23:03Right, you know this Nathan?
23:07Does he know about the baby?
23:11You know what? It isn't none of my business.
23:13No, it's alright.
23:17He's not Frankie's dad.
23:21Oh, right.
23:23Okay, so who is?
23:27Just some randomer.
23:29It don't matter.
23:31Trust me, he won't care anyway.
23:33Yeah, but you know there's like child maintenance...
23:35Yeah, but I didn't have a chance to get his number.
23:37I was too wasted to even get his name.
23:41Can we just talk about something else?
23:43Yeah, yeah, of course.
23:45But you know I just...
23:47I worry about you.
23:51Yeah, I know you do.
23:53And please don't think I don't appreciate it.
23:57Would you like to see the dessert menu?
23:59No, thank you.
24:01Any teas, coffees?
24:03Best of Joe.
24:07Sorry, what did you say?
24:09Tea? Coffee?
24:11No, I'm good, thank you.
24:13Here you go.
24:17You okay?
24:19You've been in a funny mood ever since we arrived.
24:21Uh, sorry.
24:23It's just ex-wife I grow.
24:25It's nothing to worry about.
24:27Well, you needn't have come for lunch.
24:29Well, you know me.
24:31Any opportunity to spend some time with my fiancée.
24:35I'll let you off then.
24:39I'm just going to go and say hi to Lauren.
24:43Hey, guys.
24:45How are you doing?
24:49This is our livelihood that you're messing with.
24:51And I've said I'm sorry.
24:53Well, that doesn't even come close.
24:57I'm not trying to justify what I did.
25:01I've never done anything for Ty
25:03except break his heart
25:07I just saw this as a chance to make it right.
25:09Make it right?
25:11Well, we've done
25:13dumber stuff, haven't we?
25:17Yeah, a trick is
25:19not to make bonk as a habit.
25:23Consider me as you bonked.
25:25You know what I mean.
25:27So, are we good then?
25:29Yeah, go on. I'll let you off.
25:31Tim. What?
25:33Yeah, let's just consider this a one-off.
25:35Is that clear?
25:37So, if we're all sorted,
25:39can I ask a favour?
25:41A favour? Talk about wanting jam on it.
25:43It seems Mr. Prawnsani
25:45has, like, bailed out of the match tonight.
25:47What's going on, lovey?
25:49I was wondering if I could sit with you
25:53Yeah, go on then.
25:55You do know, basically, it's just going to be a kick around, right?
25:59And I've got a three-season ticket.
26:01Like the song goes,
26:03come rain or shine, sleet or snow,
26:05with worthy company to our grave we go.
26:07Yes, hello!
26:13The last time I seen you, you said you weren't pregnant.
26:19And you knew he was mine?
26:21The baby couldn't have been anyone else's.
26:23Why wouldn't he tell me?
26:27Because I knew we would never be together.
26:29That it'd cause so much hurt already.
26:31Well, we both did that.
26:33I ain't got to lie about it.
26:37What good would it have done to tell the truth?
26:39Be honest, would you have really wanted him to be yours?
26:41Oh, no!
26:43Oh, no, I'll get it.
26:45No, no.
26:49Look, I don't know.
26:51I was so confused back then.
26:55And I wasn't?
26:57Right, well, what's done is done.
26:59What's done is done.
27:03So what, you just, you went back to Romania?
27:05Yeah, only for a few months.
27:07Why only a few months?
27:09It wasn't safe for me back there.
27:11People were looking for me.
27:15So then where did you go?
27:17I came back to Britain.
27:19Moved to Hastings.
27:27So, so Dorian was born here, was he?
27:33This country is all he knows.
27:43Why'd you let Grant out?
27:45He was practically ready to sign when I left.
27:47Yeah, well, let's just say he was fishing for an incentive package.
27:49What incentive package?
27:51He was involving me and his bed.
27:53I see.
27:55I don't know what to say.
27:57Neither did he when I told him to jog on.
28:01This isn't a judgement.
28:03Look, could you possibly misconstrued his intentions?
28:05That creep couldn't be more subtle
28:07if he was wearing a sandwich board
28:09with the words,
28:11I want to have sex with you, in big red letters.
28:15And there was no way to let him down more gently.
28:17Well, he was lucky I didn't chin him.
28:19I'm not going to feel bad for what I did.
28:21I'm not suggesting you should.
28:23I know it must have been serious,
28:25given the obvious consequences.
28:29What do you mean, obvious consequences?
28:31The knock on to the resource centre, of course.
28:33Even with yours and Nick's 20,000,
28:35we're still a long way short.
28:37Well, we'll just have to find a new investor.
28:41Money bags don't grow on trees.
28:43Just worry.
28:45We're losing impetus.
28:51No, I wouldn't want you to
28:53feel a conflict of interest.
28:55No, go on.
28:57Unless what?
28:59It just suddenly occurred to me
29:01that this might represent
29:03a wonderful opportunity for Amy.
29:07You know what?
29:09Forget I ever mentioned it.
29:11Unlike the Grants of this world,
29:13I would never want you to do something
29:15you weren't completely comfortable with.
29:19I mean, Hastings is what?
29:21300 miles away or something?
29:23Did you never even think about getting in touch?
29:25We weren't together.
29:27Well, I still might have helped.
29:29I didn't need your help. I still don't.
29:31Of course.
29:33I bet you're a great mum.
29:41you and Fiz are married?
29:49Yeah, a couple of years now.
29:53I'm glad for you both.
30:01Well, I have to go now.
30:03I thought you said
30:05things weren't safe for you in Romania.
30:07The men who wanted to hurt me are in custody now.
30:09Hopefully they'll stay there.
30:13I'll be back in two weeks.
30:15Well, for how long?
30:17I don't know that.
30:19I need to come and read a victim impact statement
30:21and wait for the verdict.
30:23And then?
30:25And then hopefully I'll move back
30:27to Romania forever.
30:31Well, I miss my country.
30:33I know this isn't what you wanted to hear.
30:39No, no. I know you've got to do
30:41what you think is best for you and Dorit.
30:45What are you thinking?
30:49I'm thinking
30:51he doesn't even know who I am.
30:53Probably never will.
30:59So, um...
31:01Sean's been
31:03posting about Spidal.
31:07Well, um...
31:09Judging by your expression,
31:11I guess it's not a five-star review.
31:13Apparently we're deluded
31:17Just ignore it.
31:19Easier said than done.
31:21There's always going to be trolls.
31:23Except Sean is not a troll.
31:25He's a friend.
31:27Or should I say he was a friend,
31:29just like Gary and Maria.
31:31Look, if you want to let him go,
31:33I understand.
31:35After all, at the end of the day,
31:37it's your call.
31:39Let me ask you this.
31:41Will you kill him, the boy?
31:43Yeah. Yeah, I do.
31:45I've met plenty of lost causes in prison,
31:47and this lad
31:49isn't one of them.
31:51And do you honestly believe he can turn his life around?
31:53Touch wood.
31:55With time, patience, and
31:57a guiding hand, yeah.
31:59Then I trust your instincts.
32:01It might affect
32:03the bottom line.
32:05Some things are more important than profit margins.
32:07That woman
32:09is lucky Alina didn't press charges.
32:11Or Steve, for that matter.
32:13Well, according to Tim,
32:15Steve's took her to the football.
32:17Oh, that's typical.
32:19She drops a proverbial grenade,
32:21and then she just brushes it off
32:23as if it's nothing to do with her.
32:25I'm quite surprised
32:27you're taking it so calmly.
32:29Well, at least
32:31I got to speak to Alina.
32:33Right, so we reckon that's a good thing, do we?
32:35And what did she have to say for herself?
32:39Oh, yes.
32:41Just remembered I've probably
32:43left me rollers on,
32:45so I'll just make myself scarce.
32:53Is he yours, then?
32:55That's what she reckons.
32:59Is she certain about that?
33:01Yeah, 100%.
33:03Yeah, 100%.
33:05Well, I'm sorry.
33:07It must have been hard for you.
33:11My mind's still a bit all over the place.
33:13Yeah, well, it's lots of process, isn't it?
33:15It can't have been easy
33:17for Alina, either, having to
33:19unpack all that and then just jump on a plane and go.
33:25I would have understood, you know,
33:27if you wanted to go to the airport
33:29with them.
33:31They've not gone to the airport.
33:33Why? Did she miss the flight?
33:35No, Alina's still got to give some kind of
33:37victim statement or something,
33:39so she's going to stay in Weatherfield until the trial finishes.
33:45She wants me to get to know Dorian.
34:02I'm just...
34:04I'm confused
34:06because I thought she was going back to Romania.
34:08Well, yeah,
34:10she was, but like I said,
34:12she's now decided to stay till the end of the trial.
34:15And that was her idea?
34:19Honestly, I mean, I was shocked, too, because she said
34:21how homesick she is.
34:23Please tell me you haven't asked Alina to stay here.
34:25Don't be daft.
34:27I'm not a complete nutter.
34:29She's going to stay at Debbie's hotel.
34:33That can't be cheap. I'm surprised she can afford it.
34:35Well, she can.
34:37I said I'd pay for everything.
34:39You mean we'd pay for everything?
34:41Look, I know it's not ideal, right,
34:43and I know I should have spoken to you...
34:45Except you didn't.
34:47Right, well, look, I can tell her then that,
34:49you know, you're not on board...
34:51No way, no way.
34:53I'm not taking the blame for this.
34:55I wouldn't blame you.
34:57Give it a month or so.
35:03We'll find a way to make it work.
35:15You took your time.
35:17I came as soon as I could.
35:19How's Frankie?
35:21Yeah, like you care.
35:23OK, enough small talk.
35:25What did Max want?
35:27To be my mate.
35:29You know what I mean. What were you chatting about?
35:31This and that.
35:33Out special. Oh!
35:35He did ask me who the baby daddy was.
35:39Chill out. I made some up.
35:41And he bought it?
35:43Yeah, he did. You're not the only good liar around here.
35:45Well, nice work.
35:49OK, so why am I here?
35:51Well, me and your son need some things.
35:55That's the list.
36:01I'm here because you want me to go shopping for you.
36:03Well, I don't want to leave Frankie on his own, so...
36:05You did today.
36:07Well, that was a one-off.
36:09I'm not your lackey.
36:11Right, OK, then. Will you sit with Frankie?
36:13Oh, yeah. You can't, can you?
36:15Because that would mean some very awkward questions, wouldn't it?
36:19That sounds to me like blackmail.
36:21Then think of it as some parenting.
36:37No, thank you, Debbie.
36:39I appreciate it.
36:41Yeah, I owe you one.
36:43Right, cheers. Take care, bye.
36:45Just going to do him a deal.
36:47Oh, that's kind of her.
36:49Yeah, only 50 a night.
36:51Only? Wow.
36:53Guess that puts our holiday plans on hold, then.
36:55Look, I'll do extra shifts or more breakdowns or whatever.
36:57I'll make up the difference, I promise.
36:59Yeah, maybe I can get some overtime.
37:03You'd do that for Alina?
37:07I would do that for our family.
37:09Yeah, of course.
37:11We should get tea on her anyway, shouldn't we?
37:13Are you forgetting something?
37:15Like what?
37:17I am Hank Marvin.
37:19I'm so hungry, I could eat a law-flying duck.
37:27What's happened?
37:29You know what we've missed?
37:31Over to you.
37:35You sound so excited about it.
37:37Well, I just want to be part of something that's bigger than me.
37:39You think this senses it?
37:41Well, potentially.
37:43With the right investment, it's just about making it a reality.
37:45Well, if the code exists,
37:47then everything's possible.
37:49Sometimes you need a bit more than the code.
37:51How do you mean?
37:53Well, it's all about tangible intention.
37:55Be it volunteering, fundraising, investing.
37:57In some ways, it's the next step.
37:59To what?
38:01Well, to being who you want to be.
38:03It's like a leap into the unknown.
38:05Of course, not everybody's ready for that level of commitment or purpose.
38:07And how do you know when you're ready?
38:11Well, to start with,
38:13you've got to put your absolute trust in someone,
38:15like I have with Rowan.
38:17I mean, I believe in his vision, and he believes in mine.
38:19I trust you, absolutely.
38:21Oh, Amy, that's so sweet.
38:23I mean it. And I want to be part of something bigger.
38:25Well, you have got potential, Amy.
38:27But you are only at the start of your journey.
38:29A journey's nothing without a destination.
38:31See you tomorrow.
38:33Yeah, see ya.
38:43Hiya, it's me.
38:47Amy's interested in making an investment.
38:51Well, so interested
38:53that she's meeting a financial advisor
38:55with me tomorrow.
39:01I can't believe I've got a little brother.
39:03That's so cool.
39:05So are they, like, moving in with us?
39:07No, of course not.
39:09I wouldn't mind if they came to live with us.
39:11It's never going to happen.
39:13Are we going to meet him at least?
39:17Oh, you can forget that, and you can't make me either.
39:19Love, no one is going to make you do anything, okay?
39:21Alina and Dorian are just staying
39:23until the trial's over.
39:25Well, that's the plan for the moment,
39:27but, you know, things might change.
39:29Things have already changed.
39:31Well, not between us, they've not.
39:33And what happens when you like her and Dorian more than us?
39:35Oh, sweetheart, that's never going to happen.
39:37Again, that is never going to happen.
39:41She likes her drama.
39:43Don't worry.
39:49Aye, aye, Britain's most wanted.
39:53I thought you were going out with Sal tonight.
39:55Oh, Rosie rang. That was two and a half hours ago.
39:57How was the game? Dyer. He dodged a bullet.
39:59Our lot running around like headless chickens.
40:01Like our Hope and Ruby on a sugar rush.
40:03Yeah, I still had a laugh, though.
40:05You went together, then?
40:09What, even though she pinched your cab and kidnapped a punter?
40:11Well, it was, uh, uh, uh, a mercy mission.
40:15That's not what you called it earlier.
40:17I think the exact word, she was an absolute...
40:19Right, has anybody got a drink?
40:21Yeah, I'll have an orange juice, please, love,
40:23and I'll go and pay the water bill.
40:25Yeah, go on.
40:27You two are as thick as thieves, aren't you?
40:29Thief being the operative word.
40:31So what's the SP with Demi?
40:33She up for a round, see her walk?
40:35No, I deny.
40:37Oh, she'll think you're ghosting her.
40:39No, look, I've still got some moves, won't the old Stevie Magic?
40:41Oh, that'll get sterling.
40:47Go on, you're stewing on it, aren't you?
40:49Oh, I'll talk to him about it tomorrow.
40:51You don't have to walk on eggshells.
40:59Am I interrupting something?
41:01Go on, talk to him.
41:03Talk to me about what?
41:07Right, look,
41:09I don't want to make a big thing of this,
41:13before, when I told the girls
41:15that Alina was staying till the end of the trial,
41:17you said,
41:19yeah, that's the plan at the moment.
41:21Yeah, what about it?
41:23Well, it just seemed strange to me
41:25because you said that she was missing home.
41:27Right, well,
41:29Alina is allowed to change her mind.
41:31She doesn't need to change her mind.
41:33Oh, come on, I don't know. I've spent, what, an hour with her and Dorian.
41:35Right, I'll put it another way.
41:37If, you know, going forward,
41:39she asked you
41:41to be part of Dorian's life,
41:43what would you say?
41:45Well, I've not even thought that far.
41:47Would you say yes or would you say no?
41:51you know, you and the girls mean the world to me.
41:53No, I don't doubt that.
41:55That's not what she's asking you, though, is it?
42:03I thought so.
42:05Well, I'm Dorian's dad.
42:07I don't want him growing up not knowing that.
42:09Yeah, that's fair enough, yeah.
42:11Just, I'm going to go to bed.
42:13Night, Evelyn.
42:19Right, you know what you're doing.
42:21Oh, I'm just trying to do what's right.
42:23Yeah, yeah, well, that's very admirable.
42:25Just as long as you realise
42:27once you go down that road, there is no coming back.
42:31Well, I won't mess this up, I promise you.
42:33Right, well, I'll hold you to that.
42:37Because it might just be that you,
42:39you know, you
42:41gain a son, but you've lost your family.