Insta Empire Ep -4 My wife got shocked to see our personal video

  • settimana scorsa
Insta Empire Ep -4 My wife got shocked to see our personal video
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Still sitting on his motorbike, Kevin hung up the phone with his grandpa and thought to himself,
00:06the tables have turned. Now I finally have all the power. This is going to be fun.
00:12Just then Kevin received a text message from his wife, Lily.
00:16Kevin took a deep breath and read,
00:18I'm sorry about our call earlier. I wish that things could feel like they used to between us.
00:24But I wanted to remind you about my family gathering tonight.
00:28Could you please pick up something new to wear? You know how judgmental my family can be.
00:33It would mean a lot if you made a good impression since I already have so much pressure from them about my job.
00:39Thank you. X's and O's.
00:42Kevin smiled as he typed back. Of course, anything for you.
00:46I promise to make you and your family proud tonight. I love you.
00:50Taking off his helmet, Kevin got off his motorbike and looked straight ahead at the luxury neighborhood in front of him.
00:56What Lily didn't know is that Kevin had just arrived at the Golden Domain,
01:01also known as the most luxurious neighborhood in Chicago.
01:04Minutes later, Kevin was sitting on a familiar couch in his grandfather's foyer.
01:09Standing on the opposite side of the room, Kevin's uncle Thomas took a deep breath.
01:14Your grandfather couldn't be here, so he sent me in his place.
01:18Kevin stayed sitting on the couch as his father's brother stepped forward and gave him an awkward hug.
01:24It's good to see you, nephew. You look very different than you did the last time we spoke.
01:29If anything, I would say that you look like you've been enjoying your freedom.
01:33This sabbatical has done wonders for you, Uncle Thomas continued.
01:37Kevin rolled his eyes. Are we calling me being kicked out of the family a sabbatical now?
01:43Kevin, I want you to know that I never meant for that to happen. It was just an unfortunate...
01:48Kevin interrupted. I'm not here to argue about the past, so let's just get straight to the point.
01:53How much money does the Williams family need?
01:56Always used to being in charge, Uncle Thomas pursed his lips and answered.
02:01Actually, it's not a lot of money.
02:04Kevin raised his eyebrows. How much is not a lot of money?
02:09Eight billion.
02:11Kevin laughed. Eight billion isn't a lot of money?
02:15You kicked me out of the family for investing a lot less than that.
02:19Uncle Thomas paused. Well, we were wrong.
02:23It turns out that your bad investment is the only thing that can save our family dynasty.
02:27So what do you say? Can we borrow eight billion dollars?
02:31Kevin stood up and replied.
02:33Uncle, I suddenly remembered that I have something very important to do.
02:37Don't worry. I'll see myself out.
02:40Uncle Thomas quickly stopped him.
02:42If you don't give us the eight billion, the Williams family legacy will be destroyed.
02:46Kevin, please, I'm begging you. You're the only person who can save the family empire.
02:51I have already asked my men to complete the two requests that you mentioned.
02:55Please, you can't leave now. I'll do anything.
02:58Kevin calmly replied to the man who he had once feared.
03:02Uncle, it's not that I don't want to help the Williams family get through this crisis, but...
03:07if I'm being honest, I don't think that I have eight billion dollars to give you.
03:12Kevin, are you seriously going to play dumb?
03:14Have you not checked the value of your stocks?
03:17Your grandfather and I know that the 20% of the shares you invested in the Orion Group
03:21is worth at least 9.3 billion dollars now.
03:25And the value is going up as we speak.
03:28Uncle Thomas paused for a moment, then softened his tone.
03:31Kevin, you must have a conscience.
03:34You can't forget that you are also a member of the Williams family.
03:38This is your legacy that I'm trying to protect.
03:41Kevin felt his heart race as he thought to himself.
03:44I have over 9 billion dollars.
03:47Just this morning I had less than 50 dollars in my savings.
03:50This is a dream come true. I can finally build my own empire.
03:55After a long silence, Kevin coolly replied.
03:58Uncle, you didn't seem to care about my legacy when you kicked me out of the family two years ago.
04:04Why should I care about it now?
04:06Uncle Thomas was speechless as Kevin continued.
04:09I have a wife now. Did you know that?
04:12I had gotten engaged the day that you decided to exile me.
04:15I'm a son-in-law to another family.
04:18Why should I show loyalty to you over them?
04:21Taking a deep breath, Kevin clenched his fists tightly and finished.
04:25If it wasn't for the fact that you were all going bankrupt,
04:29I don't think you would have ever reached out to me again.
04:32You left me for dead.
04:34Now why should I bring you back to life?
04:37Uncle Thomas was silent for a few seconds, then he said in a deep voice.
04:41Kevin, I know what we did was wrong.
04:44I apologize to you on behalf of the family.
04:47We messed up.
04:48There's no way that I can sugarcoat this.
04:51But I am begging you. Your family needs you.
04:54The Williams dynasty will fall without your help.
04:58He paused for a moment as if he was making some kind of important decision.
05:02Finally, he looked at Kevin with a firm gaze.
05:05Kevin, if you are willing to help the Williams family,
05:09I can let you become the president of the Williams Media.
05:13All that it would take is one day for me to finalize the formalities.
05:17Tomorrow you would be able to take over the position.
05:20You would have your own company.
05:22Kevin smirked.
05:24Isn't Williams Media your wife's company?
05:27You're always so quick to give away other people's things to benefit yourself, aren't you?
05:32She would gladly offer it to you to save the family.
05:35Williams Media is one of our most profitable and high-profile companies.
05:40It's the largest and most successful entertainment company in America.
05:44Just think of all the celebs that we've signed.
05:47It would all be yours.
05:49Gritting his teeth, Kevin nodded and said,
05:52I accept your conditions.
05:54Williams Media will be my first acquisition in my journey to create my own family empire.
06:00But I wasn't lying before.
06:02I do have to go.
06:03I've got somewhere very important to be.
06:06Uncle Thomas paused.
06:08So do we have a...
06:09Kevin interrupted.
06:11Yes, we have a deal.
06:14I wasn't sure if you would help us after everything that we did to you.
06:18I can't express how much this means to the family.
06:21Kevin smiled.
06:22We're family.
06:23And I hope that this is a lesson for all of us to remember that family is more important than money.
06:29I may be two years too late, but I have learned that.
06:33Thank you, Kevin.
06:34Leaving his family's mansion, Kevin looked at his watch.
06:37Oh, no, I'm going to be late for my high school reunion.
06:41Hopping on his motorbike, Kevin began driving as he thought to himself.
06:45This will be the first time that I've seen everyone since we graduated.
06:49It's been years.
06:51I'm excited to go to the reunion and show them the man that I've become.
06:55Driving back home to change, Kevin smiled.
06:58My luck is changing.
06:59I can feel it.
07:01By the end of today, I will have earned my family's respect,
07:04my old classmate's envy,
07:06my in-law's approval,
07:08and most importantly,
07:09my wife's love.
07:11On the other side of town,
07:13Lily walked down the hallway at her office and heard her coworkers giggling.
07:17Entering the break room, Lily saw a few of her coworkers staring at their phones and cackling.
07:22Through the gap between them, Lily saw the video that they were watching.
07:26It was Kevin driving away on his old motorbike with the shattered light in the back.
07:31One of Lily's coworkers smirked.
07:33That's so embarrassing.
07:35How is our chairwoman married to a man who rides a broken-down motorbike?
07:40It looks like something you would find in the dump.
07:43I know.
07:44He's such a loser.
07:45It's a miracle that they haven't divorced yet.
07:48A candy girl took a sip of water and interrupted.
07:51You'll never guess what I heard him say earlier.
07:53He swore that he was going to buy the dream lover necklace for the chairman.
07:58He wants to buy the dream lover?
08:00I'm going to die of laughter.
08:02We've seen what he drives.
08:04How in the world would he ever be able to afford something as rare and luxurious as the dream lover necklace?
08:10He isn't just broke.
08:11He's delusional.
08:13That's too funny.
08:14He's such an idiot.
08:16The coworkers all burst into laughter until one of them turned, saw Lily, and gasped.
08:22Chairman, so sorry.
08:24We didn't know you were here.
08:27Lily paused and calmly replied.
08:29It seems like there are a lot of things that you don't know.
08:32Maybe you should be more careful the next time you call someone an idiot.
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