Akbar Birbal Ki Kahani Ep - 11

  • 2 weeks ago
Akbar Birbal Ki Kahani Ep - 11


00:30The world knows Akbar and Birbal's friendship
00:37They are the best in the world
00:39Akbar and Birbal's friendship
00:43The world knows Akbar and Birbal's friendship
00:48They are the best in the world
00:50Akbar and Birbal
00:54Akbar and Birbal
00:56Akbar, Akbar and Birbal's friendship
01:15What is this Rehman?
01:16You didn't come to the palace yesterday.
01:18Is everything alright?
01:19What do I tell you?
01:22My son has been unwell since yesterday.
01:25Ever since that wretched Imran has seen my son,
01:29my son has been unwell.
01:32Oh my God!
01:33Once he casts an evil eye on someone,
01:35God forbid!
01:37Do you remember Maniram?
01:39The milkman?
01:40Yes, him.
01:42Imran cast an evil eye on his cow.
01:44And then what?
01:45From that day, the cow stopped giving milk.
01:49But what else can we do other than ignoring him?
01:52What else can we do?
01:54Come on, brother.
01:55Let's get to work.
01:58The people of our kingdom are turning towards superstition.
02:03Otherwise, how can someone's work go wrong by looking at someone's face?
02:08We have to end this superstition.
02:12Your Majesty!
02:13Your Majesty!
02:15Greetings, Your Majesty!
02:17I want to meet the man you were talking about just now.
02:24I am sorry, Your Majesty.
02:26But meeting him is not the right decision.
02:29Either his work goes wrong or he falls ill.
02:35I want to meet him to end this superstition.
02:39But, Your Majesty!
02:40I want him to be in front of me when I open my eyes tomorrow.
02:46I will start my day by looking at his face.
03:02Aren't you the one the people of the kingdom…
03:07My name is Imran, Your Majesty.
03:10I have heard that people call you a wretch.
03:13But, I don't believe in such things.
03:16I want to prove that there is no such thing as a wretch.
03:21It's just my imagination.
03:23That's why I am starting my day by looking at your face.
03:29King Akbar is so well-intentioned.
03:34Oh, God!
03:35Please don't do anything wrong with him.
03:43What's this?
03:44My favorite string is broken.
03:47Don't worry.
03:49It's not because of you.
03:51Things keep breaking.
04:00My leg…
04:07Greetings, Your Majesty.
04:09May God bless you.
04:10How did you come so early in the morning?
04:13There is a bad news, Your Majesty.
04:15There was a fire in the armory last night, Your Majesty.
04:19Because of the fire, all the weapons were damaged, Your Majesty.
04:23Greetings, Your Majesty.
04:26There is a bad news.
04:29Your Majesty!
04:30The string that was being made on the river Yamuna to give relief to the 40 villages…
04:35The string is broken, Your Majesty.
04:38Start the construction again.
04:41And this time, the previous mistakes should not be repeated, Mr. Sukhdev.
04:45Yes, Your Majesty.
04:53Greetings, Your Majesty.
04:56Did you also bring some news?
04:58Yes, Your Majesty.
05:00Last night, after the wall of Astabal was broken, many horses ran towards the forest, Your Majesty.
05:06Among the horses that ran, your favorite horse, Badal, is also there.
05:12We have never had such a bad start of the day.
05:16First, the string was broken.
05:18Then, we turned our back.
05:20And after that, you all are bringing one bad news after another.
05:25Forgive us, Your Majesty.
05:27All this is happening because you saw this ominous face early in the morning.
05:34Maybe you are right.
05:35After meeting him, we have faced so many bad news.
05:39After understanding him, we are also convinced that this man is really ominous.
05:45It is not right for him to roam freely in the kingdom like this.
05:48Soldiers, arrest this ominous man.
05:53And hang him on the gallows with the first ray of dawn tomorrow morning.
06:00No. No, Your Majesty.
06:03No. No, Your Majesty.
06:05Please don't do this.
06:07Please forgive me, Your Majesty.
06:10Hereafter, I will not come in front of anyone.
06:15I will go away from your kingdom, Your Majesty.
06:19Your Majesty, please leave me, Your Majesty.
06:29Tell me if you have any last wish.
06:36Are you Imran?
06:38Yes. Yes, Birbal.
06:41You wanted to meet me before dying.
06:43I am in front of you.
06:45Tell me. What do you want to say?
06:47By the way, I know everything about you.
06:51Who you are and why you are here.
06:54When you know everything, Your Majesty,
06:59then just tell me my sin.
07:02You don't have any sin, Imran.
07:05The sin is of that thought
07:07which puts the incident that happened to you on someone else's shoulder
07:11on someone else's shoulder
07:13thinking that someone else did wrong to him.
07:17But you don't worry.
07:19I won't let anything happen to you.
07:22Now you just have to do what I tell you to do.
07:29Don't forget this.
07:31You have understood this well, haven't you?
07:33I have understood, Your Majesty. I have understood.
07:38Let the proceedings begin.
07:48It seems Imran has gone mad seeing his death so close.
07:54What nonsense is this, Imran?
07:56Why are you laughing like a mad man?
08:00If you don't stop laughing,
08:02if you don't stop laughing,
08:05then I will not just hang you once,
08:07but I will hang you twice.
08:21Don't be angry, Your Majesty.
08:24I am laughing thinking that people call me ominous.
08:29But there is another ominous person in this kingdom who is bigger than me.
08:36No one will go against him.
08:41But he will kill someone everyday.
08:48What did you say?
08:50If that is the case, then tell me who is that ominous person
08:54who is bigger than you.
08:56I will hang him as well.
08:57Just tell me his name once.
09:03What name do I have to tell you, Your Majesty?
09:06I am talking to that person right now.
09:12You are telling me the biggest ominous person, Imran.
09:17If that is the case, then tell me the basis of your accusation.
09:24What else do you have to say?
09:26Your Majesty,
09:28people in the kingdom blame me for the incidents that happened to them
09:34and call me ominous.
09:36For example, yesterday, you broke the rope.
09:40And you also sprained your leg by putting it down in the wrong way.
09:45The arrow had fallen because of the strong flow of water.
09:49The weapons were on fire last night
09:54because of a careless soldier.
09:57Astabal's wall must have fallen because he was weak.
10:01But because of people's misguidance,
10:05you blamed me for everything
10:09and ordered me to be hanged.
10:12Whereas, my crime was that I met you.
10:16Now you can guess, Your Majesty,
10:19whether I am the ominous one or you.
10:23How do you know that Astabal's wall was weak
10:28and broke because of the strong flow of water?
10:31Well, I…
10:35Enough. Enough. No need to say anything.
10:38Your fear on my question has made me understand
10:41that you met Birbal last night.
10:47Yes, Your Majesty.
10:49Before I died, I asked Birbal to talk to me
10:53in my last wish.
10:56Sukhdevji, present Birbal to him.
11:00Yes, Your Majesty.
11:02Greetings, Your Majesty.
11:04I want to know, Birbalji,
11:06why did you help Imran?
11:09I did it to make you and the people of the kingdom understand, Your Majesty,
11:14that no human being is ominous for another human being.
11:21You are right, Birbalji.
11:23I met Imran so that
11:27I can break the blind faith of the people of my kingdom.
11:31But the news of one incident after another
11:34has shaken my faith.
11:35But now I have realized my mistake.
11:38Now Imran will not be hanged.
11:41He will be rewarded.
11:43From now on, Imran is not ominous,
11:46but the cleanliness of the palace is paramount.
11:51arrange a grand house for him.
11:55Thank you very much, Birbalji.
11:58If it weren't for you,
12:00I would have lost an innocent life today.
12:03Long live Emperor Akbar!
12:06Long live Birbalji!
12:34Akbar and Birbal's friendship
12:39The whole world knows
12:41Akbar and Birbal's friendship
12:44The best in the world
12:46Akbar and Birbal's friendship
12:50The whole world knows
12:52Akbar and Birbal's friendship
12:55The best in the world
12:57Akbar and Birbal
12:58Akbar and Birbal's friendship
13:05The whole world knows
13:08Akbar and Birbal's friendship
13:10The best in the world
13:12Akbar and Birbal
13:16Akbar and Birbal
13:18Akbar and Birbal's friendship
13:28The best in the world