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八点最热报 | 在“快时尚”风潮底下,过度生产和消费,衍生出每一年丢弃的衣服超过2600万吨。中国近年来新兴“再造”服装企业出现,也让这些废弃纺织品再次获得新生。 (主播:蔡心慧)


00:00Before you watch the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the ReDian website.
00:04In the past 20 years, fast fashion has become the mainstream in the clothing industry.
00:09Large clothing companies produce a batch of popular clothes in a short time.
00:14Consumers can also buy trendy clothes at a cheap price.
00:18Shopping to buy clothes has become the main entertainment for many modern people.
00:22However, under the trend of fast fashion, excessive production and consumption have also caused a lot of problems.
00:28Data shows that only 12% of abandoned textile products in the world are recycled.
00:34And only 1% of the abandoned textile products made into new clothes are recycled.
00:40China is the largest textile producer in the world.
00:43Every year, more than 26 million tons of clothes are thrown away.
00:47Most of the abandoned textile products can only end up as garbage and be buried.
00:52As China has improved its awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development in recent years,
00:56new recycling clothing companies have emerged, allowing these abandoned textile products to be reborn.
01:04Looking around, there are rows of fashionable clothes.
01:08But can you imagine?
01:10These clothes are all made from abandoned clothes or waste materials.
01:14With the rise of fast fashion, China, the largest textile producer in the world,
01:19can only end up as garbage and be buried.
01:28In order to solve this problem,
01:30China's young generation has been thinking about making new clothes out of abandoned clothes.
01:37We hope to revive new life for old clothes.
01:40We are not against consumption, we are against waste.
01:44We hope to revive everything through recycling.
01:50We encourage everyone to consume,
01:52but behind the consumption is your values and your ideology.
01:57We really want to bring this part to China.
02:01Because the cost of making recycled clothes and second-hand clothes is higher,
02:04most Chinese consumers are not willing to pay more money to buy them.
02:08Some people even think it's a shame to wear second-hand clothes.
02:11However, some people who came to the second-hand clothing factory in the early morning
02:14were very surprised after seeing the clothes,
02:17and completely changed their view of second-hand clothes.
02:21First of all, I think it's amazing.
02:23When I first came in, I heard that many clothes were made of pineapple shells or corn.
02:29But I just touched the clothes in detail,
02:33and I didn't expect it to have a very comfortable feeling.
02:37I think it's amazing.
02:38Although many Chinese merchants have begun to take the environmental route,
02:42the largest cotton recycling plant in China,
02:44the person in charge of the plant,
02:45believes that the biggest challenge is
02:47that in China, it is forbidden to use old clothes to recycle cotton-made clothes.
02:52And these merchants can only export the clothes abroad.
02:55China should be the best place for post-consumer waste,
02:58because we have manufacturers here, we have consumers here,
03:03we have the technologies built up in the last several decades to recycle the waste.
03:09But unfortunately, we have some legislation issues
03:15that we cannot use post-consumer waste on upcycling for garments
03:22that we sell in the China market.
03:33For more UN videos visit www.un.org
