All My Friends Are Dead (2024)

  • 2 days ago
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00:00:00You may have heard of a person like this before, a friend who got you like no other, the one
00:00:20who was quick to defend, the one who was such a light for others, it was an honor when they
00:00:28shared their hurt and their fears, made you feel special and it was inevitable someone would be
00:00:34drawn to that light just to destroy it. Maybe they hid their pain as long as they could,
00:00:46maybe we never deserve such a light.
00:00:58And we never know what we could have done or why such things happen.
00:01:10It will just happen again to someone else, somewhere else, unless someone, somewhere out there won't let us forget
00:01:23and does something that can't be forgotten. And it will be mistaken for hate, but in the dark, it would be taken for love.
00:01:53Hey guys, it's Liv in the big city, and guess what? I'm going to cover to lose a baby!
00:02:06Shut the fuck up!
00:02:23Hey babe, I'm home!
00:02:42Oh shit, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!
00:02:49Lord, please help me through this weekend.
00:02:54Oh my god!
00:02:56Hello! Karmapalooza!
00:03:00Days and nights of sweats, long lines, gropers in the hopes of not getting bald. Let's fucking do this!
00:03:07Thank you! Thank you for that.
00:03:10I'm sorry, I just, you know, didn't think you'd ever be up for something like this.
00:03:14Like what?
00:03:15Like something social, borderline deviant. Something fun.
00:03:20Am I really that bad?
00:03:22Yeah. But not today or not, you are Marcel out of her shell!
00:03:26Welcome to the world.
00:03:28Thank you. Well, let's go.
00:03:30Do you think Mona will let me talk to her agent?
00:03:33She said she would, right?
00:03:35I don't think so.
00:03:37Thank you. Well, let's go.
00:03:41Do you think Mona will let me talk to her agent?
00:03:43She said she would, right?
00:03:45Yeah, but anything not about Mona isn't anything.
00:03:48I mean, more power to her. The girl's taken basic and turned it into goddess.
00:03:52Ah, but at what cost?
00:03:55Yeah. Mona plays nice and the whole world loves her.
00:03:58And then she plays ice and they love her even more.
00:04:01I'm just trying to be a blip on the radar so I can graduate with more than crippling debt to show for it.
00:04:05Right. But like I said, at what cost?
00:04:07I mean, I get the right amount of followers and any cost is worth it.
00:04:13So, how are you feeling?
00:04:17Kind of not here.
00:04:19Like an impersonation of myself, you know?
00:04:22Like, hi, I'm Sarah and I'm just like a plucky, bubbly go-getter.
00:04:27And I'm so excited to spend the weekend with a crew I barely even know.
00:04:32How'd I do?
00:04:34You're killing it!
00:04:35Fuck yeah, I am.
00:04:42Little help, brother?
00:04:44You're doing great, King.
00:04:45Aw, you guys didn't need to bring us snacks.
00:04:48I didn't.
00:04:49Will! Andale!
00:04:52Varsh, sloth. Varsh!
00:04:54Hi, Willie-Will.
00:04:56We gotta hang tight, Sarah.
00:04:58Aaron's got some rations for ya.
00:05:00Oh, Aaron!
00:05:05If I can't ride with you guys, at least I can be there in spirits.
00:05:09Oh, you really didn't have to do that, Aaron.
00:05:12Yes, he did.
00:05:14Don't forget the pharmacy, bro.
00:05:16I can't rob the pharmacy.
00:05:17L.B. says you're not coming if you're not bringing.
00:05:20Pharmacy or FOMO.
00:05:24Well, on behalf of nobody but me, thank you. I really appreciate it.
00:05:29And I hope you come tonight.
00:05:33I, uh...
00:05:35Yeah, I'll...
00:05:37I'll be there with the bells on.
00:05:39You know where that comes from?
00:05:40Back in the wagon days, they used to put these bells in front of each of the wagons,
00:05:44and if your party were ever in danger or being attacked,
00:05:47you'd ring the bell to signify that you have gotten there safely,
00:05:51without incident.
00:05:58That was weird, Aaron.
00:06:00I thought it was cool.
00:06:01Yeah, I mean, I wrote about it, so...
00:06:07Excuse me!
00:06:09This isn't the back of the building, this is the front of the building.
00:06:11What the fuck?
00:06:12Should probably go.
00:06:13Please come tonight.
00:06:14As soon as I can.
00:06:15Like, daddy issues are rude.
00:06:19Oh, Guy, I've missed you.
00:06:21Hey, Mona!
00:06:23So, any chance I can chat with your agent this weekend?
00:06:26Yeah, of course, perfect timing.
00:06:29Mm-hmm, because you can do something for me.
00:06:32Where are you sitting in this beast?
00:06:35How bad do you want it?
00:06:37Well, she was sort of the co-pilot of this beast.
00:06:41Well, you just got an upgrade.
00:06:44Why do you put up with this shit?
00:06:48We gotta go!
00:06:49We gotta go right now!
00:06:52Start the van, start the van!
00:06:53I'm gonna kill you!
00:06:57What the fuck?
00:07:00Don't move her!
00:07:06Right now, move us!
00:07:09Oh, girl!
00:07:12Oh, butter.
00:07:13Everybody in!
00:07:14Don't fuck my wife!
00:07:15Don't fuck my wife!
00:07:17Don't fuck my wife!
00:07:19I'm gonna fucking kill you!
00:07:22Don't fuck my wife!
00:07:23Come here, fucker!
00:07:24Get down!
00:07:25Do you hear me?
00:07:26You're fucking dead!
00:07:27Do you hear me?
00:07:28Do you hear me?
00:07:29You're fucking dead!
00:07:30Stop it!
00:07:31Stop it!
00:07:32I love him!
00:07:35You're fucking dead!
00:07:36I'm gonna kill you!
00:07:37Hey, Sarah!
00:07:38Put that bitch in!
00:07:40This has been Recon, your social survivalist.
00:07:42We're putting out and getting out.
00:07:44Until next time, always scout the back door
00:07:46before you come through the front door.
00:07:50Yo, now post out my consent.
00:07:51Credit or copy.
00:07:52Got it?
00:07:54Let's road trip!
00:08:23Hi, Ricky!
00:08:24Is that your agent?
00:08:26Liv, pump my leg later, please.
00:08:27Are you in a van?
00:08:29Are you being sex-trafficked right now?
00:08:30Say something racist so I know you're okay.
00:08:31Rick, I'm fine.
00:08:32We'll be there in a couple hours.
00:08:33Oh, um, I'm Liv.
00:08:34And, um, if you want to sponsor me, I'm...
00:08:35Are you also interested in a free life?
00:08:52Oh, you want to get a free life?
00:08:54Well, I never heard of you.
00:08:55Get a thousand likes this weekend.
00:08:56That could change.
00:08:58I don't know.
00:08:59Be hot or interesting.
00:09:00Or, better yet, be super hot.
00:09:02Just do what people want.
00:09:05Can't do.
00:09:06Dream about.
00:09:09Get a thousand likes this weekend.
00:09:10Or just repost therapy quotes.
00:09:11Very well.
00:09:12So, there you have everyone.
00:09:14Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:09:15Pan that camera back.
00:09:16Who's that fresh-faced driver?
00:09:18No, you wouldn't be interested in Sarah.
00:09:22Zero social game, nothing to exploit.
00:09:25She who has nothing to share must have something to hide.
00:09:28Look, I'll be in head to toe couture,
00:09:30atop the shoulders of a music god in no time.
00:09:33That a queen?
00:09:34Oh, no weekend, younglings!
00:09:36Oh, and remember, if you get stabbed,
00:09:38don't post anything about it.
00:09:39Victims are so played.
00:09:42Oh, God!
00:09:43Oh, my God!
00:09:46Oh, my God!
00:10:00Oh, shit.
00:10:04I'm so sorry.
00:10:08Is everyone okay?
00:10:15What was that?
00:10:20Ooh, shredded.
00:10:22We're gonna need a spare.
00:10:23This didn't have one.
00:10:25I'm sorry.
00:10:26This is what triple A is for.
00:10:32That's not triple A, bro.
00:10:35Do we still need to hide this?
00:10:37Oh, no, you gotta hide this.
00:10:38Oh, my God!
00:10:44Improvise, brah!
00:11:05Looks like you guys need some help.
00:11:06Yeah, we have a flat and no spare.
00:11:10I know a garage.
00:11:11I can give them a call.
00:11:12Maybe they can help you out.
00:11:13Yeah, that would be great.
00:11:15All right.
00:11:24Trying to ass-swallow a baseball.
00:11:26How'd you do it?
00:11:27Shut up!
00:11:28That was only once!
00:11:31Oh, hello, officer lady.
00:12:01You know you don't have to hide this shit, right?
00:12:05I mean, it's not like it's cocaine.
00:12:13Your van here is so cool, it requires a special kind of tire.
00:12:17Leave it here tonight.
00:12:18We'll be ready tomorrow.
00:12:20No, not tomorrow.
00:12:21I'm sorry.
00:12:22We need to be there tonight.
00:12:24Where are you headed?
00:12:25Uh, Karmapalooza.
00:12:26Yeah, you and everyone else went 200 miles.
00:12:28I suggest you find somewhere to crash pronto.
00:12:31Most places are already booked.
00:12:33It's two hours away.
00:12:34We're like four with traffic.
00:12:35Nothing, dude.
00:12:36Holy shit.
00:12:37Sold out every day.
00:12:38Oh my god.
00:12:39It's cool.
00:12:40It's cool.
00:12:41No, it's not.
00:12:43Hey, I got one.
00:12:44Guys, I got one.
00:12:45Okay, well, I'll see you.
00:12:46Where is it?
00:12:47Uh, I don't know.
00:12:48I think it's like a few miles away.
00:12:49You know what?
00:12:50No worries.
00:12:51The garage will give you a call when the tire's ready.
00:12:53I can give you a ride if you like.
00:12:54That would be awesome.
00:12:56Assuming you don't have anything illegal on you.
00:13:02Or in you.
00:13:08Okay, let's go.
00:13:15So, Officer Shaw, is it?
00:13:19You gonna be working the festival this weekend?
00:13:22Perks of the job.
00:13:24Let's just say I may or may not be rocking a rainbow-colored sundress and pink wig.
00:13:29Undercover, of course.
00:13:30Damn, this is gonna be my first day look.
00:13:33Dude, that ink is dope.
00:13:35Oh, thanks.
00:13:36I'm thinking about getting it turned into a sleeve.
00:13:38I feel it.
00:13:39Thinking about getting my first.
00:13:41It's gonna say Vibes with a Y instead of an I.
00:13:45The Y stands for YOLO.
00:13:47What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:13:50Might get it this weekend.
00:13:52You wanna help me pick where?
00:13:54I'm good.
00:13:57All right.
00:13:58This is you guys.
00:14:00Well, if you change your mind, girl.
00:14:02Oh, I won't.
00:14:06Thanks, Officer.
00:14:07All right, you guys be careful out there.
00:14:09I don't want to see any of you getting your stomachs pumped.
00:14:12Except for maybe you, Vibes.
00:14:14Holy shit, Sarah.
00:14:16Dude, this place is dope.
00:14:18Don't speak too soon.
00:14:19Appearances can be deceiving.
00:14:20Oh, look who's talking.
00:14:22I shot Master Bedroom.
00:14:24No, fuck off, Liv.
00:14:32Move, I need the fucking bathroom.
00:14:37Guys, something's wrong.
00:14:41Where's the pool?
00:15:18Is it locked?
00:15:20And it's probably supposed to be.
00:15:36Dudes and ladies, dining room.
00:15:42Guys, look, they left us a greeting gift.
00:15:44And there's seven just like us if you include Aaron.
00:15:47Seven deadly sin shot glasses?
00:15:56Oh, like the movie?
00:15:58No, more like the Bible.
00:16:00They used to imprint this shit in Catholic school.
00:16:02Owners probably just left it to scare us so they're not breaking anything.
00:16:05Too late, TV's busted.
00:16:07Okay, wait, who's who?
00:16:09Sarah got the house, so Sarah decides.
00:16:11No, no, no, no.
00:16:12I am not assigning.
00:16:14Mona, you're a pro.
00:16:16Pride is not a sin.
00:16:18Case in point, dude.
00:16:19I wanted that one.
00:16:20Oh, someone sounds greedy.
00:16:23How am I greedy?
00:16:25Is more ever enough?
00:16:27Okay, more is never enough.
00:16:28Tisha, watch this.
00:16:32What do you want to do with your life?
00:16:33Memory escapes me.
00:16:35And here we have a sloth.
00:16:43Recon's not going to like this one.
00:16:45I can hear you guys.
00:16:47I'm not lost.
00:16:48They lost after me.
00:16:49That's bullshit.
00:16:50That's a double standard.
00:16:51Focus on your Kegels, Pac-Meel.
00:16:53Guy, may I return the favor?
00:16:56Well, as a glutton, might as well have Aaron's too.
00:17:00His would be envy, for FOMO is envy.
00:17:04Oh, fear of missing Sarah.
00:17:07No, come on.
00:17:08Be sweet.
00:17:09But you, Sarah, are you nice?
00:17:16It's okay, don't take it personally.
00:17:18You know, we all know that you're too soft to hurt a soul.
00:17:21Maybe you don't know me that well.
00:17:25Bottoms up.
00:17:29Guy told me to hide it.
00:17:31Yeah, dude.
00:17:32Like, in a pocket.
00:17:34Fucking niggas, dude.
00:17:35It's okay, we still have Guy's stash.
00:17:37No, bro.
00:17:38Guy has Guy's stash.
00:17:40Guy has the goat.
00:17:42You have a Ziploc of ass candy.
00:17:45Harass Aaron to resupply dicks, bro.
00:17:49To old friends.
00:17:51And new friends.
00:17:52Karmapalooza here we...
00:18:23Seven deadly sins and you.
00:18:29Any upstanding member of society abides by the law of the land,
00:18:32but furthermore adheres to an elevated code of self-governance,
00:18:35in keeping with the good old Catholic morals and virtues.
00:18:38Where do we look, however, to inform this blueprint of stellar composure?
00:18:42It may very well begin and end with the understanding and being wary of seven deadly sins.
00:18:48The seven deadly sins sound foreboding and indeed quite sinister in nature,
00:18:51yet to shy away from knowing them is a mistake and a trap,
00:18:54all too ready to ensure even the most well-intentioned man, woman, or even child
00:18:58holds vulnerable minds so impressionable and lets defense look without the fortification of knowledge.
00:19:03Seven sins, seven key temptations of the spirit.
00:19:06We commence with pride, or the glorification of vanity.
00:19:09Nobody likes a braggart, and nobody enjoys the company of those who flaunt their successes over others.
00:19:14Next, we turn to greed, or the insatiable coveting of excess.
00:19:18There is more than enough to go around for all.
00:19:21Lost, we are most certainly doomed when we fall prey to our most basic sexual desires.
00:19:26No tongues wagged over the conservative boy or girl, a surefire way to maintain respectability.
00:19:31Then there's the green little devil, envy.
00:19:34It's hard to strive without being inspired by what others have achieved or might have,
00:19:38but caution oneself against harboring feelings of resentment.
00:19:42We are all in competition, yet, but the greatest competition is the one we are in with ourselves.
00:19:48I'm sure that we are all guilty at one point or another of going in for a second or third helping.
00:19:53Knowing when one is complete is an art and one close to godliness.
00:19:58You guessed it. Here we refer to gluttony, and no one likes to overindulge.
00:20:03Rich Emperor, you may be experiencing our next sin, wrath.
00:20:07Wars have been raged, lives lost, over the hot-headedness of the unable to keep a handle on their anger.
00:20:13Finally, we arrive at sloth.
00:20:15You may be familiar with the charming creatures which gain their namesake from this quality.
00:20:19However, nobody turned to a sloth to get any job done quickly, if at all.
00:20:31Now, we have covered what not to do and how to identify these shifting principles.
00:20:35For if we don't encourage the youth of today to abide, what will we do of the youth of the future?
00:20:41Yeah, I mean, it should be off right there.
00:20:43Oh, excuse me. What is it now?
00:20:46Stolen pills yet?
00:20:47Okay, look, just because I work at a drugstore doesn't mean I can just take the drugs.
00:20:51Sarah's here. She wants to party. You better get her what she wants.
00:20:55Come on, man.
00:20:57Just do a cunt.
00:21:01And what does Sarah want?
00:21:07Hey, Sarah, wanna drink and talk shit by the pool?
00:21:10What pool?
00:21:21Did you get it?
00:21:23Got it, yeah.
00:21:27Okay, let's see.
00:21:28What do you think?
00:21:29Oh, my God. Fucking cute.
00:21:32Yeah, I love it. That worked.
00:21:33Okay, now we post from our luxury resort and...
00:21:39You're up.
00:21:41Yeah, of course.
00:21:42So you just, like, travel with the kiddie pool?
00:21:45Fuck yeah, I can make anything work.
00:21:48Oh, my God.
00:21:50Like right here?
00:21:51Yeah, like that.
00:21:54Oh, my God, you look hot.
00:22:00What about your old friends, Sarah?
00:22:02I don't really talk to the people in my high school much anymore.
00:22:06It's part of why I think, like, you hanging out with all these people for so long is so cool.
00:22:11Yeah, your tribe just grew apart?
00:22:14Not exactly.
00:22:18Oh, my God, you were held back?
00:22:20What? No.
00:22:21Oh, fuck, thank God I can't hang out with people like that.
00:22:25No, I was just a loner, honestly.
00:22:28Plus, my aunt and uncle kept me locked up for most of my high school experience, so...
00:22:34Honestly, college was, like, the best thing that could have happened to me.
00:22:37You guys took me in and the rest is history.
00:22:41Yeah, you should have seen who Liv was hanging out with before I saved her.
00:22:44You know, all credit goes to mom.
00:22:48Okay, ready? Now say fake-ass post.
00:22:51Fake-ass post.
00:23:11Oh, my God.
00:23:36Hey, guys. Need a drink or anything?
00:23:38All good, all good.
00:23:39Damn, girl, look at you.
00:23:42Wanna see Aaron freak out?
00:23:45What is wrong with you?
00:23:52Okay, if you're any sort of friend to her, back off.
00:23:55Please don't bang her.
00:23:56Calm up.
00:23:58With your dick.
00:24:02I don't understand. Please don't bang her with your dick.
00:24:04Would you like me to search the web?
00:24:09Guys, who got this?
00:24:11Hmm, capital sins?
00:24:13Boys, you should have.
00:24:15Believe me, we didn't.
00:24:17Let's pop this.
00:24:19Liv, bikini up now.
00:24:21Should we get wasted?
00:24:23Where's the coke?
00:24:43I'm coming, Sarah!
00:24:45Okay, okay, fine.
00:24:46I'll show you.
00:24:48People will see what you post.
00:24:49It's about getting them to like what they see.
00:24:53Start with a cute pic.
00:24:55Ew, Liv, raise your head.
00:24:57No one wants to see jowls.
00:24:58A fucking gag.
00:25:01I wasn't ready.
00:25:03Find what's trending.
00:25:04Pick your back off that.
00:25:06Post and find the wave.
00:25:08And you're welcome.
00:25:10Happy to help get those likes.
00:25:11999 to go.
00:25:14Don't worry, honey, you'll get there.
00:25:15You just gotta find something about yourself
00:25:17that people want to watch.
00:25:19That's what I keep telling her.
00:25:20Okay, herpes and plan B don't need a sponsor, babe.
00:25:22That's what Urchin cares for.
00:25:25DJ Blazes, international DJ.
00:25:27Privacy, please!
00:25:29Liv, just because you have a Spotify account
00:25:30doesn't mean you're a DJ.
00:25:32Stop, he's really hot.
00:25:39The womanities are putting on a secret show tonight.
00:25:42Doesn't look so secret.
00:25:43No Ubers available.
00:25:45All right, bro.
00:25:49I'm gonna walk and see if I can get a cab or something.
00:25:53We gotta leave now, homies.
00:25:55If I'm gonna get there, when I pee...
00:25:57We're not going!
00:26:00Uh, may I cap?
00:26:01Safe travels, Munchie.
00:26:02Whatever, brother.
00:26:03I'll just assemble my own vibe tribe.
00:26:07Fuck yeah.
00:26:09Listen, if any of you dudes decide to come meet me,
00:26:12look for the giant banana bouncing in the crowd.
00:26:16Got that, Sarah?
00:26:17Got it.
00:26:19Peace, you beautiful bastards!
00:26:33We never have to say goodbye
00:26:37So we never have to say goodbye
00:26:48Fly high in the sky
00:26:53So we never have to say goodbye
00:26:57So we never have to say goodbye
00:27:06I'll never change
00:27:12Believe in the end
00:27:27Oh yeah
00:27:31Dude, how much longer?
00:27:36You for real?
00:27:38Is anybody real?
00:27:44Fuck man, I'm trippin' balls.
00:27:47I'm trippin' balls.
00:27:49I'm trippin' balls.
00:27:51I'm trippin' balls.
00:27:53I'm trippin' balls.
00:27:54I'm trippin' balls.
00:27:56Me too, dude.
00:27:58What are you hitting?
00:28:00The goat.
00:28:03So how much longer?
00:28:05I'm hooking up with some prime tail later.
00:28:08Some of that skunk tail.
00:28:10That's tremendous.
00:28:14I'm getting thirsty as fuck.
00:28:15Where's that ride?
00:28:17I don't know, dude.
00:28:19First we gotta head to the main road.
00:28:21And flag one.
00:28:22Fuckin' lame, bro.
00:28:24I gotta jet.
00:28:25See ya at the show.
00:28:28Don't just leave.
00:28:29You're like my emotional support in here.
00:28:50What the fuck?
00:28:52Who the fuck am I?
00:29:00What is this?
00:29:01Look, just talk to me for a sec.
00:29:05I'm hoping we should have to pay you transfer.
00:29:06What is going on?
00:29:09What are we doing?
00:29:10This is pretty messed up.
00:29:11We shouldn't even post it.
00:29:13Give it to me.
00:29:14I'll do it.
00:29:16What is that?
00:29:17Are you serious?
00:29:18What is that?
00:29:19What are you doing?
00:29:20What are you doing?
00:29:23Just talk to me, please.
00:29:34Hopefully, you should have to look at the transfer or something.
00:29:40What are we doing?
00:29:41Come on in.
00:29:42Draw me the video.
00:29:43Post it.
00:29:45This is gonna be so bad.
00:29:47You're the weak little guy.
00:29:49Nobody even likes you.
00:29:50Everyone will know.
00:29:52Look what you did.
00:29:53It wasn't me.
00:29:55I knew he couldn't trust you guys.
00:29:57It wasn't me!
00:29:59You're just as guilty as we are.
00:30:01No! No!
00:30:27This is gonna be so bad.
00:31:19Follow me.
00:31:37Hurry up.
00:31:39We only have seven minutes.
00:31:41Wait, that's not on, right?
00:31:47This is a first?
00:31:49Yes, it's just you and me.
00:31:51Turn it on.
00:32:17I feel like it's been longer than seven minutes.
00:32:41Should we check up on them?
00:32:43Uh, no.
00:32:45You're being the most vapid douche child ever,
00:32:47and we get to say we overheard it.
00:32:53So, Jason?
00:33:01Who tied this knot?
00:33:03Are you okay?
00:33:05Yeah, I'm fine.
00:33:23Who was that?
00:33:25What? Are you role-playing?
00:33:27We can role-play.
00:33:29No. No, I think someone was spying on us.
00:33:31Guys, post-meeting now!
00:33:37That's it?
00:33:39Fucking cocktails!
00:33:41What's going on?
00:33:43Is that you?
00:33:45Fucking out of here, dude!
00:33:51I used to bathe with my mom, like,
00:33:53well into high school.
00:33:55So cool.
00:33:59Wait, that camera's not on, right?
00:34:03Really? This is a first?
00:34:07What is that?
00:34:09What is that?
00:34:13I fucking knew it!
00:34:15There's a fucking creep!
00:34:17Whoa, I mean, guys, that's gotta be one of us.
00:34:19Is that Guy?
00:34:21Wait, has anyone heard from him?
00:34:23No, he's probably passed out in some crystal healer's tent.
00:34:35What is this?
00:34:37Is this Memphis?
00:34:39Probably just some troll.
00:34:41Not fucking cool.
00:34:43Just, we're ignoring it.
00:34:47Wait, wait, who is that?
00:34:51Seriously, I feel like I'm...
00:34:53Just fucking drop it!
00:34:57She was a freshman with us.
00:35:03She lived in Mona's dorm
00:35:05with her friends.
00:35:07She was a part of our crew.
00:35:15We spent almost every sunset
00:35:17in the shack.
00:35:21We made the stump of a cabin
00:35:23our clubhouse.
00:35:25It was just off campus.
00:35:27We'd bail on lectures, drink, get high,
00:35:29make fun of shit.
00:35:31It was our place to hide
00:35:33until she and Mo had a falling out.
00:35:35She got in between
00:35:37Mona and LB.
00:35:43Okay, so she was into you, LB?
00:35:45It was complicated.
00:35:49One day she just randomly
00:35:51said she's in love with me.
00:35:53Okay, don't get me wrong, I was flattered.
00:35:55I just, I didn't feel the same way.
00:35:57And then things got weird after that
00:35:59and I was just trying to be PC but
00:36:01she just wouldn't let it go!
00:36:03So what happened?
00:36:05You don't know when to fucking stop, do you, Sarah?
00:36:07What in the energy here says
00:36:09keep asking the clearly fucking
00:36:11pissed off person more fucking questions
00:36:13about your fucking business?
00:36:15Hey, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to figure some shit out, okay?
00:36:17Oh, I'm sorry. So many sorries
00:36:19from Sarah.
00:36:21Look, I'm trying to figure out why I have her on my phone too.
00:36:23Mona, for once, this isn't just about you.
00:36:25It's about all of us.
00:36:27Go fucking back to sleep, Will.
00:36:29Nobody wants us to be talking about Colette.
00:36:31There's nothing left to say.
00:36:41Mona got real with her and she couldn't handle it.
00:36:49It's not your fault, Mona.
00:36:51I didn't know that she didn't have any friends.
00:36:53I didn't know that she didn't talk to anybody.
00:36:55I didn't know what was going on in her
00:36:57fucking head!
00:36:59No one could. Couldn't help.
00:37:05They found her first day of spring.
00:37:09She killed herself in the shack.
00:37:13Fire started, burned it all down.
00:37:17That's what they say.
00:37:19Except the only people who know what really happened
00:37:21were the ones who were there.
00:37:23What the fuck are you talking about, Liv?
00:37:25The police said it was a suicide.
00:37:27All of a sudden, the girl with the 2.0 GPA
00:37:29thinks she's a fucking detective?
00:37:31Okay, first off, I'm fucking smarter than you.
00:37:33And secondly, this happened to me too.
00:37:35Yeah, in the past, so fucking leave it there.
00:37:39Whatever. I'm out.
00:37:41I'm meeting up with DJ Blaze anyway.
00:37:43That's it? Yeah.
00:37:45Don't forget to facebang DJ Blaze for a follow, Nancy Blue.
00:37:47You know what, Mona?
00:37:49Fuck you! Fuck you!
00:37:55Liv, wait!
00:38:03Are you really leaving?
00:38:05DJ Blaze is sending me an Uber.
00:38:07Okay, well,
00:38:09do you know his real name or
00:38:11do I get to know where you're going?
00:38:13Trust me, I've tried, okay? He said just to embrace it.
00:38:15Done a lot worse for less.
00:38:17Hey, Liv.
00:38:19Look at me.
00:38:21Hey. What?
00:38:23I just want to make sure you're, like,
00:38:25actually okay.
00:38:27Honestly, he could be a catfish psychopath.
00:38:29I just need some fucking air from these people.
00:38:33Sorry I pushed.
00:38:37Look, that stuff with Colette
00:38:39didn't go down like that, okay?
00:38:41They're fucking with the past.
00:38:43What do you mean?
00:38:45You can't tell Mona I told you this, okay?
00:38:47I won't.
00:38:49Mona and Colette used to have a thing.
00:38:51She got played. It was awful.
00:38:53And Mona got scared
00:38:55and then cut her out.
00:38:57And classic Mona doesn't take fucking responsibility
00:38:59for anything.
00:39:01Why didn't you do anything?
00:39:05What was I supposed to do?
00:39:07I also drank the Kool-Aid.
00:39:09I mean, even now, I feel like
00:39:11I need her approval.
00:39:13I thought it was going to blow over,
00:39:15and it didn't.
00:39:17Maybe it would have if I had been there.
00:39:21I mean, I just...
00:39:23I can't believe Mona would do something like that.
00:39:25Trust me, you will.
00:39:27If Mona has anything on you,
00:39:29she will use it against you, okay?
00:39:31You can't tell her that I told you this.
00:39:33I won't.
00:39:35I promise.
00:39:37Be safe, okay?
00:40:13Come here.
00:40:15Come on, Liv.
00:40:17This is
00:40:19ride-share bullshit.
00:40:21Come on, come on.
00:40:37How's Liv?
00:40:39Uh, she's fine.
00:40:41She's with DJ Blaze.
00:40:43She didn't say anything?
00:40:47Have you seen my necklace?
00:40:49It's not that choker, is it?
00:40:51Talk about cheeky.
00:40:55No, it's my locket, and I left it here.
00:40:57No, I haven't seen it.
00:41:09Hey, dude.
00:41:13Kind of.
00:41:15Have you guys seen my necklace, by any chance?
00:41:17It was in the bathroom last time I checked.
00:41:19No. What does it look like?
00:41:21It's just like a chain with like an oval locket.
00:41:23We'll let you know if we spot it.
00:41:25Okay, thank you.
00:41:27I appreciate it.
00:41:35Think about it.
00:41:37If I took it, I could be the one who found it.
00:41:39What about Mona?
00:41:41What about her?
00:41:43Weren't you guys just hooking up? She's gonna be pissed.
00:41:45We're not a thing.
00:41:47Did you see that? She's a fucking psycho.
00:41:49But Sarah?
00:41:51She's untouched.
00:41:53I mean, I'd pause the apps to hit that.
00:41:57She's such a pig, you know that?
00:42:01I used to bathe with my cousin in high school.
00:42:03Was she cute then?
00:42:05She wasn't.
00:42:07That's okay, bro.
00:42:27I don't get it.
00:42:29I've been looking for this necklace everywhere.
00:42:31It could be anywhere.
00:42:33Fuck, dude. That's the fourth Uber that's cancelled.
00:42:35What are you doing?
00:42:37Get on your phone. Let's go.
00:42:39Maybe Liv's DJ friend can help us.
00:42:55What do you want with me? Please let me go.
00:43:09No, that wasn't me.
00:43:11Please, that wasn't me.
00:43:13I swear I tried to stop them.
00:43:17I'm Liv and I want all of your attention.
00:43:19It's time to play
00:43:21Live or Die.
00:43:23Play with me, please.
00:43:33Like means live.
00:43:35Dislike means die.
00:43:37If you can reach 1,000 points in two minutes,
00:43:39Liv gets to live.
00:43:43Two minutes starts now.
00:43:45Come on, guys. Love me.
00:43:47We have two minutes to get the votes.
00:43:49Like is live. Dislike is die.
00:43:51If I get to 1,000 likes before the time runs out,
00:43:53I get to live.
00:43:57I just had a brilliant idea.
00:43:59Come with me.
00:44:01Wait, no. Ignore them.
00:44:03What's up with Liv?
00:44:05She outbanged Big Time Rush or some shit?
00:44:07I don't know, actually. Let me check.
00:44:13Come on, guys.
00:44:15Time is running out.
00:44:17It's getting close.
00:44:21We have two minutes to get the votes.
00:44:23Like means live. Dislike means die.
00:44:25Come on, guys. Love me.
00:44:39It wasn't me. Please.
00:44:41Please don't do this.
00:44:43Time's almost up.
00:44:47If I get to 1,000 likes before the time runs out,
00:44:49I get to live.
00:44:51Come on, guys. Love me.
00:44:53It wasn't me.
00:44:57If I don't have 1,000 likes,
00:44:59I scream and die.
00:45:031,000 likes.
00:45:05Liv gets to live.
00:45:07But the timer is still running.
00:45:09I did it.
00:45:11Out of time, Liv dies.
00:45:17Oh, no.
00:45:33Now you're cooking.
00:45:35Keep it in.
00:45:51What's wrong with me?
00:45:57This is gonna work.
00:45:59I'm not sticking that in my bra.
00:46:01Come on, Mo. Security doesn't check chicks.
00:46:03Sexual harassment or whatever.
00:46:05Well, I'm not gonna be eating anyways.
00:46:07Because of the molly.
00:46:09And Sarah doesn't exactly keep the food down.
00:46:11You know what I mean?
00:46:13No. What do you mean?
00:46:15I mean it's obvious.
00:46:17How do you think she stays so skinny?
00:46:19Intensity workouts, meal prep,
00:46:21Coke Zero, actual Coke.
00:46:23I don't want to stop at a port-a-potty every time she eats something.
00:46:25It's, like,
00:46:27really gross.
00:46:29That's sad.
00:46:31I think she just wants attention.
00:46:33That's why I don't
00:46:35say anything.
00:46:39Okay, it's ringing.
00:46:41This is all you. Desperate times.
00:46:49Hey, hey.
00:46:51We're meeting at the festival.
00:46:53Aaron, huge favor to ask.
00:46:57Okay, so Uber's kind of dead around here,
00:46:59so I was hoping that maybe you could come
00:47:01and pick us up? Take us to the festival?
00:47:05Uh, I'll ride shotgun with you?
00:47:09Yes. Yes. Of course.
00:47:11I'll be there in 20 minutes.
00:47:13Okay, thank you so much, Aaron.
00:47:15Get your ref bells on.
00:47:17She hung up?
00:47:19God, I feel like such an asshole.
00:47:21Why? You gave his phone my purpose.
00:47:27Come here.
00:47:39Yeah, baby!
00:47:41I'm in! I'm in! You're in, man! You did it!
00:47:53You ready to bounce?
00:47:55Okay, I've got my phone, wristband,
00:47:57power bank, I.D.
00:47:59Got everything. I just need to go to the bathroom real quick
00:48:01and then I'll be ready to go.
00:48:03Wait, Sarah.
00:48:07You know that's gross, right?
00:48:09Um, are you 12?
00:48:11You don't need to do that.
00:48:13I kind of do, actually.
00:48:15Every time you pull a trigger after you eat,
00:48:17it makes you way less hot.
00:48:19Wait, what?
00:48:21I'm just being honest with you, as your friend.
00:48:23Wait, what are you talking about? I just need to pee.
00:48:25Oh, Mona said that you blech after every time...
00:48:29Did you tell Bo I was benlemic?
00:48:31Forget I said anything.
00:48:33She's not?
00:48:35Fuck you guys.
00:48:37You fucking snitch.
00:48:39Me? Yeah.
00:48:41This friendship group's toxic.
00:48:43I'm gonna make her feel better.
00:49:01Hey, Sarah.
00:49:03It's L.B. Can I come in?
00:49:09Got something that I think you want to see.
00:49:13Hold up, one sec.
00:49:25Hold up, sorry, one sec.
00:49:37Got something that I think will cheer you up.
00:49:43Here I come.
00:50:01Okay, guys, very funny.
00:50:03You got me.
00:50:05Where are the cameras at?
00:50:07I know you got this whole thing in 4K.
00:50:09Delete it.
00:50:17No, no, no, no, no!
00:50:47Hey, Sarah.
00:50:49How are you going?
00:50:51Hug? I'm good.
00:50:53I'm strong. I'm brave.
00:50:55I'm whole.
00:50:57And I have drugs, baby.
00:51:01If they're making us wait this long,
00:51:03we should just have some fun.
00:51:07But we don't even like each other.
00:51:09What's your point?
00:51:25Oh, man, Moe.
00:51:27You got Will and L.B. in the same week?
00:51:29I'm just doing what L.B.'s doing with Sarah
00:51:35What? No.
00:51:37Go take a look.
00:51:39What? No!
00:51:41L.B.! I brought drugs!
00:51:59You were just hard a second ago.
00:52:01Well, how am I supposed to stay hard
00:52:03with Aaron in the room?
00:52:31What prank bullshit is this, huh?
00:52:33You know I'm allergic to blood!
00:52:35What the hell is going on?
00:52:37This isn't a prank, bro.
00:52:39Where the hell is L.B.?
00:52:41This ends now!
00:52:43We need to call the cops.
00:52:45I thought L.B. was with you.
00:52:47What? No, I didn't see him.
00:52:49Sarah, what did you do?
00:52:51What the fuck? What do you mean, what did I do?
00:52:53I was smoking a cigarette, you jackass.
00:52:55I didn't do anything.
00:52:57Yeah, seriously, back off, Will.
00:52:59Where the hell is L.B., huh?
00:53:01I don't know.
00:53:05Oh, my God.
00:53:13Come here.
00:53:17Wait, what are we doing?
00:53:21Guy, is that you?
00:53:31That wasn't open before, right?
00:53:37Sarah, be careful.
00:53:43What the fuck is down there?
00:53:45Why would you go down there?
00:53:47Do you care about Liv?
00:53:49So come with me.
00:53:51I'm coming.
00:53:55Come on.
00:54:25Someone's been watching us.
00:54:27Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:54:31You guys see what this is?
00:54:33Whatever, and hopefully she'll have to let it transfer.
00:54:35This is like fuck-recreated The Shack.
00:54:37Wait, what are we doing?
00:54:39Guys, this is pretty messed up.
00:54:41We shouldn't even post it.
00:54:45Give it to me. I'll do it.
00:54:47Oh, God, this is awful.
00:54:49Oh, my God.
00:54:51Oh, my God.
00:54:53No, give it to me. I'll do it.
00:54:55Oh, God, this isn't happening.
00:54:57Liv, don't.
00:55:01Shit, I knew that kind of thing would come back and screw us.
00:55:03Aaron, what the fuck are you talking about?
00:55:05Are you serious?
00:55:07Look at the video.
00:55:09No, that was her fault. She killed herself.
00:55:11Okay, what the hell did you guys do?
00:55:13They bullied her.
00:55:21Oh, fuck.
00:55:23Where did that video come from?
00:55:25No one else knew we were there.
00:55:33I knew I couldn't trust any of you.
00:55:35Who the fuck was watching?
00:55:37Who told me?
00:55:39Wait, stop! Enough!
00:55:41Someone please explain to me what the fuck just happened.
00:55:43I don't know.
00:55:45I don't know.
00:55:47I don't know.
00:55:49Explain to me what the fuck just happened.
00:55:55I had to get her to stop.
00:55:57What do you mean?
00:55:59Uh, Colette sent Mona a nude video
00:56:01on About My Friends,
00:56:03and then...
00:56:05and then Mona just screen-recorded it.
00:56:07But the private Snap story was not my idea.
00:56:09You posted it?
00:56:11L.B. did.
00:56:13And I only told a few people,
00:56:15and then we took it down,
00:56:17because the fucking video was everywhere.
00:56:19Yeah, and Colette's parents are, like, really protective
00:56:21and religious, and it was just so bad.
00:56:23Liv, don't!
00:56:25Mona and L.B. were supposed to meet her at the cabin
00:56:27where she killed herself.
00:56:29When we got there, Colette had our names carved into the wood
00:56:31next to her body.
00:56:33What were we supposed to do?
00:56:35How the fuck were we gonna explain that?
00:56:37God, just stop playing the fucking victim, Mona.
00:56:39It was your fault.
00:56:41You made us torch the place, remember?
00:56:45Yeah, you got there first.
00:56:47We had no idea what went down before we showed up.
00:56:49Will you just stop? Fucking stop!
00:56:53A girl killed herself!
00:57:01A girl killed herself!
00:57:03And you're just...
00:57:05pointing fingers?
00:57:07You have absolutely no one
00:57:09to blame but yourselves.
00:57:11It was a mistake, okay?
00:57:13Yeah, and now your mistake is gonna get me killed.
00:57:15So thanks for the invite, fuckers.
00:57:21What is that?
00:57:31What the fuck?
00:57:35What's with the pictures?
00:57:39It's the seven deadly sins.
00:57:41Shot glasses?
00:58:11He's punishing us based off of the sins.
00:58:15The sins?
00:58:17What does that even mean?
00:58:19What's happening to us?
00:58:21Am I envy?
00:58:25We die
00:58:27like he wants.
00:58:31No, no, no, no.
00:58:33Fuck that. I'm not standing around waiting to kill.
00:58:37Get the fuck off me, bitch!
00:58:45What the fuck
00:58:47is that?
00:58:49She just fucking stayed home.
00:59:57No, no, no, no.
00:59:59Fuck this. No, no, no!
01:00:15Will, look out!
01:00:27Come on.
01:00:57Help me.
01:01:03Help me.
01:01:17Help me.
01:01:27Help me.
01:01:57Help me.
01:02:27Help me.
01:02:57Help me.
01:02:59Help me.
01:03:01Help me.
01:03:31Get there with your bells on, okay?
01:03:33Go, just go!
01:03:41Come on!
01:03:45Okay, get in.
01:03:47We have to help Aaron.
01:03:49You save Aaron. I'm out of fucks, okay?
01:03:51Go, let's go!
01:03:55Please don't hurt me.
01:03:57I think Sarah Planey likes me back.
01:03:59Come on, I need this.
01:04:01I can't die a fucking virgin.
01:04:11Oh, fuck!
01:04:15Open the fucking door!
01:04:19Aaron, are you okay?
01:04:21No, I don't think so.
01:04:23You got me!
01:04:25Go, go!
01:04:29Go, go!
01:04:59Go, go!
01:05:15Oh, Mr. Pierce.
01:05:29No, no.
01:06:00Oh, shit.
01:06:02Sarah, come on, give me your hand.
01:06:04Give me your hand.
01:06:09Oh, God, what's going on?
01:06:19Where do we fucking go now?
01:06:21What do we do?
01:06:23I don't know how you get that far.
01:06:26Where do we go?
01:06:29I'm sorry, Aaron!
01:06:31For what?
01:06:33For what?
01:06:57Fuck you!
01:07:03Fuck you!
01:07:09Ota, can you stop trying to kill me, you fucking asshole?
01:07:33Oh, God.
01:08:04Fuck you!
01:08:12Fuck you, Mike!
01:08:33Fuck you!
01:08:48Come on, get the fuck up, motherfucker!
01:08:59Yeah, it's fucking me.
01:09:01What the fuck is going on?
01:09:03The killer is the fucking cop.
01:09:06The killer is the fucking cop who beat this up!
01:09:11Why are you doing this?
01:09:13We don't even know you, why are you doing this?
01:09:18I know you.
01:09:23And you deserve everything you got.
01:09:26And everything that's coming.
01:09:28Why did you kill my friends?
01:09:31Because hurt people.
01:09:35Hurt people!
01:09:50Do you fucking hear me? This is where you fucking die!
01:09:56Sarah, get the other knife!
01:09:58Get the fucking knife!
01:10:02I got it! I got it!
01:10:04Bring the fuck up, this bitch is a witch!
01:10:21Stay alive, Mona.
01:10:24I want to show you something.
01:10:28This would be fucking great for pride, wouldn't it?
01:10:32You have my locket?
01:10:34Yeah, I'll recheck it.
01:10:37Alright, check it back.
01:10:42Now, Mona.
01:10:45You're probably wondering why Officer Shaw is here.
01:10:52I'll tell you.
01:10:55Because of what you did.
01:10:59I got low.
01:11:06You killed my heart with her.
01:11:11And the dead things can't carry on living, so I nearly took my own life.
01:11:19She saw me.
01:11:21Fate stepped in right before I could step off that ledge.
01:11:26I found someone...
01:11:29who understood why I was hurt.
01:11:37And I realized...
01:11:42I am not the only one who wishes motherfuckers like you weren't alive.
01:11:47The whole Seven Deadly Sins thing was her idea.
01:11:50Well, I...
01:11:52I can't take credit for it.
01:11:54It's inspired by someone else that's being investigated and their work.
01:11:58It's still an open case.
01:12:00Mona doesn't care.
01:12:04Fair question.
01:12:06Why? Why?
01:12:08I'll show you why.
01:12:11If you're lucky...
01:12:13you would have known a person like this.
01:12:16Someone who understood you.
01:12:18Who loved you.
01:12:20Who was quick to defend.
01:12:23Someone who was such a light to others
01:12:27that it was an honor when they shared their hurt.
01:12:33Their fear.
01:12:35When they shared their hurt.
01:12:39Their fear.
01:12:41It made you feel special.
01:12:44And it was inevitable that someone would be drawn to that light only to fucking destroy it.
01:12:53You did this to yourself.
01:12:56Do you know that?
01:12:57When you hurt her...
01:12:59you broke me.
01:13:02When you earned her...
01:13:06you forged me.
01:13:09You're right, Mona.
01:13:11I am...
01:13:18There's so much blood in these fuckers!
01:13:25Oh, please.
01:13:29Are you okay to sit up?
01:13:45Yeah, let's do it.
01:13:46I just want to take another look.
01:13:48Maybe if you're lucky...
01:13:49you get to meet someone like this in your lifetime.
01:13:52Someone who's quick to defend.
01:13:55A person who really sees you.
01:13:58Collette, have you ever met someone that just gets you?
01:14:02Well, I did.
01:14:04Her name is Lois Shaw.
01:14:06And she helped me every step of the way.
01:14:11Just needed a destination.
01:14:13A bump in the road.
01:14:17A nice house where the owners were away for a while.
01:14:21And all we had to do was set the stage.
01:14:25Line up the players.
01:14:28And settle the score.
01:14:32by one.
01:14:36By one.
01:14:40I miss you, Collette.
01:14:45We planned your revenge, and it went off with nary a hitch.
01:14:49Not that there weren't some surprises.
01:14:52Those bastards.
01:14:55And they were such easy prey.
01:14:58And Lois Shaw was there every step of the way.
01:15:01She really relished it.
01:15:07And she saved me.
01:15:09So I could avenge you.
01:15:14I think you really like her, Collette.
01:15:17And now...
01:15:18we simply have to wait for the world to see the story we left for them.
01:15:22Maybe things will finally change.
01:15:24Maybe we finally did something that can't be ignored.
01:15:30we did something in the dark that they would mistake for hate.
01:15:34And in the light, only we knew...
01:15:36it was love.
01:15:39Help me!
01:15:41All my friends, I got burned!
01:15:43I don't know where I am!
01:15:44I don't care, they killed me!
01:15:46I need your help!
01:15:50Oh, fuck.
01:15:59I'm sorry.
01:16:24I was being tall.
01:16:26I apologize.
01:16:27I know this is tough.
01:16:28I just, uh...
01:16:30And then...
01:16:32Hey, I just need another minute, okay?
01:16:33I think she needs a break.
01:16:34Just a couple more questions.
01:16:35She needs a break.
01:16:37Let's get you some air.
01:16:57Wait, wait.
01:16:58Are you okay?
01:17:01Kinda like...
01:17:03I'm not here.
01:17:04Like an impersonation of myself, you know?
01:17:08I'm Sarah.
01:17:10She's alive, but like...
01:17:13She doesn't really know who she is anymore.
01:17:21If that bleeds again, we gotta cover that.
01:17:23I'll be fine.
01:17:28Remember that cold case from 03?
01:17:30Looks like it's the same guy.
01:17:34The force is lucky to have you two.
01:17:38Reminds you of anything?
01:17:39Sure does.
01:17:42Same MMO.
01:17:45Have you seen?
01:17:46They're picking up the breadcrumbs just like I said they would.
01:17:49A group of kids came up to the ballet for a concert.
01:17:52Didn't make it.
01:17:53Real biblical shit.
01:17:56Inspired by that film.
01:18:05I mean, you should've heard...
01:18:07the things that they did to her.
01:18:10I mean, they were her best fucking friends and then just like...
01:18:14Everyone trying to be loud.
01:18:15Make it viral.
01:18:17Kids can be cruel.
01:18:19No, it was more than that.
01:18:20They were fucking scum.
01:18:22Millennial bullshit.
01:18:25Catholic school.
01:18:26Scum of the earth.
01:18:29She deserved better than that.
01:18:31They're gone now.
01:18:34Came back damned them.
01:18:36Didn't he?
01:18:38The signed card.
01:18:42Seven deadly sins killer.
01:18:44Signature looks identical.
01:18:45You can tell.
01:18:46Can't forget.
01:18:47There is just one thing that really struck me.
01:18:50Thing I haven't quite been able to figure out yet.
01:18:56The video.
01:18:59The one of them torching the cabin.
01:19:02They're all in it.
01:19:05Who took the video?
01:19:09What really happened that night, Sarah?
01:19:11I don't know.
01:19:13Pardon the sin.
01:19:14You're welcome to know.
01:19:16Details never released to the public.
01:19:1820 year anniversary.
01:19:20Powerful party.
01:19:23What happened?
01:19:26She wasn't supposed to be there.
01:19:29It was supposed to be fucking Mona.
01:19:31No one knew that I knew.
01:19:33I knew everything.
01:19:35So I hacked into LB's about my friend's account.
01:19:39And I DMed Mona and told her to meet me at their old hookup spot at the cabin.
01:19:44And Colette found out somehow.
01:19:47And she came to stop me.
01:20:00They fucking treated her like shit.
01:20:02Like fucking shit.
01:20:03After everything they fucking did.
01:20:06She still fucking cared about them.
01:20:09She still fucking cared.
01:20:14It was supposed to be Mona.
01:20:16She was the one who was supposed to fucking pay.
01:20:23And I thought that I was nothing like them.
01:20:25But it turns out I'm exactly fucking like them.
01:20:29I love you.
01:20:31And I...
01:20:32I wanted to tell you.
01:20:39I wanted to be perfect for you.
01:20:42But I'm not and I'm sorry.
01:20:44I'm so sorry.
01:20:48Anything interesting?
01:20:52We're gonna figure it out together.
01:20:55We just need to stick to the plan.
01:21:02My world?
01:21:04I've seen that tattoo before.
01:21:12It's just...
01:21:13There's one loose end.
01:21:16I think we're better off as friends.
01:21:21Sarah, what the fuck are you doing?
01:21:22Give that back to me.
01:21:23No, no. We need it.
01:21:24The plan.
01:21:25What fucking plan?
01:21:26Sarah, give me the fucking gun.
01:21:27Give me back my fucking gun.
01:21:29Put it down.
01:21:32She's trying to kill me!
01:21:34Put it down!
01:21:35Wait, no, wait!
01:21:47She's trying to kill me!
01:21:51Put it down!
01:21:54Have you ever met someone who is just a total cunt?
01:22:00Fuck you!
01:22:15Detective Daniels coming around.
01:22:17Scene secure.
01:22:25Sorry, hon.
01:22:28As you know...
01:22:31We're just friends.
01:22:33And unfortunately for you...
01:22:38All my friends are dead.
01:22:44Put them on a bed.
01:22:45Wish I could forget.
01:22:46Warm inside my head.
01:22:47Held to what they said.
01:22:49Ain't got no regrets.
01:22:50All my friends are dead.
01:22:51All of my friends were assholes when they was alive.
01:22:54Now my friends are passed on.
01:22:55No assholes.
01:22:56All my friends are dead.
01:22:57I ain't got no friends.
01:22:58Toxic love and dread.
01:23:15We interrupt this broadcast with breaking news we've learned tonight.
01:23:20It has happened again.
01:23:21Karma Palooza returned this weekend to Macomb and so did Unspeakable Tragedy.
01:23:26We're getting reports that seven victims have been identified within the basement of a rural home
01:23:32just beyond the outskirts of the festival.
01:23:34We are hearing reports that a possible suspect has been shot
01:23:37and there is hope for answers from a lone survivor of the horrific crime.
01:23:41And there is hope for answers from a lone survivor of the horrific attack.
01:23:45The past seems to have reared its ugly head in the quiet town of Macomb.
01:23:49More on this as we go live to the scene.
01:24:08Sarah, please hold for your new agent.
01:24:11Rick, I thought you didn't rep victims.
01:24:13No, I don't. I don't rep victims.
01:24:15You're not a victim. You're a survivor.
01:24:18You just hit the big time.
01:24:20Do you even realize you have over a million followers?
01:24:23But I don't have any accounts.
01:24:25No, I set it up for you. You're bigger than fentanyl.
01:24:27Sarah, your life rights could hit the trauma trifecta.
01:24:32Podcast, documentary series and a movie!
01:24:35Yeah, I'm not really sure that's what I'm going for.
01:24:38Listen, we may have to lay off the antidepressants, okay?
01:24:40Because if you chunk up, your quote goes down.
01:24:43Rick, I gotta go.
01:24:46What the fuck?
01:24:53In a nearly carbon copy of the events of 2004,
01:24:56this appears to be another series of brutal murders
01:24:59at the hands of the person known only as SDSK,
01:25:03the Seven Deadly Sins killer,
01:25:05who was believed to be in hiding for the last 20 years until tonight.
01:25:08We have confirmed reports of seven bodies
01:25:10found in this residence in the city of Macomb,
01:25:13mere hours after reports of a domestic disturbance
01:25:16made by concerned neighbors.
01:25:18Now we urge members of the public to please report
01:25:20any information they may have to assist law enforcement.
01:25:23More on this story as it happens.
01:25:26Law enforcement has issued a mandatory curfew
01:25:28and suggest adopting a buddy system,
01:25:31details of which appear at the bottom of your screen.
01:25:33For up-to-date information, ways to help, and stay safe,
01:25:37please call the number below or visit
01:25:41And we would like to formally issue our deepest condolences
01:25:45and sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims
01:25:48whose identities at this time remain protected.
01:25:51More on this story as it develops.
01:25:54It had been several days since homeowner Evan Michael Morris
01:25:58was heard from a group of college kids he was leasing his home to
01:26:02through the popular accommodation website Stay Away.
01:26:08Rick, I told you it's not a good time.
01:26:10We'll talk about it later, all right?
01:26:16Who's Rick?
01:26:18Who is this?
01:26:20I'm the guy you tried to copy.
01:26:24But you did one thing wrong.
01:26:26And what's that?
01:26:28You pissed me off, Sarah.
01:26:30And for that sin,
01:26:32everyone you know is dead.
01:26:56Stay away.
01:26:58Stay away.
01:27:00Stay away.
01:27:02Stay away.
01:27:04Stay away.
01:27:06Stay away.
01:27:08Stay away.
01:27:10Stay away.
01:27:12Stay away.
01:27:14Stay away.
01:27:16Stay away.
01:27:18Stay away.
01:27:20Stay away.
01:27:22Stay away.
01:27:24Stay away.
01:27:26Stay away.