Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Pt.10-End

  • 2 days ago
Lost to Sasuke. Also checkout and and and and and
00:00:00Oh my god, nope, that doesn't give me xp, no xp, no xp, no xp, no xp, no xp, no xp, no
00:00:30Oh no.
00:00:57You son of a bitches.
00:01:20You're okay bud, I got the kitty, don't worry.
00:01:48Oh shit, I have to catch catch him.
00:02:16Got you little fuck boy.
00:02:38God I hate those challenges.
00:02:45At least he doesn't piss on me.
00:03:22Oh my god, fucking bitches.
00:03:26Chase down the target.
00:04:20You fucking bitch.
00:04:37Getting your boners at me dude.
00:04:54Oh, I got nicked.
00:05:15Wow Naruto, you're so good.
00:05:29How much for the next mission though?
00:05:43Sure Kakashi sensei, sure dude.
00:06:06You bitch, Naruto.
00:06:37Oh this bullshit again.
00:06:47God it looks so dumb.
00:06:55Oh my god, what?
00:07:08Oh my god, no.
00:07:37Oh my god, I hate myself.
00:08:24No if I wouldn't have fucked up that one time.
00:08:54God damn it, Naruto.
00:09:01It shouldn't tell me I'm going to land somewhere and then it doesn't.
00:09:32Alright, come on Naruto, get your fucking ass up dude.
00:09:47Wait, what?
00:10:15Wait, why did that count as my second jump?
00:10:44God I hate those ones, probably more than the fucking tree.
00:11:13Oh my god.
00:11:43Oh yeah.
00:12:11I'm just going to do an ass beating.
00:12:30Oh my god.
00:12:45Did I not cancel?
00:12:47I don't know.
00:12:58Wow, fucker.
00:13:04How do you like...
00:13:17Yeah my alt, which is the same the whole goddamn game.
00:13:37You son of a bitch.
00:13:56Oh my god.
00:14:08I think I won, barely with that.
00:14:24That was bullshit man.
00:14:27Although he wouldn't have fucked Naruto up.
00:14:50These assholes again?
00:14:56Yep, I gotta redo that fucking... I don't want to do that one.
00:15:24What in the fuck?
00:15:46God I'd rather do that than the fucking boss battle that I've done before.
00:16:39Is this the tree catching?
00:16:46Yep, okay.
00:16:49I'd rather do this than hide and seek.
00:17:17Oh my god.
00:17:37Fuck muncher dude.
00:17:50Yeah I got you, you fuck boy.
00:17:56I poke holes in my fucking feet.
00:18:14Oh my god.
00:18:44Oh yeah, Lee.
00:19:01God I love you Lee.
00:19:24Fuck no, he'll fuck you up.
00:19:34You dick munching motherfucker.
00:19:48Lee I love you dude.
00:20:01Please don't be that youth one.
00:20:05It is isn't it?
00:20:07God damn it.
00:20:45Fuck you son of a bitch.
00:21:04God fucking throw him Lee.
00:21:26Fuck yes.
00:21:37Shut up Naruto.
00:22:08He has way over there.
00:22:31This is more die bullshit.
00:22:46What the fuck was it?
00:22:48Plane tag, are you kidding me you bitch?
00:23:12Mental strength, yeah.
00:23:43I don't think that his brothers and sister were actually there for this battle.
00:23:49I thought it was just Gaara and Lee.
00:24:11Love the little tan dude.
00:24:40Do it Gaara.
00:25:05Or is that it?
00:25:10Holy fuck.
00:25:14Well damn Gaara, not everyone has a fucking godly power.
00:26:31God damn it.
00:26:32Is this for?
00:26:34Oh no.
00:26:43Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:27:11Oh my god.
00:27:40Oh my god.
00:28:06This fucking sucks.
00:28:07They're gonna make me redo this.
00:28:36How the?
00:28:52See you later asshole.
00:28:53Oh wait.
00:29:11How is that not up there?
00:29:41Please don't be this stupid.
00:30:04Oh, it's just a fight, okay.
00:30:23We'll do that.
00:31:21Oh my god, what a little bitch.
00:31:50Wow, that was actually very low.
00:32:08Wait, it was maxed out.
00:32:15You son of a bitch.
00:32:38Get the fuck out of here, you bitch.
00:32:56Just stay right there, hoochie.
00:33:06The will of fire.
00:33:37God, I love you, Orochimaru.
00:33:48Oh no.
00:34:04He should do like, yeah.
00:34:08Transformation, did you do A?
00:34:20I don't want to see what that is.
00:34:48Fuck you, Orochimaru wannabe.
00:35:16Cocky motherfucker.
00:35:46You son of a bitch.
00:36:04Fucking beatdown.
00:36:14Hell yeah.
00:36:16Once in a while it lets you pick the costumes, and I love this one.
00:36:21Even though I get my ass kicked.
00:36:31The pajamas just look so much better in the victory screen.
00:36:38Orochimaru, fuck yourself, dude.
00:36:45He also has nap mode.
00:36:47I don't know what it does.
00:36:51But apparently it heals me.
00:36:55Until I get hit.
00:37:13And they even customized the alt to have pajamas.
00:37:16Makes it way better.
00:37:42Thank you, thank you.
00:38:00Sometimes I get my ass kicked so bad.
00:38:02I'm just trying to beat this.
00:38:05Because I have, like, four other Naruto games to beat.
00:38:11I'm just trying to beat them in order of the ones I have right now.
00:38:41I'm just trying to beat them in order of the ones I have right now.
00:39:05Ass-whooping Osasuke.
00:39:30He cursed mark me.
00:39:42Oh my god.
00:39:44Back when Sasuke was so emo.
00:39:51Oh, fuck you, Sasuke.
00:40:31Fuck you, Sasuke, fuck you.
00:40:36Oh, you bitch.
00:40:51Oh, you son of a bitch.
00:41:02I'm just gonna spam you, Sasuke.
00:41:10Got ya.
00:41:17Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Naruto.
00:41:31Yes, thank you very much.
00:42:27Oh, please no more tag.
00:42:40How much?
00:42:43Of course, that's funny.
00:42:44500 for the 500.
00:42:53Oh, I hate doing this big battle bullshit.
00:43:23Oh, god.
00:43:50Does it have to be a giant battle?
00:43:54I did this one twice already.
00:44:06Wait, maybe I did it twice?
00:44:08I don't know.
00:44:28Fuck you, dude.
00:44:35Wait, what?
00:44:46I don't know how to stop that one.
00:44:49That one gets me every goddamn time.
00:45:16That was dirty, dude.
00:45:29Come on.
00:45:39This Shukaku's one of my favorites.
00:46:03I love you, Shukaku.
00:46:04You're the man.
00:46:27Fuck, dude.
00:46:37Fuck you, Shukaku.
00:46:52I'm not good at quick time events.
00:46:57Oh, I looked away.
00:46:58I looked away.
00:47:05That's all the damage it did, Naruto, you son of a bitch.
00:47:30It is Gaara.
00:47:32You're like 20 times my fucking size, dude.
00:48:01God, I love you, Chief Toad.
00:48:30God, I love you.
00:48:45Super Saiyan.
00:49:01Falcon punch?
00:49:02Oh, yeah, the headbutt.
00:49:08Oh, thank God that's over.
00:49:31Friends to the end, man.
00:50:01Oh, I don't.
00:50:10Oh, I need four more.
00:50:12You son of a bitch.
00:50:25Wait, that's not for any.
00:50:33I got it.
00:50:53Fuck it, I'll do a goddamn tree one.
00:51:19Oh, yeah.
00:51:48Oh, God damn it.
00:52:06All right, Sakura.
00:52:14Yeah, let's go.
00:52:23Yeah, yeah, yeah, race, race, race.
00:52:28I just need those four points, you hussy.
00:52:53Yeah, like, what the fuck was that, Sakura?
00:52:55You weren't that fast ever.
00:53:22You fucking bitch.
00:53:26Are you fucking serious?
00:53:39Damn, she almost whooped my ass.
00:54:06Oh, my God.
00:54:09Yeah, fuck you, Sakura.
00:54:11Like, holy shit.
00:54:14Every other time, it's like they have no chance, but that was insane.
00:54:27All right, this might be the last story mission.
00:54:32What's the point of doing these again, I wonder?
00:54:37Oh, oh, it's to get the bonus conditions for the money.
00:54:41That's really lame.
00:54:43Hi, Iris.
00:54:51Overbidden techniques.
00:55:14Do I get to actually go QB mode?
00:55:19God, he should have really been there to begin with, Kakashi.
00:55:43All right, power up.
00:56:05That you're a bitch?
00:56:27That you're a little emo.
00:56:48Don't kill me.
00:57:17That's a weird sound.
00:57:41Back when Naruto was cool.
00:57:49Come on up, Iris.
00:57:52Come here.
00:58:12Because you might be a rotten dick, but yeah.
00:58:19He wants to sever him.
00:58:41God, Curse Mark is so cool.
00:59:03Do I get to play this form?
00:59:05I do.
00:59:10All right.
00:59:32Fuck off, Sasuke, you little bitch.
00:59:39Okay, that's pretty cool.
00:59:47God, I love that.
00:59:53I can't see.
00:59:58No, Sasuke, get the fuck off of me, dude.
01:00:10Oh, my God.
01:00:14I can't do shit to this motherfucker.
01:00:18Sasuke, dude, you are a monster.
01:00:25Oh, my God.
01:00:33Sasuke, fuck you.
01:00:36Oh, my God.
01:00:42Oh, that worked.
01:00:48Is he dead?
01:00:50I think he's dead.
01:00:55Hit again?
01:00:56Or is it just that one?
01:00:58Fuck yeah.
01:00:59Suck it, Sasuke.
01:01:17Such a bullshit part.
01:01:31Don't do a quick time event, please.
01:01:33Just let it play.
01:01:56They could have just stayed friends and trained together.
01:02:04But no, Sasuke had to be a little bitch.
01:02:12Oh, sort of weird.
01:02:25I like Vegeta when Vegeta holds his arm.
01:02:55Maybe you should use your Haujutsus.
01:03:23And then a random animal attacks and kills him because he's out of chakra.
01:03:53I think that's the last mission.
01:04:06Is someone hammering or is that his walking sound?
01:04:24God, I love him.
01:04:46Hell yeah, I will.
01:05:04Never, motherfucker.
01:05:14Laugh, Jiraiya.
01:05:32Well, Rojomaru was your friend, dude.
01:05:38He probably poisoned you not that long ago.
01:05:58He got you there, Naruto.
01:06:28He says that but he never really created anything but different variants of Rasengan.
01:06:54Oh, hell yeah.
01:07:16So cheesy.
01:07:38Yes, I want to skip that.
01:07:42And I think that's the end of my journey.
01:08:14But what missions?
01:08:19Yeah, that's the end mission.
01:08:23You think I care about these bullshit missions, motherfucker?
01:08:25I beat the game.
