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Video Information: 31.08.2024, Vedant: Basics to Classics, Greater Noida

Bhagavad Gita - 3.39
एषा तेऽभिहिता साङ्ख्ये बुद्धिर् योगे त्व् इमां शृणु।
बुद्ध्या युक्तो यया पार्थ कर्म-बन्धं प्रहास्यसि ॥

O Parth! Till now I have preached you self-knowledge, now I will preach you about Karmayog.
Listen, after acquiring this knowledge you will be freed from the bondage of karma in the form of dharma and adharma.

Bhagavad Gita - 2.31
स्वधर्ममपि चावेक्ष्य न विकम्पितुमर्हसि ।
धम्र्याद्धि युद्धाच्छ्रेयोऽन्यत् क्षत्रियस्य न विद्यते ॥

Looking at thine own Dharma, also, thououghtest not to waver,
for there is nothing higher for a Ksatriya than a righteous war.

Bhagavad Gita - 2.32
O Partha! Only the fortunate Kshatriyas get to fight this battle which is like the gates of heaven which are automatically obtained and open.

Bhagavad Gita - 2.33
And if you retreat from this dharmic battle, you will lose dharma, you will lose fame and you will commit sin.

व्यावहारिक - The level of facts

प्रातिभासिक - The level of thoughts and imaginations

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00We have seen that the highest is being offered to Arjuna.
00:27And that too right in the beginning of the discourse.
00:52This part of chapter 2 is less about the dissolution of the disciple's ego and more
01:19about the dissolution of the master's love.
01:31Shri Krishna begins by telling of the highest to Arjuna in the hope that the highest, being
01:42the highest, would suffice.
01:47He tells him of the absolute reality, the only truth, and how that in the truth nothing
02:02ends because nothing ever begins.
02:07But that seems too much for Arjuna to grasp, rather accept.
02:24Shri Krishna then tries to instruct Arjuna via worldly knowledge, that the world all
02:38around you Arjuna, every moment there are millions of beginnings and millions of ends.
02:50All beginnings are essentially similar to each other and so are all ends.
02:57How can you grieve over a particular end when there is no particularity at all?
03:09The same thing that is ending right now can rightfully be said to be beginning this very
03:19moment or any other moment.
03:26Yes there are beginnings and ends but nothing in particular that begins or ends.
03:36The one thing that begins and ends is essentially not separable from any other thing that begins
03:44and ends.
03:47And what ends finds its beginning in some other way, in some other form, in the plane
03:58of the material, nothing mystical about it.
04:08So again there is no way you can grieve over a particular being because there are no particular
04:28All beings are like waves in the ocean, they rise from the ocean, they fall into the ocean,
04:37they are inseparable from the ocean.
04:40Even when they are rising from the ocean there is actually just a change in form otherwise
04:46they are still the ocean.
04:51Even when they disappear the ocean remains as it was and they don't disappear in the
05:01form of a loss, they disappear in the sense of a union, only to rise again, only to appear
05:16If there is some entity in particular it is the ocean.
05:25The particular diversities are not particular at all, they are just names and forms of the
05:38one fundamental entity, the ocean that waves.
05:54Arjun is unprepared to come to terms with even this factual enunciation.
06:08It is interesting because this is something that no one can sensibly dispute.
06:17What Shri Krishna is saying is no deep hidden knowledge, it is a matter of practical observation.
06:31It is something that Arjun or anybody else can see as much as Krishna does.
06:43So there should be no gap here, there should be no incoherence in understanding.
07:01A rather smooth alignment looks sensible to happen but that alignment just doesn't happen.
07:14What Shri Krishna is offering to Arjun is there for everybody to see.
07:22He is telling him facts regarding the material world.
07:26Anybody can look at those facts.
07:30The tree is the fact, the ocean is the fact, all living beings are facts, births and deaths
07:39are facts and they can be seen and Shri Krishna is telling something about them but even that
07:45is something Arjun seems reluctant to accept.
07:51That's the right word, accept.
07:55It's not as if it is too difficult to understand.
08:00It is just that it is dangerous to accept.
08:04The problem does not lie at the level of understanding.
08:12The gap lies at the level of acceptance.
08:24So the first level of absolute reality was the level of truth, the parmarthic level.
08:36The second level was the level of facts, the bhavaharic level and then as we said,
08:45as a testimony to the resolution of the master's love, Krishna descends to the lowest level
09:00of being to help Arjun, the prasbhasic level, the level of mental constructs, the level
09:11of thoughts and imaginations, thoughts and imaginations that do not necessarily correspond
09:17to facts.
09:18So what we are seeing in these verses right till verse 38 of the current chapter is an
09:32attempt by Shri Krishna to meet Arjun where Arjun stands.
09:47There possibly is no other way to meet the student.
09:53Arjun is too afraid, too unwilling and probably also too loveless to rise to Krishna's level.
10:09But to be a Krishna is to be love personified.
10:15Krishna says if you won't rise, I will descend.
10:30If you don't come up, I will stoop.
10:37So Krishna now addresses Arjun in a language that Arjun is more willing to comprehend.
10:48You see, where is Arjun standing and what kind of language would he readily understand
10:55or accept?
11:00Arjun is standing at the level of imagination, right, concepts.
11:08This is a concept.
11:09That person is my great grandfather and therefore I must not attack him.
11:15Now that's not a fact, that's a concept.
11:23That's not a fact.
11:24That's not a fact in Prakriti.
11:27That's not a fact in the material universe that if there is an elder belonging to a family,
11:36you ought not attack him.
11:38That's not a fact, but that's a concept.
11:41It's a social thing.
11:43So Arjun is standing at the level of concepts.
11:48It's a particular social conditioning that is driving Arjun and has become Arjun's center,
11:54Arjun is saying I'll not fight.
11:57I'll not fight because there the leader of the army is Bhishma, Pitamah and I cannot
12:12fight or kill my Pitamah or that teacher who gave me the bow and arrow.
12:26Again these are, these are concepts.
12:30These are concepts.
12:33There is nothing in Prakriti that says that you cannot do this.
12:36There is nothing factual about these things.
12:44Prakriti is amoral.
12:46Prakriti is value independent.
12:51No facts correspond to morals.
12:55Morals are human constructs and since morals are human constructs, they keep varying from
13:03time to time and place to place.
13:08Arjun is standing at the level of human imagination.
13:15The same social conditioning we said that tells him that you should not fight this,
13:20you should not do this, you should do that has become his very center.
13:28Look at what he is averting and arguing in favor of in chapter 1.
13:41He is talking about safeguarding the chastity of Kshatriya women.
13:52He says Kshatriya honor has to be guarded.
13:57He is talking of all the superstitious rituals that might have been in vogue at that time.
14:10So all those things have become his center.
14:15Social customs, religious superstitions, honor of the varna, family traditions.
14:29That is the point where Arjun is operating from.
14:34I am a Kshatriya and there is the Kshatriya code of honor.
14:40One has to live and die by that code.
14:44So Krishna says fine if you are talking from the Kshatriya center, let me talk to the Kshatriya.
14:53If it is from the Kshatriya center that you are talking and therefore refusing to fight,
14:59I will talk to the Kshatriya.
15:02You say you are a Kshatriya and therefore you will not fight.
15:06That is your position Arjun.
15:09You say you are Kshatriya and therefore you will not fight because as a Kshatriya if you
15:13fight, then what happens to your women?
15:18That is your position.
15:21You say being born in an honorable family, you have been taught to not to attack and
15:31kill your teachers and seniors, your elders.
15:40All this in the name of tradition, custom, honor, varna.
15:46So I will catch you where you are.
15:50Let me meet you at the point where you stand.
15:55So now I am talking to the Kshatriya.
15:58Because that is what you are pretending to be right now.
16:04That is the identity you are talking from.
16:09I will meet you there.
16:17So till verse 38, Shri Krishna is now talking to the Kshatriya.
16:23It would not have been pleasant.
16:28Certainly not.
16:30Because the aspiration of the teacher, the love of the teacher is to raise the student
16:38to the highest point possible.
16:43It is always a setback to see that the student is not prepared to rise.
16:52Of course, out of love the teacher will then climb down to the student's level and try
17:01to goad him, coerce him, push him, tempt him, even sometimes threaten him to climb up.
17:17The teacher will do all this out of love, but it's not going to be pleasant.
17:22Because that's not the best case scenario.
17:26That's not what the teacher ever wishes for.
17:33If someone falls sick in your family, of course you tend to him, don't you?
17:40But that's not something that you had ever aspired to do, right?
17:45Someone asks you, where do you see yourself in relation to that person?
17:51I don't think you are ever going to say, I see myself as that person's caretaker.
17:59You will never want that to happen.
18:01Though if that person actually does fall sick, out of love you will take care.
18:08So here Shri Krishna is taking care of the sick one.
18:16In the duty of love.
18:22But it's heart-wrenching.
18:26It's heart-wrenching for the teacher to see that despite his best efforts, the student
18:33is so loveless and faithless and so unwilling.
18:45You know something very striking happens right after verse 38.
18:56Shri Krishna, we saw in the last session, has already started addressing Arjuna's Kshatriya
19:05That's some kind of a surrender.
19:11Shri Krishna is saying, you will not listen to me if I talk to you from the higher reaches
19:23of Parmartha and Vyavahar.
19:26You will not listen to me if I talk to you of the highest truth and the direct fact.
19:36You will not listen to me.
19:40So I'm talking to you, accepting that you will remain at your level.
20:00So he has already started addressing him as a Kshatriya and saying that being a Kshatriya,
20:05it is your duty to fight.
20:06So fight.
20:07But is there a level lower than even the Pratibhastak level?
20:15There is no level now left to climb down to.
20:25So Shri Krishna tries.
20:26We would be beginning with verse 32 today and going right till verse 38.
20:32They are all one.
20:34That's why we'll be taking them up in a bunch.
20:38And then he says, all right Arjun, the path of self-knowledge is not for you because self-knowledge
20:47is about the doer.
20:50We will now move to the path of the deed.
21:00I'll now instruct you in Karma.
21:06Till now I was instructing you in the Karta, the doer.
21:15That's what Atma Jnana is all about, right?
21:18Knowing the doer, self-knowledge.
21:24Self-knowledge is not for you.
21:30Verse 39, is just so poignant.
21:50I see Krishna kneeling down in love.
21:54Oh Parth, till now I have preached you self-knowledge.
22:01Now I'll preach you about Karmayog.
22:06I surrender Parth.
22:08You'll not listen Parth.
22:11You'll not mend your ways.
22:16So I'm ready to follow your ways.
22:24The instruction at the highest level bore no fruit.
22:32The instruction at the middle level remained ineffective.
22:40The instruction even at the lowest level returned empty handed.
22:50And then Krishna says, fine, I'm not giving up.
22:54We'll now start talking in terms of what is the right action and how does the right action
23:03liberate one from grief and fear and bondage.
23:09Because action is sthool, gross, easier to appreciate, easier to come to terms with.
23:28It's visible.
23:31And when you are not prepared to look at yourself, which is the signic you are known of, self-knowledge.
23:39Then probably what you want is that some external agency instructs you in do's and don'ts.
23:55You are saying that you submit, that you have no inclination to honestly look at yourself.
24:05Therefore, you want to be dependent on somebody else to supply you with do's and don'ts.
24:17And if you want that, then fine, let's play that game.
24:26So that starts happening verse 39 onwards.
24:32So when it comes to the self, there are these three levels.
24:42And when even the bottom most level in self-knowledge proves ineffective, then do you see what the
25:01teacher is doing?
25:03He is saying, alright, if not the knowledge of the doer, let's proceed to the field of
25:15the deed.
25:17Maybe that's where we will get some results.
25:26I assure you, no teacher likes to do that.
25:31But I also tell you that it is a mark of teacher's love how much he is prepared to fall for the
25:46sake of the disciple.
25:54Whenever you see a so-called fallen teacher, always ask, who is it that he has fallen for?
26:07Because if he's really a teacher, it's unlikely that he would have just fallen.
26:21If you find a teacher smeared in mud and filth of all kind, before you decry him, just remember
26:40to once ask, for whose sake did he accept all this muck on his face?
26:57Because it is very unlikely that he would have just heedlessly brought himself to this
27:21Maybe there is a reason, a reason beyond the picture, a reason beyond what the eyes can
27:32easily see.
27:40Maybe it was necessary to accept the mud, maybe it was necessary to expose oneself
27:59to mud slinging, so that a student sinking in some muddy quagmire could be rescued.
28:26Maybe it was the teacher's desperate attempt to rescue somebody.
28:38Even when you lend your hand, your being, your effort to someone in a quicksand, there
28:56is no way you will not get mud on your face and your body.
29:19Because he is constantly telling Arjun of his Kshatriya dharma.
29:26So people have used these verses to say that Shri Krishna is himself promoting the varna
29:35See the Bhagavad Gita is the origin from where the entire caste system gets its legitimacy.
29:46People have said this and the verses at hand today have proven to be good cannon fodder.
29:58Very handy verses these because Shri Krishna is constantly, it seems, stimulating the Kshatriya
30:06center in Arjun.
30:07Arjun you are a Kshatriya, for your honor, for your name, for your reputation, fight.
30:13So people have used these verses and said see Shri Krishna is himself some kind of casteist.
30:25Though varna, jati and caste are not exactly the same thing, but being discriminatory,
30:37they belong to some kind of same class.
30:42These three words.
30:47So this has been held against Krishna.
30:53This has been held against Krishna and if you read these verses, there is nothing much
30:58in these verses.
30:59If you read these verses, this is very ordinary stuff.
31:04You would wonder how somebody like Krishna could bring himself to utter these words.
31:11How is it possible?
31:15Look at your Kshatriya dharma Arjun.
31:18You should not waver for there is nothing higher for a Kshatriya than the right war.
31:26O Parth!
31:28Only fortunate Kshatriyas get to fight this battle which is like gates of swarga, heaven,
31:36which are automatically obtained and opened for the one who fights these great wars.
31:44And Arjun, if you shy away and retreat from this battle, you will lose dharma, you will
31:50lose fame and you will commit sin.
31:52This is not Krishna.
31:53This is not his language.
32:01Same teacher who was at the beginning of the same chapter talking of the absolute truth.
32:07How can he now talk of the varna and swarga and fame and sin?
32:16How can this transition happen?
32:18One has to marvel at Krishna's love.
32:22Look Arjun, everybody will criticize you for a long time and since you are a respectable
32:29warrior, criticism, calumny, ninda is more painful than death for you.
32:41Is this Krishna?
32:43Is this Vedanta?
32:44Is this the Bhagavad Gita?
32:49For a noble warrior, death is better than loss of fame.
33:01Not only will the common man criticize you, even these Kauravas will get the right to
33:09say that you ran away from battle because you were afraid.
33:20And so now, all the people who respect you will become disrespectful towards you.
33:28When the Kauravas will declare to the entire world that Arjun ran away in fear, then even
33:34those who respect you today will lose the respect.
33:40This is how Arjun is being motivated.
33:47But Krishna is bearing it.
33:49Krishna says fine, if this is what you want me to do, I am game.
33:56I will do this.
34:00You could either say Krishna has fallen or you could say this is the peak of his love.
34:14You could see this as a fall or you could see this as a great rise.
34:21And you must be mature enough to see that it's only when you have risen greatly that
34:43you are no more afraid to fall.
34:50But the fall is apparent.
34:52The fall is visible.
34:55The rise is inner, therefore invisible.
35:01So when the fall is seen, what is seen is the fall and nothing more.
35:07So you say, oh see how the teacher has fallen.
35:16And Krishna has been greatly, variously and severely criticized for these words.
35:25Not only for these words.
35:26There are other instances in the Bhagavad Gita that are cherry picked to calumnize Krishna.
35:35But these have been some of the favorite verses of the detractors.
35:42This is see.
35:47Such blatant casteism.
35:51The question is how else to get Arjun to do the right thing.
35:54Please tell me.
35:56This is a practical situation.
35:59The fellow is not willing to listen to anything.
36:01The highest has already been told to him.
36:05And so, you see it's ironical.
36:08Krishna is telling Arjun to defend his reputation while not caring about his own.
36:20Krishna is telling Arjun, Arjun guard your reputation.
36:23The fact is here Krishna is putting his own reputation at stake.
36:30Krishna is saying, you know, I know once this word goes out, it will be ammunition
36:40in the hands of all those who have an axe to grind against me.
36:46He knew all that.
36:47This is common sense.
36:48You and I can see that.
36:50Krishna obviously could see that.
36:53Krishna says two hoots to my personal honor.
37:07I have a duty to perform and I love to defend.
37:12Nothing is higher than that.
37:16If I am to be seen till eternity as someone who spoke in lower terms, so be it.
37:39But just so that my own name remains unblemished, my own reputation remains untouched, my own
37:56story remains free of controversy.
38:04I'm not going to retreat from my love.
38:10Are you getting it?
38:15There is no way in the student-teacher relationship that the teacher can actually perform his
38:24duty of love without stooping to the level of the student.
38:29And when the teacher will stoop, it would always seem a bit ugly.
38:35But what option does the teacher have?
38:37Even Krishna did not have an option.
38:41Even Krishna did not have an option.
38:44Whenever the teacher would bend, it would always look like, I said, a fall.
38:51Always ask, always ask, for whom is the fall?
38:56Because if the teacher is falling, the fall would not be for himself.
39:03For whom is the fall?
39:06If you see a picture in which a teacher looks fallen, always ask, who else is in the picture?
39:13There would be surely someone else for whom the teacher has fallen.
39:25Are you getting it?
39:32See Arjuna, when your enemies will badmouth your bravery and valor and will say disgusting
39:46and insulting things, won't it be painful?
39:52And who knows very well that there is nothing in these hollow words, respect, insult.
39:59Who knows that better than Krishna?
40:03Krishna knows that.
40:04Arjuna does not.
40:05So Krishna has to meet Arjuna at the point of Arjuna's knowledge.
40:16And from there, an attempt has to be made to help Arjuna climb or rise.
40:27Even before you can really pull someone up, is it not important that you come close to
40:34him to hold his hand?
40:37If you don't even hold his hand, how will you pull him up?
40:40And to hold his hand, it is impractical to demand that he rises to give his hand to you.
40:51Could he rise on his own?
40:53Why would he need your hand at all?
40:57He cannot rise on his own.
40:59So you have to come down.
41:02You have to come down from your top shelves, from your respectable peaks and you will have
41:11to run the risk of insult, humiliation, the risk of being misunderstood, the risk of being
41:28O Kaunteya, if you are killed in the war, you will attain heaven.
41:44This is not Krishna's philosophy.
41:46This is Arjuna's philosophy.
41:49Krishna is using Arjuna's philosophy to stimulate Arjuna.
41:54O Kaunteya, if you are killed in the war, you will attain heaven.
41:57And if you are victorious, you will enjoy the kingdom of the earth.
42:04So fight.
42:07This is not Krishna's philosophy, this is not Samkhya Yoga, this is not self-knowledge.
42:14This is Lok Dharma, this is Lok Sanskrit, this is Lok Dharana.
42:19This is the social and cultural conditioning that has penetrated Arjuna.
42:29Shri Krishna is now talking to Arjuna in Arjuna's language.
42:35Shri Krishna is now dealing with Arjuna in Arjuna's currency.
42:45Despite Arjuna, again some, probably in spite of trying to bend as low as possible, still
43:02his own subhav catches up with him and Krishna finds that inadvertently he has again said
43:10something sublime.
43:13Even though now he wants to utter only such words that belong to the plane of Arjuna,
43:22yet Krishna being Krishna, intermittently and inadvertently he says something that is
43:30a bit sublime.
43:32So this is one such verse.
43:34You should fight considering happiness and sorrow, profit and loss, victory and defeat
43:38as equal.
43:40By performing your duties in this way, sin will not touch you.
43:48And having come so far, Krishna looks at Arjuna's face and finds him still unresponsive.
43:59Oh, this fellow is still, still deadpan.
44:10Like a doctor trying the best of treatments and still finding that the patient is not
44:17responding at all.
44:20Can you see Arjuna's face?
44:25Have a mirror.
44:28Hold it.
44:30The teacher is trying his best and seeing, seeing nothing coming from the student.
44:44He says, fine, I'm giving up.
44:51Giving up not in the absolute sense.
44:54Giving up in the sense of change of track.
44:56So verse 39 he says, path till now I have preached you self-knowledge.
45:03Now I'll teach you Karmayog.
45:07Self-knowledge has failed on you.
45:14It is just the beginning of a string of failures.
45:24Sri Krishna would discover that he is going to fail 17 times.
45:33And after the war, he would discover that he actually failed 18 times.
45:43Are you getting it?
45:54Do you think what can happen if someone quotes one of these verses and says, you know, this
45:57is what Krishna preaches in the Gita.
46:0072 verses, I suppose, in chapter 2.
46:10One can very mysteriously and very comfortably pick up one particular verse and prove that
46:19Krishna is a casteist.
46:25Almost like taking a one minute clip out of a 72 minute video and prove anything.
46:42Even one minute is too long.
46:44How about a snapshot?
46:48How about a picture or a screenshot?
46:51Pick it without knowing the context, without seeing what the whole story is about.
46:59And then happily rush to a conclusion.
47:03Even great scholars have been unkind on Krishna when it comes to these verses.
47:13Great leaders, very popular personalities, when they have used these verses to attack
47:20Krishna or belittle the Bhagavad Gita.
47:26That kind of attempt can be made only by a person who himself has never known what it
47:32means to be a teacher or who has never had the good fortune of being touched by a teacher.
47:47When you know what the student-teacher relationship is like, then you know that the teacher assumes
47:53all kinds of forms and displays all kinds of faces to beat the student in his own game.
48:04Because the student is one mischievous little crackpot, like a rat who won't be easily caught.
48:17Did that rhyme?
48:23The student is one mischievous little crackpot, like a rat who won't be easily caught.
48:34The rat is so small.
48:38But the rat wouldn't respond to the verses of a sage, would he?
48:54And if the rat is to be caught, then the sage himself needs to become somewhat of a rat
49:03or at least a cat.
49:08Did that rhyme?
49:14If the sage remains a sage, how would the rat ever be caught?
49:20So the sage decides to become a cat.
49:24And then you say, look at him, he is actually a cat.
49:27He was pretending to be a sage.
49:32He has become a cat because damn you, you are a rat.
49:41And it's only because he's a sage that he has become a cat.
49:51You'd never say if he is a cat, surely around somewhere there is a rat.
49:58That's the complete picture.
50:00That's what you should always ask.
50:02If he is looking in these verses or in this picture or in this incidence, like a cat,
50:13for sure nearby we have a rat, else why would the sage become a cat?
50:28And practically, please tell me, how does one speak to a rat in the language of self-knowledge?
50:55If through knowledge he cannot be caught, then he has to bear the shot.
51:10Did that rhyme?
51:15The first attempt is to catch him through knowledge.
51:19But he declines to become anything other than a rat.
