Romance in the House (2024) Ep 9 Eng Sub

  • evvelsi gün


00:00:30I'm gonna take a picture of you and the baby.
00:00:37What do you think?
00:00:44We can do that.
00:00:56Wedding room?
00:00:57Oh, Mr. Lee from Sales Team 2.
00:00:59Your car key.
00:01:03Oh, I'm going to leave my car here. It's hard to park in the wedding hall.
00:01:11I'm going to the delivery room.
00:01:12I'll be back.
00:01:28Are you going somewhere?
00:01:49Did you get home safely yesterday?
00:01:57Taepyeong took you home yesterday.
00:02:08Shall we go?
00:02:09It's weird.
00:02:12I've seen you every day, but I'm nervous as if I've met you for the first time.
00:02:17I'm nervous.
00:02:25My everyday life, which was always the same and ordinary, began to shine and become special.
00:02:36Are you okay?
00:02:38Do I have to do it?
00:02:43You didn't do it, did you?
00:02:47I'm nervous.
00:03:07I'm nervous.
00:03:18I guess this is what it means to be a celebrity.
00:03:41What is it?
00:03:47Mom, open the door.
00:04:00Mom, where are you?
00:04:01I can't reach you.
00:04:02I'll send you the address, so come over there.
00:04:42What is it?
00:04:45Why is my room here?
00:04:47How is it?
00:04:51From today, this is your house.
00:04:57Why is this here?
00:05:01I paid the first month's rent.
00:05:04You pay the next month's rent.
00:05:07Mom, weren't you angry?
00:05:10I'm not angry.
00:05:12Then why are you doing this?
00:05:13Byun Mirae, you are independent from today.
00:05:41Why should I be kicked out?
00:05:42I told you.
00:05:43You're not being kicked out, you're independent.
00:05:45What kind of independence is it to kick me out overnight?
00:05:47If I told you in advance, I was afraid you'd feel weak.
00:05:53Why are you doing this?
00:05:55What's the reason?
00:05:56You're not my daughter anymore.
00:06:01I'm going to live as Byun Mirae.
00:06:08I know it's ridiculous and absurd.
00:06:11But if you keep living at home, you'll only care about your family like you do now.
00:06:17You can't live like that forever.
00:06:20Mirae, you have to live your life now.
00:06:27I made the decision for you.
00:06:29What's for me?
00:06:32I don't like it.
00:06:33Just quit right now.
00:06:34Get out of the way.
00:06:35I want to live alone.
00:06:42Hyunjae left, too.
00:06:45I'm taking care of you now.
00:06:49I want to live alone, too.
00:06:53Now, let's live as Byun Mirae and Geum Hye-yeon, not our mother and daughter.
00:07:03I'm going.
00:07:53You know.
00:07:55He's smart and brave, so he'll be fine.
00:07:59Don't worry too much.
00:08:05Hye-yeon, are you sure you're okay?
00:08:11It's okay.
00:08:16I have to be a villain so that Mirae won't look back.
00:08:24Good job.
00:08:27Good job.
00:08:32I did a good job, right?
00:08:41Of course.
00:08:45Cry all you want.
00:09:11How can you not have a proper table at home?
00:09:14Is it because you don't have money to buy it?
00:09:17There was no car outside.
00:09:18Did you take a taxi?
00:09:23You said you had a few days left.
00:09:27What are you going to do now?
00:09:28I have to go back to my seat.
00:09:30Where's your seat?
00:09:33I'm not going back to my seat.
00:09:35I'm not going back to my seat.
00:09:37I'm not going back to my seat.
00:09:38I'm not going back to my seat.
00:09:40Stop it now.
00:09:42I'm really going to sleep.
00:09:44I'm moving and changing my number.
00:09:55I just left my seat.
00:09:59If you retire as a player, we decided to ride a bike around the country.
00:10:09I'm busy now.
00:10:11Let's do it when I retire.
00:10:19Nam Tae-pyeong.
00:10:21Do you think I'm doing this because of my greed?
00:10:25Or what?
00:10:27You've been hanging around the same place.
00:10:31Since I quit Taekwondo.
00:10:34Or say no.
00:10:40I know.
00:10:42It's not a good thing to force someone you don't like to work at the company.
00:10:47But how can this be the best for me?
00:10:52My child is wandering.
00:10:55Just looking around.
00:10:59Is that a parent?
00:11:34Congratulations on your independence.
00:11:36When are you going to have a housewarming party?
00:11:37Get out of here.
00:11:45Did you sleep well?
00:11:46You need a lot to live alone, right?
00:11:48Tell me.
00:11:49I'll send you.
00:11:50Hang up.
00:11:59Did you sleep well?
00:12:10This is really the last time.
00:12:12Just work as an intern for three months.
00:12:16If you work and think it's really not,
00:12:18I will never touch your life in the future.
00:12:21It's not your style to give up without doing it right once.
00:12:25Isn't it?
00:12:28And if you refuse this,
00:12:31I'll send you to the head of Byun Mi-rae.
00:12:35I will send you to the head of Byun Mi-rae.
00:12:56Are you okay, Mi-rae?
00:13:02One more.
00:13:03One more.
00:13:06One more.
00:13:19Don't keep breaking things.
00:13:23I didn't give you any strength.
00:13:24Let me see.
00:13:28It's okay.
00:13:29This time,
00:13:31I'll give you ten.
00:13:32I don't have any more.
00:13:34I don't have any more.
00:13:35Mi-rae broke everything.
00:13:41Take a break now.
00:14:00Good luck.
00:14:11It's shocking.
00:14:13Usually, children are suddenly independent,
00:14:16so it's common for parents to hold their backs.
00:14:21But in my opinion,
00:14:23I think your mother did that for Mi-rae.
00:14:28For me?
00:14:29For what?
00:14:31It's not like I wanted it.
00:14:37If you two didn't do this,
00:14:39you would never have left the house.
00:14:42Of course.
00:14:43I didn't plan to leave the house.
00:14:48Then what do you want to do now?
00:14:51Do you want to go back home?
00:14:57I have to live well.
00:14:59As I want.
00:15:01As if it's worth it.
00:15:10Then let's go.
00:15:14To live well.
00:15:29Let's go.
00:15:59Organic itself.
00:16:04Do you want me to compliment you?
00:16:06I'm going to cook for you.
00:16:07Let's go.
00:16:21Try it.
00:16:29It's really fresh.
00:16:31It's good, right?
00:16:33Try it.
00:16:38That's right.
00:16:52I'm full.
00:17:00Have you thought about it?
00:17:02What do you want to do?
00:17:08First of all,
00:17:12I don't want to do anything.
00:17:17I don't need to cook.
00:17:19I just eat like this.
00:17:22I don't have to clean up.
00:17:25I don't have to do the dishes.
00:17:29I don't have to do anything.
00:17:36I don't know when I've done that.
00:17:49Let's be a cow.
00:17:54I don't sit in the house as a farmer.
00:17:57Lie down here.
00:18:05I'm done.
00:18:18By the way,
00:18:21Is there anything you want to do?
00:18:25What I want to do
00:18:27There's a lot.
00:18:30I'll cook for you.
00:18:31I'll do the dishes.
00:18:33I'll take a nap.
00:18:34And I'll take you wherever you want to go.
00:18:37I'll go and look for you.
00:18:52This time,
00:18:53Be sure to
00:18:55To the present and the future
00:19:01Give it to a good father.
00:19:24I'm sorry.
00:19:25Right now,
00:19:26I'm in a difficult situation.
00:19:29I heard you're doing a great job.
00:19:31You're looking for a model for the villa.
00:19:33I'll call you back when I get my head in order.
00:19:43I'm sorry.
00:19:44I'm sorry.
00:19:45I'm sorry.
00:19:46I'm sorry.
00:19:47I'm sorry.
00:19:48I'm sorry.
00:19:49I'm sorry.
00:19:50I'm sorry.
00:19:51I'm sorry.
00:19:52I'm sorry.
00:19:53I'm sorry.
00:19:54I'm sorry.
00:20:04Grandpa, good night.
00:20:06You're good.
00:20:08You're good.
00:20:09Please do it with me.
00:20:11It's not fun if I do it alone.
00:20:12Yes, yes.
00:20:13You're good.
00:20:15Eun-woo, you're good.
00:20:22Mr. Jang, you've known Mr. Byun for a long time, haven't you?
00:20:25Yeah, I've known him for about 20 years.
00:20:27The reason why Mr. Byun became the owner of that shabby building.
00:20:31It's not a coin, not a lottery, not even a stock.
00:20:35People who are going to turn themselves in with their abilities are called thieves.
00:20:39Then what's left?
00:20:44Oh, you're good!
00:20:46Our Eun-woo is good!
00:20:51Well, if I knew that, I would have already done it.
00:20:56What if it's a scam?
00:21:04And what if the target is Mr. Kim, the former owner of our villa?
00:21:10Then what?
00:21:11Mr. Kim was shocked to be scammed.
00:21:18Oh, my grandson is good!
00:21:22Are you going to keep going?
00:21:23Yeah, yeah, keep going.
00:21:25You're good.
00:21:26Stop it, Mr. Lee.
00:21:29Let's not do this to our neighbors who live together regardless of the building owner and the tenant.
00:21:34Please stop writing novels with Mr. Byun.
00:21:38I'm doing this because I want to write a novel at ease.
00:21:41Oh, and put your glasses on with your other fingers.
00:21:45You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?
00:21:47No, I...
00:21:50Mr. Kim was so excited that he even gave it to us.
00:21:56It was profitable, so we did it, but we couldn't do it because we didn't have the money to invest.
00:22:02Are the three young men who recommended this to my father, Mr. Oh Jae-gul and Mr. Byun Moo-jin, right?
00:22:10I don't even know his name, but I'm sure he's Byun, right?
00:22:18That's right.
00:22:19Byun in the toilet bowl.
00:22:21I remember for sure.
00:22:24Oh, my God.
00:22:37I haven't finished calculating with Byun Moo-jin.
00:22:39Let's meet me first.
00:22:43You're on the same boat with Byun Moo-jin.
00:22:46There's a misunderstanding.
00:22:48Just tell me.
00:22:50If you don't keep in touch, I'll go to you myself.
00:23:12Are you all right?
00:23:13I'm so full.
00:23:16But you're so ugly right now, aren't you?
00:23:23I was on my way to the hair salon.
00:23:29It's the price of noodles I borrowed last time.
00:23:34Then I'll buy you a meal with this.
00:23:38Let's go.
00:23:39All right.
00:23:45It's me.
00:23:46I've been fasting for a while, and I'm so weak that I'm fainting.
00:23:52I can't.
00:23:53You're hungry, too, aren't you?
00:23:56Let's go.
00:24:03Why do you keep wanting to eat with me?
00:24:08I'm interested in you.
00:24:11I have two children.
00:24:15You're old, but you're alone.
00:24:20Did Byun Moo-jin tell you about me?
00:24:25You look like that.
00:24:29Where am I going?
00:24:35I'm lonely on my face.
00:24:42I think it's similar to me.
00:24:46Do you want to be friends who eat together?
00:24:52I'll treat you.
00:25:01I don't have to get it from others.
00:25:07I'll go first.
00:25:09All right.
00:25:25What's all this?
00:25:27I don't need all this.
00:25:29I need it all.
00:25:30You'll know when you live.
00:25:32I'm just going to sleep after work.
00:25:36This is mold.
00:25:38Change it to a hole with no water on the floor.
00:25:42This doesn't foam well, so change it to a net-like one.
00:25:48And this is...
00:25:52It's not a towel.
00:25:59You're a general outside, but you're a princess at home.
00:26:09I'm going to sleep.
00:26:29This is clean.
00:26:31I can see the front door.
00:26:36It's a security dimension.
00:26:40But most of the time, I get delivery by non-face-to-face.
00:26:43Just in case.
00:26:45All right.
00:26:49This, too.
00:26:54But why are there two?
00:26:57My mother may come later.
00:27:02Someday after this, my boyfriend may come to play.
00:27:21I'll call you.
00:27:24Take care.
00:28:04You're not curious, are you?
00:28:27What are you doing?
00:28:28Hey, hey!
00:28:29What are you doing?
00:28:32Let me do all these trivial things.
00:28:35Don't overdo it.
00:28:37Hey, hey!
00:28:38Don't do anything.
00:28:40Now quit your job.
00:28:43What do you do if you quit your job?
00:28:47What are you doing?
00:28:48You've had a hard time, so you should be treated like a princess.
00:28:58Hold this.
00:29:02I'll take you for a walk, so go in and lie down.
00:29:06Look at this.
00:29:07You can talk well.
00:29:08What's wrong with him?
00:29:10Why are you so obedient?
00:29:11Why are you so obedient?
00:29:12Shall we go for a walk?
00:29:29Where are you going?
00:29:30Where are you going?
00:29:31What's there?
00:29:45I'll have a drink, too.
00:29:56Are you confident?
00:29:59I'm confident that I'll make my mom happy.
00:30:06I didn't even keep my promise to get married.
00:30:08Are you saying that now?
00:30:10I've never kept my promise properly.
00:30:13I always ruin it and ruin it.
00:30:20But now...
00:30:22I think it's time for Ae-yeon to be happy on her own.
00:30:29I'm just protecting you from the side.
00:30:32Of course, sometimes...
00:30:35I'll be a little bit of a nuisance.
00:30:40Not me.
00:30:42Trust your mom.
00:30:43Don't worry.
00:30:45You go your way.
00:30:48Even if there is no future,
00:30:50The house won't collapse.
00:30:59I know why you did this.
00:31:02I'm not thankful at all.
00:31:09Why is everyone...
00:31:11Do you think I've been having a hard time?
00:31:29You're not going to remarry, are you?
00:31:34Don't answer me.
00:31:58Are you okay?
00:32:02It's a process.
00:32:04But I...
00:32:07The reason you bought this family villa
00:32:10Sister, future, present
00:32:12All together
00:32:14Reunion of X family
00:32:15I thought you were looking for something like this.
00:32:18But one day, I saw it.
00:32:20The present is on the third floor.
00:32:22The future is independent.
00:32:24Sister Ae-yeon
00:32:25It's because of the first floor, third floor, and fifth floor.
00:32:28That's right.
00:32:30What do you want to do with your family?
00:32:45I just...
00:32:47I'm here to stay here.
00:32:53Stay with me when I need it.
00:32:56Give me strength
00:32:59I want to be someone I can rely on.
00:33:02That's all.
00:33:06Slowly, slowly
00:33:08Come here, one by one.
00:33:14Let's go with the belt.
00:33:23I'll drop this friend and take you to the bridge.
00:33:28Seul-ah, did you wear the belt well?
00:33:33But Master
00:33:36I can't come out of the stamp from tomorrow.
00:33:42My mother didn't say anything.
00:33:47Taekwondo is no longer fun.
00:33:50It's not fun.
00:33:54But Seul-ah passed the red belt yesterday.
00:33:57You cried because you were happy.
00:33:59I'm not crying.
00:34:01It's sweat.
00:34:06You can pay for the academy later.
00:34:08Don't worry about it.
00:34:10I don't go around because I don't have money.
00:34:16Master doesn't mean that.
00:34:20It means that I was selected as a scholarship student.
00:34:25Yes, that's right.
00:34:27That's what it means.
00:34:29What is that?
00:34:30It's a prize for the best friend of Taekwondo.
00:34:34If you become a scholarship student, you can give a certificate and the academy fee is free.
00:34:39Do you still hate to go?
00:34:42I didn't hate it.
00:34:44I didn't hate it.
00:34:47Then I'll just keep going.
00:35:03You don't have to worry about the academy fee.
00:35:06Seul-ah worked so hard at the stamp.
00:35:09How pretty is it?
00:35:10Thank you so much.
00:35:12Thank you so much.
00:35:13Thank you for your help.
00:35:16I remember when I was young.
00:35:19He never said he wanted to do anything since he was young.
00:35:25He only said what he had to do.
00:35:31If the house is hard, the child grows faster than the mother.
00:35:37But don't raise too many scholarship students.
00:35:40Then the stamp door will be closed.
00:35:50Our future
00:35:53I couldn't raise it preciously.
00:35:56But it grows up preciously on its own.
00:35:59So don't look down on our future.
00:36:10Mi-rae is a simple, cool, and has a lot to learn.
00:36:20I'm sure you'll be able to do it.
00:36:23I'm sure you'll be able to do it.
00:36:24Mi-rae is a person who has a lot to learn.
00:36:29So I like it.
00:36:33I'm not good enough, but I will never make my mother worry.
00:36:43Keep it
00:37:12Rock Paper Scissors
00:37:16Oh, you won.
00:37:19I won, so I'll grant your wish.
00:37:22Anything you want to do
00:37:28Is there anything you want to do with me?
00:37:34No, it's not that.
00:37:36Tell me anything.
00:37:38I wanted to do it when I was young, but I couldn't.
00:37:53I wanted to ride this.
00:37:57I rode it when I was in elementary school.
00:38:00I wanted to ride it again because it was fun, but my mom was a little scared.
00:38:06I come often now.
00:38:09Then, give the electric stick to the person who turns around first?
00:38:13Never mind.
00:38:15Not if you're not confident?
00:38:17What? No way.
00:38:22I'm not confident.
00:38:24I'm not confident.
00:38:26I'm not confident.
00:38:28I'm not confident.
00:38:30I'm not confident.
00:38:32I'm not confident.
00:38:34I'm not confident.
00:38:36I'm not confident.
00:38:38I'm not confident.
00:38:40I'm not confident.
00:38:42I'm not confident.
00:38:45I'm not confident.
00:38:47I'm not confident.
00:38:49I'm not confident.
00:38:50I'm not confident.
00:38:52I'm not confident.
00:38:54Oh, I didn't buy bread.
00:39:06Now all I have to do is take care of myself.
00:39:20I didn't know that the number 1 and 2 would come out at the same time.
00:39:24The number 1 and 2 will be released soon.
00:39:27Again, again, again.
00:39:36Sorry, but where did they go?
00:39:44Hey, they're both coming.
00:40:00Oh, dad.
00:40:01You got up early.
00:40:03Wait a minute.
00:40:04I'll bring you breakfast.
00:40:06Sit down before you eat breakfast.
00:40:14Take a long break.
00:40:16Come back next semester.
00:40:17Dad will pay for your tuition.
00:40:19I told you.
00:40:21I'm not going back to school.
00:40:23I didn't do anything before I took a break.
00:40:25It's a waste of money and time.
00:40:28Yeah, well.
00:40:31It's not all the college graduates these days.
00:40:34If you don't want to go, you can quit.
00:40:36But what are you going to do without going to school?
00:40:40Except that.
00:40:41That's all I want to do.
00:40:46Yeah, well.
00:40:48What kind of business?
00:40:49Do you have any items?
00:40:50A lot.
00:40:51I already have more than 50 notes on my tablet.
00:40:55That's already too late.
00:41:00If you don't want to get a diploma, get a certificate.
00:41:03I'll take you to the academy.
00:41:07I know you won't believe me.
00:41:08I'll submit a business proposal soon.
00:41:11I'll do a presentation.
00:41:13If you invest a little bit.
00:41:17Our family.
00:41:19I don't have a business head?
00:41:22Even if my sister and mother don't know.
00:41:23You have to support me.
00:41:26Please trust me just once.
00:41:28That's what I said to your mother a few years ago.
00:41:32I'm your father.
00:41:33It could be a top-notch version.
00:41:38Why do you want to do business?
00:41:41I don't want to do what I have to do right now.
00:41:43I'm scared.
00:41:45You want to do something that looks good to others.
00:41:48Isn't that right?
00:41:51I eat breakfast separately.
00:42:03I think about it because my father hates business so much.
00:42:07Then my father.
00:42:10How did you become so rich?
00:42:30Excuse me.
00:42:33How many houses does Byun Moo-jin live in?
00:42:37It's room 302.
00:42:39Who are you?
00:42:45It's a big house.
00:42:53It must be a famous house.
00:42:58You won't run into anyone, right?
00:43:00It's okay.
00:43:01It's far from the company, so no one will come.
00:43:05Byun Joo-hee?
00:43:08Can't you eat first and then line up?
00:43:11Oh, Byun Joo-hee.
00:43:12How did you know and line up?
00:43:13Yes, sir.
00:43:15Are you two?
00:43:16No, five people.
00:43:23Let's go in, sir.
00:43:24As expected, ace.
00:43:30Are you alone?
00:43:31We can eat together.
00:43:34Stop it.
00:43:37No, I'm fine.
00:43:39Come on.
00:43:40Our security?
00:43:42Yeah, let's eat together.
00:43:43I'll be bold.
00:43:44I'll buy it with my company's corporate card.
00:43:48I want to shoot an anesthetic gun.
00:43:55Don't three people usually eat together?
00:43:58Why did you come all the way here alone?
00:44:01I went abroad in the morning and came back.
00:44:04It's a famous house, so I'll screen it.
00:44:10Do you eat alone often?
00:44:12Yes, sometimes.
00:44:14I see.
00:44:15Sometimes I eat with us like this.
00:44:18To get close.
00:44:20What do you think about being independent?
00:44:22Don't you miss your mom's food?
00:44:25I envy you.
00:44:26I want to be independent, too.
00:44:27The house is mine, but it's not mine.
00:44:30I don't have my space.
00:44:32Your mother must be very sad.
00:44:34It's not like you're getting married and leaving.
00:44:36You're going to live alone, aren't you?
00:44:40No, I'm not.
00:44:41That's a relief.
00:44:43How old are you?
00:44:45I'm twenty-eight.
00:44:47Twenty-eight is the best age in the world.
00:44:50So how long are you going to do security?
00:44:52I'm going to quit soon, so I'm going to look for something else.
00:44:56Yeah, it's good to do this and that when you're young.
00:44:59Then young people these days are very independent and cool.
00:45:02But it doesn't taste a little sticky.
00:45:05It's light and firm.
00:45:06I don't think there's a leader.
00:45:08Anesthetic gun.
00:45:09Anesthetic gun.
00:45:14Did I cross the line again?
00:45:17I just don't know what to do with a man.
00:45:20Even if the times have changed, if you look at one place, it's the same.
00:45:23Then, at the right time, you have to settle down to find stability and decorate your family.
00:45:28That's the real life of a Korean man.
00:45:32I'm sorry, but you've crossed the line.
00:45:37Cross the line?
00:45:40Give me your elbow.
00:45:43I'm worried that you'll hit your arm if you spill it.
00:45:47You really crossed the line.
00:45:49Your elbow is out of line.
00:45:51In this case, you should be punished.
00:45:54Enjoy your meal.
00:45:56Enjoy your meal.
00:45:57Don't cross the line.
00:46:01What's your MBTI?
00:46:03What's your MBTI?
00:46:05No, I'll guess.
00:46:07I'm sorry.
00:46:09I'm not sorry.
00:46:11You're cute.
00:46:15It's an adjective used only by my daughter, who is cute.
00:46:22There are people who ride that these days.
00:46:25Oh, my God.
00:46:38I'm glad I'm not late.
00:46:40You said you were late.
00:46:41You can go to the company.
00:46:44The people at the company in the future know I'm your mother.
00:46:46If they see this, they'll say I'm a tyrant.
00:46:55People are really excited.
00:47:02Thank you for your hard work.
00:47:03I'll call you again next time.
00:47:05Yes, bye.
00:47:18I don't think your mother will be disappointed.
00:47:20She's good at acting.
00:47:21She's good at acting, too.
00:47:23Was it your dream to be an actor?
00:47:29Mr. Byeon Mi-rae.
00:47:37Yes, this is Byeon Mi-rae.
00:47:39Where are you from?
00:47:43My father was abused.
00:47:46I go there almost every day these days.
00:47:48Oh, yes.
00:47:51But what's going on?
00:47:52I envy you.
00:47:54You're a rich father.
00:47:59I just came to see you.
00:48:01What does a child of a person who makes others' children cry look like?
00:48:06Who are you?
00:48:07You'll find out soon.
00:48:13Excuse me.
00:48:14Excuse me.
00:48:33You look like a crazy person.
00:48:40You must be happy.
00:48:43Hey, I got cosmetics this time.
00:48:46I can't find a test model.
00:48:48Test model?
00:48:49Oh, the models are all candidates.
00:48:52Hey, it's an important target.
00:48:54Oh, I need a natural mask that goes well with the product.
00:48:58Oh, everyone does a lot of things on their faces.
00:49:03Team Leader Lee.
00:49:05Is there a pretty lady around you?
00:49:10What are you looking at?
00:49:12It's okay at night and weekend.
00:49:14If there's no room in the tasting part, it doesn't matter if it's a cashier or something else.
00:49:18Why all of a sudden?
00:49:21All the kids are independent, so there's nothing to do at home, and I have to earn living expenses.
00:49:30Yes, well, I'll check it out and tell you.
00:49:33Then can I make a suggestion?
00:49:36What do you think?
00:49:41I'm looking for a home shopping test model, and I thought it would be great if you could do it.
00:49:49Oh, how can I do that?
00:49:52Oh, you're perfect. Right?
00:49:55Oh, yes.
00:49:56That's exactly who we were looking for.
00:49:59Oh, thank you for the suggestion, but I can't.
00:50:07Actually, when I saw you in front of the company earlier, you were taking off your helmet on your motorcycle.
00:50:16You're so beautiful. I almost fell in love with you.
00:50:32I think you'll get a lot of screen time.
00:50:37Oh, I can't do it.
00:50:47C grade is very strong.
00:50:52How much?
00:50:58So think seriously and tell me.
00:51:03Of course.
00:51:20Did you lose a lot of water today?
00:51:24It's going as well as usual.
00:51:27You know I bought it as a freebie from tomorrow, right? Please be nice to me as usual.
00:51:31Yes, ma'am.
00:51:37You're doing well, aren't you? Are you eating well?
00:51:41Why are you worried about me?
00:51:48Yeah, you keep doing it until you're angry.
00:51:54How's your mom? Do you like the life of a goldfish living alone?
00:52:02Yeah, it looked good.
00:52:09I don't know anything else, but I want you to know this.
00:52:17Mom really made a difficult decision for you.
00:52:24Shouldn't I be very happy for me now?
00:52:33Can I taste it?
00:52:35Oh, yes.
00:52:46It looks so delicious.
00:53:12There are too many CCTVs.
00:53:17It's finally over. You had a hard time.
00:53:23I was waiting for you to come down.
00:53:27I'm sorry.
00:53:29Yeah, I've been going to the store more often to see you.
00:53:47This is the blind spot.
00:53:56Let's have dinner together.
00:54:00Today, I decided to have dinner with Hak-seung and Hyung-ki, so I came to pick up the car before I left.
00:54:12There will be a gift at home.
00:54:16See you tomorrow.
00:54:17See you tomorrow.
00:54:38I've been thinking about this for a long time.
00:54:42Now that I'm closer to the company, I'm going to ride this.
00:54:44It's not a bumper car, so you can't put anything in it like last time.
00:55:11Is this a house?
00:55:20So Hyun-jae is still in silence?
00:55:24Even if I buy him pork cutlet, he doesn't eat it.
00:55:29But don't listen to him because he's weak.
00:55:34That's why Hyun-jae is still a child.
00:55:36Don't worry.
00:55:38But aren't you lonely?
00:55:40Do you want me to go down?
00:55:42It's okay.
00:55:44It's been a long time.
00:55:47Don't bother me.
00:55:48Take good care of him.
00:55:51I'll take good care of him.
00:55:52I'll see you tomorrow.
00:56:08I didn't know that a person's hair fell out so much.
00:56:22I thought it was over if I washed the dishes clean.
00:56:27I didn't know the time in the bathroom would come so soon.
00:56:32Housework was like that.
00:56:36The less obvious it is, the more perfect it is.
00:56:40My mom has been doing it perfectly for the rest of her life.
00:56:53When are you going to wash the dishes?
00:56:56Later, later.
00:56:59Just eat.
00:57:52I'm sorry.
00:57:53I'm sorry.
00:57:55I'm sorry.
00:57:57I'm sorry.
00:57:58I'm sorry.
00:58:22I'm sorry.
00:58:28Byun Mirae, you're probably in a mental breakdown right now, right?
00:58:37When should I do the laundry?
00:58:40It's ambiguous to go home and turn it around.
00:58:43If you turn it around when you go to work, it smells.
00:58:47You can do it on the weekend.
00:58:49If you're alone, you'll fold the laundry, so there won't be a big problem.
00:58:55The rice gets hard after a day or two.
00:58:58If you make rice, you can divide it right away and put it in the freezer.
00:59:03If you microwave it, you can eat it deliciously like freshly made rice.
00:59:10Even if it's annoying to throw away food waste, throw it away right away.
00:59:14Otherwise, mold will form.
00:59:16No matter how busy you are, you have to clean the bathroom floor once a week.
00:59:23And most importantly,
00:59:29Nevertheless, don't forget that your house is always family villa 102.
00:59:45I don't want my house to be a battlefield anymore.
00:59:52I want it to be a resting place where I can rest whenever I'm tired.
00:59:57When you're having a hard time in the future, when you're tired, when you want to cry, come to me anytime.
01:00:08Mirae, thank you for protecting me.
01:00:13I love you.
01:00:15I love you, too.
01:00:45I love you, too.
01:01:15I love you.
01:01:45How did you know the password?
01:01:59It's today when you're tired, tired, and want to cry.
01:02:16Mom, I get it now.
01:02:23How hard it must have been for you.
01:02:28I thought I was in charge of you every day.
01:02:35But it wasn't me, it was you.
01:02:39It was you.
01:02:44Actually, I knew, but I forgot for a while.
01:02:55It wasn't as hard as everyone thought.
01:03:03I was just happy when my mom laughed, and I was scared when my mom cried.
01:03:22Because my mom was my home, my umbrella, and my world.
01:03:33So I've been protecting myself, not my mom.
01:03:47I wanted to be a Wonder Woman like my mom.
01:03:54Then are you Wonder Girls?
01:04:03I'll try.
01:04:05I'm not confident yet, but I'll fly to where I want to go.
01:04:32I love you.
01:05:09I got a call from her.
01:05:11I think I know everything.
01:05:15What should I do now?
01:05:18Why are you asking me that?
01:05:20You take care of it.
01:05:22Don't drag me in.
01:05:33A few days later.
01:05:38A few days later.
01:05:59Everyone, we need to sign in exactly 600 seconds later.
01:06:08A few days later.
01:06:27What are you doing here so early in the morning?
01:06:33I'm going to give you a parachute.
01:06:37You have to. I'm ready to get a parachute on 365 days.
01:06:41But what about the parachute?
01:06:48My son.
01:06:52Your son?
01:06:53I'm the youngest, so I'll give you as much training as you want.
01:07:00I'll make you the owner of Byun Mirae.
01:07:23A few days later.
01:07:53I'm going to give you a parachute.
01:07:58I promise you that I will do my best as the owner of Byun Mirae.
01:08:01I'm very strict when I work. Can you handle it?
01:08:04Are you dancing?
01:08:05What if you just spray a lot of test products?
01:08:08Be gentle.
01:08:09You have to teach me hard.
01:08:12Who are you?
01:08:14I'm the daughter of the former owner, Mr. Kim.
01:08:16You're the one who cheated on my father, right?
01:08:18I ruined it.
01:08:19I'm sorry.
