ザ!鉄腕!DASH!! 2024年9月8日

  • 2 days ago
00:00The Tetsu-One Dash
00:07We're getting them all!
00:10What kind of a pair are you raising?
00:13Wait wait wait
00:16Here I go!
00:22This August
00:27This is the wheat we know.
00:31It's golden.
00:33It's amazing.
00:35It's rich.
00:37120 days.
00:39I think it will be the best night.
00:43The dash team will challenge
00:47World Food Championships, a cooking competition held in the United States.
00:53The winner of the World Burger Championship,
00:57which is held by top chefs from all over the world.
01:03The important one-piece.
01:05Meet Hokkaido.
01:09The smell is strong.
01:11The best wheat in Japan, Haruyutaka.
01:15In Tokioba, Fukushima.
01:17I want to grow it with my own hands and get it.
01:21I want to grow it with my own hands and get it.
01:23I want to grow it with my own hands and get it.
01:25It grows up to 30 cm in height in about a month.
01:29In order to grow it even more energetically.
01:33It's Nadeichiro.
01:37It's 15 kg tall and gives you a lot of stress.
01:43My back hurts.
01:47It's not a weight, it's a pair.
01:49From there.
01:51Twice a week.
01:53On days when the members can't come,
01:55the staff
02:03The two of them take a break from work.
02:09Haruyutaka grows up well.
02:15I'll buy everything.
02:17Let's go.
02:21The harvest of the year.
02:25It's wheat.
02:29What is this?
02:31What does it taste like?
02:37Can you make the world's most delicious burger?
02:39To the illusion of wheat.
02:41All records of making buns.
02:43It's the 53rd day since the fall.
02:49It was down earlier, wasn't it?
02:53I was curious.
02:57The first thing I noticed was Matsushima.
03:01What is this?
03:03It's dead.
03:07It's dead.
03:09That's right.
03:11This is not wheat.
03:13What is this?
03:17Although the size is different,
03:19there are seven places in total.
03:21It's like someone stepped on it.
03:25If you leave it alone,
03:27there is a possibility of extinction.
03:29What is the cause?
03:35Even wild boars.
03:37That was 10 years ago.
03:3910 years ago.
03:41In the wheat field of DASH RAMEN.
03:43There are quite a few footprints.
03:45This is a wild boar.
03:49That's right.
03:51Wild boars.
03:53The nose works.
03:55In the ground.
03:57It digs up potatoes and earwax.
03:59It digs up potatoes and earwax.
04:01It digs up potatoes and earwax.
04:03Did you come here to eat?
04:05Did you come here to eat?
04:09It's about 25 cm.
04:11It's about 25 cm.
04:13It's about 25 cm.
04:19What is such a creature?
04:21Is it a seal?
04:23That's possible.
04:25There is also a mole.
04:27There is also a monkey.
04:29There is a monkey.
04:31My friend's dog fought with a white cat in Setagaya.
04:33My friend's dog fought with a white cat in Setagaya.
04:35I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:37I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:39I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:41I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:43I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:45I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:47I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:49I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:51I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:53I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:55I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:57I heard that wild animals come to this area.
04:59I heard that wild animals come to this area.
05:01I heard that wild animals come to this area.
05:03Who is the culprit of the incident?
05:05Do you have any concerns?
05:07Do you have any concerns?
05:09Is that a lizard kid?
05:11Oh, it's a lucky streak.
05:13It's a lucky streak.
05:15There are many bad guys.
05:19The bad guy isn't a lucky streak.
05:21He is getting closer.
05:23He's really a lucky streak.
05:25He's really a lucky streak.
05:27Someone can hear it.
05:29What are you doing?
05:31Oh, it went in!
05:34What? It stepped on it?
05:41Oh, it came back.
05:43Oh, it's food.
05:45Oh, it's stepping on it again.
05:48It's completely stepping on it.
05:50Oh, it went in again.
05:53Oh, this one too.
05:55Oh, it went in deep.
05:57Oh, this is where it fell down.
06:02Oh, it's the dough.
06:04I wonder if they're mistaking it for yabu.
06:07That being said,
06:09the dough hid in the yabu and hid from the enemy.
06:15Did it replace the wheat field with yabu?
06:18It's coming in one after another.
06:22At this rate, the best wheat in Japan, Haruyutaka, won't grow well.
06:30It's not like the dough was here by accident.
06:34I'm going to think about coexistence and take measures.
06:40I guess it's naruko.
06:43Yeah, it's naruto.
06:45It's not the manga naruto.
06:47It's naruko.
06:48It hits you with the wind.
06:50That was 21 years ago.
06:54Knowledge learned at Fukushima Dashi-mura.
06:58When a bamboo hits you, it makes a sound.
07:00Bamboo naruko.
07:02This was also used to prevent wild boars when making ramen.
07:07It's a dough that's sensitive to sound and vibration.
07:11If it's a bamboo made of material, you can use it as much as you want.
07:15Around here.
07:16That's nice.
07:17It's magnificent.
07:18It is.
07:19It's really beautiful.
07:23It's beautiful?
07:24It's really good.
07:26I don't get it at all.
07:28You don't put the sun in the center.
07:31If you put this bamboo in the center, you can get a good balance.
07:34That's right.
07:36There's a lot going on.
07:38That's a lot of work.
07:48When you cut it out.
07:52There's a crack.
07:54Cut it in half.
07:58That's a good sound.
08:01Make a hole here.
08:05Pass the string through.
08:07It's done.
08:09One more thing.
08:11You said it was better to be flashy.
08:13You told me.
08:15That's because...
08:17Yes, this is Catalyst.
08:19I asked a professional biologist.
08:22The eyes are good.
08:24I want something flashy.
08:27I want something flashy.
08:31I got it.
08:32What is it?
08:33It's not flashy.
08:36I can tell you're changing colors.
08:38I know.
08:39Birds don't like this kind of thing.
08:44I'll put the leader on.
08:48It's good.
08:50It's flashy.
08:51It's flashy.
08:54It's about to be done.
08:55It's done.
08:58If it's this, the fabric will be...
09:00I was wondering what it was.
09:02In addition, it's useless.
09:04Kato-sensei's specialty is wool.
09:07Like Taka.
09:09Like Fukuro.
09:11It looks like Taka.
09:15His image is Takakakashi, which moves with the wind.
09:19He uses leftover materials from the Tokyoba.
09:22Are you good at making things like this?
09:25I was good at crafts.
09:27I see.
09:29Do you have a good image?
09:31It's like a Takarazuka costume.
09:33Do you understand?
09:35It's like a feather.
09:40He uses bamboo skin to make many feathers.
09:47This is good.
09:49It's good.
09:53It's good, isn't it?
10:00It's amazing.
10:02It's done.
10:04It's amazing.
10:06It looks like it's going to fly.
10:08It's amazing.
10:10It's done.
10:11It's good.
10:14What's wrong?
10:15Wait a minute.
10:17Wait a minute.
10:19Wait a minute.
10:21It's about six places.
10:22Six places?
10:24Everyone likes to say that.
10:29I did it.
10:33It's a bad sound.
10:38It's stuck a lot.
10:42It's terrible.
10:45Wait a minute.
10:47Please forget this.
10:49No matter how many feathers there are.
10:51There is an atmosphere.
10:52There is an atmosphere.
10:53He feels refreshed.
10:56He goes around the field.
10:59By hanging it with a rope.
11:01If you catch a cold,
11:03It should drive away the flies.
11:07I did it.
11:08Did you do it?
11:09I did it.
11:10That's good.
11:11I did it.
11:12Let's take a break.
11:13Let's take a break.
11:15All of this.
11:16It's a burger packed with Japanese deliciousness.
11:20To challenge the world championship.
11:24Since that day.
11:25The weather has not been perfect.
11:29Haruyutaka is growing well.
11:32It's been 70 days since the seeding.
11:35It's July.
11:37The sun is rising.
11:44The real crisis.
11:46It was from here.
11:50I was called.
11:52I was called.
11:54Until a while ago.
11:56But this time it's really urgent.
11:59An emergency has occurred.
12:03Is this the case?
12:05Is this the case?
12:07This is it.
12:10It's completely red.
12:13It's the same around here.
12:15It's the same around here.
12:17It's a big problem.
12:19It's a big problem.
12:21Is this the case?
12:23This is it.
12:26It's a big problem.
12:28In addition.
12:30It's like a red disease.
12:34What I noticed around here.
12:37At the sea of Nemuro in Hokkaido.
12:40It's time to aim for a huge seedling.
12:43I got a call from the staff.
12:45What color is it?
12:50The smell of wheat is strange.
12:54This is a disease.
12:56It's a red mold.
12:58Is this a red mold?
13:00That's right.
13:01That is.
13:03Once infected.
13:05No pesticide works.
13:07Mouth disease.
13:09Not only does the growth of the body stop.
13:12When eaten.
13:13There is a possibility of food poisoning.
13:16The cause is.
13:17Red mold that lives in the soil.
13:22On the way to growth.
13:23Defeated by the mold.
13:24It is thought to have been infected.
13:28Only a few places.
13:31If you leave it as it is.
13:34Over a week.
13:35On the whole.
13:38Is there a way to deal with it?
13:40Consultation with professionals.
13:48I don't know if it will work.
13:51Natto bacteria.
13:55Natto bacteria?
13:57Natto bacteria.
13:59Natto bacteria is called.
14:01The strongest bacteria in the world.
14:03That is.
14:05Hot and cold.
14:07Not only the strength to survive.
14:09It is said to have the ability to control mold.
14:13It is also used to prevent diseases from various crops.
14:19I just finished shooting.
14:21It's time for a burger.
14:23This is natto.
14:24It's a lot of natto.
14:25Let's extract natto bacteria.
14:28It's in this sticky stuff.
14:30I can't get natto bacteria with this.
14:32It's amazing.
14:35It's coming out.
14:38Is it coming out?
14:39It's coming out.
14:41The important thing is the proliferation of bacteria.
14:44It is sealed and fermented for two days.
14:49Natto bacteria are increasing.
14:51What about the leftover natto?
14:53This is the first time in my life to eat natto at the port.
14:55It's delicious.
14:5948 hours.
15:03It's here.
15:06Did you make it?
15:09It's very fermented.
15:13It smells like DASH.
15:17It's a pesticide that has no pesticide, right?
15:19That is.
15:23I'm going to throw up.
15:24It has a strong smell.
15:28It is a homemade pesticide that works against insects and diseases.
15:33Garlic and ginger.
15:35Only those that can be eaten with a strong stimulation.
15:38This works.
15:40This time, under the instructions of the boss.
15:45Using TOKYOBA's ingredients.
15:48By cutting it, you can get a good scent.
15:51Myougaya pepper with a strong scent.
15:56It smells amazing.
15:58It's different from what I'm doing.
16:00This is an Aozora restaurant.
16:03I smell a lot of things.
16:05This is definitely not the smell of Aozora restaurant.
16:12How often do you come to TOKYO?
16:14I come here once a month.
16:16You come here once a month.
16:18I hunt grass all day.
16:21Do you do that in DASH?
16:23Do you do that in your private life?
16:26Boil with vinegar and shochu.
16:31This natto smell is very cute.
16:42I can eat this.
16:45I don't know if it's that bad.
16:49This is good.
16:51If Matsuoka-kun ate this, he would have screamed.
16:55I think the leader would eat this.
16:59We are under special training.
17:04This is a pesticide-free pesticide.
17:09This is how it feels to sell beer.
17:13This is how it feels.
17:15This is fun.
17:17Don't be afraid.
17:19This is okay.
17:21If you say that, you can understand.
17:23It is important to talk to plants.
17:29This is a great smell.
17:32This is amazing.
17:33This is a bad smell.
17:35In addition.
17:37This is a disease that can't be handled.
17:42I'm sorry, but I'll start from the root.
17:45Look at this.
17:48Remove all the infections so that they do not spread.
17:54All of this.
18:00And August.
18:03This day has finally come.
18:07I still have a lot to see.
18:10One, two.
18:12This is amazing.
18:14This is amazing.
18:16This is the Kogane tree we know.
18:19This is the Kogane tree.
18:21This is very beautiful.
18:23This tree has grown overall.
18:25This tree has grown.
18:29Is this enough?
18:31This is enough.
18:33This is the Kogane tree.
18:36This tree has grown a little.
18:39From the 77th day when YOKOYAMA took measures against red mold.
18:45Spring has grown vigorously.
18:51The beautiful color of the Kogane tree is a sign of harvest.
18:56I was given 5 kg.
18:58Is that 5 kg now?
19:01This is about 100 kg.
19:03This is amazing.
19:06This is amazing.
19:09This is amazing.
19:11This is not in Hokkaido, but in Fukushima.
19:15Look at this.
19:18This is good.
19:20What do you mean?
19:21This is good.
19:22What do you mean?
19:24This is good.
19:26Is this amazing?
19:28This is good.
19:32This is a good start.
19:35What is the important spring-rich seed?
19:41This is the same seed as the one we got in Hokkaido.
19:45This is good.
19:46What is the best timing?
19:48Today is the best timing.
19:55I think it's good to listen to ASMR.
19:59This is a hospital.
20:00The harvest of spring.
20:02Harvest of spring.
20:07I worked hard to get here.
20:09I sweat a lot.
20:10I did it by hand.
20:14Have you ever done rice harvesting?
20:16I have never done it.
20:17I have never done it.
20:18He has been participating in rice farming since this year.
20:22However, he has never done rice harvesting.
20:25He is 29 years old.
20:27He has been doing rice farming for 24 years.
20:30He has been harvesting rice every year.
20:33He is from JOSHIMA.
20:35I have a warning.
20:37Don't put your foot out here.
20:40If you put your foot out, you will cut it.
20:44In such a case, you should protect it.
20:54How high should I cut this?
20:56About 10 cm.
21:10He is young and powerful.
21:16Why is it so fast?
21:19The leader is very fast.
21:23I have a long way to go.
21:27He is a veteran JOSHIMA.
21:30I will tell you how to do it.
21:32You are doing this.
21:36You should pull it like this.
21:40It's like a green onion.
21:41You cut it cleanly.
21:42Then you should do this.
21:45Put your foot out.
21:49Like this?
21:50That's right.
21:52That's it.
21:53It's very easy.
21:55You are a leader.
21:56Why don't you start TikTok?
22:01JOSHIMA doesn't want to teach him how to cut wheat.
22:07It's going to be popular.
22:09It's definitely good.
22:11If you know how to do it.
22:18It's fast.
22:19The sound is good.
22:20It feels good.
22:21I think it would be good to listen to it in ASMR.
22:24What kind of R?
22:27Isn't it?
22:29That's not it.
22:30It's not a hospital.
22:34It takes 20 minutes to cut wheat.
22:38I'm done.
22:39There are so many.
22:47I'm almost there.
22:50I'm almost there.
22:54It's fast.
22:56The highest temperature is 30 degrees Celsius on this day.
23:00It's the last one.
23:01It's the last one.
23:02It takes 10 minutes to cut wheat.
23:06I'm done.
23:08Good job.
23:09Good job.
23:14Why are you sweating so much?
23:17I have a bad metabolism.
23:23He rolls the wheat with a straw to dry it.
23:28If I do this.
23:31What was that?
23:33It's cool.
23:35I'll think about it.
23:39He just ties it with a straw.
23:44He is proud of his skill.
23:49He shows it every year at the rice-making festival.
23:56Fujiwara has an idea.
24:05I'll do it when I hit the course.
24:08Look at this.
24:10I didn't see it.
24:12I didn't see it.
24:13I'm going in the right direction.
24:15It's cool.
24:17It's cool.
24:19He's watching Jyoshima quietly.
24:29It looks good.
24:33But I can't catch up with the speed.
24:35But you got used to it.
24:37I've grown.
24:38You did it.
24:39I did it.
24:40I think it's easy because I've experienced it.
24:44I want to do it in front of Shintaro.
24:46You can't do it.
24:47It hurts.
24:51We did it.
24:52We did it in a row.
24:59It's like a youth commercial.
25:03He's enjoying the water.
25:13It's the best.
25:15I did it in the opposite direction.
25:16I did it in the opposite direction.
25:19I could see the water sinking.
25:22I should have done it in the opposite direction.
25:25They take a break and go back to work.
25:29Is this a teacher?
25:30Is this a teacher?
25:32There are 11 rows left.
25:35It's already been an hour.
25:43Tokioba manager, Takashi.
25:47The staff also speeds up.
25:53The cameraman also puts the tools.
25:57The staff of the dashi team is very responsive.
26:03It's difficult.
26:06Try it yourself.
26:09It's okay. I've experienced it.
26:13You can do it if you do it.
26:15You can't do it at first.
26:17But you can do it gradually.
26:21Please tell me if there is anything else.
26:24It feels good to be taught.
26:27The leader is moving forward.
26:30I want to do it in 10 minutes.
26:3210 minutes.
26:3410 people in total.
26:36This is all.
26:46Thank you for your hard work.
26:47Thank you for your hard work.
26:49I borrowed it.
26:50You borrowed it.
26:53I'm going to sleep.
26:55It's true.
26:57I'm going to sleep here.
27:00This is also an important task for the weather.
27:11As time goes by, the number of words decreases.
27:14This is not a variety show.
27:1930 minutes to sleep.
27:23Is this the end?
27:26It's gone.
27:29What is this?
27:33I was able to harvest everything.
27:35It's this amount.
27:36That's amazing.
27:38Harvest amount.
27:39Approximately 100 kg.
27:40The result of four months.
27:43I'm glad.
27:47We call it Hasegake.
27:50That is.
27:52This is an important task that I learned while making rice.
27:56By soaking the rice in the sun,
28:00the moisture is removed and the umami is condensed.
28:05Haru Yutaka, the best wheat in Japan.
28:09Do I put it here?
28:13How is it?
28:17I have a job in Tokyo after this.
28:21I understand.
28:23Is that okay?
28:24I will do this beautifully at the end.
28:26The rest is FUJIWARA.
28:32Haru Yutaka learned in Hokkaido.
28:37He grew up in FUKUSHIMA.
28:42It's done.
28:45It's done.
28:50It's amazing.
28:51It's like the primitive era.
28:54The taste will be confirmed three weeks later.
29:00It's been three weeks since the last time.
29:04It's been three weeks.
29:08It looks good.
29:13It's light.
29:15The moisture is gone.
29:16It's gone.
29:17It's very light.
29:20It's white.
29:21The color has changed.
29:23It's because it's dry.
29:24It's very good.
29:28It's been three weeks since the last time.
29:32The color of the rice is gradually whitish.
29:37It should have condensed the umami.
29:43It's been 120 days since the last time I went to SEIFUN.
29:47We all ate this burger.
29:51But FUJIWARA is worried about something.
29:54SHINTARO is worried about something.
29:56That's right.
29:57SHINTARO wasn't there at first.
30:01SHINTARO was busy with the high school quiz.
30:06I heard that there were various dramas.
30:08I thought I would definitely watch it.
30:10What will happen after that?
30:12I will watch it.
30:14I'm busy.
30:16You are a mirror of the audience.
30:18That's right.
30:19I'm worried.
30:20I'm full of thoughts of various people.
30:23Let's get to work.
30:26There is a tool to use.
30:31What is that?
30:33What is that?
30:35This is a problem.
30:37This is a machine to decode.
30:40I've never seen it in a textbook.
30:42How do you use this machine?
30:46Please think about it.
30:49Are you trying to get out of the high school quiz?
30:53I'm in a hurry.
30:55Let's do it again.
30:58It's not sharp.
31:02It turns.
31:05This can definitely be used.
31:12Do you step on this pedal?
31:17That's great.
31:18It's very easy.
31:20I just need to step on it.
31:22Can I use this?
31:24Please try it.
31:31Look at this.
31:37It's exactly the same as when I got it.
31:39You can take a grain.
31:41That's great.
31:42You can push it.
31:44It's very convenient.
31:45We use this for rice.
31:48That's right.
31:49Tokio met for the first time 23 years ago.
31:53In Fukushima Dash Village.
31:57He stepped on the pedal with his feet.
32:00He can take a grain out of the rice.
32:09This time, he borrowed a rice cooker from Mr. Takeda.
32:16He sets up the rice cooker so that the seeds do not scatter.
32:21Let's do it.
32:27It's taken a lot.
32:29It's taken a lot.
32:31It's rhythm.
32:35Here's the question.
32:38What is the most important thing in this work?
32:40At the end of this tunnel.
32:43At the end of the tunnel.
32:44What's ahead of it?
32:46The basket.
32:47What's ahead of it?
32:48The camera.
32:49That's right.
32:51Over it.
32:52Like this?
32:53That's right.
32:54I see.
32:56It's a little too much.
32:57It's a little too much.
32:59I'm sorry.
33:00Who told you to be aware of this?
33:06First of all, Mr. Taichi.
33:10Final answer.
33:11Isn't it?
33:16Final answer.
33:19Mr. Matsuoka.
33:25I'm sorry.
33:32I did it.
33:33I did it.
33:34Matsuoka said that.
33:39I'll do it at an angle where I can see the lens from this basket.
33:43If not, I'll be caught by someone.
33:46It's important.
33:47This is passed on to his juniors.
33:48That's right.
33:49That's right.
33:52There are so many.
33:54There are so many at once.
33:57There are so many.
33:58Wait a minute.
33:59This is just a part of it.
34:00But the seeds are quite heavy.
34:04It's mixed now.
34:07It's mixed with unnecessary things.
34:08From the bird's nest.
34:09From here again.
34:11Who will be eliminated?
34:14What's next?
34:17It's a type that doesn't come out much at 7 o'clock on Sunday.
34:25What's next?
34:27This is called Tōmi.
34:32It has been used since the Edo period.
34:34It's a type of grain.
34:39Four wings rotate.
34:41With the power of the wind,
34:43straws and light grains fly far away.
34:47The heavy grains that are packed inside fall in front of you.
34:52I don't think anyone in my generation knows what Tōmi is.
34:55I can't get this.
34:57It's not easy to see it on TV.
35:00I don't think I've seen it on a variety show.
35:04It's a type that doesn't come out much at 7 o'clock on Sunday.
35:08Let's get started.
35:10First of all, like this.
35:14Please turn it around.
35:19It's flying a lot.
35:21There's an extra shell.
35:23It's like a blizzard.
35:26There are seeds here.
35:32This is Tōmi.
35:34It's a magical machine.
35:36It's a magical machine.
35:39It's almost seeds.
35:40It looks good.
35:42It's really good.
35:45It's not light at all.
35:47It's heavy.
35:48That's right.
35:49How is it?
35:52Don't you look at it?
35:54Don't you look at it?
35:55What are you doing?
35:56Everyone does that.
35:57What are you doing?
36:00We've come this far.
36:01We've come this far.
36:02Let's save it.
36:05Now we can finally make powder.
36:09What tools do you use?
36:12What is this?
36:13What is this?
36:14What is this?
36:15It's a stone.
36:16It's a stone.
36:18Tokio has already experienced this.
36:21So far, it's soba.
36:23You can make soba with this.
36:26Soybeans, etc.
36:27He grew them with his own hands.
36:30It smells good.
36:31It smells good.
36:32It's a must-have tool in Rushmura.
36:36Put a rice ball in the hole here.
36:38That's right.
36:40Turn it around.
36:42It's coming out.
36:43It's coming out.
36:45It's coming out a lot.
36:46What is this?
36:47Something white is coming out.
36:49It's white.
36:50Is it flour?
36:51That's right.
36:53What's going on inside?
36:58It's like this.
36:59It goes through this line and goes outside.
37:03There is a groove like this inside the stone.
37:08If you put seeds in it and turn it, the crushed powder goes through the groove and goes outside naturally.
37:15It's an ancient wisdom.
37:18I wonder if I can make a good one.
37:24Do you want to go to New York?
37:26I want to go.
37:27I'm sorry. I didn't know that.
37:29American order.
37:31I've heard of it.
37:32I've heard of it.
37:34Here's the question.
37:36Here we go.
37:38This is a question from Shintaro.
37:42What do you call Fujiwara-kun?
37:48You call him Joe, right?
37:49I call him Joe.
37:50What do you call the staff?
37:52What is that?
37:53That's the question.
37:54What is that?
37:551. Joe.
37:572. Fujiwara.
37:583. Fuji-Jo.
38:00Fuji-Jo theory came out.
38:04I'm holding my hand.
38:081. Joe.
38:091. Joe.
38:11The answer is...
38:142. Fujiwara.
38:16I don't know.
38:17Who is the senior?
38:18It's me.
38:19How old are you?
38:20It's me.
38:22I'm holding my hand.
38:25It takes 30 minutes.
38:28It's good.
38:29It's really good.
38:32If you put this on the furui...
38:37Here we go.
38:38Here we go.
38:39Oh, it's snowing.
38:41It's like wheat.
38:43It's amazing.
38:45It's snowing in Hikakyoba.
38:47It's amazing.
38:49The pants are also amazing.
38:53The smell is amazing.
38:54It's good.
38:55It's true.
38:56It smells really good.
39:01It's just a little bit, but it smells so good.
39:03Touch it.
39:04Is it good?
39:06It's amazing.
39:07It's amazing.
39:08It's snowing.
39:12I can tell by looking at it.
39:13It's fluffy.
39:14It's fluffy.
39:15It's true.
39:16The snow is too fine.
39:17I don't think there is anything more fine than this in the world.
39:20There isn't, right?
39:22What is the taste of spring that they grew up with?
39:27The taste is good.
39:31I can't stop eating it.
39:32Me neither.
39:33It's really good.
39:35When I ate this in Hokkaido,
39:37it had the same taste.
39:39And the taste.
39:40The taste has its own flavor.
39:43We grew up with it, so it's a little...
39:47They grew up with it in Fukushima.
39:50The best wheat in Japan, Haruyutaka.
39:54With this...
39:55We can bake the one we made ourselves.
39:58Let's do it.
39:59I'm so happy.
40:00It's going to be the best buns.
40:04There is something special in Tokioba.
40:08What is this?
40:10It's a pizza kiln.
40:11A pizza kiln?
40:12It wasn't here in the first place.
40:16We decided to make pizza at the Tokioba event.
40:19We learned how to make it and made it here.
40:21That's amazing.
40:22You made it here.
40:23That's right.
40:24We relied on our experience in Dashimura to learn how to make the buns.
40:28The ingredients for Joshima Choice are...
40:33And dry yeast to remove the fermentation.
40:36Add sugar and water.
40:40Can I mix this in?
40:43It smells good.
40:45If you mix it well...
40:47It's coming together.
40:49It's firm.
40:51It's elastic.
40:52How is it?
40:53It looks good.
40:55I made a bun at home.
40:57That's amazing.
40:58I got interested in making burgers.
41:02You're a good student.
41:06I feel like I've done it before.
41:09It's good.
41:10Wait a minute.
41:12It's good.
41:21I'm sure you've been doing this for years.
41:25It's beautiful.
41:27It's really beautiful.
41:29It's quite elastic.
41:31That's right.
41:32It's amazing.
41:33If you ferment this...
41:37By breaking down the sugar in the dough,
41:42carbon dioxide is released and it expands.
41:45It's matured and brings out the flavor and umami of the wheat.
41:51It's sealed in a wrap for an hour and a half.
41:55I'll wait here.
41:56What are you going to do?
41:57What am I going to do?
42:01I'm going to make a bun.
42:04I'm going to make a new bun.
42:06How do you feel about that?
42:07Fermentation is important for both.
42:09That's great.
42:11I'm going to use Tokioba.
42:12I'm going to use Tokioba.
42:13I'm going to use a box with nothing inside.
42:15I'm going to use a box with nothing inside.
42:18How do you feel about that?
42:19It's just the beginning.
42:21It's good.
42:24How long has it been?
42:26About a minute and a half.
42:27About a minute and a half.
42:29Fermenting takes an hour and a half.
42:37It's inflated.
42:38It's the same, isn't it?
42:40It's really big.
42:42This is divided into 100g each.
42:48This is the first one.
42:51This is the last one.
42:52It's okay.
42:54I'm going to ferment it for another 30 minutes.
42:5830 minutes.
42:59Let's wait for 30 minutes.
43:0330 minutes later.
43:04This time, they wait for 30 minutes.
43:09It's about time.
43:11It's inflated a little.
43:13It's inflated.
43:15Let's bake it.
43:16Let's bake this.
43:18They go into the 200 degree pizza pan.
43:22It's hot here.
43:23Be careful.
43:26It's delicious.
43:27It's going to be delicious.
43:28Come here.
43:31I'm looking forward to it.
43:33What will happen?
43:34Is there any change?
43:37I want to see the leader.
43:40How is it?
43:43It's turning into a fox color.
43:46The color of the angel is getting better.
43:52Five minutes later.
43:57It's baked.
43:58It's hot.
44:06It's like bread.
44:08It looks delicious.
44:11It looks delicious.
44:13What is this?
44:20It's amazing.
44:22It's dangerous.
44:23If you get closer, it will be burned.
44:27It smells so good.
44:30It's done.
44:32Let's try it.
44:37First of all.
44:47It smells good.
44:50I've never smelled it before.
44:51It's amazing.
44:53I can eat two buns with this smell.
44:57Then, let's eat the illusionary buns that took 120 days to make.
45:04Let's eat.
45:14It's the best.
45:17It's very delicious.
45:20It smells good.
45:21It's amazing.
45:23It's chewy and fluffy.
45:25It's amazing.
45:27Let's eat.
45:36It's the best.
45:38It has the characteristics of a Haryutaka.
45:41It's chewy and has a strong taste.
45:45In addition, put the patty in this bun.
45:50I can finally eat this today.
45:54It's a prototype.
45:55It's a prototype.
45:57When I think about it, it was half a year ago.
46:03I aim to be the best in the world with this burger.
46:06Are you aiming for the world?
46:08I want to stick to Japanese ingredients.
46:11It's made in Japan.
46:12It's made in Japan.
46:16With a burger packed with the deliciousness of Japan.
46:20In order to aim for the championship of the world competition.
46:26The patty is Tajima beef, which Japan is proud of in the world.
46:31It's 7 to 3.
46:33I studied the composition of the parts.
46:39I aim for the best buns.
46:42I aim for a burger.
46:44Buns are made by Haryutaka, the best conglomerate in Japan.
46:50It's made by himself.
46:55And TAKASHI.
46:58That's right.
47:00So we all made this burger.
47:03It's been half a year since we started.
47:07The patties and buns are ready.
47:21It's done.
47:22It's done.
47:24It took 120 days.
47:27Are you ready?
47:29Are you ready?
47:36Let's eat.
47:45It's a great combination.
47:48The combination of the top and the top.
47:51It's a great match.
47:54It's a great match.
47:55It's the best combination.
47:57The sweetness of Haryutaka comes first.
48:00There wasn't much of this.
48:02That's right.
48:03It's a proof that Haryutaka has a good smell and a good taste.
48:07The buns are strong.
48:09So we can accept it.
48:11We won't lose.
48:13The buns are as strong as the patty.
48:23It's just the beginning.
48:26On the other hand.
48:29Are you kidding me?
48:30I don't think I can go in there.
48:34They go deep into the mountains in search of a new one piece.
48:40It's very natural.
48:43We use the mountains here 365 days a year.
48:51Here is the world-renowned cheese.
48:54It's delicious.
48:57It's delicious.
48:59What are you going to do with the flour?
49:02I'm going to make a field.
49:06It doesn't have to be a field.
49:08I'm going to make a batting center.
49:12It's penetrated.
49:14It looks amazing.
49:16I'm surprised that there are so few.
49:18There may be no queen.
