Insta Empire Ep-15 This woman humiliates and questions my ability to be a father

  • settimana scorsa
Insta Empire Ep-15 This woman humiliates and questions my ability to be a father
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Lily was still wondering how Kevin happened to know Mr. Cook so well. It just didn't make sense to her.
00:07After expressing her doubts to her husband, Lily paused for a moment and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV.
00:14What kind of person is Mr. Cook anyway? Why would such an important man have the time to chat with you for so long?
00:23Kevin shrugged in reply. He really couldn't tell her. Not yet.
00:28Go and make me some spaghetti, would you? I haven't had dinner yet.
00:34Lily turned on a popular reality show and watched it while she swiped through some social media posts on her phone.
00:41Kevin answered. Sure, Lily. Then he turned around and headed into the kitchen.
00:47He had just put the pasta in the boiling water when Dorothy got home.
00:51She saw Kevin cooking in the kitchen and she remembered what Kevin had said to her on the phone earlier in the day.
00:57Her expression turned very serious. Damn it! Dorothy groaned.
01:03Seeing that Kevin hadn't responded to her, Dorothy kicked off her dress shoes and stomped across the room to sit down next to Lily.
01:10Lily gave her a puzzled look. What's wrong? You look like you're mad at someone.
01:16Dorothy replied. Who else could it be? Someone here doesn't know how to show gratitude.
01:23Dorothy motioned with her eyes towards the kitchen and Lily immediately understood.
01:28Kevin had probably done something else to piss her off.
01:32Lily leaned in toward her mother and whispered. What's the matter?
01:36You can tell me, Mom. I'll have a talk with him if it helps.
01:40Dorothy noticed that Lily was whispering so Kevin wouldn't hear.
01:44Until recently, she didn't seem to care what her husband thought.
01:48But Dorothy also realized that it was thanks to Kevin that Lily's company's financial crisis had been resolved so quickly.
01:55Sighing, Dorothy patted her daughter on the hand.
01:58It's because the in vitro didn't work. I'm guessing that his family has some kind of genetic issue.
02:04I mentioned this to him and I asked him to bring his parents in for a checkup.
02:09Dorothy shot an irritated look towards the kitchen as she spoke.
02:13Kevin told me that he wanted to do a checkup along with everyone else.
02:17What did he mean by that? Does he think the problem is with me?
02:22When Lily heard her mother bring up the test tube baby topic again, she got impatient.
02:27Mom, can you not rush things? I have so much going on right now.
02:33How can I possibly think about having a baby in the middle of this train wreck?
02:38Dorothy's eyes widened.
02:40You're still not in a hurry? You've been married for over two years.
02:44The in vitro's already failed three or four times and you're not in a hurry?
02:49The last time your dad called, he asked me about it too.
02:53If you're not in a hurry, then you can tell your dad the next time he calls.
02:57I don't want to have to talk to him about it again.
03:00Not until you have some good news.
03:03Let's not talk about this right now.
03:06As soon as Lily finished talking, Kevin walked out of the kitchen with a big platter of spaghetti and meatballs.
03:12She watched Kevin put the pasta on the table and then bring out some plates and parmesan cheese.
03:18Lily ignored Dorothy's sour expression and said to Kevin,
03:22You don't need to bring your parents here tomorrow. We can talk about the checkup later.
03:27Hearing her daughter say this, Dorothy grunted and stood up to go to her room.
03:32Kevin smiled at her. Okay, whatever you say, Lily.
03:36After eating and then cleaning up, Lily lay down on the bed.
03:40Kevin, who was doing some stretches on the floor, turned on his side and used his hand to support his head while he stared at her beautiful side profile.
03:48Lily, if Grandma Jones calls you tomorrow and she asks you to talk about the deal with Williams Media, don't agree with her right away. Just let her wait.
03:57Hearing Kevin say this, Lily frowned and turned her head towards him.
04:01With a puzzled expression, she said, I don't think we need to worry about that.
04:07Grandma has already handed it back to Jason.
04:10Why would she ask me again?
04:13Why do you always say such strange things?
04:16In any case, remember, if she asks you, just don't agree right away.
04:21Promise me you'll sleep on it.
04:23Kevin didn't worry about Lily's impatient tone.
04:26After saying that, he went to bed and quickly fell asleep.
04:29Lily reluctantly reached out to turn off the light.
04:32Then she also laid down and went to sleep.
04:35The next day after Lily left for work, Kevin headed over to his office at Williams Media.
04:40This was the life.
04:42Kevin really liked being a CEO.
04:45Since Miss Wilson was such an organized chief of staff, all that Kevin had to do all day was drink lattes, read a little and sign contracts.
04:53Miss Wilson knocked on the door and walked in.
04:57Mr. President, the Jones family has sent someone over to discuss their arrangement with us.
05:02It's a woman named Matilda Jones.
05:05Kevin thought to himself that the pink suit Miss Wilson was wearing added a nice splash of color that contrasted with all the earth tones that surrounded him in his office.
05:15Kevin took a sip of his latte and answered dryly.
05:19Please ask her to leave.
05:21Grandma Jones really was an interesting character.
05:24He had clearly told her to send Lily, but instead she had sent Matilda to discuss their partnership.
05:30What was that all about?
05:32Like Jason, Matilda was also one of the favorites in the Jones family, and she definitely wasn't used to being told no.
05:40In any case, she wasn't prepared for the embarrassment of being asked to leave the Williams Media corporate offices without seeing the CEO.
05:49When Matilda returned to Grandma Jones, she told her what had happened.
05:53Her grandmother was really pissed off at the news, but she reluctantly agreed that it was time to call Lily.
06:01Lily and Dorothy were out shopping on Michigan Avenue while all of this was going on.
06:06Because her husband was coming back from an overseas trip in a couple of days, Dorothy wanted to find a nice outfit to wear to welcome him home.
06:14While they were looking at Gucci's in one of the stores, Lily heard her phone ringing inside her purse.
06:20She pulled it out and was surprised to see that Grandma Jones was calling.
06:24She and Dorothy looked at each other for a second before Lily answered.
06:28She put the call on speaker.
06:30Hello, Grandma?
06:32On the other end, Grandma Jones sounded a little awkward.
06:36Lily, Grandma wants to ask you a small favor.
06:40A favor? What kind of thing could make this usually arrogant and self-reliant woman use the word favor?
06:48Dorothy couldn't keep from sticking her nose in.
06:51Auntie, don't be so polite. If there's anything Lily can do to help, just tell her.
06:56Lily gave her mother a dirty look but kept quiet and waited for Grandma Jones to speak.
07:02It's about the partnership with Williams Media.
07:06I plan to let Lily handle it.
07:08She needs to go over there again tomorrow to meet with them in person.
07:13Try to get the packaging deal with their new client, Brittany Davis, as soon as possible.
07:18Grandma Jones had it all planned out.
07:21However, what Kevin had said the night before popped into Lily's mind.
07:25Before Dorothy had a chance to speak, Lily quickly took the phone and turned around.
07:30Sorry, Grandma, since you already handed this over to Jason,
07:34I feel that it's not right for you to make a sudden change in the middle of negotiations.
07:39You really should let Jason take responsibility for the entire process.
07:43I still have a few things left to do today.
07:46Gotta go now. Bye, Grandma.
07:48Lily hung up the phone abruptly.
07:50Dorothy looked at her daughter in disbelief.
07:53What the heck are you doing?
07:55Do you know what she could do to us?
07:58Dorothy couldn't believe that Lily was willing to throw away such a golden opportunity.
08:04Lily ignored her mother and walked out of the store holding her phone in one hand and her bag in the other.
08:09Dorothy wanted to follow her out, but she was still trying on clothes
08:13and didn't want to set off the security alarm and be accused of shoplifting.
08:17She stamped her foot in frustration.
08:20Lily found a bench and sat down.
08:22She thought for a while and wrote a text to Kevin.
08:25Kevin had just gotten a call from his friend Cook and was planning to have lunch with him.
08:30But before he put down his phone, he saw Lily's message.
08:34Grandma Jones just called.
08:36She said she wanted to let me take charge of Williams Media.
08:39I turned her down. What should I do next?
08:43Kevin grinned. At least Lily was listening to him now.
08:47Don't worry. She'll call you again soon.
08:50But you still shouldn't agree to anything until she offers you a good deal.
08:54After hitting send, Kevin put his phone in his pocket and headed out to lunch.
08:59He rode his scooter all the way to the Whitsler Hotel.
09:03When Lily felt her phone vibrate, she quickly checked her messages.
09:07When she saw Kevin's text, she felt a lot more at ease.
09:11On the other side of town, Kevin arrived at the Whitsler Hotel
09:15and was happy to see that Cook already had a table full of food waiting for him.
09:19Hi, Kevin. Have a seat.
09:22Cook pulled out a chair for his friend and sat down next to him.
09:25He nodded to one of his assistants, one of the men in dark suits who usually followed him around.
09:31The man walked over to them with a covered tray.
09:34Kevin smiled as Cook opened the silver lid and took out a small velvet box.
09:38He was acting very mysterious.
09:41After his assistant walked away, Cook quietly put the box in front of Kevin.
09:46I prepared this especially for you.
09:49It's a valuable item that I've kept for almost four years now.
09:53Mitch, you've already given me a wonderful gift.
09:56I just can't accept anything else.
09:58Kevin politely pushed the box across the table back to Cook.
10:02Cook shook his head and grinned as he pushed the box back to Kevin.
10:06This thing is useless to me. I'm in great health.
10:10But you used to look pretty weak, so I tracked down this remedy just for you.
10:15And I'm glad I finally have a chance to give it to you.
10:18Before he was finished speaking, Cook's phone suddenly rang.
10:22He answered with an abrupt, yeah.
10:24As the call went on, his expression got more and more serious.
10:28After finishing the call, Cook gave Kevin an apologetic look.
10:32My friend, I'm afraid you'll have to finish this meal by yourself.
10:36I have some urgent business to take care of.
10:39Please accept this. Consider it an early birthday present.
10:43Kevin smiled and nodded. I got it, Mitch.
10:46Now hurry up and do what you've got to do.
10:48He paused and added, thank you for the gift.
10:51Okay, let's get together another day when I'm not so busy.
10:55Then Cook hurried out.
10:57Kevin looked at the little box on the table and shook his head.
11:00He picked it up and put it in his pocket.
11:03Sometimes I just can't figure that guy out, he thought.
11:06Then he turned his attention to the delicious meal in front of him.
11:10Since he was now eating alone, he didn't have to watch his manners.
11:14After Kevin finished lunch, he checked in with his office.
11:18But they didn't have any work lined up for him, so he headed home.
11:21When he got there, he took a shower and put on some more casual clothes.
11:25Then he pulled Cook's gift out of his pocket.
11:29As soon as Kevin opened the box, a light fragrance wafted through the air.
11:33As Kevin contemplated the smell, it seemed that his head was oddly clearer than before.
11:39In the middle of the velvet box was a pill the size of a small marble.
11:44Actually, it looked a little like a jelly bean.
11:47And the aroma definitely was coming from it.
11:50Kevin remembered Cook saying that he was looking a little gaunt
11:54and he couldn't help muttering to himself,
11:56Could this pill actually make me stronger?
11:59It sounds like science fiction to me.
12:02Maybe Mitch has been tricked by someone.
12:04Then Kevin recalled that Cook had said that the medication, whatever it was,
12:09had been prepared three or four years ago.
12:12He didn't know if it had expired, so he was hesitant about taking it.
12:17Kevin really didn't know what to do.
12:19He didn't want to disappoint his friend.
12:22But was that a good reason to take a four-year-old pill?
12:26On the other hand, he did find the aroma somehow relaxing and enticing.
12:30Kevin finally decided to take the pill.
12:33He placed it in his mouth and reached for a glass of water to help him swallow it.
12:38Before Kevin could drink the water, the pill seemed to melt in his mouth
12:42and then it flowed down his throat.
12:44Kevin furrowed his brow.
12:46He was a little worried and began to regret what he'd just done.
