Clitoris Stimulation Mastery | 9 Moves That Will Make Her Scream

  • 2 days ago
00:00Once I learned these nine moves,
00:02I've been able to support women
00:03in having some of their deepest
00:05and most expansive orgasms of their entire lives.
00:09So if you wanna become a master
00:11at stimulating her clitoris
00:13and make her scream in pleasure,
00:16you are definitely in the right place.
00:18It's important to note that up to 80% of women
00:21do not orgasm from vaginal penetration alone.
00:24And this means that most women
00:25need their clitoris stimulated
00:28in order to reach climax.
00:30So these skills and moves are extremely important to learn.
00:34So let's jump into this video
00:36on how you can become a master of clitoris stimulation
00:40and nine moves that will make her go
00:42absolutely crazy with pleasure.
00:45And make sure you stick around for number nine
00:47because I'm gonna share a secret move
00:49that is going to set you apart
00:50from any partner she's ever been with
00:53and have her telling all of her friends
00:54about how amazing you are in bed.
00:57Number one, teasing over the pants.
01:01Foreplay is so crucial
01:03when it comes to touching a woman's vulva
01:05and it's important to explore her entire body
01:08and work from the outside in.
01:11So take it slow and tease the absolute life out of her.
01:14And part of this tease can be using your entire hand
01:17to cup and palm her vulva over the pants.
01:21This is nothing super focused on her clitoris,
01:23no direct stimulation,
01:25just a general massage and pressure over her pants
01:29to warm up her entire vulva
01:32and this will start to get her clitoris excited
01:35and create some wetness
01:36and get her more ready for direct stimulation.
01:40And it goes without saying,
01:41please be hygienic by washing your hands
01:43before any stimulation,
01:45trimming your fingernails,
01:46making sure they're nice and smooth
01:48and having your favorite lube ready
01:51and available on the nightstand.
01:53Number two, massaging the clitoral hood.
01:56Once her panties are off,
01:57now you can put some of your favorite lube on your fingers
02:00and start to tease her pubic mound and clitoral hood.
02:04One of the biggest mistakes guys can make
02:07with clitoral stimulation
02:08is going to direct stimulation
02:11on the glands clitoris right away.
02:14This is a big no-no
02:15as it can be super sensitive for some women
02:18and you can hurt her
02:19and this would totally kill the mood.
02:21So instead, start by stimulating the clitoral hood
02:25and this is a way to indirectly stimulate the clitoris
02:28and give her more time to get fully engorged
02:32and ready for more.
02:33And you can stimulate the clitoral hood
02:35by using the finger pads of your thumb and pointer finger
02:38to go in a very gentle up and down motion
02:42and you will be able to feel her clitoris
02:44from over the clitoral hood
02:46and as you are massaging it,
02:48just ask her how it feels.
02:49Let her guide you to explore
02:51different feelings and sensations
02:54and maybe she wants faster, slower, softer, harder.
02:57Let her be your guiding light
02:59throughout this entire experience
03:01and listen to her closely.
03:03Not only her words but also her body language as well
03:07and this will allow you to support her
03:09into the most pleasurable orgasm possible.
03:12Number three, massage the legs of the clitoris.
03:16Most people think that the clitoris
03:18is just that little P-shaped ball
03:21at the top of the vaginal opening.
03:23However, the clitoris is a structure
03:25that has legs and bulbs that extend into the vulva
03:29and can also be stimulated by massaging
03:32the outer and inner labia as well.
03:34So next, I want you to take your hand
03:36and use your pointer finger and ring finger
03:39and rub them slowly up and down her outer labia.
03:43This is a place where you will be in indirect stimulation
03:47of her clitoral legs and bulbs
03:48so you can use a bit more pressure on her outer labia
03:52and rub up and down.
03:54And you can even put all of your fingers together
03:56and rub across in a circular motion.
03:59This will help you stimulate a different part
04:02of her clitoris and will be super pleasurable for her
04:05and start to make her even more wet.
04:08Number four, breathe on her clitoris.
04:11Next, I want you to start to kiss and use your tongue
04:15to lick around her outer labia and clitoral hood,
04:18teasing her and getting super close to her clitoris
04:22but then pulling away.
04:23Then I want you to get super close
04:25so your lips are almost touching her clitoris
04:29and just let her feel the heat of her breath
04:32super close to her clitoris.
04:34Get super close, like just a centimeter away from it
04:38so she's dying for you to lick it and just breathe on it.
04:41And start to tell her how beautiful you think her pussy is,
04:45how much you want to eat it and lick it
04:48and how you can't wait to taste it.
04:50With some moaning and some grunting and enthusiasm,
04:54the tease and the heat from your breath
04:57is going to make her so horny.
04:59She's going to be throwing her hips at you
05:02to try and get you to lick her clitoris.
05:05Number five, the up and down.
05:07Continue to keep your lips super close to her clitoris
05:11and begin to take the finger pad of your middle finger
05:15and run it down from the top of her clitoral hood.
05:18And then when you're about to pass her glans clitoris,
05:21if it's just exposed, lift your finger off
05:24so you don't directly contact her bare clitoris
05:27and run your finger down her vaginal opening,
05:31down to the bottom of her vulva.
05:32And then super teasing and gently lift your finger back up
05:37the same way, but maybe bumping into the vaginal walls
05:41a little bit on your way up.
05:42And then lift your finger back over that bare glans clitoris
05:46and back up to the clitoral hood and repeat.
05:49And at this point, she's going to be almost ready to come
05:52without any direct clitoral stimulation, only indirect.
05:57And guys, before I dive into the last four moves,
06:00can I please ask you to like this video
06:02and subscribe to this channel?
06:04This helps me grow my channel and enables me to create
06:07more free videos like this just for you.
06:10Okay, back to the video.
06:11Number six, use your tongue.
06:14The best way to touch an exposed and bare clitoris
06:18for the first time is with a really soft and wet tongue.
06:22First, pull back her clitoral hood
06:24to expose her bare clitoris.
06:26And using the middle flat part of your tongue,
06:30you can very gently lick all of her bare clitoris
06:34from the bottom to the top.
06:36You wanna be really slow and gentle and careful
06:41to gauge her reaction and see how she likes it.
06:44Ask her how she likes it and let her guide you
06:48into her favorite pressure and strokes with your tongue.
06:53Make sure not to use the very tip of the tongue.
06:56You definitely don't wanna like dart your tongue
06:58at her clit.
06:59Be very soft, be super gentle and tease as much as possible.
07:05Once she finds what she likes,
07:07use a consistent rhythmic pressure and stay with it.
07:11Don't speed up when she's getting close,
07:14just keep it there, just like that.
07:16She might have an orgasm just from this.
07:19Number seven, side to side.
07:21By this time, if she hasn't already had an orgasm,
07:24her clitoris is going to be fully engorged
07:27and now you have the opportunity
07:29to explore some more intense stimulation
07:32and try to bring her to orgasm.
07:35The side to side technique is a technique
07:36to go over her clitoral hood in a side to side
07:40or a more diagonal motion with a bit more pressure
07:43and speed.
07:44You will be going closer to the opening
07:47where the clitoris will be,
07:48but still not touching that bare glands clitoris.
07:52And again, go with consistent rhythmic pressure
07:55and ask your partner how she likes it,
07:58how is the pressure, would you like it faster, slower,
08:01and don't be afraid to have her put her hand on yours
08:05and show you exactly how she wants it.
08:08This will ensure you give her exactly what she wants
08:11and give her the best experience possible.
08:14Number eight, direct stimulation.
08:17Direct stimulation of the clitoris with your fingers
08:20can be extremely sensitive for some women.
08:24So definitely proceed with extreme caution,
08:27use feather light touch to start.
08:29I've had some women who couldn't even take
08:32that feather light direct stimulation.
08:34It was too sensitive.
08:36And I've had other women who asked me
08:37to literally bite her bare clitoris.
08:40So it's really important that you ask
08:43and let her tell you exactly how she wants
08:47direct stimulation on her clitoris.
08:48If she is a woman who can take direct stimulation
08:51on her clitoris, you can do really light,
08:55but like short and fast strokes on her bare clitoris.
08:58You can do swipes from left to right.
09:01You can do taps on the top left
09:04or stroke from the top to the bottom, swiping down.
09:08Again, always asking your partner how it feels
09:11and checking in and always listening
09:13to what your partner wants and needs.
09:16Don't be afraid to ask her to show you exactly
09:19what she wants with her fingers
09:22and then mimic them yourself.
09:24This is something that most men have too much pride to do,
09:27but it will set you apart as an amazing lover
09:30if you're willing to do it.
09:32And now finally, number nine,
09:34one of my secret moves that will have her telling
09:37all of her friends how amazing you are in bed.
09:40And number nine is the heart opener.
09:43First, you can take the palm of your hand
09:45and cover her entire vulva with it
09:48and start to vibrate your hand,
09:50holding her with some pressure
09:52so the heel of your hand is on her clitoris
09:55and the fingers are covering her outer and inner labia
09:59and you start to vibrate your hand and arm.
10:02If she has already had an orgasm or two,
10:04this is a move that can bring her right back into orgasm
10:08super fast and turn into multiple clitoral orgasms.
10:12Just check in and make sure she's not too sensitive
10:15post-orgasm, but usually this one leads
10:18to an additional orgasm or two back to back.
10:22After this, it's time for the heart opener.
10:25This is a move where you put your hand on her vulva again
10:28with the middle of your palm and heel of your hand
10:30on her clitoris, but this time your fingers
10:33will be the other way, pointing up
10:36and resting on her pubic mound.
10:38You will be holding her vulva with one hand
10:40and place your other hand on her heart and just hold her.
10:45Allow her to feel your safety and protection
10:48and send all of your love through your hands
10:51into her heart and her pussy.
10:53You can rock the heel of your hand
10:56on her clitoris a little bit, use that vibration again,
10:59or you can just be holding her completely still.
11:02The act of holding your partner after orgasm
11:05and holding her heart and pussy at the same time
11:08can be extremely intense and that in and of itself
11:12can result in a deep orgasm again.
11:15But after this experience, make sure you thank her
11:18and thank her for sharing her pleasure with you,
11:21for allowing you to be so intimate with her and her body.
11:25And if she had orgasms, that you are so grateful
11:29that she was willing to share her orgasms with you
11:32and how much you love seeing her in orgasm
11:34and how beautiful she is when she has an orgasm.
11:38And be sure to hold her and cuddle her if she wants that
11:42or to give her space if she wants
11:44to just be in her own bliss.
11:46Okay, so now you know my nine moves
11:49to make her absolutely scream in pleasure
11:52and how you can become a master of clitoris stimulation.
11:56And if you use any of these techniques,
11:58I would love to hear from you in the comment section below
12:01and let me know what worked best for you and your partner
12:05and be sure to give me a thumbs up
12:06and subscribe to my channel.
12:08I'm Alex Grendy from Superior Lovers
12:10and I'll see you around.
