• 2 days ago
00:00Learning how to last as long as I wanted in the bedroom
00:03has completely changed my sex life forever.
00:06And I want you to be able to experience it too.
00:09So in this video, I'm gonna share seven tricks
00:12to last longer in bed and the rules to live by
00:15to ensure you don't experience P.E. ever again.
00:19And make sure you stick around for number seven
00:21because this is a rule that 99% of men get wrong
00:24and is gonna be the key to truly understanding
00:28how to last longer during sex.
00:29So make sure you watch this video till the end.
00:32Okay, so let's jump right into this video
00:34so you can start lasting longer in bed tonight.
00:37Number one, don't have sex while you're in fear.
00:41If you are feeling fear and anxiety leading up to sex
00:44and right before sex, don't do it.
00:47If you wanna be able to experience deep pleasure
00:50and be relaxed and in complete control,
00:53you can't be in a fear state.
00:55So if you're freaking out at dinner
00:57knowing she wants to come home with you
01:00and you can't calm down and you're in near panic,
01:03don't do it, you are not ready yet.
01:06Or maybe you don't feel safe with this partner,
01:08which brings us to number two, releasing shame and guilt.
01:12If you are desperately trying to hide the fact
01:15that you experience premature ejaculation with partners,
01:18this will create a tension in your body
01:21and an anxiety and overthinking,
01:24which in most cases will only make
01:26your premature ejaculation even worse.
01:28Being able to share with your partner
01:30that you wanna take things slower
01:32and that you need to feel safe in order to have sex
01:35and that sometimes you can experience performance anxiety
01:39can be a huge weight off your shoulders.
01:42And that alone can be enough
01:43to be able to last longer in bed.
01:45But hiding that secret and trying to cover it up
01:48all the time is so much more taxing
01:51on your body and mind than you think.
01:53And if you think your partner wouldn't be able
01:55to accept you or support you when you share this,
01:58then ask yourself, is that really the kind of partner
02:01you wanna be with?
02:02And I have had countless men in my program
02:05cure their premature ejaculation
02:08just from having this type of conversation
02:10with their partner.
02:12Number three, stop masturbating to porn.
02:15Porn is designed to get you aroused
02:17and to ejaculation as quickly as possible.
02:21So if you're masturbating every night to porn
02:23or even multiple times per day,
02:25you are essentially training yourself
02:27to prematurely ejaculate.
02:29So stop watching porn
02:31and see if you can adopt a self-pleasure practice
02:33that is more focused on your entire body
02:37and incorporates edging and prolonging ejaculation
02:41as opposed to going as quickly as possible.
02:43This alone will have a huge impact
02:47on your ability to last longer.
02:48Number four, connect to your breath.
02:51Connect to your breath before foreplay even starts.
02:54If you're getting nervous,
02:56I want you to be able to regulate your nervous system
02:59and take big inhales through the nose and into your belly
03:03and then nice long exhales through the mouth with sound.
03:12This will help you drop into a more relaxed state
03:15and enable you to get out of your head
03:17and back into your body.
03:19If you're feeling relaxed before sex
03:21and are not feeling fear,
03:23that's the green light to do it.
03:25But make sure you are connected to your breath
03:28throughout the entire process during foreplay
03:32while she's touching your chest or going down on you.
03:35Staying connected to your breath the entire time.
03:38And this will help you move your energy
03:41so it doesn't stagnate in your genitals
03:43and instead goes throughout your entire body.
03:46The big mistake most guys make
03:48is they try to connect to their breath at the last minute,
03:51right before ejaculation.
03:52And oftentimes that is too late.
03:55So connect to your breath early
03:56and be conscious of your breath
03:58throughout the entire lovemaking experience.
04:01And this will keep you in control.
04:03Number five, start slow and standing up.
04:07When you are ready to penetrate your partner,
04:09make sure you are fully connected to your breath,
04:12but also start slow and in the standing position.
04:16So many guys make the mistake of just going right for it
04:19and pounding as deep and as fast as they can right away.
04:23But I want you to be able to go in
04:26and then take it out slowly.
04:28Staying connected to your breath,
04:30rub it on the outside,
04:31go in and take it out completely a few times
04:34before fully going in.
04:36Teasing her by starting slow,
04:38but at the same time,
04:40giving yourself the time and space
04:43to connect to your breath and feel comfortable.
04:46The standing position is also a great way
04:48to be grounded on the floor
04:50and be more in your body during sex.
04:53A ton of men in my program
04:55have been able to last a lot longer
04:57in the standing position.
04:59So give this a try next time you have sex
05:01and watch how much longer you last.
05:04Number six, express with sound.
05:07Connecting to your breath is a huge key to this,
05:10but being able to express with sound on your exhale
05:14can be the difference maker
05:16to circulating and moving your sexual energy
05:19and allowing you to last as long as you want in the bedroom.
05:23But the funny thing is,
05:24this is something most men never do.
05:27I used to be completely silent during sex
05:30and this can be awkward and put you in your head
05:33thinking like, am I doing it right?
05:35Is it good enough for her?
05:37Should I be doing something else?
05:38But if you are deeply connected to your pleasure and breath
05:42and you're expressing the, ah, on the exhale,
05:46you are so much more focused on the sensations in your body
05:50as opposed to being in your head.
05:52And you see, that's the key right there
05:54because when you are in your body,
05:56that is when you'll be able to control
05:58how long you last in the bedroom.
06:01And finally, number seven is a rule
06:03that 99% of men get wrong.
06:06And this is going to be the key
06:07to truly understanding how to last longer during sex
06:11with your partner.
06:12And number seven is stay away from the edge.
06:16Most men who already have an edging practice
06:18completely get this wrong.
06:20That's because they think this edging practice
06:23automatically translate to sex with a partner.
06:25And they try to get to the edge multiple times during sex
06:29and pull back.
06:30The problem with this is,
06:32if you go too close to the edge too soon,
06:35you start to play with fire
06:36and sometimes there's no coming back.
06:39And so instead of being in that heightened pleasure
06:41from being at the edge,
06:43the rest of your experience is spent
06:45on trying to hold back your ejaculation
06:48and in a fear state as opposed to being calm
06:51and collected and in control.
06:53Don't get me wrong,
06:54your edging practice is critical
06:56to learn your point of no return precisely,
06:59but that's so you can stay at 60 to 70% to your edge
07:03during sex with a partner.
07:05What I want you to do is stay at that 60 to 70%
07:09of point of no return for a while
07:11until you build your confidence during sex
07:13and give her all the pleasure that she wants and needs.
07:16And once she is satisfied
07:18and you are happy with how long you lasted and your control,
07:22then you can start to experiment
07:23with going closer to the edge of ejaculation.
07:26But start conservatively and build that confidence.
07:30And once you're out of your head and in your body
07:32and you stay at that 60 to 70% of that point of no return,
07:37you will be able to last as long as you want.
07:40And another important rule that is so important
07:42that I almost forgot is removing any expectations
07:46around sex with your partner.
07:47If you can have that talk before the next time you have sex,
07:51it doesn't matter if we have an ejaculation or an orgasm
07:55or if I get hard or not, or if you get wet,
07:58let's just be intimate and connect and see what happens.
08:01Because when you take away the pressure and create safety,
08:05just see what emerges and it often results
08:08in some of the best sexual experiences of your entire life.
08:12Now you know my seven tips and tricks
08:15and rules to live by
08:16so you can cure your premature ejaculation forever.
08:20And hopefully tonight, just from watching this video.
08:23But if you are someone who is really struggling
08:25and has been struggling for many years
08:27and is sick and tired
08:29and wants to fix this once and for all
08:32with mentorship and direct guidance,
08:34click the link below in the description
08:36to get my free training
08:38on how you can last as long as you want in the bedroom
08:41and pleasure any woman in ways she'll never forget.
08:44And book a call in directly with me.
08:46I hope this video was a value to you.
08:48And if it was, give me a thumbs up,
08:50subscribe to my channel and leave a comment below.
08:52I'm Alex Grendy from Superior Lovers
08:55and I'll see you around.
