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En Córdoba desarticularon un after con 1.600 personas y 300 vehículos.

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00:001,600 people, Carlos?
00:021,600 people and more than a clandestine party, an after.
00:07An after.
00:08You know that during the night, young people know how to dance,
00:11and then they end up going to other places to extend the night shift during the day.
00:17And in this case, it's an illegal after, a clandestine party.
00:23And when we say it's clandestine, it's because there's no kind of control by the municipalities,
00:29there's no control by the state.
00:32This happened in Córdoba, in the city of Córdoba.
00:38Look, that's the Secretary of Security.
00:41Joyzon is the name of the neighborhood.
00:44There are a couple of things with this.
00:46With Carlos, we had the case in the summer.
00:48You were there, Mariano, do you remember? In Mar del Plata?
00:52The problem is that they have these types of events because, as Carlos said,
00:55they don't have health insurance.
00:58When you go to any electronic music event,
01:01you have a medical tent with doctors, ambulances,
01:07staff trained to be able to treat you in the event of an emergency.
01:12These places don't have that.
01:13And they point something at me.
01:14Or they don't pay taxes.
01:17In this case, evasion would be secondary.
01:20And one more thing.
01:21Sorry, they were pointing at me.
01:24One of these producers, of these Afters,
01:27tried to do the same thing in Mar del Plata last season,
01:31and the municipality didn't even let them put an audio equipment.
01:35The one you see in the picture is the Minister of Security of Córdoba,
01:38Juan Pablo Quinteros, who led the operation.
01:421,600 people and 300 vehicles.
01:45Look at the amount. That's the parking lot.
01:47The amount of drinks.
01:48And then, believe it or not, in these cases too,
01:50beyond the sale of illicit drugs,
01:53there is a whole issue with the alcohol that is consumed.
01:56What do I mean?
01:57That it can be, many times, adulterated, reduced,
02:00filled bottles.
02:02The recommendation is always,
02:04closed bottle, you open it.
02:05Closed can, you open it.
02:07But be careful with the white drinks,
02:09that there is a whole illegal business of bottled alcohol,
02:13of the very first brand,
02:15filled with whatever you want.
02:17We treat it here in America.
02:18Of course, exactly.
02:19It was like dye or a kind of aniline.
02:22Not from a person who bought it through the internet.
02:24And do you know if you paid entrance fee?
02:26Yes, of course.
02:27Yes, yes, yes.
02:28For entrance fee.
02:29In these places, to enter,
02:30they have, in general, the same mechanisms as in a party,
02:33a party where the papers are arranged.
02:35They have a QR code, an estimated capacity,
02:38parking lot, arrival time, departure time.
02:43And another thing that is said a lot in the environment of electronic music,
02:48among the producers who work seriously,
02:50that all this promotes the culture of,
02:52you have to stretch it as far as you can.
02:55And the truth is, that also generates a problem for health.
02:57Of course.
02:58You finish the party and continue with the party.
03:00This is very important,
03:01that this type of party has been disarticulated,
03:04and a state has to be present.
03:05We have background in our country that resonates with us,
03:08and it seems to me that we had to have learned something,
03:11all the catastrophes of 2004, Cromañón,
03:132016, the time warp,
03:15where five people died.
03:17How can you not allow clandestine parties?
03:19And I also think of the minors who enter these parties,
03:22because where there is absolute alcohol,
03:24stupefacients who were also seized.
03:26In other words, it seems to me that the state has to be present,
03:29disarticulating with prevention.
03:31I don't know if it was at five,
03:32I don't know what time this situation was.
03:34And if it was after seven in the morning.
03:36Then it was eight or nine in the morning,
03:38and they are until nine at night that same day.
03:41I insist, let's see.
03:43Six or seven in the afternoon.
03:45Yes, no, no, six or seven in the morning.
03:47No, from nine in the morning to nine at night,
03:49non-stop all day.
03:50Yes, but of course, because what we see here
03:52are, if you want, the illegal ones.
03:54There are similar parties.
03:56That's why, but the difference is that in the authorized ones,
03:59there are licensing agreements.
04:01That's the point.
04:02They have to pass certain filters, security standards.
